Newspaper Page Text
i!L7B I Si i be at I B,ic( Jan inn t. 1818. the aiib- A M II I I5 r?4WIKc3iS' VSV ill HI ill ill The Buna Job Printline nml bindery H ?Mlceff Thc 8un wl" ,,e nd' X to S V I II FP-H :lsJBBMJJflV)gSI II II II depnrtmenta apoclallio on t.oiik work, , H Km H 5 u ,s 00 th0 ,tnr- -T ig Vff''45'3, TfPyjgrirfliy HAwlv.Jll 111.. pamphlet, brief nml UM m Critic m may ny m fitr In I 75 -yS J "r "k ' X prlntlnR Prompt Mn Ice nnd price H oiri r nt tho rntcof fl SO POTjITIOA &I)Y UK PU It Til CAN In kccpliiK with Knod work Not how m H' At present coat auch u m i i u a ij w x ' uwua cheap but how koo.1 llne The Hun 'fl ,he RV ndTtnr pufiMarnroirie' Entered aa Becond-Cla Mtter.Jun8 4. 1911, at th. Poatottlce at Price. Utah. Under thu Act of March I. lITt hereto aTno" MtlarnrtoruV J' Nothing H 2 ytn"rWh"'C VOLUME 3; NUMHER 20 EVERY FRIDAY OCTOUCR lZ"ln SlniT ita.r Tuh '" 'l M,u,P,,ttl H ISKED FOR TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ou I - Hon County Expected to Subscribe This 'i I Sum to the Bonds of the Second as ; I Liberty Loan Issue. Hjtertv lioiul In ISwrj llmnt the Hi aim of lh Citrlxiti Conn Bit ! IMeiiat whli h Ik In Kr th ralalnK "f the nllnlmi nt him In d nml flfl) thoumiml )HX whi h the atato loimell of, HLthrniuli Chairman llninhcr a apHirtliino1 lutnll) With let maik u Hm (ton I th Curium Him f Hi ditermlncd Unit thU H h I not l round III the ( n w III II till final (Mint l J The flguri Ik r ullxi it to lie M( "" "Wji. I -t Carbon mint j pioph rogfl(inl Hit lot it t totimll Ik enn Inc iM hlllliiK llu liiill ' l) tin In vUi ihe in mth w In n rlpllonN on ill l rtf'"H tt tulliiK tin atntt tounill of , d mcrtliiK In Ihe tnbcrnnile nt ,1 1 : JUi fit tart Prlda) cenlnr A ? " el( prmldeiil of tin Carbon ." i iulimiin of tin flnniut loin- , rrlurmil to I'rlio Monda) lnt nttllitcl) rallnl ii tmctlliK of j, l t null for Tueailn) iictiltiK .j . i he ii the plnn of mmpiilKii wn l t I UKth nml the work for racftlu touiull mid loinmli 4 i uiuppid out Tho Mint trt t ihe tuuipiilKii huh opuud nt not no theater win re the Iwikk 1 t illHlnrd to ii hlK utldlilliu l ritk run MuriUMii "' iliy mornliiK nt uu I'lilliiii'l t - mfrlliiK nt llu IiIrIi erhool, 1 imtrlollr winpi were the In ' -n t ir tin Mpeiiki n, ('ount h" Ktctnlint of HiIiiioIh DriHin ltuil "" 'Vtirmun MiirciiM-n ixptiilmd the V i tour to Urn hi r unit thllilruri ' I -nHirniHin the Kriidn mIiooIk v rHui ii tnlk ulonir Iho twine Hum Jthir J Iai, Cliitlrmaii Muriii ! K prrlutindeiit Itynn Moiiilii I'nirlolli May, utu luUnt llinn of tho pilhlle Ii n iIikIkiiiiIi il noxt MoiiiIh) ( r lutli next hm Pntrlotlu Da) 01 ihe- punk (hIiooIm of the iiinnty ipiroprlnti (xertlma lin to In l' iuid Knuli In the eount In " timic tin re mil hi prouniuiM In " It UK tilt m. Iohiih mid iHinim ' iik rn mid inenilieni f tin f lIlflllKl Will KO III INItll iu' u muki hHiihm and otliei J urn ipnti In the pruKriiiiiM nt ril tin in, Umil loinmltlfeo '' n t n will lie In iliurKv of & mm .. l in nil tin ihiirtliM of llu ( 4 llh ilevnliil hoth Hrthhntll . mid nfti moon m-iUe to iil!(iii of the IhiiiiIk TmeelHl ,,. unc is xt nitlw HinpnluiiInK will . ai I It Ik hopul that li Hatur- m, !() t f tin tomhiK wiek Curliou t, ( mil Imiit nil miiI Iik proportion ,1, in hundred tlioiumiid ilollara of ,t Utl iiiIIIIoiih iiKknl from the , t t luh J tarUui UimiiiiU I'niinpll). fin - Ii Kmton, Irtimurir, waa In tnl I) tho t otitic II to forward hla I r fUe hundred mid Mitlit)- ' Collar thU helna tha atmeiniuK nt 'irlin muni) for lu porllnii of ' iwrnn fe thouwiiul dollura he "i" il iik u patriotlr fund for tin " and milium Bun ml of the snUt i-k milliltliiK btlliHt rlptleiiiw "rh Uu county for till fund n t reported mid Iheru wua not "I'nt fundH on hand, hut the In "il imiuliirK of tlni Liiuuill Kuur - Hi hortaKe Curlioir lotint) Ik "m uu tin irj flrat to rixpouil Mi MuthlN tuinj: no lontji-r "I' I ut now iiurhliiK aihool nt '" li 1 1 found InipoKnllilt 1 1) that ' ' ii'tind to the work of tho "'l hi lur dipnrtnitnt, w Mra J "hum re Iiiih hiun iIidnii ua the 4nm of ivunien'a work In pliun iM MntliN, tloiornor ltamhi.rKr """n ii itlflid mid Mtk Whltmon'a "latm nt will follow SukuvMlim Ah to ProKriitu. "Ii h u MiKKtxteil proiauni from Jftrl u fount) Council of Pi- ' hi klit ii throiiKhout the 'i !irlnic Hm iviek of "7 lu d luihialii, lu tho MihnuU, w i hurt In n, y fratirual orilera, n I ominervlat hodlea unit It) "ii iik iiul.K Tint proKrum " 'i inrlid to tonforui to local "' ami i UHtoina w' i from tin Carhon fount) 9 ' ' f Difuiho lit nrltiK on Iho wur rrid ) the proahlliiK officer, 11 sllrthK Iiiih heen forwarded In ito'" n ,orm " """M' ' 'liirBi' " nici,KH ( le MUni tuwn", nd ciimmunltlea '"f'nif "f 'The Dattlo II) inn of tho wnir foliowtd hy reiiillnit from "" f plntform hy aomeono ho J?1"'" (uriful pnparutlon Olvo '" aih hhu to lo uwlmllati d . lnrutli.ii of Indipundiiict) and 7rUtrli.tu lltiraturo Blnulnir "rr'.vH Tho Hi coml Liberty lA)an." lT Patriotic niuiilc- 'Can tho 4f and vur Country NittU ,N 1 uro auuReitid, tho ivorda m list ttnti its in tiii: suoVn i.minti i,on. rotiii of llliiitiilhii it Mo (it I .J. il. Utiutiniil into oi . I'. ONiiii 1131(1 lotpll . Itnmuioiiil ItllM M. c. .itiiMii , jo i ) on llinrj OMiir nilinx.ii .11 (lu iKt.uit M. Jinx ii Km 0 1 tin ti In ii mill linrli- lluikln A Ml I .(Iti.rm' II, Mil II) roll N. MimitMii .to 00 I in lit It. MnrtiiMii ( .Mil MnrKiuit IX Mimiiou .tll Curl It. MiintlM-n .MOO Ijiunt lloile) MOO ItolMrt V Miii-ticin .MOO I rank . Itolilifiin .moo Mtln llohliiMiii .. . . 3iim I "ml Wllllinii drnt'ir -J III 00 (iitruv IriimU ltobluoii .Mil 1nirli- I. Ijii-ii .MO) ilniil U hlrtle Ml 00 ItolMrt MiKinm 110 0.1 (I in ill-- MouriM- Allnil M 00 John S. mt , .10 00 Itixl.rlc . MiMlllau All 00 Dornlli) II MiMlllmt .. .MOO Ihll) MiMlllun . MOO follll II. Patf .MOO llnrt l MiMiillln .1100 DrMiu II. (iii)iiiou MO I MiiIkI IX Hoffmann . .Moo Miirlln I Hit no . . Alio 00 find iiiiikIi belnir "fiirnlnhtMl b) tin lotui.ill h tiimmlltroK Adjotirtinient A ahorl t IokIiik pnoir ma) be of find If appropriate lKllllunl or 8Hakir. Canlln tlate A W Monde) llel pir U II Whllrnore mid II S t toper. UilllliKton. H (ioldlim nml W 1 OIih.ii, Htorrn lloberOlc Kune mid Ibiirue A Woollen Kehll; worlh A I) Hutton nml I'mf A 'f lliioit r. Htiinditr.lvllle II II (loeti innlin hiiiI Itel II T i blura, Wlntwr QiiarlerK Allnrt llDiier. Clear Creek Arthur J lt HeoflMd UA Mttln. HprhiK lIUu I'mf J (I ( itud MIkh I ilea hrott HUwathu I'n.r firw.u Itjmi mil )i.iiiik Indira' ipiarttt finin CnrlH.ii ii.uiit) lilsh KthiM.I PertHinuel of ipiartet Monetla Hhlnir liralne At k trniitu llilui Mi KnUht l.llliaii lohn. M.u inn Arilllit ll)iin plaiilKt - HiiiiidkIiIi C It MarriiK. u and J II Muiikoii nml ladlim' iiuartt t com piwed of liiea I'uiiKi it, Marr) Parr) and Mlaee llarvt) untl ArbiKKbn IhiiI toiuiulttita mitt prlmliHilK ul mhoolK will tifopirati lu inakliiu in- imiKiimntM for plana iff imetlnic. ml- f rtlxliiK and Iik al parlK In proKrain lllawntlui I lil SulMrllMr. I Haw ut Im town haa tin IiIkIi honor of IiiIiik the flrKt HiiJ.Ktrlbir to Ihe Kiiond HlKirt) loan lotall) K Kant aulil, r. prtaldent of tin town board, una In Prlcu Wtdumidii) fort noon laat and made iipplliutlon iik h.oii iik the doora of Prhc Ci.ininirilal it ml 8a Iiikn bunk opened for n hundred dol lar bond for that muiililpalll) Ini rmdluUt) tlioreuflir J II mitaiiil aaked to hi put down for one thoua and Jollara and hum follow id h) J II, Ji'iiwn, who aubacrlbtd for two and Hulmirlptlona are Klun at the head of HiIh urtlile In tho ordtr re telltil There will le a moillliK ut I'll) Hall ut Prlie toniorroiv (Hutiirdd)) eitn Iiir ut 7 30 o'clock of all memherK of I do i mint) omit II of dtfiiiHo mid of inouititrM of the wiunil loinnillliea uppolnttd In the llbirt) loan turn puikii at ihe imitlmr or the louiull on Huptunibtr 17lh Ihn ol.Jett of tin mutliiK U to furllivr outlluu the work lu tomieitlou with MiurliiK llbtrt) loan Kiihmrlptloua Up to luat nlKht Halt Uiko City had raUul about thrco untl u half million or dollara for the llbert) loan. Other clthK are nut makliiK their aubKirlp IIoiik public ua )et. PiIih and Carbon count)' total to dutti iik uppiara from tho Hat at tliw hi ad ijf tin ho lolumnH la J5H50 on (oiiMinm; uitoi pi'iuiivhi: OP HOMIS ON IXHV I'WMIJirh U'llli thouaunda of o)al and a trloth t'tuhna In oier aeetlon of tin late rtapoudlnir promptl) und kui eroiiKl), the at t and llbert) loan tarn pulKii la tinili)r mil luudwuy In Utah and oier )3 CUu.OOO haa iilromlj been itilmcrlbtd tnwardH the kI;iIok tiuotn i.r twehe million dollara 'llu int.Httn it.iiraKliiK word thul coinea from tier) tiualter la to thi tffict that thoHt In dllldtiala and famlllea who lire able to bu) mil) fifty dollar or hundnJ dollar llbert) loan lunula n.e rtapond Iiik to the tall with Kreat tnthualuam Iteporta froiri the rural dUtrlcta tf Ihe alate Indltute Unit thouxunda mid thoutuinda of farnura am I.idIiir In flfl) und hundred dollat dunomlnu llom. Tho fuct that ono dollar la all lhat la ueitKHjry to pa) down In taah when the Hubacrlptlon for it flft) dol lar llbert) bond 1 alened, U pruihiK u bib factor lu tliu aubacrlptloua be In a- CAMOUFLAGE, GERMAN STYLE r turnul lu b) furniiTK all our tin alate Unilir Iho KowrmiiiutM plan of 11)1111111, only 2 pir tent of Ihe face alue of ii ImiiiiI iiiihI hi paid In aih when Ihe kiiIiw ilpllou la aliened Tlt'io, hi pun hiiKlnir a rift) dollar Ih.iiiI, tho iiinIi Hi)iuent that uiiit in ioiuhiu the aiil.Kirlptlon la but one dollar Tin ii on N'oitiiiber I Ith the Koiero tut ut iiIk for it WKi.nil Hi)meiit of IX per tent or nine dollara lu the ihkv or n fifty dollar bond On Oettmltr ISth it 10 per cent IKOitunl Ik naked foi which la onl) twent) dollara In the time of a flft) dollar bond and on Jnuuiir) lath an oilier 10 pir mill Ht)iuent la uakid or inmt) ilollnrH nt that time Thin tionplitea tin pa)iueiit of flft) dollara hiiiI Ihe bond la dellimd to the pur ihuaar b) the bank llirniiuli which In' MilHarllnnL The wiiiii ratio of p)iuent liottla Kot.d on IhiiiiIk of larger di nonilna tlolia iik on the flfl) dollar bond Till plan or the koi eminent lu iiakliix : nr tint with the aiibNtrlptl in mid then IV per tint on Xnvunhtr ISlh, SO per tent on Diet ml ir 16th und 20 per tent on Jiinuar) ISth makea It puKlhle for farinira to KiiloHrlbu and pa) for tlnlr IioiuIk aflir Hit) Imv i tcelied moiie) for their tropn. The i nllre alate haa Ihi-ii atlrrtd to an ImreaKcd patrloth frior by th. utwa Hint the foiirttn hundred Utah In.) a wlui uomprlie tho Pluh bailer), which .left thla week for final train Iiik lu California ki.Iiib to tliu Ibultltfli Ida of Kraiiii auliHtrlbuil our a hundred thoiiaand dollara to the bond laaue Item lu Carbon imiiit) the tall hua .one forth to aul.atrlbe for the bo nil thul will mud tlinlr ilolliira lo protict the aoiia mid brothira who ar. off.r InK tholr lliea lhat Ainerhan ht.niia and far in k inn) niiir know the ruin mill duiaatntloii that haN Ik on ilalltd on the lioiiiiH and furiiiK or ltilKttim mid .Norihirn Krunii b) )u lluiia. tinmen si'iist itii-iioN io UK lll 11)1 l AMONC STMil.S Not onl) Hull Ijikt Clt) und Utah will ahari tridlt In thi. two hundrtd uiiil rift) thouKand dollar aiibacrlptloii to the lllxrty loan authorUi d ut thu iloMn or (hu Mormon court rt mo luat Huudn), but other atutta lu which there ui Mormon (ouiiiiuiiIIIik. I)e cUlt.ii to thla iffctt niu) be uunoumed b) Prialdint JoHeph 1 Hmlth. truatie-lu-truat of Iho Mormon church, abort I) before hi uinkea the lll.t rt) loan Inuatineot The illt Htli.ll hutl lain rulaod OK lo how tredlt for the auhNcrlptlnn would l.u appiirtiomid Attention waa lallul to the fact thut thy Mormon t hurt li hud atakea In auitrul Jtatea all of wlllili wire rupnaented ut the lon fi rence when milliorlwtlon wua ir.ted to Inieat iliurili runda In the llbert) loan CoiiKciiueiitl), It la aald that credit for tin aubairlptlou will be dlNtrlbuted on u pro rata baala In thut tuao Utah ii III recelu imllt ror lllo lurjfi mujnrlt) or tin aulmcrlp tlou and Idaho, ArUonu ')iiinlnK and other alatea will be cndlted with proportionate ninnunla Win n the Holiday achnota or the Mormon church aont In their lied Crotw tontrlbutloiiK to the Kcneral board or tho Buiiila) Hchool In Halt I-uKo Clt), (ach or the atatea, from which the Hunda) aaht.6a rontrlbutvd weru credited with the nmounti collected lu them rtapt-ctliely. VERY LiniEJUSINESS ( oiiiiiibvliiiii r, limit ii r, IH-imim- of Nil ml Minor MnttirN, y t u riK'ilur iniHitliiB of tin IhiuiiI or (ount) ittinmlNilonerK laat Weiluea du) an iippioprlatlon or two hiiiulreil untl flft) dollara waa inuib for repair work on the road from I'rlu to Keii llworth the wime in l. expendid un der tin din (lion i.r W J Klwood, aupirlutenileut at thul lamp The up proprlallon la ror labor iilont and waa ullowttl upon liHti(nt i.r llu llnlfMMi. dent Coal und Coke ii.miwli) K K Ilniiuli Jr or Wi lllimtoii won a Howe. I fort) dollar with wlilili l. ffiiu off tin road Ihroiiiih hi rum li liiwiui Prln und that town llraiuli la to ftiriilKh tin pimIn and the wile ami la to do nil) work In eon niHiloii Itonil A unit liiinniy Ik to latabllah the IIihn, f A Mi (lie. iiltorui) iippwinil heron, tin board und aak. d ror a re fund of mom.)H retelud from u wile of horaca about a yiar uko b) the priilmt off let ra nt UMIIukIoii, to the amount of f I&V 00 The) were the proper!) or H U HU p The nuttier waa reform! to the (ount) attorney ror on opinion W ' Draper, I'm! lliinin and W I' Hhort, realdeuta i.r Wellington, uk id for mi appropriation or a tlioiiaanil dollara ror the conMriicllon or it brliUe our the Price rlier on tho road to Clt ii land from thut town They proffer. d to do the work free Tin muttri wiik tabled for the time lilmr In tin mutter of refoiiillnic i.r luxe to ttiOKH now In tin. ai rvlcu i.r their countr) iik eoldlura and aullora waa taken up on t communication from floi Blmoii llambcrft-cr Man) conn tit a lire dolna ho durlnic the period of the wur ltefirnd it. llu imint) tnaaurtr li HantKthl Hr, preai ntt?d mi lie i ount or 1240 SO ror the care of Prank b) the town of llluwuthu aluce Jul) Ifllli laat, und una allowed (130 35 i.r the amount The mini had Uphold and waa tared ror b) the town uuthorlllea Mra lluiry IliimUr, u widow with Ihrie (hlldrcn at Caatle (lato waa Klieu Nton order to the amount or tin dollar mnnthl) The alloivauie kturted with Ootola r lal Mra U.ulne Jatkaon vldow of I'rlie aame order AUo the aame In the (iiae i.r Mra A Jotinakla of Hunn)alde, who la u widow with four little one, a. Iteporta from tin dirk treaaurer ru ordtr, aherirr und Juatlcea recti!.. I and Mini CN tONVI'lir Hl'lll'I.Vh. Oroiveia who hale morn fruit than the) tan dlapua. of ntherwlae ahould make lnej,ar thla la the aihlto of r II Abell, liortlt ulturUt ror the vol irnment Poor ilnogar la hard to fell but there la ulwa)a a market ror ifood lniKur ' he wild ' Vhu'cnr nut) be inude from mini) fruit IniluilliiK applea arupi prunea and ptwichea Only Hound, ripe fruit which Im flee from uomia, ahould be uaid' To eiiRUKe lo the manufacture or tint product, I. polntid out, tho atulc pro hibition lu v provide that a permit I mutt be aecurod from the attorne) , jiencriila office. rtir Noicmbcr I, 1917, littir pout 'ubc Koca to three ccnta FOUR OF THEM FAIL home i.r Iho (ul lain Ik.) .Not tp lo Miillnil Ittipilrt mt til". AeiorilliiK: to a prlinti htiir re teliiil from Camp lew, WiinIi b) Hheiirr OeorKe CollliiKhani UiIn wt-k four or tin boa win. unit with Ihe third ipiotu from CnrlHiu .ounl) fall id In puN the ph)aleal i xumliiulli.u afl.r reAehltiK there Ihe) urt ( luiltle A llrj ner of llliiwiitha, I'niuk T Couuell) i.r llilp. r DalieulMi Mautellu r Clwcr Creek and foalo Itotllo i.r Humiyalde Hhi i Iff CollliiKhani Iiiih no off li lal iiotlei a )et from AilJutMiit (li uerat William but la i.r the opinion lhat the remnlnltiK K per tent i.r Carbon n.unty'N iiiu.ta or about llilrl) men will be tHilltd H.miwhiii arniiml Or tol i r SSIh At that Unit mi) ihrl tleur) t xInIIiik h) naaou i.r nil) or the l.)a fitllliiic lo paaa ut Ami rhiin Ijiki WiinIi. will In. made Koodv (leoriio CliurliH Hmlth lulled for llu luat quota and who railed to up pMir haa bun hiard from at (larlaml He foriinrl) workml at Keullworlh and will he on hand when tho next tpiota Iran a, an will .tin. Jim Horouaewt i.r Hiawatha Ihe latter nportnl durlnic the wti It Word from American iJiki la that Ihe Carbon count) bo) a are till wutr Iiik aore anna Tin) haw Juat bun i act hut trd WIRED ill MlfflN Pieslldi Tliut St luilor KIiik nml Parly Ma) Ml Price. I nllid Htatea Houatnr William II KIhk and the nine otlu r member of coiigrma who are lo make it trip to Hit llawulluii lalauda to luiuatlKute Ihe aiiK-ar IndiiMtr) are exptHted In Hall liki. Clt) on the SDth of thla month anil will b flttlnhl) intir taint it while llu re I.) alulo nut) clt) offlcliil The Itlnerar) of tin part) haa not ua ytt bun iiuiiouiiteil, but It la the hope i.r (ItUuni i.r Prhe lo huve the purt) atop hero at leant betwieu trulua thut fi.niitor KIiik ma) be lieu op portunlt) to took our ut leant u por tion or the land lo(iill) that would be u.iered b) n rtairvolr up nenr Kd.rield Ytaterda) leh KriiuiH Mint from Mu)i.r Morale) and otlu ra to Heiiutor KIiik but no reply haa oa )ct been rt -celled Colorado cltlea hale ulitiii 'the part) Imitation io Hlop tu route Weat It may be that Haunter KIiik who hua ahow n Knot Intenat In the Pliuaanl allt) will find It poiHill le to llnui r a few hour ut Prlti m: ami: itnt rpi cnx 1 A a reault of Hit flh and Kumo exhibit nt the I'tah alate fair laat wiek ono l.rted of trout ha been wiped out and nnntht r haa been ere .iitul to lako la place Tho card up I limn ilnif that a dlapbi) of fine trout I were rieimun trout' waa not popu 'lur utul with the cloae i.r thla fair there will be no more (Urinaii trout' Ihey havo bein renamed and ure. now "Ileaatou trout," belnK named ufter A 1.. Ilraaton, deput) flh nml mime wnrihn, who haa done much for thu 1 protection of the flah und sumu or thla atate HEARINGS STftRTEO I IN GOAL DAMAGE I SUITS I ttr.MtllM. M(lllt M .STM- H itn rui;s t p wuoi.r iiv). H ti.mplahilM I lose Mm It lllxrliiilua- M tlou On Iho Part of Denier ami lllo H OraiHlo mill iiitnnin ounrctlna: M I lne Mori limn Pour llundml jH llioilanil IlollnrH Hi fund Hutil hor, M C It Mondial! luteratnle romtneree H i xntnliier luat Wetlneatla) lHKau hear- M Iiik In the tlnniHue eult i.r 1 lH Ciiiiii run CihiI lomiHiii), ludi pi ndenl l Coal untl Coke tompaii) HprhiK Can- aB )oii Coal tompaii) nml Ihe Htandnril tfl Coal tiilllpatl) Hirnlliat the Hilt Ijtke iH Poule lb uu r and lllo tlniiule nml MB Hit oriKon Hlu.rt Line nml connip- HH lion lu iihlih the tomplnlnnnta al- H liK lhat the) atiNtalncd mi iiKRriirnle H Iom i.r f 423,35'J btcnuae or fallurn on H tin part or the di fciulnut rnllronda tu E rurulah aurricleiil (lira ror tranaportn- Hf tlou or tin output or their tnlnca. Dla- . H mi the purt i.r Ihe rail- ,H roada lu riiriilaliliiK cum for tho Irani- H pt.rtnllon of coki, ore mid other com- H im.riltliN lu prcfen nee In nml la nl- l teKid Tin damaKca nakutl by the H t Coal ii.mpati) are 1,- al fl7 o Imli piiitlent Coal and Coke Ijl loinpanii 1131 047 01 HprliiK Can)on ial Cnl (onipaii) 1I0VS4I mill the aH Htandard CihiI ii.niihiii) I13K 71S.49. 'naH Hire.' ( iiiim-n of Ik. , H Tin alleKed I'M- In IhinihI on three 'H (Mlima i.o Ihri.UKh Ineleuaid loal -, lH i.r production a ii tllretl 'nwiilt i.r en- jH fort ul Idlemmi I wuiiae i.r the lack of .nLB mra, lo In tin tiMt of prodiittlon be iiH tuiiae of the fnllun of the rnllronda In iB oppjet lali the luiportunii i.r the ' jH rominodlt) and I.) renwui of Iho fall- H lire of Ihe railroad to furnlah auffl- H (hut i lira In liaiKport the product of i H tin t'luli in I lie A t-onaldcrable pur- tH lion of the inornltiK aeaalon wua oicu- !H pled lu ii ( rnnii rnliiK the l nt rt Im i.r the Ciiae untl the Illative ) WH mine i.r the larloua nnnti or teall. -v MM moil) Mxamlner Matahall (Imill) jRI rulul lhat until the nmrlla of the rnao fflaH ua lo whellur the ii.mplaloaiit (torn- MB IKtlllea had uitlinll) aiiatalneil itiimaK.. i the leatlmoii) ahould la. iinillnt-tl In iH that IwNiie With that iH.Int eetabtlahetl tl It wua detltlMl lhat the uxtent or Ihe i lliH damiiKe nilalil be prilled latar In tho IIH u.iirae of the heurlllK ! UtlU'lfNtlflttt .H the exiimlnatlnii of II lwla, ill maiMiKer i.r operation ut Hliiinliird- 'JH llle net iiplnl tin t nllre du) Ho or H fered uiimeroiia txhlbllM In an effort H In (wtahllah Ihe tiiliti litlon of tho H lomplalnniita thut opt hutl ' WK been nlardul I.) the fulluri. i.r the llfi riillrond iiiiiipaulea to fiiruUh J,he ll mitnber or (ara nitillie ror triina- lLI portallon or normal uipault) of thu 'HI m I ilea nml to prove that illirlmliiu- il tlou hud belli allow u In fiirnlahltiK L'laiB tara to the plant of Ihe Utah Put I PiH i iinpan) ut HuniDaldi, enubllliK tho Hal lattir lo opi rule cloae lo cupuult). I 'H Ki lilt nt t w u iiIno Introduced thri.UKh H Ijwla, ua a wltniaa, tu allow- that, b) I H rcatrletliiK the number of InterclmiiKo- iBl iiblo tara furnlahed to the inlnea or ' jD Iho coinplaliiuut coinpaule In fas or iH i.r the propurtlea of the Utah I'uel ' iiimpiiii), tho complaluunla hud been iH in properly (are for their jH trade In the Norlliwckt untl to other IftH point i.utaldo the Matt ' H It waa ahow n h) liwla that ilurjnK , H Iho two pirloda or tnr ahurluM, from M HcptumlH.r I, tvlS to Mitnli I, 1010, I ijH and from AuKiiat 1, 1018 tu Mareili I, ilaH 1917, Ihe t u pin It) of Iho mini i.r the laE Htandard ma about tlilrD-flie linn- lil drtd ton u du). Ha uctuul output be- j iH Iiik only from u thoiiaand to fourteen f ( lH hundred tuna, duu tu the ahortiiKo or ; I'iH cara (Jul) two or tliroo da) a durluK 'll the Nt'iond period i.r cur ahortiike wen. LiB Ihe mini a ciiubled to alilp thrco thoua- aH ami ton OurliiK ull i.r tho (ar abort. aH iikc ptriotlK, ho aald, labor una pliu- r jH tUul H ( liuriri 1 JU k ul Car. MH ltiKiirdhiK tar aerilce, Ltwla aald . iXHI that Uu Hliindnrtl una not utile to ae- liHI cure oa in curate Information oh that x ! 'flBH Klicn to thu Utah Fuel (ompaii) A 'Bl it reault of thla he aald, It frciuentl) ' B occurred that the mlnea of tho Htand- I D u rd atarlul up from two to alx ilmca a ( ,B day und cloud down the aame num- k'fliHI hi r i.r tlinea. beiaUHO i.r promlkea F'SII made com i riilnif cara und their move- L.'iHI ment, w hlch did not materialize I'or lEI lonK per I oil the mlnea were not aide yJiHI to work inoro than hair the time, and (HI ilorlnK the puat aeien year there had IIU noli r Ik on u tlmu durlnit the toll . (--aH uiontliH that u aurricleiil numl.i r or . mra had been furnlKlied to opt rule rfiHi Iho mlnea at capa(lt) 'iH Under croaa examination Iewl ( IfH atatud thut from Hoptcmbcr tu Do- ffllLH cembcr 19IS, the ratlnif of tho titan- j i"' durd had boon udvanced from tblrt)- ' rH two lo forty cura a day on tct made I jH by the Denver und lllo Orunde Tho . , M Idle hour a)atem hna noicr applied to 'J t JM the mlnea or Iho Utah Pud company . M at Sunn) aide or Caatlo Outo J i i HH I.ewlH atatbd that nearly all or tho j ' ' lHI cara furnlahed in Ihe 8unn)aldo mine HH lire liiterchange, wtillo liry few Intir- DH chanKu cara were furnlahed lo Iho , , aWBI (Continued to paje eUht ) ttmH.BB