Newspaper Page Text
H J PAGE EIGHT THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY OCTOlJEU llM H i POMTICALTiY, lint'UIlMCAX B 1 H i t Issuctl I'Tery t'rhlny lly Run I'uhllshlng Co. (Inc). H ) It. V. Crockett, Mnnnffrr. ' Subscription, $1.90 llio Year. Office Telephone, fo. 0 H '( ' llntltlcticr, Nun. 1.13512 nml 1.1.1)1.1. H j Al)Vi:ilTIHlNO HA1US. H , Display, One Dollar per Inch per Month; Hingis lisuo, H Jf f 40o per Inch; l'ull Position Top or Column, Next Heading ', Matter, 2E I'er Cent Atldltlonnl. H Two Thousand Inches, to Ho t'coil In Ono Tear, 12Ho m ' per Inch, H Fifteen Hundred Inched, to He Used In One Tear, ISc EY i it Per Inch. fl 1 One Thoumnd Inches, to Ha Heed In One Year, 20c m i per Inch, H 1 ' Headers nml Iegal Notices, I Or per Line Klrat In B f iertlnn: e per t.lno Kaeh Huhtcnuent Issue. Count no von B , norUs to tho line. H, ) . Obituaries, Card of Thanks, ItesoluUons, Htc, nt B Half Ixval Heading Notice I tales. Count icvcn wordi to H I ' the tine. B 1 J Atllcts. l-or Hair, I 'or Hent. t.ot, I'ound, Ktc, Ono sMj 1 tt Cent per Word Kaon Issue. No Charge. Accounts. Count BSj I i seven word to tho line. I AddrrM All Communications to HUN PUMMfllllXO H f CO., 1'IIICH. UTAH. mfl J, ju.m i -- H 1 i I WENT MOURNING WITHOUT THE I SUN; I STOOD UP AND CRIED IN THE A CONGREGATION. JOH, .10.28. i i ! H f PURE WATER IS ALWAYS CHEAPER THAN ;i ARE FUNERALS. ' ; k H I "What nbout your water?" This is ono of the H I flrrit questions asked about by prospective rcsi- B ' I dents, writes Frank W. McClerc of the Utah Pub H 1 He Health nssoclntion, who suggest that man H m can live without luxuries. He can exist for weeks Mlll without food, but lie perishes miserably in a H' M few hours without water. Water is necessary H 11 for nil animal and vegetable life. It converts the B 'M desert into a Knrdcn and Its lack turns tho gar- H I m den into a desert again. Hut impure water may H 1 (M be almost as bud as none at all. It is well known Kt 'H that impure water is responsible for much sick H' ncss. Many great epidemics of typhoid, cholera HVU and dysentery have been traced to an Infected H'l wulcr supply. Tho installation of proper water H H systems has rcsultetl in a very great decrease in H' n( the amount of sickness and death in every case. Hi; Jj Water in its natural state contntns much for- HB Jjl eign matter. Most of this is harmless, It Is !;lfl . only when contaminated by the offscouring of II humnn beings that it becomes of great danger. Sj In 188S at Plymouth; Pa., ten hundred and four I cases of typhoid were traced to one person. This H 'm man spent thu Christmas holidays in I'hllndel- Hj m phla. Returning home he went to bed with ty- HHJ B phold. His excreta, instead of being disinfected HBJ W and buried, was thrown on the bank of the HB H stream which supplied the town reservoir. There Bi VI it remained frozen until a March thaw, when it BB1II was washed Into the stream. Threu weeks later typhoid appeared in the town and about one of BflJIBj every five inhabitants became sick and one hun- BMul dred and fourteen' died. BBHjBj It should not bo forgotten that the absence of BBVjB typhoid in n community docs not prove that the BBBBj water is pure and safe Many other disorders BBS of the digestive system and tho intestines are BBIkB caused by impure water. And the continual use BBffiflj of unwholesome water may so weaken the sys BBgCfl tern and lessen its ixnvers of resistenco that it BB!B v falls ready nrey to tlie attacks of pneumonia and Bfljll other maladies. Most infants' deaths are duo to BBSfl intestinal disorders and can usually bo traced to BK IMk ' impure water or milk. Wherever good wnter has BKajlS been substituted for bad there has been a great BBWI decrease in infantile mortality. Btw Safe water is usually merely a question of u BKuHj little 'expense ami vigilance. No community and BBWB no individual can afford to neglect the water BBS supply. Pure water is cheaper than funerals, B B Farmers of the Northwestern States tindoubt- BSI Bj edly prefer a price of three dollars for wheat in BBs B . ,. stead of $2.20 as fixed by the government. Yet BBJ Bl lho government's price is in the nature of a guar BBVBJj nntee It is a price they are sure to obtain even BBBlyl should the war suddenly stop. Though wheat BBlSJj raisers are being prevented from garnering as BKyBJ! much as the traffic will bear, there are other BfljnBE compensating advantages. In a time such as BBjiBn the present ovcrylody cannot be satisfied. As BBfflff patriotic citizens, we must abide by the decisions BBmQW made at Washington. PROTECT THE DEER AND INCREASE THE MEAT SUPPLY OF UTAH. While fifteen states, including Utah, will have no big game hunting this year because deer have been exterminated or because the stock has been so reduced thnt the season is closed, there arc thirty-three other states, according to the United States department of agriculture, which will have an open Beason for deer hunting. This sea son ranges from four dnys in New Jersey and six days in Massachusetts and Vermont to two months or more in some of the Southern States. These seasons opened in August in Oregon and in most parts of California; in September in the rest of California and Idaho, South Carolina and Virginia; in October in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Georgia, Montann, Wyoming, Wash ington, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico; in November in Michignn, Minnesota, Wisconsin and several of the Southern States, and In De cember In Pennsylvania. There is no open sea son on deer in Utah this year.In about one-third of the states the law allows the hunter one deer a year and in most others two. The department of agriculture urges all per sons to co-operate to secure the best possible pro tection of deer so as to get the mnxlmum amount of venison ns a source of meat. It is estimated that about eighty thousand deer are killed legnlly In the United States each year. These produce nearly ten million pounds of venison. The bio logical survey of the department says that this number of deer can be very largely increased, since only two or three states produce more than ten thousand deer a year and many less than one thousand. When eleven hundred deer are ob tained in a state as densely populated as Massa chusetts, it should not be difficult, says the de partment, to increase the total in the other states by at least 25 per cent. Every pound of venison brought in should be made to save a pound of beef, mutton or pork raised on rnnch or farm. The co-operation of game commissioners, con servation associations and other organizations is requested by the department as an aid in secur ing accurate reports of the number of deer killed in each state this year. Such reports should prove of value for comparison with the returns from other years and may tell whether the num ber of deer nnnunlly taken in any state may be increased without impairing the breeding stock. "As a result of a suggestion from the Ameri can consulate in La Gunyra" so runs an official statement tho farmers ot' Venezuela have be gun to ship corn to the New York market, eighty tons hnving constituted the first cargo sent. The duties of an American consul have not hitherto been thought to comprise activity in procuring goods to be sent to American markets to com pete with the home product, no mutter how high tho prices may be which are prevailing in the United States and which arc said to have af forded the basis for the amiable suggestion of Consul Brett to our Venezuelan competitors. There is another phase to this situation which is also worth considering. The eighty tons of Venezuelan corn which are coming to New York, and all the other tons which mny follow them, will be admitted through our custom houses free of duty, because the Underwood democratic tar iff law struck out the fifteen cents a bushel duty which the Payne republican tariff provided as a protection to American farmers. -So that we find American consuls aiding foreign pro ducers to get into the American market, where the bars already had been let down by a demo cratic congress. Price men and women have In the past gen erally managed to make their own selections for city officers when the time came by convention, caucus or otherwise, without insistence, assist ance or suggestions from comparatively new comers to the community. Several good men are nt this time being mentioned for mayor, the city council and other places to be filled on the Uth of November, next, and The Sun has no doubt such will be chosen when the time comes. In the meantime it might not be a bad idea to keep an eye on several fellows who are discussing this and that one in the hope they may after election get their mitts into tho treasury through mer chandising or otherwise. The Sun knows this to be the goal of at least one local politician ever since he landed in this man's town. It I TO THE FARMERS OF UTAH B YOITH I'AUT IN Till: HKCONI) I.IIIKItTY I.DAN. Th.. r.irmrrx BmcI B "' A"1,-r,c,k ur" "UPl'lilliir the uorld ulth mill the fulinilH uf BH Hi i l,lul "r" ,l"l,"' ""'" r"H xhitrv. Without thla rnml. iiihw In hr uul BM W would he Impoaxllde The iwirlullttii of Hit- twrWu you r m Bff' nl ' renderhiK t'limmt he iertlimtwl hut HmdI iiIoiik will mil win Die BB Bl Mur' "r KOVKrinneiit miut ! provided with money. uKl. nrmlM BH nSl ' mu, '' ,l""'t'11 ","1 Mrmed mid Hipplled ulth the tmd or vr. nrnl H, F trtiuxporti'd to the other Mdi ot the Mnrld. II You Musi Help Financially, Too BB U In u wrld mude free h the hlood the miffwrliiK the twit of mil- Ml ltii upon million of hu Mlow men. mi Atmrh-iin, und uirl- mi BB 3ll l.'luhn. will feel that he him ihnie hU dnt unlit he Iimh DONII Al.l, BB f THAT UK CAN, To the mil ixtir0 uf uur ahlUty YOU mul iiirry ) RM on YOIMI nhoulderii niiih r the Imrdeii of lhl wur for j MJ liununlty. BS IB In muhluir oiir MiluKrlptlou to tin Mumid l.lhert I.IMII. think or tin BS M I,lal' Im" "'"' Hr "'fl'llnK' 1,",r lln, U heed he. Unit elNllhuitliiii BS fl ml" '"" '"rl"h- Amonit I hi.' ioh nr jmr ovwi whin hihI jour SB ?v nelKhhor' hoiui. Itemamher tlmt h wre not only rivhtlnK tor liumiui BS V Ity o nre rik'htliib' fur the twM or our mhh home, for the wifely SB r "f Ulir WV(H ",l(1 ihlldrvii. Our nniili. ore fluhllni: In Iiiiiim mi Hint . ll "III not Ik niHifMii) fill- them to ritcht hi AliierK-u. BB 1' ' wltn t,,w" thoimhtx In mind, make our MUbMtlpthin. Miiko It to In BB H ulude mone ou NKKI. Muke It to Include money ou CANNOT BB U I'OSHIIII.V (IKTAI.ONI1 WITHOUT. Ami the fwllHif that III xprln IT up I" yuur himrt will he atrl(.lliii ml mure. It ulll ho .ur Mrl U In tho u n I ve nml wiririie Thnt the Horld limy he made wife for V ilemouruoy." BB H DON'T WAIT, do to mr Unk NOW hiuI bu the hiiiI that will BB Ifi e,Kl Y0U" DOI.KAltB oer thtre to Klve a I'Allt CIIANOK to the - W , io)M who n r i of ferine their liven for the world' ItUrt). v Liberty Loan Committee of Utah BB M A " Thin Hpuce '.nitrtted und Tuld Tor lly BSB llrnukM ruriuturo I'o Trite. I'tah BBbI iiiEASING STARTED INTHE COAL jmm (I'ontlmiril from ihiko one ) Standard. He de. lurid that the pur Pom or the Deliver und I tin Oruiidit In f.illintr to fnrnlxh Intirihitnui (urn to the iiimiitiiluuut iwhiI I'oinpunleM im to rentrlit the tradi or the t'tnh mlni'H to the elate or I'tah iin muih iih poHKlhlo. II wit nhouii that ilurliik' IV1S the Ktiimlurd mlneM nhlpped UN.OOO tonN. 181C, SS0.O0U toiiH. ii ml 1917, ImludlllK Hnplemher. JOS. ono .toiiit, tho hulk or the toal lieiiiK Nhlp Iped to Utah pnlntx. 1 IteicardliiK eiirn fiirnlhrd by the Southern Taelfle. U-iIh wild he he. Ileveil the Wyoming nhlpperN reeelved In exeeM or their proportion or cum. He wild he did not know whether or not there vvim un dlmrlmliutloii iih far un the deniaudh or the fnur cum lilulmiiiU In the preMnt ml Ion urn eoeerned. II.MI.KOAIl PAHIM ItAlhlMI. '('lull rnllroad tleket uicuuu all ut teiillon to the fait tlmt the rieetit revenue hill pitted hy oinureB plnreH un 1 per eeut tax on mllroad tlrketv. und a 10 per tent tux on Pullman cur tlekelN nffwtlve Novemher ll, next So nfter that date u round trip tltket liotweeu Utah nml C'hlciiKo will it 10 H nun e Hum It linen now. and vlKhty-rive rent "111 he ndded to the Tiillinmi faro fur one way. Coal wait ilUcovernl ho elono to u VlrRlulan'H rovldene that u mine vvun opened nml the fuel U carried on iv niiiiiII rullroud In the heutet In his cellar. New fur loutx are nil her dose fit tint; ut the wulst. P mm AND GOAL OPERATORS HAVE. AGREED (Continued from pnno fix.) ed nn Imrennc ot rmir teliln n Ion All pnheck will herertfter te rnnh ed nl the enmp nn n result or the iiKreement reeehed. Cripple Creek, Colo., iiiinitimerx m $8 It tor iim I. K Hrtiitwhl. Sr.. wi down fmni ItlHck Hawk Wcdnedu. The mln there nnd at Mohrlntid nml Hlnwiithn had imi rr workid two dny thin week and had nr In kIrIiI for the third da) When working- the Hhtwathn nnd lllark Hawk output lx eloe to three thoumnd loin dally. A II. Apperron, vlev president nnd Reneral mannKer or the.t'nlled State I "uc I tompnii). Ih I nick In Halt I .tike City from trip to the eiwut for hit health, which hi mid to he much bel ter than when he left here n few weikn nit" In comiMiiy with ht phyel elan. Or Warren lleujiiinhi. for t reid For the death of her hUf!nm!, I'. K. Wyett, Mrs. .MnrKaret Wyett wan awarded n verified verdict of fnrly flvt hundred ibillnrn hy n jury In the court or JtldKc (I. I" (loud win nt Halt take City lart Tuesday from the Uni ted tflnte 1'iiel eointmn). Wyett wait nn employe or the fompati) and wax killed In an nrddent latt March. Conl mined In Colorado tills yiiir will prohnlil) rearh nn nKKreRate far In extent of any tonnaite thnt has ever been retorded before. llarrlliK labor trouhlen nnd other untoward event, It I estimated tlmt the 1917 produc tion of the mines will reach nearly H, 000,000 tons. The output or the mine nl red dy thla year Is approach Iiik 7.2S0.000 tons. Details conrernhiK the coal Itim. Hon In Utah were last U'etlntsdny sent to Dr. II. A. (Inrrield, uullonal fuel ndmlnlstrator, In n leleKram formil lated h) the state public utilities com mission and slKneil hy V. V. Arm strong. Utah' fuel uilmliilstrntor. Huk Kestlons are imidn that Union Pacific Westboiiud euiit tars he diverted to the Denver und Itlo Ornudc for coal transportation, and that the latter rallwn) so nrriuiKc Its thronnh frclRht trutlli ns to iicetimniodiite ctml ship-ments. UTAH HAIIAVAVS 1HHMINAUS Aitoi-r coMPi.iriHO at phovo PltOVO. Oil. 9. Utah railway U now worklnif two hundred men In the southeastern purl or I'rovo, Tli.- ciuii punv expetts to have the rullnmil nrds and terminals finplt ltd 1 No vemher. Tho work has been going on nil summer, and two coaling trestles, n water tank, p ninety-root turntable, roundhouse, mnohlne shops, oil stor age tanks and other rnllroad equip ment are being erected Just ns rapidly as possible. During the ihvsI rew weeks more than fifty thousand ynrds of dirt have been moved and 160.000 cars or gravel ballast have been put Into the sec tions where the buildings nml l.rnnch tracks will be built. The concrete work Is being rushed to completion and the concrete beams nnd pillars are being rapidly put Into plnce The foundations, cleaning pits ami work of that vUsa are finished, and the crane was set today for erecting the roundhouse beams. The building prtilwbly will I completed In two weeks. .Mole than eeen miles of tratkagi for switching purposes haw nlready been laid and more will he put down before the eomaii starts shipping ctml from the Carbon county mines COAI. PltODUCTlOX IIHKAKM ai.i. itmmn.s iicitirrorom: WAHHINOTON. D C. Ott 10. Coal production In the United Htntes this yeaj extceds that of n year ngo 10 per lent, the fuel administration announced today. The prospctls or n coal shortage this year," savs Dr. lurry A. (Jurflchl, "will depend upon whether the Amerlcnii demands have increased by more than 10 per tent. H Industries developed from war and other causes have grown beyond point, then we must go short. We have no figures at hand to tell ivluit the development has been." Asking I "or IncrriiM. CIIKYKNNi:. Wyo.. Oct. 10. Kor mnl demand for nn Increase In vvnges of 31 per tnt was handed opera tors In the Wyoming conl district by representative, or the United Mine Workers employed On re today The, demand followed u length) cotiferente or union leaders. About four Hums- ' nnd men are affected. The opt rutnrs submitted thu de mand hy telegraph to Dr. II. A. Oar- ' field, roal administrator, declaring. In ' their message that If such nn ndvanc- ' Is made coal prlotti must be ndvanied ' to the public. Pending reply from Dr (larfleld. mi ' action was taken. Uu-tcrn I'aiiilut IVuml. WAHHINOTON, I. C. Oct. 10. A general conference of the country's , coal operators ut Pittsburg, Pn (V. , tuber :3d. whs culled tonight by J. D , A. Morrow. Mtretnn or the Nntlonnl , Coal association, for the purpose. It , was niinouneed, of helping the fu-l , ndmlnUlrutlon avert n inal famine. If the water ordinarily used In looking cereals is ruplnrcil with skim milk the cooked food will tonliiln about four times ns much protein, it valuable IhuI) building material, nnd will be just us good n food In other res pel ts. THE SUN TO BEl 12.01 THE lfl B lleglnnlng iB iioxt. the Mibsf rlptiun ( Tl 9 will he ndvnnced In tr r. sB .$1.50 to 2 00 U,, , . months one dollar , " it. SI months fifty cenUi t.', ,. for the advntice N n B one. Huih a newsj.T . , B Hun Is tiintuit I , ' '. present costs or WW i 1 $1.60 and Its i.wn,r, . even. Again, Thr H u t , ' best newspaper In Ih rr,. nnd Is worth evir i f ,', $2.00 nsked ror It Paper upon wln.h ', K printed dan iidvancid , ,' rew months rrom $1 r i tlretl pounds to $7 On i r r it pounds, wholesale nr l ij time U rwiches.the pu . r n less than $R.OO pi r hi ,' (J ot)pe metal hits gi M , j,0 ., cent, t)pe has iidvuu (,3 . cent, and Ink nml otlur i t,.(1 going Into the making f paper 100 per ttnt I r lhl else, hit lulling labor k:i more Until Jnnuar)' I 191s -n ers to Tim Hun may r .,-. n,f subscription nt the c I rati ( $1.80 the year - p.i) ,' ., tl In advance nnd tlnv m .d- ii (1 vii n to, as many u ,r m the wish, but they must tl.) it tafo, Jaminr) I. 19l at ,' r th-, date all suhscrlptl m $;.00 the year Our mlvcrtlslng, i hi Ifcii nilvniicetl sonit I m j ,n fair to expect the ad. tticr t 4 benr the whole burden i j virr going to ask our sol r.ra i stand Imrl of the hurt a in it f or production h) raising ..r ul. scrlptlon rates to $2 00 ir :et f Most nil the dallies r.i r I thtl prlcts iihoul it )iar ag- t :t th. f wreektsrs have left Hit ir a it dollar ami n hair when th' f blank paper co-Is nt re than thai now. Onl) a few )cnrs an It t ,l f three bushels of win at t , Af fur f n year's stlbstrlitlon ti The Nun while now one Inishsl i. Ill pa) f ror n JiMir ut the Intrui nl ralr The ndviime Is b-ss than a Tnt a f week und we ure sure ttrrj f fair minded person v.i'l ailmli f that that Isn't iiiitragi mn f slderlng the prices prt v.uling en f till commodities tin i d.i s Caps nnd masks mude t. u' 1di through whli h hot or cobl wntrr In clrcul.itcd ror use ut s rgl l tD presses Imve btn-n IllVelltt 1 III 1 i CLOSING OUT SALE: I From the 12th to the 21st of This Month : V Y We will conduct a bOnnflcle sale un all our tock of JEWELRY. WATCHES X SS, 'SYS0' T0IIET ARTICLES HAND PAInI: X r?nSrcNi,.S,.LV? WE' 0PT,CAL 0DS AND CHRISTMAS NOV- t y LLIIhb. Most of tho latter we contracted for in the snriiiK nt tho low 4 Y Prices, and on our wlillu ivory, specially, we can Have you at least CO per Y cent on the prices that will prevail everywhere duriiiK the holidays this year. ' X .wintr rl(! the c,n,f l "i01"0 l8 " Krcnt "cnrelly of wntchmnkcra all over the J j country. They are Kettinij more as waKes than they could make in Fmnll i X Sv'irSptt n,,,SSRFJHAN LIKELY' TIIERE WILL NO BB $ X ' irJ,ENLLEl Y your ChrlHtmna buying NOW when you can Ket the troods at prices in many 4 Y instances below cost. 11 S ,e m0rf hCnK ,n n P?,,ltj0,! t0 quIt bnoa we will have to satisfy our jj i Snt t m WUnt f m1.0"1 $1.000'00' ln viuw of thla condition, wo J will have to sacrifice many thlnirn, nil of which will be to your advantage. J ! ONLY TEN DAYS OF THE SALE I ? " I X to thrformelsS3 ft W b"01 Wmt to t,,ke ft Mn wIth U8 longing f Y carried onl those lines generally known as STANDARD nnd on these X (iT?he;rhteJ0,:t,Cr8Ul, "" my '"" ortor ? tadlvwSl to $M p.Cm. U '" "P t0 y6U' t0 l0 the rostl 0',e,, tMy froni 9:00 m' ! EUTTjEWELRfcil ! PRICE, UTAH