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I I iBBaBaT u H p . . X t I ERD THBIHTHB SUN rfr j BEST WORK ALWAYS I ft,,, j..ii flnMi rnulliijc IhU copy 111 Jl I 11 ILJ-l -Llln&vpSZ' SCV J llllll M.wtof the gtl printing awn lo jB -K San place a one,-cciit atnmp on YC X Ik. Ill L54ijluJffS1l) II II III III tally come from The Sun, which po jH ,o,or, linm! llio winic to nny kw- 55- n ySySFJJA VTfjrrpr lkJ LyS' Alv IW tlnllfm In cvirjthlng for the limine H ,,ploc nml It will bo placet! with n u -- &r 45 'S NT man Mho nppm hue ncnt work nntl H .oldirrs mitl "llor nt tho front. I'OlilTICA Ij I, V It 12 l U It M O A X promptm tiff wrv let work mIicii It jJ niplns " ntlilmw. Jum Entered at 8econd-Cla M. jn. . , ....... ... u l,rniltil. I'nmphlit. brief, lejrnl IM iSilnt Mnp TUnlM nil. VOI ItMI a v..M.,.. --' i""8 ' ""' JLJhJL"'" '"" "" Under Ih. Act off March 3. 1879. xunk. .n,,mrtll printing. A.k for V0LUMfc 3 NUMHEH 19 EVERY FRIDAY OCTOHER 5, 1917 """'"- SENATOR KING AND PARTY ARE INVITED tesire of Numerous Citizens That Utah Rep resentative Look Over Proposed Irrigation Project. Hon Witllam It King nml the nine tot I nlteil State nciiatnr who nre .a rt I ni Washington, l C, in 1a to the Hawaiian Inlands, wlnre rr ire to make n templcte Invrntl see off thr sugar Industr), nre to n thr iikIi l'rlie tho lattrr part of i month and nre to m Invited to f in tlilM ell) nt leant between nmM- '" tup l"r-' wl" '"' rVnntor it -jum II Klnit off t'tnh. Chnrhii " jut C Kanwi. II I" Anhursl of usn Knp rittman of Nevada, II n . Mrrr of Montana, Wnrnii n liar U j of Ohio, J H IContlrlrk of W)n i tt. II V llroiiiMird of l.oulnlnua, ni C U llrckham of Kentuck) mid ru u I'nlndexter (if Washington U Milnd the Invltnllnu to Senator Iw .4 t partake of tho honpltnllt) of (. kf i tin objut f having hint lr- ui I Hik orr tin nt trmlH of Mi t mciiIIIiIp of IrrlKutlmi Id the tr tlein of the proM)-d IiIk n In i ir In rirnwint Vnlh ) ntMiilt U iki t rill of Hciiflrlil, nml touiirdt t, kkh the Junior eonnlor Iihk nlri'tidt I. -mi d hi ununnliricd niiiport tr nrntnent tiinatruilloii of the pmj it t r ild menu tin retlnnmtlim of wet flip thoimnnd inn of now il rt liiud up nml down tin I'rli" t iM iljiuellt to thlH tilt AIimi It i (ht i dvr tho prnhh Hi now on- k k the I'rln UUer Irrmutloii i v MKteni hlih Jimt nt IhH s hmiKlnit In lha ImiIiuiic A llornl mnor of Trie and fci uromlntnt Milium loonll hne iit i nud Mind Heimtor Kln and i rt lnllntlonN hut im The Hun i pi wi no rwtMnm hn lei n re h If tin Mop rnniiut Ih- iiihiIp ni irul liy the wimtorliil Hirl It t lined for u iiiininlttee of illlwii" ii et Hum nt Oreen ltler or fur r in mat. hi with h iinnl thej i In ilrtvt ii nlmtit tin ioiintr ! i etwren trnlnn ufler nrrlvnl here i iim iik r di purtnii nt yf the len- Itlo (Iran ' I InlereMwl mid, khiK with loiul piopli I Whtn It heuime known thwt Wl t I inK"iuid tho other were KiiIHK t throiiKh l'luli. Dutiwr. folo " ut liu mill ixtended un In-1 ti i for thim I" Nlop H. Ni' m i lot uihi HiirhiK lrfilllle and i Jumtlun, I'olo Mioiir llor. ii the other lunlnif the nmtiir iha I urn) huir nomethliiK diflnlli Hhi tin next two or thne d !t I iki ilt I t ntertaln the pnrtj l K i" uh VW n the propimltluli oT lilllldlliR n mr ir hi I'lmwint Vulle) In take U a i of tho inn' thnl went out In i wi.crr firm mine up Ihe mu uu prehenled h) Mllieim hero 1 1 h ileleKiillon nt WimhhiKlon. J t nd t vi r Nlm e Hi imtor KliiB h i Hvi imiih lnteret In thi mutter If Klvin thu opportuiilt) tn view U la id proponed to Iw r lalmiil. It i ir ;ed hi enthindimin would he-n- Krmt n thut if othi r ion- t ) vlih tho KoVrrmni nt who hnvu liJe InVeHtlKutloilK I f-riintnr Klnir und hi part) op t Tr t the Mtlien hero plan re Hi ti for them on n proper ncale. unoi t im nt of vvhIMi will, of ur 1 1 made nt a Intir dnte Kvrn ' Ih henatorlul part) nhould atop iwein train, thev cnuld ho ukn 1 1 out tho iouutr for n couple ' ho i by mitomolille, iinnliUmr them e llllllh flw io i:ti:m thi: llltMT AT ONCi: TAILS W VIIINOTON, D C OM I The Wupo i to examlnw for inllltnr er 'hs an nun rculstorid for tho nrm rt i I not M inlled waa klllul for lk I int nt leant, today when the d nenate conferet illmlnntod l. prlntliiu for tho purponu fmm " R .lef ( enr bill, the conference "wrt n which wa promptly nc- lt I i the nenate ri nan waa aubmlttod b tko pro 'I li ir hal ecneral office In ordir ,k i n renUtered man might know ,hth r he waa liable, for rervlio and '' thi aitiial order of hi llablllt) '" nr department naked for ex "'! t of opinion from the nover .' fl hlntea and onl) two algnlfUd "-PI r va Fcr tary lUker aald fVcentl) thut 'ltd rirtment had reached no dccl- in the matter nnd would not un 111 'ntrcag acted upon the proponed "jPr rlatlon to defray expenaea and ," ixpreased II will . " lasainir tho deflclpncy bill the "e InMuncd Ihe appropriation and cniie added an nmondment llm- 'lif men to bo examined to the J"br iwun to be needed. Tho con- ''" Mlmlnated the whole provlalon " Ir r nrt will be adopted bj tho -a TO PR0BE5H0RTAiir I'nlillr I iltlilrn oniiulvilou Niiim- DnU fount) Man. 4 4 The publli titllllle inliimln- 4 nIoii ha uppolnled I 'rut AblHitt ! or I lav I count) to lnetlate 4 thi inline of the inr nlmrtaKe In 4 4 l'luli Iti port tnnile to the om- 4 4 inlnnlon by tho railroad mid op- 4 4 irntora tonfllctrd. leavhiK the 4 4 rommlnnluii iinnble to fix the re- 4 4 MHMinlhlllt) or nppl) a reined). 4 4 Abbott will endeavor to drier- 4 4 mine ixiictl) whnt the alluntlou 4 4 In 4 4 The lommlmlou ha unkeil II. 4 4 I MuiIki. prenldent of the Den- 4 4 vi r mid llio Orande, na to when 4 4 the thiiilniiiid ear proiulm d b) 4 4 Ihe national tar ncrvhe loinmln- 4 4 nlon will arrive In I'lah 4 4 The I'tiih J run nnd Hlul torn- 4 4 pifii) Im linked the lomniliwloii to 4 4 kit that It I pr vlded with three 4 4 thiiUMiud ton of con I a month to 4 4 operate an open luiirth furnari 4 4 whli h will prodme fort) thou- 4 4 nnd ton of flnlihid ntetl u Jiiir 4 4 lmt enr the Ik'iivir and ItlnM 4 (Iranih aiipplled twelve thouHnd 4 4 nud two inr to thi mul mint 4 4 of Ihe itrboli t Mint) fb Id 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444444 4 4 4 4 CONiESSJOJMOIl r.iMiiiil Hit Nalloual UkMalor Will (i t Ihmiiuh 'I i xlu). VHIIIM1THV l C t 3 -foil-KriM will end It oxtrnnnllmm war eettnloil Willi II IwKHII prll Id KMtlir l or HMlbl) 1'rldii) Akhi tin tit of tin eunte IihIm) lo lake H fllmt vote late tomorrow mi Urn Hilnilnlnltntlon aoliller' nnd nallnr limtiriinee bill mid the adoption wllh record brmik Iiik npeed, of tin iiiufenuii report on the war iWf trinity jipproprlntlon bill pavid the wn for ndjournment until Ihe riKular lirwmbir n(on rrmiKeinenla for the final forinul Itle wire made l Heimtor Martin and llepreavntatlve Kltchln. mujorlt) leud im Hi priKi ntatlve Kltcliln pr pared to Introdme hi the houno tomorrow a renolutlon proponluK udjuurnment nt II o'Moik Hntiirdny Hueh apt id wa Hindi on IrKlnhillou In the auualu late In the dii) howivtr, that Senator Martin wild lonUlit It mlkhl be poa allile to flnlnh I'rldu) liutiad The mlllUir) Inhurunee and dcfl Mi my apprpprlatlon ineunurea nre the mil) Importunt bill nwnltliiK flnnl ac tion whh h will Ktl throiiKh at thin nitwlun leader are dttirmhud to pniw ovir till other lfnl"1jitlnn until Deiembrr Hut brlif time I tapnted to bo ro (iiilrtiil fur lunferua' un tint nt on tho lunurmue inenauro nftcr the final ott In the aeuate ti morrow mul prompt approval h the houmi of the defl rlvni) iipproprlnllon fflnnl draft ulnu U niluduhd uw is (nruiwn liriiiiUinnoi In I'tah I Ciiuoldrriil Crliiio II) Ihtlnlon. It U the unanhnoua opinion of nit mix r of the aupremo court that the Utnh prohlliltlou atatute "makoa druukenneiM mid Intoxliatlou by the une of IntoxleathiK Itquura n crime win rev er und whemvir It ma) occur at un) plaie In the atato The pro hibition luw of Utah la thua uphold In mi opinion written by Juatlue H II Thurmnii and iHinourred In unanl mounl) and h itlded down lant Wid neaila) In an appeal of llenr) Kolb from n aentenio Impiiiwd upon him In Weber lount) ufltr ho had pleaded Built) to a iharKD f Intoxliatlou. Kolh claimed that the aenlinclnif tourt loat Juihdhtlon In tin laneTn launo the JudBinent waa not cntired within two dn)a after tho plea of null t), und that the atatuto doe not mako drunkenneai a crime, excapt where It ociur In oiu of the plaie apjilflcal 1) named In Beo Jl of tho lav vvhlth the i hargo failed to dealKiiato The aupreme court doea nut agree with the construction plaiod upon the law by counsel for Kolb and wa that the aentonie waa regular Kolb aerved fifty da In Jail In lieu of pnylnK u ft io of flft dollar. Tallorud aerge dreaac will bo aa fttblilonuliK' a ever FROST PREDICTED I .safe. ' Zr S40i STATE LAND BOARD BACKS DOWN ON PROMISES MADE PEOPLE AT PRICE After four of It member tame to I'rhe mi the rvenlnic of Wrdneadny, Heptvmbtr 19th mid talked over thu altuatluu In detail with ilium to a hun dred ntoekholder nud wattr uner of the l'llie Itlver IrrlKullon iiimpmi) II look aa If the atata kind Imurd vvna ilemrlllK lo fluke on the prninlae made In the Mlleiia of the vnlle) and wnler uwr tiipetlnll) In the matter of MUipl)liiK fund for bulldliiK the tun nel went of l'rlie mid Ihe rehabllltit Hon of the )ntem In Keuernl follow Inl ine KulliK out of Ihe reninolr In till (liMmilHiri) Valhi) Till, loo, after the hoard had koii Into all letml phaaeH of tin matter, un tlifj thun MlveilaliuHl nud broiiKht ulunir with them on the trip their own nttorne) W V ltu. to txplnln matter to lo rn I one Interested Aithur Kuliu, m tn tar) of tin atale board I illiittil b) tin Halt Idke fit) ueWNpaper the lunt few day a wi) lug thut It In pntt) diflnllel) ni tiled that thu alate will he uniilile to loan the Irrigation projw t mi) more mone) with vvhlth to build the proponed tun nel, for the alinpln renmin that It tin not Ihe mono to lend In the renervulr fund and tliU I the mil) fund from whli h aiiih u loan lould be natUfar torlly arrnngid I'lirthvrmore, It I pntt) di fluid I) certain that uu rilonnlnn of the prm ent loan could hardly be Krautul to u new imupaii) In iharge of the Irri gation project, though vxtounlona oT loana are allowable even when the .fund from which the) are made In In ' NEW CONTRACTS OFFERED" hugur ouipaulcM Muko rroKllluiii I'ur (online h win. llcproM ntntlve of the t'tah-lduho Kukar lompaii) nnd the Amalgnmuted Hui.ur ininpnn) rrttiruid thla week from U'anhliiKton, 1 l , win re the) have hem lonfirrlng with govern uu nt offlvlala In augar mutter I .a it Tueaday the tninblnid oxiciitlve com inltttea of tho two companion nn uouiirtd the) havo decided lo preaent tn the but grow i r for 1918, two forma of loptniUn, one contract buacd nn the profit nharlug pluu aa pre Vlounl) uunoiiiHcd h) tho IHuh-Idaho Hugar imiipan) mid the other pro viding for a flat rate of 18 (0 pr ton for beet at tho option of the grow tr Tin profit aharlng plan will pro vide for pa) lug foi Hie biet aevill dollar u ton guunftttei d to bo paid during harvont time air Irtretofore. nnd In addition, It will provide the beetgrowira nhall receive one-half of Ihe net utnount recelvtd h) the torn pa n I en from tho aule of augar ovir IS SO per liug Hetretar) of Ktate Harden llennlon and I'oatmaater Iavld llennlon re turned laat Monda) from -a trip Into the aoiithbiu part of tho county and Into CJrand iount, looking over tho range and feed, a)a Vtrnal'a Kxpreaa of the 28th They apent aomo time at the I.eotu ranch chocking up condi tion nnd making plana for Improve ment They found the winter rango fine for ahei p nnd cattle, the feed lin ing exceptlonully fine- and In the beat of condition They nlno v lulled a number of largo cattle ranchi und found the atock to be In good ahape the. red " Neither run the laud board tmnply vUth the term or the rrnolu tlou lutMed at a reient meeting of water uner under the I'rlee rlvir prujiil, which linked that the) mny be made prefirrrd purihanem of water right for tin land In (pieatlon t About the mil) aatlnfaetor) mini in r In whli h nil ill n proponltlou toiild be haudlml." my Kecretar) Kuhn ' la through the Mute or federnl govern ment The ntiite government at pre. Mil Im not the fund The fmlentl ret Imitation aeivlee ha I believe thut enperlnll) In thewi time of food produitlou the government tould be liemilHiled tn take till projei t up put itlxiut two hundred and flft) thoiiMiud ilollar Into It. lemtnt thi tiiuiil whtrevir rniiilrid cmmtruit the tun nel whli h In now deemed n emtentlal, und mnkn other Imprnvtnu.nta vvhlth would riatilt In kood water iwrvlie ami fair mid Junt trtatment lo all the hi lt nnt loniarurd ' In iiddltlon lo the extennloii of the preaent loan, Ihe water uner under the project are unking for un addi tional loan of thirty thounaiid dollar for the tountruillon of the tunnel, und nlno that tho atale ahould lake tare of the m.&uu owing u Halt Uike Oil) baiiklng hnuao While tho aeourlty for nil the loan la coimldcrnd to he good, Junt what will happen afttr W W. tin), at uttoruo) for the land hoard, Iiuh Inntltuted the foreeloniirn proutdlng. I by no inian clear In the inlnda of ali)ono. (EITIK BTIE MONEY I'atrlotltt Utik I'iiuiI In ('itrlmii ('mill ly (tuning In. Ilenult of Utah' 1'ntrlotli Wnk tmnpalgii, In which It wa tlrnlgiud to l alio tvvriil)-flve thounaiid dollar for patriotic fund for Ihe bemfll mul the tomfort of aoldlrr In moblllintlon t amp or In the fktil, will not be known for u few da) nctortllnu to J Kdwaid Tn)lor annuitant mtrctar) of the atntu loiimll of defonae, Vhleh un tin took to rnlne tho fund Of the twetiD-llve Ihoumiud n total of nix thtiiinnuil wn to go to the war lllirao rund or a million ilol lar whli It wu to be ruined laafweek Time for thut work, however ha been extendi i) hit hiom of tin number of other matter itrlning lant week to take the attention of thono In i hurg. or the mining or the rund To ItlawHlha belong the honm of fending In the flrrft lonlrlbutloii or mi even hundrttl dollar through K Hunt Mill, Hr, prenldent of Ihe town board there Other havi bieu prmnpt ami b) the flrat of the Weik It I expel tin) b) I) Mutton treanurrr of Ihe fund nil ugnlnnt whom unaeanmenlN were made b) Curbtiu tuuiit)'' fount II or Defenae will Imvt report! d Thi t ouiit)' iipportlonnunt I f 678 00. but f 133 36 I to he ruined, theexriaieto be held for tout IngenMe Up to lunt night Ihe Irianiinr had rt t lived about hair that amtluut An examination for tKrlTiit the l'rlie pontofflu, nut luMudlug carrier n ut flrnt minounitd by the depart tut ut wn held at I'rlee laat Saturday Thone taking It wire Kmmett K, Ol non. W Olenu llnrmnu and Mlia live l)ii Olnon One or the three will bo appointed Tho place pit) a eight hun dred dollnra unnuall) and extra for ovirtlme be)oml tight hour dull) COOICif MAKES GUT IN SALARIES FOR THE INCOMING CITY OFFICIALS At TueMilay evening rtgulur mut ing of thi l'rlie Mty council, three number nnd Ma)or Korahy being prenent, ularlia for the two )eara or 1018 und 1V10 were fixed The mayor I to druvv down flOOO n month or J 1120 00 a )ear, loumllmcn ouih 17 80 per mouth or $90 00 a year, retorder I 2S 00 ptr month or 1300 00 it )ear, and the trenaurer 115 00 per month or f 1H0 00 a )car, a total reducHm of t3S0 00 over prenint aalarle. Halar lo or appointive of flier will ho ad JiiKtuI by tho Incoming adminlntrutlon fonalderable uiino)unco In exptrl euied b) property owner lontlgiioua to tho power plant, owing to the flow of waato water from the boiler room To remit!) thla the auperlntendent or waterworka wiut luntruttcd to at ouie lonneit the hnllcrroom with the vtvver )ntum with un eight-Inch line, re plating tho rour-lnih line now In. which I continual!) choked up Mat ailmour wa tonflrmcd a reg Intratlon agent for the municipal olei tlou November flth, Tho report or tho boiler Innpeitor made fur un Iniurmioo compuny ahow ed ull holler nt tho power plant to be In good Kindltlnn I'arkkeoper I'uco waa Instructed to atay on the Job until tho ISth or thli month An adding muihlne wa ordered for the recorder' office Tho ma) or and recorder were au llhurUed to negotluto u ahort time loan 1 If It la deemed utsuar), to miet tur reut expenaea until laxta are paid In Electrician Manaon waa Initructed to take ponaeanlon III tho namo or the Mty of the thru truuvfnrmira mi the property or tho I'arkdale TowmlttJ company, the aame being the prupert) or the city and their uno having hetn dlncmitlnuod The treaaun ra moiilhl) report allowed a taah baluuce on hand Octo- .bur lat or upward of tvvilve hundred 'dollara. Ihu ilalm lint for Heptotnber amounting to tweuD-flve liuudnd dollar. Including Interim! on light and I water bondi, wa allowed f. II hrKUAIIT hltt'l'I'DS ; J. II. mom.i: ON IIO Mill I n. II Htowurt, attorne) and promlii ent ehtep mid wootgrowtr, linn In en appointed by Onv Hlmon Ilamherger to a memberahlp on the state live ntoek commlKMlon to auocoed Jamea II Moyle, flrnt aatlitant aecretary or the United State trtusur), whoao rilgna- Hon from tho atato bod) wa recilved Wedneada) b) tho governor I I ii u mil rh na Moyle wu president or tho atate live atock lommlanlon, the memberu will elet t ono or their num ber to aliened him aa noon na hi res ignation aa mich officer Jhall have I been recilved b) Sicretar) Thnma lledmond SECOND LOAN FOR I TRREE BILLIONS I NOW ON I fUtltON (OtMVh I'DiniON M)l' v H s M:r u vciiu. H Will llt Known, llovvivtr, firr the H Mi-t ling or Hie htitle fiiiiiull of He- M fitiM- l the Stall- ('111111111 ThN ftW l.v iiIiik I-k-iiI fiiumll Itiprrwrut 9H nllie-i In Ml uihiuiv On (intheriiig, H Winn tin flrnt llhert) limn wn I Wt flouted the ptople of the nation wero 1M nt w to the proi mn. Thi) hnd never 'fM n n whole Invented much hi bond off ilaH mi) nort The uinihliur) fur tho aell JM log nr the flrnt lnuo hnd to be, nr H ranged vvhlth took much time nml D f furt n n folk tu farbmi tmint) know, H Puipit tver) where bud tn be ediirn . H ltd In Ihe net da or the nltuntlon nnd H ulno In pnrllng with Hit Ir n.vlng In H the name of pattlollnm However, nil M that I ihanged Were nil rend) for M the neciiiul Inniii or bond and the mn H Miliur) I nil flxul to get un. The H IH IV nud necoml lint II or three billion l P of dollar will be bought nud paid for Ha without mi) rrduitlou In Ihe Having iQ of the people n In the cane with the jH flrnt loan Untie Ham nerd the jH mom ) nnd that ahould be nufflclnnt leH Inirntlve fur evin patriot to buy nil iH he i un or the Innue f nrboii rtiliuty ffeatal will br round patrloth In Ihl ln-tnncc iH na will a In ull other 4Lal Curhou ftiiinl) Work, aH fnrbon enmity' prnportlon or the laB iillotmint for Utnh nr twelve million ' , AM or dollar Iiuh not a )el bei u nil HibI liouuied hut It I ixpeile.l It will bo ' JH made known nt lilt muling nr thq TaH ntnte council or ihrniae nnd llio unin mH I) itiunill nt the hlg muling nt the J'aaH lulu fnai le In Halt like flty thi JIbibibI (Trlibi)) tvitilng Ihe lottil oouncll 'lilafl or di fenne will In n prtwi nted nt till iH muting b) w llomlty. It prenl- iM ilenl furl It Mart tint ii, rhiilrmnii or JH the flnunre rommlttre, mid titlier. IH who urn ut Hit time In lou Com IIibibI mlltevN huve nlrrndy been lininul b" 'laifl lilt Cur linn iiilllily uilinell or tlefnum. liiH for Mollililng In ever) illy town und IH pretlnit of the (tiiiuty nnd ndvleen urn SaBtai thut tliHMe arc In rentllne for a whirl lH wind tmupalgn The work will ht tu liaH tllrett tharge or I' It Miireunen. who SLIH I neleiled h) flitreuie Itamberger, fH ntate Minimum fjH llinv in Mul.i' ruibmrlplloun. , 'leaiBi All nillimrlptliinn muni bi made faaH through ihe I hi nk prert rnldy the H iHiuk ut or iiMortnl the HiilHterllier H home ii) bunk will a crept nub. H aulptlon. H Term or limiil Muturlt) twenty- . H five )ear but rulet mable by the H nnrrtur) of Ihe treiinur) In tin ear IH Di nninlnatloiiH of llnniln l'f dol- Bffl Inr and mulilpli of rift) ilollar H lutirint Hate Knur pir rent, pn H able Muil-uuuuull) on November ISth H mid Ma) ISth M Term of l'u)iutut Two ptr cent H on upplltatlnn, IR per tint Nnvunber H 16th, 10 per it ut Ihtemhir Ilth nnd H 10 ptr mil Jaiiuar) 16, 1918 H Amount or the .nun Thru billion iH or ilollar or more the oxuw not to tleaH exirid one-half or the aum of the iH ovt i-aubntrlplton " jB I'rlvlltge of iiiiivertlng bond of t H thi Innue Into bond of an) auccecd l HE lug Innue inuring a bight r Intercnt H rati than 4 ptr rt nt during tint period ' I H or the wur la exteudul i H Ihrmigh nn arrangement under ' M which bonde will be printed with only H four toiipona Inalend or fifty (Jo be , H txihaiiged ut the end off two ears for ! H the iMiiidn lontnlnlng the full nuim L H ber of loiipun), dollvtrle will ho h H prompt j H III thi mannir tho Innue or Interim j H (ertlfliuti will be uvoldul j jH Utah Kuel compaii) Carbon eoun- H l)V lurgtat eoul concern, ha nulmcrlb- ' H etl for one hundred thntiauuil dollar " H worth of llie-nutind liberty loan bondi ! jH The largent alngle aubaorlptlon ao far H I that off fid A t: Wall off Halt I.ake H Cit), who ha Invented 1360,000 I'rc- H vlounl) ho aubairlhtd $600 000 to the ! i H flrat loan Up to hint night total aub- H acrlptlon rt ported from tho atale at ; S Utah' lapltal waa $986,000, ' CM1 Ol' STAND Ulinil.I.K i' H i.ovii 'io -iiii: i.u (otti. ;i TM STANDAIinVH.M?. Hcpt 29. At a ' H mtellng of the oltlxona or thla camp H loulght It waa dtclded to urgaulie u B ptrmanint board for handling nil H matter pertaining to war and relief A JH meaaure W K Andervou waa clee- ltaai ltd prealdent und J J Morton Ita aeo- , fH retar) and treaaurcr Commlttoea will ' liaaaai be nppolnttd from time to time to aa- itleaal alai tho orricera In handling auch mat 4 iH tera na arise 4illflH IY-Mna- that there will ho numerous -7189 talln fur financial aid nnd that earl) I (II rnlla will bo ovcraubacrilied, vMillo la- J iitaaaai ter one might suffer, the meetlur de 1 llflH ildid to establish u po-mmiont rund ' SflKs which will bo malntulned b) regular yi Mu contrlbutlonii each month All re K IH queat for aid will bu paid from thla , i rund j , tflH Thi camp la loyal and over ready i J jjH to unnlit tho local council or defense H In any wuy suggested ' I) tho gist or a tltaaaaaaaaml'Mafl communication sent to the Carbon laaaaaaaaflaflHENB Count) Council or Defense nt Trice. taatBCfaWKl