Newspaper Page Text
I HOW TO DO BUSINESS i Don't do businoss in the dark." Thnt applies to buyer and seller. 1 Folks advertise because they nre convinced they have somc- 1 thing worth selling. 1 The Btorc that docs not use printers' ink may have the goods, I but the public doesn't know it. I And it hasn't time to find out without the slorokeoper meot- 9 ing it half way. I GOAL JAMS YARDS, I RAILROAD MAN SAYS Mil' VI ION NOT IIA1.I' M) It l S I'KOI' lll,li:VI. t'tiilt I'lH'l Complin) Orritlnl tlmllM MinrtnRt mill lllnmc-i Culil Wcntlicr lhtlnrv UN Conevni Would Wcl limit luvrMlicntlnii nl tin .Mailer M-on tin lnili-ienilcnt ('ompiinlc Tin idhI tll 1 nitiiHtinii in Suit like ('It, Mill renin Inn tenet, with trliiK Mateim-nt from dealer hiiiI i ruddier On tin "lit hand come I hi' prnlpxl of tin dealer that the i roilm era hiiiI tin railroad are con- I ilml'iD tanm-a of ii "hortHKc which M working ninth hard-hip itinl eufft-r-lug during HiIk nilil (ipell, will It from tnu uthiT oun that of ftipl line tin- Mntement Hint the ltua tmti Ik nut half mi IhuI ii the dealer would limn the public believe Mow- viT, tlm fiat remain that there lire man) hoiiMcholdtr x-ully In need of the cuminndlt), and with them It Ii tot it qucMlon ot whu In to litHmi. hut where Im tin mill mill why cnn'l they ifl II ' tdmlt Then- In n Shortage. To A. I I'ler-on of tlm Utah I'iiuI i iinpnn) In attributed thu rtatcmcnl Hint tin inhl vventhur of tilt' mt few Uyn tin greatly accentuated tin coal rltuntloii In Hint rlt Tlmt by rinMiu nf thu cold weather then In an ah Hernial demand, nml wrrr It not fur tho (nit tlmt ever) body want fuel Hit .hurtngc claimed hy tho dealer would not uxlt "Wi nilmlt Hint then In n cnrclty of i on I," wiyit Mr. Plenum. wIiom com piny iiippllrii at lotmi Bo par it-nt of l lie total dealer, "ami no diTiibl thrrr i nomc Juntlf Iciitluti for It, or at lent It Ik unavoidable Junt now. Tin ther mometer at Char Crick Tuudny leg-j: litrrril thirty-two degree below nml the dKdcultlc nltnchttl to mining un tier uiirh ttmdltlnn In nppurriit. At the mine nt Winter Quarter nml Cmtlr (luti lhy an working (nil Htm Wcliium-. I lit ixIIkiiI Ion. Tin limit- In Hnlt l-nko I'll) an nut im lmill off an the) would have people believe (tight hi n III thill l.uku City im Iihi th problem ol four Independent coal i-ompiiulc making thu boiiKt thnt they will hrltiK the mnl "lumllon to n fncim with the .iM of the lelluturc We certnlnl) wIkIi the) would tin ho We Invite i wry lnvetlgHtlnn ami art not lrln I I pnmt Hit buck, iik ot hern art Then the tllfficilltltw Wilt be brought to light ami the reined) nteileil will I He led Halt Uikc Cll In nut an worn off thiin tn.wi) other place Tin re Ih a general hurtngu of coal hII over Hit United Mate. Ami I will ippleincul HiIk Muteim-tlt h u)lug thut Halt l.aku fit) Ik not half iik li.nllv off hk iHiiiie other phut I know ( lleiimnil l Vit) llrat). A inn denier mid Tiiecduy that the IntreuKeil ilemnml hy rtsnuiu of Hp mill weather hint uk'Krnvuteil the eon I upply Mlluntlon not a little hit. that pmpli an iihIiik up twice a mueh on I uk when thu w wither wiik milder, whhh with the Htreetn In Koine Hoe- ItiliH In nltntiKt ImpiiKmihli rouilltlou. iimkeK It luird on dtsiler ami eoiihiimer like 'We llttW Ktillle ituil oil llHIIil," lit 4hl uml art iinxinu to tlellier It, t'Ut hi w tun we let It to peoplt with the Htn-elH In mieli i-omlltluii? We imvi luntruitetl our drlverK Hint when they mi there U an) mill, ii ton at '(IM, In Hit hlu of a eoiuumer who Iiuk ordered mat (rum iik to rufinn to h'llur It nml we will two that It Kiu-t ti out in tuull) In need of It Mitnv in orilerlni; mul jut now who Iiiim no Immediate uettl fur It, ami Hie) urn parti) to hlnint for thu MhorttiKe. Iiut ho noon iik Hit uhtk ulu ilellvered t.i iik hy the rullroHil eompmiy. then will wt Imt k up our tuuniK to them ml tukt the uml hwh) There an Meral tarw now at Chureh farm. It look iik If Hit pvuplt. i an hlHiilt the nealher man a little jut now " I'leiil) of foil I In VanU. The foreHolllK nUtelilelit uhk Hie on ni-iii ii" oiilmou of all Hit ilutlmo In Knit like Clt), with Hit exception -r on denier who ctult-d einplmilfHl t thut main famllluM unit reil whin Hun huh uml U tuda), no in nial need of It It loukK like wlfl.h ueiui to mi Mihl thin iIkhUi. ami Ihele an I' no tiuuwi fur It I'eoplt Sniwlni; the ultuutlou hell Mhouhl not ordir eon I unluwi thu) haw a roul iiihh fur It If we know the) hnu hk little iik a ton, )ou can rent uiwiired. Ihe) will riH-eli ittt more and will hne tn wait until people In more ur ti nt need an HiipplUtl" Rurely the mul ileulerK art not kuklim' ultout their auppl) now- ate lhty ii.ked AwtUtanl (iiiuvral Man iKtr I' It Itookwull of thu Deinir ind IHo (Irunde "Thuy hail mure - -ml In the )ard ytterduy thun the) tuuhl hundlu, more coul than thuy hud yuril fucllltloa to hantllu. I'uh.1. idy ihjiih' did not luiva no much a otherK, but thuy all hutl i-uul, ami If thtre U uny complaint comliiK from i'io.NHi:it or i'outV'.m.m: PASsli. A WAV AT I'HOVO Niithiiiilel K, WIIIIuuik, u 1'roiii plo. Iiet-r of IklU. died Ttietdiiy mumlnic from llriuht'N tlUeum ut thu iiki of HS )uupk. lit whk horn In IIIIiioIk ami t iime to I'tali with IiIn purentH. Mr. ami Mm. Alexander WllllnuiK, and 1o. en ted In I'roio. ulilth Iiuk kIiui heen IiIk hnuie. lie wuk uitlve In pioneer ilu)t In the work Imhhiut to thu de. velopinont of rtuh uml wuk mu Imllun war xeterun. Het'eHKeil Ik hlirvlxed h) Ihe follow In.' t hlldrt-n W. A. WIIIIuuik of Ouk land. Cala . Hun C. WIIIIuuik of lilie. lew. (lenrKe A WllllcililK of jrk. Urn. Jaiiii-ti II HitWK uml Mrx, John N. (lulltk of I'roio, MrK. J. o. I'uu Kelt ami Mr t'lmrlen I'uunett of Price. Tin time of (hi funeral Iiuk not hi en del lilt d. word helllK expiHttd fiom hlH mm In Callfornlu. m. i: iimi'i'irr wii.i, uvits orricits in hir i,akh cirv lllildelit lo the KCIierill lulxup In iener uml I tin CJrn rule, ilriltw, M. I1 llraffut, who fur thu mnt Meventteii )uara Iiuk hemi the huul litwil or Hit leiml deMirtmeut of Hit Utuh I'liel iiimimii). Momla) riKlHl ofllilal notice of Hit tennlimtloii of hu iH-r liuu Willi the Could InteretK, the houril of tllrmtorK In New York lm Ink' reKohtnl that tliU tiffin- Khuiihl he deelured Hciint. It i iinwrted that llraffut Iiuk In en let out on ui count of thu mlxup of the Clould (umll) In New York Attoruo) llraffet Ik wull known throuKhout thu Htutu and iwpoclull) In Ctirhon mtint), where ha Iiuk bundled thu nffnlrK of thu Utah I'uel tHinipiui) for the pant urtntiteen )enrK. lie will upen offlvea In Salt Uiku Clt) for thu Independent print Ice of law. thu ooiiHumcr. surely Im cniuiot Iny It at the door of tho railroad com panlex." IMIMTIf l. 1,1 Itrft N M Rntpred ns K"-0"'CI MMtcr. June i. IU at th8 PoMoff I. . nl l-rl. r I tali. Cnder thu Act of March S 1S7 H VOLUME2;NUMHEIt3i KVEUY FIUDAY JANUAl"lY"l9 1U17 H YES! WHY DIDN'T THEY ? . SCHOOL BOARD MEETS Ml Idn Tinnier CIiommi ( It-rk mid O T. ltriHik Tn-aiin r. Thu mUMilliluted Hthool honrtl met TuimU), thorn rejvtit licltnf .' It M cil-cn. (li-orre ftud, C It Juntj nml Dr. A W 1't.wll. J C Hi null In ItlK nliKClit. Old IhiiiiIk uf the rev trill itrhout iIIk trhtK iimouulliiK to tno.ono an tn h relumleil with new lmnil through Hit Hweut. Cauix), I'txttor itimpuu) of Dfiixer Tho lieu bond will hir t per tent. wlu-ruflK thu old oiiuk born 6 and 6 per tent NeJthT thu high m houl nur thu hmt Ihuii of thu Trim M-hnol In Ini-lildtil. The homllnR coin 4tn HiyK all cxprimwi uf Hit new In Kilt ami tnkna thu ri-Kiiotinlhlllty of aalhurlmr In Hit- old ImiiiiU (ruin their riirnl holdcrc Thu matter n hnndled throimh W II. Itullly fur the Demur ttunpnii). Mra. J. H. Varm-r'K hlldren and Hurl Hluirp were allnweil 1.71 pi r month for trnnxportiitl'in to thu Hun ii)kIiIu kcIiuuIk. Ilr A. W Dowtl n ported that the hollt-r of thu Hunnynlilu xchool hentlnit k) Klein had burnt ami he had hud It repaired iilomt with other repiilri, which in Hon wu upproMtl b) the lionrd , C. It Mnri-iiiHni wiik Im-lriicti d to hint- a telephoneiliiKtillied In thu I'rke pulille mIiihiIk, (Icurue Huff prtnent ett a cheik for 121.00 for rent of rot Ikku at Kuitleld. which wuk accvptutl hy thu hoard Thu mnttrr of blndliiK the Ktlinol lllirnr) ImnkK wiik let to I lo) it I trot bindery i(t twulu itntH n Milutni- The imiklmr of repnlrK on the Carbon. Illu ki houl wuk left to the KUprrxhdun of Hit count) uii rlnteliil enl and J C Hthultx. He run Oh-t-n wiik orilernl to illlike thu lietewmr) reHilrn on the I'rlce public ki hool hulhllliK under thu direction of C It. Miircunun ' I'ruKhlelit MariUMu proponed the follow Imc unler of hiiKlnuwt for tmtt Iiikk of thu bonnl. w tilth wuk ndopted IteinlliiK of mliiutuK, iinflnlphnl IuinI lie) Hlteiitlon to miitterK iruKuted In penton, riHirtK of mmmllttuK, of I Kern, I run oilier. Kuvrt-tary. fiiperln tuudeiit and rt-prwi-utatlii me in bent of tllKtrhtft one. two, three, (our ami flu- At an adlournutl met-llnu held on Thurftlu), at whli h . inemberK were prewnt. Hit- immlnrJ' tif a clerk ami tiuHKorcr whm iuniji- iThu ilerkKhlp went to Mint Idn. Taunt r ami thu lriMKUrTKhlp to Oijain K, llrookn. Mltw Tanner Ik to rt-ielvt- $00.00 per mouth while Ihe tri-nKiinr Ik ml to CO. 00, Ml.- Tanner to tin KtemiKraphh- work for thu Kiipcrlntenilent. After which thu board adjourned NEW PROHIBITION BILL OFFERED BY BOYDEN I'homdim roil jiANi'i'Acrfiti: or a ii:it cunt ni:vi:u.n I'lah llrtwcix Dm) 'Unit llie An ItnikliiR I'mil-loim o( Till I'm Kitl Ait AliRUot rirt or Hu l'ncnt Vcar Ih Date That I'nihlbl Hon Ik in Ih Math litfitlUt-. A new prohibition hill, offend uk ii KUlmtltute for thu Yuom bill, bun been Introduced In thu Iioukc of reprenen-tiitiki-H by J, U llo)ilii or Hiimmli. Thu author ik thnt IiIk meuniirr "will prohibit ami will not lx uxpun dvu or fnrilcul." OrrlrlnlK of thu .betterment nml prohibition Iuukiium believe that thu llo)tluli bill hun thu bucking of thu t'lnh hrcwcrn. JoKt-ph l.lppinnn or thu Halt Iikt- Hruwlnit lompnn) mi)h that lit ha not read thu bill and Iiiim no tomnu-nt to make. Thu hill mnkeK no prollon fur u mmmlMiliim i of prohibition, fur ociircli or prlv.tte Iioiiick by peuit- of flicrK wltlioiit Kcnrili wurrnniK, nml It pi-rmllK thu miiniifni turn or mult drlnkK contiilnliiK 3 per rent alcohol Thu chief fciiturcK of tho hill uri - The tunuurai lure, wile, iIIkpomiI ami piMrufmlou or IntoxIcatluK ll'tuor i-x leplhm pure alcohol Ik burred, TraiiKportalloii of llipior Into thu Ktntu or to or from any point In thu Ktntt Ik Imrrt-tl All IntoxluiiHiiK ll'iuorK uml mot INttent uiedlclntK aru prohibited, with tin t-xiepllou or "2 pur cunt" tlrlnkK. I'hiirmui'lKiM nuiy keep unit kuII Krulu nliHihol with pcriulmilon or Hit OlKtrlit court. Alcohol nuiy be iikiiI for Hh-ntlflc, miKihniiliHil or mudlcinul lire upon applliallou to Hit tlUtrlet iiiurt. I'liHrmuihilK will lorn- their Hiuiikuk uptiii Kucond lolutlon or thu Inw Win uk tuny lie need for wicriiiiientiil purpoKUK. ami ma) be Khlppcd from out thu Ktntu All lliiuor HihcrilKlnK U Imrrrd. . I'ernoiiK found drunk In public pbuuK or In thu prcKi-utu of two other pert-ouir nre Kullty of lulKduiuuuuunf. No KuHruh and Kt-lxure of lliiuom may be iniulo upon luroruiHtloii ami heller. Keurch wnrrnnlK mut hu oh tulmd. Thu attorney Kunerul Ik thu enfon Inir officer of HiU act. AURUKt I. 1917. Ik the date prohlbl Hun U to be mudt etfeithe, hut wholesale duulcrK mu) hint- fifteen iln)K lifter thut time to Kft rid of their KtoikK outKblu or thu xtnte. SIS MKHBIKIT (iolth-ii Itiilt Compiiii) Will K-n Mull) New hloii-K, MuuiKrM uml lalt-Kimii uf the J (' I'unnuy Ooblen Itule more held their KtKond tietwhiu TueKtht) of thu fifth annual ioiim utlnn of tliu mrponitluu, whlih opened Monda) at thu llotti Newborn. n Halt Irftke fit). (ifflcurK were i luctutl and plaiiK dlKcuiweil for 0nlnL' flft) new More K. C. Hhiiik wiik idvitwd pruKldent of thu lorporu Hon to kuscuihI J C I'uuue) and thu other offleem wleilMil wen- K J NeUhlxint, flrM xlie prulilciit. I II. Mlldtl, Hecoild lce pruKbleUt. (I. (1. Unit third ltu pruKldent A new of lice, termini i halrmuii of thu htartl." whh viuated nnd J. C I'eiilie) whh huI cited tu fill Hit piwltlon Thu rutlrliiK prtuldeut ruportml that I the mrporntlon did a luinliitM of tti, 000.000 durlutc llb. It U aiitUlpatt-tl that thu bUKlnuKK for thin )uar will total more tr.un $li,ooo,ooo. Thu cor pnratlon Ik to open fifty nuw- Mturoti, to he run on thu mimu plan iih their prtMunt one hiindrud and twentyfie It la prnbuhlo that at JutiKl four of thu nuw oiium will be UKtuhlUhed In thU Ktntu. The im mm I hamiuet of thu WhIUiik manHKerM will be hold thin (1'rldayl evening at tho iiimmcrclal club About u hundred and Kevunty flvu rep rcKontatlvca will attend, rurnianent hiud(Uurtern of the corporation were recently uKtuhlhilicd In Salt Uike City. m (DOM MEETS " SlilciialU Wiirnini- Pakl ami Other I Itii-lm rnuiMii it tl. The tlt cwtiiull met In rrxiilnr cr- Hun Tiifmla) nlKht, onl) a kiiinII lltnilUIlt lr lOlltllM hllKlllUUK bt-IIIK trniirattutl Thu recorder wim in Ktritiled to tukt- ii thu cII)'k loan or three thomiaml dollar at Hit batik, alo to pay oulMiimlliiK fldeiviilk war rnnlK In the Mint or H. 030 'JO, with uii-rutil Intercut. In Dei umlar. I9K n former council imued IT.oaouo In warrnntK to cover thu portion due from the ill) mi nidewnlk pint mint, hli It thu prurunl counrll Inherited hk an Indeblt dnutw Unit Miinmur three thoUHand ilidlara or thin debt wiik tnken up, and Hu remainder ikiIiI off iik Haled above. AtconlliiK to Hit i-lty tir-ti-mrt r k monthly Ktntumunl thu flnnnct-M of thu clt) on thin date were iih folloWK Hi-cilptK liuliiiict on hnnil $2091 01, HccnKuK, 12711.75, Kelicral tuxtK, tlO.BOO.OO, IlKht and water toilet. HoiiK, 11283.1)4, tnlM-ullanuoiiM Itt-mn, 155. 60. Total, 117,376.83. DlhhurKu inontK IK-ccinbt-r cIiiIiiih iillowuil In Junuiir),,, bunk loan, 13000, Idewiilk wnrruntx, KOt'JtH, paid tn public library fund, SI 100; pnld to bond lnklmr fund, I200o. Total, 111,21113. I.isllll(f li bllllimu of I3U7 70 on bund. There Ik )et to come In lietwien Ihrru nnd four Ihoukniid dollar on luxe, and IIiIk, with thu etiiTent rev enue from IIrIu, vvntcr and IIcuiikvk, will ropriueut the total rumlH avail able for runulmr thu city HiIk )unr. whlch Ik Iniletd a mraiti-r kiiiii com pared with formi'r )enr. In nil prob ability I ho city wilt I oko the latter half or HiIk )enr'K aloon IIcuukok, which umountK to flvu thnuKuud ilollurK. An HclputliiK Hiii rnllliiK off In the rev enue, thu council U already UiIiIiik up thu tiuenlloii of curtailment or ux peiiKUK for thu prcnent )rmr Aklde from a Imlunet duo on Hu m w fire nppnnitiiK thu clt) Iikk no olhir float lute IndebtcilniiKH, In iiddllluii to pay hit, off thu rollovvliiK ohllicatliiiiK, Hit prudent council ha nlno tuken up two HiouKnnd ilollurK rcmnlnliiK of thu orlKlnnl ten thouwuid dollnr water iHIIld iMUf A fire and atrldint polh) In the kiiiii or five thoiiMiiid ilollur wuk an Ihorlinl on the new flm uukIiiu and rtulpinent of the flru ih partment Heveral minor mutter In n-Riiril to IlKht and wutir -irlio wire rcftrrid In the proper tmnmltttt-H, iwiuimrEif dead Hero n( Jlaullu Hu) I'iim uiij I'uncrul hiitiinbi), WAHIIINOTON. I). ( Jim l Admiral (luirifu Dewu), hero or thu Irntlln or Manila ha) ami wttrnn tf thu civil war. thu forumo! naval of flrer or thu United HtatcK, dltil ut III" home hen- today. The naval hero went to IiIk death quietly. IiIh hand climped In Hint of III devoted wife, who Iiuk been ut hi bwl.lile IhroiiKh out hi fatal lllnc, tilth Ih-khii i Week UK1' Mr. Dewu). With Di-w A. M I'aUnl hro) and 1., Hheldon, Jr.. or thu uiiv). who iitendml thu admiral, welt Hit onl) puraonK prenent uk he illtxl Tin admiral had been uiicoum'Iook fur hour, mid hi death had been ex limited Hu hud iliideruone Kreat palli Hinniuhoiit thu pnt two ila but with thu apiroeh of tluulh hi iilmldwl Into a Ktatu of tUlet iiinm which laKtetl to thu uml Order win UmmiuiI b) tin iuv tie artineut lo brlliK all thu ladeU at AnimpoIlK and all available blue lueltiit Irom the Norfolk ami Wall Inutuii na )ard lo atteud the funeral here Kuturday Kretr Ha Iker will onlir all available arm) iiiiIIk to ntrtl liMte In thu cere m on I e. Hecretur) l-itleln uml rankliiK of. fUera were i .i..tKed iody airatiKluK .thu detail. Thie lutlude appro ' prlate exert Uh. on every Amrli-an .naval vewel and at all A merit an na val MtntlmiK throiiishout thu world and I thu flriiiK of itn admiral' aalute of Icnvcntuen kuiik A guard or honor, compoHcd of ihluujuckita from thu gunboat Dolphin i and thu preddeutlul yueht Mu) flower, wa Ktatloned at the Dewey home. It ha pructleally boeu decided tn hold funeral nervlit for the admiral In tho Capitol, under the dome. Hat urJav morning at It o'clock. The body, tuiwevir, will not he viewed hy tho public-, lit the event that the plan I perfected, congreiw would adjourn on that du) SMELTING COMPANY I TO TAKE BACK ROAD I - - ExorclHlnjj tho prlvilcKo accorded in the contract with the Den- H ver antl Hlo Grande Railroad company, the United Statc Smeltlnj?, )H KefinliiK antl IiIiniiiK company has arraiiKed to take over the op jl oration of tho Utah railroad November 1, 15)17. Preparatory to 11 .tumiming the operation of the road plans have boon made for the H ixpciuHture of more than ?10,000,000 for terminal facilities nt H Provo and in the Carbon antl Emery county coal Holds and for new H equipment. H The mad will be operated by the Utah Railroad company. An H t'peratluK contract has been perfected with tho Denver antl Rio fH Grande for tho movement or trains between Caatle Gate unit Provo, lH nnd a traffic nrrniiKoment has been made with the Salt Ijtke H Route whereby thrmiKii Bervice will be furnished between the Car- jH bon and Emery county coal fields and Salt Iake City. jH It is planned that the Utah Railroatl company shall lake over jH the operation of the Southern Utah railroatl, which 'the smeltlnc; 1H company controls ami which serves the coal fields from Price. H When the arratiKement has been put into effect tho Utah railroad ;H will be in a position to serve practically all the mines of Carbon H and Emery county districts with the exception of those in the H Sunnysitle and Scoficld districts. H Half a million dollars or more of the fund appropriated to put H the road on an operating basis will be expended at Provo in the H construction of yards and terminal facilities and upward of a mil- jM lion dollars is to bo used for the construction or terminal facilities TM and machine, shops at Hiawatha. Options have been obtained on H laud at Provo to accommodate the terminal yards and it is plan- H nod lo begin work junt an soon as tho weather will permit. He- H sides the yards, it is planned to erect ut Provo a modern round- 11 house, coal chute antl wntcr tank and such other structures iih are H necessary to the operation of the terminal. H Similar facilities are to be provided at Hiawatha and, in addi H lion, a first-class machine shop is planned. According to the H present program, all the heavy work on the equipment will be done H at the shops at Hiawatha. H The smelting company built the line from Castle Gate to the H coal fields and from Thistle -to Provo. Upon completion of thu sec- H tion from Castle Gate to tho coal fields more than two years ago H the Denver and Rio Grande took over the operation of thu road H under contract with thu smelting company. A little later thu line H bqtween Thistle and Provo was completed and tho operation of It H also was assumed by the Denver and Rio Grande nnd since then jH has been useo by thnt company ns n second main track. H Under thu terms of thu originnl contract, tho smelting company H was given thu privilege of serving notice nt thu end of two years H nnd assuming the operation of thu road at thu end of thu next year. H Thu contract also provided that tho Utah rnilrond, in case it decid- H ed to exercise thu privilege grunted in the contract, should be given H an operating contract over thu rails of thu Denver nnd Rio Grande H between Castle Gate nnd Thistle. H Dissatisfaction with tho service given the mines, especially H these of thu United States Fuel company, which in controlled by H the smelting company, is said to have cuusetl tho smelting com H puny to tuku advantage of thu provisions of thu contract. .Notice H was served on thu Denver and Rio Grnndo November 1, lfllG, thnt H tho Utah Rnilrond company would ussumu thu operation of itn lines H nnd exercise thu privilege of an operating contract over the linen H of the Denver uml Rio Grande between Castle Gate nnd Thlstlu on fM November 1, 1017. jH Since notice was served on thu Denver and Rio Grande negotla- H tlonn have been under way between thu representatives of thu H hmelting company nnd tho Suit Inku Routu to arrange for a traffic H agreement north of Provo. Thin agreement, it in understood, has H been perfected. H Jointly the two roads have placet! orders for fifteen hundred H nil-steel gondola curs to be used exclusively in coal service from H the mines served by thu Utah railroad. H In addition to thu terminal nnd shop facilities and thu gon- H dolns, thu Utah railroad on its own account hits placed an order for H hnlf n dozen new freight engines, some of which aru to be of the H Mullet type. It in planned to have everything in readiness to be- H gin tho operation of tho roatl under thu new arrangement by No- H vembcr 1st and to give the mines of thu Carbon and Emery county H fields next winter thu best service they hnvo over hud. Thu traf- H flc of thu Utuh railroad will bo confined exclusively to coal, except H possibly for a few passenger trains which will run chiefly to ac- H commodate the employes nt tho mines. H NEWS OFJUNNySlDE llupH-iiluK of ii Stalul .Nature Dur Im: tin I'u-t U'ivU. MJNNYHIDU. Jan 17. The II H i luh met Tumala) evening with It IIiki and KlliMbeUi Jematu Tluxm pretwnt wen Ardella IIIkkIiiwiii, Jkh hIu Crawford. l.oule lnii, Mattle ItlihartU. Mildred Marahull, Nallle Martthall, Kern llennelt. Hub) Iteii' nutt. MuIhI MiMlllau ami Dorothy Knouf Ml Hannah Naylur entertalnud the followliiK laKt WetlunKna) evening Mr. and Mr (leurgu Hmltli, Vivian Kvann. Kllxabelh Jeiiaen. Ardulla lllg KiliiHiu, Ito) Nurlor. Tail) ISvaiiK and Jim Naylor. . ( AVIIIIam l.lttlejohn and fumll) mo tored up Sundu) from CukIIu Uatu to kpend thu da) at Hlu home of hi bro ther. J W l.lttlejohn tine of thu mit enjojuble nffulr of the wuwm whk a card part) given h) MIkh Mur) Tw addle lut Wedne du) evening Thowi pruMiut were thu Mhwo Mur) llrown, Vlolu Whlttaker, Irene ThomaH, rturlHiru Twit il die ami Itutti Murtlu, uml MuNKm. I.vman Vur ner. C. J ItnhertK. W II. Huff, J. A. Hldui, Vern Avery and Kvuu Jonue. Mi Naomi Todd of Hlmo tipeiit the week end with Mr. Hoy Cowley. Mr. K. V Tucker entertained Mr. J M Hlupp. Mr. W N Wttxel and Mr. A. W Dowtl nt luti WednuHda) H Hvnn June, u ilerk In thu coke oven office, wiik IniiII)- hurt while M walking between box ear In Hi vl- elnlty of the toke ovuiiN. H Thu Itmhroldery club met Hatur M day with Mr. K. O. K'umten. Tho-i 1 prtKtnt were Mr. I'. It. I'uhrlmr. MrK. H Jiiini We-ttflclil, Mr. A. D. Iliulley. H Mr. J W l.lttlejohn. Mr. (I. K lletilt- H Kluad, Mr. Ouorgu Hmlth. Mr. !d M Hreiiuer and Ml Iron Thumu M and Ituth Martin. H Uilmtiud Wlekl) left Monday for H hi home In Cluv eland. I In Iiuk Hpenl M the WKt two iuohHik In Hunuyiildu. M John A Hlder arrlvml Mnnda) from 1 I'lttHhurg. I'a . to fill thu pitltlou H made vataut hy M II. I)etwellnr mime B week ago. H Thu Uulle' Literary t-liili met Hut- M iirda) with Mr Harold 'Norgard. M Thiu preent were Mm. R V. TuiUei. H Mr. J. M. Hlnpp, Mr. Del Wood. H Mr, '.tph Thonrnn. Mr. W. N. Wet- H xul and Mtk. J H Vurner. M Mr and Mr ('l)du I'oiih entertain- M etl ut a chill party ufter one of the M moKt uuJo)uhlu duiicc of the new H yaar Hnturday livening. TIioko preK- H ent were Mr. nnd Mr. O. U llekr jH Htend, Mr and Mr. A. I). HadluyMr. H and Mr. K. V. Tucker, MIkich Ituth B Martin, Viola Whlttaker, llarbnru H Tvvuddlu, Irene Thomau and Mary M llrown, uml Metwr. Vcrn Avery. O. J. M Itobert. 1 N. Dayton and Dnrrel H