BBBBF Tlll(i liOIIII I'ltlt
BBVBV Tin If Win II Siiimik Coiinll) Prttliillit
BBhBb .Ml liut Work mill .Vol Hnonsli
KT Muff to Oil Hound Idillilw llrllic
K SI 1,30, IIIkIhxI Price lliir l'nlil
K1 lint WimiI HrliiKN I'lirt) (Villa.
BBBf i
BBB ' The Hum HhchiI fcenln
K KANHAH CITY. Mo . Jan 19 Cut
BBE tin receipts were 13,000 henri nml
BBhV ijipro wns it plnur fur tr lltltiK fit
BBK strong price, tow ten eenl tilKher.
BBfi) v TMoltv tlioiiMiuil Iior nrrUetl, mnrket
BBBJL fhe tit (I'll rente higher, a little nlmvn
BBYT In beat time tnut week, top fit 774,
BBBJ$ hlgheet mi record liri mfil only two
K, anil n Imlf iftiita Iom tlinli Chicago.
BBVBh Sheep mitt IninlM foil Iwton thn mil
BBhMJJ muln, 9100 nirUliiK. market stronger
BBmBV " tun tent higher Inmb III SO, n
BBBH hh high rwonl
BBVJ9 ' Qtwlll) of l'f grade averaged
BBhPI Irfwrr today than lux I week, nml poor
BBBflU l f the winter Tin limit, here mild
BBW01 nt II" t). Hliorl fed steers sold nt
BBbm t.SS to I0 00 I'ecdera are turning
BBHw' their December mule now, nml prof
BBBfc.' IIh are big. one man today clearing
BjBJr- tcnt-lii ilollnrir u bend on slecr
BjBHs put mi feed Decimhcr 10th Ile
BBB6 Ntf of Just fair pulp foil steer from
BBwB I'L Morgan. Colo weighing 1090
BBwJH pounds sold at If CO. These cnttle
BBBXj f were offrrnl In Denver Thurmtiiy, Mil
BBVB thorn for tour Ion el, nml IK. B0
BBhB tor one loml, freight pnlil to the river,
BBhJw Knowing u big fifty-cent margin here
BBhHJ tmlay. Conn sold ten tent lilghir,
BBhBJ best heiwy cow 19,00 to 19.60, cnn
BBBI ner Id 00, thn MtrlniiK grade In In
BBBi tiseen, and enln today 113.00,
BBvEj Ttti la was a strong country demand
BBhHJ H lint week, nnd 11,000 stockcr nml
BBVE feeder were bought nnd shlppi it out
BBBJ I'rlcrM More strong every ilny, nml not
BBhKJ enough good fiedmg steer were ro-
BBnl wived to ro around, nK packer got
BBVB " Hhnt thoy could ot them Ttm mnr
BBVH dnl r4 firm toilny, fredlng utter tip to
BBvH ten dolUm, nml Htockern 17 36 to
BBvJBj M.90, price one, to tno dollnm nlioxo
BBVB thin time ll )ear Htock cown nml
BBVB' Imlfem nro In utrong dcmnml nlmi
BBVB In Mievp nml Inm'it quality tun
BBVB IxHin Intiklng every dny ulncn taut
BBVB Momluy, liicludlng- tnila), though four
BBB load of ner oholro lumlm wero hero
BBhM today, nnd Hold at thn top II I. to,
BBhH , Iho hlghent prlco over paid horo for
BBhJ) I lamia, l'eedlng lumlm Mild at I13.S
BBVB ' and 113.76, nUo now high rncorda. No
BBBa oholon nurx, wthr or )rarllng were
BBVa i here, licut )earllngii offered 113,00
BBHm d'holrc own Hold nt 110 II taut xeek,
BBhM j nnd xvnuld do n lltlln heltrr liou, tth
BBH - rr worth up to 110.60,
KMIIH IIIUNO lllflll l'UICi:
BBB at mt. i't, i haxt,v
BBBlj One ot thn bent lamb haIih err
BBK' made In Ml. IMennanl wan thn one
BBVj made Wrdnrwlay when four cam of
BBBJ Iambi tvrrn aold by J II Htnker,
BBhJ Chrlntlun T Mndceh nnd Parley Ito-
BBhJ Minlof to W II (IruiiiilK of Oakland.
BBBJ ''"l.. m)n Mt. lMeaaant'ii lramld of
BBhJ )Mt r'rlday Tito price paid for the
J lamlm wn IIH unta per pound with
BBhJ no nhrlnWngu in weighing
BBB. Thn nxeiagn u eight of thn lumlw
BBhJ about nlnet) eight pound Till
BBbJI would mako thorn bring n little more
BBBJj t'un II I.St per head Thero weru
) I'0 lantlM aold In thin hlpmrnr
BBhJ, The, feeder wero purihuacd lal
BBh 'Alt for about TM cntn. Thl make
BBhJi thn Krrutmt profl iir made l feed
BBhJ tnir laiubN hero
H Wooii irt ititiNOi.vo rourv
H IIUTTK, Mont., Jan S7. Korty-
BBVi aYiit Mool I nn nultiAllty In Mnntaua.
BBV KrU I. Ing of Northern Montana
BBV I""1 "'Id ll hundred nnd lxly thoiu-
BB Mnit.poiind wool clip, nh cured In I9IC
BBV t thnt prim it ha twin utored In it
B !
J It Started In H
The Kitchen
BH I Avuld ill horror of ludlxea-
BQ r mn A tutcmin me Impure
Bll ' J fomi khv) him lndlg!tlon
BBij 1 (urrilfd with another atntw.
BBb X man preto, t war wh an'
BH T W'u attlly will nut wll nm
l I 'jnferter, impure or defettle ','.
H t KroMrtaa If w knew It. The ;
BBl I ht U imibo loo Kood fur our !
H t 0WU)mru. aujl TIIKV AIAVAYH ', '.
H I nirr it.
y X We wunt YOC fur h oulumr ;
1 J; Stockgrowers' Store ;.
ML aik
( p ii
Tom You never ntay very late nt Carrie's.
Dick No. Her fattier in hi younger tlayH ucd to be a great
ioolball player.
wool wnrehoimo wnttlnK until IxinR
reiclted Iho prlco he, deemed lip
hould lme, forty rent n pound, nnd
the nlo wn inndo through n llonton
When thn clip wn aluarcd wool
wn bringing from twenty-four to
twenty.flvc cent a pound, but fmg
declined to mil tindir twuiity-nU cent,
nt which prlco the bucrH then rcfuvvd
to look nt hi clip. Long ha ilnro
been it penUtent opllmUt on the ub
Jecl of forty.cont wcol nnd hn held
hi product for that tlgurc.
Tim conilgnmcnt brought him u
return of nt leant llttcen cent n
Iound over nnd nboo what hu would
have received had ho aold It when
flrat clipped. He feel that he run
pay all charge, mako n llbernl nl
lowance for Intercut nnd ntlll allow n
handnomo profit
NiT.aAii imii7.i:m oiti:ui:i
Toil Hlir.l'.P AT hTATi: I'AlIt
Hpeclnl prlxe totnllng fifty dollar
hno iK'iin offered by the Amvrlcnn
Oxford Down ainoclatlon for the bent
exhibit of ahcep ot that breed nt Iho
117 atntn fair, according; to llnrrtcc H.
Kuilgn, Mcrstary of the, fair awocla
Hon. The money la to bo divided na
follow IUt jnnrllng ram, flrxt 110;
Mond, IS, licit yearling; own. flnt
110, i-econd, 1 6. I lent pen of four
lamb of either ex, 110, nnd cnnd
irie, tv
All toik lompetluB for them prlie '
miiNt bo good npoelmoni of the breed
or no prlie wilt be nwarded. Thu '
nnlmuU mutt Imi bred nnd owned by
thn exhibitor, who inunt ba a member
of the Oxford Down llicnrd auocla
tlon and a renldent of Utah when com
pellna The aheep muni be recorded,
tuggul mid certified under keal.
Kiuihm Clt) MurkctN.
KANHAH CITY. Mo , Peti I Ojtt
tle ItorelpU, 3000: tnarktl Ktroiu.
I'rlme fed Meer. lit 36 to IU.7S.
dreweil beer Mirer, 17 76 to 111.00,
W'e.tern. 17 76 to 111 36, cow. 16.00
In I9 60, htlfer. 17 00 to 111.00,
Mocker u ml feeder. M.7S to 110.00,
bull. 10 60 to 1176. calve. 17.00 to
Hhot. -Iiecilpu, 3000; mnrkol
higher. I,imb. 113.60 lo 111.60;
)earllnK. 113.00 to 113.00; vvclhtr
110 31 to III 03, evvt. i 00 to 11C. 60.
Oiiinlut l.lvc Slink,
OMAHA, Feb 1 Cultle Itetvlpt.
UOO, mii;kit Mend) Nutlvo ateerv.
S0 to 111 60; row nnd helfir. 17
In 9 CO, Wentirn tin. 17 to I10.6C;
Texa Meer. 16.78 to 18.36; Mocker
mid feeder. 10.60 to 110.00.
8he Itijcelpt. 0000; market
Mend) varllnK. 110.76 to 113.60:
wether. (9 40 lo 110 10, lamb. IIS Oo
to U 36
uori.n (OMi'iu, iioads io ;
Hl'lUt ItKilir OP WAY PltNCIW
fonipuliHirj conntruetlon of light of
win fence A b) rallrond companle I
provided In H proponed iimindment to
exIitliiK ktHtute Introduced In tho
uppHi hoiiM) Tuewln by Heuntor Ar
ihlbald Ilex an of Tooele. The bill
provide that even railroad operating
within "the utile ahall oracl fence
along oHih Mde of lt right of wn
where thu trnik ww through eu
iIimhmI land. The ralliond lo U to
be compelled to InMall Mich Ete Mild
i rowing it hud In. necaiwar).
I'ntll urn h iniprovementH have ben
made the railroad coiniHtny I to be
held liable to eft II action by till) nnd
all ixixpii who Hiiffer Iohmi or In
jur) or damage l the woumllut; or,
killing of live Mock, whether or not
the emploji of tin company lire
guilt) or negligent t
If the railroad tompHnle rfue to
tomply with the provUlon of the (
propoeed meaiure, thu ptrwili vvhoxe ,
laud the railroad right' of way join '
ma) emu the neceomr) fenei and
collet t from the railroad ooneerned
the full value of thu work done
hOMinillNC tiOOD.
Thon who hute iiaaty midltlno
vhould try Chamburlaln'a Tablets for
onnMlputlon They arc pleaiunt to
tuko ami their effet I mi agreeable
and q natural that ou will not real
lie that It ha been produced by a ;
medlelne, Obtulnnble v eryw litre ,
Advt. '
Merchant coupon book In all do- j
nomlnatiou The Sun. I
Klrlkc In Pnloiim Mine linn ItUh
Villi in. Hay llrnffct.
That the rcicnt Mrlke In the I'a
lomn of Denver county I one of gcn
ulne Importnnto wn demonMrnted
eterday when l'renldml M. 1. llrnr
fet obtained tho nwi)er' figure an
the enmple which hn and other who
Inspected thn property brought bnck
from the working on the aeven hun
dred level, a) Wednridn)' Halt
Ijikp Tribune
Mr llrnffct u) that there I a full
face of high grndu uhlpplng ore, but
thnt thu tiimny wa of the two feet of
red oxldn of copper, which proved to
tarry value of ll.t Prr cent lend,
13.6 ounce silver and 31.80 per cent
copper, thl giving n nluo nt prevent
metal price of approximately two
hundred dollar n ton
Thu other portion of tho ore In the
face I n high grade carbonate and It
I conldered n conservative eMImatn
lo placn the average alun nt the en
tire body nt hotter than u hundred and
twenty-five dollar n 'ton, ProMdent
llraffet aa thnt thu Palnmn now ha
five fuci of good ahlpplng: ore on thn
lx nnd evcn hundnd levtl and that
thrcn carload nra ready for Milpmont.
On the eight hundred level a Mil
lion I being cut from which the ore
bearing flmiuro will ba reached by
drifting about tort) feel The Mrlng
cr of high Krndu ore which hovv In
the hafl on thl level convince tho
management of tho continuity of the
fluitire to irrenti r depth.
Prealdent llrnffct detlare emphnl
Icall) thnLho I confident nn morn u
HCKument will be lev ltd nn I'nloma
Ntotkhohler nml iijunlly confident
that In ii reanonnble period the mine
will be among the IIM of dividend
When oti have a eero headache,
notompnnled by n toattd tongue,
loathing of food, comtlpatlon, torpid
liver, vomiting or partly dlgcMcd food
nnd then bile, ou mny know that nu
have u nevcm blllou nttutl:. While
you (nay be qulto lck there I much
coiiMolntloti In knowing thnt nllet may
be hud by taking three of Chamber
lain' Tablet. They nro rompl nnd
effectiliil Obtainable tveryvvhere
Dun to the enterprise of thu Dell
intern, the whole Pulled Ktutt may
ba enabled to hear PreMdent WIUou's
Inaugural peeth on March 6th over
the lung dIMance telephone
8moko Rlk Prldo Cigar. Tel. I St.
To The Hun tor onr Job work.
A( This Meat Market
All kludi cf meat for ull
kind of pioplu Our meats are
right ami our prlit are right
Our mail) cuMomcr ntteM thl
Your faith In u will nut be
ittul. We'll pkk out the
ehnlcet of cut and end )uu
the ver bent In ir Mock
Corner Meat Market
it. ii. nooims, Prop.
Phone 311
General Engineering
and Geology, , , , ,
Second Floor SilvagHi BIdg,
You will be surprised to note the prices on ouj SHOES. You
will find that our present prices are below the actual cost to
replace them on the market today. Along with other useful
articles you will find a few number of Shoes listed here below.
x Men's Outing Bal
4v Vv We have just received over five hundred I
&J.vSL pair of the Elk skin Outing Shoes for
c" &V men at nc prices of a year ago,
L yN made with Elk or Oak Tan sole.
. IJour Price $2.25 Pr.
In this Hhipmcnt of OutlnR Shoes we have Women's jrootl heavy jun metal, soft,
, , , , , , , , . . , . flexible leather, just tho thhiR for cold,
about two hundred pnlr of the very best wct weather good nnd wide. These
. trrndc Men's OutlnR Shoes with the Ne- will give extra good service, nt S2.49
olln Soles that will keep your feet dry
and outwear leather of the Rime thick- CfllldrCIl'S XSo&
ncss; Our price on these . S2.98 S?v
: Dresses js,
BOYS' OUTING w , t . , fM&k
,. , ., . ii. We have just received ..UHrH-
These Boys' Outing Shoes are made just rTl'4&iKi
the same as the men's with Oak Tan or a ,arRC "hipment of HSt
Elk Sole, and will give the same service. Children's Ginghnm jNjfi&fl'
All bIzcs. Our price SI. 70 Dresses, mndc of the y$rTftliFtt
" ' best grade 'of Glng- TOfL'iHR IS
WOMEN'S HOUSE SHOES hmn, pIaln, 8tripe3( "mF
We can offer you at this time tin extra ptaid sizes (
gootl Vicl Kid Juliet, with flexible sole, A L
pntcnt atrip down the front good look- from 2 to 12 6sS
ing as well ns comfortable, at. S1.98 at ..;. S1.25
I - J. C. PENNEY CO. Inc. ,'
Stores Thc i;iaen Kiii- store Stores
(Continued from page one.)
placed on its finnl pnssago at 5:14 o'clock. Every member of the
house who was present voted "aye" except Representative J. T.
Knlcigh of Snlt Lake. When thc bill pnsHcd tha house on tie way
to thc sennte Mr. Raleigh voted against thc bill because, he sa!l,
of tho commissioner feature. He offered no explanation yesterday.
ReprescntntUe J. II. Mace Was Overanxious.
Immediately after the result of tho vote had been uniiuuncctl
Representative J. H. Mace presented a motion providing that the
sergeant at arms escort the messenger with tho bill to the gover
nor for his signature nt once. When Speaker Tolton finally was
given nn opportunity to explain that tho bill must be engrossed
and enrolled nnd signed by the speaker of the house ant' trio presi
dent of the senate before being sent to the governor tho motion
was withdrawn.
Representative D. D. McKay, however, fearing thnt something
n-lght happen io tho original bill, presented a motion to the effect
thnt two copies of the bill be engrossed, ono to bo sent to the gov
ernor and the other to be retained by tho clerk of tho house.
The bill probably will bo signed by the speaker of tho house
tomorrow. Tho senate will convene Monday afternoon and tho
bill probably will bo presented for the signature of the president
iPid then be transmitted to the governor tho same day.
Sunday School Tencher Children do you know the placu that
is open to all tho poor, tho rich, the sad, tho happy j to man or
woman, to young or old do you know tho houso I mean"?
Small Boy Yes ma'am the atatlon house.
Ono Cent IVr Wonl liicli !
No Cliaixa Accounts. MJ
von ham: oooi) ni:v hoot
with uii n-ro of around nndK
ulmrtl Idcul plnco fur chkkon rtflg
Apply to owner nt tlio licnott IK
Mall. JK
ranch for ally properly or will raw
on vaiy terms for u term of ) 3
Cloit.i to clt)- in ttalklntr illtnnc V
WCrockett, Trice, Ululi tf
nhop for MtoNo ropnlm, llroVrnf K
nltiirc muiidud avnernl repair n
P. II UolilnMon. Price Klslith I
entrance VlRlln-Ilonomo liulldlm
six.iioHSR rowiHT rAIHIUN H
Mono & Co Bunollno onclni
Hale or trade In uood rondllloa Jj
modt no, toRether t 1 1 tt itiift r
pnllex hanKvri, belting, ct 0
fur ruiinliiB fed mill, amnll f
liKht plant, pumplnR wuler, etc
harRiJn for nomcone Call ti
ilriitfCtTlie Hun, Prlco, I'lnh
lreil, 11.00; two hundred I
five hundred, IS. B0: one tliowvi
ft 00 lMrer quantltlea we I'K
ure on Knoloso caah lth crJMl
It will Ru express or partlS.
ciha(Re. PostnKe for one nv'V
to three hundred nrnpperi, fnc4
threo hundred to onu thoutaDdBj
cent. Nothing but the lie t rjB!
ment paper and special Ink ttBj
not nffected by aalt or crease
SUNVPrlce, Utah Ul
JVhen you want a abort or'W'
meal we oan servo you to 'W.
our tuatea. i:erytlilrg "JM
ern and up to the minute vWj
cater to those who nro In a ''
ry. Kerthln(r atrlctly &
tary ami of hlvhest quality. jjJ
Malrt St., Kut (it KUti ThMlt