Newspaper Page Text
I FEBRUARY 1, 1918 I . THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY SIX MORE YEARS OF WAR ( Is the Latest News If this be true, you hnd better Hiwed tin .. isi t . . jour buying now, while you can S ; aSd SSXni,unAf p U than you will have to pay for ffidTE& nf f?r months. Facts lire facts, and if you do not buv xn, n X now. nt once, you should not kick or SmbfeX.1 S Kootls orPrices that you Mill hat a to tSkc In cr mx Ono dollnr spent now will mean t o dollars in n short tlmn v ?. might any that you will run the rfiE sS if vol. S in chance nt it, do not kick or grovsl a&ut the wmlj? & for prices arc up and v, 11 K up some more. Alark this dou n in your daybook, get wise and sae money while you Van We have lota of good merchandise that was Thought i, . prices were down and if you buy here now ?ou Smaki " big saving on each article. We hao cood linn nf , Clothing. Hate, Hose, Shirts and a fcH nek nnu Sfc coats, Flannel Shirts, Underwear olerslS Chil,te Overcoats, Sweaters, Knitted Sets, WmrStetoCM ; Ulankcts, Wool Dress Goods, Silks, 0 ini Flannels i ?u lins Ginghams Cotton Ilnlte. Touels, ffle LllcnJ Shirt waists and notions of all kinds. Taice our ad ic" and do jour buying early in the season, while merchandise and right kind of merchandise. Wasatch Stores Company Stores at Sunnysldc, Winter Quarters. Clear Crock and Castle Gate, Utah. CALENDARS k iiwi: Di umuM.v tin: n. irr mm-: or AUT CAIiHMMHK i:i:it i:iiiiiiti:i uritiuitot-rs ouim its tki:n I (IK THIS ILU AM) M'.MiniH AM) luip. I.irr us snow tiii:m to toil, ovint A IIUM)lti:i) AM) I IITV HMII.ILS to nioosi: i iiom. tiii: pick i.s am: iiioiit. THESUN nun; irrui DOUBLE STANDARD OIL AND GAS COMPANY. Capital Stock $100,000; full paid and nonassessable. One hundred dollars invested in oil has paid forty thous and dollars and it may do so here. Wages never mnde a man rich, but n email investment has. Twenty dollars buys two hundred shnres; fifty dollars buys five hundred shnres; one hundred dollars buys n thous and shares If desired, send two cento a shnre cash and two ccnt3 per share each month. Fho per cent discount for all cash. Figure what it means if it advances to $1.00 or $10.00 as others havcdonc. Our holdings arc in Wyoming, Oklahoma, Kansas, Ken tucky, Colorado and Texas, where wells produce as high aa ten thousand barrels daily. Ono ono hundred barrel well will pay $72,000,000 a year, which would enable us to pay 4 per cent a month dividends on stock issued, as 50 per cent of I net profits are to be paid in dividends to stockholders. We nro selling stock to Incrcaso holdings, drill wells and pay dividends. Buy now before it advances. W. F. REYNOLDS, Secretary. General Offices 830 Seventeenth St.,Hoston Bldg., Den ver, Colo. phone Maln ,mJ Salesmen wanted. Send for free oil map and literature. I I'm the Man That Mends I Yonr Breaks i ij; Thore's only ono break that I 5 won't undortnko to mend Unt 5 In tho moral break." I menu " I" all other C S When that tool break bring K 5 It to mo. When port becoma J 3j worn, bring them to mo. In- 3J K vcternto fixer of thing broken C J ROBINSON'S Kr.PAlB SHOP The Sun for good job printing. IGHANGE OF TIME , Denver (inil Rio Grande KfftctUi' ut onrr truln leave Prim OH follow No i f'lr flrand Junction and Denver 1 50 j m. Nn S for drawl Jiinitlon ami Denver .. . 9 It ji in No 138 fpr Humol(lu .9 00 pm No I for Hull I.ako and Og- den , , 7-B "' No 3 for Halt I.ake and Og- den .4:86 p. m. No. U for Helper 3 46 p m. HOG CHOLERA OVER UT FEdN IS SERIOUS sh i:ty am: mzAit and may MOHK AVKi:TI I). Pioneer of Orange lllc nnd Itrlilcul of ( It u land Paw to Tlirlr ItcvvnnU "Pui-win" Mmpkln to Mnkt Com Imlgii for War Having HtnniM Komi Pirxuiul mid Olliir Mention OA8TI.K lAI.K Jan 28 Ur It W tloggan nnd l)r It A Mead, ran neeted ultli the slnto live stock hoard, vaccinated MuenU-om hog In nnd mar l-Vrron In n Mull made thorn till ttrrk The) found mxcttt) hOK hnd illo l from i holrrn nnd a Inruo immlier of othir vttrn uffwted with tho din-IBM- At u mam mretlnK lileh fol louid tlu viirilnatlon l)r Mmd spoko on Iiiir cholirn control nnd L)r Hot: can talked on rontnuloin nnd InfM- tlltllK lllMa14. IaiH Haturdax mornltiK another of OrntiKPXlllr a plum urn, (tinirKo I'ottir. pnnrtd Mnirfiill umi) to attain hi nuard for tho faithful and iimful 1 1 fi ll c had livid on thin nirlh To nurt and know nmh men an In- va to hon or nnd lnn tin m and thin tin pcoplp of OrunxoxllU proed lut Hundn) at hi flint ral crlcp. whi n i xprrnxloiM nf lot and klniliifiw nnd heautlful floral iilfetltiK er man) Thi ' npciikirx wiro Kldirn Joi ph Had field, IMwIn M ("ox nnd Itotxrl John on men who art- not nrriiMtnmcd to nddrenN tho puhtli, hut nro nan ho a) much In a few word. Tiny had known deraed alt their lltra and all pflkc Imprrwlxpl) of the nolilo na ture of the man nnd the many kind and daring dud h had performed while hdpltiK, with other of our older plnneir, to make Oil part of the world plrnmwit for thoht who hae fol lowed to llo In lllahop II M Held alo poko of him a hn mlKht of many other that the dctaed had neer hnd the opportunlt) of nn tdutatlun, hut that he wa Jut like an tinpollah ed diamond, and wt wondir lioiv many Jiint uch olhir unpollnhid dlamonil we hui In our niUUtT The funeral In Id nt HunllnKlon Thurrday for Clint Hlurman whn will attend) d, the lioune belllK Will filled Thepnkir wen J, W Mxnn, I) II I-oimrd and TIioiukh llardie The) alt made iholee of tin lnl word to till of the Koodue nf the oiiiik man The choir Ming eome aiproirlati ehtlou nnd Mr llannali linmril rndirid 'I Know That M Urdu m r l.lvix" I'nttlareh I'ttir Johnon aktd the IiimhiiiIoii and Kldir Hamiii I Itowhy olfrrtd the hint diction Itulou llardee, om of lluntlnKton'H oldlrr Ihi), koI n forloUKh nnd took n run homt for a few da thin wiek Tin) lit Id it nlto riuptlon on l'rlilay Inut for him. The )ouiik man I fill ing fine nnd how that Untie Hum U rarlnir for hi l all right The mo ther hn felt at time a IIiourIi the ho) wn direllnK hi r win n he wrote and wild ho wa fi clinic rim , hut Mm will thant.ii her mind now that he ha hi in him He hn othrrwUo Im proved it will He will rtport In Kan I'ranrlMo tho iiirl) part of I'lhruar) Etlnnrd O (Jinrj, tlialrman nf the war tamp tummlltu, had it enll from the MniriHir to inert him In Halt Ijike rit lut Huturda) He n tumid Tin, da) txtnliiK nnd n port two feet of hiiow iipntati HuntlnktonV new town I nurd ha rireUrd two or thno application for u pool hall limine, and railed u cltl (inn' mirtliiR flunda) enlnif to liarn the limpir of tho people on the uh Jict. Tho latttr ald "No, wo don't want n pool hall" Ho tho quoxtlon I takin tarn of for the prewnt MInh .Nniu) Ijiixih I'aamm. MIm Nancy Iwirnon died at Cleve land lam wiek after a llniterlnK lllne of m viral )oar Thoiw who think of her a n girl remember tur a belnc vcr) bright and ha took an attlvo part In nodal actlvltlr until eltd with tho lllneiut which left her an In valid Hhi) hut brtn tenderly cared for lnce by her nged nrenU. He ldi her parent, rha leave Alma and nihop J, J. Ijirwiii of Cleveland, and Mr. J, T. Johnnon and Mr. Jed Ho blc if Price, brother and alutera, all of whom weru In attendance at the funeral which wa held Hunday. An other brother, I I. I.uron of Bait l,kn Clt). wa not nblo to tome on account of nlrkncwi. Call wilt likely bo made noon for all or a portion of thoe men In the coun ty who havn been plated In Clans 1 under the now working of tho olec live military wrvlce law to appoar for examination Tho only thing that I holding back jiuth an order I tho fact that tho naming of a new phjntclun to tako the placo of !)r, C, T. Ho ha not been acted upon unlea within tho lam day or two. A oon n the board Ih again complete thn call fur ph) vital examination will bo mudt The work of clatutKylng I lining done by thn two member of tho board, O, W, Slttcrud and N. U William. The war Having rommlltio hu made nrrangemnnta for Itev. I. A. Hlmpkln, well knovn and able 'Ion Bpcukir, to pa) a visit to Kmery coun ty In tho Intermit of thrift und war aavlng Ntnmp, and It had heun ox lietted that hu would be utile to porno Monda) and TucKday of next weok, but word wa rirelved at thu last mo mint that ht would he unable to be hirt until n n Itlntrarj I announcid Tutida ut Orangovlllo u part) Km glvi n for Ulbert Cox, who hu now lift n a voluntiir In tho uvlatlon torpn Ho Iuh benn Uaohlng In tho dltrlit choo), but guvo It up to Join the arm) In deftnso of humanity and right. Ho Hxpreed hi Intention to go thu "Wall, folk, 1 cannot gtny behind any longer, My country hat called and I munt go and Join the reat of my old playmate who have gone We mut fight for Undo Sam" All i i.i ' who know him nro ra'tWIfd ho I Just the kind of a man t nde Sam will ap predate, for the pure Amerlian fllood I In hi vein and he will atand by the flag with the ret of our boyn for they have all gono to win thl war and with their countrymen' support they will urcly bring honor nnd victory to ut all Orangevllln ptoplo surcl) had n treat last Sunda) lhtenlng to one of Huntington returned mlMlonnrlm, Elder I'eter K Johnnon, who tertaln I) did tredlt to hlmnclf it well a hi church and people In hi addren to nearl) ever) one In town, for the meet ing Iiourp wu pneked and cver)one wn glad they had an opportunlt) to hear hint and certainly enJo)cd tver) word w tilth ho utturcd The Ijtdle Aid otlt tint) m tde n uccea of thrlr ball and program Wednida) evening at Ornngevllle Tho driiirntl jn nnd program twrtonk of the iMttrlotle aplrlt ami all enJoeil thcmnelven nnd hail n real good time Ml ltlnnrlie (trnnge ha returned to Ornngevllle from Itnln. where lu ha leen vinltlng her alntir Mr Ifctve Tuttli who hn been nirltiunl) III lil I now recovirlng ulcel) A rou ml the Count). IMwnrd Cox. fnim the reservation Is hIowI) rei-ovirlng nt Oratigevllle from mi iiierntlnn whlih ho under went nt 1'rleo for iippendleltl. The opiriitlon wa performed eome time ago, but ho I Kitting along fine ton. ldcrlng the trloune of hi condi tion, and will eoon recover now fur the Mtork hn brought to hi homo a fine bah) Ihi) nnd both mother and babe are vcr) anxlou tu havi him hnini Mr. Ham Ml lea wn brought hnm to Ornngevllli from Htnudardvllle In i very III Mute ome time ago, but ha recovered ufflrlintl) to return Ml Cora Hlttrrud went with her and will visit with In r nlt. r. Mr (leorgr Young Mln Jennie Crawford or Orange vlllc ha gone for a pliaure trip in Kenltworth, win re she nnd Ml lone Vox ixput to mjo) theniMlveM mid have u rial good time Chvclaiid ha u gnat dial of elik mux among old und )oung Mln (Had) William I uffrrlng with n rami of pneumonia u I alnn the little dnughtir or Mr and Mr Clan me Ovtmiii Mr. Jam l.ltntir ha gone from Cleveland to Kmllworth, whin hr will rmlve miillenl trentmitit Milton Cowli) left Cleveland hint week for the service of Undo Ham hi brolhi r, (lien, having gono some time ngo It I n porti d that I'cti r Nelwt nephiw of the lain Alex MeKlgglu and well known nt Cleveland and who wn it n training station In Canada a nn nvlator, ha bun killed b) n mnihlu falling with him Hall Ttiini Jubilant. Wiping ui the public wiunre with Carbon county high school basketball tiam (In efflg)) )ttirday afternoon, tho nctiuil cli lining" of the hourt to goodm pla)er wa almost ua kll lull) done nt the opining lingue gumo with that team on tho aiitdun) floor Inst night, nnd It look llkn the local team will be a sure winner of thn dis trict championship for tho miisoii. Thn final roorn wu Ihlrty-nino to Iwi nty rlght In favor of tho modem), but thn plain flguriN lire hardly Indicative of the excellent pla)lng done b) the home pla)rr. na the) made twice the nutn bir of flild basket thut tho visitor wrro able to negotiate, llmir) Htake ncadi my getting fourteen field hn kit while Cnrhou hoopid but hoViii Tho balance of the point on both sldi wire obtalni d by fne throw stcurid through fouling lloth team have room for Imprnvtmiut In tllm Inatlng fouling, but the game wa tu tlrel) free of villous playing and nn exit Hunt spirit sic mid to pnvull both among tho plajtr und the root tr Hath team did little more than 'mark time' fur tho opining mlnuti of tho game, but hi fore tho half wa finished thing wire llvily enough nnd the lot ul team wu nevtr again In nn) danger. Tho first hnlf tndtd fourteen to eh vt n In the academy's favor. Ml Timplo Petersen entertained a few friend with n blrthda) party nt her homo Wednesday, Kirn Harrison of Huntington, tem porarily making hi home at Cantlo (late, wa In Castle Dale Monday proving up on hi land J, K How ard and W. J. Htevenson, both nf Hun tington, accompnnlrd him a wit neitsen. Pergonal ami Otherwise. Mr, and Mr H It. Jowkr and Mr Jewki' op, llnndall Anderson, were down from Ktnrr Thursday looking after nomo artlalr which the) did not tako up with them when the) moved to the coal camp Young Anderson I Just recovering from a broken wrUt which he auatalned In cranking a car Ola Olscn wa reported seriously III the first of the week, Mr. Kiel Jorgemen ha been on tho sick list tho past two weeks County Agricultural Agent Orson Madsen and family lire spending n week or two In Iogan Mis Ueth Crawford entertained it few llttlo girl friend nt her homo last Monday afternoon, the occasion being her birthday, Mr, nnd Mr Alma Andenun of Castle Data have buun visiting In Ha lloa since Christina The) havn bien gm st of Mr Anderson' mnthir, Mr. M C Andreiuon Alvlna Tnrgcrnoii of Kmer) nnd Klliaboth ThnmaH nf Wall sutured a llcensu to weil at the clerk' office Inst Wednesday. Ito)nl Chrlstensau wa host to a part) of friend Wediiesda) night at an oyster supper given In honor of Andy Mnoro, who returned Thursday to Hallna, from which plate ho ox pot ted to liavo Immedlatol) for nn arm) onmp Tho llttlo son of Mr und Mr Par le) Allrud, who ha hi en sick for some time, I still In u ver) orltiinl condition ut Cleveland Mr and Mr Thomas Davis nf Cleveland arc unttrtnlnlng a now girl All concerned urc doing nice)). Under tho new food regulation Swls pooplo are allowed only ono-1 fifth of a pound or butter per person I per month. ' SAN JUAN COUNTY SANDS TO BE TESTED ion mh pimtiixm: thu iioii. INSON PVTIJNT. PlniiH Now Maturing Tor Working In StiuthcnMrni Utah On n (llgautli vale Practlial Knimlcilgv) (lalneil In Mi tnl Mining ppllcil to Oil Pro iliu tloli llentrlplloii uf the Pi-imi. M Itoblnson, mention of whom wu tnrtili In last wink Hun a being In I'rlee liHiklng up oil saihIn lueitll) for uhlili he had Invented n trout mint, ha illspiweit of the right of hi lirmem (or tltith to W II Child and several eapltallst nt Halt l.nke Clt), who are to soon put H n plant down In Han Juan count) In fait. It wa Hu !. now unnoouceit that took ltoblnon to Ion week bi fore Inst mi hurrledl) from Price I eforo he had time to look up an) proper!) here He ft rrlng to the Hoblnson protrn of taking the nil from oil Minis nn nil thorllt on suih matter wt) that for mini) )er the prlmlple of tlentruc llvi dlntlllatlon hn been employed In the extrni Hon of oil from shale In Hiotlatiil, and the mine principle hn bun imphoed b) all Amirlrtui In vintor In experiment conducted with it view tu ixtrantlng oil from tho vast dt ponlt of nliali- In Utah, Colorado and iiltnr ntnto In tin Western conn tr) Comparatively nccntly mam moth reefs or oil mind have been dl coven d In tin Kan Itnfael coiintr) and In the Uintah Itiielii nnd tho same uiulpment ha hean used In experi mental list made In nn i f fort to take the II from the saturated sand To n u Main txtent the oxpt rlmcnt have tuil with suit m, but It wa admitted that di strut live distillation In the east of the saturated sands did not )ltld the nsull desired I'riKVHo Mim hlmple. Hoblnson appear to have solvit! tin problem b) niil)lng some of the knowltdge gal mil In mining Instead of dtntruetlve dlntlllatlon he hn de villi d hi nttenllou to ixtrnctlng nil from the miturnlid sand b) it leach ing or washing p roc in, slmplo In the extntui In so fur a prlmlple I ton 1 1 rind, the big secret lit lug thu form ula of the lenthlng or washing solu tion which I prntirttd b) patent Tlu mined oil satunitul sand I first crushed to tin desired ' mish ' Prom tin trunhir It I michanlrnll) di liv en d to u hopptr bin Prom the hop tier th sand Is conveyed met hunli ally throiigh ii Mln I trough or ollndir to which Just nough hint I nppllul to warm tin sand In trnnslt from the hopptr to the enclosed tank In which the separating pnices I carried on Thl tank I di signed to treat and hold nt one opi rutlon five ton of oil sand and the twenty gallon of solu tion that I michanUnll) fid to the t (largo. The tank nnd thn charge are kept warm through the application of steam In colls Aptrturr arc then closul, the tuiitrlfugnl agitator I set In motion nnd the charge I atlrred for a period of about ten inlnutt. In that liugth of time the oil hn bien "wnshi'd' from thn wind and agita tion (last. Saml I 'Hun Washed. Afttr n few minute tho relcmutl sand si tile tu tho bottom of tho tank nnd the nil, still tarrying In suspen sion it large proportion of the separ ating solution, I drawn off und ill rhargtd Into another tank. The agi tator I thin started uxiiln, only that the Id jilt wbli h had bun constantly lifting and tumbling the sand In the solution, are now turning In tho op posite direction so ua to tone the mind down the Inclined bottom of the tank through a gate ut the bottom of the Incline Prom hero tho sand am tonveyed Into unother tank for final cleaning. Just sufflclmt hint I ap plied to thu tank containing tho oil and also the tank containing thn sand from which tho oil ha been removed to vaporlte the solution, which I carried off and condensed for further use. Tho solution, which In tho pro rem will have lost lean than I per cent or It volume, I then brought up to the required 'strength" and I again ready for tho treatment of another charge. Tho cleaned sand, from which the oil ha been released and recover ed. Is then sent over the dump. Thn oil recovered through thU pro res I thn crude petroleum, exactly aa It would be If tho oil wa secured from a well that had been drilled Into the same sand stratum. The product recovered from the Han Itafael sand thu treated In experiment yielded approximately two barrel to the ton or sand treated. A five-ton thargo can bo crushed, treated and the volu tion recovered within a period of for ty minutes, nnd It therefore I appar ent that a five-ton unit will handlo flft) ton or moro a day, with lot of time to spare, and )leld a hundred barrel of oil per day. Time I the Pt attire. Hostile tho simplicity of tho pro cess and tho lnexpunlvenea of the plant, u big and Impnrtnnt feature I the rapidity with which the sunds may liu treated. Text mado on Utah sand during the past two week Indicate that the actual treatment, exclusive of tho i rushing of the crude sand nnd tho drying or the w unlit d sand, may bu uctompllshid In ten minute or leu and the yield I from two to four time uk great aa that obtained by tho de structive distillation Hoblnson admit that thu prorcsa a developed to date I not adapted to tho treatment of oil shah However, hu ha conducted tost on shale with a modification or tho purees and ha obtained result which lead him to bclluvo that event ually he may bo ablo to treat shales by a method moro satisfactory and economical than by processes based on the principle or destructive distil lation. With liberal allowance- for Mining, PAGE SEVEN H n " LH Cottage Hotel I Ij Under New Management of ' 1 I J. T.JOHNSON I ',' Pren Automobllo Hervlce to nnd !" jH J. Prom Hotel For (Jurats I Wt J GOOD GLEAN BEDS .;! 1 50 and 75c H Automobile Hervlce Por the ', jBI 5 l'ublli Day nnd Night. Peed M S Yard nnd Stabling In Conner- H j tlon M 5 Phono 22M2 PIHCII, UTAH ',' GH CARBON II MERCANTILE" I COMPANY I WholcHulorB of mid H Retail Dcnlera In ALL SOFT DIUNKS I PAHLO B NIXKTO il SODA WATERS M GRAPEJUIGE II CIDERS TODACCOS H CIGARS H CIGARETTES nnd H SIMILAR MERCHANDISE IB DclivcricH Anywhere In IB Carbon County. jfl M. MILLARICH, H MnniiKcr III Retail Store, Miles IJIcIk.. H Price, Utah U DR. C. T. ROSE I I HOSPITAL I Mont Modern Kqulpinenl uud IH Ilest of OtMtratlng H Pac'lllllcje, JH Open to All Physician und jB Tin Ir Case. iH Nurse Huppllvd H PHICIC, UTAH 11 crushing nnd tost or the winelilng o- IH liitlun, the Invtnlor istlmati that M crude n troll urn tnft) be priHluiiHl 11 from saturated oil siind and tnnkevl H read) for IntnsmlMlon through pipe H llnis, at n tost not exceullng m verity IH five ci nt n barn I, while the expirta 11 tlon I that the Hand will Ihi Irmtcil WM ut u cost of u dollar or lew u ton sl HxiartiiMiiti Hxttiinhf H Pur some time past Indlvlduuls und IH companlra tiintrolllng deposit of sat IH urati d oil nanil In Utah, u well aa IH those who ontrol deposit of nil shale jH In the Intrrmnuntuhi nglon have Ihoii IH Investigating prtMism. inndui.tlnK H test and doing nvirythlng possible to H iletirmlne tho tnutment which would IH yield tho oi st result In it fommrrclal IH way. Considerable htudwny ha been IH made and the oil shale Inttrtst leave IH announced that they are nndy to H go" Hut until Hoblnson upixinriil it H row day ago oil sand Intrrutla wen. jH ronildtrably at aeu, Tho new proceas, IH It U believed by thu Inventor and hi H ansoclatc, will maku poeslblo th IH production of rruda petroleum from fH vast oil aand deposit In the Han IU- lH fael nglon and the Uintah Ilaaln on it IH U-ul which will iHvrmll competition IH with the well of any or thu Held of jH the country. H Already Uie W. II. Child crowd has M announced that It ha procured the JH right to use thn procewt In connection H with the development of It holding H In the Han ltafsel, and during the next B fow month, or an oo iu mutnrlal HH can be obtained, that It expect to In- IH tall it commercial unit and begin the H extraction of oil from sand. H IIl'HP-iU OP MINR8 AeTTIVj: M IV UTAH OII IIK'IUXIPMHVI1 Bk Tim United Statea bureau of mine, H which conduct an experiment aution H In Halt I.ako city In co-operation with IH tho University of Utah, In recelvlmr &H many rmucaU from all purt or the H Intermountaln country for test of oil H whales. For tho beniflt or thoso who H du not undarstaud the purpose for H which tho bureau of mlnea wua ore H uted, tho Utah station ha announced H that It I not uuthorlzod to make an IH alyea or assay for tho solo benefit jH or private purtles, IU function being H rather to Investigate problem of gen jH eral Interest und Importancu tu the H mining Industry, und to publish tht H results or thcHO Investltfitlons fur the JH benefit of thu Industry and tho general H public JM On account of tho growing lntor t H In thn oil shalu Industry, and with the jH view to assisting proBpeetorn, and oth H oi a much ua possible, t tho bureau H ha i adopted the policy of pennlttlng H the Utah station to roako a auperfl- H (Continued on pare elfht) H