8 I H
1 Don't Walk
4 Talk
' Utc the telephone. Send your
I ce on your errand Instead of
lilting your valuable tlmo by
rolnic in person. Direct results
, Eistern U(ah Telephone Co.
' "dependable
' lit) right und sin nil right
hen o fix It. Our estimate
hrn jnu Install now work will
' got u the contract. After Hint
jou will bnvit very little use
lar ii plumber services, lie
rium our work stay rlRhl.
We urc also export In cor
recting mistake of tho other
fallow Hcc us when you wnnt
dependable plumbing, cither the
te or rcpolr.
Turner llldg Price, t'tah
From Old Grundvlg Mine
HEST LUMP, $4.75
Delivered In Your Ilin.
Order While thu
RoadB Are Good.
Telephone Orders to 72
Vrlco, Utah
Real Service
There lire nuui llttb Irlck
employed by good incut buyer
n Judging iuullt Ami wr are
xriit'tly witling t shure mr
.ntn with yuu.
U'i buy only the Uwt, but n
Hunt you t know right lit the
'mil' of jour puuhusu lliul you
ar- gtttlng whut you wnnt
nd our prlics nn light, too
Main Hiroct. Turner lllock.
japanksi: meuchandihi:
''.tiering to tho Trade of Itesl
lentu of tho Coat Camps
und surrounding
CVmrroto Ilulldlng South Ninth
Btreet. Price, Utah.
liWir Wiii
and DRAY.
', ', Give us your work and It will
i recelvo prompt attention. No ,
' Job too large or too small for ' '
, , ui to handle. ',
; J Freight ft given our special ' '
, . attention. ', .
' i
1 ' I'llOUO 05w5
Don't throw away our old
shoo. Bring them to my shop
and have them repaired by elec
tric machinery. Flrst-closa work
at reasonable prices. Hat clean
Ing und shoo kIiIiio parlor In
Nick Apostol, Prop.
Panama Hotel Uldg., Trice, UL
Talllrw ormlno huu lately been used
'or tho trimming of bridal i;ell uiid
ko nn.
I.AI1S OVint l'AST YIIAlt.
Allelic- l.'corgv, Alttcrt Smith anil in.
dor ami Mr. It. Murray Htcw-trt
From OutsHlo tn Attendance lire
Deitrojs llunUngton Home Willi
Narrow IVcnpc of tlm OtvutxiniM.
CAHTI.K DAM:, Feb. Ifi. Quarter.
I) conference last Saturday and Hun
day In the academy auditorium wan
Imrhan the most largely attended
ever held In the county. On both
das. but especially on Hunday, Acad
emy 1 1 ill was black with conievnnccs,
inostlv automobile, and standing
loom n at a premium at wmio of
the scnsloii. The extra large mating
cnimrlly wax taxed at even the ftitur
ilay sessions, tilclcr ticorgc Albert
Hnilth of the iiuoruin of nptMtle wu
present rmm Malt Lake Oily, accom
panied by hbt daughter and her bus
Istnd. P.lder II. Murray Stewart. All
three visitors addrctised the culture
gallon at different sessions of the con
ference The Kmory Htnke aeailem
choir, under the direction of I'rof. K.
II. Nichols, rendered the major Mir
llnii of the musical fnitiiriK. n platio
nolo by Mlsa Nellie llunncl. ocal solo
by Jiweph Jatniwin. and n selctiloii
by a quintet of nc.vtcmy students al
so being cuJo)ed.
President lirs P. Owon, opening
tlm confereiHc, stated that President
Alma II. .lev hen wo absent on lit
count of serious IIIium of his aged
motlnr In Orangevllle. Thu speaker
reported a tnarkid Improvement In
the payment of tithing for the )ear
1917, und, continuing, he empliaslted
his appreciation of the fuel that this
Is the designated gathirlng place of
the Hiilnls, prepared and reserved for
Just such trying time as these.
Klder Hinllh remarked the Im
provements In the slake since his for
Hire vlilt here somi nine years ago,
and congratulated the people on liv
ing here In the midst or plenty. There
ran throughout the several discourses
delivered by Cider Hmllll a curl cut of
thankfulness that the K.1J11U were
located here In the tops of the moun
tains In the place appointed for them,
while the earth was vlslud with dis
cord and contention. Here we have
peaie and plenty, and absolute free
iliiin from Hut stealthy attack of the
great engines id wur that proul the
11 Ir and the sea. He also coiumenled
on the good that Is sure to come id
the examples set by our t'tah boys In
the Iiiiki training camps where their
I good habits will nctompllsh ninth In
In missionary way. Illder Hlevvutt
(.ommented on the londlllou or the
j world at the pre lit time and men
I tinned some it the pn dictions of tur
'moll and lontentloii tbut was In store
for tin people of the world.
, Mrs. Htuvvart, sauklng at rluuday
afteiuiMiu meeting, bore a fervent
testimony to the truth of the work,
and 1 elated a wonderful InslaKce of
healing vvhlili she lstd witnessed as
'a nurse In a Halt Uike City hospital.
iHhc has had considerable scientific
'training, but felt tluiukful that sh.
still eiijned an even strougei faith III
the efllcacy or fullli and pruer and
the mlnlslrutlons of the men of Und.
President A. K. Wall, speaking Hatur
day, mentioned the fact that tithing
In the stake had Increused Jen thous
and dollara over last year, while four
wards arc; now reavlilng their 100 per
cent In ward tcaihlng. the stake uv
erage being PI per lent. lllslmpN II.
M Held of OrangeMlle. H. 11. Ijirson
ol I'uslle Dale and D lleber Iiiiiard
of Huntington, and Ciders James Pet
ersen und V. . Urange of the hlith
couuill, spoke at Biiturday sessions.
High founclllors II. A. Nelson of
1'urron and Christian .Mnrlciisen of
C'levelund. Illder M. B. Johnson of
Huntington, President A. U. Jew ken
of Oranguvllle. Principal Arthur U
lleeley of the Cinery Htnke iieudemy
and Klder Peter K. Johnson of Hunt
ington, tho latter being Just returned
from the llrltlsh mission, all spoke In
terestingly on Hunday.
The musical ut l!mcr Hiakc mud.
tjiny Bnturday night was 11 huge sue
'ess. a large und appreciative crowd
being present. Tho sentiments nlicd
were to the effct thut tho pantomimed,
from the tiny ihlldrrn In night gowns
and pajamas, representing "Buffer
Utile Children to Come Unto Mr. In
tho old lady sitting In the frama knit
ting while "The Cnd of a Perfeit
Dai" wus rendered, could not hnu
been surpassed. The nitlre program
uns thrilling.
I lliv At HiiutluKtou.
There was iUltc nil exciting time In
Huntington for u half hour last Hut
unlay evening at about V " '"
when the home of Mrs. Maggie. Hob
bins was dliaovereiUo be on fire The
alarm was soon heard by some of the
neighbors and thoy.weio on the scene
without loss of time. They found that
the flro had suih a sturt that there,
wos little use tit fight It, w all hands
turned In and began removing the
furniture from the building, being
successful In getting out almost ev no
thing Krtal Hodupp and wife Were
ociiii)lng two or three of the moms
'and were fortunate In saving nearly
jevcljthlng. The building came down
iln a very few minute, us It was of
lumber and log construction. The
fire began Its course of diwtriiitlou
In the Pur' ocnupled bj the old lady,
und was due to a defective stovepipe
. Anderson iff Hnwry was In
Custle Dale I'rlday. having come over
to get hi mother. Mr. N. C. Ander
son, and tho hitter sister, Mr. Blliu
Jacobin of Hober City, who ho.Vn
been visiting local relative since ron-
"ciell'cox, tho Kerron soldier tkoy
who wu nboaid tho lllfated trunsport
Tuscanlu, was lunded sufo occordlng
to word sent to his folks ut Tcrron
by hl wife, w(u I visiting III Colum
bus O It I probable that Columbus
la) a claim to Cox na n dally paper at
that place published his picture aa
one of the "three Columbus boya who
wcro saved." This my account for
tho fact that he has not been listed
among tho men from Utah by the Halt
l-ako City press.
An unknown autolst ran down the
little daughter of JLf r. and Mm W. II.
Hash Friday afternoon at. tho turn
ing of the road east of town. Tho
little girl tried to cross the road a
the cur approached, but was struck
and suffered a sprained ankle and
seviral bruises. The driver brought
the girl Into town, whero sho was
Kmcry county appears to bo about
In contend for tho divorce champion
ship of the state In proportion to
population. Hlghl divorces have been
or will likely be granted before the
termination of tho present term of
court. One of the cases comes from
(Ireen Itlver, two from Huntington,
one from Mohrland, one from Castle
Dale, one from Clawsou und two from
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph II. Meek of
Huntington announce the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Itachel, to C.
A. Orundy of Cannda. The marriage
will take plain the first of March.
I). A. Hkeen of Halt Iike City was
In Castle Dnlo this week on business.
Iln Is nMoclated with A. J. Nlelson of
the Nlelson and llurton ranch Inter
ests, In 11 four thousand acre Irriga
tion project for which they are filing
on fifty sccond-fett of water from
Muddy Creek.
In mentioning the nward of war
savings stamps to tho two young lu
ll I en who gave their paprra at the
time of "Parson" Hlmpklus' visit here,
the fact that Principal lleeley of tho
academy was tho donor of tho stamp
given to the district school winner
(Miss Itollna Uregersou) was over
looked. C. I". Uinu'ii, director of thu
war savings campaign, was the donor
or the stamp won b Miss Nettle Uir
en of the nrndemv.
It Is reported that Oscar Heche and
Ills associates have disposed of their
Temple Mountain uranium claims at
it very good (Iguro. . ,
Peter Johausen Is thu owner of u
brand new automobile and wilt likely
have her broke to spurs nnd quirt
before very long.
W. It. I.iimpli, who Is now with the
state road commission, was In Castle
D.ile checking over tho equipment In
iharge of Carl Wllberg, state road
agent, the first or thu week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clgln Kofford, who
are maintaining 11 winter rvsldcnro ut
Hlaek Hawk, are entertaining n new
addition In the family a beautiful
baby girl, born last week.
Around the County.
There Is a move 011 foot to purchase
the old roller mill and rehabilitate It
for the coming season's grinding. A
committee lomposed of C. A. Winters,
H. II. I.urcii and lur Chrlstcnsen U
Investigating the matter nnd will re
port nt Momlu) night's priesthood
Member of the Plctisure ilub were
enteilnliied Wednesday afternoon by
Mrs, Cinery l-arscn.
Orecli Itlver I reporlvd to have
purchased 11 total of two thousand
dollar worth of war saving stamps,
while Perron I sucond with fifteen
hundred dollar. The good work I
gradually getting 11 firm hold 011 tho
minds of the people of the cimnly,
especially the kid tiles, und It -Is not
thu easiest thing In the world for the
piHitmaster tit keep 11 sufficient sup
ply or stamp on hand. The Idea of
tin losing thrift stamps with valen
tine was observed by sevenil local
imrtles. who thus accomplished n
doubly good end.
Mr. Minnie Itngeriuiin wu elected
to the office of vlco chalriuuii, Mr.
Utulse llunncl, treasurer, and Mm.
0m P. Mudseti to the viunncy Ui
the supply committee ut 11 meeting
of the I ted Cms chapter members
Tuesday night. The new orrker werd
duly passed upon for the positions
at the weekly metdlng of the execu
tive committee held the night Uforc.
The vice chairmanship nf the chap
ttr has been vacant since thu removal
or Dr. Wlleiivhcck from On Ml it Dale,
but the tieusurershlp Is only Just now
mutle vacunl by the resignation of O.
Horeuson, Jr., who has held thu office
slme the Inception or thu local chup
tcr. Now member are continuing to
enroll their nunies since tho selection
of Mrs, Kinmer Day us vhalrmun of
the chapter, and the work of the uux
lllurlc has abut qulikened In 11 very
notlreiibltt manner. Another big Hrd
Cro drive I hinted at for tho near
future, nnd It Is very evident that
Hiuery county will lie able to muku 11
big showing us the handicap under
which thu organization labored until
recently U now overcome.
Whut might havodictm 11 seilnu ao
ildutit wu only averted by I ho pres
ence of the man' siie telephone polo
at the Intersection of Main und Center
strcsts late Thursday afternoon when
a car owned und driven by Ueorgu
Jensen, the blacksmith, was run Into
by 111 rum Heel)' cur, driven by Curl
Heely. It I thought thut tint brurti
furnished by tho pole nx the only
thing thut pi evented thu Jensen car
being botvlvd over. Ah It wa, the lat
ter cur nnl) suffered some budly
crumpled running boards, while the
Kcly cur had one front wheel com
pletely smushed, the riulliilor sprung
so badly a to be use lot und the front
nxle and the rudlu und steering rod
twisted up pretty budly.
Whether bucuuso nf the fuel that
exactly Ihlrtcun nutoinohilxM were uti
lized lust night by the auadeiuy to con
vey hw muny lusty lunged rooter u
could be currlsd to the seoond league
basketlmll game with Carbon lilsh
school ut Price, or whether It wu he
cuu .1 of It being a I'rldu). the team
lupresentlng the local school cuine out
on the short end of 11 thirty-one to
tweuty-thrcu ocorc, with the result
that there was not near the excite
ment on tholr return that murked
their going. Tho local teem is not
one whit discouraged, however, and
what they feel confldont they will do
to thu victor of lust night ut the third
nnd final gamu to bo played on the
Huntington floor luubout two weeks
would be shumeful to print.
Tho Mutual play given last week ill
t'luvolund wum a success In every wuy.
Tho part were well rendered nnd thu
wore greeted by a very largo uudl
ence Over forty dolluri wiih taken
: Uncle Sam's Postman ;; m
I Has a New Job :? 1
m to1 Kj3q
ta He it now alio a recruiting officer to cnllit the firvanclaJ tupport ol tht youniitera., Lttthlm. ,- Bt'
j b your children' adviser in the matter of thrift. Let him thow them what it meant to tubttltute . W?
Intereit-bearlnj Thrift Stamp for the penny tavlnn bank. Lt him be the medium to put your chU. -. Ivfl
w drtn into actual contact with their country'! government jj-? ' Bt
.1 - .re n i 'BK?1"
The Thrift Stamp repretentt to the children what the Liberty Bond represent to adults. The ...to wjkll
" penny embodJe war power jut as the dollar, for pennies make dollar. The Thrift Stamp Idea. la , ( Wpii
to designed to reach those who think in terms of cents. The power of the penny is shown by the fact that i Wk&i
the government hopes to raJie two blUIoni of dollars from ths salt of these stamps. ' KS
H Thrift SUmps make a reality of the children's patriotism by allowing them to aid the govern- ,)at , Wj
m ment with money for war purposes. A child's savings may be a means to shortening this war by days, tssJi RS
bs and every day means the redemption of colossal waste. . la1. SS
r Thrift Stamps cost 25c each Books of 16, with a few cents added, are at any time exchange- :" ' BjM
r able for certificates which will be worth $5.00 in 1923, These Stamps are received as payments on Jrj H-H
! Liberty Bonds. You may obtain them at any Post Office, your mall carrier, and at most stores. JJ' KilM
' MM
tototototototototototo "f7J AJotrtUtmtnt PafJ for mnJ DonatJ fry totototototototototo to" WfSs
Smoot-Nlxon Lumber Co., Price, Utah, G. A. Wootton, Mgr. " mM
'' lussl
In, nnd this will assist grcall' In do
Irnylng their winter expense. Thu
soldiers' farnwull party, held at Cleve
land Haturdny night In honor or l.uo
Timothy, Mionurd Allred, Jucob Mill
chey und Peter Pehrsoli, waa also n
grand success. The hall, which was
beautifully decorated with the 111
tlonul colors, wiih packed and nn ex
i client progarm was rendered. Jim
mle Nlelson, u Cleveland Ixt), but
called from Carbon county, wus nls.t
In attendance. l.uo Timothy left Hun
day, he ulreiid) having vuluutcered
for service In the murlnit corps.
Mr. mid Mrs. I'.rnest Davis or Cluvu
land are entertaining u now girl at
their home, with nil concerned doing
Mr. und Mr. Ham ttlchurd or
Htandardvlllti nnd 'Mr, und Mr. Ilalph
Alger of Hlorr were Hunday visitor
at Cleveland.
The character ball given Valentine
night nt Cleveland was u success In
every wa A large crowd wu In ut
leiidauce. Until Alger (as it sun
flower) und Herald Jensen (a a
conn) ert winner or prize.
Kmcry county bus twenty-two stu
dent ut the agricultural college at
loguu, Perron nine, Cinery three,
Castle Dale one, Cleveland three und
Huntington six
Cnpl, A, J, Mcclilu hays Volunlni) In
duction Hufrlciciil.
When the next ilruft Is put Into ef
fect Utah will not bu culled upon to
furnish nny men, Huth Is the tleclnr
btlou made by Capt. A. J. Mechln.
chl clerk In tlm adjulunt general's
office, on hi return from u trip to
f gden last Huturday, win ro he visited
the Ogden nnd Weber county local
drufl boards. "Men uro offering them
selves o be Inducted Into tho service
voluntarily In such number a to
miikc It certain nuw that Utah' quota
will hui been furnished before tho
rail for tho next druft I Issued," lo
clurr Captain Mechln.
"How many men Utah will be nskeil
to supply wo do not know uxuctl), but
the number will be somewhere be
tween two thousand und twenty-five
hundred. Owing tn the Irregularity
with which reports are made by some
of thu smaller counties outside or Halt
luke, I cannot wiy at this tlmo exactly
how many men huve voluntarily en
tered tho service, but tho rate Is high
enough so thut we arc now certain
the next call will not mean placing
men from this state In tho national
brm who do not want to go. On the
contrary, It will bu found that t'tah'
quota has already been supplied.
"Tho bourd are now explaining to
men whit usk permission to enlist In
the unity thut, while drafted men
may not have such permission, they
can cause themslvoa to be olunturll
Inducted Into the servltu." enlist
ment are still being accepted In the
marine corps and thu navy, but tho
uro credited against t'tah'w quota In
the druft.
PltlCIC astonisiii:i iiv mi:h.'
A mere hunt relates tho following
"Kor year I iould not sleep without!
turning every hour. Wriatover I uto
caused gu and sou rue, Also Hud ,
Htomach cutarrh ONB HPOONr-UI
buckthorn bark, glyccrlno, etc , as
mixed In AdleM-lfit relieved mo IN
HTANTIAV llccuusti Adler-l-lta
flusheu the BNTIUB alimentary tract
It relieve ANY CA8B constipation,
sour stomaeh or gas and pruvctt ap
pendicitis. It ha QUICKKST act foil
of anything vvc ever sold. A. D. But-
ii Drug Co. Advt
I . I . Rfl
HgYALSucitK '":-i I
i' i .. .daus fctfm
, .. i lsVxaV
Thu quality and value of thcmHtcrJaU In RoyurSpctoljWai lfl
PackaKQ OutfiU are mainUiined under nil conditions: crc ' Kfl
atinK a Btiindard of excollonce;. that InHurcu beiiutynnd.JJ J K9
Hervicc throuRh unage and luundorlnK. Every rHckaa .v, Wa
t contaitiH thu HUtmpcfl arttclo to be cmbro!dcr6d, oithcr" - Efl
made up or ready for mnklnjr, BUfficIcnt flo to com))lutri' kfl
the embroidery, and exact InatructioiiH. "' "h i H9
i ri liifl
In our Art Needlework Department wu carry full ax-t ..r IB
HortmentH of Royal Society Embroidery nnd Crochet' ma-"'- k B
terials and Package Outfits, the ciuulity of wlilcli in iiij-'' ," ' ifj
Hiired beyond qtlention. '..,, ', Hrw
.f ii wsM
Baby DresHUH v 7fic and 85V ' u lfl
Gowiih ,.. .....r $1.25 und '$ljftf. " IS
Knitting IJajfH s.I-- ..,..j......... .wA....-.-.v7iic . kI
WniKtH "...: $1.00' KM
'' SiiBsssl
.. -. - ,...,. , . ..i..,.,,..,.......,, ri i E-H
Bessie Kennedy, Millinery : I
Jlaln Street, Price, UUih. " lH
notici: TO avAtku VHllllX.
Htute Bnglnccr Office, Halt I-nko City,
I'lnll, r'eb, 13. 1HK Notice I hereby
given that John II Ilomjuc. whom
postofflce address Is Wulllngton,
I'tuh, bus mucin application In ac
cordance witlitho rjulrcmunl nf thu
Compiled Utvvit of Utah, litOT, as
amended by thu Suasion Uiwii of Ulah,
IVU9, Hill und IBlt, In uppruprlattt
four H) second-feet of water from
Coal Creek In Curbnn county. Hald
water will be diverted nt a point
south thirty-three degree forty-five
minute east 1317 foot from, tlm north
west corner of Hec t. Two. IP Houth,
Kniige ii Cast, Halt I-aKo base nnd
I meridian, und conveyed by mentis nf
it cirtch for it dlstaiioo or 14.000 feet
and there used from March lat to Oc
tober 31st, Inclualvp, tit cue.li year, to
irrigatu threo hundred nnd sixty acre
embruci-a In the KKHWji und 8WU
HWV, of Hot t, HHrtKU .r Hoc Bj
INWNKU und NBHNWfi of He.c. 8:
NWWNWU or Hoc. H, townshlii und
I range aforesaid This upllcatloli U
I ileslKimtotl in thu state- rugliMcr' of
fice a No. TICS. All protests ugalnst
the granting or said application, stal
ing the reasons Ihertfor, tqtmt be
iiuudct by urridavlt In duplicate, accom
pun let! by a fee or f S.BQ, and filed In
this office within thirty (JO) days af
ter thu completion of the publication
or till notice. (I J', Mi UONAai.lv,
Htute engineer.
Date of first pule, Fob. 22. JS18.
Date of complHtloii of iiflbllcatlou
March 21, 1V1S.
Despite tho unusually large crops
of both white und Mud potatoes last
eur, only u smull part nf them were
Tiarketed up to February let and
grower und dealers may find them
clve In dlfflQultlcH unless stops are
taken to inurkat these cropH ' gradu
ally during the next two months,
IN Till. DlhTUIOr COUUT QI ChH. ' Csl
bon County, Htato of Utah, Seventh CfBSBsl
Judicial District tlnst Pappus. Plain- " 'HE
lift, mi, Abram Mvlngstoh. UurendanrH jsal
Huinmous, Tho Htato of Ulah (o.tluy- fH
Huld Defendant. You are hereby isssssl
summonctl to npprsr within twenty" IH
days after th service of this Mini. - SbIbH
mons upon yuu, ir nerved within tlm tlHi
county lu whlth this action I brought,, ;!
otherwise, within thirty duys after raH
service, nnd derend the nltors entitled" iH
action, und In iuo of ycfur failure o tH
to do, Judgment will be rendered ag- 2H
aliut )uu according to the demand. pf nsssm
the complaint, which ha been 'filed iJaBBBH
with tho clerk of the said courU-Thdt- UM
tho sultl nctlon Is brought ttgalust, you HH
tu recover one thousand dollar dam- HH
ogos f6r thu trespass or about twit iiiH
thousand sheep lielongltig to y'ou, be- IIsbbbbI
tweon May 10, 1917, and )Kcomlr 31. slH
11)17. on Hec. 3. and east half or Bcu, SH
It, Tvyp. 12 South, Kungu 7 Kast, Halt MmM
Lake meridian. Carbon county, Utah; KbI
Said land being In poutcitslon ofitlia aaasssH
plulntlff, u A, Miami. Plulntlrr' CHI
Allornr l'otloflfit AddroM, Price. flSI
Utah. n Wm
First imb Feb. 1, last Murtli ltl)l. BB
For December Nev MoaIuu was Isbbbbbbb!
credited with 4M3 w CrQa article liKV
sh itoiriparcd with 8213 lu Novfinbcr; IBbV
Utah, 51,025 a compared with ST65 IHbV
In November; Wyoming, 30,u7f as' PaWfl
coinpttretl with 12,308 In November; ISH
Colorul.i, '.'00,782, us compared with HSSfl
23,7fi8 In November. Ilecauso of the
great demand for surgical dressings
each stute'M energies were, directed to iBSS
a heavy output uf thla artfciV, Nv'ftti ffXsl
thii result that the wurehoufi'e clear. sWssss!
ance reg(Hteiel tho largest gulii of all"
lu thU lino. ' '"C mfl
" !.V .V. 1
Tho.scurflty .of wqylfubrlt. Indl-. Smmfl
cute "that spring Jackets Avill.tSvefo? BVVfl
bolhort. B