The advertising that appears in The Sun is news. It is vital
ievs that affects the pocketbooks of every reader. Readers of
The Sun who scan the advertisements regularly usually know how
o make n dollar go the farthest. They don't read the ndvertise
nents to kill time, but to gain information on how to circumvent
he high cost of living.
The advertising columns of The Sun are like the articles in a "
erambulating showcase. No merchant puts anything in a show
window that doesn't appeal to the passerby. And no merchant in
riCc would think of advertising nnything in The Sun that he
!oe3nt think would hit the spot.
The Sun is the catalogue of local merchants. It costs them lit
ie and saves Sun readers money.
i ruioN ii.mi:d in rr.ii:iti,
miiir i.wr H.vmm.w.
,1,1 1 Holds 'Unit lnlcrlnto Com
liiim oiiiiiiImiIoh Atom linn .Inr
,l, Hon l'lilcral Ttlliiiruil 1 n
Ou Milt (nmliiK Out or Iht Short
jgi nf in-Mniulnliiu Aknl
11 gl'lUlllI HlHt tile lilt I
i itifilli tlnii or Hiilhnrlt) (
. u " ill ri lief pru)ed -for t!i reu-
till the llllelstate commerce
, i i 'ii iiIoiii t nuthnrUetl In
t flr t 1- In wit It matter Judge
ni l Johnson III tin federal
ii-l HalurdH) tlitnleil the mU-
i . wrart'tnli iofll compwnlea
' i nt r mandate against thv
. r and lllu (Irundc. Ihr OrrRiin
i i I in mil I In- t'tnh I'uel mm-
I i , iritiK them to Hultulil
'i i i ,trs for tin truiiKiioriuilon
Tlu' iKilllmiiiM liimklng Hie
i r tilt fcili-riil court were the
f i i i I Coal toiiipuiiy, Independent
i it tiul Cuke tompnuy, Hprlng (.'n-
i i iil company nml the Cumrrtui
i inpnii)
lit Hit ir petition rilnl In tin- fid-
,i . urt n V weeks iiko. the)
a I for Hit writ of inundate
natii t tli railroad iniiipiinli-H nml
i jel tnmimii) fur tin- equitable
iii' utijii or tale hi accordance
itti tin ttrme ot it rule which. It In
U gsd tlu defendant tompiinlca hml
i l t fore promulgated. Tin- pttl-
t r. r JilliKt'il Hint tlit' nrn tht own-
f f urtnln foil I mine situated In
Cm bun count), tlint the Denier iintl
i i) (Intnde operates it railroad nml
ing.iged nit u common tnrrler In In-
rlntc commerce; that tint coal
int of tln petitioners itro locnlttl on
111 lines or Hip Penur mid ltlt
i An J., unit Hip mul eompnnlea lire
i pf nJi nt upon tlm Denver nml lllu
i.rjnd' fur irnniiporliitlon of Hi" coul
' ncl mul shipped lij- thnm.
short Mm- liKlmlttl.
Tue Oregon Short I.Iiip unit men-
med In tlio petition nit it connecting
-trrur or ttip Denier nml I Ho (Inutile.
lh I tali l'ucl tompnii)' wan men
i i rj im ii corporation engaged In op-
i itlnit certain (oul mint a In Curium
im nml shipping ltd product Ir.
mprlltloit with Hip petitioner, nml
i) iigagtd In Hut manufacture or
ll wan furllipr nllrKPtl ' tlt
' r tin purpose of distributing turn to
jr tit lltlnuern nml Hip said Ctuli
j I tnmpaiiy anil other coal com
inin Hip Denver nml Itlo Ornmlp
1 utnfore established Ti trrtuln sys-
m or empty far distribution, which
J sjmhii thp OrrKon Hhort t.lnu
' iJ mloptiil In no far iih far itrp fur
i mi' J from ItH rutlroatl to Hip Dt-nM't'
1 1 lllu (lramlf fur tlw purpono of
nipmuit or foal from thu unld mill
' s piiipvrlltM hcii'ln mi'iitloni'il."
Tlii' pi HtioiuTM iiIIpkp thut for morn
t'uti n j far pant, and up to Hiti Hmt
"f tin flllnif of Hip petition, thpro ex.
-t A a nliurtnKi of tarn, an uull aw n
' k of motlvn powpr ror tlio iihlp
i flit or roul, unit Hint ilurlrtK thu
i r.jil or Hip liorlaK Hip railroad
mpjiiiiK, in loliitlmi of the run-"i.-r
toforp mloptiid, ilUrrlmliintoil In
diHtillnitlon of mm nKulimt Hip
i titiomrN unit hnn, In lolutlon of
" ' rulp, fiirnlalieil Hip Utah 1'upI
mpnn morp enm thnn It a en
Hi. I to rt'ipliii and to tint pMltlunum
' sir mimliir of rnrn thnn Hip)
Mvrrull)' piiHHpiI to
l'rni r of IVlUlniifrx.
1 ' pi tlllonciit prayi'il thp court
1 i Hip ilpfumlniltM Imi required to
'iiiimiti tiipir nntl tllMcrlmlnatory
Mill,, hi Hip ilUtrlliiiHon of turn
rA to nppl, the M)iitiiii of inr illMrl
1 utiuu iKtonlliiK to it rtilo proniul
nUd h thPin." In hl iIvi'IkIoii JudKP
J 'humn hiiIiI
li U nppit nt from tin prtltlon
"hi Hip On-Kon Hhort Line unil
in tin no more thun dellwi tum to
" I'uiMr nml Itlo Orundp Itnllroiul
mpunj, and under no -.lew of tlm
r urn tnntpu would tlio p Hlloncru
ntltltd to a writ of mundtttp
UAinkt Hip Orenon flliort Line mil-
1 d Thin court w III nol require !)
't of mmidato Hint company to tin
vhat it U poucrleiut to perform, und
' amp reason nppllen with equal
Krtoter force to Hip ilefendailt
1 tin I'uel company
It mn he true Hint o retmon of
' ' allfRid coiitraU relutlonn he
' fu Hip Oregon Short Line and
" hfiiMt nnd lllu OrunUo with re
k t to tho dlMrlhullon or turn, und
ft anon or thu alleged atvnernhlp or
"i forporuto tttocl; or Hip I'tah Tuel
mpan ,. tlio I)ener and lllo
'ranile thut these dcrendnnU mn l
"Peily parties In HiU lltlgfttlon nnd
'-"t h reniion ot th-ilr Intertut In Hip
r It thircor the court might he Jus.
Illflptl In iH-muttlm thi-m to nptnr
nml ilefviul in the ihiiim- Thej (tr
tnlnl nre not neiemwr iwrtPit to the
iMi-riiiliiutliiii or the nmtlpr nt Iraiie.
lor In wiurliiK to the iwllilor'. On
i full teller HKHlnut the pm n,r con-
tMiInK w-lilth they eomphlii
l)l-inll N Onliitii.
An Iwth the nrenoii Hhort IJite
nd the Utah fuel rompany hme np
iH-iirett hwI litiurrt to the )Ntitiim
pmvlnit tlmt they hf (mlnel from
Hi. nettoH, I mh m no mifrii lent
reiimiH why they nhould lie retnlnett l
In the milt HKHlnM their will. The I
nt Hon. therefor, will lie dfemlwe.1 hh '
to encli of mltl tl-fittintiU nnlewi .
tlllotier. within rt reitmtMhle time up-1
plleit to the court for le to amend
Tl ilefemUMI. the HentVr nml
Itlo OAtmle.. Imi filed Itn nn.nrr.
heieln. denying nil Hie mulerliil hI- I
lemtlona of the petltton Hml nil. rIiik
affllitmllrl thut It ha at all inn. -t'HIrled
out the rule adopted, prninol-KMt-d
and filed with the loin -tut.
t'lMiimerre cnmHihaiHiM with renH.t I..
the dlntrllnill.iii of ear th p. tl
tlitnere. the full I'lH-l niinpnnt and
oilier roal ttimiNinleit.
Kor the Riihtame of Hn M,rlli in
the rnndutt of thin prm.eii!nic in iiipi
future I will ntld I am r the opin.n
Hint where a railroad iiipmiv (
Hiliqita, pnunulimteii and (Ilea with the
liitemttite iitnmerc rommlMlon of !!
own ollllini m rule or ayiitem of iht!
tlMrlltutiwn thut murt m autliorltt
to require Ml. Ii railroad ioiilian to '
cair nut Ha ohu ruli aoordlnir to
Ita term mi Jiiik aa nut h rul rt mains I
uiirevoketl and In forte I
Hurh tule. IliiWetir IliMllil he
i liar nnd vnmutocal and its mean
Ihk apparent to the atilijert matter
without the iieteeait) of toiMtrilrtloif
K the tennoiMtldrncM or the rule in
iitturketl tlila iimrt la without nuthorl
I) to Knint Hip relief prayed for, aa
the Intemtate eonimertv inmnilwPiu
has mile Jiillwlli Hon In n ll raee
Without JurlMtlrlliiii.
"If. na Intlmited nt the nrRUment.
In order fjr the rule tit I ciillitMe.
fair nod Jnut to Hip petltloneni, corn
rtiriilnhed the I'tuli I'uel comiwiiy for
thp ahlpillPUt of ftike ehoilld he In
fill. led In Hie ilMrlliuiliiii or cars to
the enil liken, und tin- rule pro
miiluatiil hy Hip ntllriKid pomKiny
tinea lint Imludf Mich toltp ctira hy Ita
teriuit, thla tourl would lie equnlly
without jurlMlkiloii or uulhorlt) to
KHint the teller prued ror. ror Hip
renami that the Inti relate tonuneru
rommlealon alone la authorlietl to
makp rule In mich muttrra.
Thp miIp potter of thla tolirl Is
nml would ho to require the l)enr
und Itlo tlninde Itallroad eoinimiiy to
cnrr out h rule nlready mnde nml
tli terms of whlrh me ilenr nnd ex
no coai. avaii,.iu.i: on 'i hi:
witsr roAs-r or om Miwifo
MUXIfi) t'lTV Jlurth t With re
Kind to it-port Hint Traiu lUtpp, for
mer llermnn consul Keiierwl nt Man
rrmirlMti, wua pu master ror Oer
man uiteiils who were huilmt ttwl In
Mexican wpsI toast porta" for Oeri'Mii
easels, offlilals here sa that no ciwtl
la nxullahlP In that portion nt Hip
founlr und thut there Is tin extreme:
ahortnKP elsewhere Any coal hoiiKiit
ror Herman essels. the tleclarc.
inu.t lime hetn punlnised In other
cotiulrloa. .
Tormer foiisul Hopp. who la -indfr
sentencp In Hail rrumlsco aftel con
v lotion for i.msplrInK nicalnst neiitrul
ID or Hip United Htates. has denied re
ports oilRlnntliiK In Han Ulcuo thai he
nitetl na pamuster or Oermnn oal
hulmr mteiita In Mexican west ' ol
Itiomoud II llan or liilltt..od.
fnla.. has ImiUKlit lt 1" t" 'l-a
Htates court In which he sudis to re
tuner Plalnis held nKiilnst Hip James
Coal mid In- company of Ogtlen
umountliiK to morn than ten thousand
lar" It Is also asked that the torn
my he plawHl In th hamU of re
ceivers, institutions supportliiB the
eompan also lire made tlefeiidants.
ivrl'ltlLM' lb (iltOWINt- IN
"omim. mvi: KnicK hiiow
Him Ii int. l est is l-eliiK liwnlWlwl In
Hit. tomliiif UN- t'cK "how. Apr M.
Vth nnd Mli that the miinaBement if
th iitprmountnln I.Ue Htock show
as Itemed It adiMhlp to In. reuse
ho mount devottHl to prUea trom
J i, i hundred to fifteen hundred dol
7rs Tils has heen .lecl.led upon
antly hei-nusp or the Interest whUh
he live Htck of I. alio an.
i lorn, o nre tuUlnB In the show, and
because thero Is every reason to ho
nZ Oiul tt... Halt I-hp Pity market
Ul tltiplop Into one which will offer
Hi" !o prliM ' ,,"ef- n,u,,m, "na
V"t Is sola that stockKrowera of W
ho and t'olnrado will Ik. more txten
i lely rVprtonted at the coming
! .i.,iii tin, stockgrowera of .Utah,
an. h "l. S rouilM a groat amount
? ruain Thew are those who pre-
ru' or any other state
Merchant, coupon hooks In all Je
nominations. The Bun
" I'OlilTIl l,l,Y IIIM'l'llliH'AN H
Rntered as Becond.Clnw Matter. June 4, im, at the t'ostotrice at I'rlre Utah. Under the Act or March 3. 18T. IH
T ,
Houst ;
;;t-j -m M m, m.
' -' i m vTm WL $3tiEim8sm
I I ' IVatlrrT. I fVLWPHI XULUiA." HBvVTMIIiBwVniH Ql.MIllrVl,ri7iUl-l7.i,illl1SI
r t 3 III HJi TAvKflD jM V3IM m$ J
'Salt Ijke City, March 7, 1917.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Price City, Utah.
Gentlemen :
On behalf of myticlf and hhho
dates I desire to withdraw the offer heretofore
made to transport nnd deliver to your city and
. its inhabitants reasonably pure water as provid
ed in an ordinance heretofore passed and adop
ted. When I made thu offer I was informed thnt the
people of Price were practically unnnimous in
their desire to secure n Hupply of pure water and
thnt there would be no opposition to the .proposal
I made. Since then I have learned thnt certain
individuals taxpayers of Price have objected
to the proposed contract, and have claimed that i
they and their associates arc able and willing to
supply your city with pure water at a much less
cost than in the proposal made by mo and my as
sociates'. In view of this objection and the viewH ex
prcssed'by a number of your prominent clfizens,
I do not desire to ask the people of Price to mnke
a contract with me a non-resident of you,r city
when your own townsmen claim they can sup
ply you with water at a much less cost thnn I
Should opportunity offer in the future where
I can be of service in nfcdsting Price in securing
a much, needed supply of good wnter, I hone you
will not hesitate to call upon, me, nnd I will ren
der such service ns I can, willingly nnd freely.
Yours respectfully,
In view, of the acceptance of the forejjring
withdrawal, nnd a resolution duly made and
adopted by the city council on this dny and date,
the election called for Saturday, the. tenth dny of
March, A. D. 1917, Is hereby withdrawn.
(Signed) A. W. HORSLEY,
Dated at Price, Utah, this 8th day of March, j
A. D. 1917.
Attest: L. A. LAURER,
City Recorder.
Some deluded folks In nnd near Price seem to imagine that
they cannot gel anything ns cheaply here as they can by sending
their money afar off. Those who do this should make a practice
of watching the advertisements In The Sun closely.
That's where tlio bargains nre to bo found. When a merchant
hns confidence that the price he has Bet on nn article Is a "puller"
ho invariably has the business courage to announce it. Otherwise
the advantage to him would bo small It would be like doing busi
ness in the dark.
Watch The Sun and prove thnt you can buy ns cheaply here,
all things considered, ns anywhere,
I'lliulpul ( Hooter or tin Acini
pin) tu lli'iualii liintlicr Year.
If evtr there Wire those who hap
not helleMil In the dilute of I'rlie
neudem the) should half attended
the meelliiK of the hoard or trustees
or thut Institution und heard the prill
tlpul'a report tngethir with the ex
pression or the hlKhest drRiee of sat
isfaction with Hip ) ear's work as dp
t lured hy the retlrlnif superintendent.
Dr. It I Mills, nml his sutcessor, lr
John J. Ijii'c The present school
titr has hull the onl) one of Ita kind
ami reflu ts ml lliicomiut nihlp cour
iikc on the part or those who hae
iwcii In ihurKc and dlrcttlnic the
sellout. Persistency coiipltil with sin.
i ere effort hns sol til Hip day for the
tdlltutlonal work of the Methodist
Hplscopnl iliurch In the state or I'tah
The local communlt) Wis wntiheil
with Interest the new lilrlh thu acud
tin) has hml within tint last six
months aiml The Hun Is Kind to see
the present .pollc) an heartily en
dorsed und coiitluutd ror at least an )ear, for l'rof. A. O Hoover has
consented to remain. He Is a North
western muii and mine to the mud
tiny nftir three jonrs In u similar In
stitution In Montana.
1'iofessor limner's report will ho
found on puKP-twu of this Impression
of The Hun.
SHI.I.H CONhllir.ltAlll.i: COAI,
Quite a had wreik ot-itirrj-tl up near
Htundurdillli Monday when twent)
thrce curs of wml from the Curhon
I'uel (ompiiii) ut Italns K"t away
from thp piiKimiir and were lnully
piled up, Heientcen cars went Into
tlio ditch with hundreds of tons or
coal, Just mlssInK a Cluck coffee
house and several tents which lire he
Ink" used on nccount of the luricit num
ber of workmen In the enmp The
Krnde Is steep und the curies dun
Kerous nnd the new engineer, tiufnin
illar with the road, lost control, It Is
anld. No one was hurt Thu wrecker
was sent out from Helper and soon
had the trutka denied.
A deal was made during Hip week
wht red) A W MuKlmion and Mnl
(lllmour heioine the iiwiura of the
Price ConunlsHlrin uiiiipaii), IhdIiik
the samp from H. Itolilnelt. llolli
McKlunon and (lllmour haio resigned
their positions, the former as (ashler
of Hit, rirst National hunk nnd the
latter us hookkecper ror the Hleieii
son I.umhtr compuii) The) will de
vote their time In th future to Hip
huslncHs. II. H Ilohlnett, the former
owner, hna not given out his plans for
the rutin e, hut will prolmbly remain
In Price and i ugage In some other
L'ushhr Joseph T l'arrer gf the
Proio Commercial and Having hank
and James Mcl'herson of llreen Itlvsi
aie In the Kast this week hu)lng some
pure). nil Hereford hulls for their hlg
cattle ranch on the llreen river. The
host atotk to he had Is to he drought
to Kusttru Utah
I.0C11I stovkgrowcia are planning on
a stock show to he held In Vernal dur
ing the month or March. In that the
Uintah Hasln has some very fine reg
istered animals of all kinds, It Is he-
llleved this show will he of great value
Mo the local stockrnUers
I Jill) Mortilng lllnro lcro)a the iS
Walter lltisa Home. fm
Tin i 14 mi old saying thnt nun fire rB
will tall rur three Tlile has eertalnl) IjB
lull K ".d In Prlee during the past lB
wt k Tin first one wna that of the iB
h Khinlug ixtrhir, Saturtla) morn- 'B
tug nnd im second nl the residence kM
r I. I iiid t'anlrell TitewlH) Mflrrneon M
The third and last one rtocurred this
ili.l.i-i morning itlxml t tt'elock nt H
tl h im i'f Walter llaaa, near the H
i.t Ik t ii North HUlh street, lluss fl
B l I .iimiit I u'rhn-k tn start n fire
II tl i im anil had gone Itaek tn ' Sfl
r I r r i short antMMe when he wna
; k ii il ht Hie smell of smake. On H
. t t .k tt fit he fimml the lumsa on Vfli
i.r hiving only time tu get hkt wife Xfll
i 1 l.i i t with uAl their night Si
I lh i The building and con- !
ti.l) wtri a ttilal Iimm. not a thing IMf
Itllg ivtd
riu liMiitt a one-slory slrtielure. n
h l.l t oil tei ll reeenti) finished nnd f
in. in-iiritl for eight hundred dot- '1)1
l.irr 1 he nre truck was 11 little late ' 1
Kitting to the Meue und when It nr- M
mul th. i. oil. ling wna too far gone JV
l l.e savt d III
I'lltl SAit'ltllVY MOIINIM) . fi
I'lre Haturda) morning itbutil 3.1ft l.M'
mlmk diHtro)til the hottthhitik stand AS
mid t unlet tinner) itt the corner or H
Mitlu and Ninth slieeta ndjiilnlng the
I'lrsl Null. mnl hank hulldlng, nnd h) H
the tlm. Hie truck arrived on the HLI
mpIip tin flame wele he) olid coil- &
trol Mow tlm Mine started Is u ni)s- SD
ten hut It Im supMwd til Imve start- wSfl
ed from the stovepipe. The contents &
and hulldlng was a total loss Con-
sldtrahle tlumnge resulted tu the wnll J
of Hie Istnk na well as to the plate SwSfl
glass In front and mi uppt r stor) J
window. The huslnces vins tinned h) H
Chris Pappus, who conducted it shoe H
shining parlor ami confectionery. The H
hiilltllng nnd i outputs were Insured for IH
eight hundred dollars, which fully
covrra the loss,
Tom Aicrlll and .MUa 'niclnia I'outs HBfl
HurprlMt Their 1'rleiuU. VI
Tom Averlll mid Mlsa Thetmn SI
1'iiuts, two popular )oiing people or MSU
Price, surprised their friends last Hat- ASH
urduy afternoon hy slipping away
(Itllelly to Cnstle Pale, where the) afl
were murrled, helng neeoinpnnled hy '
Miss June Chrlstophrrsoii and James ' aj
Wade Hit (lilet were the )oung pto- VI
pie uhout It that their own rolka did B
not know of It until the hrldegroum
hroke the news gently hy telephone Ufll
to the I. ride's filth. I' The) returned .jVU
In the i veiling ami are slopping nt jSYfl
the houin of tlio grirtnn's parent on 'SXl
North Ninth street, where they nre ;jBaft
n tilling Hip congrntutallnna of iium- pj
erous friends Mrs. Averlll resumed J
Inr place as teacher In the public wSJ
sthools Momlay morning. H
The hrlde Is the oungest iluughtir BJ
of Mr nnd Mrs. Thomas I'outs of jHfl
Price and has practically grown to iBBH
vtomanho9il here, while the groom Is fflvfl
the oldest son or Mr. mid Mis. Charles IVSl
Averlll or this city nnd n lmllpluer iUM
or some repututlon, having In en with H
the Halt IJike truin it part or last sea- flfl
j 11
The first three du)s or this wetk If, lilVB'
district court went taken up In the itiBa
hearing or Hip case, or J. II. Munson :;Va
against C. H, Harris, the ciisa helng llvfl
tried hefore u Jury. This it us mi nc- Vfl
Hon to recover on u note ror four hun- jBafl
drtd dollnra, given hy tlio defendant, iflH
Harris, to It. J Turner, alleged hy the JmVbI
latter us helng given tn him for per- lHM
sonnl services performed In tonnvc- jpSaj
tlon with the sidewalk paling con- !
trad entered Into hetween the fit)
nml Harris nml Hllviignl. contractors JsxVj
Thu note In question cumo Into pus-
session or Malison through u reul es- iBBS
Into deal between himself nnd Turin r IsVfl
thu former ncieptlng the nottt us purt SBfl
piomeiit on the transautlon. Harris Vfl
refused to honor the note on the Jala
grounds jf extortion, claiming Turner
was not law full) entitled to extra SwSJ
compensation for thu Vurk he per- M
forflied. Iho trial attracted consider-
uhlo attention and was fought hard h
both sldt. H
nvldently the minds of the Jurors
were htilouded hy the mass of testl- fl
mon) prtented mid the array of nr-
gumeiit hy counsel, nnd nfler only u
brief Intirvul returned Into court with
u verdict of "no cause ror notion." iKH
Arrangements have upoii made with kla
state lilt) stock authorities for two Bait rXH
Ijike City mid Ogden packing com- aH
panics to carry out plans of Importing iSjal
pigs ror the establishment or prize pig ?
raising contests among the bojs irtid riH
girls or the statu. Dr. A C. Young, iBBI
statu Hie stock inspector, nays thut no 'M
objection to Importations or stock will
be made If they ore accompanied hy jl
certificates from state or federal uu- !
thorltles that the animals were taken ,SBI
fiom tllstrlctH uninfected h cholera.