Newspaper Page Text
i. I cEPTEMBEK 7, 1917 i v WW 1 . j-n" THE SUN, PRICE, UTAHEVERY ntIPA PAGE FIVE PW TA CORRECTION We nrc sole distributing ngents for John Scow croft & Sons Co. of Ogdcn, Utah, for Eastern Utah. This has been the case Bince their stock was brought hero. This grocery stock is handled by us nnd sold cither for cash or credit account of the company under their credit system, hcn accounts nrc approved at their Ogdcn office. This grocery department is under management of Mr. Charles E. Lnrsen, who keeps the stock account only! other accounts nnd invoices being handled through our office. Mr. N. M. Nasits is head salesman, nnd E. It. Waul, r jsistant anlcsmnn, visiting the trade in Eastern Utah,' and all goods sold by them from Price stock arc handled . and forwarded by McKune Forwarding compnny; OUR DRAYS AND OUR MEN HANDLE THIS STOCK KROM OUR WAREHOUSES. This statement is made to correct n "storj " that nppoar- ed on the front page of this paper last week, u ' Dealers In Hay, Grain, Salt, Castle Gate Coal, Pajson Mill Products. We Do It Now. i fir f I Cnll plume 8S tuul ho Blue Dray -vill "I)o li Nh-." McKUNi: i oinvAitiiN; ;o. -rice VUiiIi fill PERSOHAL - L F M(Ourd) of Hunn)vlde xxn iM-inli) i iiIiir xlltor In Price Milt n It lloml of Clear frrek cm among tin- HnnM giical during ik aetk Mr mill Mm. Alfred Hcnmnunt r rrk xlnltrd with rclnllxt tit On-n Rlrrr thin xxick -Ml Alia Coltrcll of Orccn ltlr a-hltlng with her alitcr, Mm Claude I'.ini'H, nt lllnxxnthn Mm IIimIo Kriiiuil) Ik Wuk In Price (run, n purcluialiiR trip In the bit of aome three xxcekn. Thre ii ro no dcilrahtc du tiling ". f r rent In Prhc, a la nlwnj ik rax nt tin- liiKlnnliiK of Hi)' Mm lit (a Walker cif tin- Hnxo) rttarned Hnttinhi) exrnlng from Hall lake Cll ulit re ulic hud In i fur uitral il.vii C I Mm;, the Helper ntlurni) 1 pr if i uiiinui hunlnc ut I'rlce km rrkU) nml Kaiiirilii), Hi rrglati ml itthcTixrrn BW o MIIik or lllnwollin xn In Price Hxlmdu) In mint Mr. .Mile, ho had I on tin n xlMt with rdatlxee ! ArkaiiKiH Mr nml Mm. T V l-fxxl of BUrk lUwk xxcro guela of tlir Tax irn Uit I rldn) en route home from n trip 1 1 Silt Uke t'lt. M'- i Lola l,conard anil Htillii titrmsti of lluiitliiKtun uttenihd tin IIUiiu ordicMru ilnmi nt Prim Ut Hut ir.lnj exenlng -Iurl V mux of I'trnui xxh In t tnJn iimn Hie It hi hi m Innlliitn t I'M thin xxiek, nml xxhlle lorn Mile Tin Hun mi nppri i luted tail -W I! M (('no uuil rami l molortd M" to Huiiii)lili lum xxnk nnd nrc jultlng Mri Mil'm' parent. Mr nml "M. J C Txvnddh Oreen lllxir WPt h Ut Sll iinrliarit anil M irj Tumi ' er kiii Mm of tho Hnxoy lat l"rl- hi rmti lit their homn at Huiin) W ufi r unending auminer Hlnml Hfrk lei Cnla It (i lliaillc and fuinllj inutnriMl n frum Hiinnldi InM SimiliiJ "" Umllx txpeclN In kii to Ukt ' 'f)r the Winter. mIiIIo h ww Jc t 8iiim)lilB to hl work On en R'tr DNpatch, Jut. Mm Hum C MIImi nml rlillilrrn nrc xlnltlmr with rrlflllm nt Orrrn Itltrr tliU nh Mm M V llrufftl nml Muter Mm. AlUr Hmr, iiinturnl tit lllnHtlm (Art Ktimla) nml liltnl frlrmlit In Hint tnuip I)r It H CiMipor nf lllnwntlm nn tratiMtrtlnir IhioIiii-m nt I'tke Wnlnwi ilny, lnlnn RHMt of tin Tnxrrn hIiIIo In n V l TliDiniHHin, tMi' (Ireon ltlrr iHHHltcr. WHN llllllR liunliiwx In I'rllP thin uvtk nml Hlill1 lirre wn n kihI of tin Kxiiy N' H NVIIwm. tmnkir nml lite Mnrkman In In-rc IhU (rk frmn Hrtti iotr (NHinl) CitM KdicrnlU oxer tho rnniti, he w, nr. Hip Iwt fur uuin Mm Ir J tlmlmm if I'rultn, fl luit fiirinirlj of CnMli I Mir. xxnn here Dili cik on IhMiick tnnttpm nml tinl nt tin Tnxirn xxlille In tuwn III lXMlt III IHHIII Ih (tllllll in tin mi illral cirw of thf ivuthuml K"ril Mlmi JpmIk lUllliiKir of I'rlir mid MIm Mhc llllltriim of NVh nrk ifiit thf wt Hnk In I'roxo Willi Mr mid Mm. I) It Itiilx- Tin- iwrt). Imlinl IllK Mm Itrl Willi. HUliird to llrlxr Mniln) nml H"iit nn mHlilf iU l'roi Id mid, d Mr and Mm V It Jidinwm U-ft 1'mhIIi (lute till wik to ink tliclr home nt Halt Uki 'lt Up Imn li ll h trli Kmiiln'r nd ilrk In tli offliw of rtnli I'm I 1lmlNlH) for wtnip four mr At 'hiii w pxiHNiti to iniwm In Imnlrni for lilimnulf Ihr line Iiowcxh- In Im not iImiII iimi m )H Uriipot I km r ii ronHttwl hIHi on of til.' MK Ixtnkii Ml (KIH. iHwHt ln mvhIhk nnd r'Hn "f Mh4h In I'rlic. the kwiM of Mr nml Mm r It UrwH Hi w" h tit ) ' linHtlM lth thm of iU rhlMmn to xMI llli lh- fmnll) of hl luotlwr ( U Hon, n iNwIiHanliT nt tin '"' fHinp itwWrt MiKmb of Hip MiKiiiip rornnrdlinc -"HiH " l'rtp hh In toMH VihIhp) II ) tlmt Hi MHlimpHt thnt Iip t olmt l't ommtwloii Homh- I liHrrwi nml thiit If In imln In nn lwliitiM In the uiiiht loiiHtrj II ((rtlnlv will not p h loitinil!"" ImkIiiiw.-Altonnli ,Nhh SIM -I'Hi.l Klnipr i: Itok'-r. of ft.ii l'minl- Mopi'wl '" "' ' r' ." xok to xllt a . l ' ITHIIMT. lip 1 1 loliK" t" I" mlK! 'nw "f Hip I nllid Htmi" nn nnd In on hi YOU CAN'T GET 1IEEK, HUT YOU CAN Take a Drink or Cliquo Coor's Near Hccr. Can't He Told Trom the Real Thing. WE ALSO HANDLE CIGARS AND ALL KINDS OP SOIT DRINKS. Our Popular Pool Hall Will Continue. THE WHITE HOUSE Peacock Dros., Props. STATE EXPECTS TO LOSE CARBON CASE it ttoi'its, noui:i:n, to ustail MSII I'ltKCl.DHNT. Attonio) Crncml'n Offk-o nml Oox. Minoii llmnlx-rccr Prtxly ilmlt Hint (.oniniouwrnllli Cnnnnt Itn forcf IIh CommnniU .Rnlnt Hie ('ominlloiipm nml Count) tor. InMltutlon l Dan II Shield, nt torn) KPtiprnl if Utnh, of mnmlmnun prttccfdlnKK nKnlnut Alhcrl llrjtirr W T Hamilton nnd Ktnll Oxtluml com. nthMmim of Carbon count) nml II Itamtnlph, nwmtir hnit ihxlmllrd from nn ffort orlKlnnlt) (hwlRncd to ndil Fpxeitt).fxp hundred dollarn to tlir Mate lriiiir) to enforo rlRlill) Ihp Iptlrr of tlip latx, nhotlur the Utp xxIim or Iimip flnnnrlnll) The commlmlonrnt nnd nmmnr of Cnrlion count) piHwcM no much dlMrrllonnr) power that tnx expertn nnd IprhI nil thorltlpa nt tlir Mate cnpltnl frcpl) ndmlt Hip lnxxr if the atntc rnnnot cn force the IncrcnKc desired In neM mnl lexlen on the tonl Innda of the count) Nexcrthelciw tho Mate Intenda to ro throiiRh xxlth lla compiilnory proceedhiR 8a)a Tuomln)'a llrrnld Itepulillran Slnto Mkrly to Uh?. A member of tho Imnrd of cquall Mtlon mid )eMerdn) that Utah xxnuld llkflv loe rather than xvln It) necrjit ItuMhe defiance nf the Carbon (oiinlx conimlMlon nnd flRhtlnR Ita naaom ment to n flnlnh The Mate can com pel the nMciwmcnt of coal Innda pur dinned from the federal rox eminent at the price paid the Roxernment, he en n no the Inxx apeclflrnlt)' an) a ao Do Iiir thla, hnwexer, xxlll drcrene the rexenue of the itnte InMcnd of In trenahiR It The Carbon count) com mixtion plneed n blanket xnluntlon of fifty dollnra on ei r acre of coal land The landa hoiiRht from the fed eral RoxernniPiit, In n majorll) of In atnnepfi, were obtained ut tin nnd luent) dollnm nml Mmltitr prlrea pir mm The Mule nulhorltlea Intend to blot out the Incipient rebellion itRalnM obedleme to the n of the Male, ixen If It coM the alntp mom) to do wo Dnncrniiii I'rcttsh nt. Oox Klmoii HumberRer nml the federal rpoIorIM, Mild Ihnt tlin coal land xnluntlon of Carbon count) would be Inrrcaiwd 11,300,000, If nn niMmi'iit on renl xnluea, audi iia the atntuten declare ehoiild he mnde, were put throiiRh, hut the muieaMiiR poxxem of the count) intirtnln n tllffiritit o Inlnn, nnd tlirlr opinion xxlll prexull Membem of the hoard of eiunllin lion an) It xtould cMabllnli n daiiKi r ouo prrnedent to pi mill the lllrjful niMPMimeut to Maud Whether elinpl) mithlliK la Rained, or much la loM Hie) mi), tho nuMiuum nt nuiM be re xImhI to nccord with the atntulia. A In Hip (iiM- of the dilroprai tb Oox trnnr IkimlxrRir InMMa that the luxx kIihII b tlxrd up to lenxluR It enllrel) to the leRlMaturo to reined) Ita di feelii." Sheriff OeorKC CollhiRhani but lrl iIh went to t'luh Mine, xxhero he eerxed the npter) pnpem III the eiiw on Count) CoinmlaMoiu r Kmll n-tlund Albirt llnuer had prexloim I) hpn eerxed V T llnmllton Rot lw(k thla week from hU xmntlon In Cnliimdo Tho hcnrhiR on the mnii itamiia proeeedliiKa xmin to linxe ben liMil hut WedniHiita), the till, hut dm to the nlnre from Xlou of Jllathe I'orfman l mm poMimiiiihI until Hep tptnler Itlli nkt Tiiewln) CiHillillloiii m Mmnl I'll I. Cni Imiii iHiiiiit)-' iHinrd of COlllllllll abniem nr NtnndliiR put on their pro xloti iImUIoii nnd -a III do uiithliiR to HnU n rexllon of tin lux lex) a made While tin) huxo na )et made no npl) to tin proiecdliiRa It la tin opinion of the nttorne) .enernl a of fice that the) will content the Krounda on wlili li tho writ of ninndumiu wiih IwokiI b rimt flllntt n ilunurrir, ml mlttlns nil of the nlleRiitloua, but Ima InR tho deinurrir on the fact thut the action a not fnundid on fin ta nuffl ilent to constitute n cuune of mtlnn It will be mulntiilnid, It la bcllexnl, that In mwoMliiR thn coal lamia at tho rate of flft) dollar an aire the) huxe mwewixHl the lamU aisordlnK to luu. Till" will be nupportPd b) oxliliiuo ahonliie thut tnudi of the (onl linda were piinhaned from the Koxtrnment and, In conformlt) with the Inw, wero iimch4hI at ex en n Rnnter xnluutlun than the puruliiine pi he puld for Hum It villi he mulntulned furtlur It U ho Hexed, that other coal lamU. pur ihMMed from thealiite linxe Iikii prop It will be admitted h) the Mute Hint a proper aaveeamviit hua been placed on the landa imrchaard from the fed ral vox eminent na fur a thn IcRnlit) nf the uwMMHiment on audi lamia la lompmtd but It will nl bo main tallied that, aa the xaluutlon of the land purdiawil from the Mate hna no fixed xahintlou b) the atnte It Mioulil m naeoaapd nicnrdliiK to Ita nitiml and Hiultable xalue na nml proiludne land It will uImi be maintained that 1 1 aMMM the other landa nt the prke Itald to the koxernment U not Juat or equitable V rnu to WnahlnRtnn I) C Captain lloRom hai come up from the ruiilm aa It were after eiillntlnK ua a clerk fur the Philippine aarvico aomo auxin teen )m uro Mm ItoRcm atopped In Salt l-ke Cit) to xlalt rolutliea ami friend a few ilaj and nrrlxod later Hlie I to join the captain at the na tlonal capital Mr nnd Mm I'uter lie) alack, Mm licth Little and daiijfhter Mla Alice, and Bdwurd Oardnerc nil of Hall Lake Cit). xUlled with Mr and Mm J, V MoKnlght thla week, later departing for home by automobile by way of the Willow Creek route. LOST JOSEPHINE IS LOCATED ONCE MORE Tins timi; m s ji'n cou.vrv rilMSl'MTOII. I'nrta of the dn Cncoxcnil wny Aa IIIrIi I Ifl) ThoiKnuil Dollnra (old to tin Ton Such la the Mory Told 11) .1. , lloii-i-r, Who Olxca laH-nllou nml Other liifornintloii. Com atxindenre The Hun MONTICHI.I.O. Hept H J Hon ecr, miner In thene imrta for mini) leatu, brliix in the now that ho hna dlfcoxered nt laat the Ioiir lout Oolden Drcnm or 1wt Joeephlne mine He xxna In town ecxernl dn)a laat weik nnd exhibited eixeral wimplea of fine looklnR orea from the propert) Ho Mated Hint there la no doubt but xxhnt the Ioiir IoM mine hna been recoxercd "There enn I e no doubt nboul the claim The ore la there In Rrent qunnlltlp I hnxo dlacoxerid n Ire mendoiial) larRo xeln that run rich Th" formnllon la ipinrtt nnd the en t fourteen-foot Xcltl ta undollbtedl) the rldicM ore exer alruik In the countr) DurliiR the imat )enr tip xx-nrda f flfl) thoimnml dollar luixs been epent In tr)ln to loiate till claim Mm hnxo p nt their enrn I or for )enm In lr)liiR for It Tor aexernl )mr I hnxo Nen In tin hnbll nf apendliiR InrRe auma In Rruhatnkea aennhliiR for It At one time xnrlou pereona were Intereated In tho ilalm, hut nt thla time there I no one bill me W'hntexcr the mine la worth la not, nt thla time nt lenat dlxlded The or dinar) ore of tho mine xxlll run not lean than twent)-flxe dollnra n ton nnd will he Rood pa) Iiir, nlthoiiRh much of It could be ahlppcd nut. In fait, I do not contemplate ahlppltiR the on out at nil ArrniiRrmenta xxlll be made to handle II hern nt home I'nrt of orea found hern linxe nA)ed na IiIrIi n flfl) thnuannd dollnra n Ion, hIHiourIi of nuireo Hnrv la no bod) of Midi nrc The xeln that I hnxo found wna flrat dlHcoxcnd on the 2 1 nt of till month, hut I kepi the matter Millet until I hnd determined ilefln ltd) Hint the Mrlko xvna In ruillty n atrlke The mine wna flml located In 1893, but the nitiml xeln xxhldi I hnxo found wna nexir found hi fore 1 ill (oxirnl the xdn while trenihltiK Thn ore I uniform mid of umiupntlomibl) Rood ipiallt) " The mlun la tocnted thlrtien mltca from Monlleello h) trnll, nlthoiiRh It la iIrIiIkii lo'jiiiy of Verdun. It I on thn aoiith aide of the mountain and nenr Cmnp Jnikaon nnd ntao thn hind nt Jnrkaon Creek DurliiR hi eenrch for hidden trenamea Itouaer alatea that he hnd worked for )mra for Rrulmtnkia thut ho lillRht bn nbln to pend moru tlnie In the xlilult) where ho alippoaed the Xeln wna PRICE AND NEARBY - ... -I- ..!!.! I!. l.l...J...M.Ml,l,-iWM Mr. nnd Mr. J. 1 McKnlRht hnxn it ntw anil at their home Alt con cerned aro iIoIiir nicely Attention I directed to the udxir lln'iimnl In thla Imiuit of the Weatirn Hide nnd Junk compun), Thn con (ern'a pliicn of bunliieaa la thn hulldlmr formerly ociuplrd b) the Kentuvk) l.l.pior lloiue Dr It I. Dowd of Keullwortli hna h en iininid h) Oox Hlmoii Humber Rer aa it intmbir of the Imnl exemp tion board InMind of It Clownrd The latter InM month John d tho medl ml MnTf nf I'ort Itlle), ICnn 'I he Hun wna In error InM week when It Ntntid Hint i Humiliation for currier and i hrk for n free dellxir) )em would he held at I'rlce on Hep tember 37th The diitn ahould linxe read Hnturda), Heptembi r Slith, In Mead Two hundred nnd flft) or inoro pioplo ntteuded tho lied CroM dmue nt Cit) Hall In l'rlrn lat Monda) ixviiIur, muii) comliiK from tho ad JoIiiIiik town nnd imnp, Tho iniulo wna furuUhed h) the Cuatln (late or dieailru and xvua exccptlonnll) Rood. UiRlnnliiR InM Hatiirdn) the Adam Kxprcaa loiupau) took oxir tho line of the Denxer and Itlo Ornnde und thn WVMirn I'uclflo, helmr n hlRher bid der for the expreaa hualneaa nn them roada than Wtda.l'arRo, the retiring; cninpnn) There are no dmiiRi lo co 1 1) In aRinta Moat of the Janitor of the achool bulldliiRa of Carbon count) mi t In coiixtntlou nt tho count) (ourt liouno In I'rlce hint Mnndn) to talk oxer their work and were addried h) Count) Huperlnlendent Ortun It) an, who ruxo them u tlexer talk Tho meethiK wna an Inti renthiR und In atriutlxe one and mi doubt will reault In muih Rood to tlioe pnrtli Ipatlnif Kd C Nulldon of Clex eland xvna a colli r ut The Hun laat Saturday and aubaerlbed for thla great family new paper He Mate that crop condltloni lire the boat with farmer thereabout for u number of )ear Watur Ima been plentiful und little damiiRe haa been done b) but, or Rruaahoppera to an) of the Krowlnif crop Alfalfa aeid crop are exceptional!) Rood Haj the Altonuh New of Thumday of laat week 'It W Hn)der loat twent) tona of flmt cuttlne hay laat I'rldaj night whin it waa aet on fire h) the children At the time all the men folk were away The alack thut burned wna located between two other, four feet from ono and about nine feet from tho other Ily heroic effort of Mm. Snyder and Ml Kthel tho two Macki were aaxed It la a mlrade that all were not burned" Snyder waa formerly a realdent of Wellington and before going to the Hatln waa treasurer of Carbon county. IN ADDRESSING A DELEGATION OP WORK HH INGiMEN, PRESIDENT LINCOLN ONCE M "Thnt some should he rich nhows that other may become rich, and hence it in junl encourage- ment to industry nnd cnterpritc. Let not him figH who is homclesH ihiU down the home of another, IH but let him work diliRcntly and build one for IH himself, thus by example nsturiiiK that his own H nhall be safe fiom violence when built." B Ileic is a sermon in n nutshell not only on IH tho futility and folly of unfair competition, but jH on the constructive value of co-operation. IH This bank Htands ready to link its forces with H.H those of the miner, tho stockmnn, the farmer ralaaaB nnd the merchant to encourage their enterprises H nnd industries. H Price Commercial & Sayings Bank H Price, Utnh FOR SALE 4.citUH or i.m, itooxi nofKi; UI.OCKH KltOM I'OST okhci; it(.Miti:i) rnvir Tititix THOUSAND DOM, Mm. Term. cnh or time Addrcra, a - 9 I'OBTOKKICB IIO 3S, I'rlce, Utah Be Sure to See Durham Multi-Packer 'alUTMku- jfAr mmmmmtBm l'or Hnte Ily Coimulldnted Wagon and Machine Co , I'rlce, Utah The Western Hide and Junk Co. o I-ocated in the Old Ken tucky Liquor HoiiKu Rulld life. Opened for Business Since Last Saturday Bring your Hides and Pelts and gel acquaint ed with our prices. THIS WHOLE WORLD H OVER B 1'itiple JuiIrc n mull b hi up- gjl pent nine There I n reoaon for B thla. Ilia flmt nppnnriince re- gHIH Me n definite Imprriwlon, hi R better utinlltli bdiiR recoRnlted rHUfl Inter IH h) not hnxo n good uppoor- B nnrn In )niir fnxor lliind lull- H orcd clothe built to fit )our laxly IH 1 1 ilea to brltiR out )our good nl point nml make )imi illntliutlvn H xxlll inntn the rlRht lmircalon '''H I'roxc thla h) gettlnR )nnr next H from ua. H atftfffiafea- HaH hi npH in WU Frank L. Buchio H Price, Utah H H LAMM tVCOMlVVNY. OlICAno t gl Adlete : pno Cent Per Wont IZacli Inw rt Ion. H No CharRo Account. H H roil ham: oi.t) np.whi'ai'kiih, H xvntpped In bundle of one hundred H Twenl)-fxn cent Thn Hun IH WIM, THAI)TraOOD rOUTY-ACKH I H for city property or will lento H on eaay terms for a term of )cnr lH Cloan to ell)- In walking dlitnnce. 11. H W. Crockett, l'rk. Utah. P miih iiot:Ki:w'iri:, ic mit auk v i roIiiic to hnxn ii aiirpltiN of innncd H frulta or xrRctnhli. adxirtlrn them H for aaln In lheo columua, Thn Hun H will find )ou a hu)er In the mlnlnir MH i amp ut Rood price nH 81XIlOItBi: l'OWKIt rAIUUAN'ICB. IH Morao & Co. Raaollna onRlno for 'H al tor trado. In Rood condition, at H moat new, together with ahaftlnr. M pulle), hanitcra, beltliiR, etc. Oood H for runnlnK feed mill, amall electric i M Unlit plant, pumping water, to. A H bargain for aomcone. Coll on or nd H drcaa Tho Hun, Price, Utah. H WUAPPKIIH ONi: HUN- iB dred, 11,00; two hundred, $1.60, I 'B flxn hundred, II SO: ono thouiaud, " H M.00. larger (luantltlei xvo xvlll fig- , B uro on. Rncloio caih with order, na L tH It will aaxo expret or parcel pot i M charge. Pottage for one hundred ' I H tb threo hundred xs rapper, flxo cent, H three hundred to ono thouiand, ten H cent. Nothing but the licit parch- H ment paper and ipeclal Ink thnt I ,. HH not affected bf inlt or grenae. Tlin ' iH SUN, Price. Utah. ' ;H An iteitrh light hna hteii iuxinteil H In bo iiioiintid on u pliouoRruph to II- j m liimlmilo the uei din nml ilUk, unto- f 1 IIH inntluilly aultihed on xxheu the lid 1 iH of the Inatrument la rnlaed I H The Hun rend i (hi the home of tho ' ,H Haatern Utah IiidIiik public. Adxur i HLH lining ruti In kieplug xxlth tho wr- j B xlin ,j H Htenm ImuIiir from iriuka In tho t I lurth la iim d In nn Italian plunl to I J HH prodtun from pure xxuttr other thun ' H eteani to drlxn eiiKlnea xxhldi operate 1 aH generalora to protlum ilictrldl). 1 "al fjiivn moxxera ground at Itohln- HnBI on'a repair ahop Adxt. H I , fj: M We Work Wonders With 1 Old Cars We'll mnke thnt old nutomobile like now. Wo muko I ' them flpick nnd apnn. HH Repairs quickly nttended to. Tires, all kinds of tools f IH nnd accessories. Gasoline thnt is right In quality nnd ffl MM price. I HH We sell Nntionnl, Mitchell, Ruick nnd Picmlcr mn- U t lB chines. Also the Smith Fo.n.-A-Truck. B , f WSM Utah-Idaho Motor Go. Ittfl North Ninth SI., Pne, mi,, . ,. nonINEtT, M.n,r, ' Wl'l'MB 18 fit -iSBa