OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, August 31, 1917, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1917-08-31/ed-1/seq-1/

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!ijj- .
piciALTIES 'fM -m-i-
Hlntr it work In Its Job 8K J I I II-4jJ2m3MV J-C$liX I II I II
I LKl wkmen to compote ' P?i Si 2 l Ifr'
.r InftU itlon anywhere In , , " w Crn-' '
H till The Sun your wnntu nml ' I 1 T I t M, I. V It i: P I ,I O A X
R.UitVn O etc f ClftM . Jne 4. l.U. , ,, ,.oilottK, , ,.,, v,nh ,, , Ae of ,
'. "' U1' EVEKY ruiDAV AUGUST 31. 1917
V HH '
kljamafed and Utah-Idaho Looking For
1 Properties In the Carbon County
HI Fields Preferably.
utifl j
Htnu tt of I tin nml lucnl tonl
Hatt nrt 1 n it lie aorprlacd to
"J..i(l) if ttnhn big augur fur
Km idling into the tonl gum. In
fH-feeor t mm tounllc. r both-
u rl tht Tor n couple of
Hdutht Amalgamated Huftur com-B.iib-I
the t ult-ltlaliu pcoplo have
BiMtlnr for one or noro tonl
Bfika In tluiH field., unit nt thin
.. . lt llielr i Xpert, on thr ground
, p um4v;I p il nren arc bring; con
Mr Mtl
1U' to of thtv H the holding of thr
toich U Htmk compntiy on tin
J.iWof thi rmigi beivvmii t'rlip
Jet tcorirl ) nml the other In Hunt
,t, fati'tn il It will I n member
F if tun n nder. tltnt onl) n few
kr -kl ipi litlrm. of lluntlllKtoll lo
"t Jitwut a thouimnd acre up I Inn
rn cw l'm on which mljoln the
tii -4 balding thoMi of I' J Quenley
Wr eth.ru. The trip thrr. thin week
, , ;. E.IVIIII expert inn) ho for thi
ol romixiiilrii, the Hi microti, or
nmrtKiM or the nugnr compunl.
IT tin tout muri theiiper ttml, hut
il f tut n famine betiiuet of
t! tffnr Muring n In llu ut
W. rt ihf o i iirlng of n utml property
rat) ll 1"i propoatd to develop
1 1 M agrhiilliirttll l tin
' ut f i ugr factor In IhU
I i A ti iu woulil ii mm re n
lB '!' (I i t iiri A Kclitlniitll Hhit
i -wii tt ih( lilmk mil white" of
' ir n Thf Hun th lnfrnut-
fjn t nt Ulurl) to Kir lh
'ft' inforinntlon hut rxptn
-n I i mpli t ilftulU In tin
'w'tm i rtn uf lmin The Htm'
mtnt ono nr nfutirlnir mImiiiI
' "mm in th ooul llu t"
III Mpp-tltlH or III UKir
r mm r nwui, uhkli In not an
"& lh I ou I'onl lomimii) of
oiinj tliruiiKh Jimopli Heow croft
' '4n Im dropped tli option hl I
th m i rn ,onj m0 proper!)
' humlr I mid nlxt iiurm newn
" noith of lrli Tho len or
" mni (,urMom mid other,
"ln tlnr for (Hiuplo of wckK
'afrw da) uu lme heun tnkeu
" 1 i rr tho riiKliurr In uliurs,
' '" n I tnntN hai nturnril to
11 Bl tinfcii, Wj n
n a lt I uliout lh property h)
"' rtpr ntntutlo durlnK t Im lilt
Ut Munda JonvpIi Hcow croft
"fcr pr rirrc, ,ml ,0 tllIk the
" lliwiicr, wim In, hlmrir
ci im Intend to ukiuIio u mhiI
7 'l !! mid If It In not thn MIIU
2"1 Wlrt or wime other In that
r. rh ' '' " will hu Homewhere
wtari in or Kiiibd tountj Ue
7 w outu out, an It wtr, and
r worklnif for him ut their
b llui, nn n11j Mu UIMHHu(eK
"ilrinit two other proponl-
"" In lluntlnicton Cmijon nnd
nl that of tho NatlonHl Fuel
;"i y up dunion Creek J. W
" U mine impeetor, went
m"lt' lunjon on WednewlB)
I h i V t)l,' lopltalUtM while
' u WomlnK wl Mirt
'"Hied thu tiurilon irk
" 'i I.ii 1 too fur from
" d sun If noniethlnB equnll)
1lt" I r ild he found nearer to
J'' ' n It u now eotlnr mur
., ' Mi onitruct rnllnwd.
. ' hnunt of uu lnteret the
r Hi might lme In the Mill-
,nlr option It under
il, ..'' 1 't n""1' lhtf ,M
" Muturii. Ime with Hn
l..": i mil J J) itUhmond of
. , '' t u Their option riiim to
a. ' 't tuxt mid It U lwllevd
mm , ,n(0 ew nami it
L'ln,p If they or nomeon !
k" It thu will lie n railroad to
'J it I rln The plan of the Brow
r ' l0 '"Hid front 1'rleo up All-
.? n Inntead of Cordlngl) fan
"r fc-rnde lielnit oalor
"'e urademy opeim for rejrUtra
7" September 4th, while ronular
uk heitlnn tho Sth
JUtE 10 JHEET Mill ,
Ciiiiinii r ll (lull Organli r lloldi
rrtinnl Mittlin; loululil
(lull n ruml. r of itlieH of Trin
met nt OrneKle IILmr) kwt I riiU
evening with the lw of nrwainUliiK n
cotiimerrlHl rind for I'rW It J
Turner wen iIhbmm temiMiran
thiilriuaii of the merlliiK Mini tleorx
It NpIiim, wcrtnr The Mm wrm ,
d to preilnmlfwle In net awn) from
tin imine romnmrrlnl rluh, ' nnd
mii It MilwtltiilM a I'rk CiiMitmiiilli
tluh or I'rk Welfnr iuhhm latlon '
weir offrreil N'nlhlHit wan ilon mh
to the i hrbdeiilMK
Iher hm more or In talk n to
whethe'r tin membenthlp rhould In
elude r el It nt tif the count) other
than I'rlce Imt IliU n nialned tuiM't
tied nt tin rloee of the ineetluK How
ever n committee iimllliiit of l A
Mrde J II Manwin bihI U K Willi
iinin waa named to draft n iimIIIu
Hon and lolawa fur Hie proMrd iluh
whatever it name mn l
The meethiK adjourned until till
(lrld) iveiilnir when the msiiiiI
meeting I to ! held at the Mm
plate It I peted to lierfnt tin
iitKanlmll n t'liilxlit
umw m
(.ourniiiint ppmlMr lliiulrlil. l
IKikluic M 'lliloa IhiiII)
(I II I lentil hk appralaer fr lh
ltrkrle t'aU ) fatm Umh Imnk. ht
ifilhK r land In t'arbwi t-ounty
IhU wk on whlih apph tta for
loan from the Ktiwrnwewt have Ih
mad ami I In here several daa
et The mipllrall'iM are from the
lrh farm han aanttt lallon wemliera.
About fnr' Ihountntl dnllara I br-
inic atlllMl ' ,,, " '' " ,h' "'
mlnatlun havi tir h appralr
la well natbtfled with wturltlea t
ir4 Thr are t anew latlon In
Kilter count and one In arlm Hi
npidlratktn In Kmtr i.utnumlierlnL'
thiHt Im-allv It la tatd
Appralaer llendrb h M Iwlnit hown
over Hie lomitr b J W MiKhIkIiI
fount Anent Hulllvali ami tilhern The
Iterkele laiMk I .an aWiit 0 ierttnl
r appraleed vabn on land and l
nr tnt on improvtineiit.
.plltiillon I'or UlUr tnrrltr nml
tltrl. Now In Onlir
It will not ! Ioiik now until
iHialnt-M mm and "l,,mr "f
4. j'rlt will have their mall naml
ed to them b larrUrf fre
liven ayttm from H I '
aoon to be lnMlld All x- ?
animation Mr .frk and carrier
will be held at he iNji,rf I. In
I'rlr pii ThHrtHla hplember
3Tlh ' f-rlHielHinoii lj
limit i ! Hn ,hH M t
ut the examination J
I Murrle.1 women will "t I
I mil Ml to Hi xaml'Hen ThL
J r Won however doet. not a.
to won.. n h ho are divorced
l. it he an Hlbl f-- a p poll. -
ue be plO'.i.ally - ""J J
, U applicant- mu. b. n.t
I ,,,, fe fret III helR-ttt III far T
t J ami w.lRh not H- than a
I imildnMl and twenl-flv iM.und.
t'l r aPPH.-tlon "al" J J
fu I li.furH.atb... relative to the
.. i . itiver lrrlnallo" comiatny U
wmiww "".' ,K,r the- have
JSVXJ 'X -"'-' '
.. , r.. iiavmond who taught at
MIM cra ll ' " j eontruLt
with tho Salt I-uk- l "
lll.l.l. III IIOMHt
Hill(tK l MtMfl.l.lN
JtlllN K ItlCII UVIIlHMton
(1KOIK1K ANtoKION, Uhtwa-
HIII6I.IMI.S A AM)ltllhh)K.
ton , '
JlHIN (lOOI.Il llelir
lull f
Almvi ale the namea of ten nun
the filet off for the war from ("iirlmn
ti.uiirt The itinatltillti the flr.t S
per tent of Hi bH-al draft mid nr to
leuve I'llce on the mornlnc of I'rl
iIh. Htpteinber 7lh. one wetk from
initio for Camp lwl ut American
l.akv ah Carlam count' totul
for the lobira U two liundriHl mid f lf
tevii leavliik' Ichliiil two luiiulrnl and
On Hi tth of Heptembcr, u K
H lloiale of the locul iHiard eighty
U mori diart mid on the Id of Oc
tober an addlllonal eight -lx men
Man applltHllona were made to the
board b eelei tetl one to lie permit
ted to im with the flmt ipiota How
ever, no thangea mold l mail b
the IxKirtl
America flrt per tent of the na
Ihinal arm will lumprlmi men of pre
vluua mllltar tralnliiK a fur u m
e luok and olhera eeliiMded In
camp orifunlaatlon work N'o negroe
an to Imludid ThU unit, w tilth
iMiglu entralnliiK Heptember III. next
week will l eeleeted from lhoe
MM'HtU Ol' hllll'MHNTh
Viedlttliig abnormal tttnditloiu on
the rallnwd. i mplmalietl b b .liort
hi of tara for the movement of
Height eepetUtll a aoon aa the crom
are harvtxted and read for transpor
tation the atate public utllitlea com
mlMibm lia Iwtued a Utter to the rail
load urging them to unite and ambit
In every wu to mlnlmlxe the danger
of freight loiigentlon Huggeatlne vol
unturj co-operation the conimlaalon
urge elilppera to load oura whenever
uoeeibl to full camclt) and 10 peri
cent ulmve marked tupaelty The1
uommbwlon reueta alti that nny uii
reaannable dela or dlffleulty In ae
curing tara be at onto reported to It,
and on reeelpt of eueh Information the
matter will be taken up with the
proper railroad official
The Inapectlon and vaccination of
ull hog ihown lit tho Utah atate fair
against hog ihobra ban been ordered
making up tin Initial inula In 'Mill
IM.lrdt btotrd hoHever have len
warned to Mf that no man it" I ub
Jt fur tall Ih the flot draft b eeut
to amp liraftrtl men all over the
tiuiitr art urging that Ihty be ab
lowed to h In the flrt t ter tent.
IVIlt Igtan who refnued to
taUter mi June lib and who waa
i roukht duH Hum WlnUr (Juarttra
laet week b ex-Hliell(f Thomaa I'
Killer t hargml with va4n of Hi
draft law. U .till h gutMrt or Hherlff
(letirg ('nllliigham at Ih count Jail
lie la being held aa a federal prUoiu r
unibr liaitriiitlon from the author!
tie for thl dlelrht at .bin
William A thayii or Wellington
ha Miked the dlntrltt ImhimI for ex
vinptlon on the irrinind of diptiidenta.
II IC Weeder or Helper ha In en
granted oxempllou b thu dl.lrbt
iMHird on Hi pleu or having depiud
tut. (leorgi I' ThompNon, Ton iiiko
llenr I. tit I mid Ito lliinuill hiiv
been ilenled exemption on uppcala
rroni the touut) hoard
MH NO lt(l(tii:i'l I I. fit If. TO
Jiihu I) ItmkeMler Jr with
a Mill r thirl -rive repretMIlt-
lug Hi Weelern ttml luduntr
laigel) ar avhetluletl to urrlve
In Hall mUo City. Heptember Mil
with Hi puriMte or making mi
4 eateiHtlv aurv or lotml totil
i.niilllluii and to itniftr with
nieraior having ttwi mlnee In
( arhon touut)
IIih kefeller who l tine or Hit
high ufflibtl or Hi Htandard
oil 'iiipuny I heavily Inter-
mel III inoet or the coal mint a
In Colorado The t'lali I'iihI
tomiNiH I etinlrtilteil by the
Oouhl or New ork mid at one
lime llitr waa riinitir that Itmk-
efeller had bettim Inter mled In
Hi proirty
Halt Irftk Clt ttprvntiitlva
or t'lnli I'lii'l tompaii tletlur
4- however that Itotketeller never
will Main ttiutiol or tht iiilma or
4- I 'tali I'm I toinpnuy
At thl evmliig a mtellng of th
who are to organlxe u lommenlal tluh
ut I'rlce mine nrtlon I txpetted to be
laktu In the matter or giving thn Car
bon tount eoldler lxi n linn" bo
fnro thtlr departuro for the trviiihi
Kmmett K OUon I back home from
ITnvo, where ho wtnt u few dna ugo
with the (ompbtid aiirve and note
on the proponed I'leawnt Vulle rc.cr
voir to the north of Hcofbld, which
were aubmllteil to and riled with J T
I.ytfcl or the I'nlted Htatea retbimutlon
nervbe unit who hua built the Htruw
' lierr project The aiirvey ahowa the
. ervolr propiwltlon to be mmh lmt
trr thun waa nutlclpated It haa been
determined thut a atoruge or nearly
three hundred Uimiwiitl aire feet of (
water ma be bad without em roach-1
Ing on Im or the town.ltu or build
Ingaat Hcofleld The cu(iutlt) how
ever, U greater than the annual run-1
off water, uieordlng to eetlmatea maile
by the roclumutloii .ervlce at ITnvo
With u dam eeventy-three feet hImivq
tho bottom land level or eighty ret
above the bottom f l'UU Creek chan
nel "111 hold a hundred and Movent
rive (houiiand atre-fett or water ThU
U approximately elx tlnitut the capac
ity of the Mammoth reeervolr which
would have had n dam it hundred and
twenty-rive feet high when completed
The reclamation eervlre nt I'rovo,
with J T l4tel In tharge haa put Hi
entire force to vvork compiling data
a to tho amount or available water,
, amount of land to be reclaimed, length
! of canal, und enforth which data li
I being rnrwarded to 'Wanhlngtnn. D
C l.ytel eiuwka very highly of the
proportion, and U verj much inter
i wiled in It He eald however that it
will le up to the pSople of Hill bin
It) .a get an appropriation for Oil"
tnttrprl.e by putting our .houlilcr to
the wheel mid Kitting Undo Hum In-It-rented,
ror the government I not out
looking ror .uth propoloni, but con
.bier the report, on .uth thing, und
when the are fuvoruble and proper
trM I (nought to bear u.ually
through the nenatora and repr.entu
Hvea then appropriation urn made
Ho wLhe to Impreee Upon the people
of Carbon toiiiily Hie fait that the ap
propriation tun only lie obtulned by
thtlr Individual effort.
The general pioittu of the
l pioHton from the, Information ul-
ready obtained .how. very good and
, that It wll be profitable to the govern
I ment There will be mere than fifty
Ihouaand atrea of land retlalined ex
tending from f'lark Valley toward
W'AtMhride ThU U aome of the very
beet land w have lot ally With tho
large iaroll that w have In Curbon
tounly and In view of the fact that
about kt ir tent of the produce u.od
here U .hipped In, plenty or good rami
Iditl with water would serve to catch
and hold thl. money that I. going out
and .lipping away from u. It would
ulo mean the building up or large
tummunltlMi here
, The main ob.tatlo to be uvereomo
'will b the removal of tho railroad In
I'lcaMnt Valley, but It U very prob
able that the Denver and Itlo flrando
will not be antagonUtlo to the deal
when the inatttl la preaonted to them
and that they will lend a timid to help
the dial along
lh Hun U being eont during the i ILH
pet lod of the wnr Rrntultau.ly to tho ' H
bur. miniewhere In I'rnnco" or el.n ?. H
where In the eervlt or the. United " fM
State. Ihivc the name, or eon, bro- H
them or olhem nt The Hun office nnd H
thl. new. paper will rollow them ThU H
nlftr npplle to ull Carbon county JM
volunteer, or tlm.e drnfted BH
movii: (ii(4us ur Mnit itv H
rue stowt itoi'ix. H
Dial N (lo-ttt I'or Xiiliinbli 'Imt t of H
taunt On South Mnlli Mnr nml H
lino llolnei hlriitliin to Cot Up- jH
vviinl. of 'rvvtiit thoumml llotlnnt , H
10 111(1111111 I In mm liiiinrillali I), H
Henwrrtifta, the Ogdeti Wholemit 1(1
grtwera nml mnmifntfrher., hnve dor- s IH
Ing Ih taat week niHileYoiiie change. -B
tin thtlr bulldhig plAna of Houth N'lntli 1 ;VJH
Ulreet nt I'rlte liatetityor racing Hi iH
ploKHied bulldhiir on Houth Ninth 1 3
I .tree I It will hncjv.oulh tntrnnr H
luwitrd. lb Denver nnd Itlo Urnndo jrfl
trHik. nnd run htuk to the north to j IB
the Hmoot-Mxou Lumber lompnn)' 'H
prupeit) The .pnre belvvien lh iH
Hitiwtroft building on Hi en.t end o( 'WM
Hi lot nml Houth Ninth .trret U to
be unl for inning purimae. nnd BB
llktlr will have it .pur tnltrnnd tnuk
Into It
The proptHted building, Joceph H
Hitiwrroft told lln Hun when her J Hi
lu.t Htindny mid Mondn. U to have H
n floor a pare of hImiuI iwnnty-flv H
Ihmiwviid Npinr lecb It will bn, but H
one-eor nml bnaement, Inatend of H
two-atol mid liaiwmi nt n. ut flr.t ILW
tiintemplnteil It will bo n hundred , I'Hl
nnd forty feet north nnd eolith by jH
aomethlng Ilk eighty reel In width. gH
Conatriiutlun will be or brick nnd ton- nHl
crt In iml ii near rireproor ua po.alhlc JHf
The ground hna been bourht from i IH
Union Having, nnd Invctmiiit tout- V ?H1
ActiimpniDlug Jo.eph Ktiiwrroft to fHi
ITIev bi.t Honda' wn. U H llod.on. HHI
Ogtltii nrthllett mid Otto Mickne, ' j'?A
tredll man for the Ogdeti hnti.ti Ar-' 'BHl
hltett HoiUoii I. ut vvork on the plan. CH
for Hi building mid thuee eltoubl li V'41
rend ror blddtra In n few da).. lAiml iHb
brlcklnaktr. etiutnittora and other I JHb
m to b fiivornl In Hie work na far .. 1H1
u. I. ctiiiaUtml with gootl bualniM j Hl
inethiiita. Coii.trurtlon vvork I. ex- JflHI
petted to run In t'xeeaM or twenty t ; LfHI
thoiiNiud dollurx. The biillillng will f ; 'H
be iiiinpluleil mid III iiim In ror told fiHl
weather . t In nHi
llolli Meeera Hi owcrofl mid Meeko . HHI
lire pleowd with the btlalneM belllK JSHl
done at Price which Im. been n big fliHl
eutprlM to them Cretllt eomlltlon. HHI
are good niya the latltr. Htwwerofta Hi
are Hinting at IhU time around u HHl
hundred thou a ml dnllum In iiiHrhaii- jHi
iIIm lot ally and kteet to liHtrva.e thl ",H1
n. qulckl aa tn.- have more room. ''HI
The lot nl liouee U In eliarge of N, M. j UH
Na oil. manager mid C It. l-irwin, u.- ?H1
.l.lant nm na ger and hookkir. Hotli j Hl
hnv retenlly brought their fumllle fffl ,HI
to 11 be and have become permanent f, fHl
iIHkii. of Hit tit ! Hi
HiowtioflM gave u Hiulliwnd dollar.
ror tht groiiml on whbh they nre to j BB9
build whbh l lon.ldertHl one or the ; 2HB
greuti.t rial e.tnb Imrgalna raeuntl) i ' FH1
picked up In I'rlte Tho a.ile wn. no- r IH1
goibited b U A Mtdee, ultorne. .; i H1
reptt at ntlng the ovv litre v iHl
Muo Mil Canip Ninr Hi Old lla if llHj
Amltixni rintv. U fH
IllgliD-roiir convict. tHiucentrated R' jjiHj
In two en nip. nt Cglton mid ut llur. M iHi
Crtek, eight mlhM uu.tvof that town, I tiM
uru today In lug inovrt) to thu Nina ' I jHf
Mile cnuntrv'to begin work on the ' f HH
ITIco to Jlftmi road Tho.e In the I uHl
llorae Cre(k cunwnro being moved I SHi
rir.t mid wnr-rrrrrollowcd later by the v. I l.'Hf
nun ut the Culloii camp l'urt of tho ,'l b.H
road tMiulpmunt I. fourteen lenm, it il IH
Camp wilt flr.t he c.tuhll.htd ntpr m j bH
tho old Haa Ander.on ranch, but will 1 S
bo .lilflcd ua octu.lon demand. Alt I BfHl
of the men will be In ono rump In- ' fHi
.tend or twu a. heretofore work will ft iH
be pio.etuled on thl. road until cold "ST 'CH
weathtr drlv. them out, a)a War- S (;Hb
den Htorm, when they will bti tuktn to j (HI
Huiithern Utah ror the winter Per- ( jHi
hup. the Ht Ueorge aettlon f MM
Warden Hlorra wu. In I'rlte Wed- i H
neaday und the da liefore. returning 11 kB
lo Halt Iike City jeeterdny after going II f H
out to the Nine Mile with County Ituad M I bM
Agent Dunlevy mid twlectlug the winp- $ jtM
Ing ground, which at Ideal, lie ). Ifi I'tfH
He vva artomiHiuletl to Price by Mre. ' D
Htnrr. mid iam. 1'. O Htorra. M . fHI
The trip Into the Mue Mile I to be m H
by way of Rmma a Park Inataud of f f, ' Hp
mining through Price and going out Lit , fHf
over the atutti highway C y jH
Thut the northern portbin or Hun- H jFH
potn county may enjo belter trnn.- SB; , jHf
portatlun rocllltlen for coal, the atute ir S
road commlMlon la.t Wetlneeilay dea- H ' Hi
Ignatetl the Mreteh or highway from k jl B
thn ConnelUvlllu tout mine In Kmnry Salt H
county to the Hanpvte county Una a tEf It HI
.tat road It will bo Improved ao that iJHffi H
It will bn paaeable for team, and flElf Hi
triirk.. The coat of Improvement will Bll Hi
be borno by Kmery count Sill Hfl
Prluo lied Croaa will give a .erond XwlLi H
dunce nt Clt Hull next Monduy oven- ftTirl HI
Ing, tabor Day Cattle date.', orchis- irHufUH
trn will furnlau the mualc Qentlo- V siilLi
men, u dollar iJidle. free niDHH

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