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The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, August 31, 1917, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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H Hew
! ICCUST 31, 19" Kg
1 prepare Next Winter's
J Desserts NOW
Thl I the height of the praservtn
I xoni-on, with all klml nt rteltctcm
fruKu on the market. Every thrifty
( h(Hiccvlfp I busy rillln h.r Jar..
glaeeoa, bottle ami .rock.
Frervl fruits m ncrisinf and
, nourishing. They wry yew hwsmjs.
They reduce the coat of your "table."
For sweetening your fruits. b mtr
you use
Table and Preserving Sugar
Made fr.ni ..t.ru gr.,un .iMt
licit At Mil il, ,il. m in l ;,, 60
ami lUO-poninl i..g. l.n it i.t id.'
Made by
pirect Results
V Hie telephone. 8c ml
pur ''l a on jour errand In
rtud cf wasting your valuablo
tint L'i going In person. TALK
-DA .' WAI.1C.
i Eastern Utnh Tclophono Co.
be cf Din really first-class
JUci in Kaatcrn Utah to illno
W Ml It ilia trndo of women
sua hlldrcn, being npcelnlly
(ltt1 ;t for them. High-class
fsed at r asonablwprlccs.
Frlce. Utnh
WfiKcr iistaij
and DRAY.
Olve u-j your work and It will ',',
tncl - prompt attention. No ,.
Jol t j large or loo small for ' '
si to Inndle. ; ;
I'rrlght li given our pedal ' '
I I'lioiiu U5tt2
Vni scientists tell ui Hint
'" I anuu contain as much
Mhi nt oh a beefsteak.
.Mime) Mil) IU Coming to IUiI.iImi
'llioiiiud r i-rr
MYToN Auk 2$ pr Ml farm
Airi)i'r Martin, au. fur the Her
kc'o Farm lian hank. In company
Mth lir William Peterson, stale geo
logist, wcrw thla week lining up farm
loan nwm latlons, a H.l tenting anils In
various part IVrhniw the largest
faun lan proposition under tin
Western I arm litmti laiik I that nf
Hip tulli Mton Farm Uwn asamla
lion. Thla unit I organise! prlmatll
fnr Ihr puriawr of watering tltr vast
trait f land known aa Mouth Mylon
llehi It. Pleasant Valley and what ha
been known aa the Carry ait land
whhh will In' tinned In homestead
settlement Itepiembrr Itili. The en
tire iHxIy comprise almut seventy
thousand acre of land which Dr.
Peterson aaa la superior to any raw
land Ik- ha rt tested In the state.
Tin' land lira Just south of III town
of M)tnn.
It will prolwlH require a special
dispensation to put thla loan through
Ihf farm bn l-ank llow.vr. th
arltlcra have lM aaaurwl f the wr
i at effort of lh- thrkvley hank man-aK-ra
with err ehan of mnaw.
Th' plarlnK of thla ai (rait under
water wilt mean IHoiv to the atate of
Flah. and the I'lntah llaaln In iwrth
.iilar than an ! laleulated. With
thla nnund prmluelnu. Utah would
lake h tep forward aa an axrlcut
tural Ule A railroad would le nei
eaar for the 'novemmt of the i mK
Faitorlia. hdr-eailM mlnom n
numiar of whhh r In the terllury
adjaient t Mtoti. and other Indus
trie would l- lul and operated aa
a n-ult
Humor ha It that th.- Fnlted Hlataa
rei lamalion m-rlie I al worklnic on
a plan l wafr thla trait Thla. how
eer, ha not a d len rlfll It
la a well known fail, howaver. that
pi. Iimli.r urp have Ikh made
It thl ihiMinnicnl.
stMMi:ii coMi'UU.vr.
DurliiK the hot weather of tlw aum
mcr month aome meml'er flf alinont
erry family la likely to ha troubled
with unnatural looaenea of !
el and II U of Ht uraattatt linimrt
ante that thU be treated prompt y.
whl. li tan only lx done whan the
medUInc I kept at hand. Mr F. I '.
tKiitt. K.ottnllle. N. V.. atala. "I Jlrat
uikiI fhamlHrUlira Colic nnd Dwr
rlKvu llrineily ni"' " "v ""
nifn At that time I had a aevere Bt
tuck of aummir romplalnt and wni
aiifferliiK int. nn pain. One .I.hk- re
llave.1 m Other iimmber of m
family have aliu-e u.l It with like
mnilia," Adl.
Uer.-dlly" run deep, and the Klrl
who la l rni.1 cl" n ,,"" e
her mother may rxpt.t the eaine
Srlatment from h.r own .hlldren In
after ytr
it Wiped
Him Out
, How often wo hear the above exclomotlon nftor aomo
dcitructlvo flro. Ami It ia frciiucntly fo".J
murk, "No, ho hwl no insurance .wor fellow.
tried companies you have protection and peace of mind.
See us without delay.
Rooms I and 2, Silvngai Building, Price, Utah.
Abstracting, Conveyancing Notary Work.
Money For Farm Loans, Etc.
uuviniiN ri:r.i!N(i uxmiis skuj
I.V7 TO $10.75.
" t tin MI-mmiiI Hlur doing Tor
Ibnter I'lKx", Tlmii Chlcncii and On
I'Mtther IhvM lltDon. For Itirry.
thln Wry Morli In Ktldriirc Dor
In the V.vk iti(itnlloii., llto,
Thr Km, pe, ta m.n.e.
KANHAH lUTV. Mo., Am. 17. Cot
tl rmrltrd today twenty IhoMannd
hd and market atexnir to twenty
in. hlnhrr. Top ateera lll.ee, it
mw hih tei-ord lloaw tmlay five
thi.nand head and lh matkal eteaily
with laat Friday. Top lll.se. thirty
"nt atxn the top remrteil from
C'hdafto Hheep and lamba tmlay flte
l h. mi Mind hi-ad and tnaiket ateady
ltml-a to hilli-i I M.0. t'holre native
! attle mdd ateady. Top til 00.
W. lahl) waa rattle ten to twenty
nl hlirher with it Rood demand for
flh fidera from the country who
' outbid packer mi MVeral Iota nnd
ft them at III SI In til XI. paikera
palna up to lll.ie for otlnra Light
wilaht araaa rattle aokl fifteen In
titrni.flve rent hlRher. Medium
wilaht KniiM and Oklahoma ateera
M l.7l to 15.71. Some at the latter
prln rotMhlered twenty-fit c cent
hhth.-i Fnwa and heifer remained
dull till the 'liHe lt week, hut are
wIIImk betti-r tmlay at IC.IO to $10.00
for i own. tlmliv feil helfra iuatnbtc
up to lll.ee and ten I tntltra 1 13. SO.
Kanaa Hifil Oktahumn owner nr
hi.ldlUK rattle back, aa RntM I na Rood
mw aa It ordinarily la In May. In
tinker and feeder buyer were in
larger attendance lat week nnd
rleareil up the yard cloe ftiMid fall
laturee are atliiiuUitlnir trade In
atoi'k tattle, mid Kml com prpetN
are IndurltiK the purvhaae of feeding
ater Stock teera ell mainly nt
7 21 to 11.19. feedlliK eleera 19.00 In
lie.ee. rtrahy feeiliT upward t
111.21 today nnd rlwk niw and liel
fer I c.xi to m.eo.
The top price tmlay, II7.&G, wa
IMild for Iiokh welKhlnif two humlriHl
and forty immiihU. tlther tnrdliim
weight lHga nt $17.71, nnd choice
heavy hoga worth na much, though
none were here tmlay Ileal light
old at $17.21. Hulk of aalea wnk at
IMIO to $17 10. Kerelpt are no
light that ery Utile Hllenlln la imld
to outalde market, the top here re
cently fniiently being n iiiarter
at. f t'lilragi.. Including toda, nnd
far abote other rher market, The
hog market la In nn unrerlnln ponl
lion, and buyera at hlpplHK M.luta
are bating to do aome lull gueeelng to
come out even. However, inont of the
fiwm wa reunited laat week, and
more etable market ure iHiokeil for
thl wek, with atrenglh domlnalliiK
the altuallon.
Hheep and lamb price were un
changed today. Arlmim lamba In
killer at IIC.40. wild the ewe lamba
anrteil out to a country buyer at
111.71. Colorado lamba to killer at
lll.ie and medium rlaa native aprlng
lamb 1 1 Ml to $18.10. Cholco wes
tern feeillng lamb are worth $11.71
to $1.7I. llreeillng owe eell nt
$12.00 t 1 11.00 with choice y.irlliin
and two recently up to $10.00. Old
fat ewe Belt at ll.ld In $10.00 uud
old feeding ewea IC.IO to 18.10.
rirridcv iii'Nimiiii ioi.i..its
What U aald to be the Without
prl.e eter ld In the Fnlteil Ktata
r.,r H ram aold ut public au.tlon wu
paid TuiHHlay luxt for n thoroughbred
ramlHUilllfl ut thu necoml annual rum
aale coiiduiled under the uuplc.a of
the National Woolitrowora' nwil
tion. which tenil nt noon nt the
1'tah alute fair Bround. Hull I-nko
City. The rem tviia bought for fifteen
hundred dollar. It tvua void by the
Kins llro. MimiMiny of Ijiramle Wyo.,
to lloblm A Ollletto of Iluhl. Idu. Four
hundred und twenty-ttvo aheep were
aold during the duy lit a totul tnlue of
$11,000. Hlx mm brought moro than
five thoueand dullar.
I'. J. IfuKf nlHirtli, prwddent of the
National WoolKrotvcra' aoclatlon.
oiiened the aale with nn uddre, In
whbh he pointed out thnt In Mew of
the fact thut the United Mate I In
the war. It behooted the wool and
nheepmen to etond by tho preldent
and the government In whatever men
aure ure taken whleh nffott the wool
Induntry. lie culled iitlentlon to the
trtinendou ahortuga of tliti wool up
ply. and nppeulcd t the meiv to fur
tlur the Inlenwta of tho Industry, eten
at tho aairlflco of preaont profit.
H, W. MiClure, awretary of the u
otlatlon, made a brief iidilrwui, In
which he oke well for the aucraaa
of the ram aale.
IhMIIS vi:iiiimi Ki:VltNTV
That thn movement agitated In
varloii aetftion of the country ugaliut
the conaumptlon cf lan.b. veal und
calvea In the Interest of conaertutlon
did not have It origin with tho food
admlnUtratlon or othur government
department U the Information
brought from Wuahlncton. li. C, by
F. J. llogenbarth. proaldent of tho Na
tional Woolgrowera" asaoolatlou. Ha
genbarth returned Friday from Waah
Ington. where he went for n confer
ence with National Food Commla
aloner Herhtrt C. Hoover und David
F. Houston, secretary of agriculture.
Aa u reault of the Information given
the federal official by HagenbarOi a
statement ttaa Issued by thorn a few
daya ago urging the use for food pur
po of lamba weighing aa much as
efnty to olghty pound. Fhtna were
outlined during the conference by
Hoover and Secretary Ilmuton for
encouraging tho production of lamb
and calvea. Tho plana are to be din
Here Is. fil :; I
flMlUlfe 9Lio? I IP 111 ml H
JSnalvfe w H Mil :
Lrttf A lb II ; I
Has thnt good, old, familiar tnsto of flw IK w I
hops. And is non-intoxicating. I3L 'l'VIV !
This is what you havo been looking for. Bw' Il BPiX ' H
Now it's here ready for you, ut all iuyl(u' i IILbIIi H
places where good drinks arc sold. JjHl 'I ! iIiiimHI H
Label Y) """"""k i-1
shows you the genuine. When you sco it MrfBlTfJrliiflk 'lm
you know you ure getting CERVA 11 14 14 iBm i ifl
Try A. Bottle KS52$f 1, I
-andSeeForYourself ! I
No words can really describe CERVA But HIII1I11IB 11
that taste will tell you what it's like. Just H I lH U
Helper Mercantile Go. 1H liHI "II
euaacd furtlnr nl it meeting or tho
cominlllco of ouo hundred oxperlenoed
toi kined, eeted by tho folfral of
ficial from iirloiu aecllons or tho
The mcellng I to ln held nt Wnli
Ington, Ketitember Ith and Cth. Iln
genbnrth and H. W. MeClure, ro
tury of tho Nntlonul Wmilgrower na
Melntluii, uro member of the committee.
C'rentlnn or u Fnlteil Hlnto live
aloek Indiutry cimmlltee or more tlwn
n hundred volunteer member to un
dertake u ramiMilgn In Increu lh
natlnn'a mwil pr.Hliii'tlou I announced
by the deiKirtment of agriculture nnd
the food adinlnUlrotlou ut Wnahlng
ton, I). C. Thu commllliHi will fur
ther ii plan for the trnmfer of thou
and of hwtd or cattle, aheep und
hog from thn big Weeteru producing
dlntrlfta to amiill farm In Central und
Boiilhern Hlat.m, where u great nmounl
or reed goe to tvnite. All eiecutlvo
tommlttre, coinjirlnlng (lltford Fin-
hot of tho food ndmlnhdrntlon, (1. II.
Itommet of tho agricultural depart
ment nnd H. C. Ijumutcr, n Toxa
atorkman, will direct the work of tho
larger committee.
Under tho arrangement planned,
email farmer may pluco order for
lock with county agent of the ugrl
cultural department. Live aloek ex
.hangea will alt In the movement
without charge to tho purchnaera. In
it atatement boiued milting for the
plnn the food udtnlnlntrutlmi uud the
agrlvullurul department call uttru
tlon to the heavy demand for meat
from abroad nnd the contliiue.1 dim
inution of lluropean herd, llecent
enllmatea glvo figure to allow the In
road war ha made on lluropean
herd. Cattle uro I educed to 21,000.
000, aheep, 11,000,000, hog, 12,000,-000.
OODBN, Aug. 27. I'reiMiratlon
arc being made by local hore broker
fur the oxpocled uunouncement or thu
goternment aulhorUIng tho purchaae
ror army u of npproxlmutely two
hundred and fifty thouiHiiid horko
and mule. While nil of the number
will not bo bought here, coinmlalon
for aeveral thousand ure cxpectod by
local dealer.
About three Ihouaand hornee were
purchutied by the- United fltntoa gov
ernment during July and u buying
lotnmltiHlon ha been In thl city slneo
thut tlmu waiting for tho new order
to purchava hor. und mule. It I
expected th.it the commission will re
ceive uuthorliatlon to buy horse and
mule for the other allied nation now
engaged In the war.
III the futp or an Imperative d
muiul ror Increased production or live
stock, Ilia sheep Industry fneea a set
back through the recent homestead
law amendment permitting the ncul
sl.tlnii of six hundred and forty acre
tracts, In the opinion of 8. W. Me
Clure or Bait !ake City, who has been
uppolnted from Washington, I) C, u
member or the national live fctock
Which Is Calculated to Mako Milwaukee Ah Famoim As "i !
Another Celebrated Brew nl
Is Handled Wholesale and Retail II
In Price, by S. Kusano At tho ' j
South Ninth Street. I JM
InviRorntintr and DcliKhtful Is This A WQ
Japanese Mcrchandiso of Every Description. 1 1 1 Wm
fit 1
- MM
All Work Guaranteed nnd Prices Itcnsonnlilc. 1 H
Up StairH Over Commercial Hank. I'lionc 17. Price, Utah. I (il
committee. He Is secretary of tho
National Woolgrowera' oasoclutlou,
'The homealcad art will deprive the
riockmatter or hundred or thou
and of ucroa on which their flock
have been permitted to gruxe," ho
said. "If the laud I tuken atvuy there
will be no place for the sheep to go.
"The West Html off thu sheep III-
jdustry for years, but legislation by
congress, stiites and municipalities haa
'seemed designed to drive tho sheep-
men out or business."
Despite condition throntculiig the
Industry, huwuter, ha says thut sheep
men would undoubted!) co-operate
with the gov tirnmen t In every possible
way to Increase production.
Kcll At Itccoril Frliv.
CIHCAaO, Aug. 27. Cholvo boetes
aohl today nt thu Union stoekyard at
$16.30, u new high price record for
cattle on tho hoof. The now figure
tvu eighty cent higher than the rec
ord price ostubllihed last week.
Muy Act Together,
For the purpose, of udoptlng extreme
measures for the eradication of hog
cholera In Utah, the federal und state
authorities will oo-opernte, acoordlng
to Dr. II. W. Hoggan of tho state live
stock commission, who lias received
a letter from U. F .Hteddom, uetlng
chief of tho animal Industry bureau of
the United Hlattj department of agrl-
(Continued ou pago eight)
Office, Halt Itke City, Utah, July 14, ' jl j,f,M
1I7. To Whom It May Concern: ' . ! l
Notice li hereby given that the state ' Jj VlaJ
of Utah hu filed In thl office lists of "A. IWM
lands, selected by the said state, under K,Q, EgHi
fieo. t of tho act or congress, approv I j ?B
cd July It, 1191. as Indemnity school ' j nM
lands, vis: Serial 02HI3, HWUNWU. i. 'faeeei
Hco. 27; 8KUNKU, Hie. 28, Twp. 16 If 'JjB
South, Kange 14 Kant. Halt take mor- m I 'Jtt
Idlau. Co ji I p of said Hits, so far aa IH
they relate to said tracts by descrlp- fy i !
tlvn auh-illvlslons, havo been consplo- X j$M
uously poatod In this offlco for luspec- K ! J'
tlon by any person Interfiled and by Rtl i-YH
i the public generully During the Ivj i, EH
period of publication or this notice, or r I'-IS
any time therearter, and beforo final V, , -fjD
i approval und cerlirieatlnn under de- tu j'2H
i partmeutal regulations or April 26, j tM
11)07, protests or contests against the H ' E.H
claim or the stale to uny of tho tracts IU t'ffVI
,or Mitb-dlvUlons hereinbefore dcscrlb- Kl i IAh
' ed, on the ground that the unit Is B fjjl
more valuable for mineral than for ; (ftB
agricultural purposes, will be received A! t
und noted for report to the general K UIE
I land offlco nt Washington, D. C Fall B HaH
i uro so to protest or contest, within fe u H
the time speolfled, will be considered S II H
isufriclont'evldenco of the non-mlr- 9 n H
I erul character of the tracts und the m il H
I selections thereof, being otherwise jD (1 H
freo from objection, will ba approved ffllW 41
to tho state. OOUI.D II. IlLAKKLiY, ffj H
Ileglstcr. flRii aaaai
First pub., Aug. 1; last Aug. 31, 1117. ITJ'jjIH

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