7 DECEMBER 28, 1917 THE SUN, PRICE, UTAHEVERY FRIDAY PAGE FIVE fl CASTJLE GATE COAL M Carey Tabic Sail Pay no ii PI our It u r nil Ciiuviin Goodn Idaho OalH n. In ock all the iinc. II - Tho KEST ALWAYS and "We Do i No." IMioiic SS t i if- k hr n. m MoKUNE FOIIWAKDING CO. Wl tie 0- 1 1 Ul i We Thank You! " I '" P We thank one unil nil for f thrlr very liberal patronage dur- li InK Ihe past ear and uli.li ou I n Happy unit Prosptrom New Yrnr. e In tin mrnnllme those not I 'I nctiuitlntrit with our mrtlinil or J doing huslncs nre Invited l p come In unil gel acqualnlpd i. Our fault )stcm Kunrnntee low it prltc. r C (Irorcrlc of every description ' I and green good In their mason ' I Make thn No Year' dinner I complete by ordering tin good t i thing (or tho table tun- VIGLIA BROS., i Comer Main anil Eighth, Trier, Uulh ' That it county ban Urn right to col- Irct a tax under the dependent mo ther' net of the leglsluturo ot 1(13 In ilfclari.il In a tlrrlnlou huniti'il down hy thn supremo court lust I'rliluy In tho raiw of tln Denver nnd I'ln Grande, respondent, ngulnsl tlrund county, appollant. In the ceir 1(14 tlm county collectul fUlt.40 tux under thin act from the rullrnnd The mil road sued for recovery und won lit i one. The supremo court rotcrsc the Judgment and rcmund tlm (nwi to the dUtrlct rourt to make row luslon or btw In nccorduiuc with the opinion und entir Judgment dismissing the complaint. Thn average American oulh Just revel In the joy of oxputlntliiK on what hU parent don't knots. To Our I Friends I and Patrons I ; I W thank our patrons through ly nut thh section or the state wry k3 much for their patroimso ilurlmi M the pniit ear. And we tnut H that tho coming month will H find our business relations even B moro plensnnt than ottr boforo. PJj W wish ou the season' best H greetings, I Frank L. Buckio 1 Price Utah fit ..mummMi ,. M 3 LAMM COMPANY. CHICAGO PRICE Hi NEARBY At Halt take City Inst Saturday a mnrrlngc llccnso tta Issued to Joseph Pauley nr Hlnwalha und Mis Abblo Itlser or Price I Adam Express rompan) litm hern scgrcg-ilcd from tho Drntrr and Itln Clrnnde ofricc nl Helper unil will oc cupy n ilnttntou building n utt of fire. Continental Oil company ban r ent ity acquired morn ground south or lu prment holding at I'rlce and v. Ill put In additional tank service here, made necessary by lis Increasing business or Into. Korcn Petersen and June Andtrson hnvo muted from Cleveland ttlth tin Ir fnmlllm to Mohrland, win re they am employtd About thn mini John T tamph and fninlty hat gone to Stan dard Wile. Mr. I'. Mc(lulrn ha mi fur reeut end from her recent Ulnes ill I'rlce nil to be nblo to ruturn to Helper last week. Hhe In making her home for the time being with Mr und Mrx, I Iktrrell or that city. I'rlce HornnU gave u five hundred imrty to It member and Invited Kiii-xtn IdJit evenlmr at MhkiiiIc Hall ItefredlimeiitH were mtviiI Mlm I.e omt Jemien won tho lady'H prlie and It II, Vitltern the Krntlcmiin'K. The ninth mutual ball of the liolli r tniikem und helprrn will be Kltm at Liberty Hall nt Helper, December 3Ut. The committed In (hnrge expeeta to muke IhU the lunt duuin of the old enr Die event of the ihnikou, and It In looked rorttard to with Interna Dnnclni; for thn groun folkx follow, rd the community ChrlxtmaN trie at the high nohiHil auditorium biNt Hut urday uvenlng, Including it mticlcnl nnd literary iirogrum. The Ijitter iluy Hnlnta Kumlay hcIiooI ttnn In uharge, J. C I'enney Co. emil(U4i are to hold their convention nt Bait lMe City on thn 20th of Jantiur) About threo hundred are expicted ri be It attend unro. K. C. 8am .ll beIn I'rlco about the (fth. A. JLEnly iroea to Knld, Okla. l'rco ban had a gnuollne famine, during tho pant couplo of ueks. Sev eral travctor to the formi r rencrva tlon country and aome ,o tho outh and alwi to the et and eaijt wore In conaequeme atranded peroywt dirrer ent tlmea. A recent ailpnunt In ha relict cd thing canildemnly Work at Utah Junction, the now dl vUlon point on Utah railway, In pro gremlng rapidly, Tha new coal chutes are now In operation and tha boiler room In thn roundhouse In completed, which (urnlaheN (team heat through nut tho building. Bevrrnl cottagea have been constructed In which to ho u no cmptn)en Thoro vt, 111 bo a danco ror tho mar ried fotka nt the high aUipiil gymnu slum tonight with musloW tho Helper orchestra. Tho dcrnraUpn cyimmitte Ik composed of Mrs O, T. llrooka and Mrs. Charles Averlll nnfi the refresh inont rommlttce of H.Vl! Anderson nnd II. II. Walters Cleorgo K. Nelms Is In charge of transportation. Domlnlck Pliseln, former saloon keeper or Scorfeld, lias riled a petition in bankruptcy with thn clerk of the 'rederal court In Halt Ike City, listing hh nwets at soventy-flvo dollars, claimed exempt, and bin liabilities at IS33.60 Ills liabilities, ror the most part, are represented In tho ncorued debts to lliiuor wholesalers. Ilia as set nro certain pleum or household rurnlture Kdward W Ooar or Huntington lliua been named chulrman of the Em ery county war savings committee. He has named as his uwbitnnis V. B. Ad ams at Qreon Illverj Bcott M. Miller, Woodsldei J. W, Warf, Victor; George II. Ovlatt, Elmo; Joseph Jenkins, Cleveland; Leo Kenney, Mohrland; IsDMEnHHIGIlim rtclatlTC Invade Mite of Nctada Dcx ert to Erect lu In n lonely spot on a barren stretch or a Nevada desert stands a atono monument that has Just been erected by loving hands In memory or J" He ber lllchards, a well known Bait Lako City mining engineer, who perished at that spot on the desert from sun stroke last June. The monument was erected by CJcorge T Odcll, state di rector of war savings, nnd members ot his family, Hlcharda having bocn The party, which traveled by rail, The party, which troveled by mil, automobile nnd on foot for moro than twelve hundred miles to pay tribute to the memory of tho departed, was composed of Mr nnd Mrs CJoorgc T Odcll, Mrs Illchards, widow or tho mining man, nnd her two children The party wont to Ijis Vegas by rail nnd rrom there went Into tho desert by automobile and on root the last row miles or the Journey Mrs Odcll nnd her grandchildren then went on to Ios Angeles. Cola , vvhrro they will spend the winter, nnd Mr Odell re turned to Salt Lake City The man to whom this monument U erected was ror years active In the development of Hastcrn Utah Indus tries At tho tlmn or hli death he wn working n big acreage or nsphal turn lands nbove Bunntsldc, nnd was well nnd favorably known to numer ous I'rlco nnd Carbon county folks. MB J-l -B W. A. fluvmon, Jr, Huntington, C I.' tarscn. Castle Dale; 8. T. Hnotv. Or angcvllle; Lewis Petersen, Perron, and Isuno Allred, Kmcry. Tho Cnmpflrc girls met nt tho homo or Miss Blltabeth Crockett Baturday and enjoted tho hours In games and rcriefdimcnt. Quarterly conference did not have the usual big crowd nt I'rlce last Bat urday nnd Hominy, bernuse of the holi day season no doubt, lltrum M Smith nnd Albert J. Davis were In attend ante. The Junior lesgun will offer n Chrlstmns entertainment at thn Meth odic church, Hunday evening next at 7 o'clock. A play entitled "Christmas Bplrlt" will be given by the Juniors. Also a reading by Miss Cornelia Btev rnnin Otlur features will be songs and recitations. Bvcrvhody U cordial I) Invited. Mnrrhgo license wrro Issued dur ing the past week nt Trice to Byltts ter II. KJelstrom of l)wevlllo und Florence May Uruitdvlu! of Welling ton, Clell I'elty orn-'crruu nnd Llulo Hubert of Knnosh! OtArgo C. Itnnch and Olllo J Ifonifrd, both of I'rlce; James II Smith nntKOIady Walton, both or I'rovo, nnd to Itotcoe Dowelt of Chicago nnd May Cody of Penver, Colo People who ihhwjis Intoxicating ll iiuor In Utah are violating the prohi bition law, according to u decision of the I'liltcd Klnte supremo court The drrlslon was git en In nu Idaho case, but the principle laid down applies to nit pmhlbltlon stales. A ropy or tho deilalnn was plated In tho hands or Attorney (lenerfll Dan II. Shield this wn k The nrrest or n person for hav ing liquor In hi possession I not un abridgement or hi constitutional right, hold the decision llcforc Judgu J. I). Call, sitting for Judge Chrlstrnsen ut I'rlco recently, I'etrr Jeanselme, prominent sheopman or thl clli, wn glvn it Judgment ag ainst MunnousaH ltltjaklsnnd Artemis Stuvnrlun In n trespnsslng time or n dollir an lure ror the ground alleged to hnve been damaged by reason there of I. A. Midre wii the attorney for the plaintiff ltustern Utah rungn ground I bee-omlng more valuable all the tlmn und thow owning It general It ure preparing themrelte to proteit thiir holdlngx. During ret ent term of illstrlit court nt I'rlco thuro have been several of them trespusslng case. John I Cod), recently ncqullled In dlstrlit court ut Price or the chnrg-) or stealing it quantity or vthlsky rrom a boxenr tuor Catlc (lute on tho Den vi r and lllo (Iriinde, pleiul not guilty to the Htme ihurgn In tho rederal inurt ul Salt Uike City lust Baturday, The federal court tomplnlnt Is Iden tical ttlth thn one alleged near Custln Onte The man' arrest followed hi filing suit agulust Thomas llurge, spe cial ngent or the Denvrr nnd lllo flrande, and that company nlo ror fnlso Imprisonment. Hu lost hi Job with tho local road und was working In Wjomlng when this lutesi charge ugulnit him and hi arrest followed. The whisky was In Interstate truffle. Tho Community program htld at the high school auditorium Christ mas eve was In every way successful. A large crowd or parent und children turned nut and rilled the spacious room. The program wu under tho direction cf tho latter-day Saints Sunday school, but Important , purts were taken by members or other de nomination. Miss Cornelia Stevenson und Mr. Thomas HUgerald deserve much prnlso ror their evident work. Tho story or the Christ was the main feature A Mis Stevenson rend the story fourteen character beautifully rnstumed acted It out In pantomime fashion Prof It. II Walters hud ohargo or the electrical erfect. which was performed with much credit to him. Ilancld lard can bo made fresh by frilng. to a crisp, slice of raw hi. tato, Lawn mowers ground at Ilobln son's repair shop Advt. I DR. C T. ROSE IIOSPITAl Most Modern Equipment and Ilest or Operutlng VacUltles. Opeu to All I'hyslcUu und Their Case. Nurse Supplied. PIHCE. UTAH PURELY PERSONAL County Agent Dclmar Price went to Provo ror tho holldavs. Don O Johnstun or tho Nine Mllo country spent Christmas In Price. 11 It. McDonald Is homo rrom Denver, Colo, ror tho hotldav with his family Mrs William J. Jones nnd chil dren or Hiawatha were Savoy guests over Sunday. Mrs. Frank Averlll of Price Is back home from a visit with friends over nt Sunnyslde Mrs. Edith Ilcek Martin has re turned from n visit with friends nt Provo and Bait Lake City. Mls Esther Ashdown departed Sunday last for llountlfnl to bo with her ptrcnl over tho holldavs. Prank Planer or Bait Mko City spent a portion or tho holldaiii with Dr nnd Mrs. C A. Wherry or Price Knrt Averlll Is homo on a visit to his pircnt after an absence of soma llmo at Bait Lnka City and elsewhere. Mr. nnd Mrs. E O Prnkes of Hel per nro spending thn holidays with rrlinds nnd relatives nt Oakland, Cnta. Mrs. Oforgc Huff passed through Price a few dn)s ago ror Hcoflcld nrter n visit with a daughter and friends nt Denver, Colo Martin Mlltarlch or Hiawatha was looking nrter his business Inter ests nt Price this week He registered nt thn Tavern. Mr. and Mr. Samuel Nat lor or flunntslda nro spending the holldavs with relatives nt Salt Lake City nnd In Davl county Mr. Arthur Putter nnd daugh ter, Mis Attn, hate moved from Hel per to Salt l-nko City, where they nro to make their home. Dr. and Mr. J. C. Light of Salt take City were Christina guests of Mr. nnd Mr. W K. Olson. Mr Light and Mrs. Olson are sister. Mr and Mr. Lloyd V. Woods ot I Untruth iipent Christmas with tho rormer' parents. Judge and Mr. K. E. Wood, nnd other relatlte nt Price. Mr, tao taonard depart next week ror Idaho to Join her husband who ha been In that state ror soma time. They ure to make their homo there permanently Mime Marlon, WII mi and I'.lttt Porrestcr nre home rrom HI. Mary" academy ul Ball take City to spend tho holiday season with their mother, Mr. Charle Leger. Mixes Ida nnd llarburn Pace, who nro teiirhlng nt Cowley, Wyo., nr rlted home thn Mrst or thn week on a lslt with their parent, Mr and Mr. Jsmc P. Pace. Mis Bnlumn Elsenbnth, rormer teacher In the I'rlco schools. I spend ing tho holiday with Mr. nnd Mr. B. I Clark hi Helper. She ha been em ployed In the school nt .Ion since leaving here Mr. Isadore Clark ha returned to her home nt,J'rlcn after u visit of several week with a daughter nt tatvlston. Mont. Mr. Clark I tho mother or Mr. A. I). Sutton, Mr. nnd Mr. William Clark and Mr. nnd Mr Isuuc Clark or Somerset, Colo., passed through Price u few du ngo on u visit with relative In Emery county during the holiday. Mis Bllxnlxith Mlddleton of Franklin, lnil , Is u guest ul tho homo of her brother, Dr O. W. Mlddleton or Price. She goe to Halt take City next week to visit unother brother Mr, (leorgn Nixon nrrlved homo from St. (lrorgo to spend Christmas. She will leavn today ror tagnn to re muln for tho winter with her son. Clarencerv wu I" Htlenillnit school there. Jume A. Kaddis, who lease the Mlllertou ranch from United States Fuel company, wn a Sunday and Mon day visitor In the county seat, regis tering at the Bitvoy while In the city. Block ha so far done well thl winter In hi neighborhood, and there have been no Iossoh to speak ubout. It. B. Ilrnson, chief clerk at the Wast Hiawatha properties or United mates Fuel company, was In I'rlce last Friday on his way to Klon He wa called In ror n short time on com pany business. J. W. Lynch, general vardmastcr In thl cllt, has been promoted to thn position of trainmaster at Helper, ac cording to announcements made In thl city vesterday The, many friends or Lvnuh will bo pleased at tho recog nltlon his service with tha company have received und predict that he will make a capable operating official (Irnnd Junction (Colo ) News, J!d Word from T U McCarty nt Eu reka states that ever) thing there I on the boom. About a hundred and fifty ton of mungnnesa I shipped weekly from their mines there nnd u greater output I looked for soon McCarty ha Just been In La Vega. Nev , look ing over some new manganese propo sitlon there (Irren Illver Dispatch, 21st Mr and Mrs 0 II Tn)lor. for mer resident of Price, left their homo at Provo last Sunday for a vlxlt over the holldn) with their son, Frank. The latter Is with the field artillery at Camp Keornev, Cala. Frank Tay lor wn quite a youngster when tho folk moved uway rrom here John C Btnley. ono or the old timer and substantial cltlxens or the Winter Quarter district, hud business at Price last Friday, und while here came In to see Tho Bun, which I weekly und welcome visitor nt his home. Some two hundred employe are now on the payrolls at Carbon county's- oldest producing coal cump. All are working at good wage and are content with surrounding and Starting Right 1 The fight is hnlf won when you get the right WM Btnrt. To the young business mnn, nothing in of HH so much importance ns n bnnk account. SI It mny be smnll at first doesn't alwaya need Bfl to bo large, but it should carry nil his cash trans- Bl actions. Every payment should be mndc through Kfl It's helpful it's stabilizing it's encouraging. MM This bank wants your checking account large HI or small. It pays 4 per cent on savings accounts, HI compounded scmi-unnually. HI Price Commercial & Sayings Bank 1 Price, Utah H ! . m conditions, which nre being made bet ter all the time by n considerate man agement J. O Oreen nnd II. W, llrn or Storrs were among tho Monday visit or In Price rrom that camp. M P Ilraffct is hern today from Bit It take City, legnl matters at Prlco ' and at Helper having hi attention lo cally. Oscar Hansen, Jr., Is spending thn holldn) with his parents In Price, He I attending school at Bait tako City tato It, Evan of Htnndardvllle wn among the Monday visitor In I'rlce, registering at the Savoy while here Mr. nnd Mr. Charle (Vinegar) lllchardson or Neslnn were nmong the visitors rrom (tint camp lu Price over Christina. -Miss Kaln Muetann of Provo, daughter of Mr and Mr. A. I) Mae taan, wn here for Christina with friend C. A. Ilaker of Walll. A. A. War dell of Castle Onto nnd J. U Miller of Cotton were Christmas ete guest nt thn Bitvoy, Phillip Plnrk I down from Halt take City for the hollda). He re cently enlisted with the guard strvlrn at Fort Douglas. I Bcott Fntirelt and Him Hhlner ure home ror the holldny enon from Ban Diego, Cala., army headquarter. They llko tho soldier' life. Mr and Mr. Frank U Ilucklo spent Chrlstmns with friends nl Cas tle (late, going up In tho morning unit returning In the evening. Qlrn Woodward, Ed .McMillan, I). H. Crawford nnd Itallrn Christen son. all or Bonn) side, were Monday and Tuesday guest nt the Savoy. Mis Mario Dusserre I home ror thn holldn) from St. Mary' academy ut Halt tako City ror u visit with tier parents, Mr. nnd Mr. Henry Dusserre. P. J. Pack, one or the University or Utah professor, was a guest of tho Titvem over Wednesday. Ha wn hero to look after hi oil Interest to tho east of Price F. Sumner, paymaster for Utah Fuel company, and J. II. Hchlnneas, general malinger of tha Wusutrh Stons company, wera.Tnvern guest )etenlny after u trip to Kunn)slde, Mlsse Paulino Pierce und Iluth Newton, teacher In Price ucadeni), left Friday evening ror (Irand Junc tion, Colo., tu spend tha holldii). They will return next week to resume work. Cl)dn Llo)d, son or Mr and Mr. J. J. Llo)d, left yesterday morning for Han Diego, Cala., to enlist ttlth tho Twenty-First Infantry with tho rest of the I'rlco nnd Carbon county boys, a It were E. C taa or the Nine Mllo coun try camn lu to cut turkey with his family nl Christmas. Thero is very little snow out his way. In fuel nonu except In tho higher ultltudrs. Llvu stock or nil kind ure doing well. Lurlen II Hm)thr, United State deputy marshal, came down from Bait tako City cstcrday after Louis Kes ling, nn alien enemy recently arrested at Mohrland, whom he took back to Fort Douglas for Internment. Cap tain Smith wa n guo.it or the Tavern while here. C'HAMIIEItliAIN'H COIKW Hi:.Mi:i.Y. T! I not only one or the beat nnd most efficient medicine for coutths, cold and croup, but I also ploaxant and sare to take, which I important when medicine must bo given to chil dren. Many mother have given It their unqualified endorsement Advt.. Always fill tho cereal saucepan with witter a soon u tho cereal I Verved OVER AROUNDUNHYSIl.E 1 Miner Working; Every Day nml Om H Wage tha Itmt Kver. H BUNNYSIDE. Dec a J. Frank H. ii Tucker nnd Mis Iluth Martin, two of HJI thl camp' best young people, wem married at Halt take City thl week HI and are expected homo within n few mBB days. They will go to housekeeping IH at once. HI Sunnslde' mine arc working nt- B ery day and miner making thn best M wage In tho history or conl mining H In Carbon county jH Mr. Zo th Thoma wa hostess to t the tallies' Literary club on Baturday afternoon of last week nt her homo. Present went Mr. It. M. (lalbralth, H Mr. J. II. Vurncr, Mrs. Itulh M, Hell, Mr tanora K. Smith, Mr. N. W. H Wettel.nnd Mrs. John C. Prrston IH The' officer of the Ited Cms unit M were entertnlned nt thn homo of Mrs. M It It Klrkpntrlrk on Saturday even- H lug of last week. H Mr nnd Mr. A. J Carlson huvo ro- H turned rrom Halt tako City nrter it H short "?R Mrs. Mary M. taw re nee of Palo Verde, Cain , wa hero tho latter part iH or thn week 'H Mm. J, C Preston entertulued on .H Tuesday afternoon In honor or the M sixth birthday nnnlvt rsary of her llttlo jH daughter, taonn. Present were Lu- M tile nnd Emily Evan. Elsie Mlddleton. VHjl Erma lllshop. Hurt Dclango, lleknlt Pettersson, John lllshop and Floydn lH Middle ton Dicember I Tin a baby girl arrived jH ut thn home or Mr, and Mr, i leorgn H Smith Ono of the first uct or thn Utah HJ legislature In Jnnuury, ll, will be H tho ratification of tho constitutional M amendment for national prohibition. H Thl seem to bo tho unanimous npln- M Din of public men questioned on lh H subject Should thorn be a special ;H session or tho legislature action will iH be taken un the amendment then, It H I declared. All holdover stntn sen a- H lor nro "dry," It I explained, nml H with Utah In thn rank or tho prohl- H bltlon state now, It Is unlikely that H any person unfriendly to national H drouth can bo elected. Carbon coun- H ty"s member or the legislature, Frunk , T Dennett or Blorr, Is on record u Bfl fuvorlng prohibition nnd no doubt M would vote thl wuy In nny legislation M affecting tho liquor question that may HJ come up J Wnnt tu enjoy llfnT Do It then. No HJ ono Is preventing you. H in r i j He Was Onto Our I Good Service ' H Tho story la told of a cltlicn jH of a nearby town who went Into H a business man' office, but bo- H cause of the prosonca of other H ahead of him, ho oould not gain jH an Immcdlato audience M Leaving the establishment, ha went to tho nearest telephono IH and called up tho man ha want- Hl ed to oee. Thua ha made tho SH other In the offlco wall until HI ho wa through talking over JJ tho phone. H The telephono "gets there" !.H and refuses to wait onco the sH bell ring. 9HJ Eastern Ufah Telephono Co. I 5 .s J jM WILSON'S I If we should close our business for the year 1017, without first BH thanking you for tho business received from you we would feel that H wo had left a debt unpaid, H NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION I Our Suggestion for a New Year's Resolution Before buying Hi Groceries, investigate where you can do tho best. Of course, this H will lead to Wilson's, the store that sets the price. To assist you mI in this watch our advertisements; then stroll through our store, H where everything will bo marked in plain figures, isfl O, II. WILSON SELLING CO. Mi Main Street Price, Utah gngji IR9HH