Newspaper Page Text
Lh B PAGE FOUR THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30. 1917 Bj rOMTICAM.Y, HICl'UIIMCAN H JksuciI Kvcry Friday r Hnn Publishing Co. (Inc). l R, W. Crockett, Manager. l Babscrlptlon, tl.f.O Um lmr, Office Telephone, No. 9j j Hfwldcncc. No. 131M2 nnd IS3M1. v H ADVKimHINu'llATKa Hi Dlspliy Matter I'or Inch per Month, f 1 00, (tingle K Issue, 40c. Hpcclnt Position IS Per Cant Additional, H Header and I-egal Notices, 10c per Lino Klrnt In H( sertlon; So per Line. Kach Subsequent Ihuc, Count seven K words to the Hl Obituaries, Cards of Thank, Ilesolutlons, Etc, at Kl Half lAcat Heading Notice Kates. Count seven word to K the H, Adlcts, for Rate, I'or Hcnt, I.ost, Found, K(c , One K. Cent per Word Kach Issue. No Charge Account Hi Address All Communlratlona to i HUN I'UHMHIIINO CO, I'IIICI UTAH. H I WENT MOURNING WITHOUT THE j SUN; I STOOD UP AND CRIED IN THE Hj CONGREGATION. JOH, .10-28. 1 In tho fnee of the threatened food shortage i GrouchlcsH Day in also important. H When Price and Carbon county arc ready for H' n better newspaper it will be The Sun. Hi Carbon county farmers arc going to help H smash tho kaiser by smashing the farm records H next year. ssssbb , H Twenty-one yenrs from now there'll be as H many young men named Joffre or Pershing ns H there arc Dcwcys today. H Camouflage can't fool the avcrago Carbon H county housewife. She watches The Sun for H facts about merchandise. H' As the Boston Transcript puts it: "Wo see by H the papers that the democratic national commit- H tec is Boon to meet in Paris." H Last March Trotsky wns working on a New H York newspaper for twelve dollars a week. Just H now ho probably wishes he had that job buck H again. H Public ownership of the lighting and power B system at Price has proven a failure. It has l taken a raise in rates, however, to make n lot of K people Hee it. H! Capitalists arc interested fn the price of steel, f oil, copper nnd tho like. However, the domestic HHJj economist in Price is more interested in the prico HHJi of meat, groceries and clothes and she has her HiaH eyes on the advertisements in The Sun. H Money spent by Price and Helper in water lltl- j gation, which has just begun, would go a long HHJ ways towards acquiring, for instance, n joint j water system for tho two cities. No matter HHj who wins in the suits now in court, it is only n HHJ start to more nnd endless litigation. HHJ Our country has two hundred thousand men HHJ engaged in building ships, nnd will add three j T hundred thousand more, so that in 1918 there J will be five million tons turned out. Whether J tho war continues that long or not, Uncle Snm In j that year will have one of tho world's greatest HBJ merchant fleets something that the American HHj flag has needed for years. B Suppose n man came to town with an elephant j Thcro would bo no use at all in advertising it in j The Sun because we don't think anybody in Prico B would want to buy the animal. He would havo to BBJ advertise that in the Breeder's Gazette or the BBJ Menagerie Journnl. But if a man in Prico him B something to sell that we nil must have to live BBj or enjoy ourselves with a necessity or a luxury BBfl wo can afford "go to II" in the columns of The BB1 Sun. BHl Next month wo may declare war against Aus- BB tria, Bulgaria and Turkey. But the war will nl- BB ways be known ns the war with Germany. Gcr- BB many was the aggressor, from the start. Gcr- BB many has been tho nctive agent all tho time. BB Austria would never havo bulldozed Serbia but BB for Germany's approval. Bulgaria would never BJ have been drawn in but for the Invishness of Bf German promises. Turkey would havo kept out BJ but for Germany's pressure. So, no matter how BJ many nominal enemies we or the other allies may BJ have, tho one great enemy is nnd will be Gcr- BJ many. m Italy and the United States have a common M bond these dnys. In Italy thero arc some two Bfl million men who hnve never been on the fighting BJ lino becnuse thero aro not rifles and supplied for BB them. Any considerable portion of these rc- M serves, if they could be placed effectively on the m Tnglinmcnto lino, would put an end to von Mnck- BB J enscn's "drive." In tho United States about BBh seven hundred thousand men hnve been taken by Bfl I selective draft nnd ordered to cantonment, where BJ thero aro not enough rifles to enable them to bo BJ drilled, not enough uniforms to cnnblc them to BJ be clad nnd not enough housing t enable all of BJ them to join tho colors. It is no wonder that BJ thero is a larger sympathy for Italy in this coun- BJ try than elsewhcro among the allies and freer B expression of it. H There is an impression locally that tho present H .high prices for commodities of all kinds will H cense just ns soon ns tho great war is over. Thero B ' no reason to think so. The present high prices H will remain long after tho war is over. Tho mil- M lions of wealth that has been destroyed in build- H ings cannot be replaced in a short time. The H millions of men who will have been killed or in- H j u red cannot be compensated for in a short time. H Only new generations can do this. The older r residents of Price will remember that this was Kg true after the civil war. Thero was a period of BJj high prices long after that conflict. The same HH wns true following tho Napoleonic wars. We H may aB well draw these conclusions from tho BJ " pages of history. They aro based on a law of BJ .economics that is ns certain in its operation as BJ a law of nature. ' Hi r THRIFT STAMPS AND THE WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. Government war savings stamps and certifi cates and thrift stamps will bo on sale through out the country next Monday, December 3d, nt the postoffices, all the banks and trust compan ies, railroad stations nnd nt other public places. Any person with twenty-five cents can invest Carbon county hns been asked to buy $225,310 worth, the apportionment being computed on tho bank deposits of the county. The plan has been worked out by Frank A. Vnnderlip, presi dent of tho National City Bank of New York City, who Is giving his entire time to his coun try nt a salary of one dollar a year. No one can work for Uncle Sam for nothing. All purchasers can sell back to the government all certificates with 3 per cent interest on this money. The certificates are tax exempt and no one mny purchase more than n hundred dollars worth at any one time, nor more than a thousand dollars worth altogether In December nnd next January war savings stamps will bo sold at $4.12 ench. After that one cent will be added each month to the price. If twenty stamps aro bought during December, 1917, nnd January, 1918, the cost will be 82.40 for the filled certificate, for which the government will pay $100 on January 1, 1923. Thrift stamps will cost twenty-five cents apiece. When the card is filled with six teen nt a cost of four dollars, it may be ex changed for n war savings stamp bearing inter est nt 4 per cent, compounded quarterly. The thrift stamps do not bear interest. Money from the sale of certificates will be used to meet the expenses of the war. Two hundred nnd twenty-five thousand dol lars is a huge sum to ask of the people here abouts just after two liberty lonn subscriptions, but that Carbon county will do herself proud in this last campaign goes without saying. Her people hnve met every appeal of their govern ment so far w 1th n hearty response nnd when the final count is mndo Carbon will hnve a plncc in the subscription list of which everyone living within her borders will be justly proud. "Tell the tiuth nnd shun the devil'' In an nxiom ns old as tho hills and n very true one. Price river water Is no worse now thnn it always has been nnd will never be better thnn it now is. The only way we'll ever get purer water for use lo cally will bo by constructing n system from some Coint above tho contaminated area. This must e done by nil the towns, cities nnd communities going together or by each place individually. These lawsuits are n waste of money and arc getting the cities of Price nnd Helper nowhcic. ARE THOUGHT TO BE MURDERED (Continued from imcn one ) about 35 years, but where he camo from to this city and what he did previously Is not known lo cally. Hu is said to be a single mnn. Interviewed nt Salt I-nko City Goyn is report ed as saying: "A few days ago I received n let ter from tho Spanish consul at Boise. Ida,, in forming me that Gcmino wns at Bingham. The consul says Gemlno killed three Spanish boys before leaving Price. I remember tho circum stance. Gcmino had a little farm near there. Three boys were figuring on buying it. They hnd five hundred dollars ench. They disappear ed. It is now believed that Gcmino nnd somo of his friends killed them nnd hid their bodies, get ting away with the fifteen hundred dollars be tween them." The fnrm referred to by Goyn Is one that belonged to Frank Grosso nnd tho late L. O. Hoffmann, situate nbout three miles up the river from Price, near the ranches of Levi B. Pace nnd his brother, James F. Pace. The three Spanish boys were on the ranch for n time. While tho members of thu Spanish colony in that sec tion were nil known ns good farmers, they are snid to have been hard to get along with nnd wcro always in more or less trouble with their neighbors, the wntermnstcr on the ditch nnd folks generally they came in contnet with. Armcndarls Hatches Up Story. When the three young men now supposed to hnve been murdered failed to show up nmong their countrjmen nnd associates at Price inquir ies began to bo mndo of the reason for their not coming to the city. The question wns once put to Armendnris and his reply wns that he had forced them to quit the ranch nnd leave the country. His excuse for bo doing wns that they were always In trouble nnd ho hnd tired of it Further, he stated, he hnd marched them to the train nt Price nt the point of n sixshootcr and forced them to bonrd it. This story appears to havo been ncccpted by the Spanish and Mexican colony nt Price, and nothing more would have been thought of them but for the murder chnrge now under investigation by tho consul nt Boise, Idn, nnd the arrest of Sola or Gemlno. It is now tho belief of many that the young men were murdered for their money nnd tho bodies burled somewhere in the west hills. Gcmino Not Wanted Here. Records kept by the sheriff's office show that Gcmino (Sola) was arrested and taken before A. J. Lee, justice at Price, on October 14, 1915, for disturbance of tho pence and thnt ho was dis charged for lack of sufficient evidence. This was in connection with the row nt tho Carbon Hotel. This date does not tally with tho ono given by Goyn, thnt of December 21, 1915, when the trouble at tho Carbon Hotel took place. La ter an effort was made to have the fellow put un der bonds to keep the peace, but nothing wns dono in the mntter ond in tho meantime Gcnimo had left hero. Sheriff Collinghnm had an in quiry from the sheriff nt Salt Lake City last Tuesday concerning Gemlno nnd replied thnt tho man is not wnnted here, thero being no chnrge against him. Sheriff Collinghnm hns not de cided whether he will make a search for tho men believed by the consul nt Boise, Ida., to have been slain. Folks knowing tho trio of tho Car bon Hotel aro Inclined to the belief thnt murder would not stand in the way of their getting money. LOWER PRICES ON 5HEEP AT THE RIVER (Continued from pace two ) ol IndUldual hujrra over Mena county. The stock la expected to nrrlte by De cember IrL l)r It W HoRKnn ot tho atato live stock commission left for Chicago Tuesday to attend tho annual meet Ins; of the National I.lvn Stock nmto ilatlcin, scheduled to bn held Decem ber 2), 3d nnd 4th It la expectid thnt mnn) mnttira of Interest to Utah atockrnlier will he hrotiRht before tho ionrntlon In the iilxtrcti Alabama counties whlili indicated rattle ticks last ear the nttMRO coat to the county wns $8062 31 The rattle In thi so muntlea won hureased In alur thereby tin dollnra n brad There 'vn nn ncras;e of 19.C94 cattle In these tountlea Tlurefore the ncroRo Increased nlue Mas $196,940 for ccr dollar ex pendeil l the county twenl-four dollar wn reolltid The Ogdcn llc stock market I soon to be represented throughout all section of the Intcrmountuln country with n dnll) it nil weekly market re port to be sent out by tho stockard compnn there Arrangements aro mm being made for dull) nnd weekly imiiaiers to be furnlshid with reg ulnr n porta nn dally receipts nt the Ogdin ard, prices, sales and gen rrnt conditions of tho market Fully flftj-fle thousand head of cattle lme been lost annually during tho last, few jenrs from poisonous plants on rnnires In tho national for ests utiil 90 per rent of tho loss Is due to larkspur, according to n lato for rstr bureau bulletin announcement. The bureau points out that nt least OS per tent of the larkspur plants can he killed by the first grubbing nnd that rrgrubblng n enr later should prartltall) erldlcnte the pest lt ports hae lirin recled from our the cminO of the loss of lle stmk says last KaturdayV (Irani! Junction (Colo ) News. The death of the unlmnls Is wild to have been cans, d h tin Ir eating mllkncul, nnd effoils are nun being made h the intllemen to eradlcnte the weed from tin ranges where their herds nro feeding With rnttle at the present prlu the Iom of only u few hend mil trrlull) retimes the ear's profit, so i ver) tfforl will oe made to itestro) the mllkweid w-hrrewr It Is found Httx kgrowers of the nation have sole tid Halt Uikc City ns their mxt mriting plate The American Ktoik growirs' nrsmlatlnn ha aniiinitueil olfliliill) that Its next convention will convene In Halt Ijike Clt), Jnnunr) 17, I9IH The innvintlon, whldi will last for time ilujs. will bo mnrked I') the ntti nil.inie of fedirnl conserva tion ixpirls, who will nddnss the rtorkgrottir Dili gates from all ovir the Wist and from the greut South, west will be In iitttmlame b the hundreds Intent mi doing their shan tnwnrd const rving food stnikgromr of Cat h louiiiy will ship n hiiuiliid and flfl) lesM inrlnads of mi at than or Ulnarlh this fall, iiiiordlng to U K Smart of l.ogtin, who savs that )nung animals, pnrtiiularl) lalvee, lire to bo hi Id for future markitlng whui tin Ir xlit has Imriased "An shortage this )ear will Ih mon than made up next full nftir tin so ials huvi had nnothi r )ium growth, ' Hninrt said. "Thioughnut the Northwist giiieml I), I bellevn thnt full) IB pi r tint of the animals are being kept off the marki t for purport h of food t nn r vatlon " woiti.hri i:uv MIIAT ()HI)i:it is jivi: Cllll'AdO. Nov 57 The gn litest meat order In the hlstor) of the Chi i ago ktock)nrds, anil prolnbl) of (he world, was plated hiru todn) Joseph I' Cotton, t hit f of the mi at illllon of the food administration, win tho bujer und the purchaso wua for the allied nations, the Ited Crus and tho llelglan n lief rommlulnn The ton. We Want to Iltip You in Your i Food Conservation i Of tours )ou havo pled mil our self to nld In food conxvrvatlon Wo inn hilp you materlMll) Wo aro pro pared to buy all of our PRODUCE We will pay jou tin highest murket prlcu for all products of thu farm. Don't let ANYTHING go to waste this )ear Have It nil Wo' 1 1 help you turn It Into cash i We specialize In lit), drain. Flour, Mlllstuffi, Sugar. Salt, Honuy and Keodx of all kinds for man and licnst Oct our prices, whether a buyer or n selltr 8avo mono) Sen Ice Is a hobb) with us. i Price Commission Co. Scnrlcti All tlio Time. phone: is rmicE, otau MAT OII.MOUR I i A. W. McKINNON I UPALCO FLOUR UINTAH BASIN PRODUCT PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGHBORS. AS GOOD AS THE BEST AND ALL Or THE REST Prico Commission Co., Exclusive Wholesale Distributors. nage, tho kinds of meats Involved nnd tho time for dollvrrlm will remain secret, as will tho names of the flf tien packers who divided the orders. Tho order for tho United Htales army failed to arrive In time, It was said, and will divided later It also was said the gTinler part of the order will be delivered after the first of the )car nnd that cured meats nnd bird will go to make up n considerable portion of tho whole The order wns placed under tho new prices estab lished on Haturday by the food nd ministration, allowing the packers not more thnn 3' per cent profit on mint sales. Thn order was unusual. In thnt them was no competition, tho whole thing being shared out nt the gov ernment a own prices, pruUlcnlt) nt tho dictation of Cotton PURELY PERSONAL J W Hammond was n buslnpM tUltor In Halt Lake Clt) this wick Miss Zella I'ausitt came down from Halt l-nko Clt) during the wick to be nt home for Thnnksglvlng Mrs Irn Oreen of Hunuvslili' wns shopping In I'rlre this wick and while lure was a Havn) guest K (' llmvin, imstmaslrr and lead ing rlltxtn of Hiawatha, vvas In Price during the wrek on buslnes He sloppid nl the Havo) Mrs. W I Uimpti and Mr, ami Sirs. W Walker of Hiawatha wen gueoti of the Tavern during (he week The ladles were shopping I'rcMon Nutter of the Nine Mile eiiuntr) wns In the city Widncsds) going to Halt Uike Clt) In Im with his fa in 1 1) over Thanksgiving Don I llnbblns wns down from SCIon this vviek going to Huntington, win re he was looking afttr the Frittl roiil holdings up the nin)on Mr und Mrs l,lo)il V. Wood nre In make their In. mo nt lllack Hank, the former hiving taken the manage ment of the nmitsemt nt hall thi re A t" Watts, c hl r inglnur for Utah Fin I rompan), wua among the Savoy's guists this wnk He was going to Hunii)slde on iiimpun) bind dim MU Cleonn Ijiseen of Hunn)slde was a gLont of thn Tavern last Tues day en route to her home ut Fiilr view She bus resigned ns n It at her ut Huun)sldi J II Mniiitnu spent Thtnksglvlng with his fnmll) ut 1'rovii. Mrs .Man son w hose hi alth has nut lit t n good of late, will soon go tu California for the wlnlir months. U C Ft rgusou ami a part) of tin mm went In Price this wick going to Cmery county to sune) n big body of lund fir the governmtnt and which U soup to be thrown open to st Itlt mint. (leorge M. Miller was u gutst or (he Havo) mi Tuisdu) last going Huntington, wh. re he lati r lookid nf tir numerous buklncs mntttrs. lie and Mrs. Mlllir nro pltnaid with tin Ir in w liiimt nt Zlou J M. Millard of Atttr, N M , has hem In town the pant wetk looking nftir his numerous Interests here. He sold his eighty ncru farm north of town to a 1 Holt, u new comer. Altonah News, 33d. Nells C ChrUtenson was down from Castlu (lata Sunday That rump Is working nbout four da) a u week nnd thu men making about as much under the new sralu as tht) did six da)s under tho old. J, II Huhlnnciuf, general manager of the Wasatch Stores company and V Kumnir, paymaster of Utah I'uel enmpan), were guests ut the Tavern last Sunday and Monday going und coming from Hunnjslde. John It Doolln nnd K. J Wcntxil of thu ntw mmp of Wuttls wire among the guests at the Havo) during thn week Hhlpmonta are cxpetted to be going out Irom there the first of tho )car Perhaps bnforp thin Mr nnd Mrs. I). M Trost of v ton nrrlved In Price Sunday tu and stopped over a day nnd night wl Mr ond Mrs. ! A haulier, Uavl Tuesday morning for Han Dlrgo, Cat where they will spend the winter Ilobert Howard, state coal ml Inspector, wns licrorthl week to t tribute his bit tu the county In the w of taxes. Hu Is making a trip to , ral of the proptrtlcs ot the distil In the meantime. Ho registered the Tavern Wnlti r F. kce who has been the emplo) of the Koutharn Cnllforn Kdlson compan) of I,o Angilcs f some time, arrived In Helper Tursd, ivenlng for a visit with his parrn Mr and Mrs I A l.e, Help Times, X3d 41. I' Mcdonngle, state engln was In Helper the first of the wc Inspecting the state bridge niniM tl Prlci rlvir, also thn road up Kprli Can)on This road Is to be lmprnv and put In first-class condition IP rrr Tltnis, 33d. Neal Hanks, the Nine Mil. sto man, was In Price several ilajs t first of the wrik on business He e dcrcd his top) of Tho Hun st nt lo h family at ltoosevelt, win re the) a loeatrd thin vvinttr that the thllilr may attend school. Nell M Mndsrn, fui I ndmlnutr tor for Carbon uiunty, was In I If If last Moniln) nnd made a hoitst home tanvnss of (he supply of in on hand He Is assisted by V. T Ito kmhagcn and an entlro siimy of tl uiunty Is being made Helptr Tim 33d IM Hitimountaln tamo down ti tirilu night from Woodslde, suffi rl with an attack of blood poUonliiK, t suiting from nn Injury tu tils hnr Aftir rettlvlng prompt mrdltal tt ntlon he returned to Woodtldt In muih better condition (Irmi Itn Dlspatth, 33d. T W U'Wls of Hiawatha p i basing iiki lit for I'nltut Htatts li compan) had business In I'rKe l Haturda) The.inmps to tin sou have bought much produce, fruits ni the products of the ranch In this vi le) this )eur The highest prlies I li long lime have prevailed I' V llodflah, who has nlmil nil Intinsts In tho Hnn Juan tiiuntr was nt the Tavern Wtdnrsday route to his home ut Zlon nflrr vlsi Ing the fields of thu southwest porl of the state He n Hi rated his stat mi nt or u fi vv dayn ago while In I'rl that (he next oil excitement In I'tai follow id b) tlevi lopment, will 1 ' the Hnn Juan country Thomas I.ti ivi llwi. one ef II lending tltlxns of Hcoflvld und s old limit ut that tump nnd In Csrlt' count) was In Price mi buslnis ! Widmsda) and while here paid h irspeits to The Hun. Conditions, I mH, In that portion of the county ' tit 1 1 r than the) havo lit en for a lor time und are Killing bitter rlc along All the mines nre wanllr more mm Wulttr K. Hoffmann, ufltr a l or stvrral wieks with his muthr Mrs. U 4) lloffmnnii at Price, salle lust vviek from Ban Francisco, Cal for China. He was lucky In being all to secure pnsragii with u numlr t Japnntse statrsmt n who nre rtturr Ing tu the Orient nftir a trip lo ac national capital nnd miveral of l1 largir titles of this country. oi" Hoffmann Is still In the employ of It Standard 4)11 compan). Curl (lunderson of Price, hal mnn of the council of defense torn mlttee on statu protection, was hrr Mondu) and selected William Parr as captain for Ililper, who will choo tin deputies to assist him. The drputlis urn considered nectsssry I view of the Information coming fror Washington, 1). C to tho state eoun ill that thtro Is a widespread (lernu plot to destroy by fire, poison an otherwise building on farm propirtj foodstuffs und Industrial plants an all manner of live stork on the run' Helper Tlmis, 33d. Nicest sluff tables In Price on wbW to play nnd congenial surroundliur Peacock Ilros Advt. Last Winter's Fineries n -K will look surprlslngl) attrni DtfMQL tlvc If )ou send them to us JmtSWnplfmlfk. for rtll0Sal,Q" UX our dr, jBMSc TwiMm cleaning process. Spotted 47 4LLrt Mrmmr''lk ""'led und "mussy" garnint nf7 AUywlU. -K tMI lone ull their UKilnesi and '7Pa1ir emerge so bright and new- WlTBlfflRll looking that thty'd dectivc ill I usl'littmram cvon ou lf ou lllJ not knnw lijr .Hli JJatll Ctanc,j ond blocktd, suits made to measure All " prlies from $16.00 up. ACME ULEAHERS AND TAILORS :: Price, Utah i j