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B1BBBI1BBBBBBBiWBB1BbMbbbMbWbm FEBRUARY 2, 1917 THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY pAGE SEVJ5N H ! UTAH FUEL CO. i Miners and Shippers of ; Carbon County Coals. I ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COKE f . Carbon County Coals Arc the Best. A In the Market for Horses, Mules for Mines, Hay and $ Grain, Mine Props, Ties, Sprajjs and Various Other Local Products. V . ! $ : HOMO INDUSTRIES PATRONIZED ? : :: General Offices Seventh Floor Judge Building, Salt Lake City. Mines it Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, Castle Gate, Utah Mine and Sunnysidc, Carbon County, Utah. ( j MRS. BUTTERMAKER! Wc make a specialty of printing Butter Wrap pers and can guarantee you absolute natisfaction in this regard. Our inks arc guaranteed not to fndc and the quality of paper used Is Puro Vegetable Parch ment the best made for this purpose. You don't need to fear about our prices being too high, cither. ..As a matter of fact they arc I lower. PRICE, UTAH irtCi: TO WATKK UHKIUfc a Knglneer'ti Office. Halt Luku , Utah, Jan. I, l17. Nollco In by Riven that Mm. fl. J. Van Wag ', whoso postofflco address la Hun dp, Utah, mado application In nc inco with the requirement! of th iplled Ui of Utah, 1107. as nded by thn Bcsslon Ijiws of Utah, and IV 11. to appropriate one ond Ehalf (1H eublc-fcet of water second from Icelander Creek, on county, Utah. Bald water wua mjuke been dlvortod at a point which ht. 0S feet south of the southwest -sawer of Hec. 3, Twp, It Houth, Hange tsVjEast. Halt I.ako base and meridian, town whero It waa to have been con MMtd by means of a ditch for n lla iJmc of 400 feet and there uied from fcrcli 1st to December 10th, Inclu 4m$. of each year, to Irrigate IS acres I id embraced In thu north half of lorthcust quarter of Hec. S3 nnd crea In Hec. 16, township and i aforesaid. Bald applicant now s application In accordance with equlrcmenUi of Hectlon 1311x14, ter 43, Howlon Iawa of Utah, to divert the water from ald m, at a point which Ilea 3366 Kilt and CO feet eouth from the iwest corner at Bee 14, Twp. 16 i, Ilange 13 Hast. The water o conveyed by mean of a ditch dlitnnco of 3431 feet and there during the period originally ape I, to Irrigate 70 acrea of land em d In the west half of Hec. 14, and ortheast quarter of tho aouthcaat cr of Hec. IS, township and range aid. Thin application U deslg I In the stuto engineer's office aa u33(. All proteita against the Ing of said application, stating eaaonu therefor, must be made by ilt In duplicate, accompanied by of IS.SO, and filed In thla office attain thirty (30) daya after tho sflkplrtlon of the publication of thla Mcr. W. I). 111CHHB, Statu l.n Sate of first pun. Jan. 19, 1917, date 4fTjomietlon of pub. Tub. 19. 1917. Bcrchunta coupon book In all de Inallon. The Hun. flirojucK mm (letting ltrv.uU From the Trvotiiicnl 4'ltcu Sick ntrils. HucceM of the treatment by thu Uni ted Btutcs biological survey of many elck duck caught at the uppir end of Halt Iukc I frequently bring demon strated by report not only from I'tuh polnti but from California a well. Tho afflicted duck! were treated by tho agent! of the blolnglial depart ment and were then turned loose with Identifying leg hand. The public, In widespread pnbllrlly, wai aked to re port thn killing, capture or discovery of any of thtm In order thut an rati mute might bu made ni to the efficacy of the treatment. V. U Uickjard of Delta hua Just received a latter from Edward Nelson, chief of the United Hlutea biological Hurvey, thanking him for reporting tho capture of a duck numbered 37S3. Thla duck wai brought to the bio logical laboratory at the mouth of the Hoar river at the northern end r Great Halt take, war treated and re covered. It was then released August 37, 1916. Chler Nelson state! thut Us flight and subsequent capture on the Hevler river near Delta constitute n most Interesting record. HKVl'ltl. COLD (JUICKLY (THI'D. "On December 1st 1 had u very se vere cold or uttack of the grippe as It may be, and wax nearly down sick In bed," writes O. J. Metralf, Weather by, Mo. "I bought two bottle! of Chamburlnln'a Cough llemedy and It was only a few days until I was com pletely restored to health. 1 firmly belle a that ChambcrlnlnV Cough Itemed)' Is one of the very best medi cines) nnd will know whut to do when I huc another cold." Obtainable ev erywhere Ad l. The sicklies around Cleveland Is uhntlng somewhat for luck of new victims. tHHHMIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHKHHt 'BWnw Ic fho TffflD in Hel"'" !"" rt r lu "l that 'tMV)ri 13 1MB 111111 IU chicken coop ou planned lust full ln , ., rrt it Think how n uuw porch would Im- Sd3ck Do i nose New v ,he io,,k" f ,our ,u,. These H thlngH cost vo little, but mean so much Vair Dacnlntirtnc the b'enerul npptarance and com- BlCai RC3U1UUUU3. fort of your homo. Call and sen ua H before It slip! your tnlnd again. weeter' lumber co. ': 44M IIIIIKIIIIWIHIIIIIinillMimiMIIHH , fL. KOPF'S STUDIO? IB All Work Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable. !; PHOTOGrtAPH WORK OP ALL KINDS - j; Up Stairs Over Commercial Bank. Phone 17. Price, Utah. '; 3B FARM BUREAU 0R- GAN1ZATI0N IS DELAYED nitsT u:irriNi 111:1,11 last hat- V UDAV AKTKHNOON. All' the Ton in Willi Orgnnltctl Club Would I'mloubtcdly llno Itccn ltcrccntcil Hail It Not Ho'it Tor Itoil Wculhcr l'rorinor runinilngo Tnlki On Hrllglon Cla-w Work. CAHTI.K DAt.K. Jan. 38. Tho first meeting of tho directors of the Kmcry county farm bureau was held last Bat urday afternoon, but only threo farm era' clubs were represented officially at the meeting so that organisation of the county bureau wu not proceeded with, All the towns with organised clubs would undoubtedly have been represented had It not been for tho unexpected bad weather, County ag ricultural agent HiilUxnn had Intend ed coming to Casllo Dale by way of Klmu, Clcxeland and Huntington In his car, picking up the directors from each place as he came, along, but, once well along on an unbroken road full of snow he was soon convinced that If ho expected to get heru nt all he would hae tp confine himself to traveling on the stale road lie there fore gave up going by way of Klmo and Cleeland, ntid was out) nble to pick tip I'etcr Nelleon, the director Mom Huntington. A. W Anderson, the Kmcry director, and Milt Tutlle. the Orange Hie representative, were hetc when he got here. The meeting was held In the court house, nnd, though not n lengthy one, the purposes of the county orgunlta tlon wns explained n part by Profes sor Hulllan, who nlso rend nnd ex plained prospcctle forms for consti tution nnd 1'jlnHH. The whole sfiowed a great deal of consideration nnd fore thought on the p.irt of Professor Hut llvnn, whose heart seems to be very much In this work The latter Is now In attendance at tho farmers' roundup being held nt Uiguti nnd will not bo back until after that Is over with, whin ho will lesumo his work, getting the Ciintle Dale organlxatlon perfect ed to be followed by that of the coun ty bureau after which tho whole big slcm will get down to the serious work before It. The organltntlon of the local 1 1 ill t Ims been postponed re peatedly, each time disappointing tho local farmers, who seem to be greatly enthused over the Idea and are an xious to organltc. Prof, rmiiiiilic TnlliK. In connection with his usual church school biiiluesM, Prof II. II. Cum mlngx, superintendent of church schools, lslted our stake Monday, January 14th, on a special mission In religion class work. According to ar rangements meetings wero appointed to Im livid III IIiomj wuids not holding rrgulur religion class work. In con nection with llrothrr Cummlngs thrao meetings were to be conducted by thn stake superlntendency and members of the stake board. Owing to health conditions the meeting appointed for the Castle Dale ward was held at Orangevllle. , meeting was also held In the evening nt Clai-ion. Professor Cummlngs' dUcourses were so timely and filled with such substantial proof of the necessity of the religious train Ing offered our ihlldren In tho religion classes that we nre sorry such meet ings could not huc lnen held In every ward tn the stuke. News of llic County, .S'ext'l'rlduy nlghl, February 3d, the Mutual Improvement association try out In baskcthsll for District No. 3 will lie held In the Kmery Blake ucad emy hall, llolh Orangevllle and Cas tle Dale are boasting that they have the stronger teum, si) the game prom ises to be one of the closest and fastest games of the season. There will be both n Junior nnd senior contest, the teams alternating In plating, so that continuous playing will le provided. As the mutuiiU are putting on a big danco after the game It Is planned to rommence promptly at 7ilS o'clock, A score of IP to II In favor of the acudemy basketball team was too much for the prowess of the Price Yeomen team to overcome, and ulsa for the temper of Averill, the Price captain, who threw the game when the second half lucked three minutes of being finished. Incidentally, the academy nungter plated rings around their larger und rougher op pnnents. The Price team won com posed of Averill. Ileach, M. Krandsen, i:. l-'rundseu and f I'randseti. The academy team Included Pox, Jume son, Wither, Fullmer und C. Olsen. Ilalph Jensen took the place of Olsen the lust few minutes of the game, Jones of Orungevllle refererd the eon test und seemed to give both side n square dent. Mrs, Harold O Jensen of dm tin Dule entertained the members of the Hay Vluw Heading club at hr homo last Wednesday ufternoon. H. P. Snow. Jr.. of Castle Dule, left hurriedly for Arlxonu this week, hav ing received word of the death thre of his nephew, the second son of Dr. and Mrs. Pearson, who .sited at the Bnovv residence last summer. Quarterly conference of Hmery stuke will be held at Huntington ward on Hnturday and Bunday, February 10th und llth. 'All stuke auxiliary boards will hold their respective meet ings at 3 o'clock of thu afternoon and the high council ut 7 n'uloak, on Fri day, February 9th, also at Huntington. Friends of Mrs. George N. Kofford of Castle Dale to qult u number spent yesterduy afternoon ut her home, the occasion being her birthday. Heveral friends of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Graham gathered at tho Graham homo In Castlo Date Inst Thursday evening In au Informal party. The doctor Is preparing to move his fam ily to a ranch In Wayne county for a few mot.ths In the hope of regaining his health lloth the doctor and his wife will be sorely missed throughout tho whole county by a hosrof friends who will be glad to see them return soon. N J Christensen, deputj assessor, who has been busy cataloguelng the earthly possession of Castle Dale's cUlzcnr? the past week, seems to be making n decided hit with those with whom he ha denlt thus far a most enviable reputation for this particular officer who generally finds It difficult to convince the biggest part of the taxpayers that, he Is even Human Orson Madsen und Mrs Kda sen of Castle Dale left Wednesday for Kphralm, railed there by the sudden death on Tuemloj of Madeeii'a father Peter Mudscn, well known through out Emery and Hnnpete counties Peter Johansen accompanied them to Kphralm. Old Jack Froet has filled the bill very nicely as commissioner of prohi bition In tills neck of the woods the last few wteks with the result that nearl) half of Castle iMle Is as dry as the desett or Sahara with little or no teller expelled until the ground thaws or Its own free will, as the experiment of digging up tho pipes to thaw them out Is ntmo-t prohibitive There Is some talk or securing electrical ap paratus) ror use here and In Orange llle, nnd the moe Is n splendid one The Cleveland national farm loan association has held two or three meetings during the past week and has organized with the following tem porary iMiard of directors Parlane McFarlane, John K. Ward, N. C. Ove sou, Jed Knight, Ulnar Johnson, OH ver Jtnscn, Mosch Tuekei, William Tucker, J M. Cowley and K. C. Jen sen. There was a total or IIS, 300 In loans subsirlbed. Cleveland and Huntington plsvnl baski limit the night or the 34th, the acorn resulting thirty-three to nine In favor or Huntington, lloth trams did well. After I he khiiw the liuil n dance. Kverybody ciijovnl them selves. Mrs. Claretite Livingston ami rhll drTn of Mohrltind detartcd last week ror Idaho, where they will remain In definite'. Mr. and Mrr. Jones of Huntington lslted Willi their daughter, Mrs. ChurlcM Green, at Mohrl.iml the first of the week. Austin and Vlrgus Olsen of lllack Hawk lilted with Mrs. Vent llenrle nt Mohrland on Wednesday. The dramatic club of Mohrland Is busy preparing a play which they 'X peit to present In the near future. Horn, to the wife of Fred Anderson or Mohrland. n baby girl, January 19th. That the ''tevelaud school Is a "live wlin" Is Indliated by the fact that they now have In their halls nn Ivory bust of tho famous poet. James Whltcomb Hlley, nnd n beautiful picture of 'The Old Hwltnmln' Hole." The bust nnd picture were secured through the ef forts of the school children, who took It upon themselvts to raise n sufficient amount by selling Hlley souvenir pjns, nnd they were successful In raising about three-fourths f the required sum In this manner. Utah's Best Coal I i sr li in hawk i i: IW1A JL Mft, :: i; H ii ! i'aBI I Utah Coal Sales Agency i! :: 818 Kearns Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah ii ' MAIN MilJODESIDEDT .tllnliiB i:ilmngo One UnUj Hcsloii Hrnffet Itc-l'lcctcit. Members or the Halt Ijike Htoek and Mining exchange met In the ?xchango building Haturday afternoon In an nual session. re-cluj.ted Mark V llrnf ret president, nnd selected W II. Hten arher as caller nnd revolutlonlted the calls b changing to one continuous efilon from 9 30 to 1 o'clock The fellow Ing Is the new list of of flora and the standing committees M P. Hrnffet. president, It. J i: . ans. rirst tlco president, W. D Ncbe ker, second lco president; O. P Nor ton, treasurer J A Hhorten, scire tnry. It. J. livans, trustee ror it li nn of three years. Governing committee ol the mining exchange for 1917 M. P llraffet, Horace Dunbar, Fred C. Dern, James A. I logic, W. I) Nebeker, II II. Cole, H. It. Nee), II. W Ijiiic nnd It. J Ki. ans. Committee Chairmen W. 1), N'ele ker, chairman of committee on ar rangements; II. W. I.nnc, chairman of committee on listing; J. A. Hogle, chairman of committee on member ship, F, C. Dern, chairman or co no minee on arbitration, Horace Dunbar, ihulrman or committee on rules. Thn chairmen wih appoint their own com mittees and report later A ruin wns adopted wheroby nit members must charge their custom ers transfrr fees in all cases whern the member Is required to pay the fee Tho sessions hao been changed from two calls to onn continuous call. It will begin nt 9 30 and end nt I o'clock, beginning with February 1st. First thn board list will be gone over as usual, then up to 13.30 any mem ber drrlrlng to trade In any partlcu After a Lanvin Design j sbbbbbbbbbbV bbbIbbbbbbHbbbbV Dilf n by Franklin Blmcu ft Co , Ntw York. WULI. tailored, till ault come In navy blue, green, taupe and burjrundjr and U cot with itraljtut front and a conrertlble col Ur of Hudson teal fur. Bilk lined and wrly lnttrllutd, trltb a skirt btrrtd at the vraUt llue, tbu mVe natt.r. outfit for wlutrj- dayi. Ttir la an eudleii rarlety of w ag ger aticki to cirry day and orenltir. XUUA. MAY. Inr listed stock will signify his wla4t LbbbI and the caller will take up that lisue. IbbH At 13 30 the cnller will again run jH through thn list, making the dosing jH quotations and nn nddltlonul trading tH may tie done The reason or thn rH change Is said to be to place the '.leo IbbH exchangn more In t'lnformlty with 1'Ibbbb Hustcrn exchanges In the matter CbbH hours iflH Tpevrlter ribbons nnd carbon pa- JH pers Thn Hun, tH jHBKyiBublJlML f y25?"2i??HBiBT IibbI The Highest Efficiency COAL Govt. Kqulvalent. 3104 Pounds. IbbbI Unequalled For lltornge. IH Will Not Black. v IH Hcst of Steaming and Healing HbH Qualities. IffH Independent Coal S Coko Co. Mines at Kenllwarth, Utah. H Qen. Offices, Walker Uank llldg. H HALT LAKC CITY. M M-HMHItIMHHIMH- H Elite! I BAR:: ; VitailT YliMl OLD CUDAll ' ' jH IlltOOIC WIIIHKKx'. H And Kverylhlng tho Highest H ' Orade In tho Liquor nnd Cigar ' H H : CHARLES AVERILL i! PIUCK; UTAH " H 4IIHHIIIIItHmHl H HHHIUIIIIHtUmilH H ; ThB Utah Saloon I I J. W, Oenlry, Manager Gl ! Finest Iteiort In Hastcni Utah ! JM I W1NKH, L1QUOHH, CIGAItB H ; WHOLnBALI. AND HirTAlL ; H '. '. VAL HLATZ III3UU ON TAP ' H HOUTH NINTH BTIIKCT H PIUCC, UTAH H Pluiim 74A. H We Delltcr tho Cootls. M MmilMIMIIIMHIHut 4)4) IHHIHM H I Walter Mraj 1 TRANSFER and DRAY. aive us your work and II will ' H i , receive prompt attention. No ! H Job too large or too small for ' ' H ; us to handle. H Freight Is given our special H attention. H Plioiio USw'J H I LARSFRANDSEN I I Manufacturer of H i Brick of All Kiuds 1 Yards adjoining tho Denver I and Itlo arunde Itallro d com H pany on tho south, three blocki H east of depot. Office ut home, H corner Main and Blxth streets. H Cstlniatr-i (.Ivi-a nail Prices H Quoted On Application. M V, O. Hox S3 Phone 43X . H PRICE, UTAH H v 1 1 ii 1.' M