Newspaper Page Text
GANTYOU SEE IT. You sny, Mr. Merchant, that you don't have to advertise lie. tause you have been in business so long that everybody knows vou. Well, there is n certain mail order concern in Chicngo thathn probably been in business as long as you have, and The Sun will fet a nickel to a gingercake that every person that reads these lines can call the name of that firm. And we -a 111 bet, further that over half of your customers have catalogues of this firm in their homes right now. They sec the value of advertising. CATTLE IFF SOME, BUT SHEEP ARE STRONG oii.oui ru.i'ri:i sti:i:us top Tin: maiikix M.x Mr nml reveler Are tlringlng llfcli Prlcr, homo At Mom Than Trn Hollar u lliinitirfl Hog Were? Tni Cent lamer Tlinn Irfiat Week llioliv Wcadcel limine Al 817.00. 1 P ill Hpetlnl Service. "k'vNHAK'i'ITV, Mo.," May 7. Cat ti tr ripl ' fourteen thotiannd hend x, mi tinted twent) -three hundred hod t Mock cnltle that Hcd through Mat. rein), but thnl loft a lib ul numlnr, nml u heaV) run nt Chi a( weakened bll)cra here, rcMiltlng in a flleht ilrcllnr cm wimp of the Uttr many of Hip Meera alend), jt her entile nnd alocke rn nml feed er" Mruiig Thirteen thousand hog ,,11 tn cent lower, top 116.76, nml 'ijr iliiiiiwinil ahrcp aold atrong, Arl r n.i nirhiK Innib 1 1 COD. The bcM tile lirri' were pulpfcd ateer from dirndii nml Wcatcrn Nebrnaku, nihlriii enra of the.- aclllng nl 112.00 li 112 2j, beat nntlvea here nt 111 76 l, 112 i0 abort fed native $10.50 to III i0 light weight cuttle without nuh flrah $ 00 to 110.00. The aup- ,1 uf pillpfed enttle wna iniriy-nvc ira a'ntit half n ninny n on recent Mjndiva. Pew nre In alght for Inter ii week nml the aupply of Hint klml i ill l ver) IlKht nfter thl week. IMt hruittl hohl their atrcngth, tho .iri.h fur Miballtutca for ateer nl till ami nlwn riMiltlng In high prlcea f r nwa, heifer nml bull. Hood inw : il nr nml IIU on, liulla up to lio.on I If. rx III 36, Vciil enhea to 113.60. C t I .lil of lnek Meera aold nt $10.30 Me Ural thliiK Ihl morning, it Mrnng tin. nml fntuy alnek heifer nt $10 J Pew alock Meera eell under urn nml Him k iuu commence r ml $7 00 IVedlnK ateer aell nt l '0 1 , $10 50. li feV fleh) ateera III Hi hM Week II l to til. 36. Price Itunll-flvc to thirty-five renl huhir tlmn u week ugo. wltll n very k I demand a good run of Iihk nt Chi- kj we ikenetl the altllutlon, nlid t if a Inn were ten centa lower, top if! medium weight up to 115.70. t UKht weight 116 40. hulk or ante I' 0 to $15 70 Kuppllea hen- lire tixmriilid by dully nrrlvul of hlp mrnH uf hog from WeMern range t t - California. Arlionu, New Mcx- i mil Colorado tnnrgnment ImvliiK ' me riRUlnr Incldenta. Thew hoa ar Kvncrnll llxht welisht. bill Hat i ' l meelltiK a Komi ilemmid from ii mukrra, mid anlea of hoira 160 Jt b nml upwiirda nxeniKi leu I" ' t I (in centa blither limn l" K llk'x Mil ut $11.60 to $13.76 III '' 'I l IfCX (li. I., wnuli'd Inmlm aold up to $li.ii liH week, uml Umba of Hint nr imiiid brhiK more monej tndn, III r wcro nn offered. ArUcmn I I'lillfornln aprlnif lumba null tic il $R60 liiNt'week, aome Arl- ' iml unite an ijood here today lit lfc n Tc xna la n IdK dlauppolnt- mem aemllni; only xery amull ui- tin i of inmimui ahrei, nml few' kouI- i. dmlile deck of Auvoni hrunhera. M ouii poumU nvernKe aold nt U'jl laM Week Twent) thoUMIld n Inr Kouta would be reiilred tu fill "' r iilreud) held here. ITII SKICK WITIISTAXIIS ItK.OItS OP II.MI1I WIXTIJIl I i Mock III tile llitermolllltuln ir i aim thro 'Kh the hnrd win. ' f in bttnr condition lluiti ' nl l tlioiiKlit, mid aheepmen mid cut ' m ii throiiKiiotil Utah. Idaho. W)o- H e mid Moiitiinn nre mnkliiK prep- H 'HlHM for the futtenlnK of their li HKiirdlliK to I'hnrlea 13. Unlxer M "Klru, vice prealdont of Hi' 1,r" H tn ti lunik nt Halt Uike City, While H"M t)f tlm cattle uml aheep had 1' ii lf ,t im a, count or lack of iniy H I reri) mid the cold weather, he anld "mi .ill In ull tin- Hie atoik men nre M i! r plenacd wlih Die altuntlon than H'' hud hoed to he. Kt r Mild the heuxleM Iomh In he B "i i liv the woolurnwera of the In B' rn miitnln coiiiitr) would he n ar 1' l or thi lamldDU Kouaon not be ' k ' ' profit idle na In former )ir. 'rts H due to the liluh diMith rule ' t iiik Ihe Inniba. The urli-ei, he ' il uould be hlKher thla Sear Hum V1'1 re Inat aclivoii, ueiordlnK to nlJ B1 ' function whluh had leeii received ' Pit Hit. atoik men of the Inter 'n nticlii rountr) M :i I'luli. KuIh.t auld. the ahevp M' : r.i had experlenred loanca on uo K J..t of the Inability to get to the mintr rmiKea ut the proper time. r' " ihcep In Southern Utnh nre n1o "'' lv'nlncr to be In Kod eondl- K Shec-p PoImiiiIiic Chm'h. B M r conductlnK n thoroush Invea B Kill m uf recent plnla to polxon aheep m ' tin Arizona line In the aouthern Jl in of the atate C 11 Blew art. aecre H'r f the rtali WoolKrower, no- """M haa reported that aiifflUent nx in. (Miit-nie will be ut hnml l'lilii u few ili,i to orvauiit the cnxe H (Continued on tase elsht ) CASTIE GATE KEWS ftnli I'm I Kmplo)rH ltnlM Pin With Pntriolle Procnim Correnpondince The Hun CABTLK (1ATK. May J -t.t fn. Inu wna fpent In n ve-rv paltlotl, man ner lure The employra if the me rhmilent ilpixtrlment of Ptah Pud company rnlaed a lenutlful ti ii bv twenty foot "Htnrr) Ikiniier' on n nearby cliff. A number of the towns people together with the CaMlr (late band Iwred heaiU whll. tlir emblem wna ael flimtlng n the breeae. while "The Htnr HixiiiKtecl llaniier wna pla)ed li) the Iwml The ltc P A HlmpUln of Halt Uike I'll) tmve n trlotle nddreaa nt Hie KulRhla or P. thlna f tall Inter In the evenliiK cm Pa triotic America " lie khvc n ver complete hlMory of the fnllel Hthti from the foumtlnK of America to the prenent time, iilno rev hw lux Hn prea ent Internntlimnl crlrli', mid lailmt Mr CM on thla part of the nddrea what we na American citizen at lhi llnu ahould lie chillier Ver true wc In lleve hla wonU that thien of lla who are doltiK our work in KitthiK the "dunk) dlAmonda" from Hie hilln nn pciformhiR our dill) to our coutilrv, bee mine We believe thla la one of the moot eamntlnl fnctnra In the mtiflUt Thi fnrtorlea of thla Kri-nt AmtrUnn coullneiil iiiuat lie kepi riinnlim In or der Hint thla crli-l en il be broiiRhl to ii aiicceMful conclliplon Wc ioiild like the utile r toima of Ihe coiinlv to hnve the plenaiire na we have lind of luniil lit the ltd Hlmpkln on Patrl old Aiuerlcn." mid If tin uppi rlunlt, eoima have the itraile mliool ihlldrur atleml. na our hlMor) of Atnerlcn U told them In n tnniiuer wi plain nml exidlilt that It ennnol be fnrK ilten Wc hupp to have the plenniire c.f hear InK the Itei Hlmpkln nidi it beforp the Klllllllll'l in mi M"i, Ornllf)liiK II l t note the mini r of cllhteiia who nre feiiilnic In tin Ir Uuk MinlK and idnntliiit Kardi na of ViKitHblea The) nn in be comuielld ed on their Mdemlld-work and atdrlt otin Ihrrifi. realdeiit eiminecr for I'lnh I'm I comiKtti) IimIhv innflrmeil a report that li HMn to leave lln, KiiKlurer llerrea Ima neceplrd h poal-' linn with the Pulled Hlalea Puel com pmi) na llillir nurlnlembiit We re tire t thai thla cMlmftblc )eillli limn I to pvp u. but have no feara for hi future fortune To know llerre I know Iiik n Keiitb limn from ever) nn lr. We wlll lllm well. miner llcMiiejcr. n former rraldeiil of OiMlc dale. Iiua enlUli-d for ae r Vlee III the Plllteel Hlnte luivy 11 en ond claw electrician We know he will make kim.iI a he hn In ever) thliiK hr hie inieli rtaken Mine our know Iiik him HMMll')e nml kimmI luck. Klimr Vou nre inrformhiK one of the IiIkIiiM nml KnicleM iltillea of nml in Hn, tiiiilini COAL IHOaiKIS Hciiiilimnii 'I Iml Whiin lo t.ei Pmik At IfiiiiN'ror or Jenunii). John II Kmbhton. formerl) u member of the famou luittleih IIIkIi land brlKftde. known n the "lilac k Watch," look out hi flret ellUcnxhlp IHipe r nt Hall I Jke City lM Monday and then cnllMed III the Pulled Kliitea arm) ut the re-criillliiK lailun there. Kiiiblwloii. who hn laen workliiK In ItliiKham, walked Into the nvruliliiK Million and lemnrked Hun In wanted to take a c nee k ut the kulner It wna found Unit It" u "l ,ll" x ii uml he waa informed that he could not enllM. lie Immedlnlel) went to the Joint biilldliiK nml took out hi paper, relurned to the recriiltliiK c.r fl.e nml wna aw urn In limbic Ion wrt elUohiUKed from the famou He "III I brlh-ade uflir the lloer war n' I1"" liimc to Ihe Pulled Hlnte. Till aame riKlment waa wiped out of exl.lence nl the biKlunhiK of Ihe preaenl war l, ihe lie rmnn trooiia. II. fore KolUK l llhiKhnm. uIhiIII ll jeur iiko. Kmbl.lou wu elliploce b) the Pulled Hlatea I'm I company at H c inp over He hn iiwm f lend In Carbon and Km.o couniy. ,,,.ledurlnBhlre.ldem.. inthl linn of the atate FARHERSRKlSTfilN(i Tinker .v sin. or i:i'" rill "''"" IllHIIIt lO Ct III' Th.niKh Ihe new law permlltliiK ,nu owner to reglMer their rami "me went Into effect uiili ll M'"" dii. tiroud farm owner wen- up be line to aeiure r choke of niimea ," H,e old homeMcud. HUM name were rcKl-tereil durliiK Hie da. and o. auh farmer o reKl.terl..K wa aled u huneUomel) lllhoKraphd " flcate bearlmt the farm name Vhe fee fr farm name reBMrallon la two dollar The farm i.nmea reKbe trenl and llu owner of the f"" "rmt.e Hell farm-Wllllam T Mrrl. Purouan ,,. & (lolden Hheaf mm h Tinker tt ""wmiaie f-nn-T. H Mn.lhew. OK.averelde farm-Ch.erle II Davl. ''X'ednle orhrd-UeorBe M. Can non . Co.. Halt iJike Ull). ' i'cho farm-Peter Anders.., ha- "T.odMoek farm-Hamuel ....... WZTvr farm-J. UUirk. Park Pit) Krult ahould never ber ilnaaed b Uuur" II I c u i.ece!!) m - -r I m roiiin cv'iiii y it i:i u n M c a n 7 , ll Entered n 8econd-afji Matter. June . Hit, nt the PoMoftlce at Price. Utnh. Under the Act of March 3. l7t. ' IH VOLUME 2; NUMBER GO EVERY FRIDAY MAY 11, 1917 1 OH IN TRAINING. ft ,,, CtUMPaSniHiP 4. i , LAND BOARD WILLING TO " GET BEHINDTHE PARMER The Mute laud board hu volun teered It icrvlrc ii it tato IiimIIiu IIiiii to (lov, Hlmon Itamberiier In the Inireowil ner.aiKe uml food production chiiiihiIkii, nml It tneinbera nre now widely dlperid over Ptah em n ml xlnn that pnimlnea to kIvp n tremen doll Impetii to thla jfiir1 nnrlcul tural work. In uddlllon, mail) farm that nre now miiely pa) Iiik the keep of their proprletora will be trnn formed Into efficient HKrlculturnl planta Hint will mnke money for their owner hiiiI ndd Krently to the Mate' leMiqric. Inplred by Hie pntrlotlc lutlvltle of the atnto council of de. feline nml numc rem chic uud aorlul iirKniilMllun. the iihiiiImT of the atate land board, which la In effect, one of the rlolieM bnuka In the Wet, went lo tlovernor llnmliorKir uud out-, lined h plan for iimIMIiik In Ihe nitrrl-( ctillurnl movement. When the) were thloUKh tlovernor HambtrKer aald "II'n kihmI. do loll" With (lov emor ItamhcrKi r'a upprovul Klven, not u day wn 1ot. Kach of Hie board mem bet, wllh the exception of Arthur Kiihii, wcretnn, vvlioae ireence waa itMentlal ut the cupllol, went lo hi own dlMrlct, hi fourth of the terri tory of I'luli. Probably u million dollar will be loaned to fanner of the Mute, uud men who will tuke up Mjite laud till" )e-ar throUKh the Indue eiilenl offered by the luml board. Where fuiniH uru lirodueliiK JuM ciioiikIi lo maintain Ihelr iroprletora for reaon of lack of eeuliment uml help. Ihe land board will offe'r n loan In the medud. Men waho are tlnliiK job work will be iirKnl lo tnke up ncrenxe on the Mate land. Tito advantage of each ilia trlct will be act forth. The Inml Imnrd will lend In auma raimliiK frnuf five hundred lo five thoiiauml dollar wherever link of fumla I the pole oh aliicle to umlertukliiK the eharniler of worlellie Koverument I puMiltiK The iiuiiiImt will vlilt ever) aeillciu of their ulloled dlalrlct. uud will em phnMte the pulrlolle feuture of their umlerlakliiK wherever they ko The board I In receipt of mnny uppllcu IIoiik for Inn n. While en tour offer Iiik loan, the bourd member will In-vi-IIkiiI Hie aecurltle offered on llume fcirmall) ri-picMed The fed low Iiik notice I Khen out by Kec re lury Kulin "About two thoiumul aire of of fered atate laud Intended to be Irrl Kictid from thu Piute atuto uwrvolr project eunnl, altuated be) ond the procnt terinlnu of the camel, will be opened to application lo purchuae nt Ihe'offlie of the Male Innd board on uml nfter June I, If 17. In opciiliiK till hind to application, II I provided that the ptirclumer limit r the aiiper vlxlon of Ihn atnle cunlneir, nuiM contriict the extenalon or Hut en mil nt their own expeime, and the muni I to become the property or the atuto na n part of thei )tem The aee re tar) or the board will furnUti nihil Honnl Information cm nuet" j LATEST THING IN MINE RESCUING WORK GMJOOI JHOMIHG HERE The find mine rescue car ever built under peilflinllon or the United Mlule bureau of mine wa on exhibi tion ut Halt IjiKh City luM Tuida) forenoon and nfle moon It waa con Mruited ul WllmliiKloii. 'Deltl . April SIM, wu prlvnlel) ahoivn lo the ec n lury or the Interior the hesid of ihe national bureau of mine nml u few aeiialor In WiiNhliiKlon, l. -'.. beforu comliiK lo I'luli It la ull Mleel uml e.wt twent) thotitiuml dollur The mine aarel) appliance uud recuo c-epilpmeiit uboard repreaent an outlay of lwenl)-lwo thoiiMind dollar. Of filial of moHt of thei biK mlnlUK tout panic of Utah, the Mate ImluMrlul commlaMloii mid membera of thu varl oii bUMlnea orKuulxullona ul Zlim viewed the cur while II wua "parked." The ceer will ahortl) lie In Curbon county. 'Car No 1." for na auch It la known b) Ihe erevv In ihnrife and the uulhor Hie ut WuahlURtoii, I) C , hua come to the Weal to auvo Uvea uml tench method or anvInK Uvea. It will travel lo uml fro ninoiiK the mlnlne enmpi, both coal and nutul, of Ptah, Nevada uml California, makliiK the inmplele round once u )car uml atarttnir over It ukuIi) without mi) InterveninK vu cation period. K HKldle. United State mlulns eiminecr, la In churKc IIU foreo Include John V llerr), ex pert mine foreman, Wulter P. P)iie, flrat uld Inatruitur, Donald Cook, clerk, nnd Jack Wnrd, cook Tho car will crulae perinnlall) ninoiiK tho mining camp, dcmoiiMratlnff mothod of getting men out of the mine fol low Iiik cxploMon, training miner In relief method uml currying from imnp lo lump the new of the luteal aafct) device being experimented with nml the d.grie uf auceea eaih I meeting with About three month of ench )car will be apent In Ptah. Thu car urrlvad In Halt luke City ut u vud rilling moment ari-ordlng to member of the atule liiduatriul com liilnaliiu, who uru working ou aurety rule to be adopted b). the Induatrlea of the atate. Til roe tentative rigllla tloii were dlHcimvcd ut u mealing In Ihe office of the commheaiou ou Tile. i day luM. Three memhera of the Man iifuiturer' Aaaoelutlon of Ptah, three repriKcntatlic-a of the Utuh Prdcru Hon of Uibor, one repreeulutlvo of the lnurmni (ompnnlea, one of the MuMer llulldera' aaaoclatlon uud three membera of the t'tuli Chupter of Hie American Mining lougrcaa were pre ent. Itulea were formuluted for thu protection of eniplovc In the urlou Induatrlea for upprovul uml whoii flu ull) uKrced upon by ull IntereMed par. tlua, will bo offlclnlly eMablUluil by the ImluMrlul uommliielon. Cur No. 1 ha, been given the rlKht or way over u hundred nnd eighteen lallroadn In thu United Htute. Ma iruw will' not mil) tvuili. but will nerve Hie Mute ti vvhluh they have been uaHlgiud The) will reapond In Ntuntl), with their mutchle eepilp meiit to ever) call for help. Within fivo minute after the receipt of. a telegrum telling of an explosion or ut- i ildent ut u mine, Car No 1 will on Its wu) to tuke up tho work of reacue THOUSANDS GOING 1 INTO POUR CAMPS I Great Central Power Plant For All Properties lH In Carbon County Is Decided Upon H By Utah Fuel People. H A II CowIp, vice prealdent nnd gencrnl innnnKrr of Utah Puel loin imiiv returned to Hnll lvke Cll) InM Tiicdn) from New York, benrlng uiithorlt) for the Imtnrdl.itc exondl lure of alx hundred thouaaml dollar In Ihe Improvement of the coinpun) a propcrtlra In Ptah nml Colorado Of till amount lea thnu lift) thoiiMind I lo te expended on the Cotorndo properties, the remainder going to the Ptnh Puel proprrtlr In Carbon count). Improvement reprerentlng mi expenditure or unother'alx hun dred thouannd elnllar nro tempurwrll) held In nbe)ancc, but In ull probab ility will be authorized nn aooii aa the work nlrciid) npprovid I comileled Much of the work la already under way nnd II I plnnnid to hum It com. pleled before next winter Approxl mnlel) n cpmrter of n mlllluu dollnra wilt lie expended ut Cattle (late nml about the acinic nmount nl HtinniMilp 1 The Clenr Creek expenditure reple vin iiiiother fifty thoumtnd dollnra. Winter Quarter ubnut eighteen thou wind uml Homerael, Colo , about tlilr I) -five thouaund Ncurl) one-lhlrd of the amount mi IhorUed for expenditure I to be lined In making better condition for the cmpl)c Three new' nmucmut hall, coaling In the neighborhood of 135.000. u new bnthhoune nl (10,000. n hundred new voitiiKc ul $100,000, and reading room nml other modern couvcnlcmca, even liixurlea fur mill lug cnnip, bring tho total up to near ly 1200.1100 to be expended for the benefit of the wnrktliKinvn nlone . Tit lA'iicflt Workmen. "During the pnt five )eara we have exiieiided upward or hnlf u million dollar In Impruvlug tho propertlr," Vice Preald.-nt nnd Oruenil .MainiKer Cotvle declnred, "nnd n largo ahnre of Ihe uiiine)' tin koiiu toward mnklng belter uml pilfer working condition for Hue mm At preaent we milk With the bel mine In the country In till repecl, but It I our Intention lo make nut Ii Improvement a will plain ti nt Ihe liNtd of the 111 "It miiy look like extniviiKume lo make auch expenditure, but experi ence hua proved c.lhcrwUe Wu wnnt a aleudy china or men who would mnke Kood elllxena In any eommunlt), nnd we are doing ever) thing In our power to aurroiiud them with Ihe proper en vironment ul our eump. II)' erecting modern cottiiKea unit providing the proper lilnd of ninuumetnt wn expect to emournKn men with fitinlllc to re main In our empl.iv nml to kce)i uu marrlrd men from koIiik to the cltle ever) pa) day" luiproiciiiciilN (' Iniliidiel In the HM or Improvement lire new ahop uud uppl) houe, ad ditional truck faillltlea nml holM tig gregallng more than 1135,000, uud new uudi rgrouml machinery, repre aeiitlng u lolul expenditure of uboiit 11 DO. ooo. on., hundred new coke oven nre to be erected ut HuniDalde, ut n cunt of uhoot 1 100.000, mulling u total of eight hundred coke oven available there till fall The uddlllon of the hundred coke oven will In ert Hue the dull) iiepuilt) of the coke plant from about twelve to fifteen minute.) ton. The uddlllon of the new rnae bluer) utn will IncrcuKc Hie capacity of the coal propel Ilea, but thl la not null mi Item ul thl time, in the mine have ncplom been culled upon to work ut full inpacll) In recent car At the preaent time It I cHtlmuted thut Hip I'luli propertle of thu caimpuii) .an place on the cur approximately ten tlnium.nd ton of coal dully If called upon to do o. The additional c-etilpmrut probnld) will lmreue the capacity to about twelve thoiiaud ton dall) The one big Item held In ubejnnie liendliig the completion of the work nlrciid) nulhnrlted tend uniler wu) I a eentriil power daut, which will com about 1(00.000 Among the other Item held up temporarily nre a hoUt uml aome bridge, whl. h will eot In the neighborhood of (100,000. (Ivcii OcMrrcl rhuuif. "With wider competlllon teniiornr lly ellmlnaled lo Paelflc Conat iioliit, Ptah iiiln.w have the opportunity awaited for an muny )eni Hint or catuhliMiIng a market for Ptnh fuel on the Paelflc Conat." Vice Prealdent lend Oenerul .Manager Cowle declared In explaining the entme for the extemdie Improvenieiil 'If we can get the car uml the transportation the Utah mine nre now In u poMtlon to etub lluli theniHclvp firmly In the Pacific Conn terrltor), and we arc making theae Imiarovement with Jut that In Mew hoping that Hie proper uepilp ment Irnimportullon faillltlea will be fnrthcoinlng "Aa thliiK have been In Ihe puM our market hu been limited to Ihe In i termountaln terrltor) The competi tion hu been keen and the mini huve been able to Imrel) worry nlong I jH pome lime nt n bene. The advance In ! HH the prlep or fuel nnd I mlitht any 1 1 Hint the ndvuneo hn been consider- p !S ubl) tea here thnu In other aee t Ion fliH nnd the elimination of water rompe- 'll tltlon hn not only opened up a new , -H field for the Plnh coal operator, but ! JB bid fnlr lo give u nn optiortunlty to Jl mukei u fnlr profit ou our Inv raiment. 1 We wnnt to be prepared to meet the i I ,H new condition," I liH CO.Mi PIIICIM CO UP AT i, H hai.t iKi: tiiih wi:i:k i H HALT LAKH CITV, Mny fi. Conl . will Juiui fifty centa n ton In price H Moiida), according to nnnouncemeiit H b) repreae ntnllv'ei conl clealera of Halt H like Cll? )eterduy. The clrcUInn In lx H . Imrenae ihn irlee come. o dealer. ' t iH following nrloua nollcea Hint the coal ' 1, H riperntora wlll-rnlao Ihe price or conl tll the mlnra lH It wna explained Hint only alack - iM conl will be affected by the fifty-rent H rale, nml Hint thl will not work n wl luirdlili on the unmll houieholder. , H Hlnrk conl, uceordlng lo tho dealer. ) ii H I 111.1 nlinoM entirely by Inrgo inauu- iB tn. tiller, hotel, apartment hoiiaea, , rl hoaidtnl uml anfoilh iH Conl deabr declare Hint mine op- H c ratnr are not uniform In tbclr I prlcea, nnd Hint while one may be jB making it alight rediuilon In price, lH nuothcr may be rnlMng n Utile. The H dealer iipperl, though, Hint Hip gen- f)eH era! rlcea of atai k conl Juallfy their it 'H iMioat if prl.e. The b.M Increnae III ,i H retail price wna innde April I C t tt. j, iM when twenty-five ectita u ton wna ndd- S H to tlm . I H 'The rnllrond nre entirely In blame H for the preaent prlcea of conl," de- j j, ". H elare.l n well known dealer )rtcrdy. 1 , t , H "I "or re.nHin beat known to them- r ' H aelvca, the) will not fiirnl.h ihe mine V H cur enough ao that the fuel ma)' lip ! tiaaal mined U day n week They will nl- ).i 'lH low them lo operate only three) nr , jiH four da) c, , H Till rcMrlila the oiilpul greatly, ii' H lediite the nmoiiiil of conl ou Hip ' H market ut any one time, nml ao rnlaea iH ihe price. If Urn rnllrond would fur- VH null car cliough lo allow tho mine ' JH to run full lime, the market would , jH hnve plonty of conl nml the price ', 5eH would gn down. i tH If the mine could run full time, i m 'BH too, there would bu Ice atoipllig uml f . iHH Marling of labor, there would be more ' H Ptisidy work, the gro coat of pruduo '' fH lion would be lowered, nnd the mine iH owner would be able to cut hla pro- I1 -JH diietlou com, with u coneeiient out In i! ' the price of conl ' P "Now, don't put in) mime In thla, If , H fH )oii eiiiole mo In print, for I hnvn no " 1 wlh lo bring down a railroad boy. 'j lH colt cm my company- mine. It I 'li IH hard enough to Induce the rullrond 'J IH lo let ua hnve car nfter wn beg them l! H on our knee, without nntagnulilug : H them openly by telling the truth about A Jl the altiiullon." ll The prlcea after Monda), uceordlng I to denier, will be Mruletht alack, 13.60 ll;iH u ton, Kireeiied alack, 13.75 a ton; pne coal. . CO u ton; dual, 13.50 ee " SV H toll. Lump uml egg coul, which are i iBaH the Maple urtlcle or Ihe imall hoilae- I illH holder, will ho the wiiiw na before i. f 15,75 unci 15,50 u tun. respectively. , h ilJH I ., .'IleH a. ii, (-own: or thi: ;llil CONDITIOVH TllltOUdll l'MST , fliH If labor I nvullnhle the United liiH Htute will enjoy within thu next )enr i tw-H Hip greulet eru of proierlty In It UH hlatory, In the) opinion of A. II. Cowle, j fH vim ptealdent and general mnnuger of i( jH IMah Puel compaii), who returned i ') H Tiieduy but from an extended vUlt i " 1 B to tho l'.aat. "All tho million uml I flH blllloua of dollar which we urejend- I I M lug nnd will loud tu tho allied eoun- e I HH trie during Ihe war will be turned ( E H right buck to tho United Htulea for li I WM Amerleun product," he declare, ,fK IBH provided we luive the labor available jm" BH to turn out the product. . 3rj HJ "Ver Ultte of the mone) will ever lijfj IH leave our ahoroa. It will be turned (Jul VJJ over to tho repreaelltutlvea of the for- 'Hll'aafl elgn governtnenla uud Ihey In linn IiSjIiVI wll hund It back tu our merchauti It 111 and muuufueturera for munition nnd lilH aiipplle. Thu only ciiiuMlon I the Kll nblllt) of the people of thl country .; HlliBB to raUe crop und manufuuturo good lrBlVB In eiiff blent eiunntlllea lo keep JIuro- IBliH pean bu)era from going elaewhere. tlHII Practically tho aniffu condition uppllea IjiH lo the countrlea of Houth Amerlrn, ffliPH The Piilted Htaten I tho unci country yEHI of commercial Importance In the IMeVH world thut la In u poMIInn to aupply hfiVH the article or trade Thla country la eiliVjVjVjfl the world' market place." KvwJflJJ The entry of the United Btateu Into IahII the world war I felt inucih more FTeH keenly throughout tho Kant than In LH the inlddlo weat und mtarmountaln y9i reglun. hu dec lure, lie wa In New (SiH York when war wua declared and de. IflH Hcrlbe the feeling there na Intejua. (SH He wua In Wuahlngton, I). C when fPVaa! (Continued on pagoelght ) SfViiH