918 I iH -i I . jB I ALL OF THEH SUCCEED " : tJ- ' H VI I f rS"r Xf -n T;- - r0U DVERY G00D CAUSE Ml " I ufC the right, kind of advertising xd I cfiSfivHJtTfl'&lfJiHCkZSdk. T1,c B"n '" tno 1"cal co operator H I'aja In direct return I'avn. (11 II I j&Clf ElfctakBll8S? V . .. jy H column nre open to every pood H "r .? i J. vnur .t nJ '?" (IK I I ?lt l(ITi'WsSlRS Wv M S. tlm w"' It flKht. for tho rlKht-dl.- Iti W.u Incrcaao. your atandlng In 111 l I "1l 2 ljL?lfcwi3'aR JiClfiV ill III ll ill dnln the wrong It aeek to bo the Iffl ht ,!, community, nnd becoumt people VvX J I III lPSJJj??gWBJM vgl II II I lurch of progrca for Faatcrn Utah MM - .iw ta do bualneaa with tho man or NSfcrd? H 'r')jfTyT'PrflmV JJLklljt JM 11L N"1 onl ,n lho cnM ,ot ,,ul," ,nror ' Id nd Z Urn. that doc. not hcaltalo to tell TK' " J if "fc T mnllon but In trado Inforjnnllon The K l M" . . ... hni.iTKiAt.iiv ti r i t-n t r n t v Hn aland auprt mc No reader net he M, cr It mialncaa And, nrtcr nil lOI.ITIOAMlV 11KIHBUOAM f1 niu ou J,f Tho un 1nlrM h(J or M He that w"Bl nclvertlalng I. Tho Hun Lntered n. , i i ..... . . .... ......... ,. .. . . .... "n cure fullj aerutlnlie tho ndver- iMfl ..rnti lho home and bring re.uli, C'"M M'U"' Juno 4' "16' nt tho I,oi,0"'co " Vti ''. I'-V" " Act of March 3, 1170 th.cin.ut In each Imuo They are IH wl VOLl'.MK T MTMItvn n, rnr... r algnioi-H which tell where lo bu nnd . ' . l Jlt"' WUMllfcR .17 EVERY FRIDAY I'EDRUARY 8, 19175 ir timo nnd mone fHj 1 AMERICAN TRANSPORT IS SUNK i OFF THE IRISH COAST TUESDAY a Estimates of Those Perishing Run From a1 Hundred and One to Two Hun "" ' . dred and Ten Men. MtHt LONDON, Teh 7. Tho lo. of life cm Oil Tiinnmu I now ithunlccl nl oul) ono liunclml unci one. ,l ono iniIiii ihorv nrr live hundred liri)-rlvc' 7TT" .trnUoir, eight of whom nrv In n Im-pltul i another olnt ihrru arc thlr. Jr iwn hundrwl nml fifty aunlvnra, eighty or them In hcxplubc A numtirr of ... '" ortlvora, Including the M-cond oltlii r or llic TuMAiiln, rn landed In n Scot- I ft IWi iort. Tlio mujorll) of lho iiiIuIiir crv immlierM of lho crr. THE NKW OllK. tVh DlnpaliheN Pi irom IaiihIoii today Indicated lho told UK) namb.r of men and olflceii of the oKr t'nltcd Htntcic arm) lout or nillnf mi thr TiiKCiinltt on a hundred and fort) rive -forty-thnu officer nnd a huu CHE died and twe men. Thrjp fluuriM leu -howed the total office rn on board a ear hundred nnd nineteen, the total mc u e R nn two thounanO- and thlrtii n Tolul offleern nacd atntalx and the total men wcd tin nineteen him 'H dird and thlrt)fle rn In addition, tho United l'riw. dl n,l' twitch leported amonK the wted aU clrrti irlii uhlpa' officer, one hundred and anr twenlt-flvo crew, thrco paMH.nRii nd tlilrtr-two iindtKlfinatnd, makiiiK . . . i irrand total of nit aad of two thou- f rtn' Uhtiwn The aame fluuren J. ' trn uf which nlxtflW! mi rn daMlflul iIHj " nut helonnInK lo the ITnlled Slat ClfJr um rlc WAHUIMITO.V, l . 1'ib 7- nnaii) a aubacn attack on the Iran h,tt Tuacanla hua netted u probabl IV tell ef n hundred and forty.flw Unl. ISO Ird Hlatcn oflkera and aoldlera and and, lit flvft othera. According to ofll fit I uinl unofflclul reporta complbnl , at t-eri lho total ntliclnit Ix tn hundred loil lid ten with Iwenty-une hun Irwl anil Iris) hi m en ruvrd tiU Tin ahock of tho tragedy left It Ira mirk on ofllclnl WanhlliKton todut rch Hr rctar of War llakcr Iwued u not 'atetiunt lo comfort "lliorc wliot ub, hi und brother hue I ecu bled lu th nation m heroic dead " KlMJONDKItllY, Ire, IVb 7 ' m aubmarlni which lorpoeliHHl lh " Ti aula Mich nttuokecl b) u demtrer w Amcrlc nn office r K an Intlnm- t,ur i i that the inibiiiurliH waa cle- Hk r ltj " The Tuacnnlo, wurneel l iilKahr ll ncI thut hud apotied tliej iiril . aa in thn nit o'f turning !'' '" nur rii.tr.lt Mtiuek chclired nn e wltniM if t lu tin f WAHIIIMITON, I) C. I'cb 1 lw Hi1- c mard liner Tuacaulu, citroliiK twen h I one hundred and ncvinO'iilnei Am o" rnuii aoldlcra, hua leien lorpcdrntl ' nd mink off lho Irlah conat, but of- llJ i ml reporta Into liut tilK.it K.ild nine f en hundred und twelve of lho f(l T rx und men had been ucd, und III Hated Hint tho lll or ruacuiel iiiIkIiI rui cen larger Tho Iroop. com ,iwil thhfl of elotaihineiiU or Ml- "' IiIkuii und W iKcoimln nutlou il (.uunlK- le n ii were truvcllnR on tho TuacunU i lllltlah icaael, under conei of Ihl n r fit xtulahlpa A brief elUpatch lo rk ill, Wur department from Umdun k arl thla e cuius announced the dla. Iih te r and rt ported the landing or onl tl ticvtu huudrc-d NunUuro. ThU wu n made- public ahortly utter 10 oclotk. n ud for more than two hour It wa nJ mrd that probabl) fourteen liuu- l 'red min Including member of tho Id line r n-owp hud gone down .friHrvlionc Aro 1 undel In When u mcMOBO tumo lu thu tul 1,1 I purtnicitt from lho tmbaw) at Hon f don Haying ut tl o.dock tonight nine- 'n hundred und twclvo of lho Am- rlcana hail b.cn ueeountfd for, tho id ji or gfflrlula plni'iat awept awn) the n lutraia 'occoalonod b) thu curllur nma, The(lrt clee)ii hundred aur- i' Hura wre landed ut Inic und Hun ruuu two widely neparated Irhh on, and Ihl rouphcl with Hie cil-. nit fact that rokouu ahlp were ut' - hand iiulukl) gui rlae to hoie thai ' crly teryliody on loard tho Tua " iinla ixc opt IhoHci Injured b lho il ( iohIhii might hao hn aod Prealdent Wllaon. Hitretur) HitKii mil in fait ull ofriclal Vaahlngtoii I ere up lalo waiting for rurlher now nly the brlercat dUpatcheH wero re- l.ed und liono imo eh tall or the itinck on. tlits Uiiar liven th time m mlaalng but It wa naaiinitd that i occurred ourl) thla morning, uh th lat mottaage waa rilod In Umdoii l o clock till afternoon piobald) ithln un hour after tin relhr ahlim 'rachid the Irlah coaut Cull loe Km la htnl Crenidtut Wllaon waa at th thtuUi I whtjn tin iiiwh waa received and hi I waa not told unlll In riV"1'' t0 M" WJilte ilouai In tho meantime- the ar, nu unci atalo deultmuiiU hud J 'HI urgent intiMiuBiH by wlrolia jintl ublo Inatruotliig Ihelr npruaciitutlvt hi I'nguind nnd Inland to fin ward tvciy avullublo fuit Immcdlalil) Herauio or the naturo of Ihc mill lury urganlxutlona tarried by tho alilP, ib war dipurlmont annoumed that r -" "j y II would be Impoaalble to my clef In llily what troop were aboard until the Hit ot aurvlvur waa received Li ter however, the adjutant general a office made the Hat put.lt It fol low llcniliUarlcr-i elelachnient nnd lout-Ninlc-i l, i: and I' of lhe Iwentlelh t iiRiucro (loo llundnil and hevtutltlli en Klnee r train One Hundred und Nicntli Ihigluetr train One llitiidmt and Kcintli military M)lllV One llundntl and Seventh xuppl) I rnln One lliinilreillli niro Miuadroti One lliiudnil ami I lfl).l JkIiIIi nerei Mliiudron I Two llonilriil und Ttilrietutli aero 'iuiidron I He placi meiit Helac him ul Ni. I 'mill 1 of Ihu Thlrty.Kevoiiil ellvMoii 1 1(1) one c-n-.iinl olfliin.. The Mnti-i ltitin-cntitl The Thirl) -Second dlvlalon la com H,Mil i.r national guard troop from MlihlK.iu and WUeoli.ln Tin dlvl--Ion iraliud at Camp Me Arthur, Tti Tin Out Hundred and Hivetilli in glneir waa ioniMmsl i f the flrl Imt lulloii or .Mlahlgau ciikIikht. the Oiu llnnilr.il and Reventh mllltar) polle. waa miidt up from tho fourth nnd ltli Mmuii-Iii Infantr) und the Om lluiidreel and rUvnith auppl) train front the font Ih filth and aixth Nl eiHlti.lni.eutr) Thua naarl) ull tin atldleraurt for mer Wr-eonalu and Michigan guard men except Hiom In the aero Mimed ron who predmbl) were rttrulttil ft.ini all htrl-or Un touutr) ( rcvv'H lute InUimitii .Nelthtir lh tllaimteh lo the war d IKtrtmtnt nor tit il to Hit alule ih imrlinelil. reUrreil to the rale tr tin mciiul era ir Hie Tuaeunla'a crew I'll, iluiihtmll) many or them were aaved mil when ull luporla aro In orflelal Inpo that the bt of lire Will le re inarknbl) amall Tin liner vvhleh U nut a ngulur lrani on, waa undi r couvo) and lho warahlp njipiirenll) Were iiultkl) alongside lor reat.ii' work win it Hie turpi tin lruk The HraMitw waa given hero lu Jhla lur innuuncH.1111 nl from Ihu war thpurt menl . . . The war department ha I em of flelull) tidvUcd that lho atcamahlp TiiM.inli waa mrptdied und mink and thut aurvlvora numbtrlng ilttven hun elnd, ua far aa could bo aaetrtulned, wero linded nt Huncrana and Ijtrno In Ireland ,Thcjro waa a total of tw i nt) .om hundred und xeiVunO-liInn Lnltid Htat.-a iroopa on thla eaa.l No tmnie or poron lol hua been re ported to the war department und no name or aurvlvora waa reported AU dltloual partloulai nrct iromlaul aa aonii u rm Wed Prompt tnro lor Iti-Miitil Tin alute depaitminta dlapiilih fcuvo tin numUr or aoldlera on board ua tweiiD-oiu hundred and aevint) three alx lea than thn war dipart mant itiKirl It tnlu 'if l''all prompl I) mad' rr lining for Ih. aurvlvora lho atali dipartmint lt 'I thla atutemelit ... The laleal iidvlcc ntilveil h lho l.tute th iwrtmoiit from the omlaiaay ui Condon regarding tha Tuaonula I that at II m I ik I'cbruar) Cth the luteal , luruiintiloii waa thut nliielMin hun.1 dretl anil twelve offlecr and men on ihi iiiaianlu win aitounted Mr, out ,r tw ut) out hundred and aevciity "tIi iiinbnaaaclor hit aunt an tia .Utaut mllltar) atlatho and unolhot arm) offleer to Utlfuat Heprc-untu "iV.a or Ihc American lied Croaa and iiiug Mi n a I'hrlallan aaaoelatlon nl w, have g me. with full powt i ttj apjind ..II tht uioni) needed and aiilhorlni. ll mi- rrom the llrltlah lied Croaa to iU! their wiuli.in.nt at llelfa.t Tho umlaiaaador rurtlur npoila that the , Ion) ma) or tr llihaat I giving till lh uld wlbi riit TntiU'lHirl laiKt. ihc "luaeanla waa the Hrat ahlp .urrjllig murleun troop to Kuropo t, lo aunk h (lormaii aubmarliiw, , but tho American transport Antlllua una torpedoed und aunk lu tho war ,0,0 while .oturnlnf to the. United matt from Krunoo and fourteen aol ,S,ra vvi" loat with n hundred nnd rift) l '',ur l,",on li-cludlnbT aev- AMI lttt'NH AHO Mill OTlll ll ISI I.S ITM4H TII(1IJ) LONDON, Feb 7 THe trana- port Tuacanla floated for acvcral nnum ufter alio wna torpedoed In Irlah vvntcra. It waa bnrned to- da) It waa atatcd that. 'Amcrl tana aboard other vcmxli wit- lieiwtd lho torpedoing" The fdtt that tho Tuacanla remained nfloat for a ronaldernl lo period after the attack la believed to ne 4 count for the largo number of Uvea aalpit - Tho rercrcilci lo Americana I 'aboard other eel vvltneaa- ! Ing ihu torpedoing might Indl- cnto that thn Tuacanla either waa 4 convo)cd b) Amcrliun vvarahlpa or waa ono or nn armada or tranaporta tarr)lng American troop. eral member or lho naval armed guard American warahlpa c-onvo) Ing iraua t mploy or aomo big Western railroad ortl to Franco taut Juno twlr fought off auhmarlno, atlarka Hlnco then however, thero ha been no report or an attack on a ahlp earning Ameri can troop to i.urupe Ilrtentl) tho navy department reared that the Her man would mako a Concerted effort lo Intercept tranaporta, the recall of mnny of lho aubmarlnea to tin Ir baaert being Intcrprelid a prcllmlnar) to audi a campaign The poaltlon or tho Tuacanla whun alio waa aunk I taken In Indicate that alio waa bound to Kngland Iter -.Inking definite I) dlactoce that llrlllah ahlpa are In lug uacd to curr) Ameri can Iroopa abroad, atipptrmintlng American transport tonnage Thla fact haa liren lutlmaled Uiforfl and probabl) urlnca rrom tho ilKlalou or thu aupremo war council lo inakn ever) effort to augnu nt (lent ml ISr ahlng a arm) during thu prtaiut )enr Nuv) official litem Inalated that itc unite thn moat tariful plana and ef- foria to aafrguunl tranaporta, there wua ulwii) a ehttiice that a troop ahlp would alumble upon n lurking 17-boat and tho gtiurnl btllif tonight wna llmt thla la what huppencd In llil 100 Tho aami rt gulatlona ua to llfo anvlng lepparntua govern tho inovt menl or Auurlinii Iroopa on iv llrltlah vtaael ua would govt rn tin Ir pnaaoge on mi American craft Thoao rrgutatlona, which nro rigid ly i nfurccd provide for mifflclont llfo bout and lift rufta eapaell) for uver) mnn aboard tho ahlp ivin If one. halt or the bout urn rendirnl uatlea through llu ll-tlng or the ahlp when alio la atrutk U.HPPERSOI OUT OF THE UNITED STATES M1 TKi: II Ml. KOMI .ton r. 1IHI NI.FHHD ItlvST A D, Vim latvv lli-algii From IIIbIioI OUIrr of tin lKnl Foil Company (o tatok Artec Hmrlllr)-t Iiitcrfat-I nnd I HiiexTCitetl lly Hlitni) J. .Ten Iclna, Who (-omen I nun Ho-toti Announcement wa madu at Halt Iekef City Tuoada) lait of two Impor tant changen In tho ataff or tho United Hlntea Fuel company C W Van latw lor Hoaton, Maaa. prealdent or the cor poration haa rcalgnod to give hi nt. Itenllnn to Important actlvltlca In lc half or thn parent corporation, tho United Htatca Hmcltlng. Itcflnlng and Mining enmpan), and Rhine) J. Jen nlnga, aUo or lloiton, haa been elect ed to miccccd him The) accond rcalc nation la that of A II Apperaou, for tho paat two )cara flrat Vlco prealdent nnd general manager Apperaou left the city the aame da) for Denver, Colo He did not announce hi plan In detail before leaving, but It lu-tin-doratood that he wna called to the Colorado capital for a conference with K. L. Jlrowu and A 11 Haldvvln, re ceiver of the; Denver nnd Itlo flrando and Wcatcrn I'aclllo Appcraon aald ho expiated lo lake a real of alx month' duration, after which ho would probabl) enter tho empln) of aomo big We atom railroad In vlow of tho fact, however, that Ap pvraoii. wua In lho uirtplu) or tho Den ver und lllo Ornndo for man) )car mid probably know tho lino better than mi) othi r ono man, It would not aurprlan hla friend If hi la named fur aomo Important poat undi r lho re ceiver of Ihn two road Apperaoti wna aaalatant to Oeneral Mauugir Drown, when he rcelgnrd to accept Ihn poaltlon of general maiwgor of the luol compan) The taking over of Hie Utah rollwn). whleiywaa built by the United Stall a Hmcltlng Itcflnlng and Mining compun), und iiprratlni' ll ua mi Independent lino waa large!) Ihc reaull or Apperaou a Inalalcnce Caret r or Apiierron From lho Inception of hla connec tion with lho United Hlato Fuil com pany ho contended that It would Iw Jietler for nil lutoreata In terminate the leaao by which the Denvir and Itlo (Irando wa operating the tout road and tho lino waa taken over latn laat )ear, alnco vvh ch lime It hn belli opcrnled liidopvndentl) aa u coal carrier Tin line, whlrh cxtentda from I'ruvu to Mohrlund, I conald orud nne of the mint Important, from n fuel atnndpolnt, or mi) In the Uultiil Ktntea. Apperaou begun hla rnllroad career na a brnkomau on n W)iimlug loud more than it quurtir or u ecu- IS Tl FIFTH JMWBi TORPEDOED Tho Tuocania wna a Drltlsh paBsengcr nnd frciKht atcnmBhlp oi 14,:'48 toim Rrosu rcgiBtcr. She wna built nt Glnagow In 1914 nnd wna owned by tho Anchor line. Tho last report of tho Tua tnnia wna her arrival nt nn Atlantic jvort Jununry 17th, Inat. Tho lusennin during her dnya plying tho sea aa a paaacngcr liner .na ono of the beat equipped vessela In the trans-Atlantic service. She made her mnlden voynge in February, 191 C, nnd for a timo wna in tho service of tho British ndmiralty, but later wna restored to her owners for regular service. She 'vaa five hundred nnd Hlxty -seven feet long with u sixty ix foot beam nnd was equipped to carry twenty-fivo hundred paa tcngcrs in cnbin and atcerngc accommodationa. Tho nhip had twin pcrews nnd n apced of about eighteen knots an hour. On scvernl occnaiona since the war began she was tho object of torpedo attack, but managed to escape through hor spoed, assisted by defense guns. For some timo tho Tuscnnia haa been under charter to tho Cunnrd line and alio was tho fifth big vessel of tho Cunard com pany lost since the war began. Although prior to January 1st of tho present year there wero more than two hundred, thousand American troops in Trance, ac cording to tho statement made by Secretary of War Baker, tho lUHtnnia waa tho first transport to' be torpedoed on the voyago from an Americnn port to France. Several American transports, I how ever, have been torpedoed on tho return journey, after having debarked tioopa. When tho Tuscania was first put into aervico her appointments for first cabin pasacngera, of whom she could cnuy thieo hundred and fifty, wero Bumptuous. The paneling of her mnin loungo room waa in olive wood, inlnid with a line of ayca moi e. The floors were of polished oak. Veranda, cafe and gymnasium, smoking rooms, dining salona nnd a novel system of heating and ventilation wero features of the new liner. The first nnd second-clasa staterooma were situated on the bridge deck and shelter deck amidships and were largo in size nnd well furnished. It is probable, however, in view of the i exigencies of tho aituation that the ateamer had been stripped of most of her luxurious fittings in order to take as great a number of tioopa as possible on each voyage, Buncrana, nt which survivors from the Tustnnia were landed, is located on Lough Swilly, on tho northern coast of Ireland, twelve miles from Londonderry. Lough Swilly is a long, narrow bay run nlng in from tho Atlantic Ocean. Lome, where other survivors wero landed from the vessel, is on tho northeast coast of Ireland, twenty-three miles from Belfast. It ip a north channel port. The approximate distance by water between tho two ports is ono hun Idred miles. i turj ago and later went to the Dcti t -nl Itlo Orancle whore he filled many rcaponalble poat before ho flu nlly realgned to accept tho poaltlon with the United State Fuel company No announcement tin brcn made a to the probnl lo aucceanor lo Apperaou and It It Httile that no appointment will be made, or that u temporar) ap. pnlnttne nl may bo made to aufrlce, pending n declalon na to whether or not ho dcalrc lo return to tho furl roinHiii) thn alntement being made that hla realgnatlon waa accepted only nftec ho Inalated that It waa Impera tive) for him to take location for the bilietlt or hla health It lining tVimc-i Hen Hldne) J Jennlng. thn new preal dent of Ihu fuel compan), la nowr In Halt Ijikn fit) When at on b) Ion newapapcr men be anld that thero wna n tmrtleular algnlflennco to bo at laebid to the fact that Van Luw had realgmd lho prealdenc) nnd that he had been cleelcd to atiected hint Mr un Ijcw ' Jennlng aald, 'I ono or the vlc prealdent of thn United Htatcn Hmcltlng Itcflnlng and Mining company, or which I ntau nut a vice prealdent Homo Important matter have arlaen In Colorado and adjoin ing atale where tho company I oper ating and, na Van Law wa deemed beat fitted to carry on (ho work lo n aucrcaaful conclualon, he aaked lo 1)0 relieved of the prealdenc) of tho fuel compan) In order that ho might give hi eiitlrii4tltoiitlon to the bther dtitlwi leimlred or him ' Ji lining, who hn mado man) trip In Ulnh, aald that hi own vUlt to Ihn Plate at tbl lime waa almply for tho purpoau or cheeking up on general ne llvlllia und wa not algnlf leant ualdn from that tact In eonclualuii tho now I realdent paid n high tribute lo the work dono by Appiraou during hi connection with the company nnd added that tho eorponitlou would bo glad to have him bnck In Ita official futnll) ahould ho dialro to return THIRD UBHnUM SOON Keen tar) Mi doei Outline HI Finn let the Cotiutr). WASHINGTON. ) c k, , e Ihreo billion dollar will bo ralnd lu ndvnuio or lho third llbcrt) loan, which probably will bo launched lu A pill, by aalo or certificate:! of In debtednera under a plan looking lei )atcmulli In v rat men t by ever) bank In thcaet abort tarm aeeurltlea. A com parative aihorm for preparing the nn) for tho third touu, unnounicil to night I) Herniary McAduo, provide for lho laauance ef 1S00. 000,000 or mure or Ihiae rirllflcalc iver) two week. Kit til tho total run to 13,000,. 000 000 by the middle "f Munh Kv i r) national bank atale bunk und trout lompun) la uhkiel tu art aald each week about I per cent of It grout riaoiiiea for Investment In tin cerliriiute In telegram at nt out b) Mi Adou The flrat of tin K00.00O 000 certifi cate laaued tindir thla plan waa mi iiounetd tonight They will hour ' per cent the aame rutin u other re ooiit laauta will be elated IMiruury tth and will iiioturo Ma) tlh Hub aerlptlon hooka nro In cloao Fibruui Uth The eertlfkatca of Ihcau und other futuro hunt will bo received ovcntuull) In pa) men t of llbcrt) luuit receipt. The averetnry plan call virtual!) for llu loan by bank, big mid Utile of lho llino billion dollar uggregatu or iirtlflcuto laauttf beforu Ihn mil liberty loan eumpalgn aturta lly thl miana tbnt number would le guar anteed In the llbcrt? loun drlvv, mid lhe difference) between that aum und Ihc total of tho llberi) loan would havu lo cumo Inrkol) Irom Individual 1 rlvulv auhicrlbcr. Treuaury offlelal al believe that the financial condition of tho nation can bo judged cloud) b) the auocea met b) tho advuncu aalu or irrtiri ealea. About bulf of thu flrat liberty loun waa ralaed In advanie b) certifi cate aalua. mid nbout iwu-thlrda of Ihn m.coiid loan Ahead) f 400,000.000 worth or certi ficate of Indabtedntaa havo boun aold In nntlelpiUlou or tho third lian, and nbout $1,116,000,000 certificate are iiutataudlng to bo received In pa) men t of Intoino nnd execaa profit taxi b) next June IIP! ril()l!HNI CltI J OF KNDK OFi:V TO I'l'UCIIXhi: r i" It waa tlcM-ldud at laat Tuua- ilu) a Hunting of tho atutn board or lane, commlaaloiiur thut on nnd ictir March lit tin I otird will make m lection rrom United 4- Htatca bmda to the extent or fifty thouaund ueriat and permit cltl xun to fllo ugrecmunt tu pur- chune to that amount or ucruagu ir A limit or alx Jiuiulrvd und fort) acre a tu uny one peraiiu paoclu lion of pcraou or eorpomtlon I aet The prln of rive dolluia un am for tin lund wu fixed pi)- ubli lu ten annual Inatullmint pIum tweiiD-rivi tenia un ucre for coat No upplliutlmi will be roiialdvred until Mureh tat and with each a fee uf fill) cent 4- an aero la required on filing Till amount will bo rclumlcd In ncac Ih nppllcatlou l ileuilod Futltcl) new lino or euteuduia for 1818-9 Hundred and rift) HqmpliM lu aelutt from No ty , ullko Kutitern 1'rlcea Aak to are tin m Tin Hun TEACHERS ADVISED 1 TO REMAIN AT 1 WORK 1 (IOWANH DOIJHNT TMill K1NDI7V' SH TO HI-SHIN TIONH. lH AplHiil lu lho I'nlrlotlaiu or Tltlrly. flBjU One Who Wl.li In Throw Up Their H Jolt With lho CorlNin County Il. Hl tricl Hoi rlnltnilcnt, ltyuii look- HHl Ing 1 or Otliir lo Take Tin Ir Place H Carbon county teacher tu tho num- JHI btr of thirl) one havn laid their iron- WB1 ble before Dr I-! (1 (low an, atatn llBI auperlntendt nl of public Instruction, jMH aaklng honorable dlachargu and re JH lenac from fultllliiilnt of contract en- !H tcrcd Into with the local hoard The) Bl aak tint eonlraiM bo allowed to lapae H Februar) Stat VroTVUraon lt)au, jHI auprrlntendrnl, haa Tfppcalrd In thn WKs atatn ailperlntendenl tor a Hat or Hl name of thoao who havo applied Jo M tho alato auporlnlendcnt for poaltlon H Conaldernblo Injury would undoubt JH cell) reaull lo lho aehool )atcm of the N'aH alato If there were any general move- 'Hrj tnent on Ihe part of tho teacher tu Hi ncek nvrn nil honorable dUehargn H rrom their poaltlon until their preaenl H rontrnrla havo ixplrid la thn opinion 9HI or Dr (lownna. ! Ho wna aakid If Ihe offlie or atnte flH auperlntrndent of puhllu lualrtictlon M had taken an) action with regard to BU tho ilea I re ot thn teacht r In Carbon llfll count) A tolul of llilrt)-nnn I larher IMfl hire had requeslcd from the board Ifil hcnornble dim harge from Ihelr poal- IB Hon In view or llu Inadetiuaoy uf IH Ihelr nntarle undir premnt living iD coat. Pr (lownna hn no irltlclam tu jH otfer tn tho Carbon count) tench!- H nnd he ricognlita that they hivo act- H ed In recognition or tho binding nn H turo of their contract nnd have H aought lint conaent ut the iKiurd In Hl Ihelr relcnao rrom their obllgtllon jHI Ho doe nak, however. Unit Ihn Itach- IB era na n mailer of patrlotlain, and even al nt tho coat or aomo aacriritt remain H In their prment poalllona H Wllllo Ihi. dopurtmtut hn aaya H I henrlll) lu a)liipnth) with mi) H moviment looking fur an Imreaao In H teaehrrM aalarhts nml reullxc lhal H lho profiaalou aa a whole I Mtrfouly H underpaid, I liopo Hint the leaelur or Bl Utah lu view of the contract Into Ha which the) havu, t utured, will ountluue H lo thn und of Ihu )car nnd not aak In fH Ite reltuaed Till I hoMi Ihey will do H hi Ihelr own Intirmt. lu lllo Intoroat H of tin Ir pi ufe anion nml or tho aehool PH even though It ma) antnll ome antrl- IJH rice cm tin Ir part u te reaull of tho ,H liurenaca In lho roat nf living' iH Dr (lowuua anld thut hi Informit- H Hon on thn Carbon count) altiitloiri H miiiuly obiulued from lho nnwapaper aceounla He had reculvud u tele- B phone inctwiK" from Hupt Oraon ifyau H or lho Cuiboii county duirlet jklnr B fur tho iiaiiKB vt iue.ii r!pl))nx"ror jH poaltlona na principal, Hupurluton- jH dent lt)uu Intel aald that aomo of (he H Carbon count) lonehor wlihed to H Iravtv the urvlcv vf the) dltr(,t, In H view or thu Inabllll) of Ihe ellalrlet H board to grunt Onni Incrcnaea In aal IH urlea, nnd thai ho tlenlred lo neeeih H lo their relirat ir poaalble H Or Oowuna haa fumlahcd Hupcrlu- IH tendent It) an with u Hat of uumr or H nppllennt on file lu thn atalo aupcrln- H toil lent a off lie Fiirtlul than Hint H hla ufflcu haa had no offlilal Informu- H lion M HI I'OHTH KHOW TIIT UTAH 11 H IIM HNOW IN tI,lNT H Chart allowing amount or len and auow now extending ovtr tho United Htutta huve been received In Halt I-uki 1 Clt) b) J Cecil Alter. Utah meteor H ologlat ChnrtH, It la aald, will bo la H aued wiekly b) lho United Htato weather bureau Hnnw hua fallen In iicurl) till part or the United 8(ale JH It la pointed out, Iniludlng amall H amount In thu mountulua or Arltonn H Utah haa been ralrly well eared for jH although tho atutia on tho I'aclfh H Coaat are barren of the water provld lug mixture It la aald no anow at all hua fullon In the niountalna In ("all fornla nxce I lu the hlghctal lu the Hk iiorthtru pari of the alato Kfi hKNATOIl KINO HI'F-S I 1IN(, H OF SUA I ll l'HICi: Ah ( OMINO jM I- -- HH SIS that the) price of allver will bt HH fixed lu the u in futuro b) the H gnvernmunt I the opinion ux H Cr piiaed In u letter rucolved ut M Halt 1-nku Clt) )etaterela) from H Hcnutor William 11 King Hen. H ator King unnoiineed alio that JH In wu exciting over) effort to jH Impreaa upon tho trcnaur) do- 4 ,H purtnunt Ihe Importance of ea- J H labllnhiut, a flxeid price for lend jH mid thu uceoaalty ror icrtuln 4 jH uliuiidiniut to the uxcoa yor- 4- jH II tux law M 4- 4- 4 4- 4- 4- 4- H rhu dipiinmunt of agriculture tyiti H iimtoH that mil) out -third or the mar jHI livtubli ur In of the pntuto crop K had been moved b Junuury 1 I9lt II UiHt )ear potato crop wa tho great H eM c r pi iiilin ed In the I lilt d Hint a H