Newspaper Page Text
j-----"""""bbwbwbbbbbbbb"b".iii"bbwbwbwbbb-1 bHI V bHM H I ill PAGE TWO THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY OCT011EH12. 1 if GOAL RATES PROBE OPENED FRIDAY I; ' MORNING 'j S haimioaiih Arcrsi:i or ham. B ' '' I ri.UIMI TUAXM'OltTATIO.V. H 'j BBb t IntrrMato Comment- 'iiiinl-.lou IJ. H ' AJiilniT .Mnndinll lit Charge- or In H '' aulrr Wherein IStorMlnnl Itnto nnd H i Poor Hcnleo I Allfgcil II) the "In. BBY ' . lrjniilna ('ompanlc" of Curium BBV --Tc.tliiioiiy of Wltucwif. bYJ ' BH ' "i BBV ' With nil array of representative nf BBV i the ronl mining companies of Club BBW i nnrt legal talent defending the Inter- BBV I cits of the railroad, which praitl- BBg I rnlty (Hint every owl In one of the BBV j federal court rooms, the battle be. BBg j tween the ronl operator uml tli mil. BBV ' road. In which thn former nm ek BBgi 1 Inir the removal or a differential rnto H; I : nllcged to he operated iignln-t them. V, A ', unit for nit adjustment of through BBf ' , rates, lcgnn lal Friday before l. It. BBm' Marshall, IntcrMato nniimprm exam- BBh' Inrr. V A Hwret. prc-ldent of 8tnn- BBl I tMrtt Con I company, wn on the wit BBa J ntm Mnnd thn entire ilny. Piercing BBi A dart of Mirtnnm were Mint I nick nml BBi forth nt tlmifi, handicapping the BBi i progress of the hearing ntnt apparent- M 1 ly gaining little for cither side BBi if From the character of the proceed- B' ''If '"f the 'luentlon of cur shortage en- BBV . H tcrrd Into the merlin of the cane Bj jf equally iim much, If not more, than H" Cf .the littler of rated. t being cnmlldl) BBi, i ndmltted ly Hvteet thnt during n grcst BBY i tjH portion of the )cnr the matter of rate B i (H dl-crlmlntlon wan not n factor mm BBV i Mj pared with the lack or car In which BBY l to tilp the product of the mine of BBY I Carbon county, B, j I Complainant Tn Anion. H I The complainant In the milt urV B ' I Cnmeron Coal compuny. Independent BBY ' I Coat and t'oke conipuii). Hprlnit Can- BSV 'fll yon o I coiiiHiny mid the Htnndnrd il t'onl iHimpAiiy. with the leni-r mid . ill Itlo (lrande, Halt Uike Itolile. t'nloil BH ' a J rnclfle, OrcKon Hhort Line. Oreiton- BH,; 3 WAohlnRton Itnllronil mid NnvlKutlou BH i i It company, Hoiilherti Pacific mid Weit- BH J S vrn I'aclllc rallroadu hm ilefendiinlN. BBa B; V A. Hwcct. president of Standard BHm iR, foal company, flmt wltnetm for the BHx ill complnlnantK, tatcd Hint the milieu BBpl fit' of hln company at Hlmidnrdvlllii had HB Jff heen ilrveloped mid eqiilpped nt n rout BB1 mt of nhout ll.0flw.000. nnd had impniliy BVt 91 for prodticlnit four thioiwuid toim of BJ! ctial In nti clKlit-honr day. Ihirliw BJ1 ml 11 the Utah mine ulilppwl lieiuwn BJ ' Wm 1,000,000 nnd 1.600,000 toon of nml BB ' Si to polntn oiitldn Utah, from n total BB production of nhout 9.400,000 toon. If BBhUjB thn rnllrnndA could fuinlxh it xufll- BflSn dent ntimtHir of earn. If labor could BHmWI lie nhtalned nnd If reiiMinnldn rule BVtfal were offered by the rnllroadu the out BaKI W& '"' rnul '" Increaxed with tho pre. BB;' !) ent mine equipment to nhout ,tQ0.- BKJtH 000 ton a year. HLnjBj To 1 1 mo n y of Hnift. BBkVC Durlnit the uprliiK nnd nummer BBi(wit month, wild Hwoct. the opcrntloim of BS ;fSv tna Ulnh inlncH ura icreatly hnudltsip. Bf 12 ,,ri' '' ,nt differential rate of twinty Bf J' JH five renin In favor of the producem of BB ill! Wyoming, which hcIm pracllcally BHnrf'H nn rmnnr "" '"oh coot t" outnlde BBmIJ point, lli'cnunr of IhU report have BS 7 Jllil t'omn to him that In many portlonn of BJ i. U ldkho nnd Wyomlnic the people hove BJ JH n compelled to hum fence and BJ B1 outuultdliiK (' keep from mirfcrlnH BJ ,Wn from thn iiild. If thn differential Here BJ ; Bj removed the I'tah mine would make BBj BJ hey hlimvnui to Idaho. OrvKon, BBi BT WrtntilliKton nnd Montaiia durlnK the BBJi BJ dimmer month. The Utah operator BB' Bf enjoy nn llirough rain to Knium. Mix- BBJj iB emir I nnd Nfbranka Hdnt, hut If a BBL fl reajHtnahln rule to polnu In tliouc BBJ IH etaten were Krnntuil the lindnee of BBJI thn Utah mine would bo Rrcatly ex. Hi mm punned. BJi , fll Under croxx examination ho hnwvl BJi Bk If granted n rnto of M.3S to Han I'ran. BJ BJ clen, the conl operator of Utah could BJ BJ rrrmpete with Auntrnlln, Japan nnd BBV : H HrlllNh Columbia In upplylinr coal BBc jjn for the uteamxhlp trade, now recelv BBJ ft Inr their Hiippllea by water route. He BBi aL "oJJ that It wa tip to tho railroad BBn t Dt I , tn put nuch rate In effect that the BBj pBj ' real operator of Utah could meat the BBT m, ', rempetltlon of nil In ttomn place, BB II Tfoa In other und water rompctl- BB H Hon In other place. B Ml A 1 Hliortaxr of Car. BH M At the prrnent time, however, Hwect BB 9 utmltttd, thn difficulty U one purely BB B f a thortaRo of enr with which to BB IB traniport ronl out of thn Htata. He BB fjjl to admitted that while the bunlnem BK V If ef the Wyomlnic producer wo iitead. BK t P "y derreailnR, tho output of the Utah BB ipfl in Inert wn Inrreaxlnir, I In Mild, ulso, Bb' JtM tnat ,,1C btulneM done In California by Bfl) ifm Utah nperutor hn materially Inu Bfl Ul proved durliiR the pant mir or two. Bfl M 5 that the preM'nt dtmand from HBf 'mL California point I quite normal. Bl Hf Hlnce tho time tin flret caxo wa Bfl ft kroiiKht iiRalii.t thn railroad condl- Bl 'ill Men have chnnjrrd nnd It I probable Bfl H that thn relief now Indue kourIu may HJ 4l " auMpendcd for n time, or until the BJ Ul "f (he war, without appreciable BBj 'jj effect on the bulnu of tho oihta BBj Bl tern. At the wmn time, he wild, there BBg 9 i no riMiHon why Utah coal Nhotild be BJ C denied u murket In K'uimn. Miwourl BBj SI d Nebraska, beoaiuw or dlwrlmlna. BJ M l,sn ln rnl"- He Maid he would nut BJ cmplln HRdlniit the Colorado mine BJ ekjnyliiK I tah an a conipetlllve field. B Eft Hweet rrtlewed the lomlltlon which BJ n I exlMted In Clab. Idaho and Houth BJ i I wetern Montana last winter liecaute Bfl I f a nhnrtHRo of ioul. Till broiiRht BJ II cut a rather wircHto remark on the BB fll 1 "art of J. U. WIllouRhby, attorney for BB If tho Denver n.u Itlo Orand. nnd re BB jf I nhjlnir, Hweet ald B jjjjl itlo (irnnile Iri llbuiUNl. H, Snl "If you knew the tdtuallon as wo J 1KB 4, wllh all the ulckno and vuffer. !B Mb In because of a UorUK0 of fuel, you BB Bl wuld not make such unfeollnic rrr Bfl B :j-kf." BBt BJ dweet tUted that In hU opinion thn Denver nnd Itlo Ornndo had done little to relieve the ronl ltuntlon nnd thnt It I poorly equipped at Helper with HHltchlntc nnd yard farllltlen nnd had done little to Improve the method of getting long train over Hobller Hurnmlt. ComimrlnR ronl with oil na furl, he mid thnt even nt it low rout of 11.70 it bnrrel. laid down In Han Prnmlieo, the Utnh operator could compels If allowed a $4.40 rnte. At the present tlmn there Irt no competition which enn reduie the output of the Utah mine, although Utnh hn not yet dominated the cont market. If the twenty-five cent differential I re moved the conmimcr will get the hen, fit During the mimmer, or Morn ire month, the operator ntmorhed tho ehnrge rnrnlrhcM lllglity I'rr Cent, Hhowlng by J. Cnl Hiring, prenldcnt of the California 1'iul Denier' nKO elation, thnt the Utnh mine fnr'nMi 0 per cent of the cytnl ronmimcd In California, the eonl operator further etitblhed the fact that the mine of Utnh produce the roal, have n market for their product nnd, according to the contention or the complainant, lire entitled tn lower freight rate to meet thn competition of other cool producer. In the croM examination of V. A. Hwert it Wa brought nut thnt the cimt of mining coal In Utnh I KTcntcr than In Wtomlng becnuxe of the fnet that the teln are not n flat n lit W omlng mid timbering h necciwnry. The mine of I'lnb. It developed, lire generally better equipped. Hweel expreefed the opinion thnt the differential of twenty. five t cut a ton on 'nil conl shipped nut of Utah In favor of the mines of Womlng wa never eetabllnhed n it oorc of earn ing for the railroad, hut nn nn em bargo iignlnt tho Utah coal. ImpoKcd for the purpoae of building up tho Wyoming mine. Ileforo the Oregon Short Line wan nhorlied by the Union i'Acirlr, he mid, nil the mine id both Mate enjoyed equal rnte. Market Demand llrlitk, During thn pant year And n half, Kivert rnibl, the Utah operator found n npirkot for more, coal thun they could proiline. owing to restricted produstlon on nrcnunt of lark of trannpfrlatloii failllile. The differ, inlliil nt Ihl tlmo'diie not materially iiffccl the producer. Al th'e. mine time he maintained that It I nn In Jilntlie ttt the coniMimrr, which ha tn almorb It. He Mated that nt the pre, ent time the railroad are hauling oihiir eoiuiiiodlle, In many InMnnic over tiniunlnln rnnge. at n f night rate lew lliiin that t'lmrged nn conl from lh) Utah mine. Hwret ndmltted that from twenty flv ul to n dollar more wnH charg ed for I'lah eonl ho hi n Idaho, largely In tnune the Idaho ronumcr wn will Ing tn pay It, biit equally n mm It be caiiKe the Utah I'iifI compuny had eeliihllahed n lower price for eonl notd In Utah than for that wild In Idaho I'lnli Coal I'rcferrtil. W. U Clack, vice picMnent nnd gen eral maunegr of the Diamond Fuel comiHiny of l. AiircIcn, Cula , uh Mnnllated the teetiinony cnnccrnlnR the quantity conumed In Cnllfurnlt. It. W. Franklin, traffic manager of the Western WahlnRton Lumber n Hoilntlon, muled that Utnh ioal I twenlwflve cent hlRher In Wnnhlng. ton than Wyoming coal nnd that Utah iim I I Riven the preference. II. I'. I.cwl. general manager of the Htnndnrd Conl company, testified In the grade nnd equipment on tho Denver nnd Hht Ornnde between Halt jke City nnd Helper, und while nil milting that the nervlce hnd been nomewlmt Improved during thn past vHir or two, the Improved service hnd not ri"olled In any Improvement In the matter of coal transportation. )t wn brought nut In the I eel I mony of J. H. Hmlth, wile manager of Hprlug Canyon Coal company, that nhout five thoustind men arc employ ed In the coul mine of Utah, while, If proper transportation were furn ished, permitting the mine to be op erated ut capaclb. nt least 30 per cent morn men would be given em ploymcnt. Many Wltiic.M- Called. Other wllneiwe were O. N. Htrevcll, president of Independent Coal and Coke company, whit rxpresard if burnt Isfnillon with the management of the branch line of the Denver und lllo Ornnde; Willjunt Oorton, sale ninn agtr of the same company, who testi fied concerning the coal trade In Cal ifornia, and who mild that If the Utah ml nc had the same rate an the mine nt Kemmcrcr nnd Hock Hprlnir, Wyo , they would enjoy n broader market In Washington, Oregon, Idaho nnd California, nnd If given n rate of 14.40 to roast point tho Utah operator could competo with water hauled coat at roast point. II. W. I'rlckett, manager of the Traffic Hervlco llurcau of Utah, wa (Continued on page four,) ARE MH M Work On the I'ricv to .Myton Hlaliwiiy llctvntly InKVIcl. Hwretary of Htute Harden ltennlon, a memtier of the slate road cummin nlon, tleorgn A. Htorr. wnrden of the Utah penitentiary, nnd Ira II, llrnwn Ing, road engineer, visited the convlit camp nn the I'rlcn to Mvton roud last HAturdny, where seventy-ono convict and fourteen team tire nt this time employed on tho Nino Mile aeotlon of the highway. Most of the work I being concen trated on that section from tho oil Una Anderson ranch thin way ami Home good roault are being obtnlmd, iwy the gentlemen mentioned, who re. turned to tho Tavern Hotol at I'rlre during thn evening. Convict now employed will be kept there until cold weather drive thrm out. After thl. which will bo n month or pcihnpa longer, the men are to be be taken to sumo warmer climate un til spring, per hap tho Ht. Qeorgv arc tlon. When It cornea to rral near beer there la only one on tha market That' "Snappy." Handled ho1etalr Incullr by Price Commission company Advt CHURCH INVESTING IN THE LIBERTY BONDS TWO ltUNUIti:i AND riFTY THOt. HAND DOr.fiAIW IM.F.IK.FII. Tvvclvi TliniiHmiil IVrson Without lllsM'iilliig VoIcxj Consent to I'rolio. si tlon of l'nxldcnt Jo-cpli I. Smltli All the AtitliorltlcM Hnstalncil largcnt uf All Conference. Full twelve thousand high uplifted hands In tho grent tabernacle, nt Halt lnkc City taut Hunday afternoon si lently but Impressively expressed the decision of thn Church of Jesus Christ of l.ntlcrdny Halnt to purchase with part of tho tithing fund of the or gnnlatlon, through Trustru1n-Trust Joseph F. Hmlth, n quarter of n mil lion dollar' worth of liberty bond to aid tho government r tho United Htnte In prosecuting It part In the wnr In defense of constitutional fret dom In the world. Thl I th first time In the history of the church 'that the tithe fund hnve ever been diverted from their ordinary course of expenditure for purely ehurrh purpose, nation wn only taken after I'rlsrdlnt .Imllli hnd mid that It was, the duty. of the pcopln to sustain tho government lit the war. Tho motion to purchase the bond wa made by President Anthon II. Lund, first counselor tn President Hmlth, und was seconded by President Charlo W. Penrose, second counselor. When tho motion wn put by Presi dent Hmlth with tha request thnt ap proval bo denoted 1)V tho uplifted hand, twelve thousand hand Wft6 railed In tho nlr, A dissenting show ing wan' colled for, but uo hand wn raised. Urged tn liny llomN. At the morning ses jlon of the con ference Presiding 'tllshap Chnrle W. Sibley gnve effective promotion to the liberty bond campaign when he ald' "You, sister, take my ndvlre. Don't let your IiusIniiiiN mfpurnte themselve from their money for something they know nothing about If you hnve nny surplus iiioiuj and many of you will hnvo In these time of prosperity. buy n liberty lMlnd On that you can not lose. It Is good for nil llmo." Illshop Nlbley had hlmsoir previously sulwirlbed it hundred thousand dol lars. To n large degree It wn Patriotic Dn- thl closing period of the eight -eighth seml-nnniial conference of the churih. Two other Incident of IKttrlollc chnnictcr were noted nt thn morning session. Thn first wa when President Hmlth announced President llrlnham It. Uniterm n one of those who would hnvo charge of thn outdoor overflow meeting near thn bureau of Information building. Lieutenant Hubert, clothed In his khnkl uniform, nnme from hi seat on tho slnnd muong other member of thn first council of seventy nnd went nut to fill hi appointment. Thn other wn when President Itlrhnrd W. Young of Hnslgu stake, dressed In hi khaki uniform n colonel of the I'lah nrtll bry, pronoumed thn benediction. America, In the Wnr. I loth of these clrcutntnnctH served to remind thn vast audience of tho part the United Hl.ile I taking in thn wnr for the maintenance of principle of free government, which the mem to rs or the hiirch urn continuously taught to believe are of hoHVunly In spiiMtlon, und huIkmmiiu'IU comment hoard among altendanl ut the morn ing HeMlon Indicated that the patriotic example given them had curried home. Twentj thousand men, women and children. It I conservatively imtlm nleil, thronged Temple square Hunday morning and afternoon. Two over flow meeting were held nt each oc casion one In Assembly Hall and onn In the open nlr near the bureau of In formation building. In the big taber nacle eat and stood twclvo thousand person. In Assembly Hall were forty five hundred more and thirty-five hundred other stood In the open nlr nnd sang nnd listened to admonition from their lender. Thl elghty-elKhth conference of the church wn by far the largest ever hrtd In point of attendance. All of the nuthorltlft were sustained without n dissenting voice. The conference wn Hunday uflernoon adjourned until April next. STATU I'AIH HIIOWH'nilST PROFIT l'DU IiONd TI.M1. When the gate of the Utah stnta annual fair closed last Haturduy night official were very well pleased with the result of the exhibition. The gnte receipts showed thnt over two hundred thousand people had visited the ground during the week, with the result that the fair w,i n pa) Ing In (dilution for tho first time In several year. "We had one of thn largest iittend nncr at thn fair for a number of I ears," a)h W. H. Itomney. president, "and In overy way the fair wa n marked uccm." Itomney attributed thn succhim of the fair to the Inter estlng exhibit and the novel side nt tractions offered to thn public. Tne food conservation displays and demonstration. h added, brought Neons of people to the groundH day after day The right ort of a county agent I what hi title Implle the trusted ngnnt. friend und counselor of tha farmer with whom hn work. He 1 not nn outalder with quantities uf ad vice, but a sympathetic helper of his own people, learning by doing The housekeeper should bn cure that her family ha every day wimii food from each of the flvb groups, nam-ly, fata, sugar, cereal, fruits nnd vegetables, and meat, milk, -heese, erars or legume. Alluring Fashions I In Millinery $ J This is the millinery Btorc of better service anc WiSmy0&&7!'m better stocks. Every day brings its new style. y, vtK-IbB neVcr a"0W t,,C m0(,C pn83 US by or catcl- s nan y fjJISSW PnK- YoU win find herc n11 tne odd and picturesque A 4-3pr3!v " shapes for fall wear. X J?fifctar. 7. Our line of hnts is worthy ofyour cIobc inspection wM' iym II contnins " t,,c -nte8t whims from Fifth Avenue X ' ''f 5"'' nnd n in ncrfcct tn8le- j - I y If your last order failed to please, try us this timc v-n ?wa9 Vc c9Pcca,'y lelight in fitting discriminating cus- t l4l )' tomers. We stay on the job until you are sntUficd X a9 . f Royal Society Silk . OoGU- t and Embroidery Q Cotton SI.. TO 8S.00 1 I BESSIE KENNEDY, MILLINERY ! Main Stroct, Price, Utnh. V HARDWARE AND LUMBER What do you want? No mat ter, we hnvo It here. The qunll-, ty I high and thn price I low. 1. 1 Wccler lumber Co. COLLETT'S LUNCH ROOM One of tho ronlly flrst-clsss plure In Kartern Utnh to dlna Wa solicit tha trade of women and children, being especially fitted out for them. High-class food ut reasonable price. Prlci, Utah saiooi, cHii.iiii..v ahi: to oitnANir.i: koh m:i ciiosn The stain board of education hai decided that school children of the tate may be organlrxd for I ted Croiw work, nnd letter to thU effect are bring sent out to superintendent of tho varlou district. Thn artlou comes In compliance with n request from headquarter of the National Hud Crowi at Washington, I). C. The board ulso has decided that thn special committee on vocational edu cation, composed of I)r K. O. (lowAns, superintendent of public Instruction, Dr. J, A, Wldtsoe, president of thn University of Utah, und Dr. B. O, INttcmon, president of the Utah Agri cultural college, should bn empowered to name the statn director of voca tional education, it soon as the pre liminary negotiation now under wny with the federal government are com pletcd The natlonul government will aid thn Mtate In thl work by contributing fifteen thousand dollar or more a year niU'HAItlllSTK Alll: WAUNIH) to i:xTi:itMiNATi: tiii: hats 4 lints and mhe, whhh cause 'widespread dnningii during the summer, are even morn destrur tlvc during tho winter In or churds. 4- ThU warning, with tho ndvlre thnt ineanr of extermination should bo adopted, ha been ounded by the Utah Agrlcultur- al college's department of cnto mology. The rodenta are op lolly de. structlve during tha winter, It Is 4 pointed out, because, being rut off from other food, they make Inroads upon the bark of young fruit tret. I to DMNK "Tivoli White Ribbon" The Most Exquisite Hcverage. It is the Real Think' Minus the Kick. Brewed in the old fashioned way, and containing th snmo wholesome, nutritious Ingredients formerly em ployed in the Famous Tivoli Products. Thoroughly aged and fermented. Free from the Gassy Bilious Effects usunlly found present in the unfermented bevernges. . O H. Wilson Selling Co,, Ed Sheya, Local Agents, Brewed By Tivoll-Unlon Co., Denver, Colo. REMINDERS If you arc desirous of buying or scllhiK any kind oPreal estate, we wish to offer you Just a few reminders. First, wo make n specialty of real estate, hence Vye can give you good attention In your wnnta. Second, we have exceptional faculties for Intcresti" prospective customers. We get their attention where you. probably would fail. Third, handling property of every description, ne are constantly in touch with buyers and sellers of all kinds of property. See us nnd ascertain if wo haven't a cuptomer for the very piece of property you want to sell or that In j' what you want to buy. LEE-NELMS CO., foil Booms 1 and 2, Silvagnl Building, Price, Utah Fire Insurance, Abstracts, Bonds, Workmen's Coinpen tion, Automobile Policies, Notary Work, Conveyancing; A. KOPF'S STUDIO All Work Guaranteed and Price Reasonable. PHOTOGRAPH WORK OF ALL KINDS. p Stalfa Over Commercial Bank. Fhon 17. ..Prl k'