Newspaper Page Text
I JANUARY 12, 1917 THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE SEVEN HHhI I UTAH FUEL CO. I Miners nnd Shippers of f ' Carbon County Coals t ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COKE .1 Cnrbon County Conls Arc the Best. A i In the Market for Horses, Mules for Mines, liny nnd ! Grain, Mine Props, Tics, Sprags nntl Various y Other Local Products. f HOMB INDUSTBIES PATRONIZED i General Offices Seventh Floor Judge Building, Snlt Lake City. Mines at Clear Creek, Winter t Quarters, Castle Gate, Utah Mine and Sunnyside, Cnrbon County, Utah. V fid TMWji PRICE Denver I 'I nil lUtuhllxlic I'rt'lglit Lino I'riim M)tnn Tlilx Wit. 1'rnr Archibald Wlllunl, principal if Hi Hlnghntn xchoolx, In Imck nt the world' grcntcxl copper rnmi from ii trip to I'lntah Hnxln for the holldnv. I In covered n distance of fifty-nine mile with nine tnmpnnlnn In nn ipen kIcIrIU with the temperature at xcvcnttttl degree below t ro. Hlx of hu mrt wire tr badly fmxthltlcii. DrlftH or miiiiw from flttccn to twenty eet high wire encnuntcretl nml WIN Eft nnl will nnir again mm to xee even M it film uf tlm untie rcglnnx. He xtntex thut the runtime xprlng H Mill wltne it great revival of lift' hi HJ Mlntnh llaxln. A rond will prolxiblj Hj no built b the Denver nnd Itlo tlrundo H intii Virtiiil, nml n linn of giant rati r Hj nllliint Ix nlreiuly en rniitn to the jH I'rlte district. Thcxo glnnt trm turn H will lie put Into xervlre between I'rlc. ami Myton These tractor urn made exptilnll) H 'or till long haul uml tilth I eiilp 9 pcil with englm powerful enough to H draw Clvn Inn. They arc to In- put un by Denver, Colo., people? unil will H cater to tho forwarding "f inrrrtuiti- dim out of Hrlco cspcclall). (Illson JR Itn nml other hjdrn-eiirlon will lie fl brought Ihl way 9 MOIt(.'N KYK trr.MI HOAD ri'ND hioi'lh hi; laiK.Kit , H The allotment or flflj-xevcli thmix- , HJ mil ilcillarx mnilo to Utah miller tin H frili rut Komi rond law xhould lie In H reused ill leant to xevclit)-flvr thniix. BJ anil. in cording to K It Morgan, hit HLrnad rliglnet ( The illxtrlliulliiu ol thi H 'ii mix x iimile HmoiiK the xtnto nil the Bj xixlx of iine-thlril at cording to area H me-tlilril lumrdhig to population anil Hj ine-thlnl unnrdlng to mileage or Hj. niHiU ui-ril In the poxlal xervlie Mur H kiiii ill i Ian m that the latli r Iti m hn H) teen Kreatb iinilerextlnialeil l the Hj iiiintnfriie ih imilinpnt noiii'i: tir i oitiui.osrni- no. H Met- Ix hen li KKi'ii that whereux, ill -H limit hax u - urriHl In the Hinnnt of H etiTHKe line 'the limlerxlKIH il. from H NuT Unix llrewliiK i-ompnii) n ior Hj tioratlnn, of Denwr, Colo, on the HJ hcr lunf ti r ilexcrllK'il property, from HJ April IN, 1914, to IHietuber 31, 1U1D, HE i ml wheriHix, there U now ilue uml Hf unpalil un kiIiI ImleliledneMi to tho HJ unihrxlKniil, the rum of fnrt-fl HltlltiOO) ilullurx. Now, tlierifnre. the Hj xalil property, towlt One t-nuntir Hj with Imr ilralner; una No. 3, hraxx foot H rail anil hrncketx; unu bnuk Imr; one tuenty.foot mirror, threu Irehox ' H ( uuptlnRn. one copper llneil wnrk lioaril, one No, 1, culllinx nnd Imr ' H ilralnrr, two drop handle In or fnu . IH eta, two block tin collx; one Uo wn Bttr loll, nnn Ire wnttr fniaet: one ' H 0'',cr union, or id much thereof nn H may ho netenxary, will bo cold, pur- H xuanl to the law applicable, to fore- iloauru or wnrrhouxemen'ii llnnx, nt public xale, to tho hlKheat lilddnr, for ranh, on the 33d day day or January, 1917, at l'rke, Carbon county, Utah, at the corner or I nnd Ninth ctrt'iitx, nt . 3 o'clock p. m , to iwitlf the debt do- Mrlbed nboMi and the coxtx nnd ox pene or thexu fororlnxure proceed lnK. 1'KAOOCK 111108. Manor Datid lit Price, Utah, Jan B, 1917. 1 A MefJee, Attorney for Lienor . Klrnt pub. Jan S, lit Jan 13, 1917. UTAH BM SURE AlloliiientM Alaili' At Wii-IiIiikIiiii or Million Imllar Itoml I'uiiil. AllotiniutH or the iiniuial mil- linn dollar fund prmliled In ion- nutloii with tho federal Kood roailx law for road ami trail In national forextx nn nnmuincnl from the national capital AUxka Kit ttAISt, Arlxona. )S1.aiii ('aliform i. Ilo.ass. Colorado. IC:.f.7E Idaho, 1101,730. Mon- tana, $70.0(3, Nevada. 119 SU6. N.u Mixlro, ti:,49S. UreKon. 4 f IZK.1 1 1 . Koiilli Dakota. $8093, flail. Ill, IK7. Wa.hlnKton. $91 - nil. uml V)omlnK, lio.nxi. A total of tUUUG liax Ihm ii allotli d to riorlda, MlihlKiin, Mlnnexota. f Ni lirimkii, North Pakotu ami Oklahoma. The Kroiip of t-Saxti rn Htatex In whli Ii the kom rntni nt Ix iur- tliHxhiK laud for national for- i ft rmlMX $31,130 Ten r tint of the nmoiint iivnltabh for I91S Ix withheld a a toiltlllKent hi ml One-half or the remainder ha been apportioned nmonit the xtatix In nmoiintx baxed on the area or tlio national forext land In each, while the other hair liax In en allotted on u bin In or the extluiatnl Miliin or the timber and foniKe rexourii which the fon-xtx lontalu. K It M or nun, xtate riwil in- lnnr. wilt riHiimimnil In hlx biennial report Hint the Male road uiKlmer or the road loin- mlxxlon be Klveii iiiilhorllt to xpiiul I'tair nlwre or the rum! whireir lmiinenieiil Mem moot neiilwl. Iiwteud or dlvlillliK II iiall annum the Ixlll (oillltle. MorKxu ha In Miw an iilli inati .unliable illlrlluitl"ii A II.M'I'V TIIOI7CIIT. Sdlixman Inleiexted In Hiiiir" Thal'Ha ir neut brooder You xee, the boilllj heat or the (hick lewt It up to Hit required temperature Htreet Car SlaK'imle Ho 1 tm I wa Jllxt thlllklliK I could limit om tar tin mini' way by loHerltiK tin roof a f.Hit or xo n n i m i n i n 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n n i m 1 1 i iww - ;; llUW lb lUL Hull W .in. km t..op jou planned hut fall ;; ' '.'. n it Ti 11 Think how a new portli would tin '.'. v :: Rack Ip lliose New j'" '""k,i .",r thh :: , tnliiRx ioxt xo llllli, but mean en mm Ii " Voir Docnlitintic ," '" K' ,l,r"l iiruntt. and com '.'. , .. ICdl AbSUIUUUUSt rort of jour luinu full and .. ux "I b.fnn It xllpx jotr mind aualn ',', ! J WEETER LUMBER CO. t iH4Hr ! ! 1 1 1 Mil -t-H-H-i HI IIIHHHIIIIIII I I A. KOPF'S STUDIO? All Work Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable, i ? PHOTOGRAPH WORK OP ALL KINDS ? ! Up Stairs Over Commercial Bank. Phone 17. Price, Utah. MANY GOOD JOBS COMING UP IN M MOST ALL AI'roi.NTHIS OV (JOV IIItNOIt HOLD UNTIL TIIKV. Amuiiil St'teut)-rht Iliiiilx of l)e lnirtuieiit nml Muulnrx nf Mate ('tiiiiml'xlon to lt- Nanittl Ity Cot. Miiioii llaiiib. rct-r ppllcniit Nil iik mux nml .SiiH'ii"C If (irtiit. Nearl) xenty-flve appointment of hendx of ileimrtuient and mnmhcrx of xtnte cimmlxxlnn will lime to ho. made b (lov Blmon ItamberKcr for npprovnl by the leKlxlaturn Ho far nnl) one of thea appointment tin been nnnounieil, Hint of II II Hub ert to the xtnto board nf cipinllin tlon or tho head or department whoxe nppolnlmont come directly under thn power or Hie chief executive there are to bo named n xtnto engineer to Miiccecd W. I) Ikerx, xtatn rlxh nnd Kiimo commlxxloner to xucceed I'rcd V Chamber, xtnto dairy anil rood commlxxlolier to xucceed lleber C Smith, xtnto commissioner of Iniiir nnce In xucceed John Jnmex, coal mine Inspector to xucceed John !:. Pcltlt, lommlxxlomr of ImmlKrntlon, talKir and xtntlslle to xucceed II T llnlnex, bank commlxxloner to xuv ' cecd V A aiailcr, bank examiner to i xucceed Thomnx N. Hall ami n hortl , culturlxt to xucceed J, Kdwnn! Taylor Control AiX)lntnn-ntx. The tcrmx of nil tluxn expire early In March. Their ralntle taiiRo from elKhtceli hundred to three thouxand dollar u ear. Tluro am xevernl ap pointment which arc mil) Indirectly controlled by the kid er nor, xueh a the xtipcrliitendont of xtnto Itixtltu- Hon. All tliexo nre made by thn lHinrd or (ommlxxlon whloh control the rexpeclin Inxtltutlon or depnrt nienlx. Hut, n x man) member of the biHinlx and (.ommlxxlon nro to bo named till )ear atxu by the Kicrnor, tliew npiiolntment nro ulxo political (lov.rnor liamberRer ha not Inti mated a et whom hi- will retain iiiuoiik the prcxent occiipnnlx or thexn orrire. The Im umheiit are Crank M. DrlKKx. xuperlntendent of tlm xtnto xchool for the dear anil blind, IMwuril H lllntklc), xupi rlnlendenl Indiixtrlal xchool, l)r T II limit), xeiretary or tho board or health. Dr. UeorRn I!. 1 1 de, xuperlntendent or the xtnto menial hospital. Arthur Pratt, war den of the xtnto prlxin, H. J. Milne, JinliO! of thn Juxenllo court, William J. Lynch, xicretary or tlm slate land board, II. It. M or Kan, road enitlneer. Ilorneo H. KnxlKn, xecretarj Utah I'ulr association; II. C. Wnlklnx, xtnto nr rhltect, anil Dr. A. C Youiik, llxo slock Inspictor, When tlm Term I'.xplrc. The term of morn than fifty mem ber or xtale commlxxlon and board end In March or litter till ear. Home or the tommlsslonx have been Innitlve for a Ioiik time nnd may not be re newed, but the innjorlt) of tho ap pointment will ho to iii'tlvn iltille. follow line I It list of the tommlwIoiiM with the nivmber whoxt lermx ex pire In the UMtr fuliir. Hoard of l4.iialliHtlon AmtM (lab (Mitt It II llobert Im ItlrtMtd) been iihiiimI to xiiueeml llurden Htinulon Htati llurtleiiltural Commltle William II Homer. J Tal..r. Charle II Kmllh Hoard or I'ark C.iminlliierx lUroii CiiuimluK and Jixeph It Mur diKk. tlovernor HamlHTHer Im-Iuk an t x-ollli lo member Trustee or the Auric lillillHl t'olleu. or t'tah Tlm max Hmart, J. W V Wliltecotlnii (lie. eased), lireillo N Ktuhl, Jiune M. I'eteissin. John 0 Adams. Oconto T. Odell, JihmiiIi IJiiIii ur, Jr, Mr. Annie IC Hani). The xiintnr) or xlato 1 an ex-offlilo member Hi Kent of the I'ulverxll) or ft in HUhiiril W Vouiib. W N. Wllllum. Krncxt HambtrKvr, (ieorKx C, Whit inure. Or, OiorK" W Mlddletoii, Thw vecretnr) ol xtnto and jir. xldent or tho university urn ex-offlcln membir. Htntii IJoanl of Correction Dr, O, II PfotiU and H. W. Ktnwurt, tho kov irnor helnc un ex-offlcln member Kluto Hoard or IMucntlou I). II Chrlstt nxnu nnd Curl It. Mnrcuxeii. Htate lioaril of Dental Kxamlner Dr lv. A. Trlip, Dr. Karl O. Van l-aw, Di I H Hmllh. Trimtee of the Htntu Hchoo! Kor thn Dear and Hllnd Hev. I' A. Hlmp Kin and Ihhiic U Clark. The attorney KiMieral I nn ex-nfflcln inembxr Ktute Hoard of I'hnrinae) John I Culln) ami It. H. MnAIIUter. Htate Hoard of Luhor, ConelllHtlon and Arbltintlon William l)rxdalo and jtfa)elte llaiuhxtt. Htate Hoard or Kxnmlutir or Um ber!). J Wutt and K. II. Ha). Hlnte Hoard or Mill lea I Hxnniiiu r Dr O I' Hardin;. Dr It. 8 Jo)t uml Dr A N. Ilanxon. The Hltoriu y Keneral Ix an ex-nrflelo mulillwr Trustee or the Slate Indilxtriil Hthool J W. Abbott. The atlotne, Keueral and the xtate iiHirlnlemlnt nf. public Inxtruttlou are ex-olflilo ineniberx. Hire, tol or th Htate I'ull nmi Ih thin Mr. Hlmmi llamlwrxjer, W c Winder, i 8. Hurtuii, W. o. UiiihIko'i Charl. '.lemur. Mr. I.niil MiCune and J I! ltiiKfoid. Kr. CommhwIoiiHr On Unlforniitv i Lntllutlon W II. I'olland, C It HolllnHMworth ami I. It. Win lit. Htate lliHtnl of Aoeountauc) V J Hatemati J ! O.Mlilanl ami i Huan I'litll Htate t'oiutervalloii C.iiiiiiiIx xlon U ' Merrill itlettHtxtHl). II T lUlne uml J. IC Pitttll The XTov,.r linr Ih an ox-offhlo ineuibxr Htute Dairy am! Kood Durum Jitliie Clawwin and Charle C i troll Ktata Hoard of Vtrinari Kvam Inurir Dr J. II. I'rn.luiluk, Dr J ihn Krnxt and Dr K H Muriloik Htute Ciipltul Commhwloii 'John Dern M fl Drowning C B Ioxe Anthon II Lund The governor, $ec- ' rotary or Mate and nttorne) itiiisral ! aro ex-officio member. State Hoard of Architecture I 8 ' HodgMon and Walter K. Waro Tho Utah Art Institute J. r llir- wood, Carrie V Knapp lnn Carlo ' Young Jr, Mr W C McDonald anil ! Theodore W Whltel) Hold Out. In the en of the lutnril of labot Immigration and xtathHlca, the lmi I ' of medlrnl oxnmlnxr and the dnlr ', ami food bureau, thn term of all mcmlxcr explied In 1916, but tliev ' have been continued In ofriee until ! xucceemir are nipolntel on condition that the) are not held over a leglxla- ) tlve xeiMoii In the eax or the cnnnervatlonj ' eommlxMlnn. no M-clflc date tia lieen rite.l their retirement other than 1917. In all other cnee. except tin ' regent or the Unlv entity or l'tal ! vvhoe term expire In Vugtirt thi term of retltlng membela txplre in Match Then are xtvrnl state ', lioaril and i-ointnlxxluns coiiiihw. d t n tlrely or el. .live whoxe niem bcrxhlp In them I pur. b t x olrp lo ASK CiJIHII UV ; IiCgMutlnn MiiieIiI lllirctl) galut Denver uml Itlo (Irniiile. The appointment or n legislative committee to look after the Interest or the railroad labor organisation during the rexxlon or the Utah leglsln Hire Ix announced by the four railroad I nunoiinccil by the four railroad transportation brotherhoods The committee Ix composed or K M Will demejer, n pteeentlng the llrotbir hoild or ticotuotlve Biighieer C IJ lllchler of the Hrotln rhood of lico motlvn I'lreitu n and Itnglneineu, W A I'crklnx of tho llrotherhood or Hall way Trainmen and II. K Melntlre or thn Order or Hallway Conductor Tho one measure which the com mittee liax In Mew at thi time I n car limit law, flxlui; the maximum num ber of rat to he handled In train The brotherhoods will Insist on n maximum or firty car for freight train and eight com In pacngcr trtlnx Home attention nlxii I to ho given tho worklngmcn' compensation mcnxiire. Trainmen linve ror xevcrnl ear been protesting nguliist the big loco motlM and long train of tho Denver nnd Itlo (lramle. rxpeclnlty In thn Carbon and Kmrry ttiunty coal field Thtlr grievance i nre likely to bear fruit. It Ix xald, from tho prexent I'tab It glxlature t'luuili l'ort-t Offlilnl Hlfvuto I'rliva to Live MiMkuii'ti. Tlm Ulntuh forest people are f busy at I'rovo receiving nppllia- f Hon for grating permit for 1917 drilling fee Will be doll- tiled within three cnrx. nn ml- vnnce of 3 3 '.I er cent over pnxt rate to be tnadn each )tsir. Till I because of better graxlng ton- dlllon nml because thn rule on prlvato graxlng ground adjacent to thn forest urn three lime a high n tho forest tlcpurtmcut Iiiim been i barging. 4 Thirty -ftv t- tier cent of thn re- lelpl from Hut finest goc to mIiooIx and road or the xlale In which tlm forexl rexerve I locn- tetl. Tho font now ha projec ted and In course of construction three roads through the rexerve, one b) wt) of Park I'll) Into the north end of the reserve, one from llnbir Clt) through Imp- lei' Can) on ami one from Hel- tier mid also I'rln no the Deuvr Itlo lira ml. Nirniil will xoon ln v a lew hoxpl la! which will tost IHOuo and will in moiUrn In t vt rv respect hhI I Utah's Best Coal I I hhhhhhhhI hhhhhhhhI hhhhhhhhI liTiil BLACK HAWK I I IMIIA Mi PANTHER I i sgay ij H : Utah Coal Sales Agency : fl : 818 Kearns Bldg. - Salt Lake City, Utah ii M ftfiiiiiiiimAmiiimiii , mhhhhhhI iM FOR PROHIBITION Mall Otiler tluloex of Clio)! inie lll grmv to Malt of W) liming. T CIIICVKNNK W)o, Jan I), clnrlng that the mall order llipior hiixlncx which Che)eiiue I conducting with reeldeut of Colorado I a disgrace to Che)- clitic and nn Insull to Colorado.' I'orim r tlovtrnor J M Cnro, In an adilrcxrt litre tonlaht. .Iceland In fnvnr or statewide ami nation- wide prohibition, uml expressed the hope that the lilt timing Icglx- Inture will "rcspeit Colorado xuf- flclcnlly Immidlntel) to enact xtntulor) prohibition and then xubmlt it xtalewlde pnihlblllon eonstllullonal amendment" "I nt one time believed," ho mid, 'that the liquor huxlncxx could bo tolt rati d If there could bo a xtrlct enforcement of the Ibpinr regulation However, I liavn changed lit) view, nml I now believe that the liquor liuxl- iicm should Ih entire!) prohibit- til nnd the inanufaeturt' of In- toxicant discontinued ' KID UflSKSIED Young Aievitln 't'ltUt-. I'i'iiltii rwclglu Cliniiiilonlili I'iiiiii lllui. Young Axevvdn look nvtr tile title of the ftatlierwelght cliaiiiiliinxlili of Ululi nltir he hud pummele.l Kid Da vis around ror xlx xtlff itrlodx nt Hnlt Uike Clt) last I'rlda) night Willi, credit I dun to Dnvlx for xtandlng un under Hie terrific punlxtiment, he need tot or experience before tink ling another boy like Alevedo, any the sporting editor xa). The "Kld'a" wicked punch round no mark on the Portuguese. On Ihn other hand, Axe vedn lilt Davlx with ever)tblng but the water bottle The fight wax Axe vedn' nil the wny. Joe Millie, Young Axe Vedn' bro ther, wa not o luck) a hi brother tin William gave him nnl) time enough to xquare away ami then xent him to xlcepluml A right to the Jaw put Mane awa) for keeps. Davlx liax man) admirer throughout Curium and Uimry ituiiille who regret hi lli iiblllt) to xlliirt up better III till fight III parenlx reside at Cleveland III i:imr ioiiiiI) ' On land that hax bi-.'ii In an earl) maturing tullivatid imp xiuh it po tato. pea hWi.t eorii or xov bean no other pn imratloii for alfalfa will lie needed than nectxxarv harrowing. HUNDREDS AFTER LAND UNDER THE FERRIS LAW Applications for homesteads under the Kerris bill continue heavy nt the United States land offices at Vernal and Salt Lake City. Land office heads express the opinion that demand for these homesteads has only fairly bcuun. They look for applicants to fill the offices for many weeks to come. Up to last Monday morning more than two hundred applications hud Kono into the Salt Lake City office, calling for close to a hundred thousand acres. Applications thus far mnde are merely accepted and suspended, in accordance with instructions from the general land office nt Washington, D. C, pending receipt of information regarding des ignation of lands. It is statctl that some of the regulations have not as yet been approved and, therefore, instructions could not bo sent immediately. According to copies of the net received locally, there Is a pro i vision that the land must be non-lrrigablo when entered nnd It may not contain merchantable timber. The entryman must reside on it ' si-vcn months of each year for three years. The law provides for withdrawal of such lands as are deemed necessary for driveways to ami from wittering placos and to and from winter nnd summer Hinges. It specifies that those driveways may not be more than ono, mile in width whon no mme than twonty-fivu miles long antl not' more than two miles wide for drivewnys longer than twenty-five miles. Provision is mado that stock must bo moved over these driveways at not loss than throe milos a day for whoop and goats pud not loss than six milos for cnttle. Washington, D. C, officials of the general land office arc pre paring regulations for the administration of tho six hundred forty acre grazing homestead law and expect to send them to the two Utah offieos next week. Pending the issuance of regulations the Und offices have boon instructed to receive tilings, antl applicants lor lands will bo allowed thirty days in which to amend or modify their filing, to conform to the regulations after they are issued or published. Ilnsed upon the number of inquiries being received from all parts of the public land states concerning the new land, It Is ex pected that an immense nrea will be filed upon undor the new law Immediately. Bargain Sale U Of Real Estate H at Scofield H North half of Lot ft. Hlnck 3, H with dwelling houso iHOO.un Lot 1. Illock 3, with frnmo HHhJ building .. (100.01) Tart of Lot 13, Illoek 3, with HHH frnmo building 400.01) VHH i An z, iiiock y, vviiii irnmo H dwelling 000.00 Lot I. Illock 8, with thrco HHH room framo dwelling 37.1.00 HH Lot C, Illock 7. with frnmo HH Minck 1T.V00 Illock II, with four-room dowl- ling hoiixc otio.oo HH Lot .1, llloclt 31, vnennt ground 33.00 HJ Lot 1. Illock 31, log house ... 300,00 HH t-ot 7, Illock 17. with thrco- 1HHJ room dwelling houso , ,. 300.00 IHH1 Lot , Illock 17. with five- HAV, room frame dwelling 1 .10.00 HH! I Ait 13, niock 3, vnennt ground 33.00 1,01 7, Illock 3, with barn 3.10.00 HH I Ml 3, Illock 19, Mionnt .10.00 ix) i a, iiiock iv, vnennt nu.uii B Half or Iit I, Illock 19, vnennt HH ground .10.00 HHb t.nt 4, lllook , vvltli four-room HHb frnmo tlvvelllng 1.10.00 HHh t.ol rr, Itlotk 10, with old HHJ dwelling houxo ... 200.00 HHl lit 4, Illock ID, with dwullllic HHl nnd out house . . 1100.00 HHl I'or I'lirtlier Information HHh Call On Or Write H NEIL M. MADSEN I Scofield, Utah H HIIHHIHIIIIHHmH HVJ H The Utah Saloon i I J W Oontr), .Mnnngcr M '. l'li'Mt Itciort lu IJaxteni Utah ' H II Wl.NMIH, LIQUOHH. UIOAHH '.'. H ;; WIIOLK8ALK AND IlItTAIL BH '.'. VAL IILAIV. II1C1CU ON TAP '' Hfl SOUTH NINTH HTHKICT H IMIICi:, UTAH H H Wo Deliver tho CtMMl. hihiiiihiiihhiiiiiii hh IHHHIIIIH HU MMMM H ; Waller Ghrisfciisen I TRANSFER I and DRAY. HH ; Olvo us jour work and It will ; HJ i recelvu prompt ntlentlon, No . . HI job too large or too imall for ' Hi ; u to handle. HJ Krelrht Ii given our xpeclul H ', attention. HJ riioiio 03v- Z HJ HHIHHIHHIHIIIIIDH H I LARSFRANDSEN I I Manufacturer of M Brick of All Kinds I Yard mljolnlug tho Donvor M and Itlo Onimlo Hallroad com- M jinny on tho iitith.threo blocks H cast of dnpot. Office at home, Hj corner Main mid Hlxth wreot. Hntlmatcrt nivcii uml 1'rhv Quotisl On A mil lent Ion. M V, O. Hot U.I I'hoiio I3X H I'HICIi, UTAH H Umbiirgn on ! and n I fulfil iuoiI- HJ u. t or Utah Im lawn rulntal liy Cull- H r.iriiU offlilHlx. a.ttirdlng to Infoimt- H 'tlon letelvad l J !''lvaul Taylor. JNtate liorllctilturul cenntuliMltiiitii. The H i ban mi the product of thlx Ntut liax H , iweu lu effmi Mvurul month ami vvu H lilateil a u reult of alleged nilinal- H .u. un ulrulfu grown lu Utah H