Newspaper Page Text
H'' ill PAGE FOUR THE St'N. PRICE. I'TAII-EVERY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 7, u,. I PRICE PLANT GOES ; IN HOLE RIGHT j ALONG H ,i aj waii costs or matkiiiai, and H li IjAIIOH HRSl'O.NHIIIUL V ' yj J'rltntn Operation Might In Time B ' if 1 Mal.c Pn)liig ProHnltlon Out of (lie H , . 'if Miuililuill) Owned Potter nml Light B ( ' t Hjstein Mnnsoti linn Made Offer HBVA , I, That I Still 0mii to tlicTntpnKr. H n i! ' n lleher City citizen omc two xx'eck Hj ngo oleil by 11 largo mnjorlty fur the Hi f ntn of iniitileliKilly owned light B i I anil power lnnt to the I'tnh Tower B ijj nml Light rompati), which taller con rem nn a good irlce for II nil It Sin worth. It In raid, ami more too. The money from tho sale In to ho spent In Imprnxlng the water system of the Wasatch county seat The aetlon of the resident nt Metier City again re- H I I Jf mind Thn Hun Hint I'rlrn linn "nn H i , rlephont on It hand" that people H j I : hern should lie considering getting rid H ' J of or dexlsn Minm mcifn of making It HH a come out rrn A thing nro now 1 M going nnd liaxn liccn going for month jll the city I losing money gob of It ;I nml no hopo of breaking exen mi Ion , "I n not pi rmllted hy thn pulille mill- If tie commission In raising rale nnd f the Illicit price prevailing because of i m thn war and other things, Prom coil Ilff to Inhor thrro ha been n ilcndy In IB irease nil around In expense excry R month for more than a year H . jl ItomU In Ho I'nld H i m Home time ngo J. II. Mnnson made BBH i BJ the city rouncll n proposition for BBBJ M leasing the local plant for a term of BBBI W twenty fle year, which many believe BBBV. ' M I worth) of er) serious consldcrn- BBBV-) ' Hon for thn reason that his pa) lug off BBBr j ' t of tho lion it Issued to Install tho BBBJ b I tern would rrllcxn tho rlly of that nb- BB3 ? ff ll.rnllon. which l nlmoit equivalent BBBl ft to the puichnso prlrn of the property. BBBJ H Then thn rlly gel the plant hack at BBBJ if lha end of thn lonso period, when It BBBJ ! would ln north considerable morn BBBJ. J than iiom nml nlmi free from any oh- BBBJ J ligation or Indebtedness, Under the BBBJ 1 Mannon proportion the rlly would BBBJ J have It trret llxlitlnn without cot BBVJ ( I na well a power for luimplnR tlly wa BBVJ I trr to thn rrerolr. Thn rnponil BBBJ ' 1 lilllty of operation I untlrely removril, BBH j And nlo n Riinrnnlrn In kImiii for ron BBBff , t i tlnuou m'nlrn, malntenniico nnd de BBW I preclnllnn No eipenio, wlmtuXTr, I BBBJ ( I,; 1 home hy thn town. Mnnnon would Klvo BBBJ) .'J n fidelity hond for thn fulfillment of BftVJ , 1 hi contrail. fj !J i KitriialoiiH Arr Dt'iiinndrtl. Hj (i Thn additional litv nlinrnt lipcv. BBVji . ry to kUp realdenta ami the lm. BBS f i iicm IntereRta or Trlcn what they oimht HBBL 9 In hae wn aro unahln to Kct under HHvf' I IV thn cxlullnit condition. ITndrr the BBVi V t is XlaniHin lrun the lmprormtnt he BBS, M pledicea lo make would lie nddlllonal BBC bm pecurlly In tho rll Kutncrou till. BBS I SB en hao heen for month nnd arn nl BBS t ifl thin time clamnrliiK fur linn nxtriiPlon BBki' , 'it that they may enJo to (rnvenlriur BBC til of rloctrlt'lt) Hie wimn it the red of BBS i IB thn people locally, nnd whiuw prop- BSB IB rrly la llahln for thn homlrd Indelil- BBV K rdnra Hie Minn n tho irowrty of B jB)J IhoM who now clijo) theen prMliKr. 1A(i!n, lliean people are timml mull year for Hie Intercut on thn cll' lionded Indetiledne und are without aervlce. Thn Unn nt one Hum uh milted hy Maitiun priixlile that the BaVJ ( L 'DX exteimlon refetred to Will h made Bafl I M The rate uro to remain prarllealU BBV t IB Hi aamn ilurliiK thn tweuty.fhe ear BaH '. I JT Iraan a they nro ul till time. reKiinl- BBC I tX lra of utility ioiiiiiiImIuii or iiioHiIiik Bail ' . Ji rto. BBv lB l M'IIIiir NotliliiK. H I ! IV Deallns with Mannon the ill) l mil BaVJ ' JW illipoaliiR of It plant or frauehlM. hut BBWV If own It ii now nt nil Hme. I K ' I ?' no douht hut whnl coiialdernhln mime) BBS) ' Ifi. would he lneled In ImprovliiK the BIB IK' plant ahould It k to Maiuon, a nn)- BIB iJA one tiiklnif It oxer under Hii term BIB ut propord would have lo eek other BBV B field for additional rewuue, which BBV 111 would alo mean conHldi'mhle for thl BBS, i JM, lty nnd It people Uinit hrforn thn BBS . tVi' 1ean expire the lioml would he puld K ' ig pff mid n ilvun lutt presented to BBB . ' i j them nt the ttrmlnatlon of thn leave BBS 'ijlS period. Money recelxnl under the BBj I '119 Maumiii lisme would ku n lone uv BBS B towurd aniultlu: n wnter )lem, BS MS which idioi'ld U uppermoul of the BBS II nmliltlon of the municipality Hv- B i 1 erywhrre In Utah munlilpully oinrd BBB lI 4 "ht nlllt t'ouer plant are "u dead BBB njL hnrae" to taxpayer and the condition I i3li( nt 1rlr nr, " exception to tlila BAB J ' arenernl rule. Tho lrleo )tm I In- BAB I Hill inK ,,ini,'' 'f ,""lr '! "HI con- BBB ) lifl Hnun lo do no until ratm uro rnlnml BmK Mb uway ln-jonil rwmon. BB j'!! Olhcrx Mil) Wimu li, B I.!1! In Hie vermicular of the it). Thf BBB M SM Hlln "'"" ' ",nrrlHl" " Mhiimiii, hut BBV ) aW conalder hi proHMtion worthy if BAM I fll aerlou coiialderiitlon hrn'mun of the BAw ' 1 fact dot l I If" Ih hen iltmitml to BBS "M thl kind of work and he know all BBB !Bj thn In nnd oula of the vleurlial if nine BBD, )W. Iln iiin make money where Hi lt BBS jji cannot, elm he would nut hid for the BE Mi plant. On the other haml there are BBS 1 other lu thn Imilmxw who iiiIkIu BBS i 4' fit to k'o Miiiiihiii wnne lisltvr The BBS ' W- Kun would llku to the ill) lomull BBS i Si comlder the leunlnif f the iwuer and BBS 'It Unlit plant and latar put It up to Him BBS , ft otero for atlon It would at leant BBS j, jf nettle, uiiiii for all, n iiimli ihimiIimI BBB Lit, UMtloi Manv with whom The Hun H. ft ha talked are fur loatlnir. Kentluieiil. B' , (,1 It l hetlnttHl. I aKalnat an outrlchl BBS. Kf( "-lie evun thoiiKh a price In exee or BBS y the plant' real worth were In hIrIu B IJlJ Kite nppllcutlon ha reiently koiih BBS) ,flf; on file for uutr approprUitloiui In BBaVJ ' VX ' Carhon oouuty Three are hy WuttU BBBj j'J- Coal company over near lllawnthiv fur BB i( UJl doiuello and municipal purpn and LBJB ilJiaSj ,ho ,,"'r'' for Irrliratlon of land. Th !Bfij two litter arc ma Jc hy Alma Itern SSJ of flunnjhliln and J. II. Itomjua and fill W. I Tldwell, both of Welllnslon Vm ' Their water comes from Trail Creek xmi i Coat Creek, I MrBBmBIiIBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBbI i3wiiJliHBIKSBBBBBBBBBBi 1 SHORT STORIES OF THE, WEEK i:Tltiyti: COXSKItVATIO.V. If Mary ha n llttln Inmh With Ion if and annwy fleece, She'll take It to tho butcher Miop And have It cut to piece. The fleece I worth nix bits n pound, It ihopa bc)ond quotation, And Hoover fay to kill It now, Bating cot of Its education. MOXKY I'HOM CAItltO.N, Carbon county Inst week lent to tho Mate treaaurer, I) O. Iaren, ten thoumnd dollar for road to be con structed with thn rn-operatlon or tho ttnte In Carhon county this )ear. The money I merely borrowed to that the work mny be done, nlnee the proceed from tho taxo or thl )ear will not lie axallable until thn road blilldlnic aea mm I pant. llltAIUNO IH I'OSTI'OMII). HenrliiK on the iMunnrn or nn alter native writ nKAlnnt the county com mliHoner or CarlMin county directing them to awe coal land nt their real xalue or ehnw raupn ror not o ilolnn, which turn iK-heduted ror Heptember 4th, ha been pmitponcd to Heptnm-j ber 8th by the iiupreme court or Utah I Thn tato I the petitioner, claiming, the commlpidoncrH UMnomed land on n nhiAtliin or ri(t) dollur an niro rn- thcr than nt amount mukIiik from ten to three hundred nnd rifly dollar nn acre, thereby drprltlng tho ntnto or n rexenun or nlmut lxt)-rive hun dred dollar a )enr, It I contended trr.Mi iiah iMi'itovint. Iteprcnentntlxe or transcontinental rallroml operatlnK In Utah nt n meet InRSvlth tho public utilities cnniml Rlnn of Utah n few da) ago, nimcrtrd that the car Rhortago problem I not no acuta In I'tnh nt preent n It has been In the pant. They gavo tho ercdll or part of It for the lm liroxcmcnt In comllllon to tho higher demurrngn rate which were made effective lat spring. Thre, they raid, had thn effect of keeping inr hi mom loiiKtnnt crxlio Hum hnd been the cne In the pnM. Carbon counlv mine oprrntor and ahlpper genrrnlly report bitter condition li.ially thitii for noinc time HOXCAIt lll'IKILAIIV IIAIt(li:il. O. J. Dennlmin and I. A llointon, two trainmen, are In tho county jail on n chargn of burglarlxlng n inr nt I'liih Junitlon on the Utah rallxvay n totipln of xteek ugo, nml taking therefrom n iiiantllv or cue xvhlk). Their iirrmt xxn made hy Hpeilal Agent Thiunii lliirge or the lenxer und Itlo (Irnmle. Thn enr wa brought thl xxay from Inn b) mltuke. It wa loimlgncd from the Itant to a Cal ifornia point. H A King of King ft llraffet I defending thn men. Hous ton ha n family at Halt Uikn City. DennUoii I n single man t rm.soMiu MAKi.vo ki:y. A I- McKlnley. nxxnltlng trial In the (ouiity Jail for u boxcar robber), had It nil fixed tit Hie other day for gain ing hi liberty with n mauiirnituri-d ke). Also, hn might hnxe mad" good, hut ror thn alertness or Hherirr Hrorge Colllnghnm. The bitter xxa siisplilou that sonielhlng out or the ordlnar) xxa going on and confronted Mi Kin ley with hi suililnn. McKlnle) lie n I iil ex er) thing ror n Hme, but after Via) lug "solllar)" for n couple or da) guxe In und turtiiHl oxer the ke) ho hud been xxorklllg oil, lllsn il file Tho key wait being made from n pine of Iron tukrn from u cot. McKlnle) I' the fellow who also hurglarlied the t'o-Op store nt I'llee. CONVICIX AUK ,MOHI. Warden (leorge A. Klnrr ha thn eighty lonxh't that haxn been work ing up ut nnd iiround Colton moxed to the head or Nine Mile Cmi)on on the I'rleo to Mjtnn limit, nhout txxeti i -six mile (rum this city, where the) will lie empto)cd until the first of He lember nt Inutl, wnather peruiltllng Warden Hlorr mo "Thn objw t or the moxe I not out) to get Hie pris oner nwuy from the principal axeiiun of eM'ape, the r.tllrond. but to build up thn roiiil to Hie t'lntnli countr) ThlrD-flxn mile of road that, wlih ordlnar) labor, would cost hImiiiI Ixxeltn hundred dollur n mllu will l liullt at n cost of lee Hum six hull ilrrd dollur n mile by the prisoners." imv iwiim mops jtoi. Mult Warner wa down from hi rami on Punitory lletich last Riimluy ror grain sucks. He and hi nelghliorM huxn been threshing ror n week or ten day He ha In this )ciir iiImiiiI eight) acre or wlinat, oat nnd r)i, us hn also the Thomn ho), mm or I'lMd J. Tlmmu of I'rlcn. Oat III that iHtrt of the lountry lry funning win go around lixunty to thirl) .fixe bushel o the litre, w limit about tieut)-tttu ami r)e tixrnty-thrie. An abiimliime of corn mid garden stuff ha linen ptodiired h) ever)ono In Hint xblnlt), while iMilatnea nro generally aboxn the HXerage for dry land. About four ihousttnd lure or gruln or nil kind will tu priHliieml thf season, whkh U most eiivotirHglng lo those wtio went in thern when thing xrn lurgel) gutNM xtork ri.oi'11 axii wniar imuchk. Aittimimnylug the niinouneement by thn wheat price ctimmltteo that the price or No I wheat I Hxed ul I3.J0 a bushel m the primary market. Chicago. I'tah miller declare that fltnt-ctasa Hour will will to the con uincr In I'tah nml Idaho around elexeu ilollai a barrel or itlHiut 15.80 ht humlreil Utah farmer will r ceixe uImhU f 1 HO a bushel for No I wheat. Till estimate allow about s-xenty-flxn rent u burro) for milling costs, tixenty-rixn centa prom lo the miller und it dollar profit to the re taller It Is explained, hoxxcxer, that few or the furmei of Utah and Idaho urn selling No. 1 whimt, but that most of It I No. :, red und white. The -Mit prlte ut xvhleh xvheat xxlll sell locally eannot be determined definite ly until the detailed cost or manufac ture under the new wheat regulation la worked out. CHUCK I'OIlHintY (IIMtnitl). Bherlff Colllngham and hi deputies are looking for Itlll Hamuelson, who I ntlegcd lo haxo posed nt rifllt ttke City last week a I. I Warren of th Nino Mllo section and also to liaxe forged Warren' namo lo two check ror rorty-flvn dollar enth. Deputy MeMlillln wa out at the Warren place Wednesday searching for 8amuctu. but so rnr ha railed to l)catc the )oung man, ih doixo xiNirrv days. John Itonold I doing n ninety day sentence In thn county Jail, Im posed by A. J., Justice, ror mnklng way with n Milt case belonging to an nudllor or thn Denxcr end ltlo (Irnmle twin aerxlce Tho grip xx-n stolen In Iwccn I'rlin nnd Helper Irom n mi sengcr trnln. Tho auditor' report and other ntunble twipcr xxerc de stro)ed by lte)nold. Ho pled guilt) I x hen nrrnlgncd I 'AXOTIIItlt llt'SI.MCsS llOCSIt At thn regular meeting or the rlt) council Inst Ttiesda) exenlng W. C llrueker xxn granted permission to ! put In n strict gasoline tank nt the I Paternoster building under direction of the street committee Ilroeker ha rented tho corner room of this blotk nnd xxlll engngo In the nutomobllo ac cessories line. No other business aside from allowing thn regular grlat or monthly bill wa transacted by the council IiOCAIi COI'XCIIi OIKJANIZUS. Member or the Carlton County County Council or Defensu met nl tho library building In Prlro Inst Hatur day evening nnd organized by electing A. W. Ilorsley, chairman, nnd It W Crockett, secretary of the council. A. 1). Button of Price xxn ihoscn to rill the X'acancy occasioned by the naming or Jon II. itobrrt by flox'. Hlmon Ham bergcr. Thn tate rouncll wn notified during thn week or the action of the local rouncll. Also thn latter I read) to to-opernte with Hie slate organlM Hon. uoo.i: cachi: nni. Hherlff Colllngham nnd leput Thomn I". Keller swooped down upon the cellar or Krnnk Prnblrh at Mwi rield last Hutiirdii), ufter receiving n tip, and couriscntcd soliictlilng like two barrel or littlcil beer, fixe gal lon each or sherr) nnd blnikberr) xx Inn and it quart or whisky. The stuff hum stored nml will be destni)ii1 after Urablih ha n hearing In the court, other nt the camp an' ens peeled of bootlegging ami arc being xvntched. HOXCAIt IIOIIIIHIIY CHAIUiHH. J. I' Cody, n brnkrman on the ll.-u-xir nml Itlo (Irnnde, xxn lodgiil In the counly Jail lst Wcilnesdity i barg ed with compiled) In n boxcar rob lery nt I'lnh Junction n rexv da)1 ugo. The titr In "inwtlon wn loaded with tiifn xxhlsky and wn rent to xrard llliiwntlui through mistake for loading with ihhiI. It wa gone through by eextral parlies nfler it urrlx'nl there ami the dlscoxery of It content. Cody xxn brought to Price by Hpeilal Agent Tiixlor, who work under Tlmmu lliirge. Cody xxlll like I) hnxe hi preliminary hearing today. PAI.OMA HlllPPIVCi OIHL M P llmffet or the I'ulonia mine niy that n uirload or ore Is now at the mtmpler from tho llenxer count) proKrt) The ore ciiine from thn six and sexeu hlimlred-fiMit lexels. The m I nn Mimpllng of Hie ore denote that It xxlll curr) well up In xalues. but llniffet did twit cure to make hii) esti mate of xx lint thn entire iar mny biliig. but he tlioiiKlit It would return good profit. A wlni I now being sunk from Hie nine hundred. fimt lexel. Also it irowscut Is being sent out III the lime from this level This I In snnh of it iHirallel rbmiire oKued oil the seven hundred-root lextl IMMPIILinX OV DXXCINO. Thousand or hand) pm ki tlmok imiiiphlet on Hie iiiesllon of dum lug and ilrewt, ror the hem fit of the mi in her or the Young lollies Mutiinl lm pruxemeiit UMoclatlou, hitxi Ik en sent out from heuibiuarter or the Churih or JnsiiM Christ or Uilter-da) Kaluts to with xxurd or the ihurrh These liamphlet are ror the benefit of the xx omen officer nml tent her of the church who haxn thn Instriii Hon or the )omig people In thurge. Cliurth official urge the prurtlrlug of these Miiggestlons by the leather them selxc nnd the teaching of these prlu tlpln to the )oung wonitii uuil men iimhr their charge. Thn I'tah agricultural .olhge will open it door ror registration on Monday September Iflth, Course uro offered In nil the brum lies of agri culture, Inline tcomimlcM, iigrliullural engineering nml mechanic nrls, toii. insrcc und hiislneiM ndinliiUtriitlon mill general sclenco Add res nil In aulrle to the president Adxl Word has been rntelxetl In 1'rbe of the ery serious conilltlun of MIm Muttie HI rung, Curuegle librarian Hhe xxa taken III with spliMl menhiRltU while on hr xuruilon. rricmls nnd nrqunlntnucHMi or this iHipular )ming bid) locull) hope for her specih re vover) und earl) leturn to Price, xrhern she I must popular with all Marriage lleeiiM were' Issued dur ing the week tJ Ttsj-xe) (1 I Us of Price and Johailiia l JeiiMui of Kcr ron mid to Kmitett If Olson of Price and Kdilh M. jiJit Castb (lata. i Tf anxn the use or collar button there bra been imtented it tape to be passed through the buttonhole in a rollar und shirt, fastening xxlth nn or namental clasp In front. Frank fiecreld and John Mi Hen nard, both glxlng their renldcmes a Price, enlisted In tho United Slutes urmy at the statu capital last Tues day. There will bo a regular meeting- or the board or county commlmloners on I the 11th of the month next Tuesday. ;i, ATTENDANCE 01 IISIIIIIIE ! JLPICE (Continued from page ono ) I., ..luiated. and that one process will I., isl for one group and another i process for a different group It also rerngnltes that the ends to lie attain ed are a sound body, an attentlre mind and a high moral purpose H '? nhw that culture must always be a byproduct and that a liberal training without vocational direction li often Ineffective nnd always Inefficient The Schools of Tishl). In the school of today the child I taught how to think and how to study Much home xtork I eliminated The teacher doe not spend all of his time nor Hie major ponton of It hearing recitation and Issuing command The recitation have become aciillsl llon and not IwiiiWtbm ihtIimIs In the Mhool of today the eilucatlxe pioces- continue for the whole twelxe month It recognise that the sum mer season I the best time of the year for the richne of thn ilex slop ment of a wholesome sturdy Imjr or girl The real school of today, stand ing for health and Joy In labor, doe not haxn II work Interrupted by an exces of holbla)- and xacatlon The eihicatlve proc-s Is mi wisely dis tributed lietxxecti work done In the school and the home that exer day I both n holiday and a wotk day, the minimi Ions slmpl) bring ndaptetl to the reUlroment of the season. Mut AIo Ik- Worker, The nchool of today retoVnUes that the Individual must nlwa) be a student ns well a n xvorkrr, with time enough to spam foi both recrc ntlon nml the full enJo)menl of life. Thn school of todn) retain the child until there Is ground ror bcllexlng that he ha round n calling for which nature and his own effort haxn pre pared him The school of the past hn been so arranged ns to make It convenient to teach. The school of tod a I arranged so a to make li convenient to Irani In thn sthnol of todn) the teacher Is n master crafts man He Is the artist and not the machine hand. He take the human cln) and fashion It Into It xnrlou shape rather than to dump It Into it loinmou mold between the IcXir of tradition ami unlformlt) Hn hn be fore him a hi model, the Image of the perrect man or tomorrow sound, nitiimplilicd nnd benutl'ul In hod); Intelligent and )iiiiathctlc In mind, revel en t in spirit, and prodiirtlxrly efficient. Ill purpose I the Imreuse not alone of material, but of human xtealth. The school or today make proxlslon ror development b) books, b) contact with nature and by at tunl experience III lire. Aim In Curboii Couiil), To lm n sihool or 'loils)1 I our aim In Ctirhoti toiinl). In the setting up or thl aim we are not unmindful of xx hat the school of )esterda) ha done for us. We appreciate Hint It I the sthool of )ptrda) and it disciple Hint haxn given us our opportunlt) and Hint lo lie true to Hie past wn must measure up to the possibilities of the present. When 1 assumed the respoiislbllll) a superintend! lit of tho CarlHiu county school ill.trlet Inst March, I did so knowing considerable or It ast hlstor), much of It re son ties mid poMlhllltle, and appre ciating keenly the illffkultle In be met I hnxn linen a student and ra ther close ol-ener of the ediliatlonal mnxeniiiit In Carbon count) slum Jatiuar), 1 90S. And since the Inau giitHthiii of consolidation In ItlS, 1 hnxe heu ii s)iiiiatliellc onlooker, ap preciating the struggle )ou hnxe made for iidjiistmetit during the transition period, with mail) other I hnxe noted with iiiiuli gratification ),mr supreme effort to keep your schools out of the tolls of ietty Hilte und IihhI prejiidbns. Pmhhius to Ho Met. Though n romimranxe stranger. I come Into Hie scrvbe hire with h rea- nablx tomeptbiu of mir edu cutlonal need ami how tin so und Plain Business Proposition Wo liiixn ilrtcrmliictl in put it stiff bid ror I ho Ini-liH-v, llr Hue that ha. been going In nut side lioiiM-k, nml nn ,, ,IH- ,,, toil u it fair iiiludcil clllcii U m lilVi: Ch llll I'lusr 'm; AT YOl'lt OIIDIUtS. slmiy t,u Is mi nioiv Uiiiii fair to JOur Iiiiiiip dealer. 'Ihcn ir wo enn't PIciimi )ou (nuallij , ,,,,. iicks of scrxhv iiiiisldeivil), vvo xxlll iH-iir our Iik, vvlllioui a mur-iiiur. Jul ii rule iliamv In n.iniH'io for jour trad, I. nil xvo ii.k. Mu) xxc Irnxr It.' t. hii) nml Mil nil " t or produce, Hii), urnln iiiIIMiiIU, suit, flour, sugar nml Minlliir inert liiiuill.,. llr im,i,,i. Hii. I'lMlco flour--,, lininc priMliict I xxortli) or trlul, (MM us the lMM nml xtholcKuhtl b) u ,i,,. slxcl) In I'rliv, Onler u trial u!Jh,....V" l"l'll, "''Ih-h on nlll Ilia, Price Commission Co. Kcrxlcv All tho lime. PHONK 183 PUICK, UTAH MAT QILMOUIl A. W. MoKINNON To enable hU automobile to run tixcr tho deserts nnd sandy roatt a Colifornlan eciulpptul it with mnvtu belts xxhluh rovolve around thn rar wheels, proxldlng smooth track. Complete legal blank stock at Bait Lake City and Proxo prices. The Bun. fllPALCO FLOTjF UINTAH BASIN PRODUCT PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGIIHORS. AS GOOD AS THE BEST AND ALL OF THE REST ASK YOUR GROCER FOR UPALCO may bo met First, there I tho prob lem of changing the Carbon county school district from o mere collection of settlement made up. I fear, too largel) of Indlxldual householders, and raising II to the dignity -f nn cdu rational commiinlt) xxlth lommon hi terest and common aspiration. To accomplish this ono supreme good xvc must glxe most of our rfrort. Car lon county and what she stand ror educationally must be known nt homo and abroad Hy mean of carefully planned moxment through existing organltatlon and by creating when necessary other organlxatlon our march of progress must sloxvly hut surely take place Personal nnd cor respondent contact with the outside xvorld of education nnd ita lendera will bo necessary to keep us nllxv nnd make u knoxvn. Opportunities That Ave nil. Discussion of tho many opportun ities ror progres which nwnlt u would be valuable, Interesting nnd Rrnilf)lng. but lime will not permit more than the mero mention of n fcxv which loom up n thn panorama come close to our xlslon. Among those which nppcar In the x an guard urn: First Training In seir-rcll.nce, training In Initiative, training In con structs e Imagination, training thu nldlty to rorm accurate and reliable Judgments, training In tho nblllty to reason, the dexelopment or thrift, the development or proper habit or at tention, and the dexelopment or proper habit of stud) In the children who come Into our care. Much growth and progres inn lm but the result of Intelligent co-opirn-Hon nnd hard, earnest, faithful work on the Kirt of those who hnc been Intrusted xxlth such n responsibility. At the head of this group must stand n xlgoroiis, untiring, common sense, fearless nnd nble board of education. In their hand morn than the hands of any other, rests the possibilities or our future. Next to the board of edu cation come tho men and women whom they employ. No little credit I due them for the progress which I to be made On the whole they must be rnr aboxn the nxcrngc In ability, power, training and willingness to serve nnd xlilon. Hoard nnd the Tent hers. "Hut a board of education nnd it corps of teachers, no matter how nbln nnd Industrious, can do no morn Hum the human resource with which the) work are capable of accomplishing. The diixelopmrnt, then, nt which wn aim Is In the last anal) si dependent upon the pnrents and children nnd their cniwthllltle. One enter such it field of opportunity with great lest and enthusiasm The object to ho at tained I no trivial matter nn bubble, but the hope of it greut nation' son and daughter. Ma) we proxo equal lo the opiHiriunli)." CATTLE STEADY TO STRONG AT RIVER (Continued from imgn sewn.) xlrilms of blackleg, nml inking the stoikmen' own estimate or S per cent of tho herd lost ouch )er through that disease, It doe not require much computing , m ,nut , ,,, lo uno.oao. UiHit raised atoiind M)ton are fre quently being sent ut ,ir Price by ,.x. pre to distant point. Thl week Ihirn wn a consignment of eight or tin for Texas and Iowa. Chiirle Itecld has tendered III re Ignntlun a manager of thn Im Hal Und and l.lx,. Htlck company to ,.. guge In the telephone buslnes. He will make hi home nt Moan, Permanent organlxatlon of thn In lei mountain Live Htock nHM.clntlon was effected lust Haturdny ut (Jrnnd will eclipse the one of last ear In cxer) way I planned Officer elect, ed urn Hubert Uscur. president j l. I. UOrange. vhe president, It i:, Vlcker). mrelar). ami V C Tnlbi rt. treasurer The Ump fr , B,lM set for Noxember th. 7 Hi mid 8h. Within a rexx week the rat cattle ul. r TUnK f,,r '- "" the Jumnm, ,T r""r M" " rnil !i?i- . hr''" r' "husually largo -"r- """ .ldltlo,,al head hiw fJfofiZii! ',h ,w,r l,,,utt,' ,n I'rofliable utw fr Krw,M lUiiroad. re preparing foi n. , ' ".,,,? :!,l,;rh"!!,i,w,'i'"; r,i,i,;er:r,.r::,raln- Th7. u y UH" ' market ."lit. CuH"nl,"' com,H.ny. nerve e,iTr. iJ l"llun uf " -T whu h7r' nitl'd'lir to aU rMthenU, anu exen a;;.'U ,0 ,'1'- from it u7. . ' ,l,tack ,,BWk ttlfo he last w!ki" .h!re w,lh U f the lite AM n?ll0,, ,,,e r""l hl. daughter o MV,U . Mr- fl""t- SOOETY Bex oral or the )oung frirt.. .. Mildred Maclean wtrc ,u, ,1 entertnlne.l esterda nfirrn. .'f MacLcan home on s"conT,,l,! floldcngloxv und ,,,u "l' were daintily combined folth. trnctlxn decoration or th. ,J" room nml the ten table Ak,,,u.T hostess during the nfterao V" Mr. W I). Maclean Mr luff, J 1-j.n nnd Mis, I.ur.le Mll? nble were rilled with the fuLf, bridge nnd other came tJ, o'clock leu. Herald IJcpubllo;;' AND, NEW HATS... OH ME, OH MY! The greatest danger of ii that )ou will lose )our kU then what good would ss; l heT Thl new French lUikt sort or blend or cruhd Humn icrlse, lota or sparkling nitri nnd n consldrral le sprlnlilte; c happiness, Thero has nexir ln snjttej quite like It before It tlwi r audi Iota of "tone the nlnv )ou place It on jour nrtl I brighten up jour whole cm tennncc put it iark is a sparkle of your r)r. Bessie Kennedy, Millinery, Main Street, IjikI ur Kbo TIh-sut For Sale Buaincsa lot 00x100 just nt of Turner building tor the fj cinl price of $1125.00 only, lb is a snap nnd will not Inst terj long. AddrosH STEVEN BROS, CO. I'AIIK Cm, IT.MI S. KUSANO" JAPANKSi: MHIH'IIANWW or i:vi:iiy ni:HcitiiTios Catering lo the Trade of IU cleuts of tho Conl Csmi nnd surroiimllnr Territory. OUT OUIt QUOTATIONS Cnnvreln Ilulldlng Houth Nit Street, Price, I'Wh, j Let Us Stake You TO A STEAK Our Htciuks. Cli l' n und Other Cut IlK r'iU'" ed u Iteputntlon Id This T" TIIBY AltK rHlll-THB Aiti: -TBNnnit tiiev h" JUICY. R. L. ROGERS Turner Ilulldlng, MslnS 'iitT&1 Hf lustrumenta inxetifd 1Y . "9 lu register thn idectrMty ?,, W the heart nnd Its dlitrlbu l0!'tB lih)luluns to uccuratd) ci'4 ensca of that organ U every kltihen u""'1', ".!,' I Its place many steps will '