Newspaper Page Text
H '' H fl H rP 1917B Hi ii. " : j I riffcjARY I. I9J8. THE EBr-'r ,-5fc,S- BEST OF WORK AND fl t SUNJ2.00 T IKSS', PROJVIPTLY , IssnffiS L JOLkSS3S! Till ITl sJSJffssu-ss I H T i !m-t nv . rr i 7 JjTnSjYJkD JIL IIL il - pamphlet, brief nnd commercial M ,t subscriber ma- pny m far In f " "S T Viy C ' W Y V printing Prompt service nnd price ,,, however, nt the ralo or II. 60 I'OIiITICAIiIiY It K P V It I, I p A X In keeping with good work Not how H Er '""' At present coata auch v cheap, but how Rood Have Tho Sun l'MW" the SwiS."" IntcrcdnaSecondtinn ,. lm, ftt lh. VogMtlct . ,.rkc .,,, .... h Ar f Mwrc 3, lm bm .Mlgu - .lex, JohIU. MM WUton near who,. V0LUME 3. NUMDEB 22 EVERY FRIDAY,, " " OCIOBBR 26. 1917 XZ Z&uT& M """ I OF COURT ON fflFORMATIUNS J FAULTY 'I uBr m: citntiXAJ. cahi: roit 'XU tiii I'ltiwi'vr ti:iim. trl fl i)SL;tihi anil Deprlve-il nt l.lhcrt) 1 "flrth the Odium TI111I Ix Atlnilictl E. Salle Uniting Tor Proml-eil l!vl- rBmrlliiit Is Never Proeluceil I'rl- ' H,, dhrn Over lit Xuliinilliitlnn. tiuflifi Friday In tllntrli t ftitiri wu tH.i nrr entirely to nnturnlltnllnn IrdiH When thcseOind been disposed jltBJji' (borne Cnrlstensen then ml tlh-l t I""1 Momlny afternoon, aiXwir nml T M. Alder, rrpurtrr. .jfHiJInK Hunilny nt their lionirM nt KoH llcasint nml Mnntl, rcspectlvi'1). 'lrKT returned Momlny nftcrnoon nml jrdiy the trlmlnnl calendar n -K-vl In on unil nil hut one ense ells U'i ft Till I tho statu of Utah . Bfiim Jniifln, charged with grand if B'or In tho alleged tttvt of sixteen 1 H of sheep from the range. The KssUlnlng vvltncrac nrc Not and H-tft Auhcrt, two locnl f lockmiiHtcr. HjU the only Jury criminal enso fur J StOrm It aa Impaneled Tuesday 3 Hi I madi up of Samuel Dugmnrc, K4 Young, Almn Hardee, William ' Bvr. J II. Uavl. W, II llnlicock, Brt rineddon nml J. It. Aer. The M Mill not lie concluded until late itfurnoon or ccnlnir. BlUlcin peroti woru ndmltted to stnihlp. They ro CannkU Ulan- B.-iVlx, Annllilu Iaolate, Out Mum- Hiklt mid Joeph Kdwnrd Holme of Hgjnl(le, IMmund O cor go Iaefa, Hre Xloynler. Joneph Onlllard, lion- B Monlcr nnd I'eter Plcclonl of Bkr Krnert Herman Olien, Qeorie M Aldcreon Mlddleton nnd John Har of Winter Quarter. John Jone 9Hciitle Gate, Ocor.o OcorKela of Suk llnuk, nnd Donald Mclver of VBlx-r !flhllo them uero eernl nice on ,! trial cnlendar for the term, four re ummarll llmuliuud by the rt n nciount of tho lack of ctl Uvr or ilefettUe proitedlnK In n nk'te iniirt. It Mould nppeur that n at alnK of time nnd expemo to Uxpn9r of tho county nnd tnte 11 he hint lr Krenter euro una ex- Wd In commlttlmf mimcrou cnne the dlmrlct court, to nay nothlmt or JIImk men In the lounty Jail mid -'(crime them to the odium of lin- -nunmenl without evident o to war- t the action. It muni nlu he ttii- 4Utlntr I" n pronccutnr like Dlntrlrt wrnry ratteriuin to have to dUinliw h iawM after truvellnif u icreul dU Mr to Price, on uch errnmU only In 4 Hint he I up Mgalnxt It, o Van' Acnlul lllm. I I Cody, (hunted with tho teal l of whUky from a hoxcnr ut Hen tt en thn I'tuh rullHuy, wna dl-Urict-il from viutody on molluu of trlcl Attorney Knox 1'attcri.oii J) I1111I len In Jail uliire tho ulliKvd rtmr It nlMi haa heen xtnted that W Information upon which ho wo IJTriu-d nnd hold wrt-n faulty. Wit (am who wuro to hau heen hern re 1 it produud hy tho r.illroud do tln who hud promUcd (Ufflcluut tlden e, n It were, to Mend Cody over k n id A The Hun itated ut the a tho mu n'11 nnit verj few he trd him inilltf. In the i am of William Sacy, 'brvid with uimaiilt with Intent to 'mmlt rolihery, It wan ordered that ' action he vtrlcken from (ho culen-'-" HoHavvr,. Bwuaey I not pursed "vm the charite niculniit him. lie I 1I1I to ho aumouhure In Idaho, and If U rnnaln nutalde tho atuto will con Uue to enjoy hi freedom. If ho 'tauM return ho may he urrmted, 'oih nonnaccl, who wa charged ith rolatlnit an officer, waa froed of ' cli 1 mo no far a tho district court con crned. Tho cuo wna ordered J to the Juatlco lourt of W, J. "nigh i at Hunnjutde, whvro It or ntu lluik lo llio JiiHtlce. Iiuumi of u faulty Information A. 'H'Klnle), Biillty of voverul hur.lar- hrrealiout, Kie buck to u Jim- urt ut I'rlce, wliero ho will "! to petit larceny for enterliiK "fil olnrv He waa churKod with and und Uer to tho dlatrlit court for "ilarj In tho ocoml deirrec. DurliiK ' time a a truet of Hherlff t'olllntj rn, MiMnley mado and flltod n key 4 the olltldo door of tho Jail. Ho r haw to uuiwcr for thl later on 'Iflcer would ho lad to uet rid "Im in 301110 manner. All nf tho wltncaaca In tho luxe be f out of the atato nnd there belnu uie thunco of convlttlon undei nil ''MlrtutniitiiiHiH. tex iiamlirlck wut ' In hulnjf u churK" of highway 'r, agaln-t him dlamlaacd. He la j'citil to havo held up tho ociupanta n automobllo about a ear ago "J" iu or Mohrland for tho pvrpoo roliinry Poka Holaa, with 11 thargo of at "rnpt d rape agulnat him. w dl "rgi d bocauie of another faulty JjmWalnt ltor ho plead guilty In ' Justice's court where tho caae or in4ted to an ludocout oaaault and r.ncd fft dollura. "1 thu litigation oer at 8unn)ldo HE KNOWS IT NOW THIRTY MEN IN THE FOURTH QUOTA SOON TO BE AT GAMP LEWIS, WASH. Word cornea to tho Carbon county exnmlnlnir hoard thl (Prlda)) morn ing that tho dUtrlct board had Jut eximpted twcnt-lx who have pre vlomly gone with the other (itiota. Heventeen of thru? urn from Carbon, three from Kmery nnd lx from Du cheane. Thl menu c intern will In taken from tho "roaerve Hal" In Car bon lounty. Carbon county'a fourth contingent of thill) men for tho war nunlnat Her man)' will leave I'rlto tomorrow' (8at urda) ) unil on Knturday morning, November 3d, for training Minuter at Camp l-oulu, Wuh. The three who depart tomorrow urn colored men, Jo avphu Miller of Helper, nnd Itupert H. Htroiig nml Dave (Iregory, both from Cumuron, The) will ho Joined ut Ogduu by fifteen other nrgroe from over tho livte, muklng eighteen In ull drufled. On Krldny next the twent)-evvu remaining wilt bu Joined nt I'rlcn b) thic going In tho fnnrth quotu from Kmery, Ulnlah nnd l)u chevne emintlcx, It muy bo that be tween now nnd the time fur their de parture un additional number will bo called from tho llt In rvxervn to make good for thncn who will bo cent buck from American Uike. In the mean time, hecuuxe of ph)ltnl ilefeil. t'oiiut)' I'llll )iioln, Thl lat thirty men glvi Carbon county It full iUotn of n hundred unil nlncty-ftlx. On the "tvultlng Hat" there urn thlrt)-nluo that are uihjeit to cnll n Ihoae whn urn turned down return from the training camp. How ever, 11 number of thine In tho moan time huvn volunteered with the par mlwlou of tlM local hoard nnd tho ad jutant gemml of lilo mat. Hherlff between A. I). Van Wuggnner and I'eter C, Jonea na to tho ownervhlp of 11 quantity of hay and potatoea ralaed on ground for which tho former ha 11 deed from the atate, nnd which I rlalmod by Oeorgo C, Whllmore, tho rnurt denied tho motion of Jonea' at torney to vacate a restraining order laauoil luat week ngalnat Jonea, June planted the ground to crop ami ha a leaae from Whltmoro. Turner hear ing I et for November 7th with ex Attorney Ucucral Harm appearing for June. In tho meantlmo Van Wag goner will probably go uheud and market tho product of the eighty acre of land that aro estimated to be worth around aeven thousand dollar flvn thounund biithala of potutoea nnd u hundred and noventy-flve ton of ha). Thl being Liberty !oun Week, and Wednesday having been proclaimed 11 holiday b) rreildent Wilson and Oov Hlmnirilumbergor, couit wu adjourn ed during tho uftorunon. UINTAH I'IliaT HItlflllTLY iiamaokii nv im:ci:xt i'ihi: I'ltOVO, Oct. 20. A. W Jensen, supervisor of the Uintah forest, re turned )eterduy from Spanish Pork Can) nn, where ho haa boon In charge of some men putting out a fire on the forest reserve, Tho flro waa on the north aide of the tan) on above tho diversion dam of the Btrawborry project and burned over an nreu of about tight hundred urn. Oul) a amall patch of timber wan burned. The remainder of the area waa cov ered with, brush and grass and there thu flro did no damage. Otorge Colllnghnm tell The Hun that thorn are practlcnlly n thousand more men drawn In the county, nnd Hint order nro cxpcctid nny day for the locnl bonrd to go ahead with those examination. I'rlce Joseph Mornn, Jean Aublu, Jean Onbrlel Alllg, Jenn Cuburn, Htan ley A. Ilntllngcr, John Alragurrre, Hey in our Virgil Prow and Jnslf Hal avcrnkl. Krlc Ituenoln, flcofleld; Jim Hlsourns, Augtlstln Aqullar, Jnme Vutetnkla nnd Paul Mnnda. Hunny side. Haloid Wardell Duvnll, Jame (lnlanl. Athauaslouj P. Avvglko. II. P. Illne unil (Hen Ilalllnger, Helper, John Isaac Kvan, John Kdward lied doc and John Hajovlr, Wlntor Quar ter. Hum Cnntonl and Henry Kind, Castle (Into, Oeorgo Thoma Wilson, Harper, Oeorgo Clinrli Huilth, Ken llworth, Domlnlck Heaver, Htaudanl vllle, John Modac, IIhIiik. "Tho Wnllliig IJst." Prlie Joseph II !.nvlgnt, Duln C Walker, llertrnud lrlge)cn, Mnurlrt Blmmons, Kruln Hoy Wnrd and Ia-oii-nrd Diivls: IMtvard C Hlopnuske), Ar chibald William (lordon, Oeorge Ver non Cleiiifiiion, William II. Murtih), John Pnpoula. Theros Jouflu nnd Cdwnrd II. IV) ton. Ilelptr. John Nh Handersnn, Krauk Tinker, Phillip Kan I.ulg Alello and Tom NUiilove, Ilia wnthn, I'rnnk Clocheltl. Itulus, Jo acph Hcufcn and Anion Huponlk, Win ter Quarters, Tolva M. Humulnmnkl, Clear Crick, liny llarkir, Castle iMIe, I'rnnk Ho nnd Andrew Petcrn, Kenllworth, Henry W. Walter. Hull l-ake City; Orrguna Pologrrl. Amer ican Fork, nnd Jee Hmllli, Welling ton. Hherlff Colllnghum ex t veils that n aufflent number will be taken from the 'reserve list" to mako the total quoin around forty-five. Kevernl hnvn during the past ten da) In en sent home from Camp !.ewl because of physical disability. The sheriff will nciompany tho hoy n far 11 Ogden on tho trip, n ho hn done wllh tho going heretofore Joe It. Namnjo of Ituln, who took to the hill tho morning the third quota from Carbon lounty left Prim for Amullcun Ijike, vva cuptuied with am ther deserter from Unite, Mont., nt the state capital hist Week. On Huturdn) lust the tun were sent to Camp lewl. Wash., In charge of un off Iter from Port Dougln. SECOND LIBERTY LOAN WILL TOTAL FOUR HUNDJrJTJpO-OOLLARS When tho second llbirty loan waa nnnnuucid. Carbon count) wa asked through It council of defense, to sub atrlbo two hundred thousand dollar. When word camn that thl waa thn amount expelled It wu considered hy member of tho council a big under taking, but it ha been mil nnd two hundred 'thousand dollar additional -Just double the sum naked lit, the short spate of two week. And, It may ho when thu final figure ure tutu led tomorrow ut the close of busl m sb, thl huge sum will be exceeded. Totul uro not iibluluublii a The Sun goes -to Yrctui at 10 o'llock thl (I'rl day) forenoon, us the list from tho ailou titles, towns, rump and com munltlea of the lounty are not ull In, and likely will not be iu until per hup Monday next. Thero nro not imauy largo sulmorlptlon. In fait, It Is u popular loan In keeping with the .desire oft thn government at Wash ington, 1). C, when announcement wu first sent out. j Of thu larger subscription Utah I'uel company lake forty thousand I dollar and thu United Htate I'uel jcompuny tnenty-flvo thousand, tho former having sent the money for II 1 four tamp In thl county to tho three bunk two ut Price nnd one nt llel I per. Dr. A. W. Dowd of Huun)slde I lakes IS0.O0O w 01 III, Dr. I'. M. Nrher I of Cast In Gato $:0,000, Or. P. II. Hlo Ipunsko) of Helper 110,000, while one Price man ha Invested 156,000 and a banking house hero nn oven ten thou sand. Other subset Iptlons, for which ,Thn Hun hasn't tho space, run from sevvnt)-flvo hundred down to f ift.v j dollar. There are several for l 1 thousand and for ono thousand and I for two two thousand dollar. Tho ma jority of course, havo been subscribed I In fifty and hundred dollar amount. livery coal company In the count) I has answered tho appeal of C. II. Marcusen, chairman of the finance committee of the Carbon County Coun .ell of Defense, who haa been In charge of the campaign In ita entlcrety And, 'ho ha done lib work well. Tho com- punle referred to havo subscribed from seventy-flvii hundred dollar down to twenty-five hundred, while emplo)e who desire bond on tho par tial pa) incut plun nro being mlvunied money 11 they request nnd u their ubllltle to meet obligation wurrant. AH week there havo been mthulutlc nieitlng Iu every camp, tit), town and community of thn county. Every where, almost, the umounts nskod for havo been more than taken. Much irtdlt I due thu sevirnl tommltleo men who havo usslsled Chulrmuu Mar tuseii. Without their good work and lo)ul support to a man, tho loan would not have been the grtat suc cess It Is, I'lguie for the state are not avail able. A telegram from Washington, I), C, last night bring thl tomforl Ing Information "All Indication ut noon toduy were that the liberty loan hud passed tho $3,600,000 mark, lie ports to tho treasury department state that tho entire, nation I roused to thu highest patriotic fervor uml If thn same spirit continue, tho $(,000,000,. 000 goal will bo reuehod by Saturday night." Chuirinun Marcusen had u night letter from Claunco Hamlierger, chairman of tho state council of de fense, this morning toiigratulatlng tho people of Carbon input) on tho won derful result of tho lib ity loan drive. He ask that Ntrenunus offorta bo Usui to get the fund Into tho bank at onie. "Ilully for Carbon onui.ty," he concludes. Mr. Truth Alko Milner died ut he. homo In Bait Iko City on Thursday f lajit week at the age of (6 )ear. I Deceased waa the widow of the late iHtanlcy It. Milner, Tho Milner fum lly I largely interested In coal land In Carbon county, most of which He to the north and east of Price. She is survived by three sons Archibald C, Jay 8. und Clarence U. Milner I Complete legal blank stock ut Quit Lake City and Provo price. Tho Sun. v SENATOR KING FAILS I TO KEEP DATE HERE I Finds (t Impossible to Come to Price At B This Time to Look Over Pleas- H ant Valley Project. B 8lur the nttlele below wh put In Upe. sevirnl ellUelt of Price met this (I'rhtay) morning nnd decided not In take Henntnr King' answer of no Telephone (ommunlentlnn wns hud with him nnd the governor ofliii liler It "us decided to have Nell M Mudseii of Hcofleld. now In the tit) go In thl afternoon nml personall) wait on Henntnr King nml urge upon him nnd Oov Hlmon llnmhergcr the Im portance of Hetiutor King' coming here nt thl lime If he route nit notiucemrnt h) poster will be made tomorrow. Hitter dlsuppolutment wn oicnslon ed )eterduy nmong cltliens of Price, farmers under the collapsed Irrigation H)tcm to the south of thin city nnd people In general when n telegrnm rtime from United Htate Senator Wil liam II. King that It would ho lm ptwwlhh' for him to visit Price tumor inw (Hatiirdii)) nml In the afternoon go over the Innd locnll) which It I pioiiiised to water by government nld Ih lonstrm tlun of u great reservoir In Pleasant Vnlle) iibout six mile north of Heorield. It had Ixeli the plan to have n big meeting unci speeches and the like. tomorrow evening with ev ciil distinguished person It; attend nine, but now eveolhlng In that direc tion I dropped. Senator King had promised that he would be here If hi engagement nl Halt Uike Clt) In connection with the oicond liberty loan would permit of hi coming. Through Oov. Hlmon Hamlierger Hen ntnr King wn relrnsed from five of these lociilly In thu Dark, . What hie now occurred to keep Senator King awn) I not known hy the Prim folk In nimmunleallon wllh him and the governor. However, It I presumed to lie the fntt that he I go ing wllh the senator and congress men lo Hawaii Hint ure to pas through here next Momln) morning nml who uro to linger a da) ut ZI011 1 11 route Had Senator King come to Price committee here would have been mimed to nccompuu) lllm, to Oreen Itlvcr uml tide with tho na tional lawmaker from that tlt lo Colton, which would have given op pot lunlly for thu committeemen to explain the plan and desire of the people of thl valley. A It I, there will bo no celebration nt Price nml no committer immud to go to Oreen Itlvcr or elsewhere uml thu slumber of these congressmen and senator will In nowise bu dis turbed n far us thu folk hero ure concerned. They muy sleep right on through until '.Ion I reuched. It may be thut Henulor King 1 not well enough tu tome. In fact, In letter to people hero ha ha told of hi poor health, which might prevent his go ing to Hawaii. Governor llumbereur vva especially Interested In the sena tor's visiting Prku heiuuse of thn state' having to forcilosu Ita mort gage on the property of tho Price Itlvcr Irrigation compun). People lo cully feel that tho losses they have suffered by the going out of Mammoth reservoir and tho pllvhl they now find themselves In U of a much or greater Importance a liberty loan date at Zlon. . IVrkonuel of tho Party, In thu congressional party going through Prku ut V o'clock nn Monday morning en route to Hawaii, besides United Htates Henutnr King, are Hen utor I lent) P, Ashurst, Hubert !'. Ilrouasard, Henry l M)irs, Mlleir Polndexter und Warren O. Harding, und Representative Ira C Copley, Kd ward IC, Denlson, Oscar IC, lllaud, Wil liam II Carter, C Prank Iltuvls, Al len T Treadwuy, Thomas (lallagher, Oeorgo White, Oeorge W, Pulrchlld llurold Kuutaon, lleujumln J, Welly, Jnme V McCllntock. William (lor don. Clmrle A. Nichols.. Hldney K. Mudd, Kmest I.undcen, Udward W CI ray. Ioul II. Ooodall. Junie II, Ilu chanan, Oeorgo M llowcrs, J. W. Ilagsdale, Kdmund Piatt, lllcliurd S. Whuley, 1- Ijiiuru, Warren Oarel, W. J. Drowning, James C Mcliughllu, Julius Kahu, John Q. Tlllsou, II W. Temple, W ler I llensloy und John N. Onruer. I Ktrlctl) Offlclnl. The party I strictly official, ull ex pense of the trip being borne by the territory of Hawaii, nnd thu member ship I made up of senator and rep. nxtiitathcu who direct dialings In congroH with territorial affairs, The tuy of the party in 8alt Ike City and it visit to tho cities and towns en route will bo taken up by attending patriotic meeting at which member nf the party will bu invited tn mako addresses on the war and legislation which ha been cuatted und will be required to nirry It to n successful f Issue The projmim i he carried out ! In Halt Uiku City I In the hand of Oov Simon Itamberger ami 11 com- Tl mlltee which will confer wllh Sena- H tor W II King to nrrimge for ono H dn) entertainment More than 11 Hl bundled Invitations were Issued tu member or innarcs to tnke thu trip, H hut mil) those nntned were In position H to H DFt.AHil klUED IJUTRI'jHI I'lirllier Details nf Deiilli or 1'iinniT Prlev Dental Surgeon. I'm ther detail of the iiiilomoblle ! iiicldenl nt I .os Angeles, Cain., last Ji Saturdny evening which resulted Iu the dentil of Dr. P. P. Amo, formerly jril of Salt lcke I'll), Price nnd Vernal, nnd Mrs. Chnrle Jordan of 1.0 An- H gele und the serious Injury or jTirdnu, M husbnnd of thn womnii, nml n Mis jH Margaret Kntcsoskl, or King, us sho ' ' wn known to thn movie, have leach- 'JHH ed Salt 1-ake Clt), u))esterday' , Tribune. 1 l)r Amo, who wn known In Halt - ,H Idike City through hi notlatlon with 'H Dr. A.ji:. Zimmerman, when the two H conducted dental parlor thero a few H )eur ngo, purchased tho big car Hat- ) H unlay In whhh he met hi death and wu taking hi first ride, thu speed- H otnelrr showing that the machine had H been run but fori) -four mile. Ki The nutomoblle, running about thlr- fi ty inlh a an hour, crashed Into a street 'Hi cur, shteswlplng thn car, nnd wu car- H rleil a mas of vvretkuge, 11 distance of jJ clithly-foiir feet. Dr. Amo died nn , 'B hour ufter reaching the hospital, white ' Mr. Jordan, who wn terribly burned In iiddltlon to her Injtile, died next. Mis King hover on the edge of the JH gruve wltlt no hope of her recovery. IH Jordan will recover Dr Amo about four )ear ugo went lo a Angeles H nml later opened nn office In Poaa- H clemi, Culu. aH H BLAKELEV EXPLAINS LAW fl H lliiuliviiiciitM On MIiiIiir Claims .Made Efl Clear lly Itcglstrnr. HA Hlnre October Slh, when by Joint resolution congress aiispomled assess- 'WM innnt requirements on mining claim, H In order that labor may bo mora cf- H fettlvely used In rahlng and produc- H Ing thosci thing needed In tho prose- cutlon of thn war. Gould II. lllukely. H register of the land office. Inr re- iH celved numerous Inqulrlea concern- ! Ing the working of the luw. jH Under Ita provisions holder of the iB claim will not bo required to iMirform : a hundred dollar worth of nssensment (HH work during 1917 and 1911, hut In H order to obtain full benefit of the res- IH olutlon holder of claim urn required M I to file or causa to bo filed In the office J H .where the location notice or certlfl- 'cute I recorded, 011 or before Decent- li her Jlt of each year, a notlco of hi 1H j desire to hold hi mining claim under ' I thn resolution. , C Thl resolution doea not apply In lH I oil placer locations, nor doe It amend j or repeal the public resolution relluv- Hl ling thu owner of mining claim who r havo been mustered into tho military H or naval service n officer or enlisted iH mon, from performing assessment work during the term of service. 3HH FIVE INOUW MMMES Ilullroail unci Two Htclnl Agent H .Mimt Defend Dniuiiuc hull. King & llruffet were this week re- t tulned hy J P. Cud) to bring u dam- ' ) 1 age suit against tho Denver and Hlo pll jOrande for five thousand dollar dam- 1 ! uge. and also similar action against i fRM ! Thomas llurge. special agent for the j company, and Special Agont Ta)nr a )! well. Tlvo complulnta will be filed ' within a few da) a. Cody until a short I I time ago wa a hrakeman In the em- 'i plo) of the ruilroad company, and Efl -a arrested a couple of mouth since . Bfl for tho alleged theft of a quuntlly of I whisky from u cur of tho company up ' , at Castle Oate or at Dennett nn thn j Utah railway I'lflHH It will bo alleged that Cody vva Bi thrown Into Jail by special officer of 9i ' the railroad company at Salt I ke BBI j City without being permitted to op- , HH pear before a committing magistrate j RHH and later brought to Carbon county. 1 JvjfneSB kidnaped us It were, and held In Jail , t?B-BB nt Price without warrant of law ll In district court last Monday Cody VJ ! I was ucqultteil of the charge of whisk) .irij theft against lilm, JHHI