1 :r ML H
rtptlon price of Thu Sun will be two mv II I ?S ITI&jiBSzXHRuLL' jiBSfcv W l" 'tolNl' Your manufacturer or merchant
Tjt.ni a tar. Thin Incrcano In ncccn- 111 Pj I III IL .UglwHWlPitl-l HYvV :33l a II II 1 111 nno formerly dealt with but a few HH
,y -77'- W-WJiLlOS IL nrVnerro'Tho U
.J, Kn cannot be sold for Icm monc). S XT r" igJ',i IT fcZ' V V XT mnblllon or the bunlneiui man or Price
v. Kl ubficrlbcrn who itcttlo pant uc- ., . , , , . . ,,.,,, 7 " nhould mop at anything If ho will but IHHI
t Katn forc that dato may have Tho I O Ii I T I C A II Ii II 1. 1 l II H I C A . o iho tlghl hlnrt of advertising How WM
,1 for " succeeding car nt the Entered an. Becond-ClaM Matter, June , 116. at the Pontofflco at I'rlce. Utah. Under tho Act of March 3. 1179. wltrMho nevui mlUlonii of dollara" BH
n jrrtnt prlco of tl 80 OlhcrwlKc thu ,,77T !.','.... - nunl pajroll at the Carbon county HHI
lri.9 0o. VOLUME 3; NUMBER 29 EVEKY FRIDAY DECEMBER 11, 1917 coal cam,.,.
Shipment of goal
. i into price td
! I CEftSE
.ni)i:it also applii to 111:1..
l-jppl) Tor Ixx-al Consumption Must
, 9 Come From tlir Mlllbuni unil Knight
' I Mlnen nml I'.lnrivlirre lillcl floe
I Into i:ir1 On Monday Next unit
Will llcllcic the Hltuntlon Mitth.
Jfl ll ginning next Monday no more
'on I Ik to he nhlppcd Into Price, b)
railroad After thut dato .ceinnumcrn
hint will have to Ret their mipplleit
rrom the Mlllburn mine, tho Knight
property In Ieadman Canyon anil
""" from other properties a they may see
" "" (It b wagon houl. Thin nctlon In
(akin l Nell M. Miidiwn, fuel dlrce
tor for Carbon count), nt, tho direction
r W. W Armstrong, Mnlo fuel and
food administrator, that tho nupply
(imliiK to thin clt rrom tho railroad
mine may be ncnl to othir lommunl
lie In the irtalo and elsewhere which
r not no fortunately nltualrd an nrn
the people of I'rlce Tho coal com
panion suppblng the Prlii trado uro
working In harmony with the count)
.mil Matt, ndmlnlrtriitoni and are nnt
laded to bo relieved or win ill UK coal
I'rlie consume dall) a llttlo Itss
than fort) tlvo tons. Including the
ljwcr and lighting plant, which hum
tbout eight ton every twenty-four
tiiium. Thu differ nco got to busl
niiw plaicK. dwelllnnK. publlo build
Inim, ihurchea and the like llelper'K
onuump'lon from the mlmn reached
iy railroad, Inclmllim Hprlnic Olen. U
inn win re In the neighborhood or
twmty toun dully UMIInKlon and the
urmlnit Mtllmi over miulh or I'rhe
anil ilm-whero probably take around
ten ton dall. Iluwuvir mont or the
utter I vrnKon huulul Helper will
mil In much dlMiimmoikd rrom the
tut that that town In ' rlKlit ul the
nilmV There U plint) or iml at the
KnlKht nml Mlllbuni propertied north
.if I'rlie and then alu oiikIH to be
1 1. nt) or Iiiiiiin for hutilliiK It
rwo .Ni-nrb) Pnx rtlif.
l the priHviit time the Mlllbuni
mini U vi ndliiK out to Koulhi rn Iduho
mil Northern Utah iioIiiIk about four
um a weik, ImIiIph niiiillnK "
-ulirulili or tin loial tradi IttomW
Ir I Jim I'rmulKii took a leM on the
KnlKht propirl). formerl) known mm
the tlrimdvlK mine nml with the re
palrlnc or u uliort mretch or road In
the vhlnlty or tin pnipi-rl) will h.
iid to wliil iIiimii h blK output by
On mlildli or but or in M w ek l'i r
liaim luithliiU ir the unil until lit
Prlii iniiieM from funtlt (late In un
tniirKUH) oal ii'iild mill be lul
from thin and iidjaci ill iiiIiim l)
liaulliiK a 'H ii" fr,,m Kciillwnrth,
whlih lattir In un n r 1'rlte an the
Mlllbuni and KnlKht propi rile with
muih bettil riMidn In k unil t-ome
ivir ,
Muilmii inulnliiltiH thut no hard,
'hip U belni? worked on iiiimumtrii
hin from the fiut thut fuel I eaiill)
hi i Ible In thi rn and teumii and men
ulentlful to traiwport It. Tin re will
'. no rulNi In price ilther In tonne
luuui of the mute unit county rut I
dmlnimnitlon'ri ultllmUi nl thin time
On the other hand. It will give work
in numcrouH men and teamn. now
I larKel) Idle, at Rood wokc. Coal anlU
a tin e wugoii mlniH at f 1.78 tho ton
and the tinmtir Kt J5 80 a ton ror
liaiillnK, makliiu M.55 u ton Add
i Illy renin u ton profit and ou huve
M 76, tho prim at whlih the CukIId
Hale ami otht-r ual are nelllnit for
n the loial market The I'rlio trade
iluni will ttivo emplo)mont through
thu wlntir to Hoini. flflrin nun unil
Plenty of foul Uk-mII).
While ihlH numbir mu) In emplo)-
i In the local trade mil), tho Mill-
'urn mine will bo Klvlnit work to
mail) more In mum or tin ulilpplnc out
1 1 point In Idaho anil Nortlurn Utuh
It Iiiih onlera for all It tun loud on
irx ut Pi lie at four ilollurn u ton mid
' iter no thut an mull) u fifty team
U ml nun nro In line for work nt Rood
M nKH until vprliiK pluntliiK mtrtn
H vhlih would take numiroui uuon off
B iik Job Of inurne loiul dealt rH In
I i untie Oute unil othtr touU will hi
I neonvunltnieit to noma extent, but
I ihty will be In ponltlou tu make about
N hi siime profit im the) now are b)
iipi'blnR- tunlonuiH from tin wiikoii
haul proportion. Thtno belnR vnr
I tlmen the bct mtut be made of mu
tt ItlOIIH
Miin Wulllimtou pnipli Ket tin lr
ml at Price and haul It buck to thut
B 'mu, while iilhurH who ku loudid lo
B 'MiniDHlde and the tainpn mil nouth
fl vttli pioduce unil the like return
H loaded with toul However, It U un
H near or nearer for them to tho Mill-
urn or KiiIrIU iiiIiuh an It U to I'rlct
U I P Crjwrord. truvelliiR nalCB UBent
r I'tah Puel eompan) wun at Price
JH Uiln wtik and wau In conference with
BJ laltrd and alno opcrntom or the two
D iinnlalantK Mondu) lant. Mont or the
BJ dtalene and operatnm or the two
mlniH mentlonwl an atlnfleil with
Bn i i arrmiKcnunt unnounced and are
JH I iklnir the nltuatlon rood naturtdl)
fl S
So That the People May Know
There were nn even twenty-four hundred Individuals, firms nnd corporations delinquent In
their taxes for the yonr (1917) when the county treasurer's books were closed on December 1st
last Saturday week the time for making up the list for publication. The News-Advocate
prints the list and will collect from the county four hundred and thirty ($430.00) dollars, having
been awarded the contract by the votes of Commissioners Hamilton nnd Bryncr at eighteen (18)
cents a description as against The Sun's bid of twelve and a half (121A) cents n description. Had
The Sun been given the publication at its bid of twelve and a half cents as against the News-Advocate's
eighteen cents, Carbon county would have been saved a bundled and thirty ($130.00)
dollars. The Sun's total would have been three hundred ($.'100.00) dollars, whereas the News-Ad-ocatc
is receiving four hundred and thirty ($130.00) dollars.
In other words, a hundred nnd thirty dollars of the money of the taxpayers of Carbon coun
ty is donated to a publication which advertises Commissioner Hamilton's wife (Mrs.AV. T. Ham
ilton) as tho owner of 1 per cent or more of the capital stock of the News-Advocate. It may
be that Commissioner Bryner also is interested financially in the publication. Such, however,
would be no surprise since some institutions in which he has money invested are known to be gat
ing the lion's shure of business in their line from Carbon county. At any rate the News-Advocate
is an ever ready defender of nnd apologist for Bryncr nnd Hamilton nnd their rotten admin
stratum of county affairs, and this may be its way of making good for favoritism shown it in the
matter of public printing.
If such favoritism and grots waste of money is practiced in the smnll item of printing and
publishing compared with other expenditures under Hamilton und Bryncr as a majority of the
board of county commissioners, what arc they doing in bridges nnd road contract, for instance,
and other matters where thousands of dollars arc annually involved? Every day, almost, tilncc
they hnvo been in office the law as to roads, bridges and repair work has been wantonly
violated. How long arc the taxpayers to put up with it?
In fact, heartily nrqulenclnR Until
nhlpmcnl nro rexumed from Cantlo
Onto and ebtewhrre by railroad, the
plntm an hern Rlvin are to prevail lo-
lant vvnk a npeclal InventlRiilor or
the Mlate public utllltlm communion
Krank M. Abbott wat In I'rlce and
later reported on condition here. Illn
rinding am believed tn have had nonie
bearing on the action taken locally.
(In en Itlver, It In undcrntood, In to bo
ntmi deprived or railroad coal Milli
on nl whlelt corns from Nmlrn ond
alno front the minim or Carlmn rount).
Orieii lllvcr In nli fortunate In hav
ing a partially devrlupid ronl mine
ubout nine mllen north or Hint clt)
It ht tlmen lmn nhlpped lo Idaho, Nor
Ihirn Utah ami to tlnind Junttlou,
Itee-oiiiimiitlnlloiin Ire Made'.
Nell M MndiMii and hln annlntant.
It T Itorkenhagin, have recommend
ed to Hie fni I admlnlntrallon thut Hel
per gal Itn etml nupply b) wagon from
Cantle Oale. Kenllvvorth. Carbon or
iinvMliprc an In mill fit The excep
tloun an the railroad eouipuuy and
tin Indepi ndeiit Coal and Coke torn
INtii) Tim latter will lie allowtd to
nhlp In coal for Un wuter pumpliiK
plant bilinv llelptr, while the formtr
la to have Itn nml for railroad u
f u mi ii I
I'rlie tiiiiMiini w are tu obtulu their
mippb trim the Mllllmrii or KnlKht
propertlti or elm where The excep
tion In tho elt IlKhtlnK and power
plant w blili munt be kept koIiik How
ever J II Mmmiin nml tin city nil
lliorltlon liavi proinlmd tu Hike the
clD'n nillre eo.il nuppl) fmm the
wngon huul mlnen ir It mu) be no
cured from theee Mine on the rail
piid will Im. allowtd lo nupply tin'
clt with mi) dllft rente that nu) In
utiulrtil lllngtiiii llkewbo muni provide
lUeir Willi coul from the Mlllburn nnd
1 KnlKht mini a or elnewhere The din
tune o from thut pluee to Kuuu)nlde
! mid to Hie Mlllburn and Knight prop
1 cirtlen In about cquul fifteen nillea to
! elllur pluee To lllawuthn In ulno
1 about fimll dlntunt
IIiIiikh In UIr Payroll.
County AdmlnUtrutor Madncn mid
hln aiwlntunt. i:. T Ilorkenhagcn. fig
urtr thut condltlonn they havo Imponcd
In nail) a good thing for numeroun
pcoplo of Iwtli I'rlie und Helper and
nurrouiidlng tommunlllon who hove
leamn. Tluro will be work for Ihem
ull winter hauling eoul at nlx-flfty to
hcvcii dollar a duy and more rift)
men and team ut work during the
winter meunn u pu)roll of three hun
drtd to four hundred dollurn a day or
around tun tu twtlve thounand del
lura inonthl) ul Price alone At He -ptr
the dlntanee for hauling In nhort
er b) nioro thun half llovvivnr,
leiumnterH will be uble to pull down
lorronpondlnh- wagen. K tcumntern
huuld biHome ellwmtlnflid at cither or
both plucew. un han bicll nuggewted,
tin r trouble would bo adjunted b)
the mute rut I uilnilnlntratlon through
Itn loial rtprtMieuitatlvcHi or othem Ilnil
roiidn und other londllloiw mlKlit
bring k nil u thlni about.
IllK Toiiiuw HeliuMsl.
All nuperlntendeiitn or mlnen ulong
tho rullroad nrconnlblt for hauling by
teum nre working In harmony with the
count) and ntate fuel iidinlnlmrattonn
ami an Rolng to help out prone nt eon
dlllonn In tvery way ponnlble Kem'l'j
worth und CuMIe Oate u. el an
nouit. or the otlurn. have nent '?
that the) have prepared for nil who
come Mr their product-and all will b
iiiuniptly eiircd for
1 "ineen of the Mlllburn mini , are
working- ut thl time uround thlrt)
ami and have. omplnunt for many
nor, Jirn Krundn. n will noon bo
r , 1) for a number Muny farmer.,
uround Price and clnewhere will no
doubt come In for employment bo-
, criine if the good wukc during tho
l iter I-enncen of tho Mlllburn prop.
, ,rty mate they will nupply all rice
i connumern before an) coul In b) them
i nlilpped out.
With nhlpmetitn ntopped Into Price
Thmi of llio I'oiicn I'amlly Now On
(ho County Payroll.
i:. Hantnchl, Mr, or lllnwntlm ap
peared beforv the board of county
cnmmlMlonrr nt tho regular meeting
lant Turnday, and acting ror tho wlfo
or the decedent, applied ror an order
requiring thu county trcaturcr tn turn
over to him an agent money belonging
to tho entato or Joo Hlrlonl, amount
Ini: to a considerable num. The mat
ter wan referred to tho county attor
nt), who Intur advlned that an ad
ministrator nhould bo appointed out
of the tllntrlct court, TWa vlll be
done Hamilton nnd llryncr wero tho
whole thing at tho meeting, Commli
nlunnr Oillund living abnvnl from the
Mm. Allco llalllngor wan upolutcd
u monographer In tho offlcu of her
father, County Attorney I'outn, at u
nulary of 113 31 a month Another
daughter. Mm. Jennie Knnford In dep
uty county recorder nl n Ilka compen
sation, making threo ol the Koutn
family on Curlmn county!! payroll nt
a, combined Biliary or clono to threo
hundred dollara a month. All havo
been aptplnted by tho commlnnlonem.
Ilebate or taxeit on the Mock or tho
Kentucky Liquor Houne. Harry (ltnan,
proprltlor vvnn denied on tho udvleu
or the county nttorue) The mnount
Involved In ubout two hundred and
twenty-flvu ilollaric It In claimed tho
propirt) taxed wum In tho eoiint) mil)
u part or the )tar 1017
l)r C T, llone, u new comer to the
town about two or lhn weokn ago,
linked lo bo named county phynlclun
Hln nppllcutli.n wan rcluned. It In
underntood lr It H Dowtl or Kenll
worth In In line ror tho place If h"
nhould wunt It. lr, C. A. Whirr)
alno In mentioned.
Oliver T Harmon wan appointed n
deput) nherlfr through, niuet ot
flhtirlir Colllngham at u nalary of two
thirds that or hln prlnclpul. II W
Colson wun no mill a deputy at Halm.
without pay. .
Mm. Maud Wrd wun denied relief
on her taxoa for tho ar 191.
Through un error nho had failed tn
pay tho icumo when due. Hamilton
and Ilryuer refuned to uct.
It was ordered that note maturing
at thno loeal bunkn for 3,000 anil
Interim bo paid.
iiKQCiavr ok thi: ii:rr.Nsi:
Tho enno of the United Btutiii ug
alnnt Mrn. Uirento Ilorlnn of Dla
mundvllli', Wjo, charged with viola
tion or the Mann uet In tho transpor
tation or Itoiu I'tcke, wild to bo 13
)eum or ago, from Winter Quartern
to Dlumundvllle, W)o, for ulleged Im
moral purponun Man to havo been
heiiril before u Jur) In tho federal
court ut Halt Lake Clt) lost Tuesday
Thiiman K Anhwotth, attorney for
..Im. ITorlno, linked for a eontlnuaiico
cji the cruuiiiln that ho hud only thut
morning been rvtulned by the dnfinm
mjd further Unit an Impoitunt wit
n.'wi fur thu latter hud not been num
inpiuil to uppear
Kfontlnuance of tho iiue wan op-
ipiAed b) Dimrlut Attorney Itay on thu
jgrtVund thut the cuno hud alriady been
pcmllng nlnce Ibttl and that wltncncii
'fur thu pronecutlou hud bteu nummoii-
ed tit gnat expiuno to tho government
It w'iin flnully ugreed that the lane
nhuuild bo pontpontd until December
ISthUiul that tho dofenno nhould pa)
ncvc lit) -five dollam to offnet tho ex-
penw( r retaining tho wltiuiinen here
durluA extra period or tlmo
i und l't'lper uround ne venD-flvu tons
a da) 'or coal In releantd to othem In
Ullro need of fuel during the winter,
i Thin fit two average, railroad cam a
'day oh clone to lwint)-flve hundred
toun u inonth
ChecJelngn up last (Thuradu)) even
Ing nhiiw that thorn are at thin time
about A hundred und fifty tons or un
I nold coil licld b) Prlco dealers
mnm mi swing
Committer Namett I'or War Hump
Work Throughout County.
County Huperlntendenl or Hchooln
Omon Ityan, chairman ror the war
wtvlngn committee of Carbon count),
raportn that thrift ntampn unit war
mvlngn crrtlfliaten aru being pur
chanrd by ovtry man, woman and
child In tho count) The organisation
or the fori en of the county to further
thin move and to bring Carbon county
up to Itn apportionment In will undir
way Literature txplalnlug tho thrift
ntampn und war saving certlflcnten
han been received and In being din
trlbulod. It hun already hem nnnt
out to tho principals or melt or the
ncltooln and lo local committeemen
rrom each community
ThOMo who have been requi nti d tu
mrve nn committeemen In tho rcnpie
live communities are l)r II K Mc
Dcrmld. Winter Quartern, It H Crane
Kcoflold, Dr i: M Ncher, Cantlo (lute .
Dr I". It. Hlopunnkey, lit Iper, Mm.
Klla II Jerome, Spring attn,:(Ieorgi
A Wootton, Price, Prank Alger, Min
nie Maud; Prtd Hnnnon, Wellington
J i: llolmin, Hunn)slilo. I C Hen
non. Clear Cnek W J Klwnoel, Ken
llwnrth, Mm. Mellndu Morgun, Cdr
bouvllle. II M Magrnu, lllawuthu
A. K (llbniiu, Ktorm, It Y (Ilbnoil.
Cnmeroii, Mm H U llliliunln, Car-
1h.ii. i: M. Iludillrfe, Htandnrdvllle,
W W Joiien. Wiiltln, Hmll Ontliind,
Utah Mine, Oeorgo A. Kchulli. Lib
ert), mid O W Muttlson, Itiilnn.
Chairman Ityiin propomn to have
each one or thine (iimmlttteniiii be
responsible for hln particular com
munlt) nnd to nte that nil existing
orgunlZAtlonn work In harmony for the
wile nml distribution of thrift ntumpn
und wur navlngn et rtlflcuten. He In
sending out Intern today asking the
ro. operation of the nchnoln through
their principals, or mutual Improve
ment umioi Intlonn through their presi
dents thu Hunda) nchooln through
their Miiperlntendentn, and or the
church orKiiulxatlonn through the
bishops of each ward und the minis
tent. Ho In also asking the fonlgnem to
co-operate, nnd thut the ladle n' aid,
I ml It's' roller nocletlin and club nup
port tho movtment With nuih an
organization, ull working together,
Carbon count) mu) uiumre hi r appor
tionment s .
J. II. Wade and Mini Ikrgluml I'nlttil
Itoron. Former Xolunteir.
Two or Price' n oldent and bent fum
I lien wire united thin week when
Jami-n II Wad o of thin clt und Minn
lluby V. Ibrglund alno or thin city
were united In murrlago at the homo
or tho brldu'a parent on North Klghth
ntroHt lant Monday evening In the
presence only or u few Invited friend
of tho contracting parties and Inline
dlato relatives
Tho groom In one of thu vir sub
ntnntlal and worth) )oung men of this
'city und tho son or Mr and Mm Hen
ry Wade, whlln the bride In tho duugh-
Iter or Mr und Mm J C Iiergluud.
and ha grown to )oung womunhood
lien Hhu I u teacher In the Cuntle
UliUe nehooln and In held In the ver)
highest esteem b) the board or tdu
cation, patrons of the nchool mi'l
uvcDone who kiiiinn her
Immcdlutoly after the etreraiin
thu groom Icfl ror Bait Luke Clt),
whiro on Wednenda) last ho cnlerco
tho vvrvlcti or hln couutr) ror tin. war
i with thu nvlution corps an a volun
teer Mm Wade ha rcinulmd here
'during tho week but retturnn tu Cuntlu
i Outo next nook to finish out lie r tirm
or nchool there
I Tho Wun with very many friends ut
Prlco and elnowheru throughout tho
count) extend congratulutloiw Thi re
'ure no bettei )nung men unywhero
i thin Jam t 11 Wud and hln young
Ibrldu In In over) way worthy of him
and tho go' a soldier Im will bo
Cat Canyon Country Between Sunnyside and nl
Price to Be Developed By Wyom- D
ing People Soon. H
That men with experience and with
money to spend nn well along the line
of their undertaking Incnll) me sure
of tho possibilities of fortunes In the
divclopment or oil landn nnd tho oil
nhalcn ot Carbon count) In evidenced
by the fuel that the) have recctitl)
come Into thin territory for big bodlcn
of nupposod oil bearing grounds mid
gnat Kiln or the Mialon. Work b)
tho men referred tu han already begun
nn iv refiner) for trcitlng nhnle at
Walnon, out from Mack, Colo , on the
Uintah rnllMay, and b) spring It In
anticipated noviml rlgn will bo luring
ror oil between Hunn)nlde and Price
In what In known nn tho Cat Can) on
country and to thu north along the
l Im or the mountains. I'lfty-rour
hundtiil acrrn of what In considered
by experts a nil bearing ground has
been located recently and put of rec
ord loiall) In Uintah count) around
Wntnon the name people hnvo secured
thirteen thousand ncn of nhnle de
posits, which will bo worked through
their Watnon refinery In tho Cnnper,
V)o, fields they have neveral thoiln
units or acres or nil bearing lands In
the heart or that district
KtlHrlcnml Oil Onntlol.
Tho concern behind the proponed
operation In the Cat Caii)oii district
Is tho Utah Oil nnd Hhalo company.
Just Incorporated mult r the lawn ur
W) einilng, ami with It plan, or busi
ness at Caspir K II, Ijorlmer I It
president mid C II. Illihardnuii, vice
president, cx-Ouv II. II llrouk or
W) tuning treasurer, and Louln flnrthe
or New York City, necretnr) Tin
president vice prcsldi nt and treasurer
nro all resldentn or Cho)cmif C W
Hparr und H A. Moudeuhall, proinlu
ml In Montana mining circles, make
up the dlnctorate All or the Wyo
ming nit ii un expirli in td In oil and
have largo holdings In the Canper
W)o. fields, siiiiii of whlih are nt thin
tlinti produce in. The cjompnti) In eup
Itallxnl ror a million flw hundred
IhousHiid shantrt with a par value or a
liiiuilrtd dollnrn ouch Off Item of the
eompan) nro nerving the corporation
without nalar) until niieh time an divi
dends ur profit rrom the cumpati)
opt ration are die lured
I'll rln Halo lteMirltil.
Dm Ing the month or Novemlnr C
M Itulh. gtologlsi and oil experl or
Deliver Colo, put In four da) time
going over tho Cut Cuti)ou locution
of the compuii) with Arthur J !c;o.
local reprcnulitatlvt or thu Wyoming
pioplt, and who firm Induced thun
Into thin fluid I lath's report In high
I) ravomblo tn oil In the section men
tion! d mid It In upon hln report that
aclivltlcH art. tu begin Of the oil
value or shall In Kusteru Utuh gen
erull) there I left no room ror doubt
Aftir tho report of the Colorudu ex
pert hud gone to lirlinor, president
of the eompan), that gentleman rnmo
here In person mid went ovir tho sit
uation with Ie He wan nt the time
linn Ii enthused und Miittd to those
lie nut local I thut the Curbou field
had every Indliatloti or being an good
un mi) thing In tho Canper cuuntr)
win rn many thousands or burrcl ur
i rude oil In going tu tho reflncrle
nvery tic v of the )tur, and ulno wluro
mini urt being made millionaire n over
Uiihtmlt) Mull lull retell.
While the Wjomlng tnun wo limit
ing In Cat Canyon other wire not
Idle, it I hhuwii by numtroun locu
tion on file with the. county ret order
Prof ! J Puck of the University or
Utah mid unnotlutin hint rtcentl) lo
eutt d neveral thousands of ucren In
the district gutting nn c,luno to the
Wyoming eniwd'n holding an ponnlble
Ansoeluttd with Puck uro lliorge A
Wootton Kmmel IC Olson und othem
or Prite Prorcnnor Puck In mi ait
thorll) on gocilog), mid It goes without
na)!ng that lud rutlons or oil me
good In the Cut Can) on loiulll) else
he would not go In In pusslug It may
be Kuid thut In former oil excltt muiitn
In Carbon count) the u.untr) mention
td wum ulwu) npoki n er u having nil
kind or oil homing furmutlons, Hijme
twtlve. year ugo Alex Hlllntroiii und
u n)ndicute which lit nproseuted took
in oil rig Into tin. vlclult) of lg
Springs much Tho work doni , m
ciivouruging but their mom) run
Pit hi Mis.1 I laltcilug.
Utah Oil and Hhul ompaii) eoiii
Ing Into this field I but the forerun
ner of other similar eompunle and
Individual saH Arthur J Lcc, who
linn liiqulrlow from several pvmonn In
Colorado nnd elsewhere nn to tho pirn
nlblllt) uf ucqulrlng nil gro uid nml
nhalo deposits, Kusteru Utah from
Colton und Soldltr Bummlt to Grand
Junction, Colo cant In ull virgin
ground, ofrerlnr grout opportunity
tu prospector and cupltal alike To
the wiulli f rum tho Vi run! e-nuntry lll
mid nit through the Ulnluh Ilasln H
doHti thnnigh Knicry county thtro are HH
the bent of Indlratlunn In fuel, dur- HH
Ing tho lant few week Halt takci City H
parties have flliel on in viral thou- H
and or Hire north or Huntington, H
win ro tho formation of the country H
nml till Indication nro most flatter- H
Ing The flrnt ull rig evt r brought In- H
In Kiintorn Utah went In tu tho nouth- H
i am of Cantlo Dale, It hadn I tho cu- H
puilt) for gnat depth, however, but H
with tho work done Indication or ull H
at flftiun hundred frnt wero flattor- , H
Ing Thin original rig In mill there to- ' H
grther with the Improvi mentn mado 1 H
tho jH
Mone) In tin. Trt-tiMir), Tl
Offlclnln of tho Utah Oil Hhitle com- 'Hi
puny nro ull men or high flnnnclnt s V'l
and bunlnen standing In the commun- H
Itle when, the) live unit inmo Into H
Carbon count) without mi) flourish- H
Ing or trumprts. They quietly let It jH
be known what the) wire nfttr, and -Vl
through Arthur J l,ci of thin rlty got 3H
It laical peoplt are not being naked iiH
to buy ntoc k On the other hand It ll
In be Ing disponed of to people Kant. jH
Tjie corporation ha uf It capital M
nttitk mivun hundred thousand share H
dlvldetl among tin lot atom or the H
propcrt) It hold 1'lft) thounand H
nhnrtn have In en sold to It mock- tH
holder of neord Tin re I In thu IH
treasury seven hundred and fifty H
thoiinmid nhurrn two hundred thoiln- I H
und of which I being urfirnl at fifty H
cints a share Till 1 finding nud) H
snle throughout the Kiist, tho muniy , UUU
rrom whlrh will gu Into a refinery nl mUU
Watson, ulong with fort) thotiinnd 1
dollam frit'm tin rutlt. or nhnle lands B
nn nil) In Ulnluh fount) 1
HtnHilug lllg'llilugH. jH
Wht ll the rt flm r) ut Watson shall H
huvi. Ikcii well ulong operations will H
be In gun oi the prupcrtle to the lant IH
or I'rlie It ha forty thoiinnml ilnl- 'M
lam ulriad) In tin treasury with H
which to start, aside from that which tH
will be coming In em stock wilt from jH
lime tu t Kile Arthur J. Ue In uuo or lH
tin. Utah stockholder, He nu) 'The IH
offleem and dlnctom of the Utah Oil ,H
and Khule company mo alt tnun who H
havn iimdi. tin Ir iicllvll) felt In thu ill-
velopment or the oil Imliisir) In lll
W oinlng. I'roui tho n ports made HH
b) their ixpertM und after talk with lil
them mid the pn nldent, Uirlmvr, I I 1
look upon tho Carbon count) Held a (H
one or gnat promise I havo been jH
working on thi matter for nuverul jH
monthn mid mn timfldcmt thut big I flH
thing ure tn come fmm liitermtlng I'l
the no men mid llulr money and lll
friend In Carbon count) I-et In the. vl
cnmpaii)-' agent at I'rlie and In the 'tl
slate an wt ' H
um mtummu m
luilui 1 1 ii yen Hi am Arguniiiitn In Hk llH
llelKT Cane. At 'Ion. jll
the loncludlng arguments In thu il
unno of Helper City vs. Pleasunt Vul- iLVH
iy Coul compmiy were made before I'SH
Judge. Ilvnr) M Hayes In the federal Hl
court room ut Halt Iuke City last '91
Mnudu) At the clone) or tho urgu- lUVU
mentn Judgo lla)e nuggunted that hln il
decision would bo later miiiuuiiiid iH
He, huvvever, Indicated that he wu H
satisfied from tho i vide me that tho H
londltlonn at Cantle Oatu would hnvt. H
tu bo npudll) remedied an the nvl- 'H
dutiei nhov.id the lontrntlou or tho 1H
plaintiff tn be rounded upon merit In l?l
Mibntnntlal partluulam. 'IflH
The court dlrectl) nlludnl to the IHH
iluno proxlmlt) or manure heaps, BH
drainage rrom which would reuuh the BH
rivet In time ur freshets. Previous HH
to hourlng the urgumentn, tho court jiflH
accompunlud by Judge Peril Krloknen I HH
and Attorney M P Ilraffct lust Butur- ' JHHI
da) ugaln Visited Cuntlo Date mid went jflH
over tho situation with ktciiI care. Tho 'fll
court ex pre Shi il conimciidiitlou of Hie ill
effoit luiev being mado b) the do- H
feiiilunl itimpun) to avoid the pollil ,H
Hon of tho I'rlei. river und Willow ( M
Cretk through thi tunntiuitloii or I 1
cunnpouln und othir railitur) miusun tlH
designed tu propcrl) cam for con- "Cl
tnmluatlng wuter running rrom WU- i B
low Criok mid other sources I H
Thin tune, which hun oucuipltd ubout IH
two wick In It trial U tho flrnt or a 9
hcrle or like ennen the lemulning fll
ones being not ror Inuring at 'the Kob- Hl
ruur) term ur tho district court. In IwSH
the opinion or the attorney a deter- ifwH
mlnatlon having been react or the I TlflH
luvv quistlons Involved, u speedy din- iflHkteJffill
ponltlou or tho pending rase seem HUSI
likely HHHHSI
furm horse uro turned nut to- EHH
gother removo their shout HBrSHH