Newspaper Page Text
? hbhb""1bHMWWBHMBRHbbWbBBbbHb H PAGE EIGHT THE SUN, PRICE. UTAH EVERY FRIDAY DECEMBER 14, 1917 I I Lighten the Labor I In the Home H Tho Spirit or ChrlstmiiH this year will find its perfect BBBJ expression in the spirit of helpfulness. Gifts this Christ- BBBJ mas should be more than ornnmcntal they should be BBBJ useful nnd practical. And the more useful nnd practical BBBJ they arc the mora welcome they will be and the more your BBBJ thoughtf illness will be appreciated. H Electric Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Washing Machines BBBJ and Electric Irons remove the drudgery from the three BBBJ most irksome household duties. They save many hours BBBJ of time nnd can be operated at a cost for current of only a BBBJ few cents a week. These and many other useful nnd prnc BBBJ Meal articles may be obtained from this store at reason- BBBJ nblc prices prices that may be nfforded by the ordinary BBBJ run of folks. H Our largo stock of useful electrical gifts offers an nl- BBBJ moat unlimited choice. There is something electrical here BBBJ for each member of the family and for each friend Ao BBBJ whom you wish to send a Christmas gift. Automobiles BBBJ accessories, gasoline and distilled water and air the two BBBJ latter free. I- W. C. BROEKER H Comer Main and Depot Streets. PRICE, UTAH H PROF. ORSON RYAN TALKS BEFORE H PARENTS AND TEAGRERS LOCALLY BHpB " i llclou l given Ihp k)llopl of the BBpB remark of Count)' Huirln(rtidi nl of BBpB Hchooln Onion llyan before Hip pnr- BBpB tnt-tencht r aocltloii In tile Cnr- BBpB tion oounty tilich mcIiooI nl I'rlcn InM BBpB Honda) evening. December 10th Tin? J nubjecl won "What Id Education" BBpK In bt ginning tho dlkciimilon of hi nuh- BBpB Ject Huperlntcndent llnn imkitl theko BBHB ucntlon B First Wh) iIuim llu kihool exIMT BBpB Tim general nnnwer Ik, mi that Inn B thlhl may learn reading wrllllig nr- BBpB Mimetic and noforth " BBpB Second Wh) nrv rending. n.illlnit, BBpB arithmetic uiul hliior) tmifdit thll- BBpB lrun rather than knitting Minuting or BBpB guiding an ntitomolillr" B Ttilnl What particular gift lum BBpB inch of Hum to bctnw upon Hip ahllil BBpB i" Jimtirimtlnn for Uk plant In th i nr BBpB rlculum nnil lompeimutlmi for the BBBV labor, tram mnl time of Hip Mudcnt BBH Hip ciirp. tho iffort nnil fluunilal px- J HiulllurK of thii purtnl iitul Hip unit- J I'niirtli After nil what In t It- pr- HiuilAr rum Hon of Hip ncIiiiiiI BHpl Thre nn ijileMlon thul iiiiikI ! Santa Clans I Is Coming Bfl BBpH Wr huve In ui In i-ommunlin J Hon with thl. Jolly nlil ihap ! und li Mtn CnrMma mint l J itlehrnted n upunl thl )r BBpJ iintwlihutuiiilliur Hip war uiul BBpK pripiirullumi for wur Hint urp H now going on hut uuturiill) liurclinscj) will Ik llmluit to tin BBpl think'!" that ire intuit undid BBB There U niiiili In thU wrll BBV hliukctl KrmiT) tituri tn tntir BBV Mt Huntn anil liU lliiititiuntk BBpj Wo en n uipl uii with nil Hip BBV thlnvu .noeilrit for tin- .'lirlt- BBV inuN illnnrr im well u with nil BBV tho thliiKu niTilul for thi inun BBV Ulmurn before uiul uftrr thp tils BBb BBJ Wiikh thU Ktiim fur mini) BBB JV ru koIhk to iiluct nn Ini- BBk inoiiHo iimount of tlu oholct"! BBV nindlpn on wilo ut irlim Hint BBb lunnot Up Miu ml unlnri BBfl pIxp I Stockgrowers' and I Farmers' Store H KUQUNK K CIIATMK BB I'hone ISO Trice, Utah public offlilAlu If Hip proper rrmilli nn to ho ohtnlni il from our ncliiiotn. While not too much U ilrmamlrd or ttu Mchool, uroiiK thing nrr often ile ninnilril The Kihool Ih hut one of the Nit Itreiit oruunlxid mielal nKemlen whono functlonM nre the prujrrpm of hiimnn ID Tho mjhool Khoulil not tin imkcil to umiuniii Hip reponllilllllii nnil hear Hip jmriilnit of the honu Hip hurt'h, tin tiile. nor noclet) Too 'often lellniUiut pun nln ip mnnit of thp Hchonl work whleh ion HtllulpH the IcKltlmntp rinixin for Hip home ThU Ik iiImi true of the ilpimtniln miiilt h) nthir onrnnlxntlonn To corn 1 1 thl, nil mini work lomther inuh ilolnic II inrl nnil )il mippli mentliiK thut iloin ii) Hip otlur or Knnlxitlon. The mlfnrp of our fu ture tltlfctix or ilei luplni; illlieim Mho will meet the nvriU of tomor row I Hip lllllllliite u I in III Truilllhm'n !nip. i Mill hohl to tin notion Hint If u thlhl pIim on u msiI In the xihool hoiicp for nix houm he will rkIii hIx Hiiiph nn muth iiluititlou n If he wit on Ihnt Kiitue cent for one hour Wi ullll Iiiivp tho notion Hint If n ihlhl turim n lum ilrul piiKex of it hook he will Knlll tfll time Hit llllllll (lIlKlltlllll it If he turn ten piiKe of Hint miiiip IhhiIi We nllll huvi the notion Hint u thllil Kopm to mIiooI tu Imrn itrlthmetli, K rum inn r anil KeoKrnpli) I hup trlnl tu leilil )oll to lipe pn to mi nml know thut the ihlhl dot not kii to whool to iMirn nrltli mitli nml u oKtiiphy hut he kop to nhool to hum how to llp IhiIIi miii l uiul mcriPiihl) to lilmxplf nml to otlum, I .If i Im it Kruit ' rohh in uiul the cchool I tlpMlKmtl to help thp ihlhl olp thl probltin If urlthiiietlt help hi Hip koIuIIuii or thl prohli in, tin u nrlthmi Hi I u uoml tliliiK nml hIioiiIiI Im emouriiKi'il If obwrvlliK n htinrlM- help tu oIp thl proliltm tin li the tuil) or n minrUe I u uooil thlnif Kurtliermiirp ir tin nunrl" pnunr nomrthlnir to happen Inutile Hip rlillil nml Hip nrlthmotk full to entire thut xoniethlnir tu huppi n, thm the nunrUe Im pri ft mhh tu Hit urlllnne tli Tht nuurli'p I it iiimmon en pirlenu hut thp fniuthiii of eiliiiu tlnu I to reilrun Hip tominou HiIiik or lire from tin plum of Hit tiun monpluti If thp uhlhl tun wimi how win the ronipptlon Hint u xunrlm, liutmil of belnR n lonimou thlnif, In it Klorloux mlrurle, then nomrthlnir lum liapptn mil In the thlhl thut will ie him wider nnd hlaher notion or life Thut the Mali iiinnlntf fuvtoi) now In touri-p of conntrurtloii ut (Umu will lip In opi ration h) January I ft I tho Hlnteuient tnndt h) Htnte Senator I'urki r The plant will luut u m tmclt) or ilEhtitn to twent) ton or flh dull), tho mill hi bilnit mHiirttl from I'tuh Ijike m Itubbor tumi. item II. kluep Iukh utt The Hun. I lllfi REDUCTION IN I I ii Photographs and Frames ii We Make Postals While You Wait at the ii BBw I ii PHOTO ARTS CO. H Ground Floor Studio LOCAL MAN TALKS PLAINLY AS TO COAL (Continued from pane six ) compnrid with 1CH0 for tho week end InR NoVemher Jlth Tho dull) nvcr iiro lond on hnnd nnd not hilled to tnled lime, compnrid with twcnty-idx the prevlou week The nctunl opcrntlnR hour effl oh my for Hip wick tmllnK Detembir lot wait CX 7 pir tent, lompured with 4C per tent thp precidliiK week T U llunnlmr. necretnr) or thn iitllltlp coinmliwlnn tutid thut thn new tltnh rnllnind wim iiImi helfilnK mnlcrltilly In Hip Mhlpnieut or ronl lie ulntm Hint Hip flmt two ilu) or II operation, December lut nnd 2d, n hundred nnd Keventy-nlne onra lomled with i-onl were moed om r It line km mur MMSI TO in: llltOl'dllT INTO HI ltl(T, t'tnh ohlppir nnd rallroud orfklnl inlint to-operntp to Incrmrn to flillent c-npnelt) thp mrr)lmc power or rolling Htoek Thl I a Btatimenl or J II lllekpii, representing the tommltteo en, reprenenllni? tho special committee or tmtlonal lUfennc on trnnnportntlon mutter. Illcketi ha hi Id tonferemv with uhlppcr. trannportatloii offlelal mid reprivintntlir of tho uirlou ile imrtment or nntlonnl ilefenno actlxlt) Up i mplinnUe thn dctermltintloti of hi deparlmi nt no toniter to lotrrnto thn practice; on the pnrt of wimii ulilp lent or holillni? urn lonitcr Itiun net. ei"ir) Thoc who do not lond theli enrn tiromptly nlmpl) will not iret Hum, he n)n. All tihlppeni khoulil tr) to lond nl leant two mum tun than orilmarll) In lach car. hp mi). Thl. hi pointed out. would frri' nl lint two hundred thoimand inr dull) In the I nlteil Htnte. Whin Informi d thut ihtlrlo linen were not hnullnit coal from Carbon count)' mine for dlMtrlliutlon In Utah nnd Idaho point. Iiemuno the) did not lmp nrraiiReinonbt with Hip team line, llkkrn Indkattd Hint ho would tnke Hip proper mcaiurr to noo that tho condition I remedied Hlextrlc line, lip hu), urn platnir un Impor tnnt putt In Hip lixt In the dlMrlhu Hon of fin I nnd foodMuff l.lxhtliiR I Curtnllnl. W'AHIIINOTON, D. P, I)i 10 lliKulutlou llmlllnn iletrliiil illplciy lidtertlalllK llaXo fnllrd to tnnrervp the nmuuut of f in I hoptd for by thn fuel iidmlnUtmllou nnd n plan U un der connlili ration to Mop till outdoor IIkIiIIiir- uttvtt klrett IIrIiI. ut leant thrrt- nlitht it wit k l.lKtille tilKllt would np (on I In Inricp iiiiniitltliH, niiordlnif til flit tin hi fort the fin I itdmlnhitrnllon," wild Admlnliitriitor (larflrld todii) ' II would Ii- u pnrt or Hip plan to how iir) ellUeii thi wur miemll) nnd Iium lif it Join In tin nlnic In eer) rmblmii uimriimnt Iiiiiim nnd off Im hiilldluir people will hp itKked to !! not more than one lutir tin iimiiiI IlKhllnK IH fhtl II) (.mirnor, t'til.UMIirH O Dei IS lo Jiiiiipm SI Cox wput ovtr tin lunula of federal fuel iiilmlnUtnttloii offlclaU toilu) mid Iium tukmi Hip Ohio coal horluKP problem In hi own hnnd. The flmt inoMi todit) wu to order mild IrHlnloud of tmiil intkemhlul and will Immeilliitvl) to point In tin lut iiiiuit m rloml) In mnl or fuil The order I dlreitl) iiinlrnr) to Inetnittloii or I' U Itulnl, fedrrnl hImIi fin I iidinlnlBtnttor who nfueil to wini lion mill in tlnu Mini nil Uii-Iiik lllll. V.ArJlll.MJTON l l. On 10 A mini nil IihihIiik hill udxoiitted Ii)' tin mlmliiliitrutloii to unloik the re KiiuritH of 53 000,000 inn or coal land, c.ouoooo aire or oil hind mid billion nr ton or ioiiI now In Hip publli domain uu fuorubl n purled todii) h) Hip Iioiimi publli luiid iom mlltrt Plan utmi were Inld, throuKh ii iih-tommlilii for Keniml wntir pnuir leRinlatliin 0m in Mik-Luii I'll Id. WAHIIIM1TON l ' Dm It Ihp opuilnic or it uuw nml mlnliiK tnti t In Hip Miituimuku riild, Alaakn, wn mmoiimid todu) b) Hctretnr) ljine A hrnnuh of the Kovernment lullrtmd Iium bein piuhiil to it point nuurh) with the Kovornmint ready to rut Up application for It lean mid opt rutlon OriIiii I'rlccN IIuImiI, IHIDK.V. Dih It Coal took u hike to IT 71 In the Okdeu market tndu) n n riMUlt of thp modified mhedulu ret mill) loiiid out of VunhlnKton. D C Hi taller ur dilherlnB lump mid nut coal ut 17 Ii mid ulaok ut (6 46 Thi Imrenw I npproxlinatil) SO er iinl MlnliiK rutin llunn. CIIAltl.KHTOWN. W Vn. Die It The mnl mining town or Mullln In V)nmlnK count) Hit utati, u hun dred mile tunt of hen. wu dimtrn)td b) flr thl afternoon The town ha u population or about tuelse hundred CJoMrnor Coruwill Iibh m nt u vprilnl train with tintv, tot hlnnkit nml rood for relief work MIOl'ND Till! COlj CAII'Sl l'i:UM).li MI OTIIKUW IhK Mokt all or the mlnliiK lompunloH of Curhon i mint) u well it denier In tally mid In the pump, hnve tuknn nut permit to bundle explosive under HoNrrnnmut rentrh Honu D l Dun bar Im in iliurRp for I'tnh with off lie nt the ututi capital biilldlnK Win n thn word no more uoul wuro heard ut the )nrd of ltuhel tiro. In lirookl)n, N , luut Krlduj two thoUMtid pernqmi, inont of them women, who hud vtoad In lli)e for hour to Rit their allotment of two pounds mobbed tho plui-e, hreaklnir wiudowii and iilioutlne their anger V M Iimpton, Kenerul freliht . MCES M1YHT JUHKE Coal Mtimtlon AmoiiR local l'rtxluc cm Up to Arnutronff. There will bp no Incrcano In the price, or coal In Utah unlcm exldenco ndduced At n public hcarlna; to lie hold nixt Monday morning In Salt Lake City I ufflclent to convince the atato fuel ndmlnUtrntor and the federal fuel admlnUtralnr that an advance I JiiMiried 8uch In tho Information con. e)cd In a brier tclegrnm rcccltett rterda) (Thumday) from the fed rrnl fuil udmlntitrator at Washing ton, D C. by Y V ArmntronR. fed ernl rood nnd fuel ndrolnlatrntor for I' lab A n reult of recilpl or thin Infor mntlon. omp coal compnnle wlio nctcd upon unofficial Information nnd rnled thi Ir price nt tho mine, nnd omc Hinder who nited llkewlna and mhnnced their price within the pnt few dn)K. will hnp to mnkp refund to purihner, nnd they will hnc to dollvir tual nt tho old price until prnptrl) niithorlxcd to mnkp a change Tin coal price ulluatlon, both with referenco to Hip nilnen nnd tho rctnll dealer, Im In en unmcwhnt uncertnln during Hip paat week. Unofficial but neemlnRl) nuthentlp Information nan rctplteil herp on one or two occasion that nn uiUunce In tho price of conl would Im- Mtnctlnncd by tho federal conl ndmlnliitmtlon. Allhoiigh the Utnh coal admlnlntrn tor wu not iiiIvIkciI of tho matter of flclnll), nomo or thn mine and nomo or tho dealer In Utah nn early a Inut Monda), It I Mild, madii nn ndvanco of flft) imU u Ion agent of thn JJonver nnd Itlo Ornndo with hrudquartiri nt Donvcr, Colo, wu In Utah Inut l'rlduy and Haturday to Innpect rnlRlit condition, lie wa eipeclnlly concerned In the hnullng or conl from the Carbon count) mining dlntrlcl. Tho fifth big 8unta Vr toiumotlvn or the Utah railway wu run out or the On roii Short Mnu roundhouM Hundn), under hir own nteam, and another In duo thl week. The Utah rallwn) I getting Into fine hapu to do bunlne, Thn i) long nml trains per day I the ihtduln now incr that road Into Zlon. KxerrUIng a right which they claimed to huvo i nrncd by "iwiuntllng" on Hip property, On-ur llecbp nnd John K. Hi cbe or CnMtln Dale applied to tho United Ktate land offlco taut I'rlday ror permliulon to buy two hun dred mid elRhty acre or uiul land ror ten dollar nn acre. The land I In nited In Katirn Hexler count) 14 ioiiI I Ixlng hitiili d from Hip Curhon niunt) mine by Hip Denur nml Itlo arunde aluip tho adiint Into Hip btiilniMi oT the new Utah rnllwu), It N reported tu tin ntule publli ti till -lltw eommliiloii In Hip uiek piulid Dei ember Kill Hip Diner nnd Itlo flrnudp IhhiIi d twtlvo hundred mnl fori) -nine inm out or thpp field. Jame IIiimcII of Diuxtr. vlie pre Ideiil of tin Duittr nnd Itlo (Irnndp, urrlttd In Hall Utko Clt) Widnifdity lifter muklng mi Innpeillon of Hip Utnh line lie i)H thut tin priiRre made In tin hnudllng or ukiI from Hip Carbon county inlnpn mn) be loimlil rul millotaitor) lit wn nieompan led on Hip lour of limpet lion b) I K Clnrlt), nMllnnt gtmnil muniiKer ot Hip I'tuh line. John It Uiwmiii, lubor tiudir of Colorado who wu rettntl) dieted prpaldiut of the Colorado Ktutt red i ration of laibor, plnlgiM the lo)nll) or Hip Inhorlng mi n or hi ulatu tu the nation In thl hour or uitd a)lng Hint iium will load tin in In ihiwitlon nnd nair If lie to tho fhig nnd Hip louutr) nnd Hint the laboring men or Colorado will Mtund it tnnd to iioiiii III Amirlcu UiWkon wu hut rrtentl) reliuned from tho Colorudu p-nltentlury, btlng lomkliil or lompllcll) In it murdir In tho toal mini trouhh ut l.udlow In Hint Ktali lb for o eitlng for hi honu ut Hio lleld thl (Prlda)) moriilng, Neil SI Maducii. count) rut I iidinlnMrutor, had li'liphone lommuuliittlun with Hlnto I'uel AdmlnUtrutor Armntrung ut Zlou the lutltr HUld ha had no notliu nn )nl from the national ad mliiUtnitlon ut WimhliiKUiu. D C , re garding thn udvauin In toal prlie ut thp mini tuild to Iiumi bien mado Tunnday Inut Until official word I had iol lonllnui nt the name rig urea na liuo been prevailing Thn linw price iiniinuniid nre glviu on the alxth pukc or thl lmprtlou or Tim Hun K 8antM.hl, Hr who wu In I'rlee lut Mondu) from llluwathu, Mtatea that thu time tump uvir south of tho United Htale Kuel tompun) have bien working ulmot utr) da) lnce tho rirt ot tho month a grmt ion tram with iipurntlon liefum thtv changi In Hip Utnh rnllwu) manage ment II I now work ever) duy ro. Hip mliur uud othern with thn prorr lo of it lontlnuitnio right ulong f'-r iminlliK, Tht ioiniaii) ha order tir coul fur uhiud The new turn und l i Kino or thu Ululi rallwu) und (no inovimeiit or coul b) thl rontl U f nt or the big liitpienliiK or Hip )tar.( Miim Ak'noH Hill, riiognlxid u 'one or Hip mokt lompulmt trulned nit una In Halt Uiku Clt). nrilNMl In UmLliy )iMuda) morning to inni tor J In. (tlinro) IlulliiiKi'r, who )etujihi) nuiriilng undirwunt an operutlor for thu lorreitlou of a bono fractuo d In it inllroud wreck niur l'rlen om )ear iiBo l'rldit) Hoon utter tho iiefldont Mr, liallluger wu taken to Hall take Clt) ror triHitment. und ther MIm lllll nited uu hm nn mo tot many wnlw The two bocamo runt JTrlond. nnd w lun It wu round thut hjip mut undergo unothtr opi rutlon lor the torrtctlon or one of tho bomjl wnleh had railed to knit properly. J)ra. Hal linger miked that Ml lllll lu notified pi a xhn might u train be with her and li .rno Iter during hir lllncwi Grand Junction (Colo ) New, 9th The Sun for good Job prluilnr personal adornment! Every normal woman desires to be attractive. The desire JH 1 is natural and laudable. In the effort to render oneself at- (fl ' tractive, there is nothing that affords as much aid as suit- 1 nblc jewels. HP Hp Jewelry, judiciously selected, enhances every woman's B beauty. In our splendid stock of Jewelry for tho Holidays H wc linvc combined taste nnd value. The most discriminat- H inK taste can be fully satisfied here and solid, substantial H value goes hand in hand w 1th good tiiHtc. H Sec our display of Military Watches, Solid Gold Brooches, B cameo Brooches, Cuff Links and Buttons, Scarf Pins in many styles and varieties, Handpnintcd China, Silverware, I Wristlet Watches for Ladies nnd Gentlemen, Clocks, Gil- H Ictto Razors and n multitude of other articles, useful und I ornamental, nil suitable for Christmas remembrances. I Wntch our display window for new things arriving dully. H Wc arc specialists in watch repairing. Wc can take that , old, erratic timepiece nnd put it in good running order, if I there is nny run in it. If there isn't, we'll tell you ho lion- ' cstly. We don't "tinker" your wntch, or "patch" it we repair it sec that each separate piece is doing its full shnre I of work. Sec us and let us furnish you correct time. I i ELITE JEWELRY CO., II. E. Mo38, Manager. Eko Theater Bldg., Main Street, Price, Utah. BifEi 1Mb, PIONEER I'ntln r or Itixldrnt tr I'rltv l'nMs At New llartnon). XKW IIAUMONY, Den. IS .-Kunenil en lent for llaney A. I'mcp wi re held at thp ward mnotlnchouMj In Nt w Har mon) , December 7th, Albert I. llu thl. flmt counMlor to lllnhop llinr) A. I'ncp, prcaldlng. Appropriate mu ale wa furnUhci! by thp ward choir, which rendered "ltctlng Now hrom Carn and Korrow" and 'Hwtet Hour or t'rnytr, favorite wlectlon of the ilicenKed, and "I've Head of ii llinutl ful Clt) ' Kolo by JoM-ph V t'rlnu, mwlkiid b) Hip choir. Timely remnrk were made b) John U I'lntl or Kit narrn nnd llixoklah Duffln of Har mon), who tuloglxed thp llfi of the ill par lid Orren Kelno) offerid tho opining prayer and William I' Taylor the him diction. The grave wn dull cutid b) Albert I' Mulhln Tin niihjecl of thl nkitili wu I urn near Mnrrriohoro, Tciiu, Oitober IS, 1S33, lulng Uu third non or William I'iiip und Marguerltp Nlthohi u ltd or iilimiMt IS ear In iriiMMil the plain with hi p-irent In I'rikldinl llrlghitin Voung'ji innipuii). driving Mock tin i ntlre illntnnu lit lotuted nt I'mvu from whlih town he moved to Hpunuh Cork In I8&I III isirly inuuhnotl wn npiut In lliiim two town. Hp niwlktiil ImmlKmnt to Utah nml In prntoitliig Hip rmldinl ngnliiHl the ill priibillon of thp In iIIuiih led b) Wnlkir mid nthir. Hi marrkd Ann Kllxuluth lluld In Hpun lh Cork Augtikt S, 1B&3. b) whim hp had ti ii t hlldri n four or whom mirvlvp him In IKUl lie with hi Mm II) iniivid tu Houthern Utnh kuttlliiR In .Viw Harmon) Hire hi life wn (oiiMluntt) devottd tu thp upbuilding of the iiimmiinlt) Hire iiIhi hp met Hmutn II Keil, whom he inurrli d In Hull IJike Clt) Jul) II 1X70, h) whom ho hud four vhllUn n two mil) or whom kiirvlvp him HI life wu tvir uu liiNplriitlun to thorn with whom hi cumn In inntuit Hp wu ipilit mid timiMiumliig In hi way, )t lommanded rikpict from nil Hp held muii) pnnltliiu or trimt Ixith civil und etcltiluktlial lie utted ror mail) )ear u tomiMlor to the blhop nr Hip ward nnd a hiim rln ti ndi ut or thn Kundu) kchool or Ni w Harmon) llu l kurvlvml b) hi wire und dx children. The) are John II, Jump h. Marguerite A, lvl II Nnui) N nnd llunry A 1'uu III grnndLhlldren total flft)-nlne unit hi grmt grmidchlldren thirty. eluht Thtrp nre Mill mun) Jirei) weave med ITII lUIMtOM) oniCIAlX I' CO.NCKUNKD OVirit oilllKlt Utah railroad official were con ldernbly innceriicd thl week In bul Iclln received from WanhlnRton, D " C, that WcMtrn railroad had tieen l nuked by tho railroad war board to ' nend a hundred locomutlvi-N to old ' nnd relieve thn conrmtlon or trnfflp In the Hunt, F n. Clarlt). nMilktaut gi m rnl man- ngrr or tho Utah line or the Denver ' nnd Itlo (Irande. mid that Hip furl I admlnUtralnr ha lccn endeavoring I to bring tnoro loinmotlve Wet lo ' hundlo coal from tin Carbon miint) I mine. i The Utah ntllwu), whlih ktartrd operation In thn hnullng or conl on Ooecmlitr lt. I In dire need or extra locomutlvp and It I nnld Hint In the bundling of f night the Oregon Short l.lnn could tine a row i xlra cnglm. Whlh local liinMngvr trulfli ha iHiomp heuv) It I reurid that thi railroad vvnr hoard will ordir Hip mn f It rial ndurllon or pnkmtiRir trnffli I thut tuiMiiugir locomotive mu) In I rib lined ror rrelght wrvln m the i:ul Mormon t orgunltatloii gen trull) are making uttlvp pn imrutlun tn 1 1 lehntti with npproprliitn rpeng iilllou Hip ono hundred and twelfth nnnlvtrnnry of tho birth or I'rophel JiMuph Hmlth, who nn Imrn ut Him run, VI , December S3 UOB Hunday nctiool orguulxatlnn thrnuRhout tht ktahi will havi Mpuilal tiroRTam und nthir church liutltutlon will obkervi Hip dii) with kpnlul pxerclki (llnlle huve n tpndeniy le be drawn tlokir Adlets One Cent IVr U'onl licli Inwrtloa No Charge Account. KTANDAUD Oil. 1IIO lOll 8AI.H AT a bargain Keu It W Crockttt roit hai.i: om) nhwbI'ai'Kiis wrapped In bundlea of one hundred Tw cut) -five cent. The Hun I'OU HAI.B ON ACCOUNTOI' Till! diuth of A ratiruokter, Mr I'a (rnontir will mill mi Overlund (UICI iitumolilln cluup Bop T. I'ntt rnontir ut I'anuma Hotel, 1'rlio, Utah WII.I THADU aOOD KOllTV-ACIlK ranch for city property or will lne on caty terms for a term ot )enr Clou) to clt) In walking dUtance. It W. Crockett, Price, Utah. Millburn Mine Coal Phone Your Order Now To 130 Lump, $4.75, Run of Mine, $4.50, Slnck, $2.90. Place Your Orderw Now While tho Roads Ate Good nnd the Supply Is Assured. .--... ..,..... ,.,. s CASH No Charge Accounts. Miners nnd Teamsters Are Paid Cash.