Newspaper Page Text
H PAGE TWO THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY DECEMBER 14, 1917kJ LAMB PRICES DROP DURING PAST WEEK H now'ij ahou.nd hixtiu:n H nrrv at Tin: iuvhr. H llocf Httvr iuiiI Con Advance I-ntcljr H An Mm li An Twcnty-l'lin Cent WJUi H Hlrwdy Di ninnil l'mvulllrig Hogs H Tabu Tnni I 'or llio lletlrr nml Hell H Aniunil He'vriitiviv Quotation. H The Hun flpcelal Hcrvlce H KANHAH CITV, Mo., Dec. 10 Cat- H tin rooclved tcicln) mivcnlren thous- H und head nml market slow but fully H steady. Hhortrcd steer 111 50 Hog H today mivtn thousand head with the H market ten to fifteen cont higher. 1 Top flT.SS Hhecp nlno thousand 1 head. Marktt ten renin lawrr with lamb In klllrrnnt fit 0 Heef ateer H nnd row advanced fifteen to twenty- fl live ronlH Inut week, and while buy- H eri wrru flow ge ttlng out tudny, they H paid steady prlcci) for Mcers nnd H tronK for row. Home good yenr- B ling brought 113 00 and two lot of H heavy Chrlstma steer were Into nr H living Trier for thesn prime rnttla H will doubtless go far nbovc f 13 SO. H Otherwise top In the heavy steer trade. ItecelptM or Colorndo nnd H Western cattle nro smaller each week H Halrn of l)ccf steer last week up to H 110.76 nnd tow .&0, Native cn H dell up to 110.50 and heifer III SO, H en me icood fed animal not showing H up. Veal are higher, thn bent I1J.00 H Koft rorn continue to stimulate buy H In of stotker nnd fetdern nnd price 1 havo held steady during thn past H week. Feeding steer Kelt nt It SO to H f 11.00. Mocker 17.00 tu 110 00, nny H whllefncr storkir of decent breeding bringing above 19 00, nnd good red H enttlo nrounil l 00 also Htock row H nnd heifer brlnic 14 3S to 11 00 H Prom n flvr higher opening today, H tha mnrkit quickly went to ten to ym fifteen cent hluher llest heavy hog I17.SS, medium weight thn Minn bbbbbbbbbj . price, best llRtilM 117 4S nnd bulk of H I alm 117.30 to 117 CO Packer fur- 1 A nlshed Ihl competition, though order H buyers were In to some extent lion H ever, order buyer have been nctlve B for n week, nnd wcro thn main force 1 that caused the advance of twenty-five B to thirty rent In price lout week B Pig colli stronger 11 week und also H today. Hales nt 110.60 to 111.25. Ar- mnKonient hao btcti nbout complet H ed hero for ahlpplnR atock hoK to the 1 country direct from the public nlock- H jurd. on tho dn) purchased, under tertaln dlpplnic nnd ncclnalliik rule. H limb prlrm wuro ten to twenty- flvn cent lower todny The bt nre H 118,40, wimc, heavy fed nutlvu lamba, H around u hundrrd pound, ut 115.40 B nnd n blic atrlna: of New Mexico fted- H Inir lamb at 1 00, flfty-elKhl pound H uwruicu. Thrko feedlntt lamb nre H llko other that ild at 111 76 two H week nx licit fed yenrlliiRi II tip H ' to 114.00, wether 113 50 nnd wmi H 111.76. Thn market U expected to H uciiulrn atronjtir upport nfter the B flrot of Jnuar H UTAH STOCK MKN MAINTAIN Vr.llY IIKI1IIXT KTANOMtDS H That Utah atockitroneni mnlutnln H thn hlKhent Htundard of health nmonic H tattle, horaen, aheep nnd hoir of nny H Ntatu In thn union I thn report brought H back buck to Utah by l)r It W. Hok- H iran, Ntnto lhn Htock lnpector, on hi H return from n metlmc or tho United H HUtm I.ho Htoik Hanltary uiuoclatlon, H Dr. HoRRnn dcUic thnt InMntlxa- B tlon by tha umhocIiUIoii ha revealed n B licrcenlaRo or let than one-half or 1 B per cent or all Utah llo atotk to be AVB ntfllcted with tubcrculoal. wherco 10 per cent or fifty tralnload or hOR H ahtpped to the UhlcARo market from H other Btutrn had been condemned be- BBVB iuuko of tho dlreaao. BVfl Ho detlure thl und other feature 1 of the InviMlKUtlon how clearly thnt Utah ranka flrnt amonir all the aUtea H In th matttr of malntalnlnK n. high H etandnrd or health anionic animal. H Dr. lIOKKan announced that Dr. It. M. H MNtd vf Hx bureau of animal Indun- H try at WaahlnKlon, D r, will come H to Halt iJiko City next Hunday, lie H will 'remain herr lomo tlma to work H In co-oprutlon with Dr llorican In H makliiR animal tenU for tuberculoilf H and other dUcaxui. B Tho bureau haa already furnlihed Hj Utah with a ahlpment of tuberculin H for tho maklnR or animal tenU and H other BhlpmcntM will bo forwarded n B wii.i) uoitKiM ahi: imcJi:i H AH fOOD HY hOili: l'KOI'I.K H Advocacy of wild huraeflenh aa rood H Mr human beinira wai a feature or tho H recent meetlnir at CIiIcbro or tho na- H tional aanoclatlan or live itock aanl- H tary offUlala, It Is reported by Dr. It, M V. HoKKun, atato live atock Inapector, M who haa Juat returned from utund- B amo upon tho tonvontlon. M IIoKKnn " that tho convention B favorod the kllllrur of amnll wild J horwv on tho range to gle oer tha reed to uluab1u i utile for two reu- V non. One wa that the fleah of wild H horaeM mn b marketed for cheap rood, at tho meat Ih idlble und will H biinR from fho to ten icnt a pound H hTOCK Mlll'MKNTh NOW Alii: H st.iiii,i,i:i rasT B Ni:V YOltK, Din. New reRU- B latlon for tho ahlpment of live utoik Bf Into ChlLugo were announced by the B rullronda war bourd In a atatument BVi Issued here tonlnht. HBU "DcKlnnlnic on Jlonilu), December I 10th," tho atutemont aald, "ull ahlp- menta or llvo stoik Into the ChkuRo MVJi mnrket will bo catahlUhcd In accord- 0 unco with a plan reiuntl aUKKmted HHjB by the rallroudu' war board. J 'This pan, which ulso tondu to tu- KVfl iililze prices, wan adoptod at a con- J feronco or repreacntatlves or the Chi- cro car aervlce committee of thu rail road' war board, the redcrnl rood ad ministration, Rrowera nnd ahlpper or llvo atoak, commlMlon men nnd the packlnR Intereatn. "Under the old plan, which allowed unrestricted ahlpment or llvo atock, heavy consignment or cattlo would nrrlvc In ChlcR on onn or two daya of tho week nnd llRht conlRnmcnt during tho remainder. "To avoid all tho undealrnblo reult of thl custom, tho xono aystcm or rcRUlatlnR ahlpment win evolved nnd will Rovern nil ahlpment on nnd af ter December 1 0th. "Under thl plan, within n tone of approximately thrco hundred mllea or I'hlcnRO, live stock will bo received ror ahlpment to reach tho ChlcaRO mar ket only on Tuesday, Thursday, Fri day or Hundny. "Within tho necond xono, beyond thrco hundred mile from Chicago nnd up to tho tlilrty-slx hour limit for shipment or live atock, ahlpminta will bo received to reach tho Chicago market on Monday, Wednesday, Fri day or Hiturday "Tho third xono embrace nil terri tory outside or tho thirty-six hour 1 1 in It rrom ChlcaKo nnd rrom this xone Hhlpmonl r llvo atock may bo mndc nt nny time to reach tho Chicago market on nny week day "It I probable thnt thl )tcm nt stablllilng shipments and prior or llvo stock will bo extended with nec essary modifications to nil tho blR live stock market or the country " UTAH Hlli;i:r.Mr.N PI.AN 1'OH MOST IMPORTANT .MKimNtJ Dates for tho Utah Woolgrnwcr' association nnnunt meeting nn an nounced by t' 11 Htewnrt, secretnr) of thnt Mssoclitlnn, n January 16 nnd IS, I91X, In Halt l.nke City. Tho ro null will have n direct bearlnR upon the winning of tho war The meeting or sheepmen occur while the cattle men nnd the national woolRrower nro In Utah, and n thl Mate I one of the center of tho woolgrowlng In dustry of the world, the meetlnR will hold tho center of the stage Hpenker sent out by tho Rovirn ment will nddrem the woolgrowcr. some of the topic belnR "liable and tho Outlook 1'or It Kradlcntlon In Utah," "Predatory Wild Animal nnd Thilr Destruction From lhi I'lnh Range," 'llnw to Inrrrnse the Num ber or Hheep On Utah' Farm und Itnnchc," "Hotter Handling of Utah Wool " Dr H W McClure. ecretary of the national association. I estimating that there will bo not lea thnn n thousand hei pmen rrom arlou iHctlon or the country present ut the convention Preparation nre belnR mnde for tar ing for thl numbtr of deltgate Hs uwv wii.ii iiuiiti.v rkduci: wiwtiirn shi:i:p H W MtClure, serrrtnr) or the Na tional WWtgrovvern' mwoiliitlon, tstl mate that the six hundrrd and fort mm homestead law wilt reduce by 60 per rent the numlKr or aheep grnxlng In Uliih Wyoming nnd othir Fnr Westi rn Htntea The government I nsklng u to Increase our supply," say Mit'lure "and wn urn more than unxlou to do bo, but It I taking rrom iih the gnu Ing land upon which wo must dr pend for the feeding of our Hot kit nnd wo nre up ugulnxt it serious propopl tlon The people who nre taking up Hit entarxtd hnmolind truot will not I en ho to u und they cannot ell fr sevtrul mrn, nnd thn result I thut wo urn without tho ncctaanr) grnxlng nod lambing ground to proptrly tnke inro or tho flock we now hav to ni nothing of Inrreattd rioiks "Hence, we must clthir git rid of thn ixrtMH aheep nnd cattle or find rungo foi them homewhtro ile" nun: stockmiln to ki:i:p Tiinit kui and iii:ii'i:rh C A. Olasler, president, und t K. Wniarton, aeiretary or the Weattrn l.lve Htock and lAiun company, hnu returned to Uluh rrom u trip through tho Mlddlo Wtat. They say money I plentiful ror stockmen, but some 'hat higher than usual, nnd itdvlso stockmen to hai.g on to their twt and heifer. Money la now available on four month tlma for rcedir und six months on range stock nt t per tint. Money will bo moro pltntlful alter January 1st they report. "Although without range or other Dplrnl shttp raising conditions, Ohio U the largest ahrcpralslng state In the union." a (llaxlcr. 'Tho plan or tho Ohio former i to retuln and buy up old uwr and feed them ovir tho winter. Many stockmen are mak ing a mistake In considering their cow a old ut six years and their ewe old at four lluyera are making ef fort to discourage tha sale of such stock, becausu It endanger the great nit production." IliiftlncHN I Very (toot!. lluslneiM at the rlalt I.aku City atockyuril ror tho opening vvteks or liocember haa been exevpllunully good, lluga huvo run very liutv) but even wltn tho Inert aed recrlpu tho supply Is fur short of thu maiket ro (lulremant. PrltcM remain uuu miu will protiuUly cuntlnue so fur u long time. CtlUo have run excepllonuli) good, moro than forty curs changing nanus In thu present week, lluyera from Denver, Omuna, Kunsuu Clly, Oguen und Iais AngvUti huvu in en on nuud to compete with Hull ltku Clly uiiyirw. Mutton has been mthur unsteady, Uuo to u Haul demand. 1'eopie stem to nuvo a inUtuKttn Idea tout In not eating iiiution tney ure ululng lliu im iluu, wtuu te conuary lo la cor rect, for tho rituton inut inutluu la lllllo ued ua un army ration una ian nut bo rtnlpped ovurscus aa can inut and pora. cur'H Kill l.lvtn. I'rulecluia or llo ulocK In Utali uuillig a iwelvo mulilnu kunuliig ui' iiuppmg Killed olf 41mu pivudiui) wliu uiilliiaia III litu year uiiulug " vuliiovr aula, C l. biuwurl, aociuuiy of tun Ulan Woulgruvvuia uaauelauua lepoua. J ne ' kill waa cuyuies, d.i., nuugcis, arn, boucau, , luc, t, mill, o, mountain nuns, , skuhk. Is, weasels, i, giay wulveis, -, vmai inu elimination uf uiuu ummau meant to tne live slock inuuseiy wu indicated, blew ail Ja. uy l.tu tact that during tho year predatory beasts , kilted 120,000,000 worth or live atock In the United Stolen Plan to Ratlin DUcaac. CHICAOO, Dec. II One million dollars for the eradication and sup pression of contagious attlo dbtoasc. and especially tuberculosis; will be asked or congrean In a bill to bo Intro duced by Representative Chnrle H Hloan or Nebraska, according to a ri fl otation ndopted at tho closing session of the twenty-first annual meeting of tho United Llvo Htock Sanitary spo liation, which plodgvd Its support to President Wilson" war poltvy. with Tin: iiivi: stockmi:n OF THIS Hi:cl ION OF 1TAI1 Dr. A D Melvln, chief of tho bu reau or nnltnal Industry nnd well known to the country as tho govern monl foremost figure In combating foot nnd mouth dlsinsa nnd other dis ease of cattle, died nt his homo In tVnshlngton, II C , Friday IorI of pul monary hemorrhage. Ha was 65 years old Range ntong thn Utah-Nevada slalo lino nro fairly free from rabid oyotMt. Thorns Redmond, secretary of the stole llvo stock commission, re port after a trip of Inspection Ho mndo many Inquiries a to tho depro Jatlon of tho mad predatory animal and learned that practically all of Itinm had been killed off. According to report nt the railroad Repurt nt tho railroad office at Ornnd Junction, Colo, any shipment or inttle rrom over tho Western Hlopo will ioao within a fow days. On Hat urdny, Sunday nnd Monday Inst the Colorado Midland moved out a hun dred nnd sixty carloads or cattle rrom along It lino nnd another train will go on Saturday next Thl will nbout complete thn shipments or range cat tle for thl fall, though much atock will bo left In the feed tot nnd on reed over tha district. Hay Monday Provo Herald: "Yes terday n number or Provo peopta went down to tha reed yard hero of the Denver ami Rio Ornnde to look over a hundred nnd thirty-one fine white fare calif which were brought here (Continued on pa go four.) COUNT MINOTTO AND HIS AMERICAN WIFE -BaaaaBsxBaaBaBaa BaBaaasBBBaT .BBBBBBrSlf6BBBBBBBBBBaBBVSk, VB BBBBBBBBK 'T7'aBBBBBBBBBTViyaBJ(al!r BBBBBBBBaYaaB 1 W , bbbbbbbbW btV jaW BBBBBBLTt. . 'BBBB 1 I i vfaW saTsMtsTaBBBP V'' K we 'iiJ7 A. tK f W JaaB.r 3ilm m KBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV flaaBBBBVBBBBBBBBBft 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWusbbbbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! Count JumOH Mlnntto, who li'i thnn tvv ytnr ngu mnrrletl Mlssi Ida May Hwirt, daughter or IiuIn Mvslft, the inlllbiuilrc Chicago packer, lms been rrrstttl by federal nccnla, btlng auipected f liro-(1crmiiii nctUltle. llio count clalmi to be nn Italian citlrrn nnd tit tiled the charge tigntnst hliu. Ni:W Olli MlAl.i: Ih HAID TO UK AH HMOOTII AH OUKS Homcthlng new In the wuy or oil shale U proAC-nlt-d ror tho Inspection or Utah by J. H. Wing or Hprlngvllle. Thn shala ha much the snmu general clutrncterlstlui n other alialc round In various part or tho atato, but that taken rrom tho surface, la ua smooth us glus. While no train have been made, Wing 1 or tha opinion that the shale tarries) n heavy content of par affin. In many ways It rcaomblea tho de posits of otokorlto round In thu vicin ity or Colton and Holdler Summit, ex cept that It 1 much lighter In color. Tho deposit I round In a vein forma tion nbout four feet thick, and may bo traced for a long distance on tha sur face. To ascertain tho value of the deposit Wing Is arranging to have noine tests conducted by Halt Lake City clumUta. Wing ntucrta that ho la fairly famil iar with tho geology or tho atato and that In no place haa ho round a simi lar deposit. Tho location or tho do poltho declines to mako known until It value haa been ascertained. I'RKHIIIKNT JOHKPII F. UMITII NOW HI.dAI.MMi HIS IIKALTH That President Joseph F. Hmlth or thu Mormon church, Is recovering his Health at Santa Monica, Cats., after being heavily Ued pnyslcully and mentally by his many duties, was the Information received In Utah last Monday by church officials, lie waa uccompunled to tho coast by lllshop C W. Muley, who has visited him at tho Santa Monliu home. President hmlth, uccordlng tu re ports, lues been spending much time un tnn golf links and fur a man of his ago no Is (a yttura old he Is con ceded to bo a remarkably able player. JANUARY I, lyitt, I lit UN $2.00 ueaiuiiiug January 1, 1VU, the sub .upiiuu pticu ul llio nuu will lie ad miuuu Hum i,4U lo ti,uu the year. liiMiu uoM.rimir may pay us tai in .tutuiuv, nuwuvei, ul too rule uf l,oU tney uvslie. Al pleaolll cosla sucll a uvHsuttuvi tut inu oun cannot bo um at (m mm tne puulUnur come juc uuMiieia utHtr wnula. ; Christmas Is Near -f I At Hand - ; f i Y ' aIO 4 i 1 - aBBaaWWr' 4 4 Come to our store for oil kinds of m'l aS'li J IMCKAGE GOODS (Wt M Crochet Cotton, Silks ond Embroidery FIosb In oil CT J M Sizes ond Colors. 1)1 1M $ We corry ot oil times o complete line of Modamc wfU y Grace Corscta the mo8t correct comet for fit ond fscNAV m y Btylc priced from $1.50 to ?8.G0. Sec our line before "Vv : 1 you buy. r ? rz i ' . ifcagtrj J 5 Knlttlnjr needles In oil sizes ond styles. Knit your bit. i y i j '-- , A I bessie Kennedy; millinery Moln Street, Price, Utoh. T J . NOT FUNDAMEKTAL MI L'nltexl Mntett huprtnio Court Itulctt In Idaho Cum. Possession of liquor Is not n funda mental right of the cltlien which a state maytnot nbrldge. Huch I the conclusion of the United Htatcs su premo court In a notable deilslnn handed down last Monday which may huvo tho effect of forestalling uny constitutional assaults on the Utah rlatute. Thu decision strikes nt tho vital point uf "possession," a point over which municipal and district courts In this statu havu differed as Indicated by tontrawlse decisions. Tha suprome courts opinion was given at Washington, I). C, In upholding the prohibition law of Idaho. 11 was writ ten by J untie McReynolds. "Wo lurther think," he declared In referring to tho right or the Indivi dual as ubrldged by those of a state, "It clearly rollows from our numerous decisions upholding prohibition legis lation that tho right to hold Intoxica ting liquors for persorol uso Is not ono of tnoso fundamental privileges of u cltlien of the United Htatrs whlct no state may abridge. "Any contrary view would be In compatible Willi tho undoubted powtr to prevent thu manufacture, gift, sale, purchasu or transportation ot uih ar ticle the only feaslblu ways of get ling them. An nsHured right of pels stwslon would necessarily Imply soino uueiuatu method to obtuln them not subject to destruction at tho will' of tho state." Woiuqii wno uru farming find help unu tnsplrutloii fioin women farmers oigaiutaliuii. 'ino flrsl organU'ttlon ot tins klnu, so rur aa known, was luuimeu in Misaouil In 1U 1 "Uf yuais later tne iuvvu Woman ruMnurs ciuu vvus orgunueu at tne luvvt mate t-uiitko ot Agileuiture A large! num tier or successful womun rarmrrs uro meinour of oiganlxutlons entuiiraglng inecrcst In funning us u profcsilou tui women. Uiu burcuu ot inafhcta M co-operating wltn und Curnlsring In loimutlou regurulng such o, guiilxa tlu carerul or mures In ror h Avoid strains or otner dangers. '- Oray will be a cry poptir wlntei color. I t DOUBLE STANDARD OIL AND GAS COMPANY. STOCK TEN CENTS A SHARE $500 buys five thousand shares; $100 buys one thousand shares. Cosh, or one-fourth cash. Balance three monthly pay. ments. Company has holdings in Wyoming, Colorado, Khiikuh, Oklahoma, Kentucky ond Texas. Has producing wells in Oklahoma, where oil sells for $2.00 a barrel. Drilling to continue nil winter. Expect to pay dividends by January 1, 1918. Money invested in oil stock brings the largest returns of any investment. This stock will Hoon advance nnd in n few months be selling at fifty cents a share. COMPANY'S GENERAL OFFICES Hoston Huilding, Denver, Colo. GEORGE R. MARKEY, W. F. REYNOLDS, t President, Secretary. ltl-l) 'IH) Itl.HUII.D mi: ItClt.M.I IaM.AM lUMPl.i: J.OOAN, Dec. H, it was In un the trlu swlichuourd cabinet unuciiieutn a siuirway tuat tue fire III llio iogitn icmple ot tuu Cuurcn ut Jsus Curist uf iiiter-uuy tuints ungiiuied, ut corulug to un annuuiiccmeiit inuuu nero ny ulflclals wno huvo begun un tnvtutleatlon. iiiu tue, it wics stated, spread from inu cuuinel to hoiuu niguly Inflummu uio poilsii und town swept tue whule uuiiuing. Inn Uumsga lo thu bulluiiig Itself U tsllmuted ul IIUU.UUU, Willie mo losM In (urnliuru unu fixture t an nul bo computed. inn work oi rebuilding und repair ing tuu uullulug win uu uegun ut once. avld A. Milllil of null laiKo Clly, rep ttssuiitlug tne plenum lilsnop ul lieu, Josepn h, hiiilto, Jr, of tne ijuoiuin ul tho twelve uposiUs, unu juilli latwrelice, Ciller rngliieer til eiiuich UUlluings, were hcie tula wee eu luvcsllgaiu and to lay pluus lor tne lepalr work MA.Nl Ill.lUi IhU grocer story surpiUeH many pcupie l nuu liau stumuch irounie. til luod seemeu to sour unu luriu gas una ulwuys oonailpulcu. rvoltiliig litnped until 1 trluu uueKinurii burn, lyterlne, etc , us mixed In Adier-l-ka. Uivb MUO.'.ri I. usiunUneu me witu lis I.NhlAIM uctloii, lieiuumj au-lei-l-ku iiusiiom mo t.N'llut, uiinicn tary tract u lellevts AM CA bi. con siilHillon, sour siomucli or gus unu piuvuiil uppenuiulus. It lias WOlCK cnl' anion ot uuytnlng wu ever soiu A. 1 nullun Drug Co Advt ll.imbuo Htlcks bervo us legal tender in Culpa, wnuio silver It unusuauy scurco, uccoruuig lo lulurmulluii iu cuivou by Prof clbtrt u. iiiumus, In structor III uileiiial Ufa uiul cusiums at til" University or Ltaii, Uecausu ul llio stiver stilngciicy, tie learueu, iinanclcra navu uuopied a buinuuu suck live lucnes lung, inreu-iuurivrs of un men wlue anu uue-eignin of nn Inch thick aa "wooaeu money," I wH-awtjJBKXBsajBXs!'. BBBMaBBBBBBtfiaBBBBBYZrHBaBVaBBBBBi The Highest Efficiency COAL Oovernmcnt Equivalent, 3101 pounds. Unequalled For Stor age, Will Not Slack. Ilrst of Steaming and Heating Qualities. Mpto! Coal 5 (oto Co. Mines At Kenllworth, Utah General Offices. Walker Rank Uldg, Salt Lake City. HlimHIIUIIIIIIIIII; iiWir Mmi TRANSFER and DRAY. " ! ! ', Qlve us, your work and It will ', ', i . receive prompt attention. No , . ' Job too large or too email for ; ; ua to handle. ; ; Freight is given our special 9 ', ', attention. X T Phono OBw'J aiimUHHURIIIIUH' In summer tho boar ahould bo kept on pasture and provided with shelter, shade and plenty or water.