OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, March 09, 1917, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1917-03-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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order mum
You may now order Extrn
Table nnd Preserving Sugar in
10, 25, 50 nnd 100-pound bags.
The same high quality is in
each size bag. The important
thing is to order it by name
Takle and Preserving Sugar
made by Utah-Idaho Sugar
Company. The purity, white
ness and sweetness of this per
fect sugar should induce tnery
housewife to insist on receiving
C nMcAgwDco it from her grocer,
fc "'" J Made i
H. Gordon
Located at the Cottage
Hotel in the Hide, Junk
and Metal business, will
move about
April 1st
to the Elmore Shiner
place. It will be known
as the Price Hide, Junk
and Metal Company.
l MODI, ( Hll.imiA HKI'I
ki wwii: coviiunrintNN
- Hi patronage lit llir I'rln I ar
H hhrur) Intlpnnc Hurt In found
t. i it mil nr tnhlen itiul tlmlr In
It luldreun dlvlaluh The fund Hi
ir nt won't allow thin pun lute.
hi run I "Mini mid librarian ate
K ng tlmt Ill-Xt Week Ih klltlWII an
in nick iintiiiiK tin nehool i till
III hiding till ntVcntll II ml tin
k Ml glade. Kutll one lit retpiented
i iki in iluir iMiilur jlit hiihihiiI ui
nt tu help make the i hauge
i li
il ulll mean unit ii small mul
i r null anil will mlil gnutl) to
mfnrt of tlic patron of the II
ixpeilall) tlm chllilrt ii Hint
' lruiiiiitl) an run ml silting on
(I ir ur MtiinilliiK "I' tu riiul The
i i mi nri urged tu help with Ihl
' i mil nee Unit the i hlliln n ri
til 1 1 thl dill not lnHr limn l'rl
I nfillnl ordtrn on llu book of tin
itiinl Hiuten Hticl loriKirntloii Junu-
i .1 1917 ivere It, 474,051 tnnn. ii
iii-o (if 73,23: ton frum tlm tntul
i iiiunili previous On Jaiiunr 31
Jib tin tntul wnn 7 933,761 Inns Tin
i nn mti mi nt In next to Hm larg
i in tin huinr) of I lie turpi nith n
Hid nliil (nrhou lllt.li In Mciniln)
Mghl'n (,inni
In tin (Innl iimiir i i ilnni. i
championship of titer ., In( , ul i l
the Klnti Iwinktlhafl I lumament In
8n ngvllle high nohnnl Jpam wi.ii iv.r
tin Carbon hull tenml..nilu) nVvt
Tin gaum wan h ft um fnini tli.
Klnti mill the I'rdr Imi Mm! tfttr
tin Wsltorn from tin beginning Iwi
win nlmpl) oiitilmwil In lif llit
wplght mill pxperlent i Thi win given
tin Hprlngvllli aggregation ndinls-lon
In tin lull- toiiriinitu tit whii h In
uniting hi liimii lhl week
liail) in tin game Hnrulil l-iinHrl
met with hii actlilenl In III knet
whlth tiPteewltalPil the sol Minting nt
I r ir 111 nn linker Ih liu plate Union
I'riindstii wnn l he shining llxlit for tin
CmlHin high going through tin
Hprlngvllle division on n number nf
i HnluriK ii ml t becking up flw H"Nl
to hl in ill!
HccHOnp or tin speed with wild Ii
tin KHlin wan iIhiiI tunnltlemhlt
foiilliiK remitted Tin visitor werp
thurkid with plghletii foul mil) nine
of wlili Ii wirv com tried into ntiiiii
m It) tin Cmion team
Knit Ijiki llt m-conllng In it nun
liiiitilcitllt.il letilved from tin ir id
IMirtimnt, stand Until In tln mil!
incut or men for thi I tilled State
nrni) wllh k ruiiiil or till S i mil
1 1 rl U'bjiii Iml rmnm flril Willi
37k prr 1 1 nt mill Sin rrunrliKi i
oml with 27K K m r ii lit
BERRY. IWnei t wlntir kill Ii ir llfnt ( Hi tin
niiwt iirmluaur of nn niirrr
known It tiimint men to rlpi-n ll trn
iiriimuK iroi tin1 flrt of Jul mnl
itilltlllUnt to Ih-ht lnNllt ilvir ik .' it
AiiKUrt Mini KfitmlHr l.noriiiouj
nix- tMlrloIni III riHVur Ii U'lllfl l H
cidor It n h irHk wlnin r Hi fit in
iimkliiK kliiK of Mil Hit h rai Hlimil
of tin olil toiiiiimii wirt ii llif wir-lilml-T
In hIiuhiI of tin olil ii.IiimiI,
hum Hirv In wortli inon Urn i Hiltn
Hirwi In iHirn plmiln. Hoi I with H
tlirtif rarn Kimniiitfi moni- lurk
If not h rprniul If illrwl I
will lit oii Imvo llmm on one. two or
llirw ir Hint It me hh m
ut miiriml In HiU plwiwint mnl prof
Itiihlt liimlnmni TliU liir U r
hliilil) riHiimiiiPiiilul l I'rof Itolurt
II HtfWHrt, toiiiit) uiirliiilturiil iikiiiI,
itlmi liy miiio otlun. Onl u IIiiiIIimI
nuinlitr of pliintH lft Urlle mo for
frff iwiinplilit. It Hint; nil ul'oiit tliln
wnnilirfiil Urn A lotl will J"
lip oulik hpforp tlio nn nil wiM
II. HM(. H, Willlneimi. Hii".
ill .
Our New Hats Here
We are showing this week an entire new
line of Spring Hats. .They come in all
shades and shapes, trimmed and untrim
med, and should be seen to be admired.
mm county is
is mttijK iinitiM) kmi'uy amino
THI3SK 1,1 MX.
Mmh Intrrmt Hliown tn the To Sec
tion An to Slim unit Ollnr Ilotttr
AIcIIiimN Ii tlio Intlrr of I cttllnit
Wnr of I.xtrrtiilnatlnn On I'rnlrlc
l)or stock mnl t.rnlii SnUi
To ilatc thore hao Wtn tlcvcn lo
en I fflrmim' orKnnluttlons prrfcetcil
In thp two nmntlrn nn) I'rof Will
liitc Hullltnn, count nRrlctilltirnl
nRcnt rrnctlrall) ctcry clnli Inn
tnkpn up nn nctle rnmpnlRn nRnlnut
thp prnlrlp iIor Morp nnd liettur llp
tock for Cnrlmn nml Kmrr ciiuntleii
In thp IiIk proJiHt to ho koiil Into 1')'
tin-up orKBiilinlloiin Tliln mrnnn lle
lok on prnttlcatl) pr fnrm mure
nlliw, morp fppillnR, morp fppil erop
nml morp ilnlrjlim nrloiin plittm
will lip tntrUil out lo promotp thli IiIk
proWt Then thrrp will lip wimp
prnjpctn on vtmnlnrillifltlon of thp out,
wtitnt nml potato crop nml on ill
poiitml of piipIi Kppitift a rpwril nf
tli fnrni InmlnpfHi In to In ptatiurnRiil
l) Hipup fnrinpm orKiinUntliitin Al
rpHil) hIhuii n hiimlrcil fnrinpm hnxi
pmh taken mu of thp nrw fnrm nr
iiniiit iHHikn nml Imvp Iipriih tn kpi-p
n rpconl of thplr IiukIiipph Knior)
n.unl) liim urKnnltiil ltd (omit) fnrm
Imrpnii ainrpli fptlrrntlnK nil of Ihtrp
Imnln Into on Mr rotiutwlilp nrRAlil
Mtlmi with II A Xvtooii of l-'i rrnn nn
CiirlNin N in OrRiiuli.
fiirltoii rnuiit) hits ptiotiRh loon I
otKHiilbttloiiK mi Hint tlirlr illriilorn
will mitt In n ftw ilnn uml orRitnlio
A trrmt ilral of Inlprpnt In IipIiik nluiivn
I ) thp fnrmprn In tin iilJii t of nllon
A iiumltr lmp ImllpHlptl their IiiIpii
Him of ptittlmr up nllitn thin full Tht
tlitci lhM nt Ktrron nml hum itt 14m
r nrr iriiltiR n Krmt mipppok nml
thp owiipm me wpII plwtiM.il with thp
fppillliR rpullH oIiIhIiumI Hmii II 141
iIipiIrp UiiIIpiI HIiiIph nRpiit In ilnlr
Inir will npiml Hip wppk IipkIiiiiIiik
Munli 19th In iIImiimMiik thin iiupntlon
wllh Hip fnriilrn.
.Now In thp Inwt HlllP to polron llif
prnlrlp iIok Hutfrnl of tin. fur nip rn"
pIiiIm urp InkltiK thin up nn u project
h not prlioil) rpi 1 1 in. j now nml
itiukp thin u rountwlitp 1110x11111111' A
imllioil fur prpntrliiK tlm ihiUoii wnn
pulillnheil In Unt wptkn Hun
IIIr I itilliiK oiiullc-.
TluiUMiuiln of IiphiI of fipittjrn I10H1
tiilllM uml hpp nrp nlilpppil rucli
tnr from thrnp iiiuntlm in Knxtirn
frtilrrn Now tlmt 11 new tmiklnc
plant mnl ntmkunlH nru Kolnic up In
Hull l-nke Cllj It imann Hint wn ulll
liuti it kooiI murkit tlop ut honip
for flnlnhril Htuff Two nml n Imlf
million ilollnrn worth or pork won
nhlpppil Into thin nlntii hint Ji-ur from
tin Ibut Thp will hert ilpinmuln more
liiiniiin In thp form of lmin)iiril man
urp In onUr in mnki It inori proline
tl (IimhI fptd troMi tmi It urown
Inrr All ttnw llilinrn IiuIIiiiIp Unit
tMrnoti nml Kmrrj touutitn nhuulil If
nhlpplim out fitl nlutf nml not nhlp
ilnic In im ninth iirppnrnl miuln
Thp wtrrtnr) of phi It li l tluli
hit n lint of fnrmrrn tlmt Iihi wnl
or Mmk for nnlp If In iiipiI nf wl
11 nur IihmI Mirp(nr flrnt
cmr anai meets
Hunt hrlnn Hi III luiilit) M1.I1I
llulllln Inill-llttttl
Ibn (It) I'oiintll iiif t In rcKuUir mm
Muii TumhIu) imiiIiiv, nil mtiuhprn
prpnpiit. mnl thp follow I iik lumlnewi
wnn illnpoiiiil of
Thp iiiiiiull wnn Infnrmiil l w In
111 1 Inmiruiiip iiknu) Hint Hip fire
nml unlilftit polity wrlttui on tin
new tit) flro truik wnn rmuilleil h)
tin (onipmi). for the rtunon that tlio
1II1I not ilpnlrp to cttrr) thin nort of
rlk Tin polio him In en n turned
to Hip Until iiKi'iny uml It In not like
I) tlmt aiDthlm; further will In ilnm
In reKiiril to tlm iimlti r Hint the
apiHirntun tan mil) Iip Innurul iiKnlnnt
ilumiiRn Ii) fire while liouni In mime
lliilonurc. thin rink mini no nllkllt
thul It woulil lie throw Inu moiie) iihh,
tn krrp Hit ehkp Imnireil
OeorRp A Mxon uml wlfi lnte
ileitlril to tin ell) Ihlrt) fett h roll ml
nil nlilen of l.ot 4 lllovk 10, In I'rlit
Uicnl nurvp) for nlrritn ThU prop.
trt) lien lelween I'Klli uml HUth
triit. mlj 1I11I11K tin unnul uml thu
fc-rotiml 1I1 ill iiIhim now in 11 lu tin'
MreelH nrouml Hip hlotk of the nun
Intlon Wllltll
Denmnnil Morrlon linn hetu tern
pornrll) impkoetl In run the nprlnk
IIiik wiirou, an noon nn It In iletermlnul
when nprlukllliK nfmll cnininpuep It
Imn heiii uriltrotl that the nprlnkler he
rriialreil uml palntnl, iwnl) fur inn
When II R Itoliimtt wun ortleretl
h) the vlt) tn ml hU wareliiiuw Imik
fifteen fett from the itrit line nt the
InterniHtlon of Mntli ntieet mul the
rullroail iIkI t of wa), It ontullisl nonn
extra txpeime In xia)utiiiii for whuli
Ulie ill) HKreetl tn relmliurnp him In
uteonlaiuu wllh t' I akreement It h
Inett pretonteil a flu I in for twent) 1I0I
lam whlth won allow il
Tlio Cuthollc people of 1'rlie were
crunteil Hip u of Clt) Hall eer)
Sumla) mornlne for Humla) W.I100I
purponxn. th 011I) iluirKo for nuth
uto lielnir uLtual cot (if heutlm;
A J Orumcn wnn auttinrlieil tn
npreuil polHineil uraln nt the ct mi
ter) ami (It) park for the xttrmlnn
tlun nf prulrle ilofc Thene little pesU
ulu iUlle numeroun ami thin I the
proper time to get them It In Mhl h)
vxpi rt
The tuuul ilulnu wcin iiIIowimI uml
Merohanti coupon bookn In all de
nomination! Tlio Sun
t m
Mr. J. H. Manson Makes Proposition to the II
Taxpayers of Price. II
' Urnt t horclij nRrcu to ih-) off
all of tho ctcctrle Unlit ImuhIh now
owlmt Ii) tho city of I'rlca nml
jtmountlng to IwcntWhe thotinaml
dollnrn, tho mine to be paid iIkIiI
thounnnil dollnrn Jul) 1 1930, eight
thotinaml Jul) 31, 1931, nnd ciRht
thountml April I, 1933
"Kor Hip purpiVop of retiring then
bondn on th nbop ihitpn, which In Hip
flrnt option U period thp) cmi lie wld
I ngrec tn dpponlt In audi Imnk or
Innkn nn inn) le denlRnnlPtl l) the
clt) tniiiicll nt thp time of Hip iHkii
line nf the prootd Iranp the nil in of
I13S0 00 imp )pnr rrom dntt of mhl
Irnne tn deinwlt tho nil ill nf $1000 60
nnd on April 1 1930 to Inup on dp
poult o the irecllt of mid ill) the full
mini nf 19000 00
' litl on Hip flrnt of prlt 131 tu
hnvp on ileponlt In niich honk ur Imnti
nn mil) In denlRnntPil l) Hip til) Hip
full mini of 1X000 0,0, nnd on the flmt
dnv of Jaliunr), 1933 tu lme nu dp
ponlt In nurh Iwtik or Iwnkn nn m)
ho dpnlKtintetl l) mhl 1 II) the fiirthpr
mini of IS00O 00
"nd tu further Kimnuili'r to the
no 111 1 It) tlmt the mnip nhnll lw dmip
nn hprptnforp ngreeil, I will furnHdi tn
Hip tit) n Rood nml niifflelent iHtml tn
he Hppnneil h) Uk ell) In th mini nf
ten thoumml ilollnrn
Hppond To flirnl.li free of nil rout
tn Hip clt) nf I'rlie nt nil tlinpn iliirlnr
the term nf mhl Iphm nil iiirrent net
pMHir) tn llRht Hip nlreeln nf I'rlve In
nn Rood n innnntr nn the) nre now
IIrIiIpiI tu fiirnlnh rurreiil or imner
flee of iiwt to the lit) for the purpone
of pumpliiK water nerennar) for the
iimliitrimiire of lln inuiilrliml water
plnut mid to ftirnlnh nil current nee
pnnr) In proper!) llRht nil hulldliiRn
owned ur uneil for iiiiutklpnl puriionpn
tn mnkp nil neccnnur) pxteiilc;iin for
tho purponeM of IIkIiIIhk mid ntreetn
nnd tn fiirnUh nil lump nt nt) own
nxpenne lined lu cniineolloil with mid
llRhtliiK n)ntim nl nil tlmen durltiR Hip
term nt mid len.i
Third-Tn Kin lu tlm cniHHimern
of nSliI tit) twptit) four lirnint tini
lltiuoun nt'lilre nnd Im rewtriil nl
nil lime lu nirte the piilillc with tlm
rlRht mid proper kind of Mrlie To
mnkp nil necennttr) polellne exleli
nloii nt nil time ilurliiir the life nf
thin lettnt Hint inn) hpcume hecppnnr)
tu nerp Hip public nt ni own a
penne ' fourth 1 hileh) nxren Hint Hip
prpnent nchcdult nf prlcpn chnrKcd
the publlo nt thin time nhnll not ho
rnlned iliirlnR Hm life nf mild tonne,
hut rciero tlm right tu lower the
mien nt liny time nhuuld tho uptintlon
of the pin nt juntlf) It
' I If III Tu ketp Mild plant, nil pole
linen nnd t)er)thltiK In cnniicetlon
with nn,ld electric Unlit nml powtr
plnnt In n Rood ntnte of repair nt nil
time during the nald liknc nt in) own
expeiiMt, nml al the cxplrutlon of wild
leanu tu turn our thu plunt, nil pule
linen nnd txtennlunn within the tor
poVntn limit of nnld 1'rlce CII) In nn
Oil the 3d of Juuiiitr) lanl HiriUHll
llariiiH, nlnte themlat mnile h ill lulled
multar) umil)nl of the wutir of I'Uli
Creik where Hint nt renin emptlen lulu
the Price- rlir nvur I'nllun, fur A t
Kill, Jr tu di teriiilne the purlt)
wifety mid fltntHM of thin w titer for
nillmir) mid domtnili piirponeN for
tlm ill) of Prlu nnd tin other mm
miinlllen tu Hm wint thai figure on
imlng II After koIiik Into di tall Ut
considerable length nn tu tin lolilpo-
Itlou of thin wuter. Htate Chemlnt
I I arm toiulinliv
'Thin wntir lontnln u fair ntnuuui
nf nolldn, the ihuriulirUtltn of whlth
uro ntntttl Thenu are nuth la tlmr-
III ti r uml Muuntli) (ih urt prent In
the nvernge drinking walir The wa
ll r (IimiI) rntunblN thul fitim Dig
Cottonwood fan) on nm nf tin mulii
llpplle nf Halt l.uki I'll)
"Water toutuliilug 11 iiml nmoiiiil
of nolldn In alwii)n prtfernhh to Hie
one loiitiilnlng it high mnuuut nf nn
tin mntler Home uilthorltlen have
altmnptrd In plan the limit ur mifet)
of nolldn In 11 witter nt bilwetu fort)
und flfl) grain (ir Unltiil Hluten gal
lon 'Vet, owing to the geolnglinl for
niullon of the tountr), n lommiiull)
In ut 1 1 in en compelled tu live it witlir
tuntalnliig a hundreU ur more kpilun
per gilllon
C'iiUIiiiii uml inugntwlum ililorlib,
free lit Id, arid nultn, pohwmnua or
melullli Impiirllle, foreign (. an
well an oilier uhjetitlnnublu eoiMtltii.
entn, nre untlrul) ulwint Then fore
no objection whatever piIii be urgeil
ugliil tin iiilnenil toutuuU of thl
Ort,unltull eoiiMdered, the water
U of flmt-ikiMi organic pu,rlt) Neither
nltrnten nor iiltrllim are prtwont rpuii
kentle Ignition nf the renldue no for
ell.ll odor In emitted I'lirlborillore
the renldue ii n mil ilnder tlmr ur
blacken but lurktiM 11 trifle The
proportion of chlorine, ronpi(tll),
nudlum (hlorldi In exiwpllonull) low
ami would be Hip nimin of kteplng it
rvud) thi 1 k upon tlm purlt) of thin
'Thu amnuntn of free nnd albumin
oid ammonia nn well uv ox)geii ton
numed ure nuth un tn place the wattr
Into tho claim of flrnt iluxn purlt)
Kiiuall) fuorablok rtntultn win ob
tained In a cartful baiterlulogleal ex
amination, knowing that the water I
abiolutel) free from colon baullliu or
other dincano producing orgauUmn
"All of tho uboe teita umply eon
firm that nu eontamlimllou of the
water by now age, seepage, drainage or
oilier uoiircen ut pdlullon ban taken
good or bettir ph)nlcnl condition nn
they ute no In, all new extcnnlonn rn
made li me during thp lenno to bo
como tho propirt) of mid clt) free of
nn) nnd all Imlchlednpmt without cont
tu mid clt)
'Thai nn it part of thp cnnnldcrntlon
on behnlf of Hip ill) of Prlcp. wild
ill) nhnll grant tn mid I II M.1111 n
n frmiihlne for tht purpiw ni Intlng
ntpnmplppn fur fumlnhlng heitl tu thp
lumlnpM nectlnn of mid tl') for 1
perlml of twent)-flp )enm nn Ihenp
'On Ninth ntrect bctwepii the lien
er nml I Mo (Inuide Irarkn tu I
On I nlreil frnm Hltlh u Tintli
On Keventh nlrcet lelween III
anil J ntreetn.
On Highth nlrect from it point two
hundred feet miiilh nf the Denver end
Ulu (Irattdp trutkn tu J ntrett
Thnl nt the expiration of mid Iran
llu rll) nf Price will OHtln. lo lip pnld
tu J II Mhihhui Hip nitunl ph)nlcnl
vnluntton nf nil ntemn nmliin (ur nlentn
linen) the valuation tu lie arrived nl
b a iiimiulttee tu lie nplmlnted Kite
mnmUpr In Im npimlntpd by Hit clt)
mid one b the leenee mul the twu lu
nplHiInt 11 third ulim flmllugn nhnll
be final
or I will retain tin Mtnmplpe
tern wllh the iiiiilrmtHndliig of being
grunted n 111 w frniithlnp fur IiphIIiik
nUtht end nf I went) five )pm
And thnl nil mid ntpampltpM and
comipcllonn therewith nrt tu biTome
llu property of mhl tit) frc of ill
Indebteilnene of ever) kind and nature
nnd Hint till riinlnirtn between the
mid J II Mnlinnn nt the date of the
explrnllon nf wild lenne nhnll Ik turned
over lu the mid tit) '
IMImuted mvlngn lu the tit) nf
Prleo nhuuld the people determlnp tn
lenw tbilr light mul puwtr plant un
pigures Are submitted 41
Uonded llidebledlipnn wld off . $ 38,000 00 111
Ten )chiV Interenl nu prppelit debt 16,000 00 111
Twent)-(IVP )pnrn ntreet trghtlng V-nllied nl $3191 tC . . U,l 00 )li
Tvvent)-tlp )enrn' current for pumping wndr it I prtwent tmnnuinp- frfli
Hon, valued ut $1037 I J . ... 35,92X311 tfLJj
TtviiiD-flvC )enrn ourrriit for inhtlug puldln building, entlmaled 7,t00 00 kHI
Twinty-fhe )ourn upkeep banetl on t, per et nt prr milium on In- flH
VPnlmetit of $10,000 110 60,000 00 . JH
TuJal .... $171,393 3( M
lnn Intcrpnl tu be Hild un hoiiiU tu dull nf optional n) liienl X, 170 00 H
llnlinioe . $170.133 36 H
Amuuiil pnld J II .MmiMiii ut the rate nf $760 00 per innutli 16,760 00 jH
llitcrtnt un iHindn 3,036 00 jH
l)t preelntlon Inncd oil 6 ier wilt per nlinum 3,339 6 jH
$31 774 H
Tntul Income from nil nolinen uvcrngliig $$97 47 per month 18,848 47
I.okh to ill) for twt nt) -one month $ 3 93$ It U
plute The water U bright, i tear i-ol-orlen
odorlenn uml of u plpnmtul litnte
III I rh f Inviting lu the do mid tn the
Tin rt fore from Hit ubove di tailed
minltnr) wnter unnl)nln I nm furitd
tu Hip (iintlunlnn that tin water fiom
I'Uli Cnik un niilimllted to mo I pir
fetll) wife mid fit fur all iiillnar)
mid doinentle purponen The vvutur,
lu full, form it vi r) dcnlrublt one fur
ull hiiunehold iiih of it town or mu
nicipal nuppl) '
MISS ikum: l IKJl.S
hisiitint iion or hooks
l.eitim iiiRlug ciimplliiuip with the
luw requiring that fifteen untn fur
tver nthmil ihllil lu pitch count) be
net iildn for the puriliiiKi of llhrnty
bookn ure being mut out lo nciioul
nuperliitendenln uml librarian", by
Minn Mary Dovvui) ntute llbriir) or
gan Ixir
Man) of llu loiintle nre llvlux up
tu the law uml urn nhuvvlug renulln
Niyn Minn Dow dp) The) urn inlab
lUhlng traveling llbrarlen uml nre
even tending out Imukn by pun el pont
tn ihlldreii In remote part nf the
i mint) I mn urging that u leunus
h) grmlen be tnken lu each count) nn I
that when bookn are vent nut fr in
the llbrnr) cenum In othtr toMin
the) gu lu ullotnunla of one book for
inch ililld of enth grade The plan
mm tu f urn lh naih ililld wltli a dlf
fen ul hook about once In twu
wei kn.
The Hun given npnlul utlviitloli lu
tut nf town order uml reiuenta for
tier the proposition submitted by 3. If M M
M a no n, now on file with City Tic- jH M
cordcr ltiibi r nml dated Kebrunr) H M
30, 1917, nre given In n subjoined Wm
table IIH
In connection with the statement of fH
pstlmntetl mvlngn tn the clt) nnd ntnn ''l
Income nnd dUl urnement flgurcn pre- Ibafl
nentid nn given above, MoJinun says PB
If the clt) ciintluuen to opornle the TB
plant for n pirlod of Iw cut) -five )carn ' 'H
miller piencnt lomllllon It would still Hj
be owing Hip bond nnd will have paid '
Interent nn bondn nmnuntliiR lo $37 fH
000 00, benlden Inning In operntlng ex- B
pennen nml upkeep of plnnt In It not H
better tu I nine thp plnnt nnd receive -H)
It Imck lu twi nt) flvp )enrn guaran- HI
teed tu be In nn good or bitter condl t JB
Hon than It In nt the prenent time m
fne of Imteblednenn of eviry ohnrnc- ( H
ter, reeelvn free i urn nl nnd power r K
for lighting the street pumping It H
wntir mid lighting Itn bulldlngsT lsB
. Without further burnt the elty In IIH
not nhlp lu innke the extension uec i H
enmr) to nuppl) the people of Prlci -H
with the current dpnlrrd Hevernl ex V B
telislonn have been nsked for during fflB
the mst three ur four )-pttm but nom m
hnvp lieen built I'ndor Hip proposed -B
Ipnnp thpnp exleilslon will be built ''
money will be llivesleil lu gel more m
ituisiiinrm, n heating plant wilt be es B
tnbllnheil nml mnlutitlniil frnm wantt fB
nleum from the plant under learn 4 .
thereb) retllltlng the rnnt nf hiiit lu HI
nwiiern of bimlnem blurkn within the t Bl
blinluenn nectluii nf thp clt) I Hi
Ulth the prenent bonded Imlelit rla
eilllenm fur eteilrlc light n moved It fBU
will give Hip tit) power tu bund for fBT!
Iwi ut) -five lliolimml dollnrn more (vfl
for good nml bettir water The prcn- rBl
nt iHiudlng Mm t of the tit), over nnd '1K
hImivp priseut bund, In about eight)- Wj
flvi thousand dollar If tho elcctrk ',H
light ImiiuI were paid thin would In JH
i reuse our bonding limit to one bun
drpil nnd ten thutimnd ilollnrn M im
ntallum r) mid ufflee Mippllwn Print Ml
nig mid iiierthuidlp fur ram hineii, Bfll
fanner, merihaiitn mid mlnern nre HJBJ
prumptl) fllleit mul limlled nut b Bflfl
pari t In MHH
I Ask The Cook
She Knows HI
Tin aim uii) tu keep it good flHfl
took In tn fiirnUh tier nume- iMH
thing tu Look with Nothing bet- Hbb
ter iennin her limn it pi r feet SH
stove uml uiensll SHaj
The perfection nf utility uml !
cumfurt III voiiIIiir In obtained 'Bl
If )ou Install one of our fuiuom jBHj
Htevvurt steel range IBvfl
And be sure Hint a full sup- &
pi) of our elegant grunltu or tHl
aliimliium waro rocs with It lVBl
Come right In nnd me Hum (hHI
Till) re biuullr IMS
, C, Wccter lumber Co, 9
When )ou want a short order
meul we can serve )ou to suit M
your tastes Kvcr) thing mod- Hfl
ern and up to tho minute We '
oater to thoso who are In a bur- aH
ry Hver) thing strictly sanl- BV
tury and of highest quality. 'BV
Main HI , I'ast of Kko Theater iBB
Coal Miners Wanted I
Year round work guaranteed with all the cm a IH
tho men can load. First-class boarding house on tBI
the ground. Good accommodations. tBI
Carbon Fuel Company I
Rains, Utah. IH
0, W. MATTISON, General Superintendent. , .

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