Newspaper Page Text
1 MB I iM 17 ,-,,.. wlHI M - '. " '' m': : HI PWUARY U9, THE esW asa ' "" 9 Mlnnlng January l. tm.-lhe sub- fMP -IM 111 I II lb--riiWZ!P:;&i3 s2ZS9RSl II II II II OH JSuon price or Tha Sun will tie ad. jtM H kVjF J 11 1 WTmrWtiSsF&Zglfo (OgZf l II I II, -JH SSd from 11.10 to $1.00 the year. STMuH SssKy lSflSiF2 i T fl Hmtnt subscriber mny pay ns fur In (MMPIH s ' 3 " Vr Jr LS " T ' lUH BErTcce. however, nt the rato of $1 to mm J I'OliITICAIiIiV It K I1 U It It I C X all EthfX desire. At present costs such ViH Ftwpapcr as The Hun cannot iw entered as Second-Class Matter. Juno I, 1916. nt the PostolNco nt Price, tCih, t mlcr the Act or March 3, 1S79 rfLH HM t $1 S nJ tho publisher coma - - a 9H K,nywhro near whole. VOLUME 3; NUMIIEK 28 EVERY FRIDAY DECEMBER 7, 1917 RH ION-SUIT IN TWO OF I RIVER WATER CASES Winter Quarters and Clear Creek Dropped 1 From the Present Litigation By I Ruling of Court, 1 The tiiKo or Helper illy ugftlrnl Pleasant Vnllcy Coal r(imany, tho inl of the I'rlui rlvcr contamination HUlK was resumed before Jmlgp Hen Hill Ha)e on Mondn) lust In dlMrh t Jtutl nt Price Tho testimony of the Hiblntirr occupied nit of the first ilny J.1 at Its clone the defendunt filed u VE-ntlon for non-suit bused upon fort) BJtur spcclflr ground. All of TucmIs) Hjiot) Wcdnrsilu) wcie consumid In the HLrgumtnl of this motion. It was ion Hrntlcd by tho defendant Hint the wini Hrlalnt did nut statu u cause uf action MsartnntlttK equitable relief fur the. jHmson that the cvldeneo showed the Hkfcndaul to huve Inaugurated nnd K-witlnucd the custums complained or Hinjr prior to tin acquisition of tho Hatir right owned b) Helper, nnd hlch that city alleged to liuvc been Hntrlngcd. This contention wn over jmKd liy the court. Tho Lompnny Hrurtlnr clulmcd to haw nrqulrcd pre Hrlpllvn rlRhts to operate Its mines o the custnmur) manner by virtue of Hung usage In whlrh the pliilntlff hi H -qulcuced This i Inlm was ulso do termlucd ndversol) to tho oinpuii tmn tho Kround that tho enniiimlmi- idii of water used by n community for jllnury purpose touatltutc u public i limine for the contlnunnce of which i prescriptive right cannot la in- . jlrt il NoifSult l Orelcivel. Th uiiirt round that tho evldcnie iow d pollution of tho rlvtr nnd Its iilbutiirlc ut Winter (Juurter. Hear i eik nnd fustic (late, but uli found Hat In vli w or the fact ulso estntillsh- tl thut pollution existed nlnng th" while river trlliulury nnd ut Keotleld, it evidence taken ns n whole did " i t warnint n flndliiK that the eon- JW i mlimtlon or the Helper rwtwvolU ; i i burg nidi to the pollution at "I i in runou eainim of Clear Creek mid J Wlnt r Quarters, whlih are situated ' . out fortv rnllen hImivo thu llelpir ' "liter lllluki. lis then WHllied stroliK J rohnhltll) uniHr the proof offered ! it wnier tnivollnn with u illmmue ', mid Ixioini purldtd b and throiiKh ' .rlnux iurirlnK HKimlis mii'li as , i rutlun sunshine, the pertolulloli ; mrmiKli 'oil mid othir slmllur influ ; oh ulili li ure presumed to do nwa '. illi bad biuterhi In courso ot time J nlilisttimt AiiordliiKly tu motion r iii n suit n t' I'loar Cnek nnd ' Willi-r Quarters wuk Kruutud llow .' (r u to Custle (lutt the court ! Uiipted ibi views of our li;lliiUir J , hi rein iltlc uri Klven JurUdlctlon J i limit ordinances preventlut: pollu- inn or tlulr watur supply for n ills I taiuo r flttien miles upsiriMim. and uud thut wuli r would not prima urn purll Itself within un liits dls ! I. nie An-ordliiKlj the motion was ili nl d u to Castle Oate, which In vC itimted within two or threi mill rom tin llJlpir Intuke Thonvldunoe i ihe dofondant U row In Inn taken -" to Castle (lute Knits In IW- M'lHirutf. Ihe eireit or tho decision or thu uiiKlid law problims pusented Is u kirlllcntlon of hontofore moot qucs- iwiih nffentlnB the rluliU of Prlco nnd II. Ipir In relation in ncur udjuienl imps, when luntamlnntlon or wntirs i iilliBcd to oiiur. As Prlco und Mi-lpir am within the daiiKcr limit of Mltitn mllis us to ull the mines uther Hun Wind i Quurtirs und Cleur ireik, thi iiises romalnliiR ror dr- i rmlimtlon will bo seltled b the facts iniMii, us to pollution or uon-pollu- tiun ut tbohe pluces. Tin lounscl for I'rln Clt urKid n setlltlK of the sov- al suits unit wiUBht to iffict u ion- .Mutton of tho vurlous uctlonn. but pou protest made by all defendants, vuptlim onl the Denvir and Itlo iruiule the uisos were not lonsoll- .tul uud will huve to be separately Ilu this oonniitlou It wus dUiovered i ml un old and unusual rule exists In i in uiiirt of this district which pro id ' that uus not ut Issue upon the i i Is on tho nponliiK day or u term or iurt must lie lontlnued until the next i nn uiiIosh both sldps uRreo to nn .rllt r trial This rub uelnu Invoked 1 v sivirul or the defendant corpora uons, the Prlco suits wire set for hear iiir durliiR thi riRiiktr tomluK iuar torni The rule In ciurstloi. ftms llkil to bo iibroRutid to ion rm to tho prai tlie of courts of other 'Unlit i In the stutc, us Us enfoice nn nt Is shown to encourage dola In 'h trial of cases when lawjers are Hiposeil to adopt dllatorj lailUs. JuiIri- T I) Uiwls und M P Hrnr t an this v,eck reprrsontliiK ti" t Ulntlff and Judge Ferdinand hrUk. u mid H O. l.ucas the Pleasant Vul j uy foul tompany, the other uttorneys H n both sides of tho cuso not uppiar M 'tiR Numerous witnesses for tho jM i findant company were heard yes 9i tirduy und will be on the stand today M It Is expected the Helper tano will be e in ludud today BOOSTING 0RTHE BASIN IttxiMMi'lt Man Intcrifts ('oloniiln Pi-o-pie In Ills Country. J M Itussell, prominent sheepman and initio bu)cr or the Uintah llutlu eoiinto und president or the House vi It Commurilal club, was In l'rlc Jitiriluy and the day boTore uftir ri busliuss lrl to Drill I r, Colo. He has luterestid numerous persons of the Colorado capital In his stcllon und exiiiits to putt off it Hit rolonluttliin proposition this comliiK sprliiR. lie lilnd him he claims to have some or the bust men nnd Runulne Itoontcrs or Hint slate Ills mission here was In look ittlir nbout nlnu hundred head of wrlhirs ho Is shipping from ItlrlifirM oust, and whlih are to bo followed In n f i " iliys li) n Ihoupnnd ewes. Wlillc folks out his wuy have In tho past favorid u rond from Itoosovelt to the west und north for RettlnR to and from ihe reservation In summer, the) lire now In KlnuliiK to renllxo that the Price wit) In future Is "the only wn When he Rets buck home ho will so report to tho nimmirclnl club, men hunts utnl other of that town. The lifultr he thinks, will le to the hem fit of Price Settlors under his lotonlBillou deal will rome nnd ko next sprhiK throURh Prke Ho nil tliliHitisn liltf Influx to the llaslu when thlliRs Rel to worklnR uloiiK Ihe lines planned At I Mixer he found the officials of the Denver und Itlo (Irnnde lioolsrs for the Price road and wIIIIiir to do aiDtlilinc resMiiwble towards the de vilopment or Ihe llaslu The Denver and Itlo fl ill tule Is roIiir to help nloiiK with the udvirtisliiK planned ror the Hast throuRh newspapers uud o(hr wlw Willi' here the icenttonmii met numiiou btisliies men who have piomlMMl hi support that inu) lie ex and ill sired b tin eiiple out that mo Will HE H PRICE Siiiio Ibuiril Comlne llin to XiIiIh- In 'I'iimiiIdii .Mutters. The stud board of iiiiatlsutloli will hold six conferences with lounty as r r, lominlsslonerri uud treusuer en In various purls ol the slate dur ing Dotvmhir, The lonftrences will be ror the purpone of uiiUulntliiK the count) officials with the operation or new luws KovvrnlnK t) appraisal or propiit) In I VIS A stlu dulo or meet IliKS ror this purpose lins been deviled b) the state hoard or equallxutlon. The proRram arrnnKes ror officials or several counties to lusembtu with Ihe members or the bourd ut ilcidlfnutril plans on certain dutts. In most In slunies tho entire board will Im pres ent, but In one or two Isolated eases Ihe board will split and part will hold p mevtlnR ut one plaeo while other tnembirs will be ilsiwhire The si hi dule Is Deiembtr 10th, Utah, Juub, Mill ml counties nt Nephl, Deiember 1 1 tit. Davis, Welu r, Morsan, Summit conn Hit. nt ORden, Diiombrr IStli. Cache, llox Klder, lllih counties at !oRun. Deiembir 17th, Bait Uike, Tooele, Wu sutih, Pintail, Duchasne and DiiRKitl counties ut Halt l.ako Clt), Deiembir IGth, Hanpele, Hovlor, Vu)ne anil I'luti inuntlos ut lllchflttld MeitlnK dutei will be niinud lutir ror Kmor) und Curbon lounllis, und roi CJrund und Ban Juan The fui mer will ineiit ut Prlie und the Inlter ut Moab. The bourd wus unable to ileildi on thoe dates ror the reason that the conferences definitely fixed will iarr) the work on to tin first or tin 1'iinliiK )eur TRAFFIC SOME HEAVIER Duller und Itlo (Jninde ltesirl Jo-t Now Moot Uratlfjlnir. Continued Inireasi In frclulit busi ness Is reported by the Denver und Itlo (irande In a report su bm ted l the railroad to thu public utilities commission ror the third w.ek In No vcniber the movement or twent)-six hundr.d und Oil. feu loads was shown In the lust wick or thut numl th. .oinpany movil twenty ,"r hundred and six loads, an In-inns.- of a hundred and ninety ears. The improvement I- not marked In any particular line or rmlKht. but al most every department Rets a little Tonl and other forms of fuel run pretty evenly, with thirteen hundred and flfty-flvo loads of coal and a hun Srcd und seven!) -nine car. of coke So That the People May Know The recent action of the board of county commissioners in nwnrdlng the printing of the delinquent tux Hat to the NevvH-Advocnto nt nn ndvnnco of 80 par cent over the competitive bid of Tho Sun, illustrates the disposi tion of Commissioners I)iir Hnmllton nnd Albert Bryner to rcjrurd their public trust In the light of n private snnp. Uurdencd with taxation In creases, the exnetions growing out of the wnr, and nt a time when every individual claiming any degree of patriotism is making voluntary sacri fices in support of the public good, the already oppressed taxpayer of Car lwn county must rcgnrd contemptuously the spendthrift policy of these petty politicians, who In order to reward nn apologist of their rotten ad ministration, add 80 per cent to the legitimate cost of an item of public ex penditurc. If" Hamilton served his employer -the railroad company Hint way, he would bo fired without ceremony. The Price concern for which he works likewise would quickly inform Bryner, the pious, that It would try to wlgglo along without his services, if ho handled its business as he handles that of Carbon county. Both of these men have taken an oath that they will faith fully perform tho duties of their office, yet they virtually donate the pub lie monoyB to discharge their personul or political obligations to a cheap politician who manages n publication which advertises thu wife of Hamil ton ns one of its stockholders. Was Hamilton actuated by a desire to enhance tho stock vnluu of his wife's holdings In the favored News-Advocutc, in appropriating more than two hundred dollar of the public funds not called for by any public need? If such wns his motive, the people should insist upon the passage of laws making individuals ineligible for positions of public trust who nre by marriage made subject to such temptations. After all when Hamilton npproprintcs money of tho taxpayers to Mrs. Hamilton's cor poration, is it not substantially equivalent to nn appropriation into his own capacious popket? To take it himself directly would unquestionably be considered bad form by soma nnd rank dishonesty by many thoughtful taxpayers. Do you think it honest, taxpayers and citizens of Carbon county, that he should indirectly npproprinto your money, where it Iff made subject to his own use or the use of his family? And you, Commissioner Bryner, with full knowledge of thu fact that Hamilton was espousing an appro priation which would benefit his family, and with the knowlcdgo that you wcro paying 80 pur cent premium over a competitive bid for thu sumo ser vice, cast the vote necessary to make thu rotten motion of Hamilton carry. You knew it was rotten and you knew it was wrong and you knew that it violated your oath of office. You nre reputed to be abnormally pious, to in fact as the symbol of righteousness and rectitudo in the community. Let us hope and the prayorful ones pray that your conception of a public trust does not be come a community pattern. pMMdtiK In the third week, while dur Iiir the lust week In November the enniHiny handled thirteen hundred ml fltly-elRht ears of iihi! uud u hun dred and seventy of coke. Them was an Incroaie III ore shipments In the best week of November of nlxD-ono ears. In live stock, loo, there win Improved movement, while In Kenerul merihandlHi shipments thre was n decline. The flRures shown are Third Week Coke, 179, live slock 29, Kriiln. 1, mill, C, potatoes und veRttnbles, 'j, forest products, 3, com mercial loal, 133S, ore, IBS; memhati dlse, 330; smelter products, 130, other lommodllle. 330 fourth Week Live stoik, 37, Rruln, 1, Rreen fruit, !; vexetublo und pota toes, 11, torninemlal eoul, 13(8, coke, 17. ore, 11!) . smelter products. Ill, nu ri hiiiullnv, 199, other commodities, 33. Ill uddltlou the company humlled six hundred ami fifty-one loads from connecting llnvs In the third week of November, und seven hundred and eleven In the fourth week. No com pany coal Is Included In tho report to the commlislon. MILD FliyiDS THEM lltlchl Outlook Tor Pnnncm or Ctnh t ihe Comlne Year. ' IVII plowing und other full work wei attended b) fuvoriiblo ellmutle eondrvlnns, the ii'KUlt or continuously mild leather In Novemtur and mod irate mounts or prttlpltutlon, ue lordlmi o the monthly weather und crop sn Hilar) Issued lust Tuesday l J Cue IB Alter, meteorologist or the Colli d HVatos w lather bureau ' Iteetsyveie harvested without loss and full I ilowlnj,' and seeding were still In pliiifretM nt the end of the month. ' ) the report or Alter "Some lurlP sown KTUln Is up und do InK will bit not much has )et (term inated on ill e omit of tho dr)ness of the Mill, ainfc In Kenerul the condition Is latlur pooL "The extefrslve late seitdliiR has biotiRht the U iireuKo to prautlcnlly normal Mij stock kih rally Is In Rood londllUk nnd range conditions are fair in ft&c greater part of tho state, hut ahhreported poor In parts uf Kmer) urj (kan Juun counties." UIH That thejicliii department of the state laud j0 E should strain ever) possible po(twl-) accommodate farm ers who nii)(i) nns for machinery' Is the declurale or Arthur Kuhn, thu an ret a ry L V y farmers are flndlnv It neceuurMief oil) labor saving ma chinery to ifu s up for tho doriclency In help "41 ommlsslon Is Inclined to waive hM- d fast rules govern ing louns lo ' vor of the farmers, ' says Kuhn. I IS OP T0 IIIE CUV I'llHUo HiNinl Has No .lurlMllilloii Over the Jllno) Uiiilnc, Humiliation of the liistinini e it quIrementM from the new rules ruv i rnliiK operation of automobile sIorc line nnd "Jitney" busses In Dtuh has been decided upon by Ihe state public utllltloH commlMloii In tho old rules It whs required thut operators take out nu Insurnuee polio of ten thous and dollars on each vehicle, but JoilKe Joshua Greenwood, prcililcnt of the lommlislnn, bus decided Hint bias muih us that body Is not a tiglslatlvi one It Is without tho power to IcrIs bite nn Insurunco fcuturn Into the rubs. Ho ait) a that It Is the principal duty or thu commission to see that pa trons or automobile stage llnis nre protected by tho uso or surety devices und li) the employment or lompitent drivers und, also, thut they are pro tected from Imposition by exorbitant fnro charges, Thu other members of the commis sion loiicuircd with Judge (Ircen wood in his opinion that euuctincnt of ordinances n quiring liixurumu ng alust I li J try or death uf passenger of uutomoblln stuxe lines und house wns u matter within thu JurUdlctlon or lit) coumlls, ill) commissions nnd tin county boards or commissioner Judge Oreinwood mentions l.o An geles us un example or lit) liRlalutlou In the Item or Insurance ror patrons uf uulomoblle vehicle and he ex presses the opinion that In munici palities und count) boards nsl tin power lo uiver this phase or transpor tation, ihe public utilities commission not desiring to inirourh tiiou thut ground CHRISTMAS OiECKS COMINCi Cil) Itiud) io Itrfiiiul Cuhtouiers On Hint trie Power Meters. In the order made li the publli util ities commission ist Mondu) grunting I Price the privilege or Increasing Its rules ror electric service, the commis sion ulso ordered thut tho clt) refund all cash deposits mndo for meters us i speedily us the same may be done without flnauclul Imonvenlence, and In tho future not to require deposits fur meter Blnco It Is gencrall) de sired that these refunds be made, tho touncll thought thtro wns no choice as to time, and the sooner done tho quicker they would have It ofr their hands The records are now being checked und It has been decided to mako the refunds as speedily as pos sibles ho doubt sometime before tho end of the present month 1 It was ut NrM decided to make the refunds by giving i redlt on the month I) IlKliI bills until Ihe iiluoiiuts were jmIiI buck, but since such mi arrange ment would euuse iinnecosmr) Inron vinlence iiudir tho present s)stem or bundling the light accounts It Is iulte like I) the ell) will i these obllga thus direct through tin Ireusurer. All who klm& themselves In be en tilled to refunds ma) thirt-rnie x peit a Christians iheik LOCAL SITUATION IN COAL HulliiMiil Shipment lulu Pi leo Mu lb Cm Out Soon. Nell M Mudseii, fuel iidmlnlslrntor for Carbon county und working uudir the dlrettlon or Btute Put I Director Armstrong, wus hero during the weak checking up again the eoul conditions nt Price He finds that ubout seven ears monthly are being shipped In from Can tie (lulu In suppl) the homo demand, not counting thut coming b) wiigon haul from the Mllllnirii prop er!) north or this clt) In view or the full thut the coal mining from Custlo (.lute Is needed elsewlure, It ma) be thai Ihe stute fuel udintnlstnitlou will order the shlpuii uts from Custle (into from Utuh I'm I conipuny diverted elsewhere und the Mlllliurii mine directed to take lure of tho Pi lee trmin. of course this would meet objections from ihosi who dun I In the Castle (lute product uud also from tustomirs who might prefir It, but 'wnr Is wnr' und II Is likely to rome to this It Is poind d out that llmm Is plent) of toal at the .Mlllliurii proper!) foi nil demands und thut u sufficient uumlHr of teams ure nvullable ror huullug II. The people of Prlei cuu do this mill h of u bit In relieve (he dint i ess elsewhere In the event ot thi order being put lulu effect. Price dealers would be suppllid with the Mlllbum mine coal for their iiim toim rs MINE W SOLO (.corgv M. Cunuoii uud Other lime Option On .Mlllliurii ProiHH), (litorgo M Cannon of Suit laike Clt) this weik took uu option on the Mill burn mine some eight miles north of Price for hlmbolf and ussoc lutes A i substantial sum wuh paid down to bind the bargain. The purchase price is stated to be uround thlrt)-flve thousand dollars The property Is being hundled by lo- 'cut parties, who aro sending Its prod uct prlnelpull) to Idaho, ubout three (cars weekly It J Turner Is In charge for tho 'new people und the mine will con- MANSQN WILL BID 9 FOR LEASE OF M ' PLANT ' t "! yp COIM OVHU Tim PltOPOmnO.N )H in its uirr.Mi.s. KH In the Hunt of HU ltrlnK Urn hue- iH exrul llldilir Itnlcn Now ClmrKiil rH Cniinot He .Mnde An) lllglur, Hut feail At All Times Subject to llrgulalloii Hl of PlnlO rublle Ulllltlo, lloanl. H v HH If tho people or Price by their Vote XBI on tho 33d or this month nt tho spe- SlH clnl election culled ror the purpose HIH decldo to lease the i Icctrlc lighting H nnd power plant, now opernted by the H city, J. II. Mnnson or Prlco will lie n LLI bidder ror tho lenso when the matter HH Inter comes up ror final disposition li) H Mn)or (leorgo A WVotton nnd the B members of the iHy council Asked IH ns to his Intention nlong tho linn of ftH n tense, Mnnson yesterday told The flH Sun ho will have u proposition to HH make the people through their city , H offlerrs. "The utllltlei commission of . t Utah," said he, "having the power to j BH control tho mtcs or nil the publlo utll- r HH Itles, revising either tip or down und i.11 approving nil enntrnrts, wo nre rom- Til pelted In abide by any contrnct en- 1 H tered Into with the city, and u leaso i AH of tho clt's plant would have lo be ' tB approved by the commission before H the city could leuae, iilthnuflll the elee- il Hon so lo do Is il "Itutis as ordered established by 'H Ihe c ommlsslon lire In effect In this j jH city at the present time, and ure 1 ll twelve cents fur lighting resident es Ml nnd ten cents fir lighting nit IiukIoi'S-i i iH hotiuM, per klluvvat hour, which rote Jll Is Justified b) Ihe high rust of fuel, H us well us everything else thai enters Into tho ope ration or Ihe plant. Them H will be nu time thai the public tit I II - jH Ilia commission cannot lower Ihe rate H ror electric lighting If sin II u reiiuest H Is made, and II Is very likely that In 1 H snliiH of the bids to lease (lure will I "H bo Just such n clause. Illds will lit j H asked ror nnd I do not think I would I H be doing liDxelf Justlee b) outlining H what I will do or Just what kind uf a proposition I'll mnke the i ID, although H you mny taki in) rormer proioslilou H on t Uisls. There nre man) rHepoiisI- H bllltles In couueetloii with the oImtu- t 1 Hon of Ibis piuut more thuii thu uv- H crnge liidlvldtial thinks hiiiI there H ure man) obligations lo be taken over 'H by the one wlio lenses the plant. il Klrst A eontlnuotis servlwi ror )HH t went) -four hours und the suppl) lug H or eleclrle current to the maximum ujK demand Inside Ihe corporate limits H or the city, nnd ut no time shall the jH lllterewts or tin iltlteus or Prlie n jH negliHted unit their suppl) of sho- jH trlcul eiierg) "Hmonil The iwtiibllshlug of rutese ifll and the maintaining or suih nilM dur- lll log the lire or Ihe lonH jH Third The mulutaluliig or the ' presint street lighting s)stem. vvhleh H Is as good ns the best In the state or ',M "fourth The maintaining or Iho LViH plant und system uud assuming all ILI loss nnd elepri elation or property. IH which loss comes to ull s stems. IIH "I'lflh Thu guaranteeing or returns IH on tho clt)'s luveslineiit from the bn- 1 ginning of the lease, which will show IH u net gulu ror thu city Instead or u 1 loss Hut lo uccompllsli this end H more mniic) miisl be Invested, und H more butlmss secured It I'liunot Im f done b) the prose nt status or things. Hl "The puiple In voting to leuse their iBI plunt do not give uwa) their fruu- IIQI ohlse They ure ns much ihe owners l or the plunt us the) ever were. They 'IH merel) employ souuone to nperntu the 'Mil same, for u period or )eurs and ror lial such privilege guurautee to tho city iHI or Price n turn on their Investment us iHlil well us all the privileges they would BeH tttVo ir the) operntid It themseheje. IHH "1 wish in state my position in run- 'Ptl liectlon with Ihe plunt ror tho lust Tour IH )iurs I huve been operating the H plant on n servln contrnct, which H coiilruit bus ulivii)s beeu lower tbuu iH Ihe c It) could operate ror If bundling Ul It themselves Tlierefine the et) has UBI been In iieflleil b) having such u eon- jHI trait 'Ll At no Hint have I been commuted JJH with the biisluiw end of the eleetrle snl light s)stem hue In Price, my posl- ivSII Hon being In suppl) nil current used SH within the corporate limits of the city flfil for u given sum or money.' ifDI tlntio to cater to thu loial eoul trade ol Threi or four men are employed and JHI the output la sold ut the property ut u !H dollar and fifty cents u ton. HH Just what the plans of tho new own- Bfl ors are was not stated by Cannon, Hl who was In Prlie tho first of tho H piesent week The option has about 1 u )iur to run Hll Adelmo Cecullu, un Italian, pleaded nH guilt) to a charge of forging n money SHH order whin arraigned In Ihe United H States district court before Judre Till- ) iH man 1) Johnson ut Salt Lake City last ; jH Tuesduy Tuklng Into consideration HH that Cccalla has been captive nearly Wt soven months, tho Judge gave him j mB only two months mure to serve Ce- ilvUH callu was formerly emplojed at a J l mining camp In Carton count), wheru saHhW. Sl tho offense was committed jHbSiII