r-i!!B mavis. 1917 jn
CO, I Pure, White and Sweet
I Whnt more could you ask? This
OJs I 8UBnr l8 ltlcnl for a" PrKw
' I Fruit cunning and preering
time will soon be hero. Have
you your supply of
I Trfile and Preserving Sugar
t. "'"jMf " may older an tin' !,K
I ft 10, 25, 50 and 100 imuiid.
B I r VTA ft EtttC vl
'-JouT 8bd I ! MIMOffiSlBK Cl1" your lw,,ur " fr ik
GRANULATED j of tliis porfect sugar. Order It
I ; SUGAR J tjV imiiin
fn&. Salt
iter H -
llAm fwl ,",' 0erolnnt to I'n) On In.
iinitiiv I'litii.
. "SJ 'III H liiii l mine npenitur Mill Ik
TIIK ,,H , 4 , lmy M( u,,, (l,l(, w,r.
I alt,r ' ""' "' ""' rntr "f " f"r
i. ' "I '' ll'',l'lr, "'"Hnt-H of thrlr i) roll.
.no ufl I'f.timntr nnd calculation JuM mm-
''""( lMfl lv the InmirntK'n fund nrfli'lul
. ''xH, are permitted tn Mnnil ufter imifir-
'"".ttottM m. ilh the nppraturit. Definite an-
t 'V"! ' "n r""'nl "f ,np um' mliH rntp
"luftrB nJrr Ihr lniinnirp- fuiiil Itttv Mill mil
Ih '""'H ' mi"'' f,,r nl ,",,', three Week. KM
'" tuH th(1 fUll, ii,utrlnt lomtulmlun Mill
n Tkf6B '" "' "Ml' "PCMturn nmple limp to
n crj nH , t( ,lt tnutimlliiitlDii plan tlnit In
"."'''H n tt '" tentatively eoiiMdered h
ft at A tie iir.ilMtH.
An. B If t ,. , M mioptril li tin- t.per-
lffM l itjf thin induMry Mill licnr the rn-
'. "' W."H !' 'utilrn of Hit nun 'nUMll mm-
ti lM Iciwali n The operator will In- re-
Tn ! it,irnl .i rmer Inln the Iniuirnm-c
w'r J M funil ii fund of oni linndrrd tliotin.ind
ttitM Mr B Mlok of ' """K' A Rooil,
i'h Mrbl ordlimry net of inolnra nlll ch.
ijS ' iIIichi of
"iiixifl A I'lno Trmltrlnln Htfiik
ulM nH n Kitrn l'lirtrrhoimo filnik
! A I.iukIoum Itound Htrnk
-n uwfl A Niitrlllom Itoait
rlllNrH A Dluli of Turk Chopi
ThkhiM If ou haven't nny teottt. mo
!-! hap natiMKO llmt will fnlrly
melt In )our mouth.
n nlfl l-Kt our intatM. Oood for our
rzi R. L. ROGERS
H Wlifii jou Mnnt a liort order
mral mo cun lervo you to tult
'our InntM. i:erjtlilng moJ.
rn iind up to the mlnuto. We
M rat(r '" tliono who are In a liur-
r Ktcrytlilns strictly anl-
tiry and of hlsheit quality.
I Mnln Kt , Kait of Kko Tilt nter
l liur- I . K'lrm Hi .,w. i,i
all tl.ll Hill. . Ili.t , HI , ,. , ,h,
IniilnlllXHll.,,, lun.l . n,.tl,K (h..
Ilim.r. ..C Ih. Ir mint,. ,ti, i, H, .
nf Hmmltlm
Whfthvr Ihr iiiinrii win l,.,t
tin imitiiNllMtloti ilmi . H-ml
ii.n thf rwult. ,.r th i nh iimi..iu. f
Ihrlr Hilanrlm If ihy rn-l ihnl thr
pi HiMNHt iiiulimlliMilun ,an mid ,-r.
t) m mmllr mwIip -tHnw- ! thrm
tlwii tlimiKh l(H') MT'tlM thf ulalr
InmiiMhif fund ,Hii. I( Hith r
llk.1) tlml It Will If MrfnptMl
Tin- pnHMM-l ri. r iv.sj whiiii
I mm OmuKhl I.) th . .ntiml..n
Mill In- llir rHtP KiiMrtllnK thf mmI i...
frmnm. Id tl 13 IiIkmt than the rp
liHiKr.1 MCHliwt lh i.wl inlnltiK in.
ilntr In ('nlnrmlit Tfcr rat f H lt
in I'IhIi l linvml un th- hMmthfwl
IIihI thr i'olorad rale In l r
hiindrml i.ilMr nf ri lr Ui,
r.il.irHilit tHli l M-rn ilolUrn. whhh
H.IHt Imk tint Iwn d'Ullltrl Irarnnl
In tin- t'tah i nmmlMitti. ibf t'tali
rati Mill W nine dMani wr IimiiOkM
ilnllHrx f iwyndl I
While III.- InfiirmMtloH lm nl tt
Imhii mud iUmiUIiU' i ii I'tHh m.mi
iiiImiIiiii mi the V.,mit.i ratr. an m
limriul liiirpHii hn Iipii Hnknl fur tin
ptirp premium rale "H "Ml mlnliiK. '
lull tin repl t thl ili- nut MNkp
III) rale nr Mppl) lite iwl rule. Tin ,
itiiiiiiilwiiiii will lime dpfliilip liifiir
iiiiillnti hiieir lii Hint in Hitrk nut
I In- I'IhIi rale In aiham-e of the dml
ulnil f llle iiial iiperaliim In Hiliii lrt-j
lejl the Hrtelll f millimlltHleill
I'IhIi up ratiir. Ii w iiihh iXmid.
mi re prelwreil fur an iiniHHiiHement ;
if N rule of hImiiiI llllle t eleven ilnl j
lure If the pruiMwed rale f Ii as h
ndupteil the) Mill fare lietler llhtlij
tlle had eletell !
Illhlisi: AMOM. MIKIil.
The ute like Mwh InhUiI Iihh IteeH
Infiirnied ( an imllifeak if tH
llllliillK the purehrid llnllllilre llerl
iiHheil 1 1) tin Kevkii farm at Itpli
' Mi I m. and will make an lmellitallH
oil Hie KrifUIld thlii Meek. Tllla Hill
In- the InllUI lep taken l llr It W
lliiKKHII. flHle live aim k Ihmh li.r. In
a trip lili Ii will take him uver Han
H-le Heiir. illlUtil JimIi and I'tali
(Hlllllte I Ute f tile matter In Ik
HrraiiKed l Dr lluNNan ' tlif trip
Mill Ih the lllllHK tip ( dalr taJtle
prelliiilnan t lite lit for tiiiMrni-
If uii ar trmildiHl with rliruiili- r
mumiil.ir rliinallni iilve Cliainlwr
Ulna Miilimiit a trial The relief
from pain whlih It uffnnU l Iiip
Hnrtli niiin tlini" It t tildalif
iilili 1 1 r whirr - Aih I
I.PKI tilankp al The Hun Off Up
I (To Fit The Boy For J
1 : Summer
M ; It Is a mistaken idea that just anything in tho I j
lino of clothing will do for your boy s spring nntl
summer wear. Ono substantial suit will outwear ;,
II two poor ones. We sell the substantial kind. ;
He shouldn't go barefoot too much. The feet ;
R soon become nprcad nnd misshapen. Our shoos . ,
W ; ; nre both serviceable and moderate in price, det , ,
M him a pair of our sandals.
i ' Especially does your boy need a strong, light ; ;
:: weight suit for this season of the year. He ;;
H ; should have good clothing, for rags destroy his , .
J self respect. ;;i
We have made special provision for -the boys, -(
and have a line of clothing, hats and shoos that , , '
cannot be surpassed. II
I I! You will bo pleased and the boy will be happy
if you outfit him at one of our four Carbon conn- . ,
; ; ty stores. Economical and satisfying. . .
I Wasatch Stores Co.
I ! Stores at Sunnyside, Winter Quarters, Clear Creek and I
I I Castle Gate, Utah. J
loi- 1. wins ititiMi jiin.n, ini
i Mxiiuirr.
"Itakfr. nnd ',ir, x,v ,.,,., M (l,
Hllat I'Ikii,,, tl l'auiJU'tm
1 "tl tinlhiR. llrli.R MW.1-Hush
iv rcn in nii.vn -,ni Higher
iikmiii n,i,,t. r kMi,1Iii1(M.
jTite Mn npnM .VrM.,
( K Sn.n CITY M Ma 1 1 -rat-l
r.-TlMn ..f thlttPrn thtmaaml head
M at .tPatl, hri,, VeraKr.
thmiah M,,, h,,,. WMk ( MM(()( ((
ther. wa ttMeme nf ,iee.l ,ir ,-t,.
n all ld.- T.ip Mrvr MtC Mux
rt.tlpu were ime thutiMml htad and
mrlit tin in riftprn tenia hmh.r
T..i 1 is th,r. ,,a) ,,rH ,!,.
'nrt hend. un.-t.nly hlah.-r ami lop
laml. IIJ.3J- unhiard nr pret..ut
Th. mark1 f..i r rattle wmild have
rulnl irunai-r Iim4m i.m .. .. .. . i.
K-Mrnnteht in rratiitllnic Kraln up
ti.oi traillnit had a weakening- . ff.,i
II ..er. kllltra nerd eattle. and hut
ti Mtrp all out In awntt whmiii II,..
nptit Iniludetl Mime nrar prime na
lt' at tIJHB. rtal . hoi,,, ulrrr,.
iintlal.lp at 112 a ,.r H-ter amir
K'-hI pulp M,ni at IIZll to lUltt.
mid wime NiHnt iiuarantlne uteeia frtim
T. a at ill I Thrae prhra kIuim
an advani-r nf twint.ritp lit fifty
enl t,er aakm tf mr lallle a week
a I'laln Itallte rallle Mltli.mt uiHeh
merit a klllrra anld at 19.10 tM.tl0.7t.
jlllla Were kih today, mime rattle
MlttwlMK Kalmi ttver hnme MplKllta A
Haiti nf fallfiirnkt ler mild nt
,111 II. fmir htad i.f lUht merra nut
at lltt) Hud Ii. r rattle are firm
ltala. In-t limn up In f 10 ?(, ,n4
l. fninradit pulp IhiIIm .7,
'nuaraHllne l.ulU $!.0. Veal tiilra
'"Id up In III It Cimtitr) iMItel nre
tnnfldent wild rrHHt In futiirea. innl
,iker and fetthra are firm at Hip
hltchem prlera )it (mid HttKk vlerra
l J6 In llo.tn. frrtlira artiiuul $10 uu
and a few Mrh fet-den. up In 111.00
im Iwlltr Miixk wiwa mid hellim are
mm h waiitetl and lirliiK 17 St up.
ward, ehidip lii-lfera urmiiid lll.Oo
MtiK letrlpla ntirrau ellinnlen in.
da hill lai)era Mtle keen inmpi tllnra,
aalea tell In fifteen lillln hlKher Hnlllp
Hrakm-M detelnpetl, hut Hip tup,
IU It. wan kii Hear the ilime, Ihrrp
nr Imir hanU at tltat flKiire .Midliini
WelKhta hrlllK IH' In IB St Imlil), nnd
Until U.J ApHitpllll the lillJliiK
utile haa im dirfliult) In iiiiiiIiik the
prtHlutl at a profit mid utaiidn rend)
In take ert)lhltiK tlml I nine nt
MttillK prlie. HIllpllielilH fmin illntmit
M extern point i-niilliuie to dp n fill I
nre. imii IihiiU nr Ciillfiirnln plun in.
iIh). uitmiiK other ulilpmcnlit frmn In
lerniedlilte nilixe ulilte. Plxit lirllllt
lino to iii 7t
! 'Iher mum it wide nrlil In the
Mippl of fhi-rp nnd IiiiiiIhi IimIii).
ritiiKluic from tlmlie Mlnier fid Intnlm
ll.iilx ihiiiiiiU it llll.at, down,
'ward In NeM Menloi KihiIk lit tell
i t iiti a iHiiind. the lalli-r in IhiHi kll
'lei and imiiilrj lmtr. rernrd prhra
all along the imile Ti-xiik fall llp.
petl furllllK, fed a few wreka In
iKna. nld at III 10 and 111.71.
illpieil Hexliril IhiiiIm wurlh Up Ii,
lit 10 M-etiHil Kfiule Himhd IhiiiIm p,.
da IHnUKllt IIH. tO.
'IILW IlllltS' .MIN.II(NS.
The leaeher' exaiiiliwtlouH for
eoiint terllrirHtea will he held l'r.
il and rtutiirda). .May 2t and :!.
IIUI7. al I 'i lie. I'tah, In tin CarUm
etiiint) IiIkIi mIiihiI rtimuiiliilnx lit 9
titliak nf the fnriniMiii rroKram
i I'rhlay. May Slth llenillnu and
Hind) iimHim- Halt Irfike iire. V
n't dak. Wmlem IMril nl 10 Jo.
Health Wnrk In HthiHila at I 10 and
, In. 1 1 l-'rl.-ii'U and I'nea at 3 00 Hen.
eral Cxamlmillnn rrlmlpln of IMu
t Ml Ion ut ! n'llmk. TraehlliK I'mnnmu
llrainhia ul 10 30. IVhnlnK at
1 1 30 nod llmli'iie at 3.00.
Katiirda. Ma 2Clh Itiiullnif and
Sliiih I'niir UhmI I'laul l.lfr at l
nt Im k. and fletiKraphy nt 10 30 (li-n-era
I Kunmliutlliin 'KiikIIhIi at i) 00
'ni link. ArlHunellr at II 00, Hwik
i.iph tir I'nlled Hlalmt lllnr at
I 10 and Drawlnic nr Nature Ptitil) ut
t 1. 1 lot k
H W (J(ll.l)IN(l
Kilpilllllendelit nf H. Ihh.Im
I M'M'AI,.
( uiuuiirr-Wli tlld nu leme our
Ut pluif''
CluiuffBiii The ku I dnur for
went im) Htartwl nliliiKllnir hu
hnUKv mIipii thu'eur untied new Hrr.
Morshanti couoon books In all de.
iiomlnatloni. The Bun
Stf5! The Spring Hats I 1
Sfc Are Charming! I
1 ( " c arc continuously hearing ood i
y) t,lin5s about our line of Spring Hats. - iHj
& C4 WC WU,d ,IKC fr yU t0 SCC thcm' IIh
s whether you want to buy or not jH
it doesn't matter. jH
All of the new ideas that Fashion has ;H
- f) turned out this season are represent-
'aprk'a- cd n our store.
Front Lace Pack Lace BESSIE KENNEDY, MILLINERY, Inc. 0
rrxn isiaiii.isiics iti.coitn i
MiiiniNo Tin: ci,i,.
Ai-ttinllin: In OHUhit Itrtriillluit Dr.
iih-h Aiimiiiiiittl It) tin War Do
liMirliiiinl. t'tnh ttkitl lint I'mir
Men nf llntlnsr llri lli-iiilitil Num.
Iht TliutHlii) nf ll Wrvk.
I 'tali ivlaldlvhid an tnwatdr rrtnrtt
laiit I'rlda) h) IkhoiiiIiik the rirxt uliilr
In i-nniplrlel) flirnNIi Ha ipmln nr
men for the riRiilur nrui) under Hit
present mill fur ncrvlte. Ilnueer.
thin In onl) the fiml cull timin and Hip
Mute In expected to furnliih iiiiolher
liiritt 111111111 at nnie
AirordliiK to iifflelal retriilllmr fix
una iiniiininieil hy the wnr tlepnrt
ment at Wathlnnton, I). ('., Utah lark,
ed hut four nirii nf huxliiK hpr iunln
ThurinlB) nlKht mIipii Hip report from
Hi. Halt Utkr fit) rrrrultlim atntlon
mo received. DurliiK Trlduy evirul
time IliU uuiuhvr tre i diluted wi
tlml 1 1) nlKht I'tah Miia nlieiid of her
flrnt mil (iiniln, hut ItUhn win nrrat
hundred hvhlnd. nnd fur that reamiti
the Halt Uikr dUlrlct la i onuldcruhly
liehlnd In Ihp rntlrr iiiintu of fifty,
five huiidml men tiillul for from thU
IprrilltlllU dlvlnliiu.
In lrw of Hip dufleleni') from the
Idaho dlntrkt, C'aptnln J. I). Wittnoii,
nffittr In rhiiritP nf thr Zlou nriny
Ktntlnn, left for arloiu Idnhn point
while thrre uro KUti.rrvrultliiK ta
HniiM, In npur up Interpol nnd IniTenne
Hip mi inl.i r of Hiillntmriita frnm thee
ill.trlrlH ir pnMlMe
('omplrtttl I'rlihi),
The iiiiuln w hhh I'lah hernrlf Mint
aked to fnrnli.li for the rKiilnr arm)
nnd Hip nallnniil mnird under the
Hot tall for Xtdllllteer elilMllieul
wit ern men fur en oh HiuumiiiiI of
Inhilliltanta, luaklnK it tntal nf twpnt).
fmir hundnd and fill) men which thn
clute wax mlled uppn to rurnl.li fnr
the Kuwriiinetil nnd atntr H-rvlie
Thl uiimlivr mun vninplitrd Midi
rewrill In pparr, hill It I PXphlllied hy
I'aplitlu WaUnii, the letrilltluit nffl.
ter, Unit till ilniwu't mean that Utah
In nut expei ted to furnliih uny morn
men, On the tontriir). hi explain",
thin lit hut the find en 1 1 illi. la nnd the
KtntP I expelled Pi furuUli errul
thuiiMiiid more .men, a Hip tnlnl cull
upon thhi Mtulti for Hi Kimrd and
uriny Mill prulHltd) he uhoilt etu
Hiouwind men In Hit nsnri-KHle
I'nsra I'lirllirr Hii.miit.
In I.-h of thl Hip reeruitltiir nf
flier uric that the mun of Utah not
rent upon their hiurrl In fllllnk up
Hip firwt tilnlit t nil, lint rnntlnup In
renpniid to the tail for Mervlie mid
hurr) up another ipiotu of like num.
her, wi llmt It may maintain the piml
Hon It liulil mid lead tlio other Mutr
hi Hip mutter nf renpondlntr to Hip
rnuiitr)- cnll for mun, TIip tiipluln
llletr Hint the men of Utah Mill
rnntlnup In re. pond a they Imxe nIiihk
the prneent Ciimpuluii aturled mid
thut Hip natural pride of Hip ellUenn
In the piitrlntlmii nr tin Ir xtute will
hud Die men nf the Mule to ee In It
Hint ('lull keew In thr Itaul h) re
HpondliiK prompll) at the retriilllnic
nrrii e.
'iWKviv.roru hr.viits n.wi:
IIWNKIt l.igt'Oll AUVKIt'llhlN'O
l'iMtmtNtpr (luurul llurlvaon uu
niiuimil )i.ierdiiy tl.at Hip territory
lo Mhlth II will ht uiilaMful in mull
letter, pnmul turd or puhlliiitluu
lontalnliiK llnuor udvertlnieiiu. un
tier the KH-iillt.il Iteml atllelldmelil
eml.ritie ut leant twvnt)-four xtate
In their nntlri ty mid M.rtlonn of two
other, whllr duiu nre luinmplete a
to four more The lutii U tffitle
Jul) 11. exiept w la-re nherwlr ta
The almnlutPl) I tarred Mute are
Aluhamu, Arlionu. Arkunwi. t'olora.
do, OeorKla, Idaho, Indiana lowu
Maine, MIiIiIkuii. .MltMlMlppI Moll
tuna, Nehruaka, New llnniphlre.
North Dakota, North Carolina, Okla
homa. Orexon, Stmth Carolina, Houth
Dakota, l.'lah, Vlrxlnia. WuMiliiKton
nnd Went Vlrxlnlu. The- lam I errw
the In Utah Auxuiit lt, next, und
Montana lieremlier II, 1818.
Navel ll u linttle of mjlk reinulu
out of the rrfrlxerator uhy lonxvr than
It has to
C. N. Strovoll of Salt Ijike City, prosidunt of the Independent MP'
Coal and Coko company with mines at Kenllworth, in commenting . B ffl
on the coal situation for 1917, says: "The coal situation for 1917 jB B
presenUt many angles which were never before apparent. The B I
minus for the last ten months have had a large excess of orders j B
over what they were able to produce. The railroads have been IjjM R
unable to furnish sufficient equipment to keep the mines running IB fl
over 05 per cent of the time. A great many of the miners have ' IB W
become dlssatlsfietl with enforced idleness on account of car short- jB I
age and have abandoned the coal fields for the metal mlneSt and tjB 9
factories, where they could havu continuous employment nt almost I B I
any wage they asked. K f
"The demand for coal has largely increased as the railroad jB g
comiMinies are using every locomotive It is jwssible for them to B 1
secure. Fnctories have multiplied, particularly sugar factories B I
five new factories having been built during 1910 :gul four under iil I
construction for 1917. Each of these will require In the neighbor- jljl I
hood of ten thousand tons of coal annually. There has been prac- 'al 1
tlcally no coal received on thn Pacific CoitHt from Australia, New Mil I
Zealand, China or Japan for over a year. The amount of coal from I'll
liritlsh Columbia has been greatly reduced by an act of the Ilrltlsh I 8
government and the high price of coal on the Atlantic Seaboard J I H
has prevented any coal moving through the canal to the Pacific 'J f , ll
Coast. i n m I'H
1 r N !
"The high price of oil has made It necessary for a great many I fl
oil users to return to the use of coal as It Is possible to secure It. j 1 1 $
It Is estimated by good authorities In California that the con- jF H
sumption of oil at the present time is forty thousand barrels per 11 f al
day more than is produced, tho result being that the amount of hi jlfl
storage oil is being rapidly reduced. The only substitute for oil j i f I'll
Is coal. Just whero they are to secure this is tho problem. Present W l
developments in the coal fields of Utah would very likely be ample ,jjH i
to supply the requirements if sufficient miners were obtainable j if ?B
and the tratiHportatlon facilities adequate for handling tho same. ' I vM
Higher prices for coal are sure to prevail. i j ')fl
"On accountof the shortage of miners in the coal fields, op- I B
orators are looking for n mechanical substitute for this class of , f B
labor. So far, however, there has been nothing offered by the p B
manufacturers that Is satisfactory, so that there seems no im- i i B
mediate relief in this direction." ' ' i H
. i h , m
1 m& Anticipation iss&id m j
j "to really'surpasrrealization, I ' y H
n butthisjnstance'we know that 9 9 jB
U the realization of the quality and m $ , H
I toTTfTand flavofof BECKER'S f t t JM
IL BEST will surprise and delight you. M I ?&
A truly pure food beverage-serve M , mft H
jj with meals and between meals. M u ii H
-. ?-- mm aH
. rw f 1 n 1
'. f; n
MJ' I Hi
rill. E ..HH'