Newspaper Page Text
bbb El ' W&E 17 J H I llNUARY 1, 1918, THE Ss ZT ZZ" I SUN $2.00 i, 'ST I aISB 9 fer'rABVlW?;! "gjIM J A O&Mcw lull I II Knee h weier, lit (ha nite or $1 50 BB ..... . , . rT. . Bfifl HX) '-'" Al ,r'nl TOl" uc" I P O 1. 1 T I C I, I. Y It I P V II I-1 C mitipiIxt nil The Hun rnnnot be I i. ...... i . . Bflfl "( II BO nml (ho iMil.llnhir lomo . Miterod n feecontLClBHi Mnller.Junr I 19U. al (lie Toslofflcc nt 1'rirr I tali t n.lfr Hip At( t.f Manli 3. 1879 S l!;t"rCn0arW,"" I VOLUME ,,;NUMHEU 21 " " BVEIlvlmDAY "NOVEMIIEU8,wn IIG ENOUGH FOR ALL TO READ; ! ALSO TO DEFEND THE STRANGER Iriendsof Seymour V.1 Prows, Soldier, Re sent An Uncalled For land Vicious Attack J On That Young Man. tfu li indiRiiatiou hux betm stlrroel t Hi lust wppk In l'rliv In fmt irouxlmut Carbon county by nn nr do likli nppi.irnl In ti local pitb ull n (in Thursday of Inst week, ectrnlm; dm lm)a who wiro railed ilh liml quota This article state d ut n'l wire ready extppl fipmnur Pruws, mid Hint In hud lost xiorpa ' irlrndx 1 1) hi t undue t, that sonu acrtcd tlmt lu he was iiiipntrlntli id either tlmt lu wax Just plain ilkm ' Am matte rx uppenr (o ditto, It (ho nutluir of llu urtlilc who Iihn t the hoot of frit mix. Trows litis ill) Rilmd mum 1 1) maxou or It Ut 111 iittuik wax ciidrpl) unwilled (liu oplnlnii of iier)onp Tln in h im liriird cxpre m mi opinion unci mm- urn mini) Hiix)InnI) dels llu). It appear tlmt l'rimn flic el claim t txpniptlnii on dm Krotind (hut ) j4 u wife to support. It belnK np UTIK 'III Ihn affidavits he filed tlmt e Imd imirrlid after Ihn dnifl law turn opt rutin. The tllstrlu hourd j tin ututi uppmicel or hlx claim iJ lie wax txemptid Hilt Hip mat f x,ih fur some InexpllnHble n-HNiii op ncel lit the InitulitM of u tlls--imtltd I'rliP cllUcn, llll (hi n ilt tlmt tin illxirut iHHird r. i lit lulon Dlnrirr (liorKP Colllimlmm liifoinu'l TjuM, who wuk) ill Urn tint IphiIiIiik h ol In Wlntir Uimrtirx, Inn I Town Y i IriHd) hud IihpIvwI III txemp m impirx, diilliud to lllii It nn I Im hud Hindi) ft trip to Wl( jkp t Id wiin thuri Infoniipil of tin u. KtuliM of (hi timtlbr .uid i huh Qik lnuiudliipl Hi mukP pipirH unit for liiivliiK with Ihi iilhi m mi J., Ilt'ii r 3d llix HlllKIll Ih oliiil. Y llomli-j, mil) or r I'rltp mid mldmt of CarlMiii Htiikn of lh Mor ' n thurih, wnn thu firm In olu n rlinnit nKiilnH li" nrllcln In Hit lo ll pul.lluitliin. win n In Mutid ut Hi" rvuix ul llu tuhvrniii Ip lut Hundu) hit ii wr KrlPVoiM wroiiK Imd n minlitiil iiKiihmt mm of Curium o ml) n iiii( proniUliiK )oiiuk clil utl. Hi lUnoiiiiitil mun JoitriiulUni n no mm rtiiln (urnw mid Piidrd h mniindliiK (lt ntlloit hi' Uilieti y (hi- ihnlr -of whkh I'rowii wim ft rmlxr In reillfy mullwrn Tin h ir did not nrul fiirtlur urKliiK. hiuI .titiimnl prlnlid on (Im iIkIUIi r Ml piiK" m thU linpritwilim of Tin Hjii kIiowh how mm hiindnd und iwi-iic .(wii rmldi lid of I'rliP tu- In hi- nmlti r Tim minilx mlKlit ihh.II it h.n douhlfd or tnlilid hud ihirx Imi n iipprouiliid htnililltN An- Indicium!. An InillKnullon nippilnif "I" II ul dm hlKh itchool Timxduy mom c t-tuiUnlM und lisuhtrn purtlilpiit i TrowH wun ono of Urn KrnduiKm 'I tout )iur. und wiui Mudml hod) jrmdmi Homo woo In fauir or roinif inn) ulou( iiimwirlinc (Im ar nle und an iffoK wax mndo to ap flint a lommlttif to rlti h li(dr In ''nt win pldin(l fi-arliiK d( ir irntt rx wait (oo (ur, dm xuppor( (hi oral ulit i ( hud ni'rordid (ho chml ould Im wldidrawn. Ihil dm ' hlinliiK nndmvnt h (hn( (hi "thool did no( in id hiipporl from a ur i (hu( takix dulllil In difamnK urnu r xtudi'iitH w l(hou( i uuhp Aft r n luutid dlxciixxlon Ihlx wn urn nt pruallid and a uiinmlttpo " iiiiolnlod to drufl a Kllpr (o lioin luxurliiK him of (hi mipport or oth Niudt nlM und iMuhirx Thi com null upordd Wtilmiulii) irmrnlnK lth a IKtrr which wux iiuciptid und ri(rmluiod on (hlx paKP (iiihlir JIuUi-k Ix-fuw. I l tin miitlnB of HdidP..! .ind fiu j iy n ft rriul lo vro lously, J o. (inii.i r principal, wax dm nolw difimtir '( thi. urtlili. and Uh undior, Ho " urc dm ulltor uhuulil not l niwurcji, ""cauw of thn lutlur'H frlondKhlp In h pim( for (hi hlKh xchool und h (uH und xtudcntH. If Tim Hun U lornttly mfiruli nj it hiix no douht of (hi- rullubll t f the npor( lomlns to It. flutiUi e oliu (o (he Htntomunt that If dm tta k hud pomu from Tim Hun or frnt rnn or dm Halt 1ku Clt) new i aperj hlx attltuilu In Urn muttur would ipiltii dlffirintUavlnB thu Infer. M dm( ho would no( ho nurprlstd ( such . (hlnK frJin Thn Hun Just whn( OoVler'H tiie n, (Continued on pnee elHht.) To tho Editor of The Sun: WINTER QUARTERS, UUih, Nov. . Thorc appeared n thL NcvAilocate of November 1, 1917, an article brand jiiK n man drafted into the United States army as ontiruly Inckfinf in patriotism and as having "a streak of yellow as wide as a barndoor." This about a man in the army, a man not sneaking off to the hills or escaping tu Mexico, but n man who believed he had cause for exemption and was asking for it. If those aro tho methods of his "friends" in Price what can vou expect fiom his enemies? Was it at any time thu intention of the draft boards, local or otherwise, that It was dishonorable for a man to ask for and teceive exemption? Is a man to bo branded as n coward as lacking in patriotism because he pel haps wishes to protect those he will be compelled to leave behind, perhaps dependent on strangers, or is it the intention of the United States government to make unnecessary Buf fering. When n man tries for exemption and is refused nnd accepts his service, perhaps with a sinking heart and a state of mind almost bordering on despair, is he to be branded as having "a streak of yellow as wide as a barndoor?" Is it the intention of the president to see his boys about to wear his uniform and please God, see the standard we all love reared to victory on German soil branded as cowards and Iofisessors of yellow streaks because they ask and perhaps ask again for exemption which he and his provost marshal general so clearly define and issue cards for? Is it the in tention to allow petty spites and personal hatreds to be used in recruiting that vast army we are about to send to France? No, Mr. Editor, it is only in minds low in ideals, warped as to intellect and wasted by disease that such a dastardly, cruel article could be conceived. Only in minds inflamed with hate, seeking vengeance and crazed witlt thu idea of currying popular favor that such an article could be born. An article against a man about to wear the proud uniform of Uncle Sam ; a man made the jibe of his mates; a man to whom camp life will be made a hell, because Home cur chose to slur him ; some cur chose to give him the Judas kiss to wish him Godspeed with a venomous sting. This in a paper asking to bu sent to the cantonments that he might be met with jeetv. A young man, u lifeloving man, a fellow loving man, a music and laughloviug man to be condemned to death, a living death worse than thu felon's coll; a man condemned without trial, not by a jury of his peers, but by a cur with a sneaking scur rilous pun, a diseased mind and the refinement of cruelty. Where is the rrime that deserves an article such as the one to which I tefer? Is it a crime to ask and ask again for ex emption? Is it a crime when that exemption is tefuscd for leasons known to the exemption board, to have your private heartbreaks, to accept your service with misgivings perhaps, but still accepting it, and leaving with the contingent to which you are assigned? If this constitutes a crime, branding as a traitor, and as having a yellow streak, then there are many criminals. Is it patriotism to make hauler the way for those left bo hind? Aie the partings, thu lonely times not enough, but that there be added to them thu stigma of cowardice, yellow ness, lack of patriotism. Is this the time of thu Spanish In quisition, or is Price another Salem? The refinement of cruelty was not exceeded neither in Salem nor in Rome at the time of Neto. Do you think our great and noble piesident, who is asking thesu sucritices, wishes those left behind to be persecuted and mnde the object of jibes because those tljcy love asked for exemption? What about the man who wrota the article or tho man who inspired it? What heartbtcaks have they had? What war sacrifices have they made? Have they enlisted or at tempted to enlist? How many liberty bonds have they boughti' Aie they free from the sin of unpatriotism? If they are not free of all thesu then let them put their own houses in order befoie they brand another man as a coward and traitor. How can a cur strike at a man under military or ders? At a man who cannot strike back 7 HE IS IN THE ARMY. HE WAS IN THE ARMY WHEN THE ARTICLE WAS PUIJLISHED. HE OBEYED OR DERS. Can the cur who published tho article obey orders? Can or is he man enough to make retraction to make tho way easier for those who lovu the man he slandered? Are the officials of Prico or Carbon county big enough to make him do that which justice demands? "Your dear lad, and my dear lad are on their way to France." This strikes you and me, Mi'. Citizen. It is a war for fathers and mothers, for sons and daughters. If it wuh your son, Mr. Father, what would happen to the man who ac cused him of being n traitor, branded him as yellow? Open up tho recesses of your hearts some of you father of Price and think of the claims, for exemption you made for your sons. Dry your tenrs, you mothers of Price, you dear lonely mo thers, who have sons in the training camps. You would be the militant mothers of Price were it your son who was con demned without trial. .... And you, Carbon county officials, place the gag of de cency on the man's mouth who so crucifies u man in the ber 1 vice of Uncle Sam. Do not add your mite to the fire of con- demnation In the Salemlike witch burning, you citizens of Price. Oh, the refinement of cruelty that could hand n lone ly, weeping woman a copy of the News-Advocate as the train was taking away the one she .loved the best, nnd that paper branding that one as a traitor. And that one In tho service of Uncle Sam. Don't you see why any decent minded citizen, not of his "friends" of Price, but almost a total stranger, would condemn that article, and condemn it without discus sion of Its merits. C. E. McDERMID, M. D. Rig Enough For All to Read, and Rig Enough to Defend a Stranger. l)r It. V. JloKuarii xtalo o(erlnar Ian, Is out In the Nino Mile section to. da) uiilnntliiK a numlnr of head or norm.) at thu contkt pamp ror pneu monia and dlxUmppr. I'cnn OUmi hrouKht to Thu Sun of fice last wcik a freak carrot which wan ruined In his rathcr'a Knrdtn at I'rlce. It tx qulto a curiosity to lUoso who lime fci tn It. uti:nsi h Airrwt.i. or thi: i.o. Cl. I'UIIMC.VIIOV oir rort) lyp will him- Htiird(i ror Xim-rlran Ixikp m Curium riimt x , 1at lontrlhutMin to dm flni( draft qtlntl Nn official IM of tin Ih 4 I rpjpcted b dm nriny xMrnponx Im. hem r.Telved liy the Irani Umid. Im dm) Imxp ltn noilfhMl tlmt MvrniHii . failed to wm dm examination W ith tin (Hintr-pn yt milled to fill the ituotM wYintieii imin will W -nt to tnkp dm place of tluwe pomliiR Imim A'hlK llml Cl-OM dance hi to he Klell hi Clt) Hull titmurrtitt (IYkl) niKht In honor nf dm Imyw nnd limy will Ik ihiiMit hx much Klnr ax any or die runner poutltiRonla. Ilvrryone l rrwdy In K expept ("Seymour I 'mux. He Iihx lnt u lmt of rrlxmlx by the jiy h Iiiih hi ted nnd the xtnti inenl he Iihx nindn Iii'hii effort In cenn! hta ilut) lie ilHlnieil exemption 'on nifount of IhjIiik married, but that, mi) hU rrlendx, wax a point rur him to rem filler win n he look die Mrp afltr he wax riKlxtired for ho knew then that lie wax liable to lx pulled He did imc im iximptlon (hrotiRh an appeal In tin dUlrlot IHHird, but when dm total iHxird hoard or It, the dUtrlit board wax culled to time on the mnt ttr and more evidence kIhi tin. hi and Ihi) certified l'ronx for xmlic. Win ii I'ronx leurned that ho wax fin ltd) ettllid to K Hllurdit), he lift Wlnli r Quarter for Halt Uikn City, so It Ix ut hi, pnxiimnbl) to make a per ronul uppeul lo the district l-onnl I'm nn r frlindx nrp loud In dull con demnation of the wn) I'rowx has worked to Kit out of wrtliiK hlx conn lr Hoinn nu) that Im Ix nlwiluttil) without imtrlollxm, while mom i liar Itiihh pronx sii) that he hux a Mrcnk or jilhiw down hlx Imck nx w Idi nr a barndoor. ii:oiuii: c. witiTMoitH mm rJiTKHHAY I.V C.M.I I'OUMA l!!ntlex In (hlx clt) )ixtitda) rp ci I led tih KntlllM lillUOUUClhlC dip dentil or OiorKe C Whllnuire or Ni phi nl I'll hi ih nil, Calu , xhnrtl) after mid nlKhl WVduoxdu) I'rriluiiNly thrmiKti the week. hlx win. J W Whltiimre of Nephl. who wax In l'rlee attxndliiR dlxtrltl imirt on mutters In which hlx radii r wax a lldKunt, repelled mm nhkcx thai htx condition wax er crit ical Deceased with hlx wir and H dauiihter hud bin at I'umhiIi iih and tlmt tMH'lliin or California ror more than a )car ror the Iwneflt or hlx liealth DiipuschI wax about 01 )orx or ii Ke and pawed away from IlrlKht'x dlxeaiit, which hud Imthi red him for a luiiif dun J W Whltmorn. the win. d iHirted )Hxterdi) ror Cnllfunila ! ami will npc-omiHtii) llu rxmalnx home (leorici C Whllmore came to this xtute with hlx paliulx from Tuxiih h( an tHtrl) date and hud been prmnlnsut In the affairs or dm territory und xtuli ilurlnK all that time lie wax n luiilir In dtuiocratle polltlrx. tjcinklni; and the initio Im iliirnx. Years iiro hlx hirdx wint on almost onry hill ihrmiKhout Kasttrn I'tuh, but or lato enrx hlx holdhiKx In Curium county I were 1 1 ilu oid by salo to lauds only oir around Hunii)slile He wns Inlinstid loiully In bunk DEATH OF DEFENDANT I HALTS CASE IN COORT I Van Waggoner and Wliitmore Litigation Over I Land Near Sunnyside Brought to Very Sudden Close. B Since the ai tide below was put i in type, a telegram was yester day morning received by attor neys in the case announcing thu death of George C. Wliitmore, defendant. The trial uns stop ped until an administrator, ex ecutor or representative is sub stituted in thu case. In the meantime two days had been consumed in the litigation. Jllllttc thorite Chrlxti lixell returned to I'rlce Inxt Momlny cwnlnir. after adjourning dlrtrlc( court here I'rldu). and rexliini d dm scMdnn Tilexdav mornlnK Tnklni? or lexlhnon) In a suit InwdtliiK dm illleKtlon or 'Viilut ter" rlKhtx to tide (o public liimls or (he xliitp, nnd dire ill) affcctlm; own. i rxhlp to all dm unxotd school lands or Utah, wax dm first ease to conic mi The lltlimtlon Ix that known locatl) nx the Whllmuni case, an action Hint bus been In dm courts of (lip xlnto ror a iirj Ioiik (Inn mi Mirlous IckiiI polntx, and whlih Ix lonxldirxd mm ol dip moid fur rcaililiiK und Import mil hind cases In which (ho stain has, eir In en liitirestid or llkel) ever will Iw Tho title Ix A I) Van Wiikkoih r ninilnxt (ieorKo C Wliitmore Thn III iRnllon Ix inure or less IrlatiKUlar with the land board or I'tuh, (Iconic C Whllmorp, siuulter, mid Van Wne Roner, claliuuiit ror purchusc occupj In if the three cornerx Tim Imtnpdliite piopirty lux ol ed In this sptcirio ac tion Ix flfly-xlx litres of stihool luiulx lopiiltd Juxt out or Humiyslde. The land Involved Ix not so piirtlcnliul) Viiliiulile, but It Is dm principle or law and iUedn or title Involved hi the Immipk or the suit which are or inline Important p to the slate of I'tali ami Its public xc IiihiI run ilx. '1 1 10 Ciim In llrlif. In brier dm Issue Ix us to whe'tlur or im( ii Hiuutter ma) settle upon pub lit school lands In I'lnli and iuiiilre dtlv lo the propert) tinder siuatur rlRhts without purihasliiK dm prop ert) from the stntc Wliitmore con tends Hint suih Is dm case, while dm state contends that a siiunttpr con n ut litfiilly nc(ulre title to school luiulx without the rrmilar process of inr chnse nnd dint In Miuutler casim die stale hits the riRht to remove du xminlltr und sell Ilia property to u I n If, however, but or rticut )eorx hud Rive ii Ihlx but little attention lit had muny fr lends htreiiboiitx who will Rrlevo with (hose noan r lo him nt his death As fur us Ix known this (I'ridiiy) moruliiK, tin funeral und burlul wll the at Ncphl next Hiiudu) STUDENTS Hi FACULTY DENOUNCE UNPROVOKED AnACK ON SOLDIER I'UICi:, Clali S'ov H, 117. Sir heniour V Trows Camp Lewis, 4 Amirlian ltkc, Wuah Dear Mr I'rowx It was with the deepest i mind million uml piilu tlmt the studentx and faculty or dm Carbon 4 County HlKh school rtud the urtlilc nppciirliiR In the November 1st Issue or the Ncwx-Ailioiutp so llbi lously iitluckhiK Jour i burnt ter 4 and wc want )ou tn know that nx our foriner classinutPN nnd iissn. 4 It ilntts we resent It, We fid dint a soldltr'x purtliiK from his loved tints In Hum of strife Ix hard euoiiRh without IiiivIiik In live down uu uniallnd for and ilrloux uttui k suih as )ou retcdvul, II Ix not the 4 first tlmi) tlmt slmllur nrtlcltx lime uppiartd, and we ere wrltliiK' Ihlx 4 4 not onl) to let )ou know thui our Rood opinion of )ou Ix unul red, 4 but lo xhow tlmt as studentx mid tint hi rx wo will ilKorously resist 4 4 such ussaultx In the future, 4 4 Wu fuel that )ou have nindernl to Ihlx lommunlt) n scrvko that 4 4 plucts It In your debt Whtnevu )ou huve been cnllnl upon, no 4 4 mattir what the mmsioii or the xervltc retiucNtpd ou Imvn respond- 4 4 ed As former president or our student boil) )ou hud the reputation 4 4 or boliiK u moil proKicsslvo und proinlsliiK officer, nnd you inrrled 4 4 that reputation Into private lift Vou worn responsible In n Iuik 4 4 mcuHuro for dm sucicw or our pouevrt baud and uholr, and )ou were 4 4 evtrywhere looked u to ax inn who ulwiix did )our dul) with it 4 4 smile and a chesr) word Mm with such iimlltlex ctiiiuot ho "uu- 4 4 putrlodc," men or such ciuulltlux cannot bu ")nllow," As Imiuliurs 4 4 and future iltUuiis if this conimunlt) wu (ire too rur In )our tttbt 4 4 to pn) )uu off In such delHtsed itdii, and wn want to do all In vur 4 4 powtr to mako Just nmcndx We huve tnken llu liberty to send n 4 4 cop) of this litter to )our louimaudliiK officer and to the Carbon 4 4 count) bojs who luft biforc )ou did. 4 4 Wo hope tu hnvci )ou Ixuk animiK us somv iu, Wt hope 4 4 whin this war Ix t nded )ou will return to us, plosleull) and muntall) 4 4 nx sound uh whin you left, for ir such persons us )ou an "unpiitrlotlo" 4 4 am) ')ollovv" wo cannot riiI loo man) or thuui. The) am (ho kind 4 4 thut made 1'riie tho ' lllKKest l.lltlo Clt) On liarih," and dm) nro 4 4 tho kind that will plant dm Stars nnd Htripes over Ulrlln. 4 4 Ilollevo us, Mr. Trows, wo remain nx over )our rrlendx und well- 4 4 w Uherx, 4 THK HTUUKNTH AND l'ACH.TV OK Till! CAlillON COUNTY 4 4 HIGH bCHOOL. 4 W. aienn Ilurmon, Miriam II Thurmun, J I'.lvvood ilatherum 4 4 and Intz Hiott, Commlttit 4 4 .l.. 4444444444444444444444-t' 444444 KHHBHHH I. KllimMt. pun Itasrr, If the sfluntlcr BS rails e.r refopm to avail hlmsfir of the . HH riRhl to pun hasp dm Is ml In (lis JH case at Iwr Van WxKKimer Is dm ViH elnlmunt liunhastr of the land In cBH iliiestlon The slate Ix fbditlliK the EH mw ( stHblMi Itx rlRht to oimt Whit H more ax a Hpmtler and to sell tho propert) to Van W'nKRoner nx n liRltl- uiHle purchaser nt private Mile Van WiiRiioner li siihiR to esinbllsh hlx tltl- BH lo the bind nnd lor daiunRi-x Ihchuism BLH of Hellerse powimlou by Whltmorru H Whltmore. on the oilier hand, Ix flutit- HaB Iiik both die flntc nnd Van WaRRuncr In an effort to establish his siiiiatter title In tin html nnd to mold Rlilmr title or damnife to Van WnRRone r. ' pH rm or lwivi)prx. lBB Quite uu army of te-ual tnlslil Ix ! leprpsctitvel in the ciM' and Ihn suit iftsVH Will bee one ef lle most slllbborill) I hEbbI eontc-sli'd land ensete that Iiiih been ' ' BBJ tried In jeiirs. Attorney Herbert r ..' Hill) th, who fci it number or )pars " BH past wax In i haw or dm land depart- melit of the state html beinrel, hits been , BEH pmplo)ed l the laud bonrel nx him vial BH nttorne) lo ipprcseui dm bonrd nnd v BEwi dm stiito In dm case ut bur. Ho for ' ox tlwlr Inti rrtx are In common he ' BflH will also co-op. rate with dtp nttorne) rvprcse nlliiK Van WetKRourr person- nil) Itepmse ntlnif the Whllmore lg- li reslx am A II llurne former attor- ' jBpBJ nc) Rem nil or I'tuh, l. N Htruup, hEBJ former thief Juitlic or dm suprcmti i J court or Htnlr 'rtminus .Miirliuusiux uml rithers, while Thoinux I- Mitchell, 'jjEWM I'e rdliiiiml Krlcksiu ami SI T. Ilrnf- EJ fet are eiirlnif foi (lie Van ViiKotisr lBEfl Hit.rtls ' ! 'I lie properly Involved hi Ihlx attloii IH wax direivvii opt n lo sals by dm hind iHihrel nf I'tah some tn ycairx iiro, nt !BEE1 liubllr am don, but thstv wax nn bid. lBEEi der for II Utter It wux pIuocmI mi thtv lBEEi list open to prlvute sale at the offlcH) ' of the laud laiartl In thu iiiemutlmei. . It Ix lllli Re d, Whllmore MlllHtled oil ! the pleipert) and for seven yesilti, uu- lBEEi known to the ImiiiI board, occupied dm !EEE1 flft) -six acree In iiursdmi Then Van jBfl WuKRomr tame hIouk and appllnl lor EEfl punhase or this paillculai propirty BflBJ and about thlrt) suex inldltltmal of bEj the iiuarler smIIoii Tin Vniul laiurd pEfl accepted Van WiiKRoutrM offer uml BBfl sdd the propert) lo him Tlism Is BE Win re the trouble comilleueed. Villi PxVx Wiirroiii r found Whltmorii In pos M-esInu of tin propel l) und tho Huul- ? ter lefllxd to llllll over tilt) propurl). f 'H III fait, hlx lulcmtetx have liulil tho j'BEEI proper!) In adverse possessloii over EBB iBbbJ llofore die bourel could Issuu title to I ! Van WiiRKoutr. the Whllmorp Inter. ! cuts lustlliitid lujuiitllou prontdlnRS lBEEi In dm district court to proitmt Isxti- iBBBI lime or dtlo lo tho pun linnet. Tim JBBpj dlatrlil imirt Krautiid the lujuiiellou, pBj but mi uppeul to tho supremo tiourl IBBb dm liijuuidou wux illssolitel iiiid ths BbV supreme tourt held tlmt tho adverse) ftpB possession or Whltmore wax Invalid, i Bfta lit fiiMtl tu Vucatii. I H Hut Wliitmore refund lo viumtii dm jBBM luiul Then action wnx commenced ( BBpj b) the stati html Ismrd uml Van Wuk- jEBJ Koinr to mist Wliitmore It Is this ' HH Issue that Is now up Now the statu BBBl must produce evldtuio In show that SBBv i It Ucltlmutol) sold dm land to Van ''flBJ i iiRRoui r und support Ills rlRht lo ro- Bffl , nlve tldt to tho propert) In timstluu, IiKEI , If Ihlx Issue Ix settle el In favor of tho jBafl , state . the u Vim Wurkoiii r inn) pro. iBBaJ , teed with hlx t Inliu ror dnmuRiix 'BBBl , URitlnst Whltmore ror udvurw pus- BBV session xliiio tho llnm or purnhusti by aVxVA , Vim WiiRKoner IBBBI II Ix pointed out thut the ouso Ix of , flBpj 1 lliil liiiortuiiie to tho statu and rs. IH ' pet lull) to tin school funds or the B ' stntc hotuuxo ir tho courts should hold WJBfli ' dint u Hiuutter hud tho rlubt to hold aaBJ school propert) slmpl) b svidcimiint ' 'ffSfli ' proi ess. cicr) litre of unsold stihool i 'jlbS luiulx In thn state would ho open to jiBBBT dm wiualior, dm state would rscelvu HEVxH imthlnK from suih lands, and dm per- tiBBvJi pi lull) or the scheiol funds' would b) BflV obllteiruted with dlsastroux rtxailtx to h 'apBj tho schools ) VxEBu There nro man) tliousiinds of uirox ' or unsold school lauds und It Ix ox- I 'jl ' tlmnted tlmt dm) arc, und will bo In f AbH ' dm future worth millions or dollum , EBafl ' to the scluulx or Utnh Heme thu ut. ItHI ' iuos( Important o or suttllnR thu point f'rEBM ' at Issuu In tho present enso fuvornbl) atBBfl ' for tho state "iBEV Muyors mid ollur munlclpul offl- J ' EHBi ' elulx or illles nnd towns throughout I BKM Ohio wtrti churKiid with 'wholesale. fiH ' robbery" or coal b the luul admin- i p'jRJ ' Istratlon at WnshlnKlon. D C, last I yflM Tuesday Discovery of tho "thofts," jEflHHBWnl IniolvlpK tho unlawful confiscation of EBBBTcBHBfciifl thousands of loaded coal ears, wus VxVxVxWBBBBh officially announced by l'uel Admin- VxBBBYEBBVxB Islrutor Garflpld fullowlnir a confer BBBflflBBflB unco with Homer Johnson, newly qp- BBBEv8H8l pointed fuel admlnUtrator ror Ohio BBBBBBflfl