Newspaper Page Text
HO)V TO DO BUSINESS ii . Don't do business in the dark. That applies to buyer nnd seller. Folks advertise because they arc convinced they have some bing worth Belling. The store thnt does not use printers' ink mny have the goods, mt the public doesn't know it. ' And it hasn't time to find out without the storekeeper meet ng it half way. HECUTLEMAHKET FINISHED LITTLE BITfflY i, iuxi.iits Mil. .(n;i j nm tiii: i:i:k. ifliitmv or Wnr lull. Win llnt-tlly Nntlinl In m lriiirtiuonl of llio I loir, nitli or Slurp Mnrkt l-.HIuip Iiiul UiiiiIk llrlfin I'rlrvi Nevtr Ik' Tort' lpiullnl l Kimivih (Ml). H in Hpei ml Hrvle KANHAH CITV, Mo. l'eb S Thn tie innrktt l,it week u lit nhiik), due In a fairly liberal re IptK ntiU to tln war iiftuiitlon Hog akf twent)-flve to tlilrt).flo cent. t hep mill IttinlM hey firm. To- with 13,000 i utile tlip market I oiik t ion ienut higher, bent Mi or fcred $10 SO to MO.GE Hord ml need fifteen ! thirl) cent, top I 10, rculpt 9000 III ml. Sheep n Ipr wire 9000, mnrkt t tin to twen rive tent up, lamb 11170, two 0 7C prlii it niir equalled lure be- RThe iiiiiIii tlemint of Ntrcmtlh In firef mttlp today lame from the fact Bint Chicago, Omnhii unit nthir nor- btii market orn In a utorm nren, nml nil lUht rectlpt. Nothlnic very high Sum wit hen, prlmu Mcer quotable top ti (1176. Influence of thn wnr talk unit hiinlly noticeable today In ny ili piirinivnt of the mnrkei, mltle, ttog or hrep l'lr to good native icer fold nt $9 35 to 110 3S. Severn) tot of mi ilium flnUliul pulp fed fleer nrrlvid, uml imiM nt 110.10 to tpO.CG, weight from 1080 to 1331 Sound A limit of pulp fed bull ut t 00 (.'own lontlnue firm, iwle oiik to ten cent hlghi r today, me heavy cow 19,00 orbiltcr, me- im flenhed witghty ww 17.36 to 00, ennmr eow nrounil 16,00 Colli weather put n damper on en- julnntu for Moiktr uml freihrx, Iit prhe uro no mon tint u Mtud) la A rather large nharo or the ikelpt wen- thin grade, which Worked In favor of bujir. A lead. ms Hale wn thnt humlrud hruit or OS potinit I'nnhnndle ntock utrom. fifrtt) well lirril HirelorilN, ut IK.CS, iriih twmty out nt 17.60, 1'teillnK &cr range monlly Irom to M.TE, ounidoniil Mtli'N ut 110 00 or IhUit a Saw top have hum nt nt the nheep uc nenrl) every da) for week, uml Vw rttordii win nguln mndu toda), tulk of the I ii in Uh oiling nt III 0 to JH70, formir higher price $14 65, Mid liiMt Krldn), Vnrloim lot of oex pold nt tlO.tO to $10,76 today, nil feigner than any prevlnu nale here, IyearllnKii nre worth up to $13.35, Srtthem $11 SO, fiedluir liimh $13,116. p far Nhlpper huve KutiKed volume W rertlpt In u mimterl) wa. km p $ the nmrkit firm contlnunll Svooixutou i:iih mcri u 'Km T) I'lT OLT IMIISON llirh iK I'oUon month" hit Imhiii unnnl VSoukI)' nureoil upon by the executive Wgammlltte of the Nutlonul Woolirrou MSSt' nnnoilntlon to tuke place durlns Vcliruary l!very vventern woolnrower MM, helm; rcquenlrd hy the uiwocliitlon Ipj put out (Ive hundred poUon linltH Km ht rmiKn for the purpone. of ktlllm: MlMUotPH nnd other predatory nnlmnlK SMlt U polntid out that If the wool Starowtrii will iiiinpl) with thin requet JiurlnK the month of I'thruary n mti ,Rrlal 1. MeiiliiK will he notlienulo In mi numlier of wild nnlmiiU prowlliiif -e raiiKi Direction hnvu heun JJSanlleil to the woolKroweni m to the polkon to " and the mettl ed to In i iupio)eil. jkohi: riti.r.s adiikii m faurs iiui MlHl:l, snow llllilliitliient wit melvi'd ut Bull iiAke City Tiiriulny h Horace H. Un iUin, Kitretur or the Utah hUUo fair that thn Amerlinu Cotiwold flheep u 3clntlin. with lieiulrninrtcr In Chi cK, tin l.einme mi Intermted In the rim mill nml how to he held In Hull like I'lty In Beplnihir of thl ear that tho ukwh lutlon I upproprlatlim two hundred dollar for thl evmt BThe aoclull(in uIhd annoiimed h ttn dollar prlKn for flint and five tlol jar- for net mid In the tiii of n pen or, four Cotitvvolil liimh uf either fox the Kit or one dire uml hretl nnd own d In I'luh, on xhlliltlou ut the rtnh f&ti fulr thl fall -"iV t'l $i7,nno i.v roim IYILMIS IV SIIIIHI Hl'hlMs he fait that Wultir Itlchnriliuiu Hold oul n third Inlerwit In the pp iiwnnl hy hlmnolf und John in ii wen of Jniibun I a remlnilur t'nliout four uar no thonn two i, without capital und tin expcrl- emharki d In the nheep hunlnew, Vt riittl'H Hxpreiw of lufl Thurt They firm plodded uIoiik n tftwl , toiild until thl vUntor when tin tiierahlp ended hy lUohnrilwin H to ItnimuMPii Tho prke net upoi ilrd intereHt huw that ;hee men e increuwil their property hy $37 , thn preMit value of the vheep "iiiirjiT niiAxinis oit(;M.i:. IBPphit imuii of the Uintah dtntrlct. tn i1-JMillns OruiInK DUtricU Kci. 1, 4 and (MR S In the Vuatth national foreiit, nut ut the federal hulldlnR In Knit Initio City reit ntly with runurm of thou illMrlil und formed n formt Uinr' muoi'lntlon to take turn or the Inter iU or the khrepmt n ulnu Hint part of the national reixrve, John SI. Ununou of Halt Utke Clt) vtu inudu president nnd Thonia Painter of Kv iinnliin. V i, J It Murduck of llehar City nnd Alum Itlihln of Kvuiuton were mimed dlrvttor. The nintur or r ii nice allotment wn the rhlef tlilnt under i oitHldi ration. HOI. I.lll Ml Aril'.lt I'Kilir WITH A I'OMMi: DKI.TA, I'iIi. 5 'K l. Ahhott and III doit hail u hutlle with u rulild iooti. Thu niilmul wn In the wire emloiure riKhtlntr with the doic nnd Aliholt wen out with an uxttto kill It. HcelliK that the tooti won rulild he nttuildd It only whin tho tloir hnd It iniKul otlurwlnii ritrratlmt In pro let lion At taut, man nnd diK irot the creature tornertd nnd It wn killed. No prevt ntntlte meavure wn takui to muxile the dni; Huturila), u Uime Ahhott. n brother, wum ridlm; Into thn ard, the doR niidih nly ttecumo mud nttntked the boy, lacerated hi hum! und urm nn I bit the homo und chick tu before It could be killed The joumr iiiiiii I now In Halt Utke City with the hi ml of the dmc OiiiiiIiu l,ltt Slot k. OMAHA 1'tb S Cuttle III felpl. 6300, inurktt Meud) Native Metr $H.OO to $11 SO, ttiu und heifer $7 00 to $9 31, Wiwtim Mi em, $7 00 to $I0.S0, TuXh Met nt. 17 36 to $h SO. Ntovkir und feedirn, $tl SO to $10 00 Blleip IliielptH. 9300 jliurket Mind) YeurllliKX $10 7S to $13 SO, AethelH. $U .'i0 to $10 SO, ImillH $13 OH to $11 H Umiii Clt MurkilH KNHAH CITV. Mo. I'tdi S Cut-, tie lletiellit, 3000 market weak I'rlme fid Meer $11 JS to $1300, dietWHl beef Mi ern, $9 00 to $1100, wtwtirn Meirn. $8 00 to $11 SO cow, $5.60 to $9 so, $7 on to $11 Ntocker und feedir. $7 00 to $9 73 hull. 111 60 to $K SO, iHlve $7 00 to TI300 hhiep l.eiilpl, S00D, limrkM I tead IjiiuIw, $1.'B0 to $14.36,1 j.urllm;-. $13 00 to $13 31, wethery,! $10 SO to $11 SO. et. $10 to $10 90 BBHBBBHssBBHIBsP'JBIBBPPBHsW . ' -. COM I C M, -V 11 I V 1) M A N H Entered an Bcond-ClnM Matter. June 4, 1916. at jhe I'oitofflce at Trice I'tnh. Under the Act of March 3, 1S79. j VOLUME 2; NUMBER 37 EVERY rillDAY KEURUARY9, 1917 H AHRAHAM LINCOLN. ' He uas In the highest sense n good and great man, an honor to humnnity, a lover of his kind, rt liberator, n toiler for the general weal, a friend of nil men. He wns a strange, pathetic and noble ligurc. It is a good thing for popular government thnt Lincoln lived nnd worked, not only for what he did, but for his clear revela tion of the mastery of man over circumstances, and the possibili ties of greatness and goodness under all conditions. t I'ltlCi: ACAIMtMV TO I'lT ON i'iiv ritimi'Aiiv T i:vru?i ir The l'rlie neudem) present on Kt b. iuur 30th ut thu Kko theater the ro. llcklnK one. mil oomid), "That lluatuli I'ut," with the follow im; .tint ' I'nt. the I r lull yervant Juuk Mlllurluhl Churle. hi makter Harold KuuiUen Major I'uffjuoktt, Mtira'H m l ( Itny Cottnill Laiiru. HW.etlinurt of ChnrleH Inex I.wl Nunuj, the maid Creoai Klcth A luun with u larKo family van live better on thu farm, where mono) KTow than In the clt) when money ?OOM. 1 - - ii .i BUM i "SIM" NuH'rlnlt'iuli ut T1ioiiimoii (JhiH III I'rliiul A l.'ootl Time. cahtm: (iati:. im. c j 8. Thompson, h'onural auporlntendent fur Utah Purl company, entertained ut a "Ktmr" Katurda) evrnlnit a number of the implo)c of the company nt tho Knlnht of rthln Hall. I'roitram Belvctlon, the band. Ilemark. 8upt. Wllltum I.lttlejohn. UoxlliK onteM (Ihrie round),Jno Davlnne nnd William Dixon. Ilarrel boxlnu contest. Norman liar rpon nnd Cleorice Wardell. Btrnp vrrmtllm; match, Ham Whet ton nnd Alf Mill. Ho n if, John Mnrlln, Belettlon, land, lloxliiB contekt '(thru, round), C, V. Johnnon and rrofeor Madten, lloxlmc conteit (three round), Tracy Jon. und John I'hulp. Jlu JUmi wretllnir tontent,' Japan ee lio). Ilaltle ro)ul (kid), Jume Kvnii. Joe Davlnne, Wllllum Dixon nnd Har ry Dodd, Konir, liall aittln ClmraclerlHtli I'rnnk Hit d. en. Bonk', Kxru HurrUon lleiltatlon, Thoimi IlarriiHiii Bonu. Biim Whetton Cornet nolo, C W Willi Koine, John Mill. .Home, Hum Motliir lleinark. 1' W Dnvton Hihitlon. baud. Ilotiiii; ttiiitfkt (two mmiiU), .1, K TIioiiimiii unit Wllllum l.llllejolin, Itcfrefthinent were ocrveil, und u( llio lonuluMon of the prourum Mr Thompson made mime remark to the men pre, nt, uimmomllnir them on their bint )eur pirformunuu of work Tliu few tu re or thi proKrum wn the Itoxlnw foutiH.t twtwimu Oeuerul Hup. erlnt. inluiit Mhompwiii mid Buprln tendeut I.lttlejohn All IhiiiIh were1 mhe.luletl for time roumlii, but an nt-1 uount of uvordupol thee hunky oon liwtuut iHiuld liut oul) two Thl vvu u real latiKh for the troud I Thu burrel boxliii; eoutoM wa vtm Ivlderable or n feature lUelf HuvlliU I never wtneeil u eontoM m thl kind I you cannot know what )oii have , mbuied extept a number or Kod I lauKh Hie Htrup wrentllliK itilitimt wu I great, tmih umtentiint tr)lmr lo bt 'thrown rntlier than throw hi op. ipoiient (luewi wh) ' The Jlu JltBti, u pexrormunee or I which wo had heard o much hut hud never neen. vtn to our ntlHfictloii, 'with two good ptrformer. The) I wore vurel) ilevir Would rather 'that they Miould huve the fall than I the writer I One ha to hear l'runk Itudeen In olio of hi eharai terlMlc vprMiliHM to uppreclate It He ha it dlalMtt n long a our urm. 1'rofeiMor MadKeu uml C V Jiiun Hon utiowed iln In their boxlmr ion tet. Thoy rnn urdy mix thlnx. und have the wclenre nUo Tln weltermlKhU, True) Jone nnd Jack Thelp. warmed the troud up In their match They are two i lever "kid." What Mr. I.lttli John, lo nil uppmr nncr, thouxht the belt 'On the pro nram wa the loncludlnic number, tho favorite omt of Hobby llurn. "Auld I Jinir B) nn " You could im e the mlle comn forth, tho faco bramlnx We will nil be Kind lo have the opportun ity of nttrndlmr one of Mr Thump on'ri Htair aualn 1', W, Da) ton vvu u w..k i nd vl.l lor, comlnir over from Bunti)lde. A larxe irowil wn disappointed with the vveuther Wednevduy Ut, whin they Intended Kolnit tn I'rlrn for the pirformancn of tho 1 to) ill (Iwenl chorui from Wnle. Henry Klltrtwin of I'rovo wa a vl Itor with Jame l.vun thl week, re turnliiK homo Monday. It plcaxe the writer to wee the marked Improvement In the baud It I until Ipaled they will kHo ii ion tert fur the public In thn near future, when thu people tun JudK for tlmni kcIvim what the bu) ure doliiK They aru due cotmldi rnble prnln for their eurneit t ffort. Tl'IStllW MI5HI-K CUITNCH, .Mi:im.M. shout hision The illy mum II met In rtKUlur w nloii TueMluv nllit und lifter ullowlntt n numb, r or bill put In the lime un til ii late hour dlmnwlnir the propo. l 'uter frniu'hhwi which A C Kill Jr, and hmhh lult nn uhUIiik for Tlura were u number of representative (III. sen prrwent und the propotltlon wu dlM.uw-d ut leiiKth Wu ordluaiicu wn tlrufteil and read iuIIIiik for it Hpeelnl eliHtlou on Murih ICIIh when thu ililxeii of l'rlie will huve an op portunity of votlnK for pure momiluiit wuttr or turnliiK It down The eleitlou nutli e npp. ur on tho third puKe of IhU ImpriNitlon or Tin Sun The Kiiptrliitimlenl if wuterwork wa liMtrmted to Inxtull u fire h dntiit nt the court houiw.lulHtriiuil. i.irner h imhiii it the wiNtther tondl Hon will permit the work Iwlmr doiii hCOI'llil.ll MOLDS HKIOItll rou loi.nnsr wia 1111:11 KxieMN III moUtury uml ill f lUene) III temperuturM, werd tho previtllliiK feuture of .wither yfiiidltlon In 'lull durltiK 191C. uoninllm; to u Miiumur) which wa uiiniiUMiil Wedlieaduy b) A II. ThleiNctloii illreetnr or the Culled Btute eutli. i bureau ul Bttll Ijiko Cll) The InwtMt temp, ruture In I tail fur thu )ear I uliowu to huve been thlrt)-even ilewree below ut Beofleld on Dei ember XHlli, while the hluhfUt temperature uu 108 drKr. , nt Ka uub, on May Mil Tho menu tem perature of the Mate for III.) )ur umountttt lo 41 4 denni or 1 S de uri below normul . The uveruKe pnelpltiitloii for the Mtate amountetl to 1(1 93 luehe dur liiK the year whlih wa 3.31 Inehe Inbovu normal It I hon In tho re i port that while there wn uu ubun I dunce r water fur Irrigation pur pimee, fro.U durlmr April und Ma) re mi Kid In extensive ilamnife to irop UNCHANGED DRY BILL SIGNED BY GOVERNOR 1 Lower House Overwhelmingly Votes Down the ?1 Proposed Amendment to Prohibition Bill (H as Suggested by Chief Executive Brewery j Interests Arc Charged With Trying to In- H fluence Legislation Governor Attaches Of- H ficial Seal In Presence of Private Secretary. H SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. U. Hy a vote of thirty-nine to six M the house of i eprcsentatives of the Utah legislature went on record H yoaterday afternoon as refusing to make any change whatever in the provisions or language of the Young statewide prohibition jH bill and returned it to the governor. Just fifty minutes later Gov. SH Simon Hamburger, in the presence of only his private secretary, H Francis V. Fitz Gerald, affixed his signnture to the bill. Notice of iH flte governor's action was received by the chief clerk of the house tjl just after that body had adjourned nnd will be read before the liiH house today. H The governor declined to have any photographs taken of him- H self in the act of signing the measure and performed the action ;H without any formality of ceremony. Ho mixed the pen with which ;H he signed the bill with a number of others on his desk to shut off iH the clamor of token seekers. Later the pen was identified nnd presented to Mnthonihnh Thomas, chairman of the democratic pp slate committee. HH The governor hnd nothing to say in regard to the action of H the house in declining to make thu amendment suggested by him H oxcept thnt he thought the change would nut have impaired the H bill in any way nnd might iw well have been mnde, but as the house H had not seen fit to agree to it, lie was perfectly willing to sign the H measure as it stood. H House Decided to Take No Chances. jH At the closo of u spirited debate in which insinuation was cast thnt the brewery interests were behind the proposed amendment, H that an attempt was being made to insert a "joker" in the bill and H thnt if it were opened up for any change nnd went to the senate H harm might befall it, the house overwhelmingly voted to dcclino to make the amendment to Section 12 suggested by Governor Bam berger to remove thu bun of prohibition from malt und brewed drinks containing not to exceed one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol. JM The house followed this by emphatically rejecting a proposal for u slight changu in langungu offered by Representative R. W. Young, Jr., father of thu bill, designed to mnkc more certain of its H nccord with the WcbbKcnyon federal act. Tho effective nrgu- H ment against amendment wns that opening up the bill to change H would invite' further reconstruction with danger of "jokers" and H liquor, influences, to which the majority of thu house did not pro H poso to submit the measure. H The result was that it was returned to tho governor as first 9H passed by both houses, with a polite communication announcing M thnt the house hud declined to amend it. Consideration of the M amendment suggested by the governor und submitted in written M form by the attorney general's office was brought about Imme- H diatcly after the house convened by a motion by Hoyden that the fl change be mado us suggested by the governor. M Representative Young immediately took the floor in opposition to the amendment and contended thnt under the interpretation of M tho WebbKcnyon net by himself nnd others, the importation into fl the state of any such drinks would be no discrimination against IH local manufacturers. He read an opinion from the attorney gen- H i nil in support of his contention. M Some of thu members of thu house had understood that the attorney general had advised the governor thnt the state 'act H should be amended because the interpretation of the Webb-Kcnyon H act would permit the importation of malt and brewed drinks, but jH it was explained by Representative Young that the attorney gen H end had not given such an opinion or any advice until he gave the H ritten opinion which Young rend to the house. H It was further explained that thu governor had simply asked iH the attorney general to prepare the language of an amendment to HI the Young bill thnt would exempt malt and brewed drinks con H tninlng not in excess of one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol, and that H the attorney general had prepared this language of the amend H ment us requested. Attention wns called to thu fact that the' at H torney general's letter accompanying the letter of the governor to H the house had merely contained this langungu und no opinion on H the effect of the Webb-Kcnyon act. H Young suggested thnt the change would let down the bars to H mnlt drinks nnd he feared that the limit might be overrenched to H mi extent that would make the law ineffective. H Representative Fisher of Wasatch favored the amendment and M objected to the insinuation that the brewery interests hnd any- H thing to do with it. Representative Paxmun declared he would H rather have his "right hand wither and his voice stilled in death" H than loosen up th prohibition bill. H Rcptcscntative McKay of Weber declared that if the house H made a change the bill would go to the senate and the brewery in H tcrqsts would go ncrpss the hall and might persuade the upper H chamber thnt some more amendments should be made. He snw jH the possibility of tho bill being made u football to be kicked back M and fortlrbetween the houses for the whole session. On roll call H the house votnl thirty-nino to six not to open up the bill. M . gMI