Newspaper Page Text
rW PAGE TWO THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1,918 I I BIS THRIFT STAMP 1 SALE IS BEING 1 PUSHED Wk TWO IIUMIHICU AND Tttlivn'. W I'lVi: TII()l'SM AHKI'I). W Nnini-n of Fifty Pen-on Throughout StJH Urn County hele-cteel lly Vnncll of ' TBL "' fcnso A" '"' ftinillilatr) I 'or tho JP ill TIioiihaiiiI Hollar Club Numerous 'fe 'vlHl tRi'il" '"" ' Work Arc (Iiom.ii. V, u County Biiperlntendiint of He hools " BJI Orson Itjnn In ehargn of the war kiiv- "i"B '"K" anl " tlirlf t stump campaign , T mm hereabouts, mi t with the Carbon , County Council of Defense hut Bntur- ilny nvrnlmc nnd asked for the co- WM operation o( the council iui it body nml IH racih membi r nil nn Indlvliluiil In the ty work which hn ha undertaken to ln nilsn two hundred nnd tvvuntyflte PMI thousand dollar In Ciirlnin Lounty by ' "fll ""' lul'" "f "'""'I'" ''"ring " present t'Vfl jenr. Till was iiniinlinoiinly nml H heartily extended by tint seven mini. 9m Iter present out of llm twelve com mU posing thiil bod Tin- first object Is ,H thn gctllnrt together of a thousand H dollar club fifty member who nitre a H In take ono thousand ilotlnni ene h of JT H the stamps during thn eir Any N'' H iimoiint In reason inny ho paid down Ik JH with thn pledge' signed nml the lml- W flH .wcei In Installment Fifty name wore Kjll designated by tlio iiiiiiu II u nil those jtJM urn now being seen R 1H Idler mi the plnn In to hato smaller I mM club Hint muy subscribe down to UN low an fit a dollar. At Price tho i-w'H thousand (lnlliir club got under ttny s I an I week with n membership of three m ?ur n Hlnrlcr nml these hnvn boon In , I creased during thn week Basing thn , .,j population of Carbon county at II, 348, thn figure nn which thn nppor 1 llonmenl In mndn, It mean that twen M 1 ly ilollnm nr tiipltn muni bn forth util tomlnK In tho con I mmpii thn com f panlin urn bioln thrift utiunpn for oW nmpln)ori who ilculrn to Itiviwt nnd nt tU thn Minn time help nut thn (O)vrrn- , S inrnl. Ulnh Fuel rompnny linn plnrrd ' il on mln thnn thnunnml ilollnrn worth nnd Unllml Ktntcri I'utl compnn) nnn J thnuwind for n ntnrtnr. Uthcm hnvn V. V ordcrrd Rmnllrr amount. An hup , , pllrn nra nxhnimti d morn will bn or ,W ilcrcd. A thotiMind dollar nlamp dur Wi InK tho month or Jnnuur) cot (2( I ARrntM Ant Apixilntctl. Jv' V Tho work of Huparlntrndcnt ltuu ! ialU for thlrty-fllRht iiRcntN or nitun I i i-Iih In thn county Twenty of IhfNn wcrn namid Hnturdnv .ivcnlnK Or I CI!. MuDcrmlil for Winter Quartern, 1 II. H. Crime. Hcoflcld. Ir K M Nnlier, ( I Caitln Ontn, Dr. I It Htopnimki) if ij Helper; Mm. Hlln II Jtromv, HprlnK Ji J Wen; O. A. Wootton. I'rlCc, Frank Ji Ajicer, Harper; Fred llan-on, WelllnB lf:a lonf J. K. HnlmiN, HunnyNlda. F, I'. tsJkM HenneH, Clear Crrk; W. J Klwooil, IKS I Kenllworth, Mm. Mullndn lloricaii, Rw Carbonvllln, It M Mairraw.. 1 1 lawn Hm1 tha; It. Y. (Ilbiton Cameron. Mm. a C'i M '- ltlthnrdn. Carbon, K. M ltndcllffo. 4 Htandardvllle, O . Jlnttlwin. Italni, V m W w Jono'S WattU. Kmll Ontlund, a. tlUh Mine, nnd (1torK A. Hchulti. .' IJbrty. Whlla there am but twenty i H of thma all told, Hupnrlntondent lt)un. t (I at tha direction of tha council, ma .j appoint any additional aifent hn :; ! hoor to help gut with Uio work. t, ) A. V. llornloy, preldcnt of the ' ) rounoll, U thin week Knthorlnf atatli " m lira thniuithout thn county of all Junk fj .. ( at thli tlnio on hand and uallable, W&L IB iind U cnlllnR on numorouii onon In thn ten II iMvvral Iuwiin. inmpn and comnuml- M 'fl "" of "' "'iiitX for Information BJII Thin U at the direction of the utato fm um louuoll and when thn Information In w-U ') uvallablo will bu Imparted by tho lotal G ! louncll to utato headquartt m. In JlM turn thn nntlonal council or ufi'ni K.' d will Imi NUppllod with thn data CiirloN B tW (lundnmon reported to thu council tha Evjjl netacllon of a number of mm to act o Hriml deputy herlff throughout tho lnolated UjUtl portlon of tha county. Hn will lake. B"L WM tha nameN to tha county commlMlon WAMM rr on thn tth or thin month for con In' Hrmatlon. HL'jl lxciU HalOM or HUiuM. Ri'lfl It U thu Intention or Hupvrlntindont f IP, 111 Ityan to have u number ot hkIcn axon- M -ffjll i lea In I'rlca whru from one itamp nt K M twenty-flsn cent to a thounand dot Hfv1B lrr worth may bu puriliaMd. Nu- K ineroua btulneuv bouwa will no doubt Kl Kladly act In thli capacity. Thiro 1 H JlH nothlne to prewnl meruhant and othrra KlvlnR awuy thrift lnmp an H Hll premluniN or Inducument for trade. It LjLwl In figured that many iuIcn can be F WM raado In thU manner to poopto who Bjtill would never think or going to the HLw! poatorrice or to a bank. In many town HV'Tri and cities merchanu glva teway thrift BR Jrl utampa to pemon who pay their bill. SJOrKiiM promptly. MMUl Huperlntvndenl Ityan reported a RbfjB generous renponoo from thu achool HtjjB (hlldren or tha county In tho matter IKWM of the purthasu or thrift itamp. QFlW Home thirteen hundred und fifty dol HHBlH larn haa ho far boen nubacrlbed. The HRH report or aaloN oppeam ebmwhere In BvftlB tht linpretuilon or Thn Hun. Buportn WHIM tendent Ityan alio avkod for thu up HHUB lolntment or a nawiipaper udwrtlnlng RflUM commlttoo to help along publicity SHUnl mattera. Ho lit the amu tlmn nub , mttted proofs of tha clawi or nihertli- WV II Ing dealrvd (rHidont lloritley prom IL' j n lod to namu u tommlttuu B H 'mo m i:ivi:hk rem this B 5 ii:.svi:it and ui uiuniii: HE Aloxundor It llulduln of Hun I'ran- f nlco, lcu preiildnnt and gouural at 3fl k torney for tho Western 1'ni.lflo, nnd S Kdwurd I. Ilrown, thn road'a prel- dent, were named nx. altera ror tho Denver und lllo flrandn by Judge Wal ttir II. Hunborn In thn Unltod Btiitoa dlutrlet court at'iRrnter. Colo, Itwt Katurday They were aworn In und gave bond In the sum or ISO.OOO caih KM ! "The posaeaaon, control, operation Kfln !' und utlllxatlon or tha Denver and lllo ogl I tlranda," tha order naming the re My!"? I'll (.elvera declared, "by he president of s MaSgLggflHt. HOW GERMANS RUINED INTERNED SHIPS TIiIh is n Krnphlc illuntrntion of how the crcyA of the interned Gormnn nhipi tried to render the vcsbcIs unfit for use by the American government. The photograph shows tho interior of the boiler of tlic Pommcrn, now the Rappahannock, nhowinc how the German crew melted down the boiler by dryfirinp;, probably usinx "thermit" to intcrtsify the heat. i thn United Hlatea ami tested In Hon Wllllnm (I MiAdoo, director genrrnl nl ratlrnnilN, In not by this order In nny wny Interfered with or Intended I to bu Interfered with, but nil thn J ro tlslons and directions thereof arc, nnd are Intended to be, subject thereto," Thn tourt announced It would up prote, ir thn director grncrnl or rait ro.tils approved, a plan whereby the Knultnble Trust compnn), holder of 110,500,000 Judgment against thn Dnntir and lllo (1 ramie, would buy 12,000,000 worth or thn "frr nsnets' or the railroad to protlde money to pay off Kincriil Imli bli ilnwis nnd sup ply working capital The rcicltershlp was usked origin nlly b thn Klllot Frog und Hwltoh comtiany of Kant HI loul. Ills., on thn basis of n 117,000 claim Thn Ko,ultahli company Inlertenrd In this action, nlso asking it receltimhlp. UTAH'S ENffi (DABBED I'm In Kim Nnils lotl I'uwir More Ttian tho ImmI lloail. KnglneN which hnto been ordernd by thn Utah railway ror operation or Its roal road In Cnrbon and Kmrry counties and which havo bien com mundeend by the goternmmt will bo replaced by motlvo power from other Utah lines to keep tha coal output In thn state on thn mova. ilurh Is thn In formation glten to representatives of tha company In Washington. I). C, by Director General McAdoo or thu rail roads. Tho company reprcMntutltrs nero Informed that engines from tho West ern 1'aclflo and Union I'arlflc, which an. said to Imtn plenty or motlto power to spare Just now, will be taken Into thn ncrtlca or thn coal road as they uro needed. This arrangement la sallsractory to tha Utah railway penplu and they anticipate no trouble In continuing thn full operation of tha line. Utah railway has ordered a number of engines for Its Una nnd soma of them were in routo hero when tho got eminent stepped In and took them ror uiu on Kastern roads whorn abort ago or motive power was congesting f night. Other engines building for tho local compan) were, also comman deered and will ba turned Into Hast en service as soon as they arc out of the factories Tho coal rond officials feared when tho government commandeered Ita on glnea that Ita nervlco In tha coal trans portatlon might ba crippled, but tha arrangement by tho government to supply tha deficiency will causa no trouble, It Is said. COMING M PRICE Midland Ttlcpliono Company I'renar Ing to l-xtciul Its Uivcm Went. Midland Tali phono company, oper ating In arand, Ban Juan und Kmery counties In Utuh and it smull portion of Wisturn Colorado, held Its annual stockholders meeting at tlrand Junc tion, Colo, a few daN ago. Officers weru elected for the coming iar. I'resldent and general manager, J. N. Corbln of Moab, tlea president, J. K. Ilrown, Moab, C. W Moyd of Thomp ho n. treasurer and sicrvtury; addl tlonul director. A. J. Turner of Cisco, and II. II Itlsley ot drum! Junction. Tho annual report showed that tha year had been a prosperous one, arid thn stockholder were highly gratified over thn outlook for tha future During tho eur tha compan) did ft good deal of construction work, thu Una rrom Muck, Colo, to drecn Hiver hating been completed and a new lino extended from Cisco Into the Hook Mountains, A number of Improve ments were mucin ontthn La, Bal Moun tains sjktein, which Is leuaetd by the Midland, and step wern tuken to glto Southeastern Utah much better tele phono xurtlio than that herutororq had Thn Midland Intend to ixtend tha Mack und Green Iliver lino through to Frloe, which will establish direct long dlstanco connection with Halt Uiko City. STATE 10SES 1ITIE TO VALU AMEJMS (Continued from pago one ) lion In now pending In tha Utah su prema court, being thnt or tho United Htate against T. A. Mltner. embracing flfty-rita hundred acres of coal land Thn Mllrter lands lie to the north and to thn ant of I'rlci' Statu Will Protect All. l-tury protection will ba pi iced nrniind person who havo bought or nrn buying trends rrom tha statu lend board, according to Hecrctary Arthur Kuhn of thn board, notwithstanding the iidtema diclslon. It will be nee essar, hnwctir, lo await receipt of thn full taxt of tho decision before) ti eoiirsa of action ean bn laid nut by thn stnta land board, Kuhn mi. That a great blow has been dcllt ircil to the school tcm malnten nnca resources by this dccMon Is the belief of Kuhn, unless parusnl of the text of thn eleelslon shall ruttal that II In nut as far reaching its won nt first supposed. "Thn enabling act," Kuhn Mt, "goto to thn public school ss tern or lUah Hers 3, 1C, 3: and 38 In cwr township In thn stute. This grant was made without rrsertatlnn. nnd under It tha statu was assured n permanent Hourcn or maintenance or II school ystcm It was thought by thu member of the state land board that tha gift to tha schools meant that aterjthlng contained In the land went to thu maintenance of education. fltlll Another View. "If tho decision U to be clfuctlto only In case whero coal or other mln i nil ha been discovered before) per fection und delltery of title by tha state, a I my Impression now, tho if feet will creata much less hardship than wn at first suposed. In that rasa them will bo no disturbance of title whero thn mineral hus bean found subsequent to delivery of title) by the state. It I for thin reason that wa must await receipt of tha full text of tha decision, buiausa at present tea do not know Just whero we are. Holders of bind titles received from thu stnte muy rest luwurcd, however, that tha land board will take every possible step to protect tho purchasers." There I scarcely any way of com putlng how many acros there aru In Utah whoso title Will ba affected, Kuhn Huyn, be-causa or tha fact that thef exVnt or tho decision' effects are not now known. "Or course. If a man bought a piece of land for agricultural purposes, hn still has his surface right," continued Kuhn, "and hi title In tht respect will not bn disturbed. Ha does not own tha coal or other mlntrul In thn land ho buys, however, under this detention, um I understand It, not even It that mineral ha been discovered after ha Iiun entered Into contract and madu pament on thn purchaso price," UTAH I'UOJI.CTtf API'ItOVKI). Ira it. llrownlng, itato road ungtn ecr, ha received n letter from Wash ington, !). C, Indicating that thu sec retary of agriculture ha approved four federal aid highway project In Utah at n cost or f IT4,7S0 and cover ing a dlstanco or a hundred and thirty miles. Thn road designated am Thvinp Hon to Moab, thirty. flvo miles, 160, iS; Moab to La Bal, twenty-four miles, 134,7Gb; Ue Hal to Montlretlo, thlrt)-slx miles, 153,133, und Monti cello to Itlandlng, twrnty-tlto mllest, 36.:0d. llulf thn cost or th ewe project Is to lo paid by the federal government, tho stutu and thu counties I which they are located pa) Ing thu other half Tho output or gold, silver, coppur, lead nnd ilno rrom thn mines or Utah In 1017 had u value, of over ttOS.OOO, 000, un Imroasa ot neurlj 117,000,000 oter 1916. ThU I a record tuluo ror tho stato output, reached largely be cause or tho high price or silver, cop per and lead Theru wa u decrcasa In tho output or gold, loud and sine, but the Increase In the output or silver and copper and tho higher price greatly Increased tha total valuo. mine mm ARE AGIST THE I.O. SO I'liAti: FOIl TIIKM IN THIS liMIOIl IIODY. I'ntor Ownership or Coal Mlne-e Uy f.ovcrtuncnt, Hut Iteertc Condition Hint Tlic Itctaln tho flight or Itnr gnlnlng pprote Policy ol Pnl eh nt Wilson I'or Demoeniej. INDIANAI'OMH, ind Jan 26 After expelling Industrial Worker of the World from membership In tho or ganlrallon If there nre any, the United Mlno Workers goes on record us fa voring the taking otar of tho conl mlncN by the goternment on condition thn union men hnto the right to make collective bargain, They asked no special privileges In tho npernlon of thn seleetlte ilraft, opposed conscrip tion of labor nnd adopted a "war res olution" declaring the coal diggers to bo In full accord with President Wll son's announcement to make tho world sofa for democrar), nnd de manding tho 'unrestricted right of worklngmen nnd women to organlio and ileal collectively with their e m ploem" There was nn expressed opposition to any of the resolutions, nnd they were ndoptcd In most Instance by a unanimous tote The delegate lake great pride In tho sen Ice flag con taining 19,286 stars, hnnglng pver the Ir heads In tha hall, and soma or thn resolutions brought out the fact or the gTcal number of mlno worker now In the military service. All of Them K.ti-rllcl. Thu Industrial Worker of the World were expelled by Iho adoption of n constitutional amendment making them Ineligible for membership. The war resolution recite d that no state ment or words In needed to prove that Iho "great army or men," thn union represents, nrn loynl to tho govern ment, nnd that tho miner are In lull accord vtlth thn principles or making tho world sarc ror democrar), ' rorce fully and eloquently." announced by President Wilson. Tho delegate to thu next convention wero Instructed to prepare iv resolution wherein thn 'war alms or American libor" would bo definitely set forth Tha resolution on thn selective draft stated that the miner stand ready und willing lo do their share 'In support ing the government In the war, nnd for themselte ask no spiclul privil eges. Onl) In the etc til that It shoul I bu demonstrated thnt thn member of our orgnnlxutlnn inn render greater service) o thu countr b remaining In thn mine than the would bn iililo to render by being drafted Into thu inllltar) service of tha goternment, do we ask that consideration bn glten to tha ndtlsnblllty or making such changes In the application or thn seler tlt ilraft as may bu mressary to as sure un adequate supply or coal." The declaration on government owni rshlp or the mine stated that the vast majority or thn miner nrn In favor or It on condition thu worker bo guaranteed a democratic operation with the frio nnd unrestricted right to organlie, to mnlntaln their organi zation and to collective!) bargain with tho goternment. Thn resolution tinted thu miners vtern opposed to thu kind or government ownership thnt oper ates thu postofflco department. The resolution opposing thn i (in scription of labor ulso request thn na tional goternment to lake.ovir nit unused farm lands and rent It to farmers. Thn member of the union now In the mllltur) scrtlcu wern ex empted from pit) Ing dues while In tha service, und all death bene f lis un lo remain In force. Ccvudllullon Is Changed. Among other change madu In tha constitution of thn organisation were these: Members ot tho working class union recenll) organlted In Oklahoma and or dual labor organisation not affll lated with the American Federation of I-abor shall not bo eligible for mem barshlp Kllmlnatlon ot tho provision which prohibited Ho) Bcouts from becoming member of thu union. liaising the minimum due to local unions from fifty cent a month to seventy-five cent, and Increasing the per ruplta tax to ba paid to tho Inter national organization from twenty flvu centa a month to fifty cent. Changing tha date of the next con vention rrom January, 1930, to flip. tembir, 1919, Illg Money IUImhI. INDIANAI'OMH, Ind, Jan. 25. Tha United Minn Workers or America, at their contention here today, raised $100,000 to be put up ns collateral while un appeal In taken to tho United Stales supreme court rrom thu terdlrt of a federal court In Arkansas which assessed n penalty against the organi sation for an alleged violation of tho Hherman law, Tha union also decided to seek congressional action to pro tent thn Issuing of un Injunction by u Wist Virginia court restraining thn union against orgunliing Other Important uetlou during the two weeks' session which closed today wa the ratification of the Washing tun wage scala agreement and thu changing of tho constitution to glva outsldn district a voice In thu wage mialo parte) of thn central competi tive field A HINT TO Till: Afil.D. If poople pust 60 year of agu could be persuaded to go to bed a soon us they take cold nnd remain In bed far onu or two da), the) would recover much moru quickly, especially If they take Chamberlain' Cough Itemed, There would ba loss danger of tha cold being followed by any of the more serious dlseuse Advt. PROFESSIONAL OARDs I z - . l)It. C A. WHKHHY Physician and burgeon IMIICK, UTAH Offlco Otcr Commercial Bank llcsldcnco North Eighth Btrcot. s- - i Hit. C. T. IIOSK Physician artel Burgeon PIIICB, UTAH Offlce .Mile Hulldlng :: z I Hit. F. 8. TIIOMK j Dental burgeon J PIUCB. UTAH Office Vlglln-Honomo Hulldlng t I lilt. II. II. oinv.M.v I I Dentist I Permanently Located Over Prlco ! I Commercial Hank PIHCK, UTAH I r f , U A. McdHI. I Attonicy.nt-I.avT I Vlgllationomo Hlock, i PIIICB. UTAH. I I , FKIIDINA.MI HIIICKHICV i j Attornc7-at-Inw ' 717 Judge Hulldlng i HALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. I I i'Hi:ni:iticK tu woods j I Atlorncy-nt-LotT I Rooms 14 and IS, Bllvagnl Ulock. 1 PIIICE. UTAH. I t- ICIeAUDIUH I-. KINO Altorcr.AtIcw. HBI.PKIt. UTAH. Practice In All Courts of the Stato nnd the Federal Courts. ' - I I MIIiEX E. MUiLKIt, M. n jTT Ucen-KM Arcliltcct ,A- I Vermont Building ' J BA1SP LAKE CITY, UTAH, I CltAJUiKS IiECKIl " General Engineering am) j Otology Second Floor Bllvagnl Bid ' PIIICB, UTAH ! : 5j 8-A'K'nfl.0.8chutderP-1J'! KINO, IlItAFFITr A SCIIUMlEB Judge Building ' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ! Tavern Hotel Hulldlng PIIICB, UTAH -4 J. W. HAMMOND Abstracter or Title i Price, Utah Abstract or Title FurnlMie d t At; Plecn or Tract In Eastern Utah , Insurance Written In thn Heft Com panics Doing Business In the Plat. Ileal Estate, Bonds, Etc Oround Floor, Oolden Utile 1 uilitlr. Hating hi Id a meeting ut Prk witH Carlion and Emery county officii, member or thu state board of tquili ration estcrday returned to thi $ tol, ii)h last Krlda)'s Halt Ivike Trl Imne Of tho stato board the re wrr present nt thn meeting Jnmr T Han mond, Ocorge Homnoy, Jr, unit Becrt tary William Ilalley. Methods e f s semment far this cnr were illf.un-H nnd nt the present time, Hrtretir Ilalley sa. thcro appear to tie i, danger of a conflict this )enr over u scsument of coal land similar in ihii experienced In 1917, I PRICEEMERY AUTO LINE CABTI.E VALLEY MAIL ItOUTE Fare on Mall Cam I .emu Prlco Every Morning nt 7 30 O'clock Prlco to Huntington, fl.76 Hound Trip, 13.7& Special Auto and Prlco to Casllo Dale, 12,21) Hound Trip, 13. CO Truck For Hire lo Prlca to Orangevlllc, 2 CO Hound Trip, $4.00 . .., Prlco lo Clan son, 13.00 Hound Trip, IC 00 Any ' 0,n, Prlco to Perron. 13 25 Hound Trip, 16.50 Delivery Service Prlco to Ilochestcr, $1.00 Hound Trip, 17.00 Baggage. Express Prlca to Emnr), $4. CO Hound Trip, 17.60 and Freight (Purrs livtvtcen nbotn stations, lOo per mile.) Headquarter Paternoster Bldg, Price, Utah, Main and Depot Streets Day Phone 66 Night Phono HO W. C. Broeker, Manager Carbon Fuel Co. Miners antl Shippers of Lump, Nut, Slack, nntl Assorted sizes of COAL Of the Very Beat Grades. Best for Furnnccs, Stoves, Household nnd Other Uses. Mines at Rains5 Cnrbon County, UUih. General Offices, Newhouse Building; Salt Lake City, Utah I. P. RAINS, President nnd General Mnnnjrcr. I Utah's Best Coal 1 SIkTI BLACKHAWK 1 15 4 jNm i II Utah Coal Sales Agency :: 818 Kcarns Bldg. - Salt Lake City, Utah i A. KOPF'S STUDIO ApHltSC1 pnd Pr,CC8 Reasonable. ! PHOTOG1UPH WORK OP ALL KINDS. ) Up Stairs Over Commercial Bank. Phone 17. ..Prlc, Utah.