. Muni ilcfk or ,h0 rPec
J, r.r further Information )
-a til i i D1TOIIB K8TATI5
in I " "r l'ecenrd Cred
7rt t claim with vouch
fJlnl r K"l "t Prlee .oM
VYumff I ri e I tali on or be
MCd f NotemtM. A Ii,
1 i ( r i in Vdmlnlstfator of
r G W11" I3 oilier, l)e-
t Ucflce ttorno'
g last Sept 31. l&l?
A ItcmJvir lcccascd Crcd
,qitrert tlulma with vouch
a limit rtlgncd at Wellington,
?2r le re the 18th day of
IT A I) 1917 John II. Horn.
HalnUtrV r of. the Kstato of
,i Itotnj i Hcccrticd
i UtOff 1'rlce P". Attorney
...AW 17. last Fcpt. 14. 1917
rr,l' Kli: OP ItllYIi AM)
ul Pre p rtv Ktnte of Koill
Soinn I ' cased Tho un.lrr-
I ,4mln tratrlx of the estate
jD H ffmnnn, dcccacfd. will
jrflmte file on and ''" '?
Ut of hcot.mbcr 1917, nt 12
tnonn tl fdlowlng 1 crlhod
n4 perm nil proper!) limit
if tH 2 nml 3 lllock S. Prlw
4 taw In Prlic. Carlon
9 luh
, irtlnJ I three fifth Interest
jUthefl ulng real utati ile
Au toV'ir tow It
IWU M ' ,no w H,, '"
II lo beginning nt n point
.i. . mil of the northectst
it tl the northwest iiunrler of
II, Tl' II Houth, ltnnge 10
foil l.ak meridian, runnlug
'twuth tlilrt-une roiU, thence
tt,lv rmU thence north thirty
rj, them-c east twelve renin tit
, if beginning, containing two
it4 flft) two fimire rods, nlso
UJsntlhe Ni:l 8Wi of Hee
tSla Twp II Houth, llangr 10
tftht Knit l-nkc meridian. nlso
KTHi NKU of 8ec 1, Twp II
vf IUhkk 10 Kntt of tho halt
, BfrlJlAn nlM the NH'i HB'4
.!, Tp II Houth, llange 10
nfthe Halt I.nke meridian, run
.la ll tw hundritl and eight)
wn. n n or les and Including
Jricht of v a) ntnf tho Jnnn
'in I nre for the north forty of
k(4,t described lands, nil In Car.
mil) 1 1 in
t '1180V M. I'ltOPKHTY
iii)lllnl one-half Intercut In
to futc IaiiiI Certlfhale Ni
I, lnufil I the state Imard of
ejmml nnm if the Mate of
,l Hie : Itlieimt ipinrter of the
Mitotan r of Hec 20, Twp II
Ubnce 10 l'ant. Unit Mki iner
iiiar ii count), Utah
t trim I I two.thlrdi! Intirexl In
tl 8tal Uinil IVrtlfli-ntrt No
luunl I j the ttatn hoaril of
fomm hi rn of tho tlnte of
i. fr th lilt half of the win lit
: rrnt r c f Sec 27, Twp 12
VlUmc x I i'l of tho Halt l-nk.
hn. ir I I r the touthennt ipmr
4 the r thi ant ipiarter of Hei
Hnihlpni I raime nforemtlil, Mil 1 1
th n rthdint ipiarur of tho
Jt i, 4rt r of Hei 31, In town-,
mJ t i. iifureiHild, lln i Id I
Aite ef ili In the nitnii' of)
tirr Hhr 4 and rontJlnlnK ono
nt in I ! lxt ueren ntoro or Im,
ulwa c ntv, Ptah
unOKIIrl two.thlrdu Interml lit
t Hlalc jnd Cirtlfleato No
il luunl 1 1 the Mute hoard of
I rmml I iit-m of the ttnti of
5. for the r iH half of Hec 33, the
: half of tin northwi nt ipinrter,
Milhcj.t quurter of the north
:rtrr the mnithwet ipiarter,
cxilh hilf of the toutheutl iiiiar
ai thr n Mliwrnt cpiarter of the
t iiuartt r of 8eo 31, the Hiuth
f Hit ithwitt iiiurter, the
it i, rtir of tho Miiithww-l
Winl th Hiiuthentt uimrtir of
II. ill In Tup. 13 Houth. ItitiiKi'
t. Kilt I ilti meridian, In 'nr-
count I tali, containing one
M i r more or letn.
latere t m and to Htate 1hii1
"file S 10137, lwued li Ihe
l4ril f luid oinntlMlinierH of
ef I till for the went half of
""Mint t tuarter of Hec 30, Twp
th of nine 7 Went. Halt Iiko
uun In Millard tount), I'tith,
toeret tturtlu bilntt u follow
" the i ilhwiHt itiartvr of the
"'t i irlir of nald coition, and
"Jul I I tlinc-flfthn Intirmt In
wrthwr t ouarler of Ihe ninth-
mrt r ( f yald tettlon.
'Iht rlklil, title, and Intercut oi-
r rt !e of Htatn Land Per
lt N 1 .,0, lued b tho ntate
' f In I (ommUiloners of the
, Ml tah fur Lou l and 2 of fiec
P H ith, Hanee 7 Uait of thoi
lke nirriilum, In Unnry count),
rM4ln inr 81 88 acre
War r date IHcemUr 10.
jmount tiooo 00, duo nix month
;"'' t Mitd hy Samunl A Klntr,
'W hi ii rirru n a Judgment In
"in t ,rt of Carbon vounty. '
l"n i hi h thero Ih nt 11 1 due
"ther in if $171 00, and whlfh
""red bilateral ntcurlt) '
mi. c 000 'l',,'l November,
"'J "x montlia itfter date,
i , 0.Anfen(0 Mlnlnif
t iv 1 1 nn indonementif.
' I ill dated June j. 191T.
,7" fur 1550 00, the otlur
'" ,r0 eaih dueroMHCtlNel)
(T18 Nivember H, 1818. and
7 1'tli Noember veorly tlure
I .'" rt'iK Inhere t from dto
111 '" M lu J A Olten and
-u J, " n,"l nH teeurcd by real
"r i m rtKnge
- ri It STOCK.
,7 s "J and ono-half ihart of
W!.r ml"i took
, l'r i-hnrea of I'rlw HI!1
r " " c ini
i"to! i ' rra of Pioneer Ultch No
fktat ' ,"trr"'t therein
di .' ' "f wlor right a de-
i . 'J'" JHtHct court of Curbon
"' B S0 Hhoadea.
: " flvo iharea of Pint Nation-
Xl or ''Hee. Utah
numlred iharea of Farmera and
Thlrtjriw M lthlr ., J
bnk Mock. Helper tTh"",r ta"'
denee Minim company
ilmrea of iMIton' ftoelt
Pour hundred .ham of Ma. tw
HlRhlwn hinitrrd nhar of Pin
tu Rtorn
PKe hundred thare. of ITnel Mam
Plft)-f,,ur thouMnd two hundred
nharen of Itlm rWntln Mock
Hc tlKiu-nnd thnrm nt "Mieo-Wel-llnKton
Twent).flve hundred ami fKly
marea of .ynn ltlie Mix' Xtm)
Plfteen tliouaand tharea of llHrk
le Mining tColomdo) Moek.
Three hundred and fifty lirr of
l.mplre Mine Mrnk
Twcnt).flr nharea trf lntvrmotin
tain 1.1ft tnnoranre eompan)
Twnt)-flp tlmrea of Hrat N,
llotml lire Wanhlnxton l C.
Mim'i:i.iNih)i'8 m-ocK
TwoiO-fhc harK nf Hnuthern
Itwlt) Unchlnct.-o i t
Hlx IhouMimt nharm of Mlnnlek Au
lotnntli Train Controller
The iTunideto law library and ffli-p
furniture of I n 1 1 off nw nn dp.
Written bid w ill Im retf Ived at th.
rebtem-e t,r thr undrrwlKned In Prkr,
CarlHin i-minti Ptah Term .f iwlr
I iMted liRitt 21 ll 7
Plrm pub Aug 11 iMftKvpt II 1917
Office, Halt ljke pit), Ptah, Jul) II,
1917. To Whom It Ma Concern I
N'otlco It hereb) given that the Mute,
of Utah linn flint In thin office Unit of
land, vclrctcd I) the tall ntate, under
Hoc 6 of the act of comcrem, aipro-l
cd July 16, 1894, an Indemnity nchmd
Inndt, l Hcrlal 02llftl, HWUNW'i.i
Hec. 27. HKUNKi., Hec 21, Tnp. 15
Houth, llanxo II Knut, Ball Iike mer-j
Idlan I'oplcn of tald Unit, no far an
thr) rilate to tald tract b) detcrlp
the tilb-dlvlilori.. have been contplr
uotul) poftcil In thi office for Intpce
tlon b) an) prrton Interettrd and h)
the public Rrntralt) During the
period of pulilb-atlon of thl mitke, or
an) time then after, and luforo final
approval and irrtlfleatlon under de-i
partmental regulation of April 25,
1907, protcat or rnntrtta agalntt the
tlnlm of the flute to an) of the tract!
or tulfdUltlont hrnlnbefore deerlb
rd, on the ground that tit Mini In
more valuable for mlnrral than for
agricultural purpr will le received
and noted for reort to the general
land office nt Washington, I) C Pall
or o mi to protett or lontett, within
'the lime m ifled will l contlderwl
fufflcluil evldino of the non min
eral (harmler of the tract and the
election llivreof, being otherwlee
.free from olJitbii will I approved
'to the Mate ontl.lt II liUVKItl.Y
Plmt pub Aug latl Aug 31, 1917
Willi: TO WUItlt I sltlls
Htate Kngllteer nlfh Halt Uke
City. Ptah. Aug 29 1917 Notbe l
heub) glvin that tin Wuttl Cl
I eompan) with It irlrwliml offbe at
I Halt Uke Clt I tali Im made up
IplUatlmi lit auordanei with the rr
l.iolr. mnit- ..f th. ,..mplld l of
I tali I97 a amended!.) tin K.bm
Ijtw of Ptah 1909 t9ll and 1915
in approprlati one fifth !) of a
itillc-fiMit of water ier pecoiid from a
Kprlng area In Carln lount) I Wh
Huld al.r will lt .olk-mil at a mi nt
whlih Ixar iniuIIi kl dignea niln
ute il IHi f-'i 'ill the north
w,Mi..rmrof rv. U Twp !"'.
Itaiiko K Ka Halt l'J,1.!,1M, M",,
in.-i an from wlore it will I- eon
veei. b menu f Wim-Hh for a
dl-tH.I.. of MM) f..l fwl there ue.l
,fr..m Jeimar) IM t '",n,r,all,Jl1
In.liiHlv. ofea-hear f. r .loniwt
'and inuiihliMl ri. ThM IIM
.atlon I .l.lnat.. In ih "";.
Uiiuir tfflK No 73" Ml l,r""
nit Hgalu't O." Krantlng of -.Id ap-
in tl.in "lallng U reaaon therefor
I lit" ae.-oiniMtnl.d I ,f ,.;(,H
and HM t'l '!" ,".rl,
IMI "iJi- fr - -ompMlon of ih.
'publli-ullonofthl-iM.me O I M"
10NAOI.lt. tf K,"'jtH,lTL ., :
imt. of find pudleatHiH M
1917 dat. of lompbtliiM of publba-
tlon Oit 8 lI7
nn... n man lov. I dead there I
n.. iw r "rjJBie l nag It l-ek to Hf
to think tho
fthiMilTirm luginiiHept Ith
Suit l.iikcCil.ltn!i.
Speiiat Courses In
Commercial Course
fljmnaslum Under Expert
' Instructor.
Send for CatnloRue to
rlionn sIiitp Taken Ily Pixili r lluy
ir t U- Than Seventeen Dollar
Natho l4imtM Ijiiklng In Quality,
While llrrnllng l!wr Itrtng Pahu
Ion I Ibuiv. Itnngo StocU Coming.
The Hun Hpeiktl Hervlce
KN8H Cm. Mo Hept 3 Cat
tle receipt twent)-foiir th.iunAnd
head and tin market Mend) to atrong
oh decent killing cattle, following n
, de line of twent)-flve to flft) cent
on moot of Un-m after Tuemla) of lat
week Hog loda) four tliotimnd
Ulead Market Mrong Top $18 80
iHlwp and lamb fort) -five hundred
head Market Mend) and elx cur of
rlmna at the top, tICftt In liecf
ratlli Ihe lieit offereil were not Mrli't
I) t.iptiouh eteer. though the)
I brought I U 19 Nhortfeil teer bring
I II I (14 and upward bent Murc
Mcr 112 25 to (II 25 medium vvilght
Merr IIS 50 lo 112 00, light Mcer
IS In to $10 50 and Oklahoma eteer
17 50 to 110 60 A train of Northvvctt
NibraMia Mrem weighing around 1050
Miiind at $10 2$. Home to.)ear-old
Panhandle normall) belonging In the
Mocker rlM, 900 pound, fold to kilt
er at 18 75, ii Rill nit a hid of $8 50
from emintr) bn)er llutcher caltle
, are lrel) teady, veal calve higher
and WM veal $13 60 In utocker
'and feeder the beit dimand I for
fleehy f icdcr. Pinker bid on theno
with will' up to $13 26 for Immediate
feeding Hrgular fouling weight
JMeer eell at $9 00 to $10 60 and Mock
i Merr range from $7 00 to $8 60, moil
I), one lot of common Old Mexican
earllng. grated for n time In New
'Mexico, veiling toda) at $100.
The hog market would have been
'higher ixcept for aome uncertainty
due lo meat control nrtlilc publlahed
.)eterda). Iteielpt viere light ever)
win re and prke paid were Mead)
Top $18 80, medium weight 118 76,
lllght 118 10 with bulk of wile $17 76
Ho 118 70 Ver) few pig aro coming
,and prlte are high at 115 DO to
$l60 ApiHinntl) farmer are hold
ing Iwck )oung hog, a the iivrrage
weight of hug Jumped HP leu iouuil
I here lM wiek, 190 pound, a pom
'imreil with 180 pound the pnvlotH
week With iHtekir holding nrtu)
..mtia.'U f..r nork tirodtnt. whlih
earn a iieiwll) elnuec for non-fulfillment
the market lok enfe but tin re
are thnee who mi) that Immune Moik
hog at iwvcnleen to ilghteeu cent n
liouiid preaent price for tin m tin
rlNiim oheip wdil to feiler bii)er
at $l86 who will row II the henv)
wild to kllhr. iMowlld) around ll76,
making the fedir Maud nt $17 00.
Native lamb laik imllty mid wild
todu) at $10 00 to $15 26 llreeder
brlngalmlou prlio I1H00 recently
for ewe lml. breeding ewe one to
three )ear old at $16 00 to $l 60 und
'older ewe at $11 00 to $11 00 More
range Mock will be offered thl
'month, and then, will lie n chanio to
I get eoim breeder and feeding tamlw
Jtiiis i-opviuv opi.iiT to
Hst MV MOItlt hlllJUP
' Jiul wh) MieepmlMng ha I'cen o
'wldel tuiglectiHl lu thl eountr). one
.of the lwt In the world for thl In
IdnMO iiolieal eeem deflnltil) to
know hi) tin llutiher' Advocate
I Almmt ever) Mute In the union ha
million of airo of land ullble for
h.pralltig )it thi) are not ruld
Ohio oiue the lending wool prodmlng
tate now hiiKoul) half a man) (Imp
ii in 8te Texa Im lee thuii one-
third the nilinlier It had twent)-flve
)iMm ugo, and neorl) vcr) Mute
UhoH detreaiMHl wool all'l IllUtloli
produtllon ...
The aoeulled wornout land of New
Itngland and ltu Middle Htate could
eall) upport million of Miecp, and
tin Western wiute land n mun
' more Wi oiikht to rnlie n hundred
'and flft) million Mie. p unnuall) lu
thl countr), lntnil of onl) flft) mil
lion One claim agaliut MieepraUIng
II the high price of land Hut how
alHoit alMUidoned and waMe landT
And, what, ut preeent price of wool
and mutton, tan be railed more
iiuukl) and profltabl) on moM
wooi.mkn ititiiiuiiitiiit am:
Vfter a trlii of two wk through
tiarl of WThmlng Idaho and Ptah
C l Htewart wrtar) of the Ptah
Woolgrower' uaMulalluii I liaik In
.Ion and i-ay condltlim In tho ahaep
rHUHig lndutr) nre promWng There
u an abundunca of buy, and aheep
men are ncourai.! ovir the outlook
f,r l.iulne TJie woolgrower are
determined to v their owe and
i rwdliiB tH,l. M ' a" I0""'!-,
Hhep on the auniinor range Iwve
don- excsptlonall) wMI throughout
U)h and the Mine condition pre
vail In the Jaik ion Mole and Htar Vat
lo rouiitrl In Wyoming Thero I
u at amount of range near Yellow
stone Park whli h I not being utlllied
ard hundred of thousand if tun of
lu) I going to waMe there
In addition to th lo of the feed,
It I a continual menuce from prairie
flir a the long dr gr I Inflam
mable and apt to vatili from the
llglilt taue hu" thieatenlng gral
damaiJi It I one of the flnit rong
ami apjwrntly ha ln overlooked
,y thone who are urHlng coniervotlon
I and the aboiuhment of waMe"
lloMnn WikjI Markit.
ItOBTON, Mai., Bej't 3 The de-
manJ for wool, wide from what the
government haa taken, ha been only
moderate the pat week. Government
purchase thus far har not been
henvr Pair nuantltlM nf otured
wools prtnclKill) of qnnrterblood
grade have been setred
Mnnufa. turera nppenr to lie waiting
the result of the publication of max
imum price by the government wool
committee having already covered
falrl) well for several months ahead
The goods markets, except for fur
ther government contrail awarded,
ha been sluggish
vuiatis evrri.p.
Airordlng to estlmalea of Ptah
stockmen nbout 2 per cent of their
stock each year succumb to blackleg
Thomas Itedmnnd, secretary of the
state live slock board point out that,
If that estimate I correct the cost to
the stoikincn I three hundred thou
and dollar annuall) from thl one
dlscnse alone Thl los. he ), can
be prevented b) the application of
blackhg ncclnc The Halt I.ake City
office of the Pnltcd Htato bureau of
animal Industn I n distributing ta
Hon for the vnicltvp The Micolno tan
be had then fnn of expilise, and with
full InMructlnn nn to the method of
ue, on application lo the bureau' of
flic In Hall Uke Cit)
The offlilal of the state live Mock
boord think that the inttlrmeii of the
state should be willing to take thl
ea) mean of saving to themsehe
the three hundred thousnud dollars
annuall) However, this Jear to en
courage them the board ha sl npart
b) proclamation a period for vaccina
tion ngnlnM blackleg Hxperlcnre lm
shown that the mortallt) of blackleg
case In calve from six mouth to two
jear old I 72 per ci nt of nil Ihe
calve affected Prom three month
to six month, It I onl) 16 per cent,
and In nearl) nil other tho ihanrc
of the nnlmal recovering are an good
as to make the danger praitlcall)
The proclamation ect nsl.Ic Hep
tember 16th to November 15th, Inclu
sive, a ihe u Inatlon pirlod, In
which calve and nil cnllto ranging In
age from three month to two )ear
old shall be vacilnatrd It I com
pulsory on all cattle owner or the
(,rnt-t Kale Yrt.
Greatest ram ealo )et," I the ver
dkt of C II Stewart, accretnr) of the
Utah Woolgrow'cr' no latlon. "Tho
big sale ha been a source of aotUfao
Hon to Ihe whole woolgrowlng Indus
try It will have n lindcnt) to tuakn
Halt IJike Pit) nol onl) the intitir of
tho woolgrowcr, but It linn tailed the
attention of the world to the fad that
Oil I also n. grint place for n live
stock center.
The attendance and Interest nt the
big wile were remarkable The price
paid for the hlghgrade ram on sole
show that the wonlgrower I learning
the all Important leou that good
blood i on nt."
Man) Cmtlo II) lug.
APHTIN. Tix, Hept 3 Owing to
n Nhortage of inr, i utile In the
drought strh ken section of Wist Texu
(iinnot be iiiovid to point whern wa
ter unit grns are oblalnuble, neeord
lug to finding or the slate railroad
commlMloii today Trlrgram from
West Texu said cattle lire d)lng aa u
. Hultliirx llnvo TroubU
DltNVKIt, Colo, Hept I Itxtetl
sloit of the thrrntinrd atrlkn called
for toda) Ii) butelur at tho paiklng
plant of Hnlft and Armour hire wu
auuounied b) tho men toda) Utile
an liureake of flvo cent nn hour I
grantid before Hatiirda) the men nn)
the strike will be i nihil.
uiiii thi: i.ivi: kto( kmi:v
op thik hi ciiov op dtaii
Curl (lunderson I down In Texa
thl week and while iiwu) ma) bit)
Hiine sluep tlure and bring them to
the range of Kustrrn Ptah It do
ptnd upon price.
Vncilna ma) bo had b) Mtoikowtnr
on re.uet to Or P K Murru), In
speitur lu charge of the Utah off lie
of tho bun an of unlmiil Indtistr) Or
Murrn)J offlro will Issue full Instruc
tion a to the u e of tho viuilue
The second annual rum halo ion- I
dinted under tho dlreitlon of tho Na- l
tiouul Woolgrowcr' assodatlou lama i
to u close at Halt l-ake City last Prl
da) Hale run III rxtr of two hun
dred and fifty thousand dollar.
Mini) of the lamb grown b) Ileber
City flockmnMer thl rar Imvo men
sold Those who did not act) locally
ura now beginning to ahlp and ai
usuul the sheep are In fine condition
and will, no doubt, bring tho bfM
It 1- Kirk reventl) purchased u
half Interest In tho range on tho Hook
Mountain owned b) Oniric Turin r
of Thompnon. lie state that al
though tho range In III seitlon or the
lounti) I badly In need of ruin, stuik
I I" Hiking fin" a u rule
Dr. It W lloggau state Mvo stunk
tuspevtor, urkt owner of hog thut
will bo nxhlblted at the Utuh state
fair to Imvo them treated with hog
tholvra serum at once Unless tlio
treatment I given, the animal will
not bo lu condition for exhibit nt the
fair Or lloggau u
One thousand sheep pirlnhed In a
forest fire which rut them off In tho
mountain nt tho head of Hock Creek,
Mont , lust Huturda) Tho Iferder,
who had two thousand anlmalu In
charge, escaped with half hi flock
The sheep wero owned b) Mill
Wright of nurln), Ida
lo Impress upon utoekgrowera of
tin Uintah Ilanlii that Suit iJiko City
I the logical market for their llvo
stoik cspaclall) winter fed stock, a
well u to Impresa upon tho grower
the value of winter feeding, a delega
tion of stock) ard, packing homo nml
agricultural authorities aro thl week
making u tour of the Ilasln region
HtatlMIc show that there nre ap
proximately nlnut) one thousand milch
cattle In Utah and 199 000 range and
beef cattle This make u total of
tattle In the state of approximately
600 000 The price of a .yearling at
present I around thirty dollar. Tuk
Ing thl aa the average price of thu
(Continued on page four.)
riiom WAiP.ii.
t Cot of t-cven llunilrv.1 nml 1 Itty
Thousand Dollnrw It Could Ho Taken
Acroi tlu Hnngo Into Initlniintit
Vallc) nml to the i-t nf Pnlrvlcvv
nml tho til) of Ml. Plcnxnnl.
Hwen O Nellson, merihant. lHinkr
and Btoikmnn of Pnlrvlew, has n com
munication III Munll's Messenger of
last Prlda) which show that the peo
ple of Hanpelo county arc utlvc to the
water situation over ncros the range
and that It would not take much urg
ing for tin in to ngnln become Inter
ested In the Mammoth reservoir proj
ect, upon which mnn) thousand of
dollar vvn expended b) farmer and
other of that section several )enr
ago and before the water wn diverted
llil wn) Nellson )
' At thl lime there seem to be n
good opportunlt) for getting more
wntir for Irrigation iiurpom- for Han
pele count) It I ver) propable that
the Pnltcd Htate govcrnmilil will
build n nnervolr below Heoricld for
the purpose of suppt)lng the formira
at Prke und vlclnlt) with wntir for
Irrigation purpose. If thl I dono
there I no doubt that tho Mammoth
reservoir can be obtained, and take
II storage woter Into Hanpeto count)
by mi an of n canal three mlli long
and u tunnel through tho rldgo Into
the south fork of Hanpltch Call) on
I'rom thl point n ditch ian tic
lonslruited at lint amnll com lo inrry
the water Into Indlannla Valley and
there Irrigate n vast nrm of land. An
other innal could ho conMrinted that
would carry the water to Hilltop and
west of Pnlrvlew and Ml. Pleasant,
and around nbove Pounlaln Orecn
Oilier innal could bo taken out on
either side of the valley and Irrigate
prartlcall) nil the land In Hanpote
"Kxpirlciuc ha shown that the
mom we Irrigate tho high land, tho
more spring and nccp occur on the
lowir laud, thus the name water can
bo used rt number of time Il must
Imi borne In mind that storage water
ran be ured when It I most needed
Thl would give Hanpeto county n
splendid opportunlt) for Ihe growing
of sugar beet mid soforth II I with
in the posslbllll) to double our pro
duction and grenll) Increase our population
Thl end rprlse could be brought
nbout b) three illffirclit liu tlioil
Plrst b) the United Htate government
doing It ii ha been dono In the
Hlraw berry Voile) projei I lu Utah
iniint, mid then III turn mil the water
tu Ihe former on cny term Hecond.
luduie the stnte In construct the -rrvolr
on the same plan, and third,
an Irrigation dUlrld tan bo formed
b) lull rested parties lu Banpete conn
t) and bond Issued, nml thu the)
will be the owner mid full benefl
clarle. In rigurd to the approximate votl
It should not exceed $760,000, nnd the
water Ktored should not bo Irs Hum
thirl) thutisand nrre-fcet, nnd nt the
value of sevent)-flve dollar nil acre
till would iimnunt to $2,250,000 II
appear that the nbove nuggcMlon
should be larefull) considered b) the
puiple of thl lotiuty mid I recotii
mend that u mas meeting he inlhd
or convention be held nl Ml Pleasant,
nod that ri-fireseutatlve of all town
In si nt to the wild meeting
A fur ii I know this I nbout the
onl) opportunlt) left for Hanpile
lount) to Increase It water suppl) to
mi) grnt extent "
Of iiuirsi It I inslir to piurrj n
widower than it bm hrlor A man who
ha In en through tho fire und slaugh
ter of one iiiiirrluge ha no fight left
In him.
Announce that It I to engage BLH
In the wholesale htislnes nt jH
Price, catering to the trade of
Itnstern Ptah denhr In Hoft H
Drink, Tolnvcco, Clgnr nnd I jH
Klmllar Mirchaudlse I
Mr John Hkcrl will be In BH
chnrgu of the buslnes nt Price H
with headipiarter nt Ihe old Halt H
Ijiko llrewlng Co Wart house i H
nnd Cold Hlornge Plant Dellv . H
rrli an) where lu Carbon county H
tanuger IH
Wrst of Tenth Htreet iv jH
Wn Imvo nil) thing )ou want HH
In hardware. Wc have It right H
hern In stock Wo nre NOT .H
shoving up our price to unreal- H
nimble height, n some liottie B
are doing. H
llul wo AUK keeping them H
iomi where ou can nfford tji TaH
buy anything )ou need Wo il
repent, our hardware I' I)H- '!B
ONAHI.K. Wc never do lei. 'H
and no hottsn inn do more. H
. t. Wceler Lumber Co, " 1K
now works ; 1
All Kind
Soft Drinks, Flavoring mH
Syrups, Candy and H
Drum Gas. H
OmxU Drllvrrnl At Voiir Homes M9
Pniiupily. VI
Out of Town Order rMiIliltril 1 i tH
mill filvin Prompt jH
Atlcntlon. l vM
I'Ikiiio 31. Prliv, Ulnli M
The thrill with whlih u bo) drisiiu lILLv
of Momo dn) digging up Caplnlu ICIdd'a llLLv
treusiiro I Niirpuicscd only b) Hie thrill . ' )H
with whlih, win ilIi grow up, he dig i 'H
up the first real live rudUli In hi gar- , H
den B
Whin ii fellow ha but lit hi bel- I BH
fr) tho bat arc ultutit the onl) thing BBj
that lount ' BH
Intelligent Preparedness II tl
Means Sensible Footwear ;i; I
Tills Is more readily obtained nt ono of our 5'
four stores by buying u pair of our well known J
nnd various brnnds of shoes. v . j ' )
Thoy nro in various styles, nnd every one nt- Si ' ' H
tractive. Tho workmanship brands them nt i l S
once ns nmong the superior makes. J! ' i jH
They arc made of LEATHER throughout fl , .IB
nslde ns well ns outside thus Ruarantooint? sat- Tl !
Isfactory wear. o jHl
You will not find anywhere a more service- S IB
able Bhoe. In all numbers, nil lasts, all gradon J ,
and nil prices. ' f HJ
Everything to Use, Eat and Wear. j uM
- " ijl
Wasatch Stores Co. II
Stores nt Sunnyside, Winter Quarters, Clear Creek and Ja
j Caatle Gate, Utah. ISJtfl