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l I? I , r to t out hl toro " 1 1 n liwLrHBITOFN1 j3fcdm II 11 m ll Tak0 ,h0 word of Prn,fr' lnk for ' '1 Mr mUady wralhcr. Ilia tlmo Is xJaSy J III jlrJ5?alSrrlWgrTiPCAJ yfck K JH H IM III "In ndvcrtltlnR. truth It itronftr H W , tus If he doesn't open up T lShr l409i2s aW 4L than Clctlon." lluilncaa rarely come 3 , H I'W l"r ln the m0rnl" ' POMTlOAtliY ItPPtintMuv to one who .foc-n't deaervc It In fome H '. VOI IIMP 97 VltMiic - - -"- -' "' at th rtoftlc rrlee. Utah. Under the Act ot March t. Ut. -rve It nnd The Hun rock Into the ,' M M "'" "UMUER 51 EVERY FRIDAY MAY 18 1917 horn. a of the apendera of thla district. H METING OF STATE I OFFICIALS IS HELD ins" Talked Over To Increast Revenues Of f Carbon and Emery Counties By Tax 1 ation Of Their Coal Mines. LT MKK CITY. May 16. IMarm H h mir mean thouannda of dollara Htcrtwd revenue to the atnte nn Hfr mil tHI more much more K'lrlon ami Kmrry countlr. were Html l " m.itlnR today of OoV Hr wmon HanilH riter, thc atnle HrJ of eqttalliatlon ,the xtate lind HrJ, intl offi.ial of the two cnun H The inert are In revenue It In H It the pi in are rnrrlrd oul, H uullon on the coal mine of HlUt- Hi i) Wllrvnl that nn much of the Hi optratrd l the llic coal com Him of I'tah It Ik poalble to place H'"llon m " 'rn" rommenaurnte Ba the enormiiux wealth In coal Ihtt H undirm.illi Where poaalble Ihe Ui mvrrnnicnt valuation of ml- H' ' ll,ni' "," ,,c tl,p(1 " n H Whrte in Mich hunt ire nd H'f' uih'T mr in nf vnlimtlon will HiplfJ. Hit hiding the empto)mint UA' rrnlcm of ii Mnte ReolORlht. Hft' obitacti' to, or iirRtimcnt ur H' tji.h nriimi In the )t tin liren H ,u,r fiinMlliitlnn A cIaukii In H d"t-irr. metnlllfcmua nnd fljd mlnm In the Mute ore to he na HJ ' "' P'lte puld to the K-B-mnl fur tin tnnd, plua Ihe olue H lh ut(H(i' iHulment, pllin Ihe H( prixred Si(hre the unit lompnnli'K pur- uwd (hi- InmU from the Rnwrn- j-M dlrrrt tin n Ik little rim lire left H' trcumrnl lint. It wim pnlrted 1 Hi t thr f unt of flt'UU iiiivi rned tnHbr ni'Kh nf the Innd III illleMlnn H i nut jt linked from the Kotern S it Home of l unit pun hinted from ."'"' n" RMiInu land. Home of II l'llnril l ptirehuKv from farm r,WnJ ranchrra of the tIrIiI In mine jl' ' unt,rrneath , fljh lititl , it U held now, were not H h'' ,tom ll'0 Roernmenl. They ''Mj ,, I Mmird on Mimewlmt of the JBiptliiiii nn that mloiMfd ly the H ,nmrllt late )enra of WlllllliR H '' '""'"' Tin iimnunt tif imiiiI Ktnred krnMth H in l.t taken Into cniiild 'Un ,,l(rllur "'I'1 ne protmble M l f inliilnK II the expense of Ret. H ,( " '" m,,rk ' ad an on. f--mr uf I(. innl luiul wiin obtulned (H r" ,,w " lKhtyneen and it half "U an mr u ,1,-iinnd. Mmh ' It nut litnlnjil nt ten didlara mi kH rr or Iim lloernmen miIuuIIoiik I1 'l lind limit r idmlliir londltlont ' runniiiR hn IiIrIi an two liumired ' llt nn tre AtukHned vuluatlonK "fntnl to i limb ueeordliiRly, for Und now nuiied by tint I eompan JW u nut tin- wtirnt. but the beat coal madi frtitu lommrrclul prodiuliiR 'nil point nt an Hit a,,, altial(iiiK of ,B ""041 tompuiilea climb, the taxea "M li Ih furnura and amall prop "t owners are lo be proportionately "" " in the natural i-ouriie of " "' "r t Im. the benef Ita they de- from Hut tminty una ulate ro rnmfni,i , o,,. wn) f ,nrovlnniit "tlie llkt will Ih, Inclenned "'Virnor llumberi;er lei ll be kn "n Hint I'tnh ulrend) hn a atule "'jI'kini umneil under tho luw paKed ' ,hl IkIiib i1iim of the biMt leRla- ''J"' That law provided thut Ihe Mrnor ut hU pleaauro mlRht uume I' h "ll offhlnl whoeo duty ahuuld be aim tm m,a ,, uU ,,mI " '"", l'TphrlU copper mint Mah''n"1K "Uth mlnwl nM ,lmt "f "" . ' ''I'fer tompan The atilary ii ii, . ("t,',, b" N"' Koernor, with J"',. ""'ll" of th,, upproprliillim. but '" it Imrill) would bejiecewar for nm '"Um " to devote bin entire "' t" nnd wrU, It Ix iioimlblu lo "n Iht HenlieH of ti hlKh prlu d n for ,mr, f tl0 Ume Tu, ,,, meihlnB Ukn five tlininuind do. " rar J., B 'doisl 1, to have iuhiw lo , ,' 'foriU, unit l to audit cnun (hn I '' '" m "X'"K valumlnna Who vIm i"" ,' "'""" U has not been, dU .um '"' '' emor oUo told Ihe , "'" "friduu that the atulu atundtf ihi ...? ,""'k ,,,l'm l he u't " tulle.t extent If the) do tlulr "' "nder the law, i i i,"'"011 f the Ntuti) Rovernmenl ' " with that takun u abort time i ..j'1 nkh taah rcaervea In the 2 us f mlnltiR lompanUa ore to ue iiKneiUMd That action Ik expetteil lo IncrrnKe the Valuation nf the Ktate by $60,000,000, of which about $11,000, 000 HfK with the I'tnh tVpiwr cum. pan), na hnnn b) Kk lil MtntetueHt How mufti Inirenm- wjll iiniif from the new plan of mwnwlnu iiwl inlneK linn not been detrnnlneil nor will It be deflnltel known until the nature of the mien In the roiil land In each i one Ik awerlnlntil The Mute and I'nltid Ktntea Innd office rerortU are ptiiiid nt the mtcIivk of tht iount nm Mura, In nddltlon to the ntorda In t hi lr reKptttlVf eountlen. t'reiKllt lit the inrellllR I oil, I lit aldia Ihe mate olfliluU Intllented Were Allien llrjnrr, W T Hamilton nnd Kmll Onilimi), itimmliwlont ra lltnlon Itnndnlph, noKtKiMir ami A llalllnRtr treamirer, of ('artxni count), Imri Allred nnd II II l-eoimnl tonimln elmieTK, and J llannrn, nKfeMor of I'miry lounlv WUtffiHHT CENTS Inn Coal lleulerv I'ndi-rldtil In Wlml illoii In Tnke. HALT I.AKK CITY, Mn) Hi With two exiiplloiiK, all of Ihi. principal ii i.i I prnduilnR tomiKtnlfM In the t'tah flelda will MlKe" lb.- prlci of dnincMle loiiU fifty lentK a inn at tin mine to dii). Tin' Indepenilinl Cl nnd Coke inmpitli) mjd he HprlliR (lili)nn Cool lotnpnli) elerday Jrtlnnl Hie Mtiinil aril t'nal ioniKiny And the t'nlttil Hlnlea Kilt I minpnii) In tin advnnce In nwl prlieK whlih mnkiii lump nnd move i mil thru dollHra a mn and nut mill $: 74 nt tin mini The imh b"-"! niniiKinli oihthIIiir In Ihe Ctali flMa who have nl X't Miiimuiuid nn Kdvante In iirli-. are the I'lah Km I ii.iuan nnd tin Cmn trxn fiml inmiMiii) The Cameron i'ihiI iMimiNinj MnnouniiHl thai II prlir prnlmldv would lie advani-e.1 lo lenform m the prion named b other niiiHHinle wllhln a ffW iI)k Ak el the I'ImIi I'nel inmimiiv ha made nn dt finite Biiliovineeineiit na In Ita In tintlona. bill II wmk ndmllted jentir. tbi that an advaiui of flfl) ihiIk h ton on doinratii oal proUld) would be made effullve h1m.uI June IM The Culled Hialea Cuel eoinMn) Hdvamed Hk prl..-K UM wlnt.r and Ima iimlnlalind them lm The Hliiudurd Coal iomKH) rvid nollcr on IIk riiKlnmera M-v.rol ilaa lhat a three dollar rale on lump and Move (hiIk would iiinme eflcllve toduv .,hiI null deiilra were iindejldeil MM l.lKhl UK in what union '' '"J tak.n b lliein. na the) I1.1.I r.telvr.l no of filial noiue from tin linlepemltnl C.mI and Ck. .ompan and In- PprliiB Cannn Coal eompa It the adviinHi, it wiik Kelierall) inied.d. however that nn udvniuta l he proilm.ra would be met will, a Hlmlbir adva.ue In Ihe r. lull prlr f he e..U prmlui.d by tlio reapee t.r lorniMililM T'e prlcea of the walK of the l'nlte.1 Mate I'uel com. miuv ami 111 KUndurd C.wl miii were adVniu.d fifty enU n Ion by the major!! of the retallera nJK - It U expirlid that prltea of oilier ...alt. advanvid would In raH.-.! will.- ,V7ir-AVi; nulnjl I the retail price na In tin; fu prl.e. lump nnd Move ... '''' it 16.S5 u ton uiid nut ihmI l J " tin It Ik prolHtbl... I.owev.r l he rlcea of the Cub Furl .ompuny ami ;;;C Cameron Coal . will not le nilvnncd until the price at the mine are lnrefl1 The prodiuera nMcrt that the -.rwi.ea wen necewrj lo mi.l In S in aBea and In the ri.-, of mult rial. The) nlo awtert that mo of odu.tlnu haa -'n '';: .1 , n u.n.ldcrnble ;"'!" "f inadHmnte tranP"r'"'"' f cllUlaii STABBIfWJT HELPER 'j..l.ii NWH" "'"""' K"'f" W,,,"mU On .loliu Ciiruii. ..(I hiati a broUKht down fnm el..r UM nluht nnJ M a I) Hherlff ColllnRham .liariie. with KtabblnB J.'hn "'"' J, plain et.rda uftenu-.n H-lh are ""'."far a .an be .". '"? ho , r miBttL-M.1 In the Italian Rome UU'J ,?'. , the n "e ' Bpot-U P"w' 'Kbdoln.'n.'c.i'nfaer.ou, If not fnta, wound " i .luiloon SOLDIERS ALL. I K V " "" I xf. i socinv DUN I'ritv rillcu Ulll VMi Ultli Nilab hmiiiR Town. Tnniurriiw (Kuliirda)) 11 ' Rrt no iiiialnlnl trip of I'ri.e iltlon will bt made to Kenllworth HprlnR Olm. HpIh r. 1'iutle flate and othir weM 1 m polni In the count) The rol InwIiiR ear owner will drlvi Ihelr vur nnd Ink tlulr frletut. I A. Mitlce, J. II Mniikon A. J. l-f Hill Klein, A Auli.rt. A. I Kilt' Ion, T l)iimn)iii. tlardrn Hlon, ' It. MuniiMii (leorRe I'olllmihiim, It J Turnrr, John Itedd, U O Horner, A M.lmlaK. I H lluuleV). A U Ml Mullln. It IS Howard. C H llnhtnetl. V C llmeker, C II Hlevenwm, O, T llrooka, W A liwr). It. Hht.)n, tiir IIbiimii, N H NiihIIk, A V M. Kin 1, ( T llrooka, J II Middle Ion furl (Hindi reon, II II. Ooelx mitiiu, J Ilex Miller. H. W. nolditiR, WalU.e Kulllvan, VlRlla Ac llonomo, fSMinlllo I'nlmerl, 1'rr.l ralernoater, A I'ali nuwlrr, le Whllmorc, J V. Hlionir Norn M)t,r. runner Itx ihniiRe drown A Ijinher, I I' rik, I'lrrre, (I II, Nelni. (I (I Km ml e 11, HiMirRe Nixon, A. H How ie), Crank NlRro, K J Wentiel, Tom llalin. Iirl KIiir, Wurren I'tu.oik, U. M. Humner. J C Jeiien, Crunk Jonluii, Hleve KIkmiiium, Ham Kiixano, C H llarrl. A, Hummer, A llr)mr, llnlierl McKune unil A I!, Ilnrnle) Car mid will uanumble be iweeli Hie bunkN ut 10 o'iloik Kach will be appropriately dicnrnted with flBRK. buntliiR. Mnamrra nnd pen iiitiit. All will luke tin lr lunch und br In evtr way prepured to enjo) th. lr Ma) outliiR iniklllfx lloiliu will dUtribllte nll- vtnlra und there will Im mu.le uIoiir to enliven the da) Wh.n lopa ure made apell binder will addrena Ihi. naeemlded .rnwdK. The trip promUea to Im Ihe IiIrrcM botmllUR event evtr with Ihe "Kit toRether uplrlt permi-alliiR the entire ntmoa phere Crienda will Invite frlt-nd to Join and MiiRe for nil will l pro Vldul . . , Ihe I'lah-ldului Motor und I'rlue Ktrvlie (luritRi will .'nd uIoiir 'trou ble nn n to Innure 11 afe return CHLUDESJNH li Hit rliw I'roinlMil lo lUllevo tlio ('.ml Cur Mliiullon, I'm in. r (lovemoi I' It. (loodinK or I1I11I10, who haa been ill Hult I-uke City makliiR 1111 InvwttlKutlnn Into thu rw. Mum for Ihe wl ahortoRe In Houlhern Idaho .nmpleted hi InvoatlKatlona KHturilu) und uiinounced that begin ning ut 011.0 tho oreRon Hhort Idne would Ik Kin iMIverlnK forty era u tlu) to Ihe Denvtr und lllo Oruude for poliil In Idaho It I hopedb the Male touiicll of ill fell", of Idaho, of wlil.h form.r (lovernor Clooillnit U inenbieiit, that the OreRon Hliort I'.lne will be tiinlileil to In. n ime tho num Ur of .t.ra ! '" " du) Aflr RoinK Into ull of the muttera toiinoitiil with the eon I whurtuK .In Idaho, (lootlliiR Willi the opurutnra nro not to blame for the .ondltlona which exIM In the Hum Htute lie anya that dining that month the OrtRon Hliort 1,1mm dellverid but two cur to tho Denver end lllo Uruudu for loadliiR In Idaho point. Kline May Ut tho Ore Ron Hhort Idna ha been dellverlnR uu nveruRe of tweiiD-flvu turn to the Dt liver und Jtlo Orunde. iiooillnR that If fort) turM u da) ure delivered lo the Idaho town they will be In a pontile . in atom practUnll) one-half of the needed uppl) for the comlnR winter NHNEJPOT l'iitiixvr Train I'Ii.rrc.1 In lime to ,vei- Sertoiia .vlileul. The IiIr uteri brldRe on Ihe Denver und Uln (iMiido Ihi aide of Cnruhum went out )mterday moruliiR nhortl) utlir 1'niu.enRt.r Train No I and n frelRht train had pniwed over It lint fur the wnlrhfultie of the witlon forrmnn nt Ctirnliaiii I'ltMi-iiRrr Train No, I would no doubl have Rone In the river. Thl (mill wax fliiRRnd na ll wua uiproiiehlnR from Ihe enM und JiiKt n the train atopped about a hundred ftet ot the brlilRf went Into the river Ari nt Harmon of the litnv.V uiid lllo (trnmte nl I'rlio wna notified ami went down to the net lie with 11 num ber of nutotnohllea In wliltli Hie pint ariiRrr nnd mall were broiiRht to WrlllnRton. Thi' wi-n. luter, met Ihero by the Southern I'tnh train and broiiRht to Price In time lo continue Ihelr Journey went ward nn the "pliiR poiiK" The pneiiRem nnd mall ure beinR tranKferred from traiua both wn)a and It U mil expetted thai the brldRe will bit put In ahapn before Kiiiuluy or Moudii) A larRa wreck Ink' trnun had In Im broiiRht all the hii) from I'ueblo, Colo to lift the brldRe Into place TWO TRAINSTAKEN OFF lllo Orninlo Will Dlxxmllmin .Vim. IIV ami III Neil Sunila).' The nnnoun.iment wua nuiilu dur Iiir tho week by Ihe Denver nnd lllo flrunde Unit, effullve May SOth, next, lint new numinir eohedule will ro In to effett. illmlnatlhR two of III it pua-M-iiRrr Irulim operatlnR betw.eii Or iIhii and Cirund Junction, Coin Noh IS und 16 will be the two tralim dla continued under the new aehedille. CaaaeiiRer Truln No. IS, wot bound, urrlvlliR here nl 6 IS o'clock of the evenliiR from Denver, will atop at Orund Junction No, l, nrrlvltiR nt S SB o'clock of the mornlnR from Halt Uikn City and OrcIcii, will under Ihe new aohedule atari from (lrand Junc tion to Denver In tho itfurnoou It I expliilued III u inearaRe from Crank A. WaillclKli that tlio ortler elimlnallnR the two fual train I In keepliiR with the rnommehdatlon of tho American Hallway uiwot lullon. whuh In eompllaiuo with wur men urea U etideavorliiR lu put In opera lion ull ptouilble uiiilpment In Ihe huullnc of frelRht und particularly 1 oul und other commoditlea Tlu hi. two train liuvti lumn In op 1 ration for two ear and look tare of u larRe percentuRi. nf the pamtenger biiKlmiMi from till part of thu Mate. I'ltKi: ll()-Ii:i, MAS WITH IICOK V.ANK IIOI.I lIM.ISrh IN AHMY WturliiR 11 aixt)-.lollur mill of 1 lolht-H and equipped with extra aulti, ulioe, ailk abiila and vnrluua nlher klnda of halienli.iih.r), Muiiukon Kin pakia, wealth) hotel mnii uf Price walked Into the arm recrultlnu offlco thl mornluR nnd unnounced that he wuk ready to Join I'ncle Ham' urm), u)a Crlda)'a Halt liku Tele Rram. Ilo dlplu)ed n ounli ilwpimll ullp ahow InK that he haa.fiftien thnuaaud dollar In a Prlcu bank. He explained lhat ho did not want to run abort nf clothing in the arm), o ho purchnaed u (omplete wardrobe of the fluent up parel. Klnpakl U of uxeeptlnnal ph) Huil proportion nnd wna mwlRimil to cavalry duly . MerchanU counon booka In all de nomination!. The Sun SCHOOL BOARD IN ; I MONTHLY SESSION " I Contract Let To Architect For Plans For jl Two New Buildings One At Castle ' U Gate and One At Hiawatha. , ' H . i H The eehonl Imnrd met In reRulur tkIiiii Tumdn) nfteriinon, nl which llitr. wire prenrnt nil member. Th eetwloii laMcd until Thurada) nftir liiKin At thin mrelltiR Wire ht In Mlllir, Woolle) ft ISvitn. nrchl letlK or Hull like I'll), for pttitiK for 1. lit w hi hnnl blllldlnR nt CnMle (lute nnd one ut Hlawiithn. Thite were llwtlvt othir bidder hi-nlile the eue iimful one Th. M. Mlllan I '11 pi r inmpaii) wua i.wurdrd Ihe inutrn.t for fiirnl-liliiR KUiptlta fur Ihe rnmlnR )wtr to the k.IioiiIk of the .ounl). J 'our hundred tlnll.ira wim npiiroprlnted for map for the illffeient puIiohIk while nn np lirnprliitlon not to exceed ll) tlol liim wiik mnile for furnliililliK five buiidrid intntomnK for the IiIrIi ihmd Hup. rlntendi ut (InldliiR lhat llev I', A. Himpkln had prom Weil in tlt'llvir the hntitilnurcitle eer mun, and 1'r.of, Ihtii) I! Cowlm had offered to deltvir Ihe RrudualliiR mi ll n k to tho IiIrIi ncliool MliilrntK ut Ihe tloMi. of KohiMil tittxl wirk. Thrtf Inn turn nukul to ! relieved from llnlr .onlrnita. The) wire J. Major lti-H, Uiuru HiiKmui.en and J. M I'rtirhon The follow litiHtcaiihi m wire re.ommeiuleil to fill vacniu'leit now exUlliiR liitlu mIuioIii Ihi Tnlr. I tit nn IVnflrlil. '..Ita l'nutt. Hiimh Chaff In. l'llirl I lick. Ventu MoulRomer). (Irnie A Ma) it. Cloy Turin r ami Ariicm Hiock. Hllperlulilldent (lollllllR reporlrtl thai MIi-k Anna ('lirltt.'liKvii hail dr .Until Ihe poMlllon of tint In r of dn tueKlIc m It u.e at Ihe IiIrIi acliutil nnd Ihe board off. red home hURRoMluiiN III RtttliiR nnoiher lent her for Hit do Ihiiltiit'iit A J Tivlnr wum allow til of file riHim In the nuperlnleiidelit'a tiff lie nt the court hnllKe for III.' toll Vellli'llie of the public. Mlf Ida Tntiuer, clerk of the board, rcvilved from Hie Male audi tor n wurrant for one humlred and fort)-eivin dollar. Thl amuunl hud In en puld In by the It 111 hi r uf Ihe count) to Ihe htute Iciichem' retire mint UKNOilutlon Aa the luM IirUIu lure iiImiIUIi. d thla iikkih Inllnli the inonc) wn ordered refillidid In Hie mi mbera nfler deiluctliiR therefrum Ihe expeiiKm Incurred. A aome of Ihe Ha.hera have left Ihe Mate nnd Qiclr uddrewna nre not known, Mla Tu ti nt r la ilmlrntiN Hint they lenru of Um money btlnif In her poMt kkIoii for thu Droiier illKtrlbutlou. The clerk wua limtruited to vvrlte to MIm Dorothea Hnllir ut Helpeiniul thank her for bunk and pliturea hn htlped ii uro for Ihe i honla nt thai pluie, Thumna Colli Wua eiiRARed aa atlorne) b) Hie bourd lu help tarry throuRh the bond eh ctlon nnd look nfler hu. ti muttem for the preneut. H, ll. Ilimmuiwiii wine upiMilnled to fill uu) vnenne) thut mlRht appear a principal ut uiie hundred nnd tw.nt) tlnllura u month A. tluu on etalIUIi Iiir ninth Rradrii In the larRer camp FEIB SHOJTME OF (Oil hiiupi le I'lirmen. t'racil tu Haul ('oul Thl Kiiinini r. CloVtrnor Hlmnn llumberKir ex prekNcd Ihe fenr Kutunla) that durliiR Hie next wlnt.r Hurt will bu expert iiued In CUh 11 more aerlnu nhnrt uKe of .oul than wua experlemed the piit winter llfcninm of hi larRe penumul Interetit In the fuel biulne, he Ik wut.hlliR tlu aituatlou mont .urefull) The Rovernor auRRented thai farm. r of Kanpele tounly will do well If they utillu. their apuro Unit. HU full b) takliiR mat by wuroii over the divide from Carbon Into Hunpttu county, uu h meoaur.i of preparcduea If the Hphrnlm-OruiiRi vllle road I completed the) will hnvi u rooiI hlRh way over the ruiiRt The ioul ran In boiiRht ut 11 low price ut the pit mouth. He expreeked the leur that ir man) of Hum du not do thl lliu takliiR the burden if huuluRe iroin tjie railroad, many will auffer from j nhorURe next winter The Halt Uike City )urd uro hav Iiir a difflllilt lime RelllliR the need ed auppl) There I ample marktt between' Utah and the toait for all that cuii be liuulid of the 1 ounl) wax deftrred until a ' M more complete InvcKtlRutlon Ik mndr. ' jH The Irenmirer wna ordered to I M truiiKft r mom from lime depoill In- ' M to corn nt fund to tnke earn of bill I and expi I""- fallliiR line In the near M ftllute The Irenhurer'h report wna U reet lint and ordered filed. I . V The Cnmeron Coal company re- I f tU.hted ptrmUnlon to flnlah tho bae- 4 ment of Ihe Cameron m hool lu ord.r 1 I Hint the) iuIkIiI ue the eame for n II M place of itmuiteiuent and public Rath- I !' I irliiR and Inti r. If the avhool deMrtd f 4 M In iihe ll, Hint Ihe company be re U Imbtir. d The retuet una Rrantcd r I M und Mr wna InMrmted In Is I H urrnnRe for 11 wrlllen narrement. 1 M mmmmw 'v H I'lvo Nevr HiiRlne Will lit. HroiiRliI jfl In I'luli for I'm-. f H I' K Clnrli), nKnUtnut Renvrat H inuuiiKer of the I'lnli line of llin Den- , M vi r and lllo llrnmle, left )i'lrrday f ' r for Helper und vltlnlt) with the pur- , H ni. of mnkliiR n thoroiiRh limpcctlon i ( tH of thu tar hlliintlon rilittlve to the op- f iH eriitlnn of ninl inliii, nii)k Hunday 'H Hrrnld-Hepubll.ini Clarll) la ot Ihe ' 4H opinion that iilthoiiRh tho op ration H of rnjtl mlnen mn) have uuderRone 1 iH irvmendoii devitoiuneiit b) next fall H the epllre oillput ma) be hnndled I ' K with ilhiiiteh oiH "The Drnv rr nnd lllu ilrande nc- , ' jH ipilred n few montha uro ten new en- H Rlnea of the Hnnlu Co t)pe," milil Clnr- Ai ! -H It). "The) uro now In Colorado, but ' . If, jH lull) next fall five of Hie eliRlnea will H be put Into hervlte oil llin tlWill line. ji' I H ThU will m. ull Hint wllh other eiUlp- j I l ment they will mnke II pim-ltile lo j 1 g hniulle n much Rrenti r tounuRe than t iH durliiR Hn. prevloiiK hUtory of th I -l II wua pointed oul furiher by Clar- f j B It) that after .onductliiR ill Initial ! H Inape.lloii of the ITtuli llnea nnd par- H tlciilnrly of Ihe bruiiahm lu the roal M .IIkIiI.I th.ri. Ik eviry reuhtin lo be- 1 H tleve lhat effltlcne) In Ihe haullnR of J ''H 1011I may be In.reahed Rreall). A I J H the rt-Mtilt of the aiimmer dlffi renllal 4 H of twenl)-flve cent n ton, which wilt 1 H .outlnue lo remulii lu 1 f feet until , 4 H Jul) alt. Ihe hiiuhiRo of coal over Ihe 1 H Denver and lllo flranile for htornae 1 1 H purpoKe la r. ported to have become ' H 1 xceptluunlly hinvi -t ,' H AltliuURh rumor have been penda- H lent Hint un Im renhe In the price of : H . oul b) retullt ra, ruiiRliiR from fifty to , iH aevent)-flvi' trill n loll, inuyluke ' H plaie, no offlclut udvuncn Im been iH tnnde ninl a liumbir of henda of coal . H protlu.lnR tompanlea declarid )eter- ll H da) that advancea probabl) wilt .1 H not be mude nddlllniinl to ala.k and "j !JH trri'ii aliick advaniea which have 'j tH been In effect morn Ulan two week. l , H ki.vty ci:nt uooi, i'Hi:ini:ri:u ' i M INUT-UI I1Y lilt. K. W. MK'I.UIIK I rH That wool probably will Jump to t H alxi) lentn n pound within 11 abort 1 H lime la the belief of H. W MlClure. IH aeerelary of the National Wool Orovv- ' ' 1 .1 era' uhmlutlon with liendiiuurler In " n , H Halt IJike Clt) Hecrelury MrClure f H Biiittil lal w.ek lhat already aa much Bi jH aa flft)-rlv.i tent i pound had beep ',, fi ,H paid for home aetected clip of wool I I H lu htctlona of Hie country und there I B jjM wua mi iloubt In hi mind that the re I. H muliiliiR clip not od will brlnR from 1I1 ''H fifty to lxty tenia u pound, with 11 1' H lurRu a noiint of the brut Rrade brliiR- If 1 jH Iiir the IiIrIi. r umount 1 H It wua pointed out b) the .cretur 'f H of the nntloiinl aKOilnilon that If iH eonRreaa doe aa liidlcnled and place '1 H 11 teu-ient tux on wool the price of , t thl commodity will Im aeut aoarlnr , ' In a hurry There la but a lomparn- J ,H tlv.l) amull amount of the tlip In Ihe l iH Intermountalu illntrlot remnlnliiR un- ftij H hold, It Ik nald, but It l of aufflcient h jjM iuuntil) to be an Important Item, und l2( 'H wool Rrnwera who have not dUpoved 'Pi h,H of their tlip htand In the wo) of Ret- , nt , jH HiiR InrRir prlcea for the wool Hie) ' H have on hunt), ll I Mated It Ik eitl- kH muled that from IS to 20 per cent of S fH the . Up remain iinnolJ at thl time. K fH Ciril'.l'..N AI'I'MCANTH I'Alli ,,7! iHH Wll TWCATV I 'ASS HXAMK 'j V Clfteeii upplliaul for liarber II- VI M c. iiaeN -fa I tut to pan the rwiulred ex- Jti H umlmitloii Riven them by V. W. Clem- W ' FLH unt. htiretnr) of tho atate board of ' ! .H burber cxuinlnera, ut the cupttol re- tJELJi 9iil tently, while tvvuuty mude the re Jr- (JrJWfJ ,!H nl murkltiRK nnd were Riven grrtlil- ''& ' 'H en tea, 1 1-4 t H Dandruff wua a atunibliiiR blovlt for ( fs , , H ninny of the vvouldbe barber. Houir iS 1 thoukht It a ommunlcnbH dlreaBe 1,3 w lillo otht r held to the contrary. One 1 ' 'H man exprewtd the opinion lhat It waa i (jf H a atomach trouble That candidate i i jH fHd im LH