Ref resting
;; m Gratifying 3DI I
; IB Foaming mwtTSmTi f i
II 11 Satisfying IM
; 1 Exhilarating JJL
' B i'fe"," A JPLyiitBr"fc
lhutfiflCi -s mIsctm! t9Rl
9Tiw!kw ssp vIiKHECBM
DStFiAm wVDT fl l vflBTf
Bav woik 'is .is v jrii1 Hi1
' With n lino of Dry Goods, Clothing and Mcn'a
and Women's Fumiahings that will make even
the old rcBidcnts sit up and tike notice.
. Here you will find Suits for the Men and Suits
f for the Boys, SulUi for the Women and Suits for
the Girls.
r And for making up Clothing, our line of Dry
f Goods and Dress Goods will be equal to any de
ft mnnd.
r Lovers of the BEST in men's and women's
r wear ure in the habit of coming to us. They All
s' WAYS find just vlint they want here. YOU
come, too.
Handling as wo do everything for the home
and tho person, we can make it very much to
your interest to trade with us.
When you begin to reckon up the wants of the
4 family, consider all the lines, then come to us
and we will supply you at economy prices.
And when you finish filling your own needs,
you'll find you have some money left for gifts
and these, too, we want to sell you.
Wasatch Stores Co.
Stores at Sunuyslde, Winter Quarters, Clear Creek and
Castlo Gate, Utah.
Nona: or si'i ciu, r.u.eiio.v
Notlcn In hereby given that n poclal
election ha been called by the clt
council of Trier. Utah, unit will be
held In l'rlcr, Utah, on Ilia lid day
of December, 1917. to determine tho
lumtlnn whether or not Prlco shall
lease It entire municipal plant and
system, used for tha puriHise of gen
erating, transmitting und distributing
electric energy In and about l'rlcr, In
eluding nil pole, wire. c rossarins,
meter, fixture, equipment and ap
pliance constituting a part of Mild
plant and )tcm, and nil material
and mippllrji owned by Prlco for use
In connection with wild plant and
tern. There (hall bo lliroo pnlllnK
pUro, all at City Hall, In said Prlco.
UUh, onit thereof In an apurtment
therein whern nil qualified elector
whww lurnamcM commenca with any
of the lettera of tha alphabet from A
to O, Inclusive, may vote; und ona In
an apartment where all qualified elec
tor whom, aurnamea commence with
any of the lottera of thn alphabet from
II to N, Inclusive, may vote, and onn
In an apartment therein where ull
qualified elector whose surname
(ommoncn with O toZ, Inclusive, may
vote, which are horoby for cxmvcnl
encci designated as A to a, II to N and
) to Z polling place, respectively, In
sold Price election district All quail
fled electors of Price, a municipal cor
poration, who have paid a property
tax In thn year preceding auch pe-
filul election are entitled to vote, Tho
polla will remain open during the tlmo
from 7 o'clock In the morning until 7
o'clock In tho eenlnic City Council
of Prlre, Utah, by A. W. Horsle),
Mayor. Countersigned and attested;
U A. Lauber, City Recorder. (Seal I
First pub. Nov. 23; Isat Dec. 21, 1017.
i Slop Wflsfe of liil
You ilmpl) can't afford to
waste coal now H'h too hard to
set, and too coMl) when you get
II. Tho dlffertnrn between tun
ing nnd waste Ilea In tho
Co mo In nnd let ub show you
a atovc that will sale ou from
one-third to ono-luef lot our
fuel Our stove uro na far
ahiod of tho old fuel eater ou
have been used to a they were
ahead of tho old flreplaco of our
! father.
. C. Wcolor iiitir Co,
Wisconsin hu extended lt provl
Ion relatlvo to Kcliuru of pirnpher
nalia until In lolatlon of game luw
' Include atltomolille. which, whan
umd by person hunting- Illegally, may
M I'c confiscated b) consi nation offl
S 'era,
H Hear In mind tho caro received b)
jH the colt the first elghteon month of
hla life will be a big factor In hi
H wrth nt maturity,
Those who are afflicted with Mom
Mi h troubto nnd constipation hould
rend tho following "I have nevtr
found nnylhlng so good for stomui.li
troubln nnd constipation a Chamber
lain' Tablet, I have, used them off
and on for tho past two )rnr. Thry
not only regulatn the action of tho
bowels but stimulate tho liver nnd
keep one' body In n healthy condl
tlon," write Mr, llinjnmln llooptr,
Auburn. N Y. Advt.
Humiliation of 10,483 acre of land
from thn Ashley national forest In
Utah, mmlo under daln of November
26th In an executive order of the pres
ident, lu reported to havo been tho re
sult of reeommnndutlon of tho forest
service. In u communication Issued
from thn headquarter of the Ogden
dlvlHlon It I explained that much of
tho an ci eliminated 1 to steep to bu
Tho Hun for good job printing.
e aeWbrl4DstBer9 MM
g Non-Intoxlcutlnfi. Pure. KJm
J Helps digestion. MP
At coccrs', at dnigsUts'.lnfuct
P at all places where good drinks
I oro sold.
V, LEMP, Manufacturer
1 IIelMir Mrrcantllo Co.
(? IUIikt, Utah.
J, W. Hammond, Manager,
j Abstracts of Title Furnished
to Any Pleca or Tract In Eastern
i Klre Insurance Written In the
1 Ilest Companies Doing Dullness
In the State. Heal Ketute. Bonds,
I Ktc
Oolden Rule Ilulldlng,
Wo aro ready at all tlmra to
servo moal to your order
from tho full course dinner to
tha most "conservative" of
Your appetite la your chief
concern. Wo cater to tho trade
! of ladle accompanied by chil
dren. Out of town folk shop
ping In Prlco Invited to como
ooMiirrs cai'k
Main Street, Price, Utah
hUtc Committee Pcvrlr Competitive
Illddlng Kor hcrilccft of PcilR,togiiris
Milili Ha llccn More Or Iwt Uio
Cnstom In Time Past All Am
Wamctl to Play the (lame Fair.
Revocation of Certificates I tho pen
alty to be meted out to teacher cm
ploed In tho state or Utah who fall
to play fair with board providing
them employment In recent month
so many complaint have been re
ceived by tho state board of education
from district school board of viola
tion of contract by leather that thn
stale board recently dit tiled to tako
action to prevent suih Infraction. A
committee was emptoved to thorough
ly Investigate thn report and n large
majority of the complaint were found
Justlflid Tho Inquisitorial body re
form d it recommendation that win rn
violations arc found tiuolur idiull be
dlsmlrsed from sirvlce and their or
llflialt revoked The tommltlee iiImi
dicrle niinpctltlvo bidding among
nil distrlit boards for tho servlct of
toucher Follow lug h thn commit
tee' report to tho state board
'No teat tu r ran morally sign n
contrail for her sirvlie covering nn
part of thn time for whkh she I ul
read under toutrnit In nil) school
dlstrkt without first having secund
the ngrei ment or consent of the school
board with whlih she has entered Into
innlrnit, Thn state lard of educa
tion I In sympathy with any proper
utti in it on the part of n teacher to
Improve In r financial or soolal condi
tion, but consider It a breach of pro
fessional ethic for n teacher to si ek
iniplojnunt elsewhere covering uny
part of the period for which she hut.
already comnutit! her service This
provision, how ivcr, Is not to he Inter
preted a In any ny Interfering Alili
thn right of the teacher to lie ceinj.d
end for uny position or empleiment
at any time.
"it I contrary to good business and
to high ethical standards for om
Hchool district to bid for the service
of teacher In another district cover
ing tho period for which they are al
ready under contract without the pre
vious tonscnt of thn board of educa
tion with which the) nro under con
tiuct. In tho Interest of Justice und
right und a n protection to tho teach
ing profession of the state. It I rec
ommended that any teacher certifi
cate may be revoked whonavcr it has
been shown conclusively that the hold
er ha wilfully fsllod to comply with
tho foregoing provision or otherwise
wantonly violated thu agreement into
which sho has entered with school
Ooirrnmttit Man PIcumxI With Uin
tah llichln Irrigation Scheme.
J. U I.ytol, In chargo of tho Htraw
lurry reclamation project for soveral
jrar past, ha returned to his head-
quartern at Provo from a trip of pre
liminary Inspection of the big govern-
' ment projoct now being undertaken
In Duchesne county, A now con
templated, It will consist of taking
water from thn Duchesne rlvor for Ir
rigating about seventy-five thousand
acre of fine land. I.) let la greatly
impressed with the possibilities of tho
Uintah Hasln country, which only
reeds capital to take tho water on the
Und and railroad facilities for bring
ing tho crop to market
When seen nt thn Tuvern Hotel a
' ftw da ago on hi way out to Du
c)iene, Iotel said of tho Pleasant Val
je, project up near Hcofleld that the
people of thl valley aro In possession
of about all tho facts, through The
Buii, that he has. However, he be
lieve something vvttl come of It
thrcus! Senator King and our other
rcp,o()ntutlvoH In tongros at the
present session.
He I committed to the Pleasant
VallcX nn'l P"'ca Illvcr Valley project,
ami cs doing and has dono everything
possirlo'ln hl power to get thing going.
jja,k atln Is combined with gray
The Bun for good Job printing.
Secretary of grlctitture Point Out
What I i:Kttril lly the Coieni
ment Trout the Agricultural of the
C'omitr) I'or the (omliig ear He
JaxiUh I'or Willing tV.(ierntloii.
' W'AHIIINrtTO.V, I) l Dee H
With record crop grown this eur the
nation' farm nnd live stock produc
tion must be stimulated to n still
higher efficiency during the coming
twelve month If domestic demands
nnd the needs of tho allies are to be
ndequatel) met, Bccretury of Agricul
ture Houston s.ijs In hi nnnual re
port to congrue tenia)
"That tho farmer of the nation
have generously responded to the ap
peals for Increased production, nnd
that much has already been done to
Insure n largo uppl) of food and
feedstuff," n the report, "Justifies
no letdown In their nctlvltle or In
those of nil agricultural age nclcs. On
tho vontrar), even greater effort
must be put forth In tho coming
"There must be no breakdown on
the farms, no failure of food, feed
stuff or clothing I cannot emphu
rUo too strongly thn urgent necessity
of doing even thing possible to bring
about a further Incream In the pro
ducUon of all essential commodities,
particularly or tho staple crop nnd
live stock."
Hplrlt of tho 1'nrmrr.
Confidence In the ability of thn
farmer to meet the unusual emer
gency caused by America' entrance
into the war Is rcltcrntcd by tho sec
retary. Their willing co-operation
since April ha been prolific of en
couraging crop Increense. he sji),
nnd thero I no doubt but that they
havo a complete and ready compre
hension of the demand to be supplied
n tho war proceed.
"The spirit revealed by thn farmer
nnd tho result of their effort during
tho present year," ho sn. "Indicate
thnt the) rocognlie Iho rcsponlblllty
resting upon them In thl emergency
1 nm confident thnt they will patrioti
cally continue to assume unci to beur
their full share of tho countr)' bur
den. "A It become' more ulivlou thnt
thn surest way to force n rlghtcou
pencil I to employ effectively all the
resource of the nation, tho farmer
will Increasingly put forth their
strength, send tin Ir son to fight nt
tin front, and see to It that neither
thl nullon nor those with which wo
ure nssocliitid lack nn)thlng in thn
way of material for food and cloth
ing" While tho precise figure for meat,
poultry, elnlry product und vegetable
oil are not el available, thn secre
tary estimate that tho quantity of
these tommmlltlcH I greater than for
ISIS and 1916
lllg Grain Inert use.
An Increase or u billion bushel
over the five-) ear pre-war uveraga
wax effected in thl )car' crop or
eplrit. Unrcvtsecl estimate contained
In the report ure 3,181,000,000 bu
hel of corn, 853,747,000 or wheat,
1,(10,000,000 or oat. 201,OSt,000 of
barley. 68,000,000 or r)e, 10,813,000
or buckwheat, 33,:&f,000 of rice, 73,
380,000 or kuflr, I39,8,000 or Irish
potatoc . 84,727,000 or sweet potatoes,
15,917,000 or eomnurclal bran. 43,
1100,000 or lie aches. 11,419,000 or
pear, 177,733,000 or upplr. unit 7,
021,000 or sugar beet.
Tho number or milch cow und
other cattle," tho report add, "ha
shown an Increase during the last
'four or five )cars, the estlmute for thn
r rmcr ror the present )ear being 23,
908,000 us against 22,788,000 a )car
ago and 20,437,000 in 1913, lefero the
European war begun, while that ror
tho cuttlo I 43,291,000 a ugalnst
40,819,000 a year ago and St., 030,000
In 1913 Unfortunately, the number
or sheep continue to decline Tho esti
mate ror 1917 I only 48,069,000 u
ugalnst 48,483,000 u )ear ago and 51,
482,000 In 1913. It I estimated that
thn number or hogs, which during re
cent )cnr ha shown an upward ten
dency, decreased over 4,000,000 or
from 87,643,000 to 82,747,000,
Situation In Mnitn.
"In considering the whole meat
situation It should be kept In mind
that there I a close relationship be
twiKii thu production of live stock
und thu supply or feceUtuffs und that
for moro than a year past there ha
been a relative shortage or grain und
or rorage. Tho largo production or
thesn necessaries during tho present
crop season should conduce tu more
xatuructory condition for the pro
ducer or live stock and should, other
thing being equal, tend to bring about
an Increase!
"Ilut with thu destruction or live
stock In ISurope and tho great de
mand from there for meat and rat,
with consequ nt greatl) Increased ex
port from thl country, It 1 clear
that tho supply will not bo adequate
for tho domestic nrcd and for those
of the, nations with which wo are as
sociated In tho wur
"The mere statement that thn pop
ulation ha steadily Increased in this
country the gain In tho ten year
from 1908 to 1917 being 13,000,000
with an at solute decrease In tha live
stock for tho same period, would suf
ficiently cmphaxlxe the seriousness of
tho situation If conditions were nor
mal and thu demand ror meat and
fntj were not so urgent,"
Tho report announce tho organiza
tion or a special agency to ascertain
to what extent the government safely
can permit the uio of national forest
range far cattle graxlnr. A severe
winter and lato spring in the West
thl year induced tho opening of tho
foreM reserven to tho animals much
earlier than usual, and In 1918 the
emcrgenc) uso of tho range ror grac
ing purpose Is to bo much extended
scoi'ii:t,D Man is now ov
HCOKIKl.D, Dee 8 -l.ee H
Thoma or Hcofleld Is em hi way
to Prance with a field artillery
regiment, according to u tele-
gram received toeln) by hi mo-
ther, Mr K II Thomas He re-
ported at Camp IawI December
8th with the last dmfl contingent
nnd nm transferred lo the field
nrtlller) nt I -on it; Island He I
27 j ear of age HI father, the
Inte T II Thomas, wnn n civil
war Veteran of tho Houlh
Tonne r eiung People or Suiin)slile
Burpr!' Ilielr friends.
HL'N'NHIDI, Dec 8 Prlencls lo
enll) have received thn new or the
wedding till Week nt Halt IJike Clt)
or J V Moore, formerl) of thl town,
und Mis llmlty Uiswn of Pain lew
Tho former hold u responsible osl
tlon with the Utah Fuel compnti)
general office nt Zlon. while the bride
taught school here lor several terms.
The couple has many friend locally
who are extending congratulation
The groom, It I understood, Is soon
to Join the aviation service of hi
About twenty carpenter have been
wtf-klng during the last few days) on
the amusement hall with the Idea or
completing It by Chrlstmn. when u
big uprnlng dance I to be given
Mis Mabel McMillan nnd Homer
M. Itaynt, two or Hunn)lda' popular
)oung people, were married In Halt
take City Friday, November 39th
Upon their roturn to Hunn)slde the
latter' mother, Mr. It. M (lalbralth,
served an elaborate wedding dinner
ul her homo In their honor.
Mr. and .Mrs, Hamuel Nnylor enter
tained nt supper Monday evening nt
Ihelr homo ror Messrs, ()cnr Kvanx
nnd Kvnn June, who will leave tho
middle or the month to enllit In the
son Ice or their country.
Mr and Mr. Thoma William of
Helper spent Thanksgiving In Hunny
lde, tho guest or Mr J. William.
Mr nnd Mr. I.evl Montgomery or
Heber Clt), Mr, and Mr. Alonxo Tld
wnll. Mis Venta Montgomery nnd
Mis Mlunln Tldwell or Wellington
were thn guest or Mr. (It urge F
Well during the past week.
Mrs. loa To) lor and Ml lluth
Martin entertained nt dinner Hunda)
at their cottage ror Ml Maudn M
llurke. Mis Irene Thomas, It M. Da
vidson nnd Frank Tucker
Dr and Mr A. W Dowel had as
their guest on thanksgiving, Dr II
It Dowel or lllnwuthu and Dr, Jnme
K Dowel or Hall Ijvke City nnd fam
ine. Mis Clrono Uisseit ha returned
to her homo In Fulrvlevv after spend
ing the last few mouth here
Mr und Mr. Daniel Hlevenson spent
the latter part of thn week lu Castle
Dule visiting relatives
Mr. Tallesrn Kvnn entertained the
Itcd Cms worker at her homo Wed
nesday evening
Mr and Mrs, J, Llewellyn of Al
berta, Canadii, are visiting In Hunn)
side with their nephew, J, IX Unw
ell) n, for a few da).
Coke oven nnd mini hero are
working full time these du)s.
Wire or Donaldson or MeWlilrter
Pnine Ask I'or II hurt v.
' I think he run u gambling game,"
wan the hesitant answer or Mrs. Mar
garet Donaldson u to thn occupation
or her husband. Jnme M, Donaldson,
when sho was nskod about It while on
the wltnc stand In Judge J. louls
Ilrown' dlvlnlon or thn Third District
euurt nt Hall Utku City last Hnturdny
Mr Donnldson was under examin
ation an a w lines lor herself In her
suit for ii divorce Iho decree wo
granted on tho ground of non-support
No Information a to where the hus
band might be operating a gambling
game wu volunteered b) the wltncia
or asked by counsel
Mr Donaldson I a sister or "Kid"
Davis, the prlxn rightor, nnd la known
by many person In Carbon and 1'mery
countle, where she lived before going
to .Ion. Rhn wu married to Donald
son at tho statu capital several year
ago Donaldson I ona of the men
who "turned" thn McWhlrter. two
Hcotchmsn, of wtvcrul thousand or
dollar In u fixed poker gume.
Donaldson Nerved time at tho Utah
penitentiary ror the McWhlrter deal
and wa supposed to have reformed
after getting out of thn penitentiary
on parole The Davlsc resldo at
Cleveland In Kmery county, where
' thn kid ' Is working hi father
Improvements in beet harvesting
nmchluur) made thl year will release
an army of four thousand workmen In
Utah ulnnu during the 1918 beet har
vesting season and permit them to
harvest other crops, according to esti
mate made by Mark Austin, field su
perintendent of tho Utah-Idaho tiugar
compan) It required six thousand
men tu harvest the 1917 beet crop, but
onl) two thousand will be necessary
next year
In u child thnt Is subject to attack
of croup, the first Indication or tho
disease lu hoarseness, (live Chain
berluln'a Cough Remedy es soon a
thu child become hoarsn und the at
tack may bo warded off nnd all dan
ger und anxiety avoided Advt.
Lawn mower ground at Robin
on' repair shop. Advt
Embroidered filet net trim green
Jersey cloth.
.. H
Dlt. V. A. WIIKTUiy j fM
I riiyriclan and Hnrgcou 'j ,
I Office Over Commtrclnl llnnlc.J jH
I Itesldencn North Klghlh Htreet, Jj f kH
; jH
Dlt. I. H. thomi: ' Bl
j IK-ntnl Kurgeon tt
Office- Vlgtln-llonnmo Ilulldlng. jH
I After December I, 1917. I kH
Dlt. II .11. C'OKrZMANN j H
Dciitlxt j IftsD
Permanently Iicnteel Over Prtco ' IH
Commercial Hank M
. . .. - m
n. a. Mceir.i: i iH
Altorncy-nt-trfiw I M
Vlglln-llonomo Illock, I jH
PltlCK. UTAH. I ijH
.. liH
e H
At,orney-at-lAvv I 1
717 Judge Ilulldlng L
,. jm
f M
i'iii:ni:iucK t woods i H
Attornejr-nl-Isv I sTH
Ilooms 14 and 16, Rllvagnl Lltock. 1 Jb
: : - M
ir '. "H
Mcciisrel ArrJiltcct j H
Vermont Ilulldlng
Atlomey-AuLaw, j sH
Practice In All Court of iho i H
iltato and the Federal Court I H
Ocnernt ICnglnocrlng anil j vt
(leology j lsl
Second Floor Hllvagnl Illdg. j ll
:- : 1
a A. King M. P. Uruffsl Iste bH
It O. Hrhulder f M
kino, itiuri'irr a hciiui.dkii , H
AtlorneyH-Al-Ijnw M
Judge Ilulldlng H
Tavern Hotel Ilulldlng M
I- I
He Was Onto Our '
Good Service I
Thn slory I told or n cltlien lH
or a nearby town who went lulu IH
a business man' office, but lie- H
cause of tho presence of other M
abend of him, he could not gain Ot
an immediate audience jH
Leaving tho establishment, he H
went to tha nearest telephone H
and railed up the mnn he want- H
ed to nee. Thu he made the H
other In thn nfflro wait until , H
ho wa through tnlkJng over H
the phone. B
The lolephono "get there" 'H
and refuse to wait once tha H
bell ring. ; H
Eastern U(ah Telepbone Co. , y
' .....i. M
Wholcsalcru of nnd H
Retail Dealers In H
paulo mm
Deliveries Anywhere In ,
Cnrbon County. H
Manager mmW
Retail Store, Miles B!d? ' HHIH
Price, Utah