Newspaper Page Text
I b 4 i I J "LETY0 LIGHT SHINE " j&W - -tigs. rv P 9 ijhe man who advertises intelligently is throwing the spotlight W WfSSi '' ' l KfsSing H from the darkness to the light, where one can Li.y L R IFrrSSjpJP II H I B ,1 1 advertising columns of The. Sun are the rays of the spot- fe " -f' Pgt fl for Eastern Utah. poiitioaiiIiV ii up u n Li c. x d. ,M ThtSun is the short CUt, ns it Were, between the buyer and the Kntered a. 8nd-ClaM .Utter, une 4. lilt, at the I'oMofflce nt Prk Vtah. Under the Act of March I. lm, ? M Jmj VOLUME 2; NUMBER 52 " " EVERY FRIDAY MAY 25, 1917 H Ight hundred to thousand i men expected from carbon verything In Readiness For Selective Draft of Sol diers, June 5th. AH DOWN FOR FORTY-SIX THOUSAND Sheriff George Collinghnm of Carbon county is one of the very t of all the state officials in Utah to have everything required cadincss for the registration of men subject to military ser ; under the selective draft. Carbon county is expected to offer ween eight hundred and n thousand men between the ages of rind 30 years, inclusive, on Tuesday, June 5th. In all the several precincts of the county the registration nU arc in charge of the work. At Price the registration will conducted by Matt Gilmour and several volunteer assistant c names, however, arc not as yet known. Registration at ce will be nl the Paternoster building, and the hours will be :n 7 o'clock of the morning to 1) o'clock of the evening. In the end other precincts of the county registration will be at the ial oting places. Placards have been printed for hotels, depots and xstoffiees, ifying visitors what they should do in the matter of register The cards maku clear the necessity of all travelers who are ible to reach their places of permanent residence to fill out the titration cards nnd mail them to the officers in charge of regis- Itlon in their homo towns. According to the war department estimate, there will be reg red in the state of Utah approximately foity-six thousand men ween the nges of 21 anil 210 years. mi. ismitM vnov as 'in hi: qj ixi ions i'itoroi'.Nii:i UIVI cUcrvntlonn wltli regard he i, riliin in in. imktil hv lh iti of trow wlm reglMcr for the 'the draft n irlMrutlnn ilit), June nj the annwer extolled to lh' Wn nrr inntnlned In Innlrur Ii .n Thr Hun by Hherlfr Cn. am Thne nuhjei l to the draft rl it rend the Itintriii Hon fa I mill in have thrlr unnuir i on riRMrntlnn ilaj. In order i the w rk of rcKlMruUnn maj be I'd f rwnrd wltli tin little ilelu) !! Ir Tlir Ucnllnnn In Im unk ind llu nature of tin repllen sM ati an follow n ! Iii full, Am In jctim. M nu m nil oiir million npclled In full ! ur age today n )cur only, nar.l additional .month or dan. Pf lurnl in mi) 19," or "3&," not 'ura mitiitlm, or the like. Iluine inliiirM, hi" lilrann the plate where nil ur pirmiineiit home, nut tin sImtp ton work, lie prepare tU" the mldr.n In tjiln wil. "333 " trtt Chicago, Cook loiinl)'. that is kk,. ntimlor unil mime 'fl fir t tin ii town, then empty I Ulr bate of lilrlli. fe i. ir llrthduv (month, day 1 'Tl ii h ptcte of paper liefore ' 1 1 the rml.trur. nml glvo the " I ' him flmt thing. Kxumple i ' H9.. ' J '! nut r member Ihe etr, I l on wrr un jou would If mine- !kI jmir l.lrthilnj, iih "Aukui.1 Tlirn d.i. 'On my hlrthdio K r I in . (or mih) inr Thi r.Kltrnr will then fill In ur i r I i.iii Ul ! (I) n iintiirnt Nirn till 'r! !) ii imliirnllisl cllleiil J"l "Hen; () r lmf )iiu ill wrril jmir liitnitlon to Imsiiioo ii lilii (mir wlili Ii)? "' If hi were horn In Ihe 1'nl 1,1 Hi luilliiK Alimku nml lln rii' "ri " NATl'HAI. IIOItN 'Mr . , imiiiHr n lint mu hme n tnn "luniililp or niltlnlinllt) of1 ' I rcii- f )i,ii Wpre horn In "J ' ill lire n 1-ltUen of the '' Hint i imlnM ou were horn ""i inr.niiiRe If ou were horn ''l u lire Mill a iltlj.n of till" "i Htjt.j, f Jm,r flltltr nun n ,"" " H t'lilted Htute lit the , ' en horn, mile ou lime J'ulrd .ourwlf ri'L?."' ,,r'' NATIMIAI.IZHO ''' If J u hue niMPl.KTKH 'r nalurM.xiitlon, Hint U. If .1. taken finul pupern." Hut you not u rlilxin If jou huve onl) lie. '" 5 ur Intuition to hoeome 11 " 'lint In f jou imie onl "tui " fir t piper"). In the lutttr , '" ' onh o "ileclnrnnt." '"ore um, u nuturnl.xed iltlxun rilhouKli forelKii horn, jour f tiri,M,,A,v,nK l'rent henirte full) ,rH? il while Mm were under 81 '' aK. anil If jou eume to the '"Ktatis, 1(ll.r , 1(,arH I, ,., " nre DKCLAItANT If. !n a (Itli,.,, r nuhjett or nouie ik , V ",r' ou hu ileclureil on 'it iir r" n nnturiillxutliin mrt ntrntiun tu hciome u dtlmi of the I'ulteil SliilK Ittielpl from the tlerk or the eoiirt of the rertlflid cop) or miih ileeldrHtlnii U often 111IU1I 'tiikliiB out flri imperii" Vmi lire not h diiliiruiit If )our Mrl m.r wmt liiken out nfler SeplemUr IS, tOOti, nml N more ihun wien erii old II) You nre hii AI.IISN If V ''" mil full within one of Ihe three 1 liw IllHile metlllnneil A. Winn i"iv )ou Nirn? I'lrnt imme Hie town, then the slnle, then Ihe iunlr. "olunilniH, Ohio.' "Vlrniw. Aumrhi," "I'HrU. I'Mine." "Hoflu, HulKiirht" II, ir mil 11 Hllen of uhiil niiinlr) im- ou 11 iltlen or M1I1J11I? TIiIh need Im- Hitnwrriil onl) h ulleiiK nnd d is htm 11 in. Itememher Himi 11 "del lurHIlt" I not 11 1 Ulell of Hie I'liltul Suite. If 11 n tillen or delink nut, hlnte the miml-er of ur eoitn lr. I'mme Jin. 'flilnii. 11111I Hiforih 7, Wlml l jour pifxiil Hnde. m-. iiiuillou or olllir? Till diM-n not Hfk wlml )oii nine did nor )ht j mi h I""" '"'"1 ' the lime, nor wlml " "' :!'';,' to do. IT AHKK WHAT VtH'lt JH IK lUdllT N'W Hlnte l.rlelU hn Mrm. r." ' nilmr." ;in.lriil." ! horer Ion riirm. In rolllnif mill. In mi. tomolille wiiKou or other fiitlorn. mmhlnwt In miloniolille faitory. eti. If oti hold mi t'ffhe limh r Mute or r.Hhrul Koiernmeiii. iwme the of. ri... ou hold If '' T" I" "' ,r hef.lhmlnBffl''T"''l'l'menln ,,"e ..lie of Hie IMIM h reHfler men- ""'ru hiWM. .lerk; n;i.ioed In the tri.Mull..n ct Hie mull r "inphoed in n .rmr. ienl or n ii Ynr.1." "nwrlner. mtiwlb '" po..tW.-rW;eor....M.r within the rnlte.1 HtHten w 11. ul.oin WIiiwpiii- .'r'tim Vre rkiw ' '! ,,,. r,. rorponitlon or ; utuli, tin iwme If m Inwinenn. irnin proee-h.'i J.r employ."." f.w .' lilt H.ntte iroHrenoffl.rof the or feeler! iiiirHimnt. iu" the lown ! nd M.le where or l.mther under 12 "'n'i" '' . ,., miili-nl "I""" '"' r"r ""'M'1 "!;'::,lm:vrerew.nuh lilren . ,. i,i,ii? Iluii till, Murrl.-.! " rliR'1' (""" (hMllf) hli I.) ,,... 1(lU wero one.- nu Tried, o 1 (j th( ure nmrrled now m u ,, ,MUtlon ", " i' rttn MoiiK-"""" II What mlllinry wr.liv luur )oti lind? IUiiU? Ilrnmli? i-nrn? Nation or Ktate? No mnltir whnt roiinlr )ou mried )ou mint Kl.e lomplrte Information In nmiurrlnK thew itiientlunn. flrnt nume our mnk, iikIiib one or the fol low In wurdn ' Ponimlwdnned nffl eer" ' non-eommlnloned officer' private ' Next ntate lirnmh In which imi ervl In one of the follow Init wordn "Infantrj," "cainlo, nrtll ler " "Mippl)," "marine ' mix) Next Male the number or )earn rvT' Mte, nut ruttntlmt the time client In the rrnerte I'limlly 11111111 Hie nn thin or Milte Jou ncrted If )oil nerv ed Ul.der the t'nlted Hlnten or one of the Muted or the t'nlted Hlnten, name )iiur r. Ire In one or the fullonlnK turn 'National nuard (or nuih nml Mirh a Mate)," "mllllla (or nu h nnd Mich n ntate)." ".ohmleern or t'nlted Hlnten," or Trxnliir nrm (tin.) I of t'nlted Hlalen." 12. Do )ou (Inlni r.cmptlou from drnfl? SHrlfy kmiiiiiiU. Hiiiiiih. )ou claim exeniilloii from drnfl. It h no mennn follow h Hint ou are exenit for the Inrormntlon of the war dfHtrtmeiil ou nhoiild mnke n ilnlm mitt If you Intend lo imw rule It Hime luriMinn will Ik- exeinp. teil on Ht'coiinl or their octiiihilloun or off Uen. mime on neroiint of the fH't that the) Imxe relating deieud ent iiHiii them lor tipHirt Your nilnwrr tomlllllR thene IhlllKn will he Important In mipiHirllni; the ilnlm ou now intind in make In oiir no nwer to Hie prrnent iiienllonn lie nun. tin rehire. Hint the Krolituln )iill now Mate are In lonformll) with our iinnMem to iiillonn Niw. 7 ntd K. In ntatlnx Kroundn )oll claim 11 exempt Ink oii line one of Hie follow Iiik ti rmn ir )oii ilnlm to he nu exc utile, tiKlMnthe or Judlilnl offlier of Hie Mule or nation name onr off he nnd n'whetlnr It In nil of flip of the ntate or nation If xoti ilnlm to In n uieiii' (Continued to. I'r eight) i(H BETTED ROUTE Midland Imll siinrlor In K.cry Way lo Lincoln IIIbIiiiu). T Word itime lo rrlic )et. rday Hint the Han I'rumlneo A.her- tlnlnK hh. Iriil)fl.. ii.rn ctroiiK" would lene Halt I -ike City thin ll'rhluy) luoruliiR h) wa or the Midland trail for Ht. 1.0111. Mn, nnd nrrnnm nieiiin were made for mretltiK the mrt) lodn) at Coltoii nnd plhilliiB Hie ineiiilHrn lo thU Its. nnd 011 to (Jr.en lllier from here However, nonuthlnu eemn to lime oicurr.d whhh ciiummI Ihe I'urlfle CiKintern to. Iiatme Ihelr mlndn, and InMwul of iiiiiiIiik HlU wa the) Imie Kone Ihe Lincoln IiIbIiwii). whhh tuken Hum throimh Wyomlnit nml the northern part of Colorado More limn llkel Infliienu were, hroiiKht to hear nt linden, whhh 1 Hi wan vIMted helore .loll I jiM nlKlit II. I- Tmvln. nenl out It) the llerald.ltepuh.lcan nt Halt iJtke Ct. came In from (Irnnd Junction. Colo, nnd wnn llllt here h nevernl tltlxenn. He went cnM hy wn) of the l.lmnlu 4 hiKhwn). ntuinlnif from Ihif er, Colo, over the Mldhilid trail, whhh he re irln to he In 4 elir nenne of the word the he. 4. wr rouli He wnn piloted from 4 here to Coltiin thin mornhiK. t had leen iirrninied hy Hie 4 4 illfxcnn or I'rhe to lle the Han 4 4 I'rnmlMHnn the reception or 4 4 llnlr liven The, perhnpn. will 4 mier know whnt lhe lme 4 iuIhu.iI It nuo he Hint l j 4 return our the Midland troll -I 4444444 4444444-5 "LIPS THAT TOUCH WINE SHALL NEVER TOUCH MINE1"' ASSESSED VALUATIONS OVER SEVEN MILLIONS ItehiM The Hun prenetiln III It. inlieil fnriil Ihe nwned viilunllonn or the nevernl elann or property In Cnrholi county, nuhjeit to tnxiitloti ror the enr It7, nn reported to the nntto Imant of eipiiillxntloii hy lleiiton llnndolph, riiuniy nnnennor, nml lorivnrdrd In Hie ntate iiutliorlllrn on Tuenday hint, Mn) 2!d Tint tal In 17.111.770, nil Increane over (he )ear I9IH or nvir Hve linn dred thotiniind dollar. ItKAI. UHTATK. Niimher Acren Value. Ileiil enlute nnenned nn lulllllIK ihllllin Ulld lilwi Imvllllf 11 nepnrnte vnlue ror other puriionen 197.1S I 17,130.00 Iteal entnle ilnurllMil n town or Ity hitn 6M3.6J0.00 HimiI entulii diirllod un farm l.indn U, 711. 87 IM.TM.Oll llml eMntP demrlhed nn fruit landn lla.ll SO,S:.0O Heal mIiiIp dencrlhed nr crnxlnn liindn ,l8.l I3, 911.00 HmiI pnliilp dewrllied nn otlirr hind 19.8S0.J7 8I1.63U.OO Kent entntp nnnenned nn IlllnlliK ilulmn 37.I0M5 l.3lll,37.00 Tolul nnMimeiit of real ixtate 3.733.837.00 IMIMIOVHMHNTrt. Improvement 011 real wtnte uwn-nrnd u (own nnd itlty lot I J.3-J'J Improvrmeiit on real enlnte nnnenned nn uitcmki .19,1101.00 Total nnnennmint nn Improvement 11,199,178.00 ' I.IVIt HTOCK. Nunihir. Value r.e nnd mule on ran I .0.00 Home 11ml mule olUrwIne nnnenned 1.089 22Sr 00 Cattle on rnnue ,5!':! Callle othrrwlne nnnenned , ,uf'5 Hhei p or uontn on rane . i"So"2o HI11 ep or Kimtn i.lherwle unnnnnei! "I ;:,, Hwlne . ; m 'II"'-UU Total unnennmeiil or live Mock I I7.?05.00 I'KltHONAI. I'ltOI'Klfn- OTIIKH THAN I.IVH KTOCIC. i k. U9.877.00 I III II KM t ' " iltttl 411! ftfi MenhandU nnd trade Hxttire . 0.- Maclilner). Lndn. Improv. menu nnd nupplle 1 70 ,9to.oo ' Money, nolvent irrdlt. JiidKinenlnund nofoHh Il.Vino'nn I'ernoliHl prnjierty 4int olherwlno ennmemled iid.iuu.uu Totnl of piMonal prnpirt) othi I than Urn Mo.k . ... Il.f.00,983.ou IJrnnd totnl unneenment made h iminl) u.nnor .. I7.H1.770.00 The Mute hoard tmn completed It tunk or pint Inn vnliiullonn on lltlUtlo ' In I'tnli ror purpone i.r taxation thin. year. The total l''l''"u l'''" 'V "1 I himrd on all propertle lomlnic wllhln It jurl..l I. II..11 In 1168.998.378. .. com- Wired with 1 50,878,88 1 .hint inr, tt net KiHu or 18,331,814. '. Vet l.rmeed r mln.Ni were idaied ut i:i.8!2.85l ant ) ear. while thin )enr the .!r. In TlJiimaO. nhowhiK nil Imrenne r tll.l.. " In.reane alone MM more limn the totnl valuation pla.ed on thin clann or propert) lM )eur REGISTRATION CARD , Same in full . Akc In )ear ((liven name I (Kumll) num..) Home nddren I Nn. I (Htreet.) C2lt) (Htute) a Hate . hirth ...., .;:: (Month.) (L)n)'. (Ywir.) I Are )ou (Il 11 nntuml hoin (3) a uutiirullxed iHilxen, (3) un alien; () or have 011 ilnelured )our Intention to heenme n illUen (np.Hrtf) whlelDT '. iVllrre were oil InirnT (Town.) (Htato.) (Nation.) C If not 11 ittlxen. r whut iuiiftry are m 11 til lien or nnhJertT 7Vhat In jmir prnt trade, occupation or offlteT s Hy whom emphedT Wheru mphi)edT i Have ou a futher, mother, wife, ohlhl under IS yeurn, nr u nUUr or hro Hier umlnr 13 )our ilely dtiiiendent on)on for uipnrt (nptwlfy whlh)7 in Mnrrln.1 or nliiKh- liluliT It"w (vpeviry whleli)? llVhut nillltur nonlie have oii luulT Hunk Ilruiuh Ytarn ' nutlofi ur ntate i: Do oti ululm Dximiptlon from draft (Mpwlfy Kroundn)7 I affirm I have verified nhove unnwer und t t th.ty nre true. (HlKnuture ur mark ) If ptrnou U of Afrl'un dement tcur off thin lornir 1101 11 r tiik HUhimv.vrioN itoMth iti: 'io nr. woituim 4 4 YeMerdil)' Hall Uik Trlh. 4 4 line hiliiKn the Information that 4 4 the ttate road onmmlwihin found 4 .eir lietweeu the horn or u 4 4 dilemma when It met Wrdnen- 4 4 day hint to .onnlder whether It 4 4 would reiommend Hie I'rhe to 4 4 M)ton rd or Ihe llelm-r lo im 4 4 ihenne road Into the Uintah lla- 4 4 nln The Kovernor nelxinl the 4 4 iwo liornn nnd downed the .111- 4 emma h) hln nnilKenlloii Hiut 4 4 ImiiIi roadn h Improved h the 4 4 Mate und mndc imnnahle rr the 4 4 deliver) to innrkit r the vunt 4 4 uKrluiltunil renoune of the Ink 4 4 Mn Thin wnn the lommlnMon'n 4 4 deilnlou. follow IliK the llover- 4 norn nmiKentlon Carl Wllheru 4 4 of CaMle .Dale wu ut Ihl meet- 4 4 I iik npiMilnted rond iommlnnlon 4 er ror Kmerv iuilO. H K. Wl- 4 4 thel or Moah ror flraml 11 ml 1. 4 . lllaik or HlandliiK ror Han 4 4 Juan fount) O.X.J.4.4.4-4.4. 44444 Try The Sun for jour Job work. GLftSS OF TWENTY- I TWO ARE GIVEN : I DIPLOMAS ' ' I laniiixT i:vi:h ritoi tiik caii- ' H IIHN COC.NTV IIKill. H "I'luxm" MinpklirTclln ur the 0iar '' M utnltli". Thnl Confraut Hip (Irndii. jH ntP. While I'ruf. U-roy 1 CoivIp. I H I'lirmcr 1'rtiu luil. nml I'ruf. John ' M U. (Jiihlcr Mnto Hplcndld Tnlk. I I H Tivent)-tw.t ntmlrntn iimpfltlnit f H the lament clnnn ever Krudiintrd (urn r I jH the Carbon County High nchonre- , lH rilved their dllomnn lant U'ednea ) JH da) evenlna The iommenc.'inent ex- TH erilaen proper nlnrted Kunda) even. , , J Iiik, May 30th, when Ihe Imicnlnurc- 1 I lH ate nddrenn to Hie gmdunlc wn dr- I I H liven d hy Ihe HeV I'rter A. Hlmpkln S H of Halt Uike Cll) All three or Hip I t H rxenlnen rellnlolln nervlce, nrlllor f 1 H proKrntn nnd the rommencement I I H prnarnm were held In the high v H mhiMit nudltorlum, nnd wire ntlend- I H id hy liirKe irow.l. I H I'urnon" Hlmpkln dwelt nn the jH lodi or nervltr nnd told or Hip op li 'H IHittilnltlen Ihut confronteil the xrad- J 'Jl liillen, nnd that the onl) nucirnn la) ' J " 1H In KranpliiK them The IiIrIi aohool . 1 jH or hentm under the dire. Hon of jH I'rof A IhirKener, n tied the nervlre JH with an ovrrtur... ufler which I'rcM- 1 jH dent A W llomle) delivered the In , ' 11 JjM vixntlou He) moor I'rown and l.lllln ' H Morley then nun it n duet which wan (H follow id 1 1) the wrmon to the itrndu IH 11 ten The chodiiK mimhern were n ', JH notiK h) the ladlen' chorun nnd the i IH henedlitloll, offered hy lllnhop Albert ( H Turndai evetiluK. Mny 33d. Hie net). B lor riivp Ihelr ilnnn proRrnm. The ' 1 , jH hlKh nehool on lienlrn opened with the " 1 oTerture, "lloliemlau ilM," which itM wnn followed h) 11 vo. ill nolo by Jennie . JH HallliiKcr Marlon Davln, ilan prrnl lH drill. Hi. n delivered nn nddrenn nu U H the topic. "Thaukrulnen." Xlar XUI-, l , H Ur rend The Dalnlen" nifd n ladlen' ; ft I. 'H ilouhle quarlet nnnif "Cominrn. rment ' 1 M Day." The chin hlnlory wnn told by , H (llenn Harmon itfnl wn followed by , j. It H a bell nolo hy He)mour I'row and I r 'H reu.lliiif by Ituth Mlllhurn. The vale. ' 1 fH dktor) wan delivered hy Ituth U'hlni. H pe). Mln Whl m ie had nn her toplu 1 if fH "(iportunltl. n," nnd delivered It III a f'k VbH ver iredltable mnnner j Jr HH I'rof I!. Cow leu. former prill- ii ,M ilpul or Hip IiIkIi echool. khvp Hi ad. I1! M drenn In the Krnilunle on Wrdtiendny .'H eveiilnif III. theme wnn "Idrnln.' nnd 1 he nhowed how dlfferrnt one had i i'H belli foiiKht for ut different tlmen. lt 'H HellKloii toleration mid ph)nlcnl , ,, jnH freeilum were iiinoim tin in, he nald, H und before the) won nut oeenn of fH blood hud to Ih nhed. Todn) we are 1 4 flNhtlnK to eMahlMi firmly another ' l lilisil Kovernment by iiunent of the jl tioverned demoirill). pollinl free .' laH (loin. The world In nlik, und even a 1 9H nnoue who In nlik muni endure the 1 H reined), nn Hip world munt endure It. 4 tiV He ended with 11 pleu to the urndu. 1 H ute to do their "hit" In uppl)lnK the fj lH reined), and nald they inuld bent ik- IH nerve b) continuing their preparation tjgS 1 In hluher mliooln. beinune thin war tBe jH wn to be won In Ihn Inhorntorlr and f 1 W'lrknhop, and there In where the j JH liullou medn men who ure prepared. ji H llrlef review of the )enr'n work wa , i 'jM Klveti b) I'rlmlpal (lubler, und I'rrnl ; jH dent Murtunen In u few well rhoneli 4 word nald thut he hopeil Ihn 1 Ian uf j , lH 1917 would lake Hut Inlllatlio In JH formlnw nu iilumnl iinnoclatlnit. The x . i IiIkIi hool iholr und onheitra were , JH then heard, followed hy 11 rendliiK by ' . , Ouadell Woodn, ' H The diploma wire prenenled to the t I J 4 Kritdiiuten by H. W. (loldlnnr. county H nupurlntemlent. After the nervliu the 4 at KTadliaten, faiult) und nchool offl- 1 jH ilul were enlertulned for u abort ' lU tliiie In the dluluir room b) I'rof. and t H ' Mm. II. II. Walter. I'rofennor Wa. f bH ' tern wun Ihe faculty udvlnor of the J SjH KruduutliiK clan. While nherhet and VM take wun nerved nlepn were tuken by , r )M the ntuilentn to form un uliunnl unno. .1 tM ' 1I11II011 und 11 tvinporur) orKunlxutlou B itnu ..f r,..iiii HI! .moh The fifth nnnuul ruiumencement .It Jllfl hall wu Klven Thurnduy nlnht, 'und, -SI, H un I alwuy Ilia uim on thenv umru- St f nlonn, the KVliinunliim wu irowded, )Wu H Thonn who were Kradliated ure Itu- 'rK '1 Ion Anlhon llryner, Jennie llallliiKer. tow slH Huxel dertrudo Cloveland. Marlon 1.K1 J Tliomu DuvIk, flruw l'uunett, Cyril JB;' H I'ellx 1'ltt, Wlnford (llenn Hurmoii, ,,81 H Ljdlu llloomfleld llornley, Orlando ,fJ( jM Juoknon Ijumford, Krln I'onurd, 'jBL M Thoiiiii Kili'ii Uunph, Annabel LwIn, "tK 'H Kiillirn Allie Mui Lean, Helen Mur ''S ,H Miller, Jennie Ituth Mlllhurn, Aurella '11 Mlllhurn Kvel)ii Ma Olnon, Held Wgl H Piue. David Drown Totter. Heymour KVM I'jH VerKll I'rown, Thoru Ithh und Ituth 'UC S WhlmiM.). 'IM! IiH The Denver and Klo Oraiulu re 'IwlLi tentl) allowed courte) tn the ntate 'JUbH utllllle lommlnnloii In uruntlnif It sVHbI formal re.iiuent that Thomimonn, on rImLLB the main line mid the rullroud pqlnt HaHaiLV "nenrent M011I1, be niuile n regular fluK IllCaES Mop for the afternoon truln fur the liilH lonvenlence of truvelir. The flan itafflal .top wu created, but the railroad llHll nhowed eiiully prompt Mturten)' to iiHVH the federal Kovcrnnuint when It wa StHI reUited to laucel ull truln ponnlhlo. liHaLV When the flutf ntop wu ireuted the tlSll truln wa cllmlnutcd, I vrM