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THEY SAVE MONEY "jjf f M. " LOOK THEM OVER! H Vou can savo money on anything lir ll I 'U lliv PBcSBKSr 4r5teS5s T1 m 'tl If needing some article of merchan- flH vnu buy If ou watch Sun advertise 1 V I III WL r?-7IQK5&VVv2rV JWKrt II II III II ,ll"c- look through tho advertising In iH tnenU your clothes, your shoes. our vlJSwy' V I 11 llSsUIJlcJPjwSlliiMyiCSZNKl) II II II II Tho Hun' 8co wncro flvo Uol,M H household goods, groceries, menu and &J yl' iMLJXnS-ZWS ,t VTfrSSjgtl' JvAlk. L HsV ,,c "ttvc''' "ml .thcn ?a I? rourf?U: isllllllH thsUke Tho way to save tho Inter- 5S vrs u e ' C? S!K NT T '" no n"""' ""V'" "vo dolUM HH ? S&.? "nVw l,n Th?lh.r. .' O L I T I O A Y It K P U H n , O A N SrU'nl111 WSSniT. -ounl H "W.CW .oYkhrhemrovye0r Entered a. B.cond.C.M MattoJune 1916. at th, ro.tolfic. at Trice. Utah. Under the Ac, of M.rch 2, 17. uTmTu percent Merest" .JH VOLUME 3; NUMBER 35 EVERY FRIDAY JANUARY 25, 1918 '"" H HERE LOOKING FOR OIL BEARING SANDS MLVni.C WASH., MAN MAS Ni:W TKF.ATMKNT. I Italy Tliat Ho Hill IU"como Intercut 1 tn Carbon Comity anil I'rort Clow) to I'rlco I'lnnl For r.itrnc-t-lug Contents Kxpcrlmcnl On I am IIcm Hubmltlcil Moot Satisfactory. And now comes M. A. Itoblnson of Seattle, Wash , to Carbon county look ing for oil sands along with others from everywhere almost who aro con fining their quests to shales and oil grounds. Itoblnson hns a process of liU own now going through tho patent jiUgc at Washington, D. C . by which he reclaims, he states, around 97 per cent of tho oil. Tests on a small scato were made at Tho Bun of flco last Sat urday, and so far as amateurs of this newspaper's force are able to judgo them aro millions In It." Bcvoral pieces of oil sand rock gno good re turns. Itoblnson has Bait tako Clt) ii nd Denver, Colo, capital Interested. Also tho company with which ho Is Identified has big holdings In Vo tnlnr Itoblnson had with him sevoral sam ples of the Wyoming oil rock that Is considered among the best nnywhere, iiut that from near I'rlco tested out Saturday shows ours to Imj of superior quality. Tho gentleman was at aroeu Itlver looking ovur that country to Inn ground or mako locations, when he found nothing to suit him and was Induced to comu on hero. Tho kind if stuff he Is looking for abounds In severul sections hcrosiMiuts, and no doubt ho will find what ho wants and In the quantity desired. .And, acces sible to the railroad, it ury Important matter In treatment and shipment, ho declare. Saturdn) afternoon, after 'ntcrcstlng local ixople, Itoblnson went un to Zlon tu keep nn Important business cngngeniout made by win Mr Is to ho hack soon Under the Itoblnson process 18 pir cent of gasoline and mill nil Is saved. 0 per cent In three grades of liibrl unts and most or the 26 per cent i.nlUii" Is known commercially us ns phaltum gum, uniilne ilyt mid Ihe llki It Is clilmod for It tlmt not to Uecd t per cent of tho oil roik Is IukI hi treatment. A wiluabh fi rllllr onus from tho residue This Is 1 1 timid by government mining u leau experts tn lie worth 13 CO tin ton to farmi rs on board the mrs Hob insotiie trontminl of oil minds rmk Is known as u solution process Hen Axw entrrs lirgoly Into It. hut Utile if tin Inttor Is lost und In ii Mil n wr ml nvir ugiiln Thruit cliimluils go into It In the treating nt thi plant Mixur water Is iid for hinting pur pose. Ilowtvir. this Is small Twcnl)-flvi cnits n ton Is tint max Imum coat of handling tlm tuck with ii pluut of ii hundred tons dall) If sufficient bodies of tint nil sund rock locally n n- nlitaluiiblo it Is proposed to put In it treating pl'nt close to Price One thing about Itoblnson that looks good Is Hint ho Is selling no -dink An ground ho niqulrt villi be b) purchase from owners or b h tatlon on, hiiAi.i: iiNis aui: wouni i:itnin:i:v doixuih an aiuu: I Judging from the wu) oil and oil halo matters aro taking hold In Uluh lutol. It Is expected that greut prog less In this comparatively new Indus try will be witnessed In tho statu In the next two iars, If not In the com ing summer and fall It Is expected that several distilling plants of com mercial site will bo reeled These nro In addition to a number of exper Imuntnl stills now In rourso of con (miction anil contemplated for the Immediate future At present Ball l.uku City, Watson, Boldler Summit it ml Mantl are named as places where shales will be treated Bomo of tho men who have taken up largo acreages of shale lands In the various fields are at a loss ns to the irlee they should receive In ease of suli As it preliminary It Is stated Thnt un offer of olghteon dollars nn ncro has been turned down on a thou sind aero tract of shale lands near Watson Another offer of fifteen do lurs nn acre Ih said to havo beon made lately for a thousand acres of n four thousand acre Utah tract. These Instances sort of llv a llin ii tho possible negotiable value of tin nhale lauds In tho state That eaoh ncro of Just fall shale lauds contains vastly In excess of this In values Is hown by many rccunt i nictitations irnm men of outhorlt) In this line MIDN TO VHK UTAH OIIj I-Olt VV'h ON OOVKKNMIAT hull's Tho oil shales of tho United Stales have lutoly attracted muJi attention mid they aro undoubted!) of great In terest und Importance says tho En i Kineetlng and Mining Journal of New York Wo havo hero a vast reserve n( fuel which will no doubt bo fully Utilised In the future. That tho gov ernment Is Well awaro of these poten tialities Is plain from several recent publications and from the fact that HE CANT FINISH IT nn ncra of tho licit material In Utah has been withdrawn from entry ns a posslblo reserve of fuel oil for tho navy A recent bulletin of the. geo logical survey deals with the oil shales of the Host, nmong which those of the Devoid in age from Kenturk) and other states arc tho most valuable, llowuver, few of tbosu shules lumpen- In value with those from the plateau region of Utah, Just referred to. Thesu nru persistent beds In tho Uocene freshwater formations and covtr an urua or about flh)-flv hun dred wiuare milts In Norlhwitsicrn Colorado and Northiiisturn Utah. Oil shale, ns Is well known, Is defined as an urgllliKcotis deposit, from which parol um muj bo obtalnid b) distil lation, but not b) trituration or treat mint with Insult cuts Tin oil sha'cs of Utah occur within h thickness of two hundred feet or II . lake beds, nnd thcro art fiw pliiie ittoug Hie Hiilithtrn edge of the Ultitiih lluslii In Colorado and Utah whin tin re Is not a thlekmss or more than tin leet of shale Hint will lold iiinri oil per Ion limn the uvcrnge which Is being nbtulmd from the nil shiilwM of Keollaud mid In places there lire mon thuu it hundred feet or such rich shale, )l( tiling thtrt) to fori) gal lium pel toil Interesting dutu hnvi been ubtultied legurdlng the origin of tho shale oil. piirllciilarl) rrom tho Investigations if tin bile Dr. A. t luvls. who did much In extend our knowledge about tin peut mnrshis of the United Btatos I'lom microscopic studies ho reached tho iotirluiloii that tho shalo contains an linmciim iimoiiut of vcgutablo mat It r, such as nlgao. spore nnd pollen. Tin-r. is but llttlo animal matter mid the nil Is apparently Indigenous In the shiile and derived by stow pro ii of decomposition from tho veget able mutter Ammonia and other ni trogen lompouuds would roprisont valuable) h) products of tho distillation or the material composing the oil shale ill posits. ItAKTUlN UTAH OI'KIIAIOIIN AMI WIIVT THKVIli: IlOINfl The Nine Mile eouutr) has been pntt) well staked off latel). Kmory rount) folks am making oil sand Ineatlom In the Ban Haracl sec tion Col W II Tasker of Oreon Itlver and W. II Child of Ion nre figuring on big development of their San Juan count) oil sands. I'rlcc is the imtural gatuwii) by which tu reach the Uintah Ilaslu ull countr) Open rouds Ihe entire )ear mnke tho I'rlce ) nttrnctlvei Bait Uike City Is soon to havo an oil exchange where trading in all West ern nil securities will bo carried on W O Mtlutlrei of Denver, Colo, Is at lis heud There uro man) hundreds of nores or mind oil lieurlng lands above Hantiy sldii that arc tt subject to location. The snow however, may Interfere un til spring Crane Oil Shalo eompan), now hav ing machinery built at Ban Kninclseo, Cola, for Its Watson plant, will tnke the saniei In by way nf I'rlce because or the good roads, It Is reported Tor the purpose of developing what are believed to be potential gas , nd oil fields In tho vicinity of 0,'Hn and Proto, Ogden Oil and (las corpora tion made up chlefl) of Salt take City and Ogden mon, has beon or ganised Tho corporation controls sixteen hundred and twenty nores along Utah take In the vicinity of I'rovo lla) and about seven hundred acres In and around Ogden und In the vicinity of Wlllard and Tlrlglmm Cit) (Continued on page four) PR0MINEN10REEKS WED M. SnluvnraUU Takes Helper Young Woman Ah Ills lliidr. More than two hundred friends and acquaintances of the contracting cou ple gathered at the Greek Orthodox church In I'rlce last Sunday afternoon tn witness the marrlngc cercmon) that united In wedlock Manoles Haluvara kls nnd Mint Hophla Xennkls, the Itcv Mark 1'ctrakls, pastor of tho Hellene church of this city, officiating rollowlug the wedding nt Ihe church there was a big supper nnd ilnnco nt the Mctropolo llotul of which Ihe gloom I .proprietor, The dancing nnd resiling began Saturday last nnd continued with llttlo Interruption un til late Mnndny evening. Many were present from nil the flreek communi ties or Ihe county Presents were nu merous unci valuable Tho brldo Is tho daughter or Mr. mid Mrs Nick Xennkls or Helper, but rinmrl) of Castle (late, and numbirs her friends m man) throughout this portion of the statu The groom has I een In business nt Price for quite uwhllo and Is prominent nnd a leader with his countrymen. Ilcsldete his ho tel Intercuts loiall), ho Is Interested In sheep Mr, nnd Mrs. Baluvarakls Immedi ately following the ceremony went to housekeeping on South Seventh street In a recently built homo that was con structed and riirnlshed from the ground up mid throughout Inside of lilun dii)s ufter work was begun on tint foundations Many friends are extending best wlahcs to tho couple WiUEW BOOKED An Out of the? Onllunr) Dancv hlalrcl 1'or Next Tliurwlu). Tho Bun )esterda) Isiued some printed matter for 'that war dance worth while, February 1st," next Thursda) evening, lit I'rlcc Among other statements tho advertising mat ter sas "Yes, this Is something dif ferent It's both u war and a victory dance The first league basketball gamo on the local floor will ho pla)ed beforehand Huntington high school vs Carbon count) high school Thu bnskctball team will go uvrr the top ut eight bolls And the tomtom will sound the war dance at 0 o'clock sharp Clcncral retreat at twelve thlrt) Hero's where the dance will ho different, "Plrst It's strictly nn econom) ball Come In )our old clothes ' Second Itefrcshnunts will be served genuine Hoover punch mid wartime cookies Ilolh punch und cookies tire tnado from reeilpcs guur uuterel b) tho food administration Third The best muslu In the couii t) tho Helper orchestra will nuiko )ou Just Itch to get on tho floor, and Fourth The revonuo tax, or tho Income tax or whatever )ou waul to call It, will bo only iiinet) -eight cents. This Is positively as cheap as we could mako It under the present friet trudr law ' tallies Positively no cnmnuringn allowed An) one luetics or gentle mencaught dolled up will bo fined 'Come In your overalls nnd sack aprons, or elsu bring pleut) or chuugi You'll need It ' rillllMAN IIMHA' IIUHT, PHOVO, Jan it With both reel j crushed and suffering Internal Injur Mis received In u fall from one of thu new engines or the Utah rallwa), J L. Stuart, a fireman, Was brought to tho Provo general hospital today Ho will recover, lUVATUjniE or HBE Miulclutiit of lllg Coal Propcrl) 1'or I'our Ha) it This Wtx-U. United States Fuel company's Mine No, 3 at West Hiawatha has been Closed dowj) four dss this week be cause or a (Iro In the coal which uguln broke out thcro last Monday morning nnd continued Up to 7 o'clock Wednes day evening, when It was gotten under control Work will ho resumed In It this morning ll Is Ihe same old tremble that has existed for n couple of jcars burning cost. In the mean time there was a broken tipple, which hns required considerable repair work, and this has beon fixed up. Telephone advices from ihere last night say that everything will be In good shape today (I'rlda)) I Hack Hnwk will have a production this month of fifty thousand tons nnd Mohrland about lintr this amount. Hut for tho trouble at Hiawatha tho out put there for January would reach forty tn fifty thousand tons. Up lo Monday last It was In uxioas of twin-t)-flVG thousand. Utah railway Is giving all three eampi plenty of cars right along. Hut for the Hiawatha fire, this month would have been n record breaking one nt all three places. Ilobert How ard, stato mine Inspector, and Moron llrlncr, vice presldont or United States Fuel company, wero on the ground this week, leaving for their homes ut Klnii after the conflagration wus got ten under control. IU.ACK HUIUiTAM'l ON I'UUIT MOST HAItMl.lttH lllsck substance found b) many hnusowlves on the top of fruit canned In a poor quality of Jar last summer is pronounced perfectly harmless by Dr. U U Dulnrs or the department or bucterlology or the Utah Agricultural college Housewives over tho state havo been much perturbed lately nt the dis covery or this substanco and many Ihiew uwu) tho fruit. Dr. Dallies finds that thu fruit turned black from contact with the the brass colored Iron lids He sa)s that ever) hnuiewlfo should use precautions, however, mid be cer tain that the black suhstaucu Is or the origin described. JUDOMHNT IH (HVi:V I Oil i:vkn riiTu: tiioukind Judgment or fifteen thousand dol lars damages for personal Injuries suf fered rrom electrical burns while em. plo)eel h) thu United States Fuel com pun) ut Hlawutha wus given Joseph Hlnklns ugalnst tho compaii) lust Wcdnisdn) In the Third District court ut Salt take Clt) Tho plaintiff united tor twenty thousand dollars damages mid the Jury ussessed them ut fifteen thousand Hlnklns was Injured while adjusting the belt on a piece of ma ihlner) The incident nciurred Aug I list 7, 1910 u: iiim.ion itoNi) isht'i: i ih now Tin: K)iucsr maih: WABHINaTON, D. C Jan 23 Director General McAdoo mitdo u final appeal In congress today for tho Immediate passage of tho t administration railroad bill Ho declared thu success or the ten billion dollur war financing thut ho declared thu country miut do between now and June depcn'ds upon action nt once EQUALIZERS COME ALONG TO DIRECT IN TAXATION County Assessor lienlon Randolph and Commissioners Instructed In die Matter of Valuations By Hl Hammond, Bailey and Romney. Three members or tho stato board or Humiliation came to I'rlco Wcdncs da) Inst und held n meeting with the county rommltsloners, tho county as sessor and several or the deputies of Ihe latter Also with tho officials from Ihtier), the meeting at Prlco ho lug for loth Carbon nnd I'nirry coun ties. Present of the state board were J T Hammond or Salt tako Clt), Wil liam llnllcy or Nephl and rjeorge Itomney of Bmlthflcld From Carbon count) were Commissioners Hamilton and llr)ncr and Assessor llcnton Ran dolph, Commissioner Ostium! not be ing at the powwow. From Umory came Commissioners (llllcsplc, Allrcel arid taonard, Assessor Hanson, Clerk Peacock and Treasurer Otiymon Tho meeting lasted rrom 10 o'clock nf tho forenoon tn n llttlo after Ihe noon hour While It was not the Intent to direct Ihe ufllcers of the two iniintlos In every Utile detail, talks were made by tho visiting tax experts In those as sembled and the) wern told In a gen eral way what was expected of them and how they should go about ll, all or which Is covered In a book or In structions Issued lor tho auldance of count) officials nnd many things In which were explained at length. The visitors during all their several talks nnd In reply to que ntlons propounded tu them made ll plain that all prop ert) In nn) count) shall be given In to and In turn by the assessor nt n reas onable rash value lleasoiinble cash value Is Interpreted to mean what properly of any kind will bring un tho market If put up for sale, l taut year Ihe assessing or coal hinds was tho great contention, nnd ntler Car)on county had placed an assess ment value nf fifty dollars an acre all nrnunil nn them the slate board of equnlliutlon was not satisfied and brought mandamus proceedings In the supreme court to nulllf) Ihe work of County Assessor llandolph. Tho deci sion of Ihe court vvss it sort or double barrelled one In which both sldns claimed to havo gotten u llttlo the best of It However, that portion uf It holds which directs tho assessor hire after tu glvo In coal lands at their ac tual value tho amounts paid the gov ernment and the state at tho times or purchase nnd on other clusses, such as grating lands, the value placed upon them by the state hoard This re dounds. It Is said, tu Curbun counD's benefit as a whole. Under the s)tom of assessing tills )ear coal lands will total it very much higher sum than lost )cor, Just Ihe amount In the Increase or the percint ago Assessor llandolph was not yes terday able to state l.lvn stock or all kinds will coma higher, too Sheep, for Instance, will bo about fourteen dollars it head and rango rattle fori). Other live stock will be In prnporljon Several of Ihe operating coal compan ies bought coal lands )ears ago at ten dollars nn acre and up, whllo others since have paid as high ns three to four hundred dollars Orating lands uro owned as low as a dollar and a hair un acre, and rrom this up tn twenty New mines and Improve ments at Ihe mines during the past )car will also swell valuations and net proceeds of .mines as well. Coal londi are to be assessed at the price, In ev ery Instance, paid for them. tast year Carbon county's total as sessed valuation was around fifteen millions of dollars. This year, says Assessor Ilundolph, ll l expected to exceed twenty millions In 1117 all Ihe property of the state of Utah, for taxnhlo purposes, ran five hundred and nine t). three millions of dollars. This )tur tho figure reached will be In excess of six hundred millions. With un ussessed valuation or twenty mil lions or dollars tuxes should bo lower this prcsont ear than last, but It re mains to be seen how the commission ers will look at tho matter when they fluully make up tho estimates for rev enue needed Again, thu statu Is pounding ull Ihe counties on tho back, as It were, for mora mone) Tho war, road work anda hundred other ex cuses nre given fur tho revenue that Is de manded At the conclusion of tho milling at Price with the Carbon and Kmery county officials Oeorgo Itomney went nn to Urand tount) the afternoon of Wedmsda), while Hammond and llalley relumed to V.lou b) delated train during the uv tiling All ex pressed themselves as plcused with the deliberations ut Price nnd gave ut terance to tho Idea that it better feel ing and understanding nnw exists ua between tho Carbon of fit litis und the members of thu statu hoard, und that much good tn all Interests, lomerned will come rrom thu meeting In vlow ot recent Montana supreme court docislous It nut) bu thut litiga tion or considerable mugnltudc will follow this year's assessments un the part or the coal companies as regards land mid net output of mines. Tho law as Interpreted In Montana has speulal bearing loiull) und likely Is to he Invoked utah mmm suit H Action to Itevotrr Tidy Hum From flfl County Otrr Koulli. Cl Utah Fuel company last Monday bo- fll gan suit In the federal court at Salt irH tako City against tauls W. fluymon, BH treasurer or Cm cry county, ror the re- H covcry and return of SSt9 7l, repre- Wt scntlng taxes alleged to have been jH ltld by tho plaintiff under protest H November 21, 1117 It Is alleged by H Utah Fuel company that In endeavor- H lug to arrive at tho cnsli valuation of H the lands, fixing it nt fllx,37, Ihe H board of county commissioners fraud- H ulentl), arbitrarily and without au- H thorlty of law assumed that the lands H In their entire!) went coat lands and H mining claims. It Is further nlligvd WM that In fixing thu value tho board of H count) commissioners of Kmery coun- fH t) was governed b) the dictation of sHI the stato board or equalltatlun and Hl without imce ruining for ItsoU who H their or not the lands are eoal mid H mining lauds. H ll Is nllcgid also that tho board of H county cummUslumrs, acting ns n county board of Humiliation, placed n valuation on tho lands of Utah Fuel company without regard lo the vulu- H atlon nf any other similar hinds In Hmer) count) The valuation of u H hundred nnd miVcut)-flvo dollars an H acre, me fixed by the board or county H commissioners. It Is alleged, was fixed H I without1 regard to other similar lands H upon w)ilch a valuation, for assess- H ment pqrposes, of not to exceed twvn- ty dollars per acre was placed Utah Fuel company alleged that In H violation or law und without Authority H or law, It has been singled out by the H board of county commissioners of H Kmery count) for Imposition upon It or unjust, Inequitable) and cllicrlmlnu- tury zaffev mimm H Action or Doarel or Pnnloiis IlrcalU Murder locnlly, Alter piotestlng ror morn than six H )enrs his Inucence of participation H In the murder of which ho was eon- M vlcled, ilobert Staffo, formerly of H Humi)slde, receives his freeelom He H was paroled last Saturday by Ihe state H board or pardons after enduring for six years tho prospect or passing the 1 remulndcr or his lire lu thu Utah pent- H tentlary. H On February 12, 1911, V.affe), ao H cording tn vvldenie taken In hi trial, H had been drinking with friends ul a H bar In Sunn)sldo He had also been H gambling and had lost a considerable HH amount of money. The man who con- HiH ducted tho gambling games. Ah Jon- klus, was held up that night on his 1 way homo and killed. H Zaffey and two accomplices were H arrested and convicted or the crime They were sentenced November 20, 1 1911, by Judge Albert 11 ChrUlenson H at Price. December II, 1911, .sffcs H sentence was commuted by the board, HH One or tho three was executed at the 1 stato prison. The third Is In the men- H tul hospital lilililfl HWEU GOJESSES W llolKr lulling llousei rmployo Itruely to Tnkn Medicine. H Sheriff Oeorgo Colllnghum got back J homo from Albuquerque, N. M last Friday with Iloscoe IC Dovvell, charg- H ed with embettlomont of funds from the Denver and Itlu Qrundo hotel sys- HH tern at Helper In December last Ills isH alleged shortage Is around a hundred ILfliiB und fifty dollars, to which ho con- flPVH fessea. und will no doubt plead guilty VlSf at the Fobruary term ot court pliBi& The woman Dowcll married ut llel- B per Is said to have desorted him after iSsM getting to Now Mexico and when his sHlH money was gone Down thriu Dowcll iiBBB woh organising dramallo companies Dl and putting young mon and women on iiiB thu stage In their minds He found V a splendid crop of suckers und was ippHl gathering In tho mone) when apprr- iiHI hrnded as wanted here iHM One fellow, however, from whom H was separated a comlderabla sum H squealed and this led to DovvcU'a or- H rest. Ho Is 22 )ears of age t'lid a iiBH smooth worker, say tho officers, H Sevent)-flve heud of cattle art H starving to death ut Kauosh In Mil. irH lard cotinay, according to a letter HBH from Alvln Penney, agent of tha atata iiiB humano soctoly, to Jaires M. For- H sythe, the general superintendent, Tho H condition results. It Is reported, from H Ihe snow und falluro on tho part of H the owners to make adequate provN H slon HH sssssssssl