H ! Ill- I II I !!
H At thin time when conscrva
H Hon of nit resource In so csscn-
H Hal, we should not neglect our
H Insurance. The rout In vcr)
H small when compared with the
H protection nnil benefit received
H You cnn'l insure our house nf-
H tor In burned, or life
H nflpr llio doctor phone for thr
H undertaker Don't wait until It
H In too Into You'll littler lie miff
tlinti norry. Come In nnd do
H now. We thank patron for (he
H pat season's business and wind
H you u llnpiiy nnd Prnsperttit
H Year
Hli (0., k
MMMM Sonoml llnor
H Hltfsjpil Hlertli Prlev, Dull
H &
Men nnd teams arc wnnt-
V cd to put in Iorb for saw-
H mill at Storrs, Utah. Come
H and look it over.
M Spring Canyon Coal
B Company
I Air 1 Holidays
H After lh.. hollda) lull html
H nrM of all kind will resume
H with n null. Ilulldlng operation
H will again Iip In full awing, hence
H now In the time to buy our
H l.umlipr and Hardware
jH Now. while the demand U nut
B so kepn. you run lt more mire
H of securing Just vvhul ou want
1 If jou urn thinking of liulldliiR
B during the t'oinliiK ypur, mi)
BVH thing from a thicken iooi to 11
1 dwelling, let II n give- )nu un e
H tlmatc Kver) thing you need
H 1 C, Wceier Lumber Co.
H The Hlgheit Efficiency
mmmt Government Equivalent, 2101
H pounds. Unequalled Tor Stor
H age. Will Not Slack
H Ileal, of Steaming and Heating
H Qualities
liKlcpcnilciil Coal $ Cote Co,
H Mlnoa At Kenllwnrlh. Ulnh
H General Offices. Walker Hank
H Illdg, Salt Lake Clt
H Wt me read) itt all times to
H tmr intxilN to )our order
H from tho full courwe dinner In
H the moot "conservative" of
B luiiehca,
H Ypur appetite I our hlef
B eomiorn. Wo outer to the trade
M of hut I on noeompanled liy uhlt
Hj drmi. Out of town folka shop-
H ping In 1'rUo Invited to om
H here
H coM-mi-s c.u'i:
Kv ituln Street, I'rlre, Utnli
B Complete legal blank atock at Salt
H Lake City und Trovo price. The Bun
HI i Hundred TliouiMind Dollnm Addel
to tho Tn Invonio of Mate Hal
Itato of Ilfty Dollnra No Ioncrr to
Ktnnd An Vatura On Htalo nnil (lov
eiiiinnil rurcliiwoil llohllnp.
Addlns; npproxlmntely alx hundred
thouannd dollnra to the tax Income of
tho Mate, upholding tho contention!
of the atntn lionrd of equnlltatlon and
the atntn auditor that voal lands In
Cnrlion couny hoild ho nraeaed nt
their actual value, nnd not at n flat
rate of fifty dollnra nn nrre and In
rd( nlnlly reprlmnndlnc the nneiwor
and rnmmlMloncra of Carbon rnunty,
the Mate nupremo court Inxt Frlda)
handed down n declnlon In the nno of
Joneph Itlrle, atnte tudllor, nKalnat
llenlnn llnndolph, county naneapor of
Carbon county, and Albeit Doner, W
T Hamilton nnd Htnll Ontlund, ram
mlmlonera. It la remarked by the supreme
court that had the action been tx-gun
In time the mandamua prayed for by
State Auditor Joaeph Itlrle would
havo been Rranted. Thl would hae
made It npply to thla year'a aaaeiia
mont, but na It la It wilt control In next
year'a aluatlnna. Itlrle complained
that the naneeaor erroneously aaaeared
nil tho coal landa In Carbon county,
both thoiw purctmwd from the United
lltate and tlione purrhaaed from the
atntr, nl n uniform rate of fifty dol
lar an acre, nnd that the county
rnmmlMloncra failed to cquallie or
lorrect tho error
Prior to commencement of the man
damua proceeding by the Mate nudl
tor, the memhera of the atale lioard
of equalliatlon held n, mectln with
with the Carbon tounly naaenaor and
eommlMlonera nnd endeavored to
have them correct their naaeaament of
coal landa In the county Theae couit'
ty offltlala were obdurate, hoeer,
and refuaed pnlnlblank to make tho
correction. In the auprcme court de
clalon of loat Friday they are declared
to have aliown "flaxrant illarrRard"
of the coiutltutlnn nnd the law
(Vitutltutloiuil I'niiMon.
The ault marked the culmination
fur the prracnt er of nn attempt by
the atale board of equulliatlon to prr
auade the taxlna; official of CarUni
county to abandon the "comprninlae"
under which all coal landa admitted
to be Hiich were aaaeaaed at fifty dol
lnra an nrre, flat rate The. conatltu
tlon provide that lunda punliawd
from the irovcrnmeiit ahnll be aaaeaa
ed at the price paid the imvernment,
but doe not ay an thins a to land
purchaaed from private partlea It
la the belief of the atute board of
eqiinlliatlon that. If the actual toal
land purchaaed from the Koverumrnt
are ameaacd nl their aairrtnlimhle
value, the coal mine will bear a much
larger and more Juat proportion of
the laxe of the Mate
The argument on the other aide U
that It I utterly unjiml to iimc the
moat aluable coal land, or aome of
them, In the Mate nt the price that
waa paid to the KoVernment twenty or
more eara ago, und to uama other
land at the much higher prlie paid
to the internment In recent ear.
nnd Htlll other nl the large niUunrra
ewn on thoae price necaaar to
adopt In nppralalng the nitunl value
of the rnal land. Ulille mlmlttlng
the Injuatlre of auch uu aaaeiwment
the atnte board of -o,ualltatlon and
other atnteifflolalH tako the po.ltloti
that li following the letter or the law
und iho uonatltutlon it twofold pur
pone will hum bn attained
I'irat. It will aerte to Inrretiae the
revenue derived by the alitte from the
coal mining Inrtuatry Kerond, the In
JuntU-o of the tonatltutlonat provlalon
will aeno to rnll the attention of the
voter of the atute to the neoowalty for
Ita repeal There U u propond amend
ment to the tnnatltutluu to lie voted
on at the next election which It I aalil
will take cure of the altuatlon, If the
people vote In favor of the amend
ment I'oiidfiun the OrrUlul".
In ordering that the land he a
Haed at their real value tho court
rondemna the uetlon of the county
commlaalontra In not obvlng the
law It find that luwunmeiU at u
blanket value I In violation of the
law and atlpulate that uch mode of
luxeaament mint bo dliHXintlnuett The
auprcme tourt. In It Judgment. aa
In part
"Thla being it public queatloli illld
one of extreme Importance to the pco.
pie of thl atnte, we feel that thl
court would Itarlf be delinquent In the
discharge of It official duty If It did
not exprr It emphatic dlwipprovnl
of tho conduct of the deftndanta here
In with reapeet to the matter torn
plained of
The language both of the conktl
tutlon und the atatute la plulu and un
enulviunl and uipable of lulng under
atood h any laymun In tin atute
Mow un public official charged under
the law of Utah, whether he Ih coun
tv uiwepwir or county eotnmlaalonur,
iould conceive II to be u compliance
with the law and the obligation of
hta o.ilh of office to make it blanket
amcnt, ut a flat or uniform rate,
of all coal land In uny lounty of the
ute, a more than thl court can un
deratiiud. ' Wo cannot but take Judldul liotleo
of the fuel that the coul land pur
thaaed from tho United Htutea were
not purehiifced ut n uniform price per
aire nnd thut the coul lunda pur
chatted from the etate lire not of uni
form value
On the facu of the proceeding we
therefore feel Juatlfled In holding that
the imnciisment or all theae landa ut
a uniform rate per acre waa n flu
gront dlarcgard or the main provision
of both the constitution and the taw
or the state, and It la confidently as
sumed by the court, after thla em
phatlo cxpreaalon or Ita opinion that
official delinquencies of a similar na
ture In the future will not occur"
The decision end the fight between
the state board of equalization nnd
the Carbon county eommlMlonera.
Tho Utter refused to aaaeaa the lands
at their real value and, na the state
waa toalng large revenue thereby, the
aupremu court waa appealed to to dc
rine the law.
mm nisjirirV'NFAit
Mom of the Troubln of C. IL Hill
Now Como to UrIiU
OIlANt) JUNCTION, Coto.. Pee 21
William Linton MclxMid, ntlaa It. 12.
Hill, alia William Mclxtyd, wn ar
rested nl I'rico but evening nt 6
o'clock churged with Mealing ticket
from tho Denver nnd lllo Grande on
two different occasion, the total
amounting to closo to eight hundred
dollar. Information causing hi ar
rest wna furnished by Special Agent
fluy llercndeeti of the Denver and
lllo Orandc of thl clt An Informa
tion ha been filed against him In
I'rlce and one will shortly be filed
against him In thl city McIoud I
an Id to bn one of tho cleverest law
breaker who ever operated on the
Denver nnd lllo (Irnnde system He
wna operator nnd acting night agent at
Price tinder the name of It. V.. Hill,
the officer declare, and n few
month ago left with three hundred
dollar worth 't ticket, taking tho
ticket an cleverly that the theft wua
not found for some time.
From Utile Hock, Ark., he recently
wired the company for it position and
with hi wife nnd three small bablea
nrrlvcd In Palisade about three week
ago. Denver nnd lllo (lrando em
ploye became auspicious nnd were on
the point or making hi arrest when
they were Informed from Pallande
that there waa smallpox In hi family
nnd he waa not working The offi
cer prepared to wait. Icaving only
three ahlrta, hi wife und thrro ta
ble penniless nnd destitute with a
fifty-five dollar grocery bill, McUiud
left thl city Wednesday morning, the
officer declare, for part unknown
It nppenr n woman In the case waa
the cause of hi undoing. According
to tho officer he hu been keoplng
company with onp of the beat reaped
id girl In Price nnd wn prejarlng to
marry her when nrrcated Iirgo
boxes (Of rosea from Grand Junction
arrived frequently In Price, accord
ing to the officer, while hi family In
Palisade wna In need. When he left
Palisade five hundred dollar worth
or ticket were found to bn missing
11 I nlkti said the Western Union I n
loser to the amount or nhout it hun
dred dollar und several charges
uwnlt him. When he left Pirllsnde no
suddenly hla wife' trunka Including
clothe for the liable were ultnrhed
to pay for hla bills
Youth At Pnno Slrnl Clilckeiio, (iiiu
unil Other Article.
The Sun good friend. Moaea 1 In win
of Provo but formcrlj of Hiawatha, l
having nil kind or troubli nt hla now
home nt Provo. lo ltotroff, 16 rur
of ugu, alius Juck Duller, wa arrested
Sunday ut Klon on complaint or Hawu,
who nllege Hint the youth stole nn
merou chicken, it bridle, clock, gun
and mail) other thing from n ranch
near Provo owned by Warden Ocorge
A. Slorr of the Utah state prison,
disposing of them to various people In
Provo nnd Salt l.uko City
According to the polite the boy ad
mitted, only after it aevere grilling,
that hi name I ltotroff, that hi peo
ple are wealthy resident of Puna-1
denit, Cain . und that the police of
muiiy titles, at the request of III par
ents, have been searching for him ever I
since he stepped out of hi father' .
iiulomoblle In Suit I-ako City mid ills
nppenred while on the wn from Ohio
to California.
The l admitted taking such or the
property u hu Iten recovered, He
hu been turned over to the Juvenile
authorities., who will ininmunlente
with hi parent
llojs Mil) He Milo tit lie-turn Periodic
nil) tit the I'lirnm.
Secretar) linker hu it plan to
permit farmer bo In the army
to return to their home at perl
odlcal Interviil to umlsl In crop
production He outlined It today
to a delegation of New York fur-
mer who protected ngalnat con
dltlnn crestted by the acurclty or
latter I leaded by U C. SD'ver,
the farmer representing the New
York Federation of Furm Hu-
reau. explulnvd In detail the dlf-
f lenities which confront the far
The did not uak for exemp
lion of farm laborer, but nug
gested that It would be nrioeaary
either to exempt furm lalMir or
conwrlpt It It waa pointed out
that tho crop or 1917 wu ifhort
largel) becuuse or Inability to ee-
cure sufficient labor This, the
farmer udmltted, wu due some-
what to the migration or farm
lat'tyers to Industrial center,
hut the taking of men from the
fnrnin Into the urm). It wu ex
plained, had mado the altuntlon
worse, und If the crop of 1918
1 to be nt Ita maximum aome re ,
Iter must be given !
The secretary told tho 'armor
he wua atud)lng u plan to grunt
furlougha In the spring and the
4- fall to Iiojh from the farm whone
training had been aufflclently ail
vanccd, on the condition Hint
they would return to their homes,
A lompulaory leave from tho ar
my In order to asnlst with tho
rarm work, however, la no part
or the plan
! ). -
Ono Year llcnca IcgijdiUiirt-fi or Tlilr-ty-SIx
Statnc, Utnli Included, Arc to
Itallfy or lleject Uio NatJonuldc
Prohibition Amrndcmrnt IteccntlT
Pnw-oel lly Uic House nnd Senate.
When Utah' legislature meet to
take action on the matter In 1919. tho
fight to have tho atale ratify or reject
the nationwide prohibition amendment
recently paarcd by congress will bo
In It most active stage. True, tho
tight ha already begun nnd It will
roach prugreselve passes during 1918,
but the real contest between the drs
and wet I not expected for moro than
n )enr, since It I In 1919 that tho Is
Mlo will be decided, necordlng to
James H Wolf of the nltornoy gen
eral' office. In chargo of administra
tion or Utnh'a dry law In that year
the legislature or twent) -three dry
nnd thirteen wet state will convene,
wherca In 19IR the legislature of
but four dry state and eight wot
state will meet
Those who nrc leading the prohibi
tion fight are going on the assumption,
which aocmsj certain enough, that the
legislature of nit the dry alatea will
vote dry, that the legislatures or n row
atatea which nro wet only In spota will
likewise Vote dry nnd that the right
must bo made In thoae common
wealth where the wet nnd dr) nro
numerically and strategically about n
standoff In atrcngth.
Thirty-Six Must ItaUfy.
There nro forty-eight atnte In tho
union. Two-third of these, or thirty
six, must ratify the prohibition amend
ment to moke the country dr). Twin
ty-seven state are now dry and twen-tj-onn
nrn wet. The problem of tho
dr)n will be to win over nt least nine
of the wet atnte. Sixty per tent of
the country population live In dry
territory nnd IS per cent or It nrru I
dry legislature or dry a late which
meet In 1918 are Oeorgla, Mississippi,
South Carullnn and Virginia. All or
them are expected to ratify The wet
atatea' leglsltturr to meet In 1918 nre
Kentucky, lttilslitnu. Mar) hind, Mas
anchuaett. Now Jerse). New York,
Ohio and llhode Island.
Dry leader claim that ut least
three, and perhaps four, or those wet
state will ratify prohibition They
are bunking outright on Kentucky,
which hu a dry legislature und 81
per cent of whnsu population U In dr)
territory, and 1-oulslunu, threo-fourth
of whoye areuN and Bl per cent or
whoso population are dry They are
figuring on cither New Jersey or
Maryland n it firt) -fifty "break" with
their opponents und they hiive hope
of Ohio. Their expectation or winning
over Ohio I based on the fmt that al
though statewide prohibition wa de
feated (n 1016 by flfty-flvo thousand
vote. It lost out recently only by fif
teen hundred. They figure that pro
hibition sentiment, a llullcnted by
thl gain In two ) ears' time, will curry
the state b) Iho time the legislature
Mitten Won I'nr I'iiiim.
The dr) atnte meeting In 1919 are
Alabama. Arixouu, Arknnsii. Colo
rado, Idaho, Indiana. Iowa, Nebraska,
Maine, Michigan, Montana. Kansas,
New Hampshire New Mexico, North
Carolina, North Dakota. Oklahoma,
Oregon. South Dakotu, Teuueeetee,
Utah. Vermont und West Virginia.
The ilr huve no misgiving it to uny
or these they expirt the twent)
three legislature In nctlf) prohibition
The wet atnte to huve legislative see
Miuna In 1919 nre California, fnnnoc -tlout,
Delauun, Fkirlda. Illinois.
Mlmie-mtu. MlwHtiirl. Nevada, I'eiin
Mylvunlit, Texns. Vermont. Wltnln
nnd W oinlng
I'Ihiii them the fight will filler
Dry lHdr are ulreud) claiming font
or the thirteen. Thee tire Florida
which I alriMidy til pur cent dry. Il
linois. whoMti atnte senate I nlrend)
dr nnd whose house or representa
tive could be captured by winning
rive or six HuaU. MlnnwHilu. which I
60 wr cent dr) ulready nnd which
iiiu) vote dr) during the statewide
prohibition election next )eur und
Missouri, which. It 1 claimed, ha
been kept wet mil) through the In
fluence of It metropolis, SI Unils
Wet Mtikl Hotel 'llilrlecii.
To (Iff i at nationwide prohibition
the wetu must hold thirteen states,
There are fourteen atnte which np
peur ut prtmont to nc their strong
holds. Hut enn they be counted on by
the liquor Interests when the supreme
teat cornea The dr claim that
aome or them a crucial number
cannot Tho fourteen, with the per
centage of them ulri'arty dry nro Cull
fornlu. :6 3, Connecticut. 18 0. Debt
ware 39 3, Murjlund. 19 1, Maa
chusctta, 31 9 Nevada, IS 1, New Jer
se), 6 4; New York, 7 1. Penn)lv,tnla,
18 8. llhode Island. 9 1, Texas, 87 6.
Vermont, 79 ft, Wisconsin, 26 I and
W) omlng, 34.3
Notwithstanding the fact that ut
the preaent time there la no cash In
the state land lioard' fund, member)
or tho board are hu.y dall) Investi
gating requeeti from the country dl
trlct for loans. The board ha many
applications ahead for the use or
statu fund in tho Improvement or
farm, and u personal Investigation of
tho property upon which these loan
are asked la being made against tho
time when tho bourd 'will havo vuffi
clent fund nt Ita disposal to moot tho
demand. According to the record of
Arthur Kuhn, state land board secre
tary, about a hundred and fifty of
theso application for financial as
sistance are on file In the land office.
J e j tfr tf. ifr $ 4t$M4M .i ,, it ,(, t, , ,, A I
Minora and Shippers of Carbon County Coals. f
aSfeb. V'lab
.aUaBBBBBBBaikc'asV. t N Mr
WJm mmr- Tw i rAi 4 .
X mL. wu Li I CLMm
aWassV. aV V n I l lrHB
1 1
1 Carbon County Coals Are the Beat.
! In tho Market for Horses, Mules for Mines, Hay nnd
; Grain, Mine Props, Ties, Sprags and Various Other
'. Local Products. Home Industries Patronized.
, A
t .Bla'LaaBBLSaBtBW
4 mmmmmmm
1 t h iiHr atka r wmmm
'. t General Offices Seventh Floor Judge Ilulltling, Salt
' J Jjikc City. Mines nt Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, :t
Ca8tlo Gate, Utah Mine and Sunnysidc, Carbon County. '
STIPATION. Those who ure nf flirted with atom
uch trouble nnd constipation should
read tho following "I have never
found anything so good for stomach
trouble mid (onstliatlon un Chamber
lain' Tablet. I have used them off
nnd on for the past two car. They
not only regulate the action of the
bowels but stimulate the liver und
keep one' body In u healthy condi
tion." write a Mr llrnjumlu Hooper,
Auburn N. Y -Advt.
Histories of the varlou Indian war
In Utah will be written for the church
history of the I-ntter-da) Sulnt by
Andrew Jensen, church historian,
from lecord of veteran of these war
and from other authentic account.
The work started thl week.
It Is a wasteful to spoil good food
b) hud c linking ica It I to throw it
Office-, Suit l-uke Clt), Utah. Dec 8,
1917. To Whom It Ma) Ceiiiiern
Notice I hereby given that the state
or Utuh ha riled In thl off l(e list
of hinds. eli e ted b) the atild atnte.
under Sih S of the net of emigre,
upproved Jul) lii. 189', us Indemnity
ncIiimiI lands. Hi Serial o::i:7. Iit
4, K4SW4, Sl.t,.. Sec. 31. Twp IS
South. Itange !& rCust. Seill lke mer
idian Copleri or wild list, mi fur a
the) relate to aald tract b) descrip
tive Miib-dlvlslou. huve lieeu cousple
nillsl) posted In till office for Inapec
tloli by my pert-oil Interested mid b)
the public- gvnenell) During the per
iod of public utlou of thl untie e. or
mi) time thereafter und be fore final
approval und certification, under de
IHtrtmeutnl regulation of April :f,
l!u7. protcHtu or contests against the
claim of the slate to any nf the tract
or Kuli-illvlsion hereinbefore di scrib
ed, on the ground that the same U
more vuluable for mineral than for
agricultural purpose, will In re
telved and noted for report to the
general hind office, nt Washington, D,
C Fuilure so to protest or contest,
within the time Hpimlflc cl, will be coil
aldered sufficient evidence of the non
mineral character of the tract und
tho selections thereof, being other
wise free from objection, will be ap
proved to tho atute OOULD II,
First pub, Dec 3IM917 lust Jan 18,
Office. Suit Lake City, Utuh, Nov 2C,
1917 To Whom It May Concern
Notice I horeby given that the atnte
or Utah ha riled In thla office Hats of
lunda, selected by the said state, under
Sec 6 of the act of congreste, upproved
July 16. 1894, iim Indemnity school
lands, vlx Serial 020S6O. northeast
quarter of southwet quarter, Sec 1,
Twp 12 South, Itange 16, south
west quarter of cowthwest quarter or
Sec 11, Twp 13 South, Itange 12 Kant,
Suit iJike meridian. Conies or suld
Hats, so far na they relate to said
tracts by sub-dlvUlons, huve been con
aplciiously posted In tljla office fur In
spection by nny person interested und
by the public genorull) During the
period of publication of this notice, or
any time thereafter, and before final
upprovul und certification, under de
partmental regulation of April 28,
1907, protest or contests against thei
claim or the state to any or tho tracts
or suh-dlvlulon hereinbefore de
scribed, on the ground that the same
Is more valuable for mineral than for
agricultural purposed, will be received
and noted for report to the general
land office nt Washington, D. C Fail
ure so to protest or contest, within tho
tlmo specified, will be considered suf
flclcnt evldencu of the non-mluoial
character of the tracts and the selec
tions thereof, tfjtng otherwise froo
from objection, will be approved to
tho state. OOULD II. IILAKULY,
First pub., Dec 7, last Jan 4. 1918
Frost In the Pipes
We cure the one and that doe
iiwb) with the other I teller ' .
still when we do your
"toil are never troubled with
burstod pipe. Wo are experts H
In sanitary plumbing Sec ua I
for surety and health.
Wado llulldlng, Set. 8th Street I
Catering to tho Trudo or Ileal
dent or the Coal Camps
and surrounding
Concrete llulldlng South Ninth I
ft Street, Price, Utah. I
Fresh Meats, Fish f
and Oysters 1
We guarantee ever) pound or H
meat )ou buy from us will re H
turn )ou the full value In life H
giving energy. ffl
If you want to be sure to Vl
avoid waste, buy )our meat H
from u. They'ro so good you U
ure sure to eat every ounce
too good to waste I
Muln Street, Turner Ulock. V(
Manufacturer or
Brick of All Kinds
Yards adjoining the Denver
and Itlo Grande Ilallroad com
pany on the south, three blocks
east ot dspot Office at homo,
corner Main and Sixth streets.
Eritlniates (Jl-ca and Prkwa y
Quoted On Application. , Yi,
V, O. Hox 03 Phone 43X I
riUCE, UTAH 3j
- ' ft
The economical housewife places a D
weekly limit on food expenditure H