Newspaper Page Text
H PAGE FOUR THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY DECEMBER 14, 1917 1 aaaH ' ' .1.1 . , -... . Hi-' H I'OMTICWM.Y, IlI.I'LllMCAN H Innucd Kvcry Friday lly thn Bun Pub- K llnhlng Co One) 11 W.Crockett, H Mnnngcr. B Hubncrlptlon, $1 BO thn Yenr Offlro B Telephone, No S, llcnldcncc, Nor M 133M2 anil 133M3 ADVKHTIHIM1 HATlS! H Dlnplny Mntter I'tr Inch per Month, B $1.00, Hlngln Innnr, 40c Hpcclal H I'onlllon 26 I'er Cent Additional. 1 Header nmt l.cgnl Notice. 10c per Hl I.lno MM Insertion, So per Lino H Knrh Huhncqucnl Innun Count neven H word to thn line H Ohltunrlc Card of Thnnkn, Itennlu- H Hon. Ktc, nt llnlf Iocnl Heading H Notlio Hate Ciiunt ncven words H to thn line H Adieu, for Rale, For llent. Found, H titMt Kit Onn Cent per Word Koch H Ixmir No Chnrgo Account H Atldrro All Communications to H HUN I'UHI.IHIHNU CO 1'rkn, Utnh H BBBI H I UI4NT MOtJHMMI WITH. B oirr nn: hum i htood hi B am citiHit in i in: coMim:- B NATION. JO II, no3H, BBI H , H "Thnt thn I'cnpln Ma) Know" In ono Bj of The Hun' tniint populnr feature B Hogging for the prlvlltgo of buying H eoal Ik getting to ho ono of Amcrliu' H grcntcnt Indoor nporln H faille aklrt nrn itlll high, hut con- BBB eldcrlng thn length )rt to go, II would H nccm thoy'n dolnic thing hy halve H Cvcry lime your ntcrngo cltUen H look nt thu coal hln ho In thankful H thnt nil tho miner of thn country nrn H not nn Mrlkn nt tho name tlmo. H Carbon couift) him tvrclvu prnctlo- H Inn doctor nnd hot ono undertaker. BBB Yrt thn IntterV complain of hunlnin BBB Imlng H Cleaning nno' plate with n alien of H lirrnil In connldtrcd n hurbarlt). There B nrn more In I'rlcn who never know It B imd urn fomnu for thn clean platen B they furnlnh thn dlnhwnnhnr. B Olio advantage thn blc) do In I'rlcn B nan titer thn uutoiuolilln In that It run B take to tho nldcwulk whin the utreetii 1 urn mutltl). And, It doc no, nrdlnnnr H nr no ordlnanen There urn nomn muttering, hi tit) B nwlvol tihiilm why muru farmr don't H pay liuonii) taxr I'nmi what wn H Tntn note thorn In Carbon intuit) H don't liiH'iuine the) nrn not tnakliiK enouuli. Our willllllerit urn In tier off H than nvnr before, but tlckllmc tho rarth wtth n plow I Mill not In It with handlltiK bond. H When mother Bum un Ultlnic It H tnont nlnN Ket In Thr Hun, but that Hj lun'l the eomplelo tor Coiuldcr H liow InterortliiK It would bo If ll worn HI ndded how ilad hn to fry hU own H rKKa and potatoea and coffee and wrmli H tho illhf n nd inuku hU own bed Thnt'a thn mint Intervutlnic part of tho H xtnry, but ll noer whn print H Mot unwhero nrnr hiilfwu) b) thn B tltlcM of l'rlto nnd Helper or both. H tho OiiiMr nnd Itlo (lrnndu would H help to Imprnvo thn water uppy of H lath or either of thu two plum by Hl brlnxliiK ll" Coltoii re rxolr nnd other Hl water lo thin nlln). Tho Hun known B uhireiif It upenka und hukkkIh nt leant H n conforoncu atous thlx linn by the In- H Vomlnir ndmlnUtratlon at l'rlto H I'rlro river ha nlwav been and nl H vvaM will In' a newer for tho townn H nnd coal camp built alumc the bank H of thn'nmln ntrmm nnd It trlbutarlon, H Until thn people of I'rlce ko to tho B inountnlnn to the wint for u, water B iiupply thora are no hopm for an B thins In t tor than wn have nour have. B Thero nre contamination other than B thono nllexed uicalnt tho no Vera I cum B lompanle. B Homo mbtxulded folk have n habit B of mUunlntr palrlotUm for their own B ml van tune. Kpeclull U thl trua fl when they tako n position In xomo B matter and think nil thane who full to axren with tlfm to to traitor A M traitor I a punion who nutlvely aid H tho eticinj while maiiqueradliiK uh H loyal To dlnukrrco with tho opinion, 1 Ideal, Idea, ambition unit billef of Hj it parnon U not troltorou. H Neither l'rlto nor Helper nor any of H the other town drpendlnic on l'rlco H rlvor for a upply will ever have Rood H wntcr Thn oul) way to obtain It I H to ko to tho hill to the went und pipe H It down, Thero arc it flvo inoru of B thene alleged contamination iium, ono K of thtm l'rlco u the plaintiff, to bo H tried at tho February term of tho dlv H trlot court, which llkuly I but the be- H Klnnlnir of cndlow lltlcutlon und ox- H lionsa. It might not ct bo too Into BB to effuct a tompromlne townrd tho WM lonntruutlon of a joint )tim for Hl Helper nnd Prku and the other placo HH moat Interested If the matter I kouo B nt rlKll b) the Incoming maor nnd BH 'council or thl oily. A The Hun hua H heretofore remarked, thl initiation I BB ifettlnr u now hero faat. BBf SurVV EVERYBODY'S LIHLE BIT 4 WAR. TAXES. 1 J -v X On And after. Nov 2. tJ s All letters out or wmMlf a 5j! 0NE ceKT MORC n oriji: aih: ioutunati: ah AOAINHT ifUIH-MinUtn. Frto expreKilon of opinion dovetop many view thai nrn well worth con aldcrlng. nnd It I forlunnto that bu renuernc) doe not ntvvn) have It wn) Hern I N !. Wlllet, Introduced on nn nuthorlt) on agricultural mat ter In fleorKla lunertliiK thnt there are tnorn nutomoblle on thn tounty road down thero than them nrn cot totipleker In thn flebln, nnd that It I n "trlmn nnd n nhnmn" to keep vchool In Mnflon when the whole world need tho cotton nnd torn vvhluh tho uhllilrcii nrn tompetent to mirner ll I Intimating to know thnt down Booth, whom tho people pny audi n mniill proportion of thn nntlonnl tnxea and where tho per capita aubiwirlptlou to liberty bond were extremely low nulnmnhllen nrn morn numerou than cottonplcker. Tho commi nt on thi relation betwei ll tho n hool ntlend mm I nlo Intereetlntt In view or the re pentid InMlatmen of thn commltHilonrr or eduottlon that thern miint bn roll attendance In the notion). Them neelUM to Iki u wide dlffen nto of opinion belwven thono bureau thut urKn "wive tho crop" n the chief de nlderntum, nnd thnno who nnnert that "mIiooIh a ununl' I of the "utmoit. Importance for tho prenont difniNO of thn countr) IMvvecn thenn conflltt Ink view of bureau, free public din cuoalon will ahid llxht nn tho aubjict nnd aliment tho happy medium ! tneun the tun extnmra. Hut thn people inunt depend upon their own aound Judnmont nnd not upon the vnrjInB nnd InvonnUtint proulumotlon of mrn not In touch with (he world of affair. DMpuUht from Montreal, Cnn , lo Kimttrn nownpapeM tell of u loan of ft 0,000,000 to be made by the United Htnte to the Dominion kov eminent, thn money to bn ued In kcIIIuk thn wheat crop to market. Till I u coinnundahlo purpone but name peo ple will wonder If American money I to bo lined In moving tho Canadian wheat crop wh) It would not bn n rood Idea to un aomo American money In movlnir tho Amtrlcan wheat crop, and thn American toal irop and neveral other crop whLh America produie In abundunm but vvhhh, for luik of transportation ftudltlcn, do not wm to rraih tho Amerlian coruunier either nxpedltlounly or icon-omlinll) XI ii ID dwiller In Kuatem Utah Inn i n't cultlvnted the hublt of pro tutlnK tlulr tool from Inroud of tho wruther. A u rtault inuih nticl U unnwiwmrll) wanted In ten wir tho uho of maihlner) on tho farm ha Inert antd 70 per tent, nod It I Indted a pity to permit ao much of tho machinery uwil to runt It wa to doatruetlnu To inunj furmer It did not muke mi nuiiih illffureneo whin maihlner) wa clipup, but tho prlu of nteel haa advanced ao materlall) aliuu tho war beKiin that It I patuntj to nil that ewry rami ahould huvu a tool jlit d Not onl) that, but it re quire ao much ati'el to win the war that over) pound Mivod on an Kimtern Utuh rami Ik helplni; tho governnunt , Iint Thurnda) afternoon Mr C K ltrwin onttrtulned n few friend In Imfior of Mr Mar) lllalne, who I h. ItlnK her from Ouklund, Ciila At 5 o'cloik lltflit rf reahnu nta vvcro nerv ed utter which the guoata departed All iujo)ed ii mont pleaaant afternoon The ffuentH wero Mr. T 11 MoMlllun, Mr Anna Ward, Mm. J, o aubler, Mrn. Allco Hasn, Mrn N. M, Nanlta, Mm C. A. Puna, Mm, Hell, Mm. W. W. Jonca and Mm Hoy White. LAMB PRICES DROP DURING PAST WEEK (Continued from page two) to bn fid on tlulr wn) aoulh on tin Hanpetn brauih Fnrrer & Mcl'lur ihiii wild thenn (Hun Hlvir ralvc to Onoritn MnthiiN of Uut for (7000 ThlrD-thien of thono wirn fine nglK tereil bull eiilvn nnd Mnthun wan r) will plenned with tho purchnne rnxtou N'utter, thn Nlnn Mile nti tk mini wn In I'rlin jnntrrdii'i und iIim da) be f ii re I In mi)n atoek of nit kimU on thn Carbon nnd Duchnmio v nitty runge nrn tlnlnK rplemlldly up to thin time Tin Wmithir no far Imnj Iktii Very mild wlurt tit turd nrn run nine Jiimnx Mil'hirnou of Orel n Klw wa n 1'ilott vlnltor Monda), loinluit up on bunltieon Condition down Hint way nrn good, na)N he but the Win Hit r I a little dry for Mock A rood nnnw would hilp oul thn rungn nrd gladddi tho heart of tho ntockmui J I) llenvirn or M)tou ricently lo a tow nnd ntc r Ono wa nhot mil thn other died from eating thn loco weed l)r Heaver dlnpute Or Hog Kim. atntn rl rlnarliui, who ha mild thnt It would tako fifty pound of lnu weed to polnon nn animal at thl tlmo of thu yenr K V, Klllngton, nnnlntnnt In iharxo of thn vvrntern dulr) dlvlnlon of the fidernl bun an of nnlmul Induntr), recelvtsl notification Tumdny but of hi promotion to Innpector In ilinru of dairy nxteunlon work for ull thn Wnntiru Htati-n. Ill hmdqtinrtt r will bn nt Wunhlngton, I) C, whero hn will have chargn or n largo ntaff of field men, Next aprlng'a lamb crop will depend on thn cure und ficd tho ewe retell e during tho winter, SIo ft (ding I onpcilull) Important bccaumi of tho high price of find nnd nhiep. Tho floikowner I forlunnto who tan uno i lover, nlfalfu, cowpou or aoybvan hay a thn Imaln of tho winter ration of hi nwi Corn ntover, nut ntraw, all ugo und root are economical upple imnt. ' Fied conomkiilly but well," I thn ndvlcn offered by ntiecp apeclnl lata. Thn wlno uppliiatlon of thl good ndvlcn will depend on tho farmer hlmaelf nnd nuch apecialuit ua he may U able to commit. Or T II, Hintt), ntato health torn mlanloner, haa reported to tho atato llvn ntock commltilon that ho haa or tit red thn deitructlon or n rabid cow which ho dlmovcred had bien run ning amuck and terrorUIng people In l'ltaaunt View The tow wna bitten vevernl wnkn ago by ii coyote nnd for nomn da) recently had exhibited un mUtakeabln algn of madnena There are numerou tanea of ruble among domcitle anlmala In man) aectiona of thn ntatn, Ir Iloatty najn, and he fear further Increnan In thn dlneane unlea peopln tako prompt nieaauna to re prea It. In order that tho live ntock output inn) hn Incrcaacd noxt )ear If pot nllilo Inntiad of aufftrlng a hcav de tnane km I now feared, the llvo ntock tommlttee of tho Monu Count) Coun ill of Defenne ut Orand Junction, Colo , hH Inaued an uppoul to tho ntntknun of thn tounty to tarr) all tho atock poNHlble through tho winter, InMwtd or murkitlng their breeding atock an I now being done In many InntuiHt. Thn committee poluta out thn poanlbln nerlou moat ahortage during tho tomlng )ear and annountca that It I the gentral btllof that high er price will prevail next )iur than at thl tlmo Iirgn Atrtugi' vulhibln. ' lliere nru ten million ucroa of land nmlluhlo In tho ntutta of Oiorgln nnd Morlihi which appear to bj vultablo for grazing nhetp, I the Iniormutlon ntelved till week by H W MtClure, attreuiry of tho national woolgrou era' uwtoelatlon, from thu commlttto of Utah aheepmen which Is now In tho Houth looking for avullablo grac ing laud. Tho mauago camo from J. It. ndg- JHjHHBHHKll'JHB eLLLLLLLLbLHbbbI belli, Thoinan Auttln, Itlchnnl Win der und Abncr Hmlth, who conntl Into the commlttie In tho brier com munlntlon received b) l)r MiClurn, the tommlttee Mntcn Hint tho land In (Ituntlon It offered un n Itanlng propo nltlim at reifninnbl term, with tho option of purchann Inter If thn nhecp men dtnlrn It bbFB R - -JBB H .. BBBBBBBaE!V j!)IBBB LLbBLBBLw t ijBb LLSBLLLBBm!?w Sfll ALFRED GRAMES Grrmiuv mi) know wlmt nha want, I ut what I morn to tin point thn bul nu if the world known whit aim nrtdn After I'rmldent WlUcn get through making thn world wire fur drmocrac) will tome thn rial tug of war for pon aenalon n. thn offkn. Utxil hn now mat lied nuih ii prloo that ver) riv of un need object to having It "pulled over our rye" While the prenldent I regulating tho luiliiNtrlca or thn countr) we wlnh ho would take nver thn milliner) bul lie Our nlnter new hat bill came In thn other du) Ourlmgf I probably the only article or commi rtu on vvhkli tho Increaied "demand ' ha not booted tho price. Fair Exchange Is No Robbery You art dead right In demanding Hint evil) one or )our dollar bring )ou ono liundrtil cent worth of vxluo when )ou apend It. That' what wo guarant-o ou A FAIU KXCHANOE Wu keep on hand at ull time a full Mot It of the btat to be had In fllJOAIt AND IIONCY, HALT. KOlt MAN Oil HKABT, M11.I.8TUHFB. HAY AND OHAIN, ' cmcKitx rr.i:r), I'l.Ol'It ANP IIHAN, and HIMIIU MKUCIIANDIHK Wo guuranteo over) thing from oVir place, both u to prloo and quality. Wo art bu)ing nlfalfu und clover ad, W)lng the bttat prkca In Raatern Utah for thtHMi ti)thlng )tm fall to Jlnd other plutta coma htro nnd anctriuln ir wo cuii t fit )ou out ISxclunlvn vvholoNultri of Upalrn Flour A homo product nnd etul to If not better than other you'volbeen ualur, ' Price CommissionCo. Service All tho Time, I I'lIONH 18S lniCB,IUTAH MAT aiLMOUIt A. W. McKINNON , I UPALCO FL01r: UINTAH BASIN PRODUCT PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGHBORS. AS GOOD AS THE BEST AND ALL OF THE REST Price Commission Co., Exclusive Wholesale Distributors. PRICE AND MY Mrn J H Kux or Hiawatha I get ting nlong Mr) nicely nt a local ho pttul nfttr un operation lout weik for nppi ndli III I'rnf linn I Andcrnon of tho Car bon count) high ha Junt been uwurd id n life high nchool tllplomn by tho atntn board of education Hcowirofln have tattly put on for dtllvtrle nt l'rlco and vicinity n ton and n half truck. It make nny or the road and hill hereabout with tone. Civil Knglncer lcger or l'rlco wa at Woodnldo two day tho first of thn week doing nomo rcnervolr and tannl work for nn Irrigation company there. Iliinuknh, thn midwinter fentlval of thn Jcwn, began Innt Munday nnd I being celebrated In nil orthodox fam Wen. Thn fentlval lant for tight dn)n J. M Millard, formerly or Altonah but now of New Mexico, ha been In thn Hnnlii thl Week on hunlnc. Ho In well pleanetl with hi New Mexico home M)ton Free I'rein, 7th. A W Jennen of Helper retentl) r nt n dierk to tho I'rovo lied Cron (hnptcr for flvo dollar. Thl gift I Small) npprt elated nnd will bo unci! fir Hit purchnnn of materlnl for thin i rginlMtlou I'rlit Commercial nnd Having bunk dirt tor Innt Haturdny declared a B per cent Mcml-annunl dividend nnd nn extra Chrlntmn dividend of u like amount making It per cent dividend for thn )vtr II ink ii llennlon, ni rotary or ntnte, ami Jot ph Itlrle, ntato nudltor, vvuil out or l'rlto thl morning on n trip of lunputlun over thn I'rlte lo Myton I Ithwoy Tho trip take thtm Into t ! rintnh Hanln countr) liolixnle nugnr prlct advanced tru tent n hundred pound nt Han ' rand nnd In New York City hint Monda), which mean that ll will go in ii like amount In I'rltn nnd ulnt v hi n locally Tho retailer now gel f CO n hundred N II M Madm n, county fuel and find ndnilnlntrntnr, I going to try nnd hint nomn of tho flnh htlng aelned from l'tah Iikn by thn flnh nnd gamn mini' lonir nent lo Cnrlxm inunt) town for mile to thn people who nru nfti r nulintltulrn for btcf, pork and mutton Umt wtek nomn two hundred nnd flft) pnrkagcH wero nent out to IVn vtr, Colo, h) thu local lied Crnnn hnptnr lo thn bo) In tho trulnlng cump Muny or tho offering wern mndn by memberw of tho chapter nt Helper, Hunn)tdo, Cantln (late, Ilia wntlm, Clear Creek nnd (Inowhcro. Flft) morn package am to In) mip plletl Althuuch he I about ten thmiwind dolluia ahead of tho amount received at thl tlmo lant )tar, tho aecrctury or ntnte an) a that approximately u hun dred thouiand dollar In ntnte corpor ation taxe remalna )et to bn collctttd. Thtno taxea become dollnqutnt on De cember ISth (tomorrow) nnd n pen alty of ten dollar nttuchia to ruth corporation falling to pa) up by that date. Iridic of tho Carnegla llbiar) In charga of the Carbon County Cook Hook aale report that Hit re arc about forty of tho hooka left from an edl llsn of five hundred coplew. Anyone wanting one of thenn book nhould make It known before all or them uru gono. An effort la being made to dlapono of all of them before Chrlnt ma. The booka aro on aale nt tho li brary. Work on tho road from Hiawatha to u tounoctlon with tho atato road iiut of l'rlco nouth I nbnut completed, 4n K Santnchl, Hr, or tho tool ramp, II j was down lant Tuesday to confer with tho count) commlnalaner In the nnttor Hut little I yet to bo done, tho Hiawatha hlghwuy I ono of tho i or) bent anywhere, being thirty-four feut wide and exceptionally will con-Mruitcd Use Judgment In Making Gifts Don't let tho Chrlitmajt aplrlt wnrp )our Judgment In gift irlv Ing Don't fritter )our tnone) nwny on unelc gowgawa that will do tho recipient no good. HUY UHKFUL nnd 8KNBJIH.B l'llKflBNTB Our largo stock contain mnn) article of value to every member of the family You will rind hero xultable thing for rather, mother, aialer, brother, aweethenrt or rrlend And, when they nra recelvrd th)'ll bo appreciated. Alaskan Furs New nnd try elegant lino or theno In acta nnd alnglo piece that nre the awelleit ever brought to I'rlce. Tho price nrn In keeping with tho mrlt or tho good. DrnKie. afternuon and evening gown, thu lateit la tho modlno'a art. New lino of millinery hat thai have itylr r nnd beauty. Hllk atocklngn, tnmpcd work and nlmllar mtr chanillne o Knitting Bags' Hand Hag. Iaundr) Hngn nnd Fancy Work, nil upproprlati for Chrlntma remembrancra. Hheet mimic, the latent and mont popular Flag of all Na tion, to) for tho little folk In endltn variety, pontenrdn nnd tint like. Chrlntmn curd and numerou other thing which we have not tho npacn hero lo men lion. COMI'MTTK CI HURT MAH I.lNi: I'rlce within tin rinch of all. You tro Invited to come to thl atom while tho ntnortmenl I unbrokon. Wo will put anlde any nelcctlon mado for )ou Now good coming In ever) day o Mrs. Charles Averill Millinery and Notion Turner Hldg, Main Ht. I'rlct Judgo J. 1). Call of IlrlBhnm Clt In holding court hern thl week foi 'Judgn (lenrgn Chrlntonnon Hlncn lant I Tutrdny the ennn of Kritntu Andernop I iigalni Caleb Kdivard ha taken up tho nntlro time. It concern wutrr right In Holdltr Creek. Hpnculnllon n to what tho (nata tion of railroad work nt Helper mcaivt atlll conllnue Many declare that th prrnent regime ha nlvva) hem fa vnrnble to moving to Holdler Hinnml' und that they look for work on yardt and roundhnuno to atari at Cotton or Junt beyond early In the aummrr Othtr bellova that tho atntemrnt of 1. K Clarity mean that tho wort, will he resumed In Helper In the earl nprlng on a larger ncale. Hero Yonokoihl, a Japanese youth of l'rlto agtd about 8 )car, I thi flrnt ono In I'rlce tn pay up In full at thn lotal pontofftco for a thrift n-iv inga ntamp enrd. Ho began to buy Monday, Decembor 3d, nnd by Friday afternoon had flvo dollar worth of atump to ht credit, which nre now drawing InUt-Ht, ((impounded quar I ttrl), from Undo Ham. I Ait wrek'( t Halt a of atampa at the l'rlco pontofflet I wero clono to a hundred dollar. U Itulra for conserving the power for 1 anrvlto of home In tho atato during tho winter have been compiled by H Jame Far)the, aecretary of tho Utnh Htattt Humane aoclety. The luggen tlonit an to protect thn anlmala from tho cold, atop hi lea In tho barn, ca clono thn tleup und blanket thn onl main on frmty nlghta, give water thrri tlmin a day and fotd regularly, horno innnot thrlvo on hay uloue ketp thn home' feet oft and huv him ahotl freuently The Coat We Return Jh-V ffl , "" aftor dry cleunlng It will bt I UHreiri M Hjssgl pruttlcall) u brand now gar- I 5Kf, I l"S Jh mont. nver) npot will bt I JTy fjfc 4 M &W Bone "' ilgn of Holllng H VVS )sTjv-nir w'" navu '"'nPlnrtd, nnd It U if V?Zlk flaBB(lfAHlNG wl" l)0 Pe,u'e,, J""' tt" " v,a" ewVI Xj BB when )ou flrnt bought It. Our K t K EBfuiL ''ry cleaning will keep your H mm IIW vJlBt tntlro wardrnbo now ull the 9 mm llll IBrM." tlme why not u,llUo lt I y vv Su ,r nulla mado to measure. All 5 price from $16 00 up. j& ACME GLEANERS AND TAILORS :: Price, Utah 1