Newspaper Page Text
WES' I HBgaH' I R PAGE TWO THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY . MARCHB ACADEMY DOES FINE B Prof. A. C. Hoover Makes Most Excellent m Showing Financially and Other m wise During Incumbency. H At n meeting of the trustees of Price academy during the visit H of Dr. Edwnrd Laird Mills and Rev. L. L. Lace to Price, Sunday, H February 25th, Rev. A. C. Hoover, principal of Price academy, HH rendered his report, financial and otherwise, for the period from rad September f, 191G, to Jnnunry 20, 1017, which is given below. Hanf Professor Hoover compliments the faculty, students and others on HH the very excellent work done and predicts a bright future for the HAf academy, besides offering some very timely suggestions. Prof. HRJH Hoover says: HwV Commotion I mi linportnnt fnctor HHHj l tho depth of formntlnn. An sure n HHH Ihnt ilciith In nttnlncd llinro seems HLjHg for n (Imp Id lie little to encourage, HHHJ for foundntlonn nrc In Id only In ob- HHHJ curlly. Our mndcrny In jet In the HHH foundation stage. Tho lilurprlnt fur BHH the supcrMructurc In jet nn Imanln HjH tiry quantity. A ininintnlti ntrcnm nn MH it l ret free by (he melting snow or H irjclnt spring rushes along n difficult H pPUriv which li lined villi Immovable ffHj rook nnd bedded with unileldlng HH -.tone. A chlld'H hand often changes HI hit rem re and many n dam construct HHral id by human linniln scemn often for a HHH time to check It flow Hut It dlrcc ffl tlitn Ik Inward the quiet steady flowing HHH river In the valley of human nctlvl HHH. tic and enlarged endeavor, where It HHV flown nn to the great ocean to assist HBV In rnrrylng on the commrrro of the HHH world to do n world's work. Price HHH arademy In Ihnt Utile ntrcnm that linn HHHj not yet come down from tho vicinity HHH of Krent obntnclen. HH We have now completed onchnlf HHH year with the school n ptTlod of llmo HHH filled, after all, with only the normal HHW nchnol problem. From tho Mart wo HBw 'idopled a conservative policy, saying HHH Utile and working hard nnd leaving HHH Ihonn free to follow their Inclination HHH who chime other melhndn. Ho like HHH wlnn. concerning finances, wo ramo HHH noon lo the conclusion Ihnt economy HHH everywhere and n careful expenditure HHH of money munt be chemently oncour HH ' igrd. Anlde from the large number HHH of hark bllln, we found our tank dou HHWl hly hard an we faced the exorbitant HHHi price or foodstuffs, hut our flnnnclal HBi j report will npenk for Itself. Hi I'nruliy, Couimuuliy mul Cliurvli. H The faculty entered upon Itn work HH ntrnnghcarte.dly nnd ha remained a HHH sympathetic unit throughout. We I have been happy In our labor to- HHV gether. All have come from colleges HHH and unlvernlllen of the flrnt rank nnd HHH have rendered remarkably efficient HjHjf i nervlce. Karly In the year Mr. Illln BV , Wlrkham replaced Mm. M. C. Clove HfflH , land nnd ha done well an matron. HHH k V.'o believe tho nehool will gradu HKfl I nlty mean more lo the community of HKfl f, which It In a part It linn been much HHH on tho mlntlx and hert of many who HJHJ 1 have been loyal to Ha belt Interest. HHW We have greatly appreciated tho cloio HHV , J friendship of mnny of thn business HHV ' 1 men, who have reallted tho need of HBW l nuch a nehool and the school's need "VT Wo feci our responsibility even more HHW I keenly when wo reallto the prominent Hfljj 1 place religious education In now play HHV Ins, not only In tho rellglou world, HVfl but aUo In clvlo life, d . Tho nehool would n.plre to return i ' annually that which tho Methodlit Hi, Rplncopat church nn n fountain head 7 nuppllei for our need, but wo look cipectnntly down the year nnd hope that Iho Investment may be paid with Br urent and worthy live who have BjHL 1 learned the aucred Irnnoiu of divine HjHT obedlema while III ntlenannco at 1'rlce ! nendemy. Tho church, throuuh It HHI I heneflolal nml efflcaelou rcprrnentn BBV1 j live, tho yupetlnlendrul, him provided HHV I i, the fundn whereby a faculty I made HJ , j poMtble. The principal ha received HHV1 " ttwuy word lo cheer and eurournKe HJ 'i from the Up nnd pen of tho nuperlu B lendent. Dr. K. U Mill, nnd wo trunt HHl that In bin new und Kreater work he may continue Mill hi Innplratlonnl re HHjf tallomhlp. And, to Dr. U U Ijicc HHB wo exprrn u heart) welcome and HH hooe lo annlnt In whatnoever wa HHV ItOMlltle In extcmllntr the kltiKdom In HJ thl field of puuderou tank and ox HJ , hlllnratlni; oppoilunltle. HHI ItjHiiiiiiiiriiilntloiiM Offcntl. B '' I'lrnt Deholarnhlp. (u To the Hi ntudenl In Carbon county flnlahliiu the HHV lr;hth tirnilo thU prlnK with th HHn highest Krade. (b) To Iho Kpworlli HHV . or Junior I en kit r In the Male who fin HHV Uhe the eighth crude thin nprlm with HHV, Iho blghent Krade. HHV' fleeond Home mean by wlikh nt HHV leavt the Methodlnt lionust of ttio ntlto HHl) may ba tirnught Into etoie.' tench DJ with the nature nnd wmk of tht HHJ, nahool. To thin end wo wnll nuKKenl HHl that tho milliliter of our vhuri'he HHil nubmlt to the nohool the iiiiiihh of the HH head of all Melhodlnt honnw. HHJ Third Tho rental or n miiaII true JH of lund upon whloh may In ruined the UrJi, large nmount of vegetable-) mid to HHl' " forth required for dormitory pur WM IHIICM, HHb k Fourth Tho Increnno of tuition HH fiom four lo five dollar per term, HH ind n nllKlit Increane In mtnculluiifou HHk Hi Fifth Doltw nwuy with labor -j HH 1 Tho behavior or the (lunletnalnn HHl variolic or nvoeado In Cullfornla nnd HHj. Ihn fruiting of the two of the early In HH troduotloui or thl fruit from Quote HH malan npecle which were aecured tuo HHl .ycur ago ban made the pronpoot of HH Iho aultlvutlon of thl Important fruit HHJi plant In Florida neem nufflclent to HH warrant the dlnlrlbutlon by the de HH partment of urnfted plant or the win HH ler frulllnic Quutemulan form to ex HHl , perlmentera engaged In thl new mill HH Induktry. H I ,. . Ijxdylilid havo proved, under nor HQ 4 jj mal condltloiif, to he almost complete 11 1, checks on the ravage of tho spinach l f. aphl and other nphlds which former. U . 'H ly were n crlou menace to theculll mi 5 vntlon of spinach, cabbage and varl HJHjl' $, oua other truck crop In Southeastern K Virginia. lw Bnii'HHHHHHHil-ilW HBHHHIHtiK' ' xHHHHHQHHHHHHHHHHHHHHgl partlnl payment for honrd nnd room, nnd Increasing Iho price of anme lo ntttdentn from twenty-neven to thirty I seven dollar per term and four and nne-hnlf dollurn for tho Individual week. Sixth ramlllarlilnir Iho church nt largo with our prenent situation In n strong attempt to liberate the school from debt In order that It future mn be more iccure. The prospect for more worthy re turn In the future were never better than nt tho present time. Tho stu dent hne adjusted themselves to the ncucr and better spirit and n loyalty that In tinl'iue nnd n fellowship Hint I profound prcdomlnnlc. liven now the largcnt per cent of the present en rollment I positive of a return to the ncademy when It open In the fall. Thl assure, from the ntart. n more settled atmosphero nnd n stendlnesn which we found necessary thl yenr to Institute before cffcctlo work wn possible. Hence hope shine n the nun n we rnrnestly nntlclpnto greater thing for l'rlco academy. j tlETTINO NEARER CARBON liable Muy 1 tenth This Portion Any Time, tho Heller. "Aty present concern In lo arouse tho people or Utah to the danger which confronts them In the epidemic or rable. Thl epidemic spreads over twelve countlc In the stalo 'and Itn proportion arc dally becoming more menacing" Thl wn the statement or Dr. T. II. Ilenlty, Mate health com missioner, who declared the other dny that the public must be aroused to the Importance or stamping nut the epidemic and ha recommend the em ployment or the most drnstlo means, U neeesrary, to safeguard life nnd properly. According to I, U Dnlnos, state bacteriologist, from three to five head of supposedly rabid nnlmnln. Including coyote, bobentn, dog and domcntlc cat are received dally nt tho University of Utah for analyst. Nine ty per cent of tho head thun fnr ex amined hnvo been found to be Infect ed with rnl I on or hydrophobia. In nd dltlon to these subjects for examina tion. It I reported that various stock .men' nanoclatlons have been sending In the thead of cattlo which have been found to be Infected. Thti far the counties menaced by the epidemic nrc Tooele, Ilox Kldcr, Millard, Iron, Cache, Utah, Juab, Wnnhlngton, Weber, Sevier, lleaw-r and Summit. flood barnyard or stable manure I the most nntlnfnctoTy ferllllter. The nppllcntlon or manure should be lib eral, lr barnyard or stable manure 1 nut nvnllable and the soil ha heed or vegetable matter some green .manure crop may be used to good advantage. Crimson clover, n mixture of rye nnd winter vetch, nnd cowpeas nrc good green manure crop. Several weeks should elapse lctween plowing under n heavy green manure crop nnd seed I tig. Ily planting wild trees nnd shrubs bearing fiultn about the home, the householder can Attract bird and at tho same time protect cultivated fruit from their ravages. HN'AN'CIAl- 8TATi:.MKNT KOJt 1'IttCI. ACADI.MY KOIl TMK I'lIIBT IIAI.P 8, 1910. TO JANUARY 20. I17. ItKCKIlTH Cash Credit Total Hoard department i 1 12 2.00 j (1. 00 IISI0.00 Tuition nnd fee 206. 7G II, IS 225.00 Music department r 96.00 23.00 119.00 lliirk bill 172.00 29.90 201.90 Miscellaneous 129.21 47.00 17C.2( Total $1720.01 $2I.I6 I1942.K Invloce (approximation) Hook f 10.00 I'hynlr supplies "7 20.00 Dormitory equipment .'. 40.00 (Irocerles, flour, potatoes, eta. 60.00 Total ..1120.00 DIRIIUHSKMKNTH. Hoard Department llunnlng expense f 951, S $ Hack bill 133.10 $ 42,90 171.00 Total $1091.75 $ 42.90 11134.15 Miscellaneous Cash Credit Total Hook and school suppllc f 179.10 I 179.10 Dormitory equipment 50.71 10.74 I-abor, campu nnd building 41.12 34,75 102.17 Janitor, dining-room, ladle 51,10 51.10 Kxpre, etc. 27.60 27,60 lecture course 23.50 23.50 Hack bill 114.61 14.76 129.4.1 Overdraft, September 6.14 6.14 May check 1.00 1.00 Total t 529.61 $ 49.60 t 679.11 Light, Heat, Water and Coal llunnlng expense .t... $ 136.21 I 136.21 Hack bills .,; , 0.00 6.00 Totar $ 142.21 Telephone llunnlng expenses $ 19.10 x f 1M0 Hack bill 12.00 12.00 Total I 31.10 '. $ 31.10 Urand total disbursements $1795.41 $ 111.40 JUH7.S4 FACULTY ACCOUNT, lleielpt from Melhodlnt church home mlnnlonury honrd, per Dr. H. U Mill , $1735.00 Disbursement Salary of principal, -five mouths nt 175,00 t. . . .$376.00 Salary of annlnlant principal, rive month nt $76.00 376.00 Salary or two teachers, flvu month at $ 661,60 Salary of commercial teacher, five month at $15.00. . . . 76.UO Salary of matron, four month at $10.00. T. . . . . 160,00 Moving expennen of principal , 26.75 Mr. Cleveland to ncudemy, books, etc. 10,32 $1618,67 Halunee on band . , . . , $ 46.41 limit A(nfiti.w"i " Accumulated lunt year student necounU, $142,10 (Paid since Jan. 20, $20.60) Accumulated thl year student accounts, $ 62,15 (l'ald slncu Jan, 20, $22.96) KUMMAIIY OF FINANCIAL RTATKMKNT HOAItD DI.I'AIIT.MU.T. Itvrvlpt Cash $1122.00 Credit 91,00 $1220.00 Disbursements Cash $1091.00 Credit A.... 42.90 1134.65 (lain .. , ,.,,Jt,..' $ 86.36 Halancw , .,,.,,....,,,,.. $ 15.35 In vol c' , ;.,.,.,. ,,'..... 50.00 l'ald nn baok bills , ..... 170,00 Approximate balance , , $ 311,36 Total disbursements ; $1131.65 Approximate balance , '. , 311.33 Approximate cost or boarding department $ 823,30 Total receipt , , , $ 1 220.00 Approximate cost 623.30 Approximate gain of boarding department $ 396,70 Toiul receipts, wish nnd credit ...,...., ', $1912.16 Tijtal dUburnemeiitn, cash and credit 1887.84 Total net gain fc..... ..... ,., $ 63.32 Total disbursement ...'.....'..,,, $1887.8 4 Hack bill puld out .............,,... 337,57 ' $1650.27 Hack bill received ...-......,.., $ 201. lu Actuul expenditure first half year ,,,,,,.,,, ,'! $1752,17 Invoice , ,...,,,., 120,00 $1632.17 Total net gain ...., ,.......,,..,., ... 53,32 Actual cost for Iho flrsl hair ear ,....,,.. ,..,.., ,. 1572.86 Total receipts ,,..,. .,,.,,.,......, $1942.16 Actual cost , ,, $1678,86 Approximate gain . . , ,.,,,$ 363,31 I YOUR BOOKKEEPER HAS SOLD YOU HIS TIME Why not use it to" the best advantage? Actual tests have shown that 25 per cent of a bookkeeper's time 1b lost by indexing entries before posting. In a properly arranged Loose Leaf Ledger there is no indexing of entries. We sell a dependable line of Loose Leaf Ledgers nnd Binders, Transfers, Price Books, Etc. Great vnriety of stock forms and we supply any Bpccial size or ruling to order. Investigate the advantages of loose leaf devices. pM tiiI!??!! ,iif ADCLUBTAKESMID- LAND TRAIL FOR TRIPJAST ANNOUNCK OFFICIAL KCIII'.DUI.r. I'AKH TIIIIOCOII rmci: The Kan Frnncb-co Delegation lo I he International Contention At hi. Lout Will Uho Midland Trail Frnc tlcnlly All or Ihn Wnjr Duo Here On the Nlxtli of May, Next. Tho Hun Special Service. ailAND JUNCTION, Colo,. March I. Tho San Francisco delegation to the International convention of the Associated Advertising Club or the Wold, to be held In St. Ixiuls during the month or May, ha decided to make the trip overland by motor ear, and the schedule m tentatively an nounced show that the route ndopled I the Midland trail, A there will ho nt least u huudrrd delegates, the party will use not leu than thirty car, nnd, In addition, all the baggage will lie curried In motor truck o that passenger muy ride In comfort. In preparation for the trip, the curs of the owners who contem plate making the trip are given a most thorough Inspection nnd only those car ure accepted which prom ise to fctund the rigid tent which thn trio will be. Tho ncheduln idanned call for ut least two hundred und fifty mile a day nnd the only exception made I a very, great compliment lo thl city, us the run for tho seventh day I lo he between thl plaeo nnd (lien wood 8prlnu to eliublu the tourist to sen the beauties of .local surroundings and also in permit them to enjoyn long a time n possible at tho latter resort. The general offices of the National Midland Trail nsrx'latlon hnvo been plaied at the disposal of the director of the trip, und It I belloved that the nd club men will put a greuter part or their arrangements ln tho hand or Iho offices. With her splendid repu tation for hospitality, flrund Junction can muke nurh nn Imprenslon on these San Francisco people tliut her place nn the Midland trail will be even but ter known than It has been In the pqst. The HChedulo' Leave Oakland at 4 o'clock or tho morning to Truckle, first da), Truckee to Tonopah la ltcno), second day, Tonopah to Hly, third day, Kly to Fish Spring, fourth day. Fish Spring to Salt Lako City, fifth day. Salt Lake City to Orand Junction (via Price), sixth lay. Orand Junction to Olenwood Springs, seventh day. Olenwood Spring to Sullda, eighth day, Kallda to Syracuse, Kan., ninth day, Syracuse to llutohlnson, tenth day. Hutchinson to Kansas City, elev enth day, Kansas City to Columbia, twelfth day. Columbia to St. Louis, thirteenth day. Tho route through Utah and Colu rado was chosen on account of tho greater scenic attractions, as well as tho fact -that It I thn most direct route, nnd It Is tho Intention of the locnl people to sea that the member of Iho party nru given tho proper guidance so that' tho party, If dcnlrrd, may divide nt Orand Junction and unite again nt Hallda or some oilier point east, thus enabling them tu see nny part of iho ltocky Mountain they wlh. The Juvenile court system In Its new aipect, with school superintendents performing tho duties of judges, U gradually working Itself nut, although a cog slips now and then. After the adjournment or tho legislature, whlitt has piled so many duties on the gov ernor, the attorney general and the slata superintendent of public In struction, much more time will be available for straightening out the kinks Incident to tho change. Wlll-N TO TAKi: ClIAMIIKlliai.VH TAIIL17TS When ou reel dull nnd stupid nfier eating When constipated or bilious. When you have n sick hendache. When you hnve a sour stomnrh. When you belch after rating. When you have Indigestion. When nervous or despondent. When you hnve no relish for your ineuln. When nur liver I torpid. Obtainable evciywhere. Advl. Christian Science services uro hold In tho rest room In the I'anamn Hotel building every Sunday evening at i o'clock. All nrn Invited. wasks mm mm Innocent Children Djlng Hocuiif 4 Improper Protection. Warning tho people of the ittb thnl the measles epidemic that hu raged during the past winter Is rU unabated, Dr. T. H. Heatty has Jrt Issued a bulletin urging rreili conscientiousness, In reporting c.w and preventing nny further srre4 The bulletin says that during lj quarter ending December Slit, tut 7681 rase, with thirty death. m reported, and practically all of tat could have been prevented, he sin, by n strict obedience to quarantlo regulations. "Innocent children nre compels! tn surfer nnd dlo bocauso they in not given the protection to whki they nro entitled," says tho bulltUt "It cannot bo denied that such n-fltc Is criminal nnd n reflection upon lb public conscience nnd IntclltgciKt The epidemic Is still unabated and. the absence of nn nctlvo nnd Inlt gent public sentiment, tho hriillh thorltlrs must confess IhemMb" practically powerless. Tho dim will run Itn course and many mon victim will bo needlessly nucrlllc-4." They weru discussing the genii men who maku the nation's ! "What do you consider a uccef congressman " asked tho first mti Said tho second, "A successful eel grrssmmi I one who ran en use a pot oHIie building tn rlso where nlr 1 rural route existed before." j UTAH FUEL CO. V Miners and Shippers of 4 x Carbon County Coals ;: I ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COKE ;; I Carbon County Coals Are tho Beat. ,, V In the Market for Horses, Mules for Mines, Hay and ' y Grain, Mine Props, Ties, Sprags and Varloua ' ' t Other Local Products. v V -----------------------.-- ' ' I MM INDUSTRIES PATRONIZED ;; x ;. ! General Offices Seventh Floor Judge Building, Salt ' Lake City. Mines at Clear Creek, Winter ' y Quarters, CaBtle Gate, Utah Mine and ' Sunnyside, Carbon County, Utah. ' ! T