Newspaper Page Text
HI PAGE SIX THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY . MARCH j I ws I H ii) (elected golden barley from finest H HH M i -II rice ibA purest mountain brook water. H B ftSSj LOCAL DISTHIHUTOR. U H PROFESSIONAL CARDS K l i) it. r r. ciiAMiuniiiAiN HHI Plijslclnn nnil Hurgron pjpflH ! Offlco In Vllla-I!onomo IJIock. ' 1'ltlCi;. UTAH. H , I I7j im. it. c. mi:r.v H &. Dental Burgeon v tX llooms 4-6. Vlglln-llonomo Dldg., H i VA PIUCB, UTAH. m. ! ' M l ; siahk. i. iiitAi'i'irr H ; j Allnrncy-nt-Uiiv i H , Third Hour Judge Untitling M j I HALT I.AKIi CITY. 1 4 i B u. a. mcoi:i: I H AltoriiejrntJnvv H Vlglla-llonomo lllook. I j l'lticii, utah. I H , . i VinUHNAM) KIllCKHKN i B I Attoriicy.nt-I.nw I fl ' 717 Judge Untitling I M BAI.T UAKH CITY. UTAH. M , Fitinniiiicic it woods Hj l Itooms II nnd It, Rllvagul lllook. 1 H . f PlllCK. UTAH. I , 4 H 1.vjiui:ri a. kino Judge Pudding. SALT 1.AKI: CITY. UTAH. 1 1 MIM IX MIIXKU. M.U.A.A. I 1 1 I.IcciikoiI Architect ' Vermont lliillillnic I jH 8AI.T I.AK15 CITY, UTAH. I H 1 H j I HAM VCAI.'O t H f Notary Public I l ' 1 I Itallun Work it Bpeclalt). L I HIAWATHA. UTAH I B 4 H I (7AIHION COUNTY AI1STKACT COMPANY. HMji ), V. Hammond, Manager. HI, Abstract of Title J'urt.Ulicil ) . to Any Tlece or Tract In Hnslern 1 UA- B I'lre Insurance Written In the l , Ilest Companies Doing lluslne ksB ' In the State. Ileal Kstate, Hands, fl l aoMen Itule IlultJIne. K l'UICi:. UTAH. I FfORRESTER 5 LEdER l PRICE, UTAH HJ H , General Engineering H j and Geology ,. j Second Floor Silvagrii BIdg. IM Tyiewrter rlUbom anil carbon u- 1 5 1 jiert The Bun I'ttOllATi: AM) nUAUI)IA'HIIII, ' NOTICIX m ! (Cotmult county clerk or the reipec- ' live ntgncm for further Informntlon.) in tiii: ihstuict coriiT op tiii: Hrvrnth Juillclnl Dlntrlit of thn Hlnto ' of Utah, In nnd for Cnrhon County, In Dip Mnttt-r nf thfc Kutute nf Atnnnnlou j Vrrnnthnke, OIIhtuIx' Known nit Tom VrnliM, Decvniwil, Notice, to Creill torn. Creditor will prevent eloltnii with ouchenv to the unilcmlKncd lit 2:6 Krnriw liulldlnif. Halt I-nko City. Uluh, on or Imfor the 1 6th i&y of Juno, 117. JIM CIIUY8AKI8, Ail-, inlnUtrHtor of AIuiuhIiiii Vcrnnthnke. Morrla A Cnlllnter. Attorne fur Ad mlnlHtrntor, I'lrM inl... IVI. ICi lnt March 16-17. NOTICIS TO CIIKDITOIIH. HHTATIJ of Nick Kmirim. nllim Nick Konklu tnoii. diKcnitrd. fri'dltiim will ireent tdiilnm' with uiclur to the under nlKiied nt ItiMpin No. I, VlKllii-ltonniiKi liulldlutr. I'rlcw. IJtuh, on or befurf the tith iluy of July, A. !., 1917. C'llltlHT KOl'lvlAMOK. AdinlnUtrntor of K Itvto of Nick Koiirnii. hIImm Nltk Kcn klfllliiHt, deeiMli'i'd. Ilmt iub. Mnnh 9. Inl Apr I 1017 suititirrs in tiii: hi:v. nth Juillclnl DIMrlct Court or the Htutc of I'tnli, In and l'or Cnrlion County. Wttern I.imn nnd Uiillillnx cotntnny. 11 roriHimtlnn, plnlntlfr n. Hiinlce lluntcn. ndmlnUtmtrlx if tho enlHtH of A. II. Iluntell. dlH'riled, it ml Itunlcc lluntcn, ilefeuilnntit. To bt imiIiI nt nherlff'H Mile on thn 3 IhI dm of Manh. 1VI7. lit S o'clock in nt the front door of thn county i-uiirt unto In I'rlco. I'iuImui counts, I'tah thn followliiK lei Ibeil mil ratatc nit iintH hi I'rki', Carbon count) , I'luh ConiuieiuiluK "l the norlln'Hit corner of Uit Om. (I). 1 1 lock thirty (3U), I'rlcn tovn-lte nurvcy. nnd thence ruuuluK iu th nWty-ufVcn nnd one half (67 m feel; tlienre ift one hun ilrrd nnd lxty (ISO) feet; thence north nlxty.Ht'Ven nnd onphiilf (071.) feet; thence wmt one liuuilrcil nnd rlxt) (160) feet In the plate of lw Ktnnliis, toKether with nil itppnrtiu uncm of every mime nnd nature In eludlnic all w titer n ml water rlKhtH whether repreocnteil by Mock In 1111 Incorporated comiHiny or otherwl-i nr.oitoi: coi.i.inoham. Kherirr or Carbon County, Utah. I'lret pub. Mitrrh :, lout Mnnh "11 17 NOTICI-CNITKI) STATICS UVI Office. Halt IJike CJty. Utah, Jun Si 1917. To Whom It May Comtrn No tlco In liHreby Kleu that the nlntr cf Utnh haw riled In thU office U or land. iHtlectetl by the Mltl Mate un der Hoc, li of the net of coiiicrc" up proMl July IK, 1891. hk Indemnity' nchool Imnln. U Herlal 0190:s, HWIjHWt,, Kw. 9. Tp. 11 Kautli, itaiiKw 8 Kait. Halt Ijtke mcrldluti I Co pi wt or wild IUI. ihi fur hi tluy re lata to Mid t rutin by dwwrlptlw mil ilhlHlonii. hiie been c4innpUuniiii" IHMtted In thbt offlco for limpet lion by jHiiy perMin Interotted anil by the put He K-nerit1ly. Durlnir the tierlod or I publication or thl notice, or au t nu tliereafter. ami before final appriAal und certification, under depurtini nlnl reifubitloini of April 31. 1907. protects or contBtn akKlimt the 1 latin if tile tatu to any of the tracu or ibtl ilon heielnbefoi tlemrll'cd. hi the Krotind that the name U more nlu aatdt) for mineral thun for nftrlcultur a) purpoi, will be recelwd and no ted for report to the Bcnerul land of flco lit Washington, I). C. 1'iilluro no to protest or content, within the time polflcd, will be coiuldored xufflclent evidence of the non-mlnerul charac ter or the tract and the Holeetlonn thereof, IicIiik otheruUe free from ob Joctlon, will be approved to the Htate. OOUI.D II. IllAKItl.Y, Itek'Uter. Tint pub., I'cli. 23; lust March 23-17. Stationery anu office nuppllen at The 8un. GOAL MERCHANTS 10 BENEFIT BY A REDUCTION M'KCIAIj HTOHAOK HATK WKNT into i:Fri:cT mondav. Artlio )M-riitlon of Mine Im Axxurcil Hy Ilnrly Onlcr Soi'liil I n-lRbt llntr Cor t'oluf IW'Jonil Dstlcn Are Now In Kffccl. Con I merchant north of ORden will benefit by n reduction or tnenty-riva cent n ton In coal (mulatto from Car bon county mine beginning Inxt I Monday, according to an announce ment made by II. IT Mudne, prcnldcnt of the Denver and Itlo Ornndc. ThU Lpcclnl rate l for routing beyond Og- ,dcn by way of tho Ogden, Ignn and Idaho rallrond. Similar nrrnngemente I probably wilt be made In tho near I future between the Denver nnd Itlo Ornnde and tho Oregon Hhort I.lnc. In conneetlon with the differential .nt polntit north of Ogden, It In mltl haulage charge from Helper to Halt Ijike City will bo reduced twenty-rive iciil it ton beginning April Int. Thlx I will be n iipeclal rate for ntorlng coal during tho Hummer and represent an largo n differential na ever ha been made to Kail l.nkc City merchant. ! lllg Onlcr rillctl. ' A l. I'lcmon, nale agent for I'tnli 1 1'uel company, My that the etnh lldhmcnt of n mimmer differential wilt menu tho operation or all the mil In Carlton county nt roll ca pacity during tho spring and summer nnd that preparations already hnve been made ror cxtenulu storing of coal, not only by smeller nnd big biislne loncern and manufacturing plant, but by owner of residence. ' Many of tho retail coal merchant already have begun receiving order for coal for delivery for summer stor age," said rierson. "I am mtlfled that tho demand for storage will lie so largo that the mine will bo owr ated lit top speed throughout the , sprlnit nnd summer nnd thn hauling or coal from Carbon county to points , beyond promise to be continuous "Hxpcrlonces of the last winter seem to have awakened all user of coal to tho necessity for storing coal nnd there Is reason to believe the storing of fuel will be the heaviest In tho history or the state. In nddltlon there will be n henvy demand ror Utah cool rrom points beyond tho state and especially rrom the Pacific Coast nnd the Northwest." No Wrtste In Storage. 1'lerson added that thero Is little danger of wnsto In tho storing or Utah coal and ho questioned ir coal dealers were sincere when they com. plained bcrore the recent legislative coal shortage Investigating committee or consequential shrinkage In coal"r ter It has been stored. 1 P. A. Sweet, president of the Stand ard Coal company, says somo of the largest contracts for rurnlahlng coal during tho summer are being con sidered by local mining companies from n number of railroad, which linvo found It necessary to return to coal nftcr using oil fuel, the prlco of which now I considered prohibitive. HANK I'OOMHHNISS. You occnslonally sco It stated that colds do not result rrom cold weather. That I rank foolish nans. Wero It true colds would bo a prevalent In mid summer n In midwinter. The mi crobe that causes colds flourishes In damp, cold weather. To get rid of n cold take Chamberlain' Cough Item ed)'. It I effectual nnd Is highly rec ommended by peoplo who have used It ror many yenrs na occasion required nnd know It renl value. Obtainable everywhere The acquisition through the gift of the mtinUlpnllty of Tokyo of budwood from tho famous Arnknwii collection of flowering cherry tree and their propagation on Introduced Japanese cherry stock ha put the United Htate agricultural department In n IHixltlon to glvo n wide trial In the near future to the hnrdlnes of theso superbly beautiful tree a dooryard anil park tree. The Hun gltcx special attention to out or town order nnd request ror stationery and offlco supplies. Print ing and morchnndlro ror ranchmen, farmers, merchant nnd miners are promptly filled nnd mailed out by pnrccls post. Try Tho Bun for your Job work. SAYOY BARBER SHOP Ileit In Town. Hubs In Con I necllon. Try U for Service. j J. fl. CALLAWAY, Proprietor. AN ATTRACTIVE DESIGN WiTH OREAKFAST ROOM, Diilin EC, by Clenn L. Snxtan, Architect. MlnneanolM. Minn. pKflBftuSstss&JHHsjP 11 i!r ' PKUSl'KCTIVi: VIKW-I'IIOM A PIIOTOOICAPH pitt?r'rv!?VB'! fci' 'v-?iSiJsBP,'"iiiLBi INTKIMOH VIKU'-imLAKPAST IIOOM TIIC brenkfiiHt nook provided for In thin ilctUu offer mi unusual oppor tunity for n varied color scheme. Walls of brown would suit well with straw scntH of brown. lluiiglnun sliould mutch noiiio proinlueni lliHir color, any lu u mi', uml tliu furniture In wliltu cnuinel could Im brouglit Into luirinoiiy with tho color of the sent, The ctueineiit wIiuIowh uru. npiiroprliilt' fur n tuunll room. This breukfust loom U twelve feet square. Cost to build on the untie of the pictures shown about f IO,o(it, exclusive of lieathiK mnl iiluiublni; Upon receipt or $l tho publisher of thin paper will furtihh Baxton' plan book, "AiuerKITii l)vulllyile' wlilcli contains over S00 designs, costlne to build from f l.dX) to 10,000; alio a book of luterlor, f 1 per copy. Keeping Step With the Times ' 1 . ; It is hard to do in nn ill fitting, unshapely shoe. Your : I feet need your best attention they support you. Slip them : I Into a pair of our superb shoes and you will have II PERFECT FOOT EASE ! ! The hurry and rush of the times demand the full and ! I free use of your feet. You are assured of this when you ! I wear our shoes. They cost no more than the "other" kind. ; ; Everything in seasonable merchandise for Men, Women, : ; Young Men, Misses nnd children nt these stores, and at the ' ', right prices the seasons round. 1 mmm t . , . Wasatch Stores Co. li Stores at Sunnysfdc, Winter Quarters, Clear Creek nnd j ; Castle Gate, Utah. j "? .4 4 ltubber stamp nnd stamp pads, badges, trado checks, labels and ev erything In office supplies, stock tags In aluminum, notarial nnd corpora tion sent, stencil, etc, Tho Sun. NOTICi: OP HI'IXIAI, WATCH CON TltACT IXIXTION, I'llICK CITY, CAHIION COUNTY, KTATH III' I'TAH. Notice Is hereby glen that on Hat unlay, the 10th day of Mareh, 1917, 11 special election will be hold within tho city limit of Prlco City, Carbon county, Utah, for the purpose or sub mitting to such qualified etc tor of so hi city n shall have paid 11 property lax therein, for the year preceding such special election, the following proposition, towlf Hhall tho City nj Prli, Cnrhnn county, stata or Utah, enter Into n contrail with A. C Kills, Jr., nnd as sociate, their successor nnd nsslgns, ror suppblng tho said City or Price with water, such contract to be sub stantially n follows: Tho sn hi A. C. Hills, Jr.. and asso ciate shall within lwelo month front tho execution of said contract, deliver or cause to be delivered to the snld City of. Price In 1U reservoirs, 30,O0O gallon or reasonably pure wnlcr or said Price river per day, and shall con tinue In deliver the said nmnuiil nf water In said reservoir continuously therenrter for the period of twenty five jiiir. Hald City or Prlrc, In con sideration or tho delivery or said wa ter as aforesaid, shall pa) or i-iium to bo imld to said A. C. Kills. Jr., nnd associates, their sucrwwnrx or assigns, the sum or M.CIO.OO per )eur. The iwlil City of Prlre shall hiiw th right and privilege or r. elvlng In It rtir olrs aforesaid from wild A. C Kills. Jr , and associates, their sucrMHr or assigns, such additional water n mild A C Kills, Jr., nnd nsoelates. their successor or uslgns. may be able to dillvir to sold Price City, upon It-request Hald City of Price fchull y to said A C Kills, Jr., und nwioelatc, their succcuwir or assigns, nt th- rnle of eight cent pr thousand gallons pir day, to tho amount or 200,000 gal lons additional per day, nnd seven tents per thousand gallons so furnish ed In excess of sut li above amounts, Thn suld water so to bo delivered to so Id Price City, pursuant to the term of such contract, shall be diverted from said Price river ut u point itnl less thun twenty-four miles above the wild City of Price and rrom thence conve)cd to tho reservoirs or raid City or Prlco by means or it pipe lino to be constructed by suld A. C. Kills, Jr and associates, their jiuccessoro or ......t...... Tho said I'll) of Price sliull, upon delivery of such water In II reser voir, have sole and exclusive charr.o and direction over the distribution or the said water to the Inhabitant or said City or Price and ror municipal purposes, and suuli distribution nnd control over the same, nftcr such wa ter shnll be delivered In said reser voirs, shull lo without any cost or ex paike whatever to mltl A. C. Kills, Jr., and associates, their successors or lis r.lgns l'or tho purpose of determining the amount or water delivered to sold City of Price lu It roservolrs, its above pmlded, the said A. C. Kills. Jr.. und nt:' kUUh, their suecesHors or assign, shall cause to be Installed ut thn point of derlviry Into such remnlr some standard meter or measuring device, and the umount of water so delivered, 11:1 ascertained and determined by 11 proper rending of such meter or measuring device, shall be the Itusls ror tin payment of the sums required It') be paid puntuitnt to the terms 1 h- re if H1n.l1 measurement of the quantity 11 r water delivered as above provided, Khali be made upon the first day of uuli month n to the umount of water delivered during the preceding calen dar month, und payment therefor shall bo made on or before the 10th tluy of the month during which juu-h reading fir determination shnll hnve been mado. The said contract shall exist and continue for the period of twenty-five years rrom Its execution, and ror and during such period tho said A. C. Ki lls, Jr., and associates, their succch stirs or assigns, shall be obligated to rurnUh suah water tinder the terms and conditions hereinabove set forth and prescribed, The said A. C Kills, Jr and usso dates shall have the right to usslgn, set over nnd deliver the said 1 ,ntrM nnd nil right growing nil of ik, same unto a corporation to I orru Ixed for the purpose of tnkl. g otit such contrarl nnd suppljlng r h i ter. Upon the expiration or th t rm u said contract tho said City 1 f Prki shnll have the right to purdn-.c frtk ihiIiI A. C Kills, Jr, und a . ltut their successor or nsslgns tl tlik to transport through such t 10 llu to so hi City of Price, n hcN.ratov provided, the said waters nt the tlitt of tho expiration of suili lontra tU Ing delivered lo said ( ty if Prkt pursuant to the term of said 1 r.lrtct nt such price ns may ho thru unreel upon between tho sold City of ifkt and tho said A. C Kill, Jr and 1 soclales, their rucccssor or axilcu by arbitration, nnd until such Curd Prlco shnll rurchaso such right In Us manner aforesaid, or shall tnt.r InU such further or nddltlonal r mlra t u may bo agreed upon, the said A C 13 Us, Jr., nnd associates, their runt sors or assigns, shnll be ohlhcitril U supply such water upon the terms til condition-! herolnbefnro speilfled AU for tho purpose of nrrlvlng nt nA vnlue of such right to transport tuct wnlcr. by nrbltrntlon n nforrtciM, Ut said City or Prlco shnll nppolnt s arbitrator, nnd the said A C KtlU Jr., and associates, their surif ;irf assigns, shall appoint one, nr.d tl two thus chosen shnll iletermlr.i iutk purvhiise price, nnd In case thrv ru not agree, then these two thus cIiomi shall uppolnl it third nrbltrnt r tsi thn decision or tho majority cf tit three thus chosen shnll hi I .nJItt upon both parties to said contri t At wild election tho form 1 f l!M hall be ns follows. WATKIl CONTItACT KI.KUloN 1IAI.I.OT. (l'or or ngnlnst the wnhr t ipH eontrncl. Mark X In the squar, tils' right.) Vt L Poll CONTItACT r" N. J At Mhl election the polls sli ill iqieneO ut tho hour of 8 o'clock 11 at and closed ut tho hour or C c lor p. m, The voting lat ror nil qu.illtw elector or saltl Prlco City, Carle t'ounty, statu or Utnh, shall be ut ts City Hull, Price City, Utah, Dated ut Price City, Carbon count) stale or Utnh, this 3d day or Titr ury, 1917. lly order or the city council Price City, Carbon county, stat it Utah lly A. W. I10U8I.KY, Attest: Ma) ir U A. UUUKIt, City Kecorder NOTICH TO WATKH CKKIUv HUte Kuglneer's Office. Halt Mb City, Utah, I'eb. 9, 117 Noti-e hereby given thut Artumls Httvlsn udnkls. whoso postofflto nddriss k Price, Utah, has imtiln npplkatun b iierordauce with the requlreim its t the Coinplled Ijiws 11 Utah, 1907. ' itmeuded by the Session Iiw cf l'U 1909. 1911 and 1918, tn nppr prlit two und two-tenth (SI!) culK-fcK or water por second rrom Coal Ctttl Carbon county, Utah. Raid wat rsK be inverted ut a point which !" north 20 deg. eust 1300 reel fr m Ik' southeast corner of the smith" quarter of Hec. 27, Tvvp 13 Hauls Haugo 11 Kast, Halt Ijike I 0 i4 meridian, and conveyed l mt in' it ditch ror a dlituiico of 70C0 feH Rnd there usod from Ma.' li lt " Beptumber 30th, Inclusive, if t' )ear, to Irrigate 160 acre of I11J braceil Ju the oast hulf or the W1' enst quarter Bee, 34, Tvvp, I ut llango 11 Kost, und In the en t half The northeast quurter or 8c TO II Houtli. ltango 11 Kast, Halt w base anil meridian. This u'b"" is designated In tho stute tiiKinf' office its No, 7013, All protests url the grunting of said application. " ting tho roasona therefor, must made by nffldavlt In Uupllfate compunled by n fee of 12 50, ntnl I' lu this offlco within thirty (, f.f ,nftor the completion or the puWj tlon or this notice. W, P l'Eb'w iRtate Kniclneer- ., Dato of first publication r' 1917, Oato of completion of puW" Uj tlon March 19. 1917. .M Merchant coupon book In "II nominations. Tho Bun,