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(,H0,?I!L, rW feha&aggs SOIEIIDK IB SEIU - El . tnido by ndvlco and supervision mV II I 7ll III le 0 BBkfcBPJrv 53ps ill il mrlil Most people have a piece of furnl- E J . nurchaso of necessities They 111 ) I III IL , LTT'lQHftBi GTV HC1 II II III III ture, a farm Implement or something- IK 1 .rwfU In their line, nnd their V j 1 PrrHj?Tr?,"Sl- ffflfJyM J 1 .11 111 else which they hnvc no further uso Bt "Jriloni m to goods are never S 47 tlLl' Ktf!TTi'VT LTZ-XI7 J9kS$S' 1L visV for Tn,,y nro torcd ,n th0 aUl or H " ' wwldcrcd by the wlso Price sssfS fT fV& J "H 'T NT T u """V '" lno bnrn "r uti Mn IB k.nli arc community aMola of I'OLITIOADDY HEP DIIDIOA.N about. getting of Icni, aluo all the Bi ,. bMltnft They bring folka here tlmo Why not sell themT Homebody iv 5lJ& .thoumn" The e,ed as Bccond CUa, Matter. June i. 1,16, at the rostofflc. at Price. Utah. Under tho Ac, of March 1. U7 Pln Th0,Su;CrVhnnKd.ctT.rr,.,lf?nSd; K ffSd VOLUME 3; NUMBER 38 EVERY FRIDAY FEBRUARY IB. 1918 buycr n" ctnt n WJrd ' TROUBLES OF THE TEACHERS ARE Aie ! Ml ITIVJ AT Cm 1IAl.Ii UST MOMlVV KM MM.. ftouultui of Threo CltlfriM niul Iu ffgat of tlMJ 11-100 School Aro to VH On the County Hoard nnd Hug fn I Uht Month Term With Mnc Months I'uy lnr TIiom I.inployctt ftmi seventy -rivu patron of the mo publlo Rchooli which number uludrd several teachers, met nt Clt tuJI In 1'rkn Monday evening to hear lUpIra of the! teacher for Increased Urlwi from tho county school board Bd the reason also wh aomo thirty ,m or lo of them ihrotiRhout tho nty had tendered their resignation M the board 8 J. Ooldlng called the 'iamliwl onra to order, after which V&r Han ten una mado chairman itJ William Thomas, secretary In Dm mrantlmo Ooldlnic hnd explained th purpose of tho meeting He wn flowed by Chairman Hansen, who tided for harmony nnd a dcslro to ulp the teacher In their request If ih a thing wire possible llo be- wvtd everyone thought the teacher art entitled to letter wage and better additions nlso During the uvenlng talk were. nUo tusib) A W lloralo. J T Johnwn I (JoldlnB I)r C A W'hrr. Bllaa t Toun John II Taie, J I. Mc Ktmht. A llryncr and othern Honm houht the conNOlldatod ncliool board vM ratwi nKa lr II m fit. while ,till othcra Ra exprciwlon to thn lilt a Ih4t the troulilca of tho toucher nm mltr Iwlwitn therm hr and tin bool board A W. Homky pleaded lth thoNo whoM rtnlKiiatlotM nro In ,ltlidra thum Thiy had intrred 3ia a (ontract, ho wild, to work for 1 miKh mono It n not rlRhl to rrak llielr contractu. Thla alno e t.ntlmcnt of other. Durlnc tho wi.rnl tulka f rciui nt (ffrnce wa madn b pakra to the ah cot of llvlnK. efpolitll In thi unfit, when temherH ninhlnR a an IT! 60 a month wi rt iomp lied u ri moro limn half of thla for oud Dr. C A W hero told of con itioiM at llelpir IhiIiik ch nn 1111 onn iihould l forml to put up ltb-mu h Im a timlur IIIh rf mb m were to th niirroundlnKH f h place whim lituhtrx thvru uru owdliiK llo lilunud thi iichool iwurd jr thU uiid wna t tnplintlt. In hla d BanelAtlon of tho iKinrtl In IhU par Hcular mutter Detulln win not Rum nlo, hoerr Th nuitliiR b.Rn nt oiloik nnd unl up 11 Unit ftr 10 o'tloik final action una tho nppolntmenl of a smmlitin uftii a motion to thin f ect to wall on tht achool board nnd 0 rrcoinmmd ulRht monlha nchool nt rice wllh nlnii month pa In Ini mMntlmo tin ro la iv tacit undtrittand us that thi ITUp teuthcra who lwi xnt In n PlRimtlona uro to withdraw 'hftn Thla lommltUn la compoed of J A out ton, H J OoldliiKiind II O Word tomiH to Th Hun from Caatle Utu that tho teitilura thtro rinlKit" n hin rt conalilun it thilr aitlon nnd mil continue out tht lirm Noun or ibe nchool lM)uril nut jirtmnl at Moil Uy inhiK'a mittlntr The board u mxt Tin iduy RULES FOftJASD SUES Mitu llonnl Taken Miaiure in '" tnl hiMvulatlou The .tut land boird lait Wtduca by devlwd rulea and riRulatlonn Ro 'nine tho dlaponat of Innd to pur luwra from tho flft thoimnnd ni.roa h6 loard propotn to acquire from "u fidirnl ROM.rnment Ono of tho iMnrlpul features of tho rullnRS' U xinuilntrt In a paroRrnpli whhli pnu "ically . Ilmliwtea aptiiulatlon In tbono ind Thla rulo ruiulroa that nil ctltnit by ono poraon ahall ho mado within onu mile of a Rlen point H hn ruling tho aptculntor mnnot nc Hire fort. aero tracta In wldoly aep "fMul Fictlona of Iho lountry Tho land hoard warn npplltimta not to ! landa In tho nntlonnl foret or ihtr Koernmonl rtwnullona or ui urveud Innd 11a iiuch aeltctlona will not bt allow id Tim land aoltited "witt It Numud, uniipproprlatttl un rrtd and non-mlninil Tht rultn nl AH nppllcatlomi ncohed uftcr 9 1 lotk of tin mornlnK of 1 obruorj :0, 'I, up to nnd IncludlnK 6 oilook of "ie afttrnoon of March I. ll. ' rccilved and considered bh lmul 'iwoub nppllcntlona, In the outit that upplliutloim Mr ' "election of moro thun flft Uiouh 'nd acrtB aro filed, a drawing will b ild to ditermlno which application 'null lo allowed, and all nppllintlona ' nialnlnK. after said flft thousand ffta hao lucn drtiwn will bo ro lled without rights and tho deposits '"funded If within thu enld fifty thousand re there shall bo conflict, tho op erants win ho required to submit "" r one btst scaled bid within thirty STATE WILL REPAIR PRICE RIVER CANAL Landowners and tenants under the Price River Irriftation system are not to be without wa ter during the coming irrigation season. That crop production may not suffer by reason of the breaking of the Mammoth reservoir in June of last year, conferences were held at Salt Lake City on Thursday and Friday of lust week at which Gov. Simon Bamberger, the state board of land commissioners, directors of Price Rhcr Irrigation compnny and attorneys representing these in terests wbrc present. The result of tho was that n decision was reached to take steps at once by which the irrigation system, exclusive of the dam, may bo placed in repair suf ficient to take care of the users of water from it during the season of 1918. The cost per acre of the land cultivated will not be great perhaps fifty cents nn acre for the acreage put to crops. The canal will have to be cleaned as usual nnd some repairs made lo the flume west of Price and at other points along 1U eighteen miles of length. In this way it is believed the farmers and water users under the project will be protected. Some difficulty has arisen In carrying out the ordinary routine work of maintaining the sjstem on account of the lack of ready money in the treasury of the company. The directors themselves hnd contributed somewhnt to this, but by the agreement now reached it is thought thnt further difficulties in this regard will bo done away with. Present nt the meetings vure George Austin, Irn D. Wines, Mnrk Austin, Jnmes Hunter and Thomns Austin of the board of directors of Price River Irrigation company, nnd 0. P. Soulc, their attorney, members of the state board of land commissioners, W. W. Ray, attorney for the land board, and Gov. Simon Bamberger. At next week's Hussion of district court at Price tho foreclosure proceedings begun by the sUttc ngalnst the Irrigation company will be heard, which no doubt will tcrminntc in an order for the sale of the company's holdings. It will take around n hundred thousand dollars to Rntlsfy the commonwealth's Hen. The property Is well worth the money, so the state is safe in its sale. No doubt it will sec thnt enough is bid to protect its loan nnd accrued Interest to date of sale. In tho meantime the Austins Mnrk, Tom and George arc believed to covet the system and will be bidders. They have been identified with the proposition for a long time, nnd besides Imvo largo landed Interests under tho canul. Lately tho Price Water Users association was or rnnlzed ocally among the old stockholders of the Price River Irrigation company nnd others with a view of repairing the system nnd using the water by consent of the state nnd the present own ers. Later the association hnd anticipated buying tho system outright nt sheriffs sale. The action at Salt Lake City docs away with any lease of tho property until foreclosure proceedings determine the new ownership. At nny rate there will bo water through the cannl nt u reason nblo price for all who desire to farm under it the coming season. J. W. Hoggan of Manti recently obtained judgment in the courts of Salt Lake City against Price River Irrigation company for twenty thousand dollars. This is the sale price of tho Mam moth reservoir site in Gooseberry Valley to tho irrigation company. The indebtedness to the slate and n Zlon bank comes ahead of this judgment, It is said. It is expected u receiver will be named for the Prito River Irrigation company this week today or tomorrow. This is being urged by the BUttc land board and Gov. Simon Bamberger. A receivership will not retard the repairing of the canal nnd flumes this spring, but rather facili tate Ihe work. da), a to the tract In lonlllrt. Irn pettlr of tht prlcv offrrtd In tin up ptltatlon. nl mil- iipplltatloii will !t n ctliitl from oik iirwii Applltnnt. hnt wr, will nut bo nqiilritl lo Mlwt riiiitlKUiius land ixupl that nil laud applied fur mut lie within it rndlii of one mlln of tht conn r of an) It Kill mjIi itliWon of tin lind npplltd for. PLEASANT VAtlEY RESERVOIR l nlliil Mateo Niuiliir KIiir Worklnc milleuitly On It. . farl It MariUMii f l'rln . who with otlnr ha In en m r inlht In the IMiiiwint Vnlle re- mnlr prujtcl up mar Hiofltld thai will ulllmuul) water many 4 thoiliHiud of aire or land In I'rln Itlur Vnllo. jmtirday had 11 It tit r from Unit" d State Hum- tor Wllllum II KIiir bturlmc on the aubjoci Tin stnutor among t nihir thing a 1 11m doing nil I inn In tho V rtneriolr projut A you know. I liavt hud the matttr up with tlii tlcpurtimnt for month. It U MiliR to lt dlffhult to gtt 11 suitable appropriation In low of the hi u) demand made upon the dtpurlnunt I asked onu v time ugo that approprlutu with- drnwnl In mudo pindlng full In- 0stlgJtlo11 'iou hao bien nd- vUed, of lource, thul the with- dniwal has bet n math The matttr will bo fully In- tsllgattd by tht irornminl. and If the eiigiiiicr report tho fiusllilllty of tho projett, thtn ,f forts will be made to securo u sultablo appropriation In order to inrry out tin plan Assure tho lohI ptoplo of jour Wclnlty that tho milter I roolilng my most tnmist lonnlderatlon ...J.J.J.X. ' i r t t t --- . - - -IM)lN MVN IH NAMI 1 HHt tiii:ntioaiciiiiimnsiiii' INDIAVAI'OMB I ml. IM Will II Hay 1 lotted chairman r tin republican national lommltlej at 81 X thi atttimoon tonight at.d hat ho had miitli no plans, but ex ettid w m rul nn mb .r c f tin. na or. a eommlttto hero tomorrow on their Val Bn Chairman Huy said the surni Mneral pln used In tho enm mil" . hi Indiana would bo .arrl.d oil on a larger suile In th. next national ""'yn'T'wgram of cc. Ptam. ld tho new chairman will " " smclally the tbrc main point of t Klrst. that politics should bo nn a lam that mt.ds no "'"" 7!nii that tht re Is but ono side to tin. estlon o ar. and third equality In part) management Those will con- rt,nrnST hero tonight who wl I su.ued Hays a ehilrnun of U.e nllMia republltan state tontral join m lo or a chairman of tl.o Indiana Ltate counull of defenso Ilrllllmtly eolorul handkerchiefs give a spot of XW ' Homl,re r0-tume TAKES HEJHOl ROUTE Dr. A J. HolmqiiUt, Itiriiurly of I It 1 Kr. Hulililfd In (olonulo AswHlatetl I'reNH tllsputthe undtr u Itcin.r, Colo, datillmi yislerday (I'tbruary lllh) tarry the new of the milildt In that illy of I)r Albert J HolmiiiUt Afl.r writing 11 ch.ok for 11 substantial sum to pay hi funeral Mrvlct. Dr. Holinqutiit lotked him self In 11 cottage at ()lol).lllt, a uh urb, fired eight shot Into tho wall of the plan, from nn automatic levolvtr nnd tin 11 sent Ihe ninth built t through hi brain The dtud man formerly was physklan and surgion for the Dtuiiriind Itlo Oraiide at lltlptr, bt Ink Huctctdetl thi re some ten or twelM year ago by Dr I' It Slo punsltey IauiiIiik Ililprr, Dr Holmqulst went to Koiithern Utnh nnd to California for a thnt, but later wound up at Dinvrr, from wilt nee he orlklnally cumo to Utnh There some elkhl or nlno ycara ago ho was mnrrltd to n wuinan of hi own nationality, a Hividlnh young lady They did nit gel along will About a year ago Dr Holmqulst sciured n dliorit frtm hi wife nt the Colorado uipltal, toguthcr with flm hundrnl dollar alimony After tin. file hundrtil wn paid oxer to him he procicdtil to spiml It at onie on n big supptr for himself and n number of friend. The supper episode wa much dlsoussetl at tho time by tho in wspuper of tho coun try Thu tleid man wa about 40 year of ago and alway had the btst of prospect profeslonally lit. wa tho pirsonnl frl. ml of Dr J. VV, O Con nor, 1 tilt f surgeon of tho Donvir and Itlo nraiule II wa he who stnt Dr Holmqulst to Holptr In Carbon county Dr Holmqutxt had many frli uds who will regret to hear of hi stlf-ilcitructlon He leave a slitur, a Mm Hart, nomtwlnre In California Kho formerly wn a leath er In the Holptr publlu adiools. Vary full slttie aro a failure of 11 ir thit frotk of silk Jersey SO FAR Ml UT1H HEN REPORTED SAFE War dtpnrtmtnt ndUe from V 'ushliikton. II. C, up lo last (Thurs day night Indttata that few American soldltr lost their llwa In the destruc tion of the liner Tucanla In addition lo the huudrtd and slxty-four report ed up to that time burltd on tho Scot tish toast Utttst rt ports pluio the American losa at not mon than u hun drtil and seventy of tho twtnty-ono , hundred 11ml seventy nlno who wtro on board tho trinsport. nlthoukh thu , list uf restutd still I far from com- pli 10 Th war tit piirttm nt I exchanging tlally Ioiik cublignnn with tho em bassy nt ludon In un effort to corn pit te tho Hurlora roll and untangle imim garbled In transmission In splto of the fact that only aomo two hundred nnd sixty of thoso on the list aro officially unaccount oj for, tho department ha moro than two hundred nnd seventy name of survivor which It litis boon unable to. dotlpher About forty of these are supposed to bo duplications, and us , mnny moro are nnmirn of men of whom thnro U 110 record The list of thoso burled, s.nt by ca-' bit lo tht Associated Tress, contain n number of tonfuslmr errors nnd a I number of names which cannot bo transcribed with c. rtnlnty Up to Tuesday night, h week uftor tho tils .iiBtor n hundred and sev.nty-ono vie I Urns of tho titrated Tusi4inlu hnd betn ilnid to rest at different points on tho Buoitlsh coast Amorlcans, a hundred nnd thirty -ouo Identified nnd thirty three unidentified, crow four Idontl (lid nnd threo unidentified The Associated Vrem correspondent co-optrated with tho American army officer In obtaining thoso figures, which go forward to Washington D C , a tho most accurate and complete list nbtalnahlt Tho last heunUin of theso bodies rceovtred were all Amer ican and vicro burled Wednesday, villager again going many milts in a downpour of rain to pny thtlr sim ple tribute to the Amirlcau dead The bodies wtro taktn to thu burial plato on ono big motor truck, which wa followod along the route mivcrul mile long by thn squad of twenty-flva khaki clad American survlvorn und tho vil lage mourner One of tho vllhiher tnrrled tho Union Jack, while nn Am erican soldier held aloft tho Blur und Htrlixs At tho grav.slilo tht American wl tilt rit sung "The Star Spangled Han n.r," followed by tho natives singing Clod Huvo tin. King" Tho usual mil itary saluto was then fired, ending the ct rt mon y Temporary ft nee have been built around the gravis, to bo replartd by a ermanont 1 nolosure. as hood a tho materials can bo convey id I to thtso desolate shores. A llrltlih tolonel who ha worked day und night 1 1 luce Iho disaster helping tho Ameri cana bury their dead announced Wed nesday that tht (tuple of tho nearby tountrysldo had started a public sub jscrltlon to crerl a permanent monu 'menl lo tho Amirlcnn At ono point seventy -tight victim I aro burled side by slda In 11 long 1 tren h Tho bodle of each I num bered from one to county eight At unothtr pluio thtn I a loiik gravo I containing forty -nine bodlca nnd at 'a third forty-four victim ore Interred In three trunchoH. All bodle uro tag ged for futuro Identification So fnr n Is known no ono from Utah lost hlu Ufa with tho sinking of the Tuscunla William C Cllvo and Utnlok Sloan McMeco both of Halt iJiko City, and I.00 It Chrlstensen of Kalrvloiv are re ported us having been rcscutd CALENDAR FOR DISTRICT fc COURT VERY LARGE ONE If Bui Five Criminal Cases, However, Appear On Ihe Mb' " Docket, (he Smallest Number In Several . "" Months In This County. HU Quit, the smallest criminal oaIoii dar for many months' In Carbon coun ty will confront Jutlg George Chris lenstu when he convenes district court nt I'rlro next Montlfiy. There are but five east all tnltlA A U McKlntey Is In the tounty ATr awaiting arraign mint on thn charge of burglary In the st t ond degree continued from the tost term After he I through with what he grt this lime, McKlnley nny havo to nnswir to another charge that of altimpted Jail breaking V It Hill, late manager of tho Western Union Telesraph company at l'rlo, has n charge of emhexxltmcnt ngalnst him, a special agent of the Denver and Itlo (Irando being tho tomptalnlng w li nes. The threo olher cases aro thoso of John Aronto, Antonio jilorl nnd lrank Nlgro, all eharged with viola tion or tho prohibition law by having In their pom.rsj.lon Intoxicating liquor Prank Kralicne lla I held In the county Jail with a charge of r against him, but thn cose Is not to torn, up at this term In a drunken row nt Castle Oate ono Hunday after noon Inst November Ihe man shot und killed Tony llotcro nnd quite seriously wounded Mr llotcro Tho latter ha most of the tlmo since been In a hos pital at Kail Iiko City. The ofricer are making n .nrch for Carman Hon nactl, nl0 Implicated In tho murder, and who iiflirward took to Iho hill It I hoptd to apprehend llonunccl heforn going to trial with Kratttmallo. Mr, llotcro, who may lose her sight, Is nn Importnnl witness. The case I llkt ly to toinn up nl the next ttrm Thirty Juror In nil have bten ub lounnid They are lo report for ser vile next Monday week. I'obruary :6th (liven by precinct tiny nn l'rlco Oeorge O. rrnndsiti J C. Ilerglund IX K Olson, A W McKIn non and J O l-'ausctt Winter Quarlers I'rul C Klmber, Charles l Anderson und James Wal lace. Hr llelptr James llruno, Joe I'asslo. Paul I'tsMtlo nnd Joseph lllumherg Hcolleld It W Crane, John Juvan, IjiT Jt nsen und Chnrli Motile Hunny side Joseph Dennlson, VV II Bnndirson, eph Thomaa and Frank It Morgan Hiawatha 0 J Power We lllngtem Orange Tldwell und Thonuva Chantry Clear Creek David Pnrmtey und C M Anderson Casllo Oato WlUord Ituir and It II (Iraham Htandardvllle Andn w Hsterbrook and Charle llalou Ijiw und Motion Matte ne. rirteeu ease comprise tho law nnd motion division nt thi term. These are Ini II Wine v A D Darker and Jane Doe Darker, reeeiv.ry on notes CrtMa complaint filed flulsstppo Ansolmo vs lloslnn An selmo, dlvorto Denver and Itlo Orando v. Iiul I'eMouit, action for ncovery and con tinued from last term Demurrer fllod Price Common lal and Having Hank vx D Vulerlo, llacr Hro and W. II Rllllmnil (asslgnio). foreclosure of mortgngo Tom Avglko v. W. A. iAJWTy, tts pus. Motion for a new trial New oil K. Ileil v. Ada K Ileal, di vorce Demurrer filed I'lrsl Nallonal Hank of Price v W i: Dowd. n, suit for rent of building Parmer nnd filockgrovvera Hunk va W P. Olson, May Olson, I-vl N Har mon, O II Cloldworthy nnd Ixivl N. Harmon, Jr , suit on note Hd Khoya vs Joseph Oscello, eon domniitlon suit concerning tract of land nt Price Tony Tulonls and John Papoula vs Oeorgo (I Krandscn, action for trespass. A Delhi rt Van Wuggomr vs Petor C Jones, Injunction Demurrer filed Whiter I' Kcrksey (trustte) vs Charles Pi ttlttl nnd John Pettlttl. nt tion In connection with bankruptuy Demurrer fllod Olady Mtlxettl (iidmlnlstrutrlx) vs Denv.r ami Itlo tlramle. tbimagoM. Demurrer und notice to strike from tub mlar J Christopher & Co v 15 i. J Tlioma. suit on ncoount Demurrer filed It J Turn, r vs. It It Ktrkpatrlck and IMnu Klrkpatrlek suit to tollect note The Trial (uliiidur Thirty -four ousts art booked on the trial calendar Boven of theso uro thu City of Prlie vs the Dtnver und Itlo (Irando it ml several or tho coal com panic operating adjacent to tho I'rlco river They uto known as tho be fouling of water suits" A similar no tion of the City or Helper vs tho Don vor and IUu Urande and thu Pltusant Vulley Coal company was heard at tho lust adjourned term by Judga Henry M Hayes, sitting for Judgo Chrli'tn sen Judge Hayes ha all the evidence unit him had tho case under advUe- mini for several week 11 I not ex- T"" letttd that tht. eeven action will go M to trial until after this decision I rcn- B drred All tight are said to be slm- (jV llnr H Hanto Kenlto vs Ottavlo Hllvagnl; B? action for recovery. WmK Jamea I.lddetl vs Angelo Oeorgl- On ' dr. Cosmos Angoulakli nnd others; K ' trrspas. It4' Ilrnwii Hhot) company v K. It. WUL' Kaunder nnd Utah Association of B1 Credit Men, .suit on account Deposl- 9- tlon filed i A I).lt)irt Van Waggoner vs. K Ot-orgu C Whltmore, reeovtry of v H proiKrty at Hunnyslde " I'tnh Nursery company v Oscar ?' Illackburn. suit un account m' Kva T Kakakl vs. (leorgo K Ka- By7.,- kulili, divorce Mar Clisrlm Olascr vs Hank Htewart: Wa. ' , nppcal from Justice's court Br- Consolldaletl Wngon and Machine t company vs. Pcler llarbogllo, null on It x nteount Hu ""I Christ nrvls vs Mck J I.lvU nnd WV " Oust (Icorgakls, suit In rriovery on Bi , jl notes B ri Andrew Oman vs. Ilnsmii and 1.11- 1 llo Prandsen and Oeorgo O l-randsen HB ?q (administrator), condemnation suit. E: Ioul lli.nm v City of llelpir. suit Htf 1 to recover on account Btkf Jourias M Dluminlu vs. Hhokrcy nHK nnd J 00 hlit) a recovery or value of mPkEI inerchiindlsc DrJB John Plpsrnkl vs Henry Nougaret; MfeB ntovery or personal property. BW City or Helper vs J. Tom Pitch: Bt 20 suit for condemnation f real estate. SnjS Ornre Hlrattnn-Alrty vs. Ada D MlH Williams. Mary U Maxfleld and It II h111 Maxrield, suit to set aside deed. wFl 5 Ititltln lllrhards vs. Ariel P llleh- Wi-t urds, ictlon for divorce. H1! 11 August Mtolas vs. Thomas Telonls; Br-J'T trcspan.1 fuse 0 WhT August Mtolas v Peter Davis: KijLkJ trespass case Blul Angelou Pola vs M M Pilling; BVjsfl action to mover on contract HtrV Thomas Choula (guardian) v. BHV9 Joints (loriiKin, nctlon for damage RvEvfl City or Holptr vs. J Tom Mtch and kUufiH Janet Pitch, action to condtmn real SSrai state BffnH John W. Hubert vs. Utah Fuel com- Krjl iuny, suit for elamoge im M Peter Karavatkos v. Ororge Doll- niftM kits, Htcvn Halraktarl und John Kal- HSbhI las uitlon on account WMlB Oliver Jcso Parrutt nnd Htnnlcy IT BsB Wade vs. John Aronco and Carbon Bfel Puel lumpany. condemnation suit nBfl Mary A Qulnn v. John Cjulnn, ac- BBfl tlon (or divorce Answer riled luBfl (I W Penwnrdcn va. Anna Pen- HBB warden, action for divorce BBb i: K Olson v Jacob Dorr and HMH Han Deign, appeal rase from Jus- BlB tleti'M court mlB NnturaliuitJon untl Probate. IMOJ Plltet n aliens are asking to be nat- 9PH urallied Prom Helper, Celesta Dal- mfl plas and Olovonnl Inqulnto, Hunny- BB side, Ptilclo Divuunu, Pletro Havonl, BBBI Prank Matko. ImuU () Ucotells. An- tBffl gelo Antonopoulos, Oeorgo 'ano BBa Oeorglde and John Itobert Middle- BBfl ton Htandardvllle. Charle Kdward BBa Htiuw. Hiawatha, Nick O PappadakM BBS and Jerome Hihwelttcr, Clear Creek, BBb Joseph Biura and Michael I.lmtgakl. HM flcoflcld. Prank Itatborsek. BBE In the probate division (ictltlons BBS Imvo been filed for letter of admlnla- BBj? tratlon In the estates or Kmma Mllner BBS (contested), John II. James and Ar- Irafl,' thur II. Illrth Petition for final dU- HP trlbutlon In the estate or 1' Pana- BBkk glotopoulos, K O Kuratxo and Tony Bw9 V'ardl BBK a iNFAitrsBODY rouii n Hurled lly Tramp Alougildi) Hem 11 Dtl anil Itlo (Irandu Tnuk, HVB Htorle cumu to Price thu first of Bj the week of tho rinding of thu body ot IBM an Infunt by tho sldo or thn railroad Hffl track near Wpodsldo lost Hunday or . Bffl Monday Tho body was run onto by HflM n tramp who had been put off a train MBE of tho Denver and Itlo Orande lie Bfll burled It and mucin known tho fact nt SBb Woodslde UBj loiter tho officers at (Ireen Hlver Bfl ure ropnrttd to hive arrested tho HjfB tramp and ,wcra holding him while a Ufl special ugtnt of tho railroad Invostl- BtS gated the story Kmery county offl ! cors were notified and aro reported to BBl have gono to tho scene Bwl Thn baby Is supposed to havo been BvM dropped from a passenktr train by Bfli some unnatural mother Up to Uie j hour of going to press The Bun ha j been unatito to gut any further par- BBl tlculam BBl Tho publicity department of the BH Utah food administration bus Issued a bulletin urging that tho consump- fflfl tlon or wheat flour be cut down At- kfll tentlon Is called to tho fact that Of n- oral Pershing, In order to conserve wheat, has Issued an order forbidding BB soldiers to purchase plci as a moasuro MHJ ot conserving wheat BB