OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, November 02, 1917, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1917-11-02/ed-1/seq-7/

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rwriivr. cnvrs. I
,,,,1 .MlltHCt l""r MtH'kr-ll Hllll IVtll
fft, Nniwltili-lnnilliii KiiilmrKii lie
fjnllj li.icvtl llujcrx DcmnuilliiK
font. Iiiim On llerf Slccm Xcwm
4 tin Utc Slnckincn ir tlio tlntr,
v 8 Hpn lal Hon It t
KANHXS I'lTV. Mo.. Oct. 29 -Cat
f r. pt lutlny were twenty thou.
jjh il Steer wwik In ten t iMilit
nfr mhI bent here I1J.00 dw
stnit i'vl "linker ninl feeder Mnn,;l
i (im cent blither Hog in
if c . llioiiiHtntl lictnl mill mark t
I iwiiil rent higher Top
!(.C0 Sheep mill lamb todn mvpii
vwm' I Mnrkrt ntenily with Inmtn
,kill. rt llfi.no. Hccf cuttle udvaincd
Willi lint Wctk. t'tlMllllt flftS I lilt
jher ' r Hip week. I'ow miIch up
itftit1. lite cent frequcntl) four
n , ir-. of row nrrlvlriK from Nt w
Oil. i I. it' Haturdu mllltiK In tin
vrni 'it of Hint ilny lit IS SO fur
inrr ninl IT SO for kooiI . nw Or
iirlh tlierfc would Imvp Ih-pii hi III .
toil i Home Knlim Krntcil Met r
4 nl $1.00. other downward In
I JO Si kooiI native Were liulllil
in tin turl urrlvulN. Colorado
f I r mil nt I9.no to III on nti,l
-- : 2T to 19.00 Uilyrm ili nuinil
,lltl I -IHlilllH oil Ktl't'l-H loiliu l ' I II UK I
wlpM nt ntlipr market wen Innw i
tdnn of tmiiiirn wilil nt 15 H5. uii'
tm iwn nt )l ?S. bull In tliH nhlp ,
ml 17 00 kooiI HHVH Worth H 00
.t ' itii row tio.oo ninl M-il
thri 110 00 til 113 50. Ill wplli if
MltoirKO OKIlltlut NhlppllllC 'link i
i an I fittli rn it KimiiI main of Hit
nw. urrlw-d. ninl ther wan a Komi I
urk t fur tliftii I'milimidli ir
W '1,1 iir'iiiinl I9 60 hiiiI il an n.i
iirlliK- $7 S6 I'onil-pii li-.ii'
( II' r. ronit of not m v.t k""'1 kind
ltiK NeVtll lllllllllltl Milllll it
us innl Komi lltTffiiriN wi kIi r
i"in I . iKlit liiiinlrrit ninl ecni H. I
im' liroiiKlil lio IS. I'iiiiIiiiiiiIIim
jrlniKH xnlil Hiitiiriluv ut lit "ft x
inilr.il ninl rift poiiiiiIh hm ik
tin.n mnl Ioimi n til wpIkIiI hi ;.'
i "'ii -.111111' Hoft torn Mini piihI l ij
It i..lliirH lnt Hk.
liht Iihk jmiIiI twpniy til- IikIi ";
-iu nth ninl I In' ll' ' l"i 1 1 nt
h r itolli iiiiHlluiti mnl Inn
HkIHm wHllIK HP to l'i."l". I" -I liKll
ikIiik ii'u.'i. imik or mum u:o
Hi! .0 mul piK III S to tnoir I
Vrt upppiim l'i Im- kooiI Btrum'li lnr
v miiitii ill imt limpr prl .ir "-.
. .1 hi r" Ipl ItiirrHiM mill :- nt
ill'li ri mi I'Hiti'iit to Inlk il. r,
(' nt tili- t'fiiU lifter thf llr-t nfi
jfr llowipr. tin- run in IIkM
ii'l polnti t'lilnj mnl Hi'Ti -win iti.
Htirlnl liiiii-u-.- In Hipplli'M mn I
hin In nt MtM'k I
Kup turn nf I'oloriiilo liiiitx m. ,iti
l so In kllliT tin- ImwI In-n . mnl
h. r wpKiiniN nt lin.7 ninl plnlii
tti'n II0 3S. ii Hli-Hily nmrkct rt-il-
lumlm wll Ml flti.Su in IIH.7R In
Mat WIM'N CIlOll.' HWdlTIK Hlirlll
mii ml 117 00 llrivtlliiK i''iti ii rr In
Ur Nilpplx iiiv tnili'li InVM-r tliMll n
krt (imp HKo mnl It In h kooiI ilutmi'
' l I'm fill MKItl fWltl -l Ml
l 0 in US 00. iwm llin-p In flv
Ii lllil lip In 111.00 mid fllolif
rlhiK ''! not nilirh Iomci ItiHli
rrmrlv up to 117 00
noiirvx iiaiiiv c.vrri.i:
i utilr Iii'IhiikIiik lii tin- dairy Innl
t M ix Hiitlliy nt Miiilftin Iiiivh rtfiMit'
f Ih-.ii dyliiK nt tin- riitu or nlioilt inn
ihrof diiyn. mnl lr. It. W. IIukkiiii.
uti' llvo Htotk hmpfftor. wi-nt ilnri.'
amli to ihm' Mint! wiim tliu iiiutlii,
Ifr Hntlli Innl nppllfd In him for
Ip It won found dy Dr. IIokkuii
Ul tin- dairy rutlli' Innl Ik'ii nfflki
i nlili rulili'M mid In liroiiKlit Imik
Ith him tn Hull iJiko rity tint liniln
i uii of tlin milnuilM fur lonmlutilloii
Hf thi iHiitu ImrtprlnloKliit.
On Hppti'inliiT lOtli Mm. 8nttli' Ul.
"rtfn.l ii royotp In tlm yard killliiK it
P. A mil for iiHMUitunt'fi lirmmlit 4
"Uh'mr Julian Mourn, who idiut tli
il Aliout tun dayn nflrrwiird il
'lf dud mid nltiiT fiilllo of thn Innl
rp in en dyliiK nt tlm rnto nf nlioufc
' In ilinti iIiivh hIiuv Hint time. lr.
Iisicin icuvi tiimpornry ridlpf mid
III ttdttli tlm fun' for furtlii-r di-
WvNUTON, l. '.. Oit. U.
Mi- riKilvt'tl liy prodiUTm for cut
" '' p mid lime Imvt' Knliif'l BS-T
"f it In tlm KDiii'rnl uvuraKu from
His i 1 u 17 ljtil Mportn iiiinpllixl
il ! p.irtnunt or iiKrlfiilluri' Miow
' nlvmippii.
" iiiIIIp, pur 100 pouudn. llvti
Hhi mini I0.S6 to IK.tO.
H. from 18.77 in ll.08j hwi.
m Iti 3S to 110.05; Imnlm. from
"!: 'i lis Oti; hK. ri tun 19.22 to
"Mi mil iIiIlKpuh, from IH
"I utK n pound.
Th nmhfHi prkti ut tti farm runt It
" ' nilK tlm tWflVn IlliilllIlK
"7 i or lur iiuUIh In May, lll.os
f i uihpw In Htpinmlmr, Sio.16
lnili In May. Ita.OC ror lamlw In
fcpp-miiir. IIS. ! for Innpt In HP
"nl' i and 18.1 ttniU n pound fur
'i"k - Ociolii'r Int of thin )nr.
"iV. Oit. J8. A mport rft'Kiiily
'"i I from I'ouniy AkpiU W. W.
ii ff Hi'vler tounty, wiiloli roconU
1 r ihtiiiIvii iluiiionBtrntloii In tlio
Ilni anil marKctlnB of Imhy href
""lul mi hy Owen uml elKht Buvler
"nty fnrmtirK. nhown that high prof.
' an bp obtained In maturity '"'V
wmmimmmmmmamcj2eJres7Vew-Jovn Life wmmmmmmmmmmmmm I
I For Folks Growing Old I )
llll AXTITH strengtli and endurance on eating food drink made entirely from I
VY the wane and blood running thin, nutritious, healthful cereals, a mild I
llll foIks have neec evefy day for a but true tonic to all the system. I Ij
reviving and nourishing beverage. T. . . ,. . . .. .. , I I!
. & b It is delicious in flavor, smacking good, 4
llll Here iS a pUre' wnolesome non-intoxi- refreshing, strengthening, exhilarating. 1 1
llll jtlViFlCij I J i
I The Unequalcd Cereal Beverage I H
llll That Adds to the Joy of Living 1
llll It Is n tlrlnk that appeals to younr; men nnd women ns of amusement; In fact, BARMA may be had nt every I
llll well as to elderly people-n drink that nil may freely place where wholesome drinks nre sold. Always in I I
IIIH partake of, one that Is always pleasing, nourishing, bottles like the one pictured here. See that you Ret H P
llll strcnRthcninj; and beneficial., the genuine with the orange Inbol, red triangle and I H
UII At soda fountains, drug stores, grocery stores and the name, "BARMA," in white.
llll department stores, restaurants, clubs cafes nnd places It's a treat unlike anything you've lud lK'fore. Try it. I il
11 ats Order a Case for Your Home I ;
Nil ifr V Once you tnste it you will want it I i
UII .c . orfej H cn ant tnC oftcner you enjoy it, I
UII iyP! 'iU IIVS le more yu w'" benefitted. I
llll -ggg.!aKwP&yfexjfyySEv J Vt HcIikt McrcanUlo Company, I
llll M yjP'. V VY l'Heo ItotUInc Workii. Iriee, Ut. ,, , I
In i-f In thin ih iii.iii-triitlnii two liuti I
ilri'il mul twiul-twn In ml of nihiit
Wi-rr fi'd
Wh. n murki'li'd ut ,111 iim riiK- el
ililrtpxii miiutliN mid ti n il.ii Ihiv
hmthki'iI m w'flulit mii liiinilrnl mid
iilKlity-jlx poiiiiiIh. Tlir uvi rnui' two.'
ir-old hlwr In I'tali in imt murli
hIiiiVii thin WnlKllt. Tint..' miltllliU
mild ut from nine tn leu iviiIh h poiliul.
hrliiKliiK lii t7S.it t phiIi iim mi iimthki.
It wiim found In murkt'tliiK that iitvi"t
of thn propor Opn, lowm't, Idot'ky,
mirly mntiirliiK, liroiiKlit frinu two in
four ilollarH morti pir IihiiI iIiiiii imi.
mini fiilM-H of tlm Mimt' iiki' mul on thn
mimn fpiid.
In itiutuiPiitliiK mi Iim rvKiiltK of Dm
dtininniilrntliili, Ow n etntiH that invnt
ciirn iinmt ln taken to kri'P the mil
iiiiiln In ii KrowliiK t'ondltlon. "It iIiipii
lint pay lo lakn cnlVnH In poor t'oiidl.
tlon III tlm full mid try in fiitlrn them
for marki'l," wiyM 0pii. "If kooiI
prnflt In tu lie miidi', ou iniut Ktnrt
wllh fat ouIvpk and krpp Hicni Krow.
InK rvnry minute."
HimiiiiI Ity UpiiIiti'.
Cnilli'iullim tliul thn prnnt'iit In nn
lime for npi-itulalnrH In map prnflt by
conlriiulliiK for wool illpn In uilvnucn,
thn manuKi'mi'iit of Iho Natlunnl Wool
Wiirt'liiium? nnd HtoroK" tompany of
Chlraifo Iiiih wrltltm HeimtorH fimont
uud Klim of Utnli mul Wiirreii of
Wj i) ml nn. iikklin: thwt. Hi'imtnrw to
inwlnt In pii'W'litlnK iiliJiiHtiriulilc tipi'r.
The rompiint miuKil Hint (ill wool
that Ih MillHlih' fiii Kovirrmmit us
nlmll lie lakoii nur by the Kovi-riimonl
ill 'I rniinniiilble price nnd the rpinaln
iliT ulli-tlnueil lit II pilblli' Mile, the
Ideu beltiK in eliminate the middle
man'H profit
or this hiwrioN or irr.u
Mull) Mi kent, ut the lntunn f Hie
HKrleultiiral depuriment. have flmtiirud I
rinm wvt lo dry parklni; of tliltkeniti
and will Introduie the dry pHfklnitj
Hyntpiil In all their brani'li Iuiiim at I
onee. " i
Alex I'llte wild fifty head of mixed
entile lit J'rlise lant Snlurday lo Ne.
vuda htiytini nt nlxty dollHr n heml all I
tliniUKli. J. A. I'owell nnd othern Knt I
the Home flKlire for about H llllllilreil '
IiihiiI. All were whipped went for
Wool nloikM In the t'nlted Btnlwt
..i.mlli.il appri.lmHteiy r.so.ooo.ooo
pnuiiiln or Kremie wool rir the quarter
elullliK flnptember lllh, the ileMrt
nieiit or iiKrli'iiltiire unnouneeii In lln
ihmoiiiI (pmrlerl) report. The ntalln
tint were enmplled from returnn of
1 290 textile inanufiii'turerH and wool
deulurn. The ntnt'k were tllvltlfil into
Brenmi wool, 38S.69 1,590 poundHi
ncnured wool, 01,636,8(9 pounditi
pulled wool, 21.330,015 pounil; top,
U3.I22 f.J- pounds iiull" 17911 Ci
Mum hlni knit n of Houthtiinttrii
I'tnli art liun inn InaliiiK their joiiiik
tiittle ror him kleK In tonipllauce Willi
llli r Ut order In the Htale llvt nlnrk
eonimlMilou. The nriliT rompeln the
mt Inailon or nil niltle up to two
jniirn of ne thin rail.
(. IC. JeiiM'll thin week nhlpped u
thounmid Imnhn out or Oreen Itlver lu
Hie Is ii n win l.'lly market, IioukIiI locul
ly lit IIS. 60. He tn nliu) mijiIIiikT four
mm or welherit from (.'niton lo Huu
iiImiii In Kmipeln eoiinty ror feedlnK
HiriiiiKh Hie winter. I'eeil In much
rliiMipir them than nrtuind Price.
About four liundred piltn or pred
ulury nnlmiiln will be whipped from
l'lovo by Heerelary Thumiin Itiiluioiul
or the ntnte live Htock eomnilnnloii tu
Ht. Uiuln, Mo, They urn the renult or
the tiimpalKii or (li-Nlrut'tlon .wnKed
iiKalnnt royoteH nnd ninny other mil
mnlH menacliiK nlieep and rattle.
IVclarliiK that I a rife flovkn of nheep
now cnnlni; over clonii cropped lunJn
In tint vicinity or Halt ijikV city nre
uwnltlni; nhlpmvnt to morn luxiirliinl
linntiirrn In thn vlulnlty or I'miKt. the
Knit Uiko Uoulo linn applied tu tliu
puhlic ulllltlck communion ror llcennn
tn put Into effect Immediately u pe.
elnl tariff to cover thin movement.
An appeal to tliu iiiuntry'n farmurx
to bri'vd ImKH In lame numbcrH no iim
tu liiiTeonn thn nieiit nupply for Hie
Amerlniu mul nllled iirinlen uml for
home t'onnuiiiptloii linn been Inauetl
b the tlvpurtmenl of iiKrluulture. At
It iillnn In eol led to the fait that Iiokm
ean be InerwiMil more ipilvkly tliiin
any other kind or live ntnek. mid that
then in ii n Hliunilaut'e nf rood ror the
Patrick Cuilaln In tiioted iim mi) Inn
that denplle the recent blK break In
pltivlnlon prleen limy me ntlll too hlKll
mid he In mild to hae predicted mucli
lower MlllleH Willi pomilble ten tlolliir
hoHN In I'ehriuir) or Mareli. Kuonom
In ii wonderrul tiling lu inukliiK
moderatn Mipply Ki a loiK wayn, mid
riH-ent exorbllmit prlcen for meiitn art
euttiiiK lulu liormal ttiiiniimptlon quite ,
I.le ntouk Iomihh throuKh thn tlvpre.
ililtlnim of wild milmaln lu Cuche eoun '
ty iilnim the Mnt year totaled forty
thounmid dnllam. To pruvent nlinllur
liinneM the eomliiK )ear the farmorn nf
Hint county hae fnrnied a riKhtliiK
unit mul, wurkliiK with the ntiitn uii
thnrltlin. tire ready to curry on the
wmfare until the exlormlnatlon of
predatory unlinatn thrniiKhout Hie en
tire enmity In aeiiiinpllnhcd. To thin
t'lid the uoilnty will ho balled with Ibel
vurvatm'K or live ntook, nnd all tralln!
leitdlnK to cnrcannen wllh bo utrnwnl
with polnon potlnnn. The potlom will
(Continued to page clKht.)
This Ih just a little talk on "Common Simxu In
HnyluK Merchant isc.
FJrHt DlHtriint thu Iiouhu that cluimn to kIvc
you HomethinK for nothitm or Ih nlwayrt offcrlnfc
KooiIb at "Iohh than enHt." There'H a lilte Bome
wheru. Second Avoid the man who always has "the
beat at the lowest price." He'll k broke if he
honestly followa that coure.
Third Freeze to tho house that K"rantee.s
you an honeHt dollar's worth for a dollar. Thin
is thu only basis on which a mercantile business
can stand. And at that, the house must have a
reasonable profit in order to live and do business.
In our larffc stocks of General Merchandise
will be found almost everything needed in the
home. Nothing at "less than cost," because we
can't sell it that way. Rut you'll find many rare
Another thing is that every article Is worth
every cent paid for it. We ask you to compare
our goods and prices with those of any other
house, and we will cheerfully abide by your
Wo are here to serve honestly and faithfully,
and respectfully solicit your trade.
Wasatch Stores Co:
Stores at Sunnyside, Winter QuorterB, Clear Creek and
Castle Gate, Utah.
chutain cuitr. rou cwu'r.
Mm. Hone Mliltlletmi, or flrni'ii
llln. M Ih.. Iiiih had experleiue In the
treatment or thin illnenne. Hhe nttyn.
"When m children were nmall my
noil had croup rrequently. Chamber
IuIii'n CoiikIi Itemuily ulunjn broke up
thMe attuck Immotllatel), mid I wiim
r.i'Vei without It In the houne. I lutvo
liiktui It in) nn If ror I'ougtiH nnd ctildn
with kooiI rtwulln." AtUt.
Delli'loun miyTInn or Knnin ore made
h ntlrrlUK Into the batter iiiude ror
ordinary Kent u oupful of ralnlnn,
ciiiruntH or chopped tig.
Hlft thu baby' oatmoul porrldKe
throuKh a flour nlfter that U kept fur
the purpone, and It will be much
mouther and morn nutlsfactory.
m'n two Doi.iaits tiii: ykai.
on and nftur Jauiiun I, 1917,
the Nllbncliptloii prlte of The Hun
1 will be two ilolliirn Hie ear. In-
Nlend of 11.60 With Hie oil-
l Miiui'H Hint have taken place In
everythlni.' H.at Knen Into the
iH makliiK or a uownpnper, a pub-
lUttlnn niicli iin The Huu cannot
! be produc'tnl ror $1.50 n year
ir BiilMerlborn to The Hun may ro-
new betwitm now mid Jauunry,
4- 19)8, ut the proncnt price 11.60,
paliiK an far in advance na they
sen Ht. Hut, lifter the flmt of
thu yeur, IS.OO.
4 4.
a a. HHI
Allorncj-nl-Luw IIbI
VlRlln-llonomo lllock. I BIM
1'ltlCK. UTAH. I HH
Atloriiej-nt'l.nw I HBI
717 JiiilRn Ilnllillns I ILHI
m jH
nutiiimtcK it woods i H
Attnrni'y.ii.tnv j iH
lloomi II nnd IS, Sllvngnl HlHk, H
, 1'ltlCK. UTAH. I WM
7 LH
MrriiMtl Artiilleet H
Vermont llnllilhm H
(i..l'IIH'S fc KINO ' I H
Alloriie)All4iw. H
lim.l'lllt, HTAII. H
t'rnitleni tn All Ctwrta of lh I ll
HlHle mid the rmlcrnt t'ourln. i Hl
h- -- B
.- '-L , ' ,.,
I CIIAItl.ltS MtOHIt li
(Seurrnl Itnuliiit'iliiK mul iHI
(iroliiEy 11
Keeonil I'lnor HlhniKiil IHiIr. 11
PltlCII. UTAH ftHl
K - U
h z Hl
I H. A. KliiK V. Hmffot H
I kino .v nuArrirr s.11
I Altorn)nAt.tintt oB
1 ' HIH
Jlldxe IltllldlUK Hl
Tavern I lolel lliillillnu
IMtlf'lt, UTAH IH
I CA1UION ;oiintv AimrilAOT I b&H
I .1, V, llnmmouit, Miiiiiikit. llB
I Ah'trnctn of Title Kurnlnhrd fl
I In Any Piece or Tract In Unitern .Hl
I Ulnlt. iB
I'lrn Inturnncn Written In th fM
i llet Compnnlc Dolus liiinlne'i I'iH
l In Hie Htnle. Heal Ilntnlp, llomti, isiH
i Cnhten Utile IlulldliiK. f!M
' 1'ltlCK. UTAH. 'BH
'"'' ;
He Was Onto Our fl
Good Service fl
) jB
The lnr h lod iK a ltUn
r a iiMirhy (own who went Intu Jl
h Inwliitmn mnn'n ofrlt'ti, but be 'Idl
. ainm nl the prnnAnrw ( othrn SlHHl
ithnid or him, he enuld not HHht iBH
an Immedlale mulleiiee. IH
IrfntflllK Hie enlalillnllUIMIlt. he jHBJ
Went to the neoront tulnphona !HH
mid cHlleil up tho iiMin ho wiint , 9H
ill to Mm. TIiiim he mode the JHH
nthem lu the ufflifi wnlt until 'H
he wan ihrtiuKh tnlklnic ovr .H
Hie H9
The lelephoui' "KtiN thorn" ' iH
and ri'fuwn in wnlt tine tha H
Ih i9
I Eastern llli Telephone Co. B
i fl
Aiiiiouiii en that it In to iiiikiiko II j WKt
lu the wiiolenaln blltlliiMn nt ' l
Price, caterilikT to the trade of i
Knntern I'tuli dealer In Hon ' H
DrllikN, Tobnuvtin, Cluim mid H
Hlinllur Merchandlwe. 'i M
CltAI'E JUICE ;ifl
NEAR HEEIt, and ' fl
Mr. John Hkeil will Im. lu KH
harue nf the hiinlneiNi nt Price iil
wllh heudquiirtt'rn ut the old Hlt ll
Ijikd IlrewiiiK Co WamhoWN itll
and Cold KtoniKe Plant. Dellv : MH
rrleM uii) w here lu Carbon itmnty. IsIH
Map lUr, JH
Mlten Hulldini;. rJM
Main Htreet. l'llie. I'IhIi. jH
' 1 11
MemberM or the ntutti rnml fuiginl . ' B
Iickiiii n onmiHilKii hut Mniuluy to9 ' -MH
cure the udiiptlon or u "iiititlrtn flH
Tuenilay" uud a "whcutluM WtKlrnhf- '.flaH
u.vi" by the Ulnlt hototM nlmllm" to flBH0B
thone put Into effect recently by two BbHIkHSA
hundird and twenty-rmir of two IHI
liundred uud tweiit)vflVo mcmlicrn. of HSHBk
the Hoclrty or llentuuruntcnrw of Kow EJBfJk
York City. BmSSQ 1

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