Newspaper Page Text
JEPJJIEE ! THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE THREE i Fruit 2 is nourishing nnd en ergizing". And it's mighty palatable, too, when winter bares the orchaids and berry patches. NOW is the time to fill your jars, glasses, bottles and crocks. Be sure you use extra ot;:s Ulead Present Sugar AfcittJTHY WJJBJ caJo from sugar beet) rslwl by Ulnli ntul Idnlio fir V nil duller In 10, 25. W i ml 100 pound bag II-) It by llio Hug." IMmle l) UTAH-IDAHO 8UQAR COMPANY. n ... , - Direct Results Count lie the telephone. Html your Vulco on our errand In ittiit of wasting your valunblo time t v going In person TALK -DuNT WALK. Easlcrn Ufali Telephone Co, I COLLETTS I LUNCH ROOM i rf tho really -first-cine r i i In Knstern Utah to din Vi ! It tho tmilo of women an 'illdron, being vspcelnll) M' 1 lit for them Ulgh-clas ' 1 .it reasonable price Trice, Utah i nciimalk tool fni i-uiiulipn- i r t sidewalk Unit mi IIM- "i ntur had patt tiled, one man " much work In nn hour iik ' mr nn In it dn with hninl tool. Wli i a surve) was mnde of tlu 'U llollvla nil longitude wnii rig- rJ l thn aid of time slgnnU sent J ir ! x from u station n hundred El t nt miles from tho lme of optrati MiIh I, wo have gone biirtfoot- ' r time Wo wire horn that EMERY GDIS GIN GREAT TIME AT FERRON ritiu dwum. in mi i i:. IM. M'l Kill s -r I Iglil uf llu (Jin, in I mm Wmi i mm. t) t inning I" li hi In .loin ilu- Otf Ihhi toiitlnxint lor iim rlcwn UU, Wit-di Vik Imti x mlnil farm mnl s.IhI iiml Pinounl HTI I- DA LI tVpt I Thurs dm ii(iit 2 I7 ni lone Dti4 ut in th. nilmU r our departing wot dlir i khiiimI letter tla not mwi t" I . r..rg .lien fr me people uf Per r.n -i it, I n . ffortu that day In mak ing H n m ( eiOat.i one f,.r the I- ii n m In ginning to end Fmm the I iradt Ihi ugh ut thi twn nt noon thr nKh the program In Ih, high h I audit rium thr hanquet in Ho- Inl Hull niul th, dam- In thr audi, t ti m ut night th- buys were feted nt hi tmlt hon red guenta might In Tin er. hImi guests with their I unit t ut th, moving pliltire show In tirttnhnigh Hull nnd nn eppeilallv Hl'l'i iriiti program was rendered in their I it r Th- aradr ld I Ih" fliiiPK Mill Inml furitiMl nhnrtl) nf. tr i n vtith tn himorrd hiIk ii-lri I h irwH fiirnlhl for thr iti hi ii niitomoli iirlnfflMt up xUr rear of ii iriMrii.n ovir four IiUmKh Ions Th. tout, nf lli- iwradp lm ludixl pi mt i mII cr trirt In llw town nml l r.MiKht up ut thr audltnrlum nhortl aftir t mlmk Tin pmKrHiii ronpUltnl of .nll inciil from rcprptwntiillxi m-u from till lllffplVnt toMIM Of lh KlUIII) . tour MplMin of MwnnttKloti O J n ih rpon nt ('noil' Iwlr Nullmlilrl CrnM foul of l'rrrm lrn I' oiwnii of ('nth )mI r It Mariinn of Trli nml J I'rmik lCiman or i iramtrt M IhIiik niiionif thr mhIht Mm, VI lati IIowmiI nf llunllnaliin alwi RaM mi orlHinNl iwlrlotli rwi.lliiK Munlral win llnlM wi-ri l thr lrtiiK-l I ml thr iHillfx iinliil. t f IVrron tho Kirnm male quartwt ami hy i'U-11 (x Mr t'Krrl Jnn and Mlna Walra ItoKpm nf IVrron ri.ll.mlm,- th prmrnm ailjouru liifiit wan taken to th wkIhI hall when the Iwintuet waa rtneil (' 18 tAraen wM iiimii the pttln of tnaitmaater ilurltiK the Imnniiet ami did nold) n the Jnl aparlnK non f the mori prominent f iho prewnt fnmi at leant a word or two d"" were rendered l) Mtaa lloavra, l I le tter lmiinl f HuHllnaiun and Clyde Van Inirrn of (immtevHU The twin wn and danwhter of Mr and Mra. J I. Hl.en of Hiawatha alao aatiK a ouple of imtrlotl. dueta In trill) ileer al.U l'imr)' Hull of Honor Two of the drafted Imi floni Km ,r ituiu Ham Jw( and Hay t'nr tln of iniMUlp hae lnen d.ant naled h) the hxal Umrd to form iart of Urn. r muni) lr '"t unit who flml and will Ih oulKoInK i.aminer on n ut elnela) atan Tho remain In Ithe that nluht and leae I rlda mornlna- fr Halt ltie fit) aiiompaiiled Ii) tn l)i from fail-on lounl) and othr from ilrand and Han Juan rrlln In Halt Uhe tlt the) immedtatel) .ntraln fr lhe Vah ovr the ore H..M Hhort Line fort) ler .ent more of ih. ount) iU"t or aome ehthlei n men will Join them In Waehlwiion horlly aft.r ih middle of thU month Th. .Iht ' from I5mr are Wllae ntone Nelami fharle. 15 AllreU Cleveland Hldn.) t Win lluntlnnton. John i dera ltor lta HumMhrey uraiw; Mile Jamea Jl 'ol ' '' V lJ"'I !il N N.l-m IVrron and Wl Hard) flawaon , . M. Mile HherfUK of Mohrlaild who had ret-Wwil In IWI" i'"l " " loin thf 'Irnfl lrom l.,ml ' J ? waa . xHinttiexl l the Ik-k1 bonnl Hat :rl and M ;.t 'f ' ;' luri) White who reKlnfrwl ' el, hut who ha hetn Ihliilf In Win- """ih, i:im .unt farm hel.l a I ru f im HHiK thU f t rn n.ii dl w You May Be Dead TOMORROW "urnnqof But ou can't know And there a w lore UU. Insurance aupplies at least ONC certainty toward mnktw. P for tho great uncertainty of life it will provide for your family. It will pay your debts when you die. It will save your ciedit. It will make your name respected after you are gone. See us for some attractive policies. We June them. Tiro insurance in tho best companies do toy JusinoM in IHah. Bonds, rentals, abstracts, notarial work, convoj fincinj?. Promptness and reliability. LEE-NELMSCaT Rooms ! and 2, Silva-ul Building, Trice, Utah, Mm? among other thlnifi tho ndvlsn hillt) of urlnK nn uKrlrulluml niront for Kmery rounty alone I'rofeiwor Merrill aaelptant In rharue of exten ln work for the aRrlrultural col hue was preaent and ulced Milne of the adxantaRia of an agent exrluehe I) for thta rount) Meara Conner and Laraan of Kerron are returning to trwlr homas after flnUIUnx the nimKriittlon of Jamaa Jeffa' miw concrete alio the larxt In the rounty Hr ami Mra. M) I) McArthur are entertaining the doctor'a mother, whoae home la In Hi Untrue, but who l vtaltlng relathea here mid In Hunt inaioji fmimll nml i.ihhI, Th iieople of l'lle lal kiUp the aotdl r bo)a a mynl farewell party In th aradem) hall hut iiIkIiI, a large rrowd turning nut to do them honor The party whs under tho nunplcea of the town hoard, Hint, nlthuugh the prranitlna were lmrrle.ll) made. It waa a Hl nurreaa. The relief aorlet) eretl light refreshment. All the boa of the roil nly were lnlted and aeviral of thove from out of ttnji,.ln addition In all the local Ihi)-, were preaent Mia, Frame dray ami daughter, Mltw fillve, wlm have been Uniting ret ail ten In I'amle iMle and (Irangevllle. returned to their home In HI Qenrge thin morning Mra (tray la n tMir of the Judd brolhm nf faelle Dab and iH-angevllle Mlaa Wella Heel) left laat Krbla) f r 1 1 race, Ida where he will reeumn hir dutle aa InatriHlor In the dbdrlrt m himl after attending the milliliter llhlo,al rtlatUea ami friend Albert Alttertann of Htner) left laat Hatunlay rnr Halt l.ake Clt) there to Join thi iuarterinaatr dlvMnn of the arm In lirnnoh of the pen Ire he ban polluted l.n-t wek a Hb) ho) . JH born to Mr and Mra. Montroee KIHiku k at Ih, Ir Idaho home, hut the Utile one llt.'il mil) a ehort time nml thu mo th. r iiiiiillllon bertime eo IhuI Hint her rather H l llilliuell, wpm imm moneil Mra Hiiiinrll nlritub being Ih. re Mra. MtlpaiUi. londltloti va moih 1 1 Hi r at In 1.1 remtt, however Hhebloll! of Klliui, one of the ltitter ount) bo a who rrglitired In farlein ount) and who happened lit In among the flrrl of thoee dniwii and imeweil la t hedtllptl to leave In thi next few da) a with Carlton coliu t) a flral t er eiil of her niiotn II I Hhkiimn, fornur prlnrliwl or the limer) Htake atiidelil), who hit, been a Hub ut at tin Unlverall) or fnlirornlH Hit taet winter nml In at tendant! at the officer training vamp on the coatd till milliliter, I reported to have iwcured a commlwluu n enp tnln In the arm) t'ti-Miiiiil mid Olln rvvl-o. Imh tvtulng h welt-nine home mrl) waa tenderetl ICIder Hum '.wnhhn nt K.rron The young man lind Jimt illumed from the .Norllurn Htntea mlaahtn httwr Kt-eU and am, Aimtln re tiiritetl thla midweek from Mnntnnn. where Mra. Heelto vhrfled n lter whttin he hud not aevn for fort) -two )ear HverylMoly uroiuid Clavebiml I bu .putting up their ewnnil nop of ha Alan eliirtlng on tit Ir grain but tltele la not much iriaiiHt of it thlrtl iroji of lot) owing to ahuMHK f lr Kvery Huuday Hwa eavernl out of town vMtora at fhtvelalul Among other ntt.1 Hunday were Hm Umpli and famll) of Hlamlardvllle, Jmnea T JuIihmih and famll) of Huitnyable V Cook and It Johnaon of Hun tington and I "Hi fowl) mid ollur litim Htoira. 'I ht old folk imrty lit Id l"l I'rbbt) at t levelantl waa a complete ailitma. In tvtry tletall An extwlleitt ilium r and he tream waa aarvetl ale a ver pity iirogram waa nnderttl fliarlea (Ireenlund and famll) of Mneritau fork ar vWIIng at tin, bwlalde of Mr Oreeiilanda mother at Cleveland, whoae tondltloil now lluhtly Imprttvetl Mra. J J lilaen of Cluvtlmid la v hating rtlatlvoa In MiinnyaliU I 'a rile for the departing atblbr boy were given In Uiner) and Hun tington 1 "l Thtimdn), mid miming big 1 limit uro reported from both town Mi David It Seel)- and two oung imiiim ur vUltlng rcUtlvv In Aiimrlenn Kork. roiiml tho Count). Humor u) Hull H l Snow, 8r, and Mra. Mur Tutlle. both of Orungo villi, wero married In Bull IjiUq Clt) lnt WedntHidii), tho 29th Ham I Mile nml Mla Kiln IVu imk, both of Ornngevlllo, wero mar ried In the Mnntl temple during the retent tcmplo extunilon mid lire now nt home to tlielr many frluid The Ornngevlllo lainil mid the ieo ie turned out )trda ll'rldu)) noon to wehome tlielr aallor bo), 151 mer and Letter Uobertaon, homo for a few dn) They attured u ten-thiy furlough for a lll with tho folki be fore lielng ordered for foreign nervke DtalrUt mhool will btglu a week from Monday on the 10th Word ooinea of tho ver) iierlou III iicmm of Orundma Van lluten ut Or mmevllle Ham It Jewkea mid teoii, Clar ence Anderaon, roturnod jenterdny from HuniDHlde, whero they huve Iwen working IMmunil Crawford returned todn) fnim Salt l4ko fit), where ha 'took In the big ram aale llyrum Beely wh also In attendance ('HiiAmini in c'HXMiimiiaiN'h COLIC AMI IIIMtHIIOlU ItlLMHDV. Chamberlain a Colic nnd Diarrhoea Itemedy w uiied by my father ubout n )ar m.o when ho had diarrhoea It relieved him Immediately and by tak ing three done he wan ubaolutely cured He luia groat fnlth In thU remed)," write Mr. W II William, Stanle), N Y Advt We might, with advantage, Inau gurute a training oomp for thoao wild nml who ur6 continually tolling the government how to do thing they eouldn t do themtielvea Complete legal blank stock at Salt Lake Clt) and I'rovo price Tho Bun STATE ROM ME ' IS COMING IN FLK . iihi pi it no it iiiciiw i iu'(ommi:mh'I. Out lluiiilrctl nittl rvvent) Mile from Thompson to Ithiiullng In Sin I Jiiiiii toiint) ln in Ho Oho or 1 1 if Gov i riimt ui'i I'mjiit lr Ctimpiwor I In lit I tl from l'ilt to Mjliin The tnte road ettmnillon H win ntilcrlng the purchnae or an nlr com preemtr for operation on the Price to M)lon outlet to the flnlHli Httalu Much of the puventy-elght-mlle route that I now balng Improved I bedded In riM k and without the uae or an nlr fompreamir It la wild, It will be Im poeeible to flfilell the work III lime for the heavy I raffle nntlrlimted High!) itinvl.lH and fourteen team were put I to work In Mne Mile bint Hflturdit) , Potirtien team nre n wrt or their equipment beeide numen.u other limi and men unpin) ed I) Carbon eoiintv apart from the nun Id work muter the direction or fleorge A Hlon-H warden or the atnte prlxou U t) Knelpp dlntrlit fureott r bin reeomiiit uiled the Helper In Diulieeiu' proji l to the federal forcatr) oflh i a Wnehlugtoii, D C If tin lndore ment la eeciiretl a co-operative Hgrtc input under which the tint or the Im proviuient will bo divided eqtuill) hi twten the national And atnte govern mt ni About idxtrcti thouiniml dol Inr will be apent on the rond thi rail Tho total cot or the projetl I mil Hinted nt flft)-flve thuuMitid dollar Hnturdn) lAat n atntemciit of font Hond I'roject No 3 providing for the roimtriittlou of un Improved hlghwa) from TlintiiHHiu to Ulnndlng In Han Jiinti (ount) n illntiilue of n hundred nnd twetil) mile, nt n coat of fltHO it mile or 1171,000 vvn aetit for np provnl to John A Whlttnkrr federal illntrht englmer, Hlntlonctl nt Denver Colo I.) Im It Drowning, tnle rond engineer Tho alntetnvnt wu iiiiule In triplicate, n copy going to the war detainment and iinolhtr to tin rond of flte at WiiMhliigton, D ' t'rojtct No 3 will rouneil rb Ii ng rliiilturitl vnllo) nf (Irniid nnd Pan Junh tountlea with the Dinver nnd Itln Clrnnde ut Thnmpi'oiiN It will provide nn outlet for ahlpmitil of ktixk nnd produce, mid mi Inht for fnrin mmhlnery nnd othtr manufac tured article fifty per cent of the tout of the coiMtruetlou work ton tempbtttHl will be borne b) the fed eral govirnment nnd CO per cent b) the Pint. Through tlielr itintrlbii tlona to Hie gi tiernl eluto rond fund Ontiul and Hun Juan rouutli will xhnre In the expenditure Involved Monh nml Moutlicllit' are the mol poputoii renter on the proposed hlghwny outHldn of the terminal fund are .ivulliible, vvhkli If the) are applied to road In the flntnh llaeln region, will inukn poMlbln tin eonalriiilloii of u new thoroughfuru from lleber Clt) to DiuIimii. nctord lug tu luforiiintlou ronve)ed to the Halt Utile Commert Inl t luh from rt p reeentallvea or the Waaatth fount) flood ItiMtd aiMOtlatlon Hooatera of that aecllon are gratified nt the u -tea nf the rond movement whbli m far hna exceede I tin Ir pxpectntbmii. The It tli r wu iti-opt ration In the building of thn llelur to Duelieine road Into the lliialn I UMiired Al read) large amount hnve bieu mih Htrlhed by tho etate tho federal re clamation arrvba nml other Intercut MAY MW1IE IIERE (oi mint nl SuimphiI to Ho Aflir lrnlili lufnrinatlou. The fulled Htntia I mnklug n mil itary Mirwy of Utnh ami mny innnii factum acroplauva here, according to n letter received b tho war depart ment tho otlu r day by dcorgo !' Mc Oonagle, mate engluctr, from In qiilrle made relative to the character and tondltlon nf tho rond, It la In ferred that government troop and paraphernalia ma) 'ravel the atata hlghwa)H It I ukid whether trull mid inountuln pae nro open at all time, and vvhut hlgliwu) or b)wnyi pbould be avoided owing to rnlm Ihn department nkua to whether there aro any aultnlila loontlon for trundle and heavy gun Till In iulr) I taken to mi nn that a training camp ma) he eatnblUhed In Utah A report I nuked on maotilna hop nvnllablu for the roimlructlon of air ahlp nnd bridge aupplle Informa tion In full un to tho Ntate'a reourcc mid contour I dtnlred WOHKINH IOL1C WAVTfl) roii si:hici: in aiimv Order to begin recruiting men for tho ordnnnco unllatod reiena rorp of tho urmy have been received by the Price recruiting atatlon Poaltlon to bo rilled In thi branch of tho vrlco lialudoa Hlxt)-four hundred appoint ment as non-comnilHloned officer Among HiOHO nieded for Immedlato aervloe nro nrmomrs iforemen), or morera, blackmlth, oanvoa worker, enrpentera (forcniHii) ' hecker, tex tile worker, chuuffeur, clerk, tent maker, cooka, drertmen (mechani cal), electrician und helper engin eer (ateam or gaa), firemen, labor er, machinists and helpers, mechanic and helpers (automobile), motorcycle menhunles, overseers or labor, watch men, vtenographers, oilers, painters (foremen), painters, packers, plumb ers, plumbers' helpers, riveters, sad dler (foremen) saddlers, and wheel w right When It comes to real near beer, there Is only one on the market That's 'Snappy," Handled wholesalo locally by Prleo Commission company Advt i That 1 I Good I Old I Taste I You will find it & t In CtPVA, tho now, ? non-intoxicating 5 i beverage. U Hopsl That's it m Sco how familiar i S that taste is how u tt snappy, wholcsomo U E and rcCrcshing. 1 U Try n but Jc. CERVA Ed At till places whero gj pD Hood drinks are sold. j rl y'XrtAUi. I It XV. pp. IJ I ? (to)rr ) K Leek For Tke Label I m This picture shows St wlmt It's like. Remem- 9 ber It. Thon you wilt M know when you aro M G'ln" tho genuine 9j B MurafMturtrs GK ST LOUIS m M llcljar Mercnuillo Co. m M Hilcr, Vtnli. jy HHArrHD "mi:n not to HbB UK LLOWi:i) TO f.NMHT ! Coplea of Compiled Hilling Nn 10. HHH Provmat Mnrahnl (lenernl Crovvdcr, Hl renrhetl the governor a office thi HHHJ week the) plate among other things, HHfl that It I not ptrmltttd to onllnt In HHHJ m other bmneh of the service n IHHHj man who ha liaen drafted Into tho IHHHj national arm), nlthoiigh there I mi objv Hon to the appointment of draft- bbbbbQ ed men aa offbere, or a arm) field It rka, or to other apei lal naelgn- HH ment Moat of the pamphlet la given naffaaal over to the ruling of Preablant WU- BH k n made publlr some time ago rebt- H tlte to liitluptilal exempt lona. HH no 1 1 1 it ro u i nit fsiiim-- State Knglneern Off lie Halt ltko t ID I tnh Aug 10 1H17 Notice I hcrel given that John II Jlomjon B nnd W U Tbhvell, whoee p.mtoffleo IHH nddrmn la Wt lllngtoli f tab. has mndo K1 Inppll.ntlon In nnnrdnnit with thn jBsi requirement of the Complletl ttwa 91 of I tnll 1907 n H amended 1.) the 8cs flsH inlon ImWh or ftah, 1909 1911 nnd HiiK 1 19 1 n to appropriate three (3) tublo H If it or water per aeiond from Conl sBksi freck Carbon rnuntv ftah Haiti MHB water will be dlvirled tit n point whlali bbbbbbI He S600 feet north nnd 1100 feet cast I BH of Hit eoiilhwret corner or Hee. 23. Twp II Houth Itange II Hnt. rialt LBjaB l.uke bao and meridian nnd convened b) mean or a did Ii for a tlltlnnce of 21 loo fetl and there need from Mnreli 10th to Ht ptellllter 10th lliflllH'e, ot each )ear to Irrigate 210 ncrott ot land embrated In the east hair or thn northenpt ipiailer or Het 28 nml the weet hair or the northwet (Hinrter or Her 27 T. 14 Houth, Hntigt II Ital nnd part or the aoiilbrrtpt quarter or the aoutli- weet quarter und the aouthweat ipntr- BBS ter or tho Miulheflil quiutcr or Het. BBB 6, Twp IS Houth Hnngt liltaPt, Halt Uike Imia mid im rltllnn Till nppll- talloli I tlMlgunted In the slate en glnetra offlte it No C202 All pro- BBBJ teat ngnlimt the granting of anlil up- faBBJ plltntlon staling the renpon tin re- BBFi for iilimt be mnde b) nffldnvlt In dup- BI lltnte nttompnnletl b) n fen of $2 50. BBl nnd fib d In thi office within thirty BAB (30) iln) nftcr the (ompletlon of tho publication or till nothe O f. Mo- BBH OONAOLK. Htnto Hugllieer BBBJ Dntn or rirl publication Kept. 7, 1917. dale or completion or publlcn- lion (HI . 1917 jH notici: to ri:ii twuiH 9BB Htnte Hnglneira Office Halt Irftko BBB fit) ftnh Aug 29, 117 Notlcn I BBJai hereby given that the Watt I Coal BBB compaii) with It print Ipnl office nt & Halt iMkn fit), ftnh Im mnde np- BBB plltntlon In iinordnuce with tho re BBB quirt mi nta of tie Complhd I aw a ut BBB I tali, 1907 a annulled b) the Hcsalon BBB Utvva or ftah 1909, 1911 nnd 191C. iBB to npproprlnto ono-flfth (1-5) ot it 1 fBBjl ruble-root or witter per second from u J IBBM spring area In fnrbou (ount), Jltnb. 8 PflBB Hnld w liter will be oollecuil ut it point flBBB which honra north fl ilfgree t7 mln- I BBI nlea west 219 it reel from the aoutli- g BlBJ cunt turner or the aoiilhwest quarter D or Hec 9. Twp l& Houth, I tango 8 B KiipI, Hall Irftke base nnd meridian. jf BB nml cotiVDtd b) tntiiu or it plptdlno Ii jBBB rnr n ilUtiimt of (000 fctt, nnd there E ' until Jnnuur) lt to Peromber iBBI 3lt, liiihiNlvr, of im Ii. year, for do- B ! metli purpoMe. Thi upplk'ntlon I B IBIbTBI dislguntcd In tile atnte engineer' of- 1 IBBJI flro na No 7322 All protoala against j BBBJ tho granting or aabl npplltntloii, stnt 1 BBB lug the rensou thercfiir, must be yt lBBJ iniide by iiffldnvlt In dtiptltate. no- (BBB compunled b) n fte of 12 (0, und filed , BBBJ In thi offlie within thlrt) (30) du) BJBB uf Ii r the i ompletlon or the publlcu- ) Hon or this tiotlti' O f. McUON- jBB1 AOLK Hlntn Knglnet r !! Ditto or rtrt publltntloii Hopt. 7, C 1917, dale of lotupletlnii of pllbllsu- iBBJI lion (Ht H 1917 flVX wTifil Ti) W A I Hit IIHIIIIH I H Htnte Hnglnicr'a I Iff lee. Halt Itkn Clt), Utah Aug 29, 1917 Notice I , hereb) given Hint the Wntll Coal ' tompnny, with 11 prluelpal off Ho nt BDJI Halt Itke Clt), ftah tin tnndo np- plication In uiiordaiuo with thu re- BBH quIremetilH of thn Compiled Ijiw of ftuh 1907, a ameuilcd b) the Rojtslqn ,BBJ ltwa or ftah 1909 1911 nnd 1916, AjB to npproprliite one-fifth (1-B) of iv I BBJ sitond-fmit nf vvnter from it spring , jBBl area In Carbon count) lllnh Haiti I , vvnter will be collet led ut it point IBBI whit It bear south II degree 14 tnln- $ BBB lite went 2S14 fetl from tho north- IBBI iiihI (oruer or Het IS, Twp IS Houth, tBB I tango 8 Hast, Hull Ijike bae nnd mtrldluti, from whtrt It will be con i BB t)ed b) mean of n plpillnn rnr n i iBBJsl dlNlnmn or 3S00 fret nnd tin ro ued Bd from Junuur) lt to Detember 31st, I Incluslvi or enih enr, for domestlo ' K and iniiulclpnt purposea. Thla uppll- tf callnn 1 dtvlgnnted In tho statu on- W ( BjjBI glnctr's offUo ns No 7310 All pro- U BBll tista against the granting ot said up- '0 iBBl plication, stating tho reasons therefor, M IBBl must bo mndo by affidavit In dupll- I (BBj cute, nicompnnled by a feo of 12 SO, 4J iBBM and filed In this office within thirty ' ' (30) tin) after tho (ompletlon of thu U flPVJ publltntlon or this notice fl P. Mo- , a BHj OONAOLK, Htato Hnglnrir I Bl Ditto or rirst publication Sept. 7, 1 BBJ 1917, data or completion of publlcu- B I BBl Hon Oct. g 1917 n BBJ Vfnici: to wvrnit vhhhh H H Hlate ICnglneer'a Office, Halt liko H iBBJi City, Utah, Aug 30, 1917 Notlca I U jH hereby given that Alma Pe lemon et , BBl al, whon poitorflco nddre I Bunny- U BBJ side, Utah, havo mado nppllcntlon In , j j BBJ uctordance with tho requirement of I J' fllBJ tho Compiled Iivvs of Utah, 1907, u ; R BBJ nmended by the Beiuilou Itwa of Utah, Sjji BBJ 1909, 1911 and 19111. to appropriate V five und one-half (B'i) (iiblo-feot of 9 ) water per second from Trail Creek, J BB Carbon county, ITtah Bald water will m BBH bn dlvurttd ut n point which lit a It BBH B394 ftct east and 1100 feet north of j ,BHH tho soutlivvast quurter or Ber 2, Twp, a jaBB IS floulb, Hungo 13 Knit, Bull Lnko I ' bnso and meridian and (onvo)ed by ( .HB iiuiiriH or a dltih for it dlitnnro of , 1 BBJ 2800 rtet nnd there nwil from March ' rt IJBB 15th to November 30th, Imluslvu, of -. ir BBJ each) ear to lrrl,at 100 aire of land BBJ embraced In the south half of tho f BBJ southwnHt quarter of Bee 2, tho west J t BBl half of tho northwest quarter and tho N I BBJ northwtst quarter or the southwest j BBI quarter of Bee 11 tha noithoast quur- ,, IHU ter of thn southeast quarter the soutli I j BBJ half or tho southwest quarter, tha 1 tVBBJ northeast quarter of tho southwest .-' rflBj quurter and the northwest quarter of ' t ? BBfl tho southeast quurter or Bee 10, town- Jf t BBJ ship mid range urorosald As much of Hi BBJ said water ns may bo necessary will i Jj9J be used during the entire ear for do- 'S aJBH mesllc purpoHes Thi uotlco In deslg. m ? BB tiatid In tho stain engineer's oftlao m Bl as No 7200 All protests against m ' BBl the grunting or said application, slut- ft i BBJ Inir tho rcasomi therofor, must bo mado ml E, BBJ b affidavit In dupllcnto. accompanied SSa'-XL BBl iy a too of 32 SO, und ftlud In this nf- SallS-SbX rice within thirty (30) days after the Ml '' BB completion of the publication of this 111 FiBBJ notice O f McdONACILIS, SUtto AIUbBB Engineer. !9l I HBlB Date of first publication Bent. Jl, ill BBH 1917, date of completion of publlca ..! BBJ Hon Oct 8, 1917 mkflVsi f' '91 b jBBH