flflflHr ffl
R page Foyn the sun, price, utaii every Friday February gy I F)
1 ?lhflS$$mi
ffljM i'omticai.IiY, hiipuiimcan
flflpj limited Every Friday Ily ttio Sun I'tib-
flHl HnhlnR Co (Inc ) It. W Crockett,
MM MnnnKcr
AHA BubVrlptloii, $2 00 tlio Ycnr Oftlco
flflflj Telephone, No 9, llcnltlcnces. Nun.
U3.M2 nnil 1JSM3
4gfJ AllVI'llTISIMi llATP-S.
Uliiptny Mntlcr I 'or Inch per Month,
Wfll $1.00, HltlRle Inntle, 40o. Hpoclnl
lflj l'onlllon 25 Per Cent Additional
flUfl Header nnil IoRnl Notice, 10c per
'flflflj Mno l'lrxt Imicrtlon; Co per Line
Inch Hubnciiuont Intiuo Count not en
I VB word to ttio lino
JH Ohllunrlcn. Card of Thnnkn, Ilrnolu-
BJ tlonn, Htc, nt Ilnlf Iocnl ItrnilhiR
flfl Notleo Hntwt Count no) en wordn
flfl tu the line
J AtlloU". I'or Hale for Itent, Pound
ImSIH lnitt, llti , One Cent par Won) Knell
iSll luiif. No ClmrK" Animnla
' il Addromt All Cuinmiltilintloni to
''jflAg I unit iiioiirnluc without Tlio hun)
flflpj I wIimmI up unit irliil In tlio rtiiiRrn-it-
KSlJ lion, .(oil, .1(1-iK.
H HUAIIIH Of I'MtM t.AltOlt tiii:
ftflj COUNT UV OVI'lt.
! Vbrmem In Mtinlt rn t'tuli not onl)
, All ute etllifrnnttd with the nationwide
HUGH nt eit nhurtnRo, hut it In mendou hihor
Hflfl nhortiiKo nit uell. The Rtivernincut In
Bpfl nnkltiR the nnlltlllem In mine cropn an
BHl never In fore. At the nnme time thou-
flnH mnilK nf ahlehodlctl fnriii workmen
flflflj hne hien taken from the fit Ida Into
vHB the nrmy nnil llioiiMuiIrt of uthorn
hnvo ilnpnrteil for the munition nnil
SHI nriny Niippl cinlir. where. lhc nre
JVjflfl wnrkltiR In fnr-tnrlon nt prcvnlllnR war
mfflj iaRen.
sjjUH NotliliiK mtlth en n he ilone In the
iflHfl niuntry without form help. The fkldo
yBH tire Of little avail to the nocdn nt the
HJHJ nnititr) without men to till them It
JlftpJ Ik nilmltleil thitt many noheinrti tire
''Al miller way lf help the runner. The
JSflJH Ihi)k vvnrkhiR rencne. with thminandn
fijjflj f yoiilhV enrolled for farm work thhi
flj miminer, will help tioiue, nt leant it llt-
A MJ tie. MxehnnRc of workera from the.
J H elllen nnil In the conntr) will help
,fl H monv Hut h nnil InrRe. in thin er
jHJ H of Intotinllleil fhrinlnu, the Munition
H H ii h to liihor In none too kooiI
H H III thin eomiwlldii the work M the
H Onlurlo Kovvrntnent wlh Iw uf Inter.
HI et tu lowil fiirmurK. Three )onn of
iSJfH wnr hni hIioimi tljr ChihiiIIhiih that
i morn Hutu thisir) In iieciwnary on the
H iH fnrin In tly wimuier lime. The plan
9H H thlM rir In Ontario U tu ciiliMlttite
Jfll H en.operiitlv IhrwIjIiiK next 'nil. It
37 H I planned tu renil out two thoiimiml
'Yll Hj KiillK of MlKhl men null to Heelut the
JlMH rnrmerK In their threehliiK. Thene
f W H K'.iiikk nit tu he ilrnwn from the dtlen
T HJ nnil town.
B llcfole It In too Ule. pliilin in llliit
J. Hj wirt hlmillit he tniiile on Ihlx uhle of
fc B the Intiriuitliinnl hotiter
Wi AN I'NMU'ltssXltV WAsTi: THAT
t fln m:iiih io m: cvutaii.iiu.
ffi HJ .iNnthliiK HceiiiH worne to Curlion
Bftj B rouiity inert IuiuIh than liml iu)Iiik
S B eUntomiTH.t Theee ilellnilletlt iiirotintH
PBj' E nre it ilrnif mi rommenv, uiul litlnlnem
(??. Bfl men thniUKhoiit the iiittlop ore full)
Sf'V BB JunlKleil In lielnv Mil iihulit tholr
I i BB prevuletiM. Tile Counrll of Nutlonnl
T" 1 1H Defeniro tipponeH InnK trrilltn u mi nil-
v'-d'Hl ccffsury wiinte. An it renult tnr-
0kB.4H ehnntn nre ilxhtonlim up etr where
HJBB It i In lllii"llllU'l lieteMnir) to ktep
J- 9HJ tlow II the prlren of Koodn.
JS,J Bfl lu thin vuy relnll hwMH are ie-
mM Bfl tluceil to the minimum. The man
NlHfiBfl who Ht)t hln hllln ivKulurl) iiimlit not
wHm to he iixptH'twl to "tttrr)'" the limn
Mil BB who iloenn't ilo Mt Thin plllli'lpli
KlHJ itonn iiwii with In future wxrrjliodj
tL X IB mukt ntaiul on hln own flnamlal fet.
J5f HJ The li-Hiitt will eiieoiiniKe thrift uml
J&LS BJ vitrtiill extniMiKanee. Ilemurkiihle in
Bijl 'HJ It limy' eeein, tin re lire thminmiiln of
BRlj flfl people III the Mate who wnte tlulr
nH money In illwrit wuyv. run up hllU
HK jflM thnt nre nexer paid, mid lu addition,
IJHufl mrely or nexer pu the Kro(ernimi.
gflnEHE Uoodn mid hut not paid for um
QmB Junt nn well he thrown Into the Trice
IZgnflJ river. Ml niiiiuntn fhotilil mid munt
BV aS he puld up nnil kept that wn. It
BQmHJ mil)' Ih wnr, hut II In Jnet.
mB Kwlftn hni MatiHl thnt their iniwt
BM ffls IinvkliiR oompaio wirneil 31 ii i rent
mi H on Itn ciipltul of $100,000,000 at enr
)jT HE A different wu or flKUrlnK, the) Ml),
flk IBC hrlnif the profltn ilouu to 30 pr uent.
DgMeffl Wexti rn cnttleriilnerit munt he urenllj
ElfllSp vherrnl that tlu illthlemln or earnlng
jHAJg vapuvlt) or the Hwlftn lire low. MtKtt
QH Jnfl ronntiuifm uml ilenlern In I'rhe llke
JH VflJ wUe will he MtirprUetl Omt lhro In
OH Vjl no ltlle profit In 'UkIiik eVirjthlllK
SttjBt iMT hut the Hpiool."
yi Bfl When it man In mmrl) fnnin from
Bf u ttrli mile ilrhe on it mid winter day
I'flt SB nn Nsl" ,",r,"' "'"l1 to road it plunk
1 v iffJ iiihertlnymimt. Hut M home In hU
iJrH bfi armchair with hln ln trixwetl hi fort)
iPM nB u "'"'''"f"1 'I"' '"' rmiiln himli u mm.
6t1 1H paper nn The Kill), uml while hu U
I W HE feelliiK K'hmI untl hun plonty of time,
1 IB I'K'kn out the lite hunlntM men or the
QA 'Vwi town from the iuUtrtlniineiitH uml
VrilAE nuikiM up hln mind tvhere he will
Ht iSp Inido imxt time.
ml iJHi "-Loin or folkn lii I'rlre lire itunallj
31 it iffl IntervnttMl lu how hiuli and nutli a
Hi il Minweifful rmin muile hln mark In llf
H I ' s The man In nenreh or reull Intertwt-
m Intj Information, however, In Intertwt-
Hl''Ki i)Jn V.hy the nnuneifiil ilurfer hit
AL j the Uiw murkn.
Bflfl . 'On MtrlklnK exnmple of the "linv-
BBT; .j ; Iijk" In euul In the flrxt five ilan of
H m, i tint opiiratlon or the rectint fiil oidr
Vjl I'M tiun co mo to IteprenentatlMi Cnlvlu 1.
fl liv PuIko "f llnHnaohiiBetln In u letter
iN from 'the Aniurlrnu Optleul lompnny
KK' in hU OUtrlot. During the flvo da-H
Those German "Piece" Terms. J
to keep their ivlpen from fn ilng, the
rompnny hurneil three humlrl thou
fin ml poumln of coal nn compared with
4D7,2(IS poumln on the rorrenpomlltiK
illtVn of tho prcvloun week, it itnvlmt
or fifteen tonn n ila, Tho lonn In
wiikpi to the pinpto)cn nan icvun
thntiwwid dollarn per day mid the Iom
In proiluetlnn unit prnft wan eounlil
pruhl) lu extent of Hint nmount. If
tranrporlntlon facllltlrn had Inm-ii
withdrawn the ilenlreil retmlln would
hav'e heen uMtimpllnhiMl Jn'ct nn tlior
oukIiI), itml the (txitM ptnitiiotlon
iiiilhl have heen relenreil Kriidually
nt it future time.
Mntiy it mnthtr who known all
iihnut the work or the jnliflonurlrn In
the Interior xlllntreit of the I'lJI Inluuiln
Imrti't the reunited lilen what her 17-)er-old
noli In ihiliiR ilowu town till
mlillllKht What'n more, nhe tloeeli't
litem to think It her hiinlueim to know
I'htiirett or Kirln lu twilling nulln
tome lu the uewnpapirit illreet from
riorlda. uml muni' of them ilo mil
Mnrin tit he nn emawulated nn ttmner
Vntlve eVtrulUK Kownn,
There ore nrlnlity rew dollar hllln
that ilrlp Willi Mifflelciit Kermn to
tlillne one to refune acewptain e. Kn
petlall) an t Keimlenn doll ir iluenn'l
huy more.
I'rh'en of froli nre loo IiIkIi, or
rolirne. Hut flh vviiuhlu't he III the
ovvlni ir the didn't eont more than,
ir hidImiiI) nhoilhl link )otl, few fel
lown me reelituliiK thene IiIk coal and
nillroHil Joint t.xeept ! rellent.
CHmouflttKi the fullnw who miln
tn w for hid, Hun uml poeen nn mi
Ittatl t'lllieu
hltWIOIl SMIMirs T.W 1111,1.
Tlmt vluoniun ilemoinillt nupporter
of rrvthlcut Wllnon. the New Vnrk
World, ilenoiuiitnt the war tux lay
IHmneil ill the nptilal nemilou an a !
,,r Uiil uoik." It na)H that 'a luw
that tiiuiiot. In iiudirntooil In liimhi
mtutall) wiomt. Tin re In no reunon
wh a tux of mi) kind nhouhl hi a
tniilltr or KUinnvvorlc. Nohod) In n
rlntliiK the war laxen, hut the) oimhl
to he plainly un well tin rlrl) written
lu the revvent and . nlinpli'ct wortln."
Our contemporary tulln altentlnn to
the hill lutroiluitil hy Keuator Hmoot
of Utnli anil npeakn of It an "it tare
full) pi i pan d hill to umeml and nlm
plir the Income uml extent profltn
tux het'tlonn or the wnr revenue act.
Thin In exaitl) what the Hmoot hill In.
The llhle mill eX rlelilfil nelliltol
from Utah, whom nterlluK toinmou
netlMt hun won the mlmlrtlllou of all
who have watt htil hln ret onl. rtul
litn thnt we mtiht not onl) flulil thin
war now hut thut wo must itlno make
provlnlou to pi) for It ellhir now or
h. nmftir, and to tlial end our Inilun
trhM luud he kept lain), our workmen
emplnveil ami Ihi pu)rulln imilntalu
rtl. Thin cannot ho done If tnpllnl In
taxed to tletith mid driven from tie
fl. Id. Capital can live while lh
vvorkei muy ntitne Ko Hi nulor Hmnol
hit Introduced u nlmpli minniire IM
eantlnK uml nlmpllf)lnK Ihi Imomt
and war profltn taxen ti mukt Hum
umhirMiinduhle to the nv crane tltlxeii
Hlld to remove Hie lujuntlcen uml the
dint rlmhmllonn 'which hntli te New
York World and the New York Time
concede uxlxt In the pi oxen t ait
The 'Hmoot hill provide it laxltiK
n)ntem that any ortllnur) hiinlnemt
man tan underntund Kver) tmrpor
atl'ili In taxed upon the wiine luinl.
ami the rev t into liniltr the Hmoot hill,
from the torporntloit tux, will he In
ileuntMl h) (1)10,000,001) over that pro
ldett l the present Invv Connlder
Iuk tlmt the triulllleH of the i.xlKtlnic
law an uuih that the Kovcrnmcnt linn
lieeuSdillKed to appoint it ttiminlnnlou
to Inttrpnt itn tondl'lonn, It nemn In
eretllhle that the nhort mid nlmple hill
uf Hi imtnr Hmoot ttiuuot have nmooth
mtllhiK That ha In it repuhlhmi miKht
nut to inllltate nKHlnnt hln innanum.
f-ir we it m itiiiHtitntly wnnured fiom
WiudiliiKton that thin munt he u nou
parttnan war.
IttiKnlin hluuso Mtjlcn hold their own
lu it way that In really womlurful.
(Continued from piiRe one )
eftiile At con v colonic or toiirt and
John W. ItohertH vn. t'lulf I'uel nmi
pan),, milt for ilmiuiKen Contlnueil
for term
Peter ICnmvitlkiMt vk. (letirtte iHtei
knn, Htevn llHlrnklnrln ami John Kill
Inn, hi Hon on Herniint Het for April
other Jmw' I'arroit nmlO'tiinle) II
Wade Vn. John Aroneo ami Cnrlun
I'uel onimii); eoudemualhin r.iill
Hct for April STth.
Mar .) Utilnu vn. John t)ulnu n
tlun for illvone Alinwtr flit tl Hit
for April SPth
K. K. tiNon vn. Jamli Dorr uml
llnnn DcIkh: appeal enno from Jii
tlee'n tolirl. Het Tor AprJI 30th
Joe ItouiHittl vn It. V. Tucktr
tlmitiiKoit Jur) I rhi I, .March flth
N. fl KnlKht tn. A. I. Ilerhe null
on acHiunt. Hi I'for Marth t Bill
tliHirKr Al Miller vn. J A. ltol
default Judmnent elllereil
JlnrK'irct Itumxey x Deuvir I'
Itninno); illvoret. Hit at eonvenh nep
or court ami eotiunel.
Knlato or Hmma Mllntr. ilermntd
pi tlllou for h ttt rn or admlulntratlon
Het for heurlm, Marth Kill.
I'pllllou to mvtpt claim of rivt hun
dml ilollnrn from Htamlurd Coal com
puny wan --ranted In the e-tate or
Mike llrilketo, tlii mineil,
H. J. (lohllllK vn. Jw. Hmllh, ejevt
'ineut from farm. Hit for hearhiK
Marth 13th.
Ii Ii r lhuho(o vn. (ItHirKe Httiru
HiiKer: milt on uteoiint. Demurrer
overruled and ten iht)n xlwn to mi
nwer. Mim.1 or the time or the toiirt wan
ciinntiuiiil entenla) lu he illvifret
tane or tl W IVnwarilen w Alum
I'enwitrilen Plaintiff In a former
trainmaster at lltlper, hut now trav
rllliK ellKlltier out or (Irailil Jlllutlou.
Colo The tletne wan hltlerl) ton
tenliil h) the wife, hut unilUtil
Ciiut I Mflcrtla) uiljourueil to Mou
tla) next ovtr WanhhiKtoii'it hlrtluln)
JmlKe Chrlnttnntii ami Itiporttr ldtr
nre koIiik to npiml the thin Ml then
hoinen at Ml. Pleanmit mid Mmill
liiitiiue Tux Uiw I'ipluluitl II) Com
iulloiier IIom r.
With a reiiient Io ((he wide ptlh
III It) IO tin extelinlon of time which
hun hi en Krauttil h) the Intiruul rev
enue ilepartmciit In v filch to iniiku
return on the Imome, wur Income
and wur ixunn profltn taxen to April
t, mix, Col. W. II. Chapman lant Wed
tUlft) riHtlied the folluwlnir from l.
tV Itoper. Imome tux lominUnliiiit r'
lleeaune of unuvohlnhle tlclil) lu
the pri puratlou l formn mid reKUht
tloun Mi Hu v.ur ixiim profltn tax,
ami heme In tho prepurutlon or the
itlateil formn and regulation for re
turiin for the Income anil wur Imome
taxen, ami lu onhr to afford tuxpu)
em a nctewttir) p rlml for the prepar
ation or return nftir ntelvliiK the
formn and riKulatloun, the 1 1 i for
filliiK return due after Ditoher 14,
CI7, ami on or before Marth I, I91S,
Ipurnuunt to the ait or Heptimhir M,
l!10. unit the ait or thluher .1, ll17,
for InioiiH, war Imome ami war ex
vm in of Itn tuxen, whetlur the) are
to he made on the Ininln of the cal
endar )ear or of u flneal )ihii endtil
dlirlUK the ear 1V17, In htireh) ex
it mini to Apt II I, IUIS
"Hn far an thin extuiudon uppllen to
the leturun of lorporatlon to he made
on the IkiIh or a flwal ear other
I than the itilendar )tar, It amendn the
provjnloii of T I). 2SUI. an moulded
l) T D 2013 ami Jfija."
Thero'a a lot or n.illfa thai In holiiR
np'to'tlatu nn to thliiKi Kiuerul, uml
tho Hhortiwt route and least trouhlo
name In tu keep un car opt n for the
httu record. You Ret nveothliiR on
the Colutnhlit IM and ou Rit It
rirat. Advt.
I Tlmre lire four new imtlentn at Hone
jlltmpltal nt Price thin week, .Mm I'm
nut llo.iR ami Mrn. Jnkr Van Nulla of
HlvrttMrH. (It oku Dukun of Ht
fluid, tWorRii ZtiRfiikln of Cattle Dale
and Joneph PruBReronl. All are n
ported um UoltiR nicely.
bhW. H
YhYbhl' thb
HHijUHjB'V?' I
Tht) nn TroUk) In a m Wepup. r
man. Itwul more like it piewt iiReut
lor it, well kiiuuii uutoinohlle iiianu
lacturer. Thin In the nea-on of the )enr when
the Riirtlt II llllirohe nllovva nlRlin or
irturnluR to life. Kver) warm tin)
hatthikt out million or him.
Wlneonnlu'n nenalor now ha leluii
to ponder on the puthon or thnt old
hour. "Tlurt'n a Name Tlmt'H Never
Hpokt n "
Your man with a hue In a link
iiumher , I fn the man with a traitor
mid the RiiiiKplow that thin entintr)
N t neouruRliiR rlulu now.
Kiel) illo)al word Kink a ntrew
In mi American ndillrr'n coffin.
lit ni Veiiunibiiui Von Carntiii
hun nxiit a foiiRratulntor) It leKram ur
the kulntr on the ott anion of the lilt
It r"n hlrllulii) When thin tiiunlr
riulnhcH with the iuiiHi r It will haw
lelnure to ntleml to the man Thut
little (It I mull itiliiti) niUnanicil Mex
ico hun Itn Mill lomlllR to It.
What Does It
Cost You
To Live?
I'ew people reuJI) know. Mull) I
Juitk-o their Ntmulard of purehunhiK h
a rew Inolntnl itunilaril artlultn that
are priced ut or heluvv iot. Wh)-
Are )ou the vlitiin? Pew tmlen or tin
Ioiir prorit imrihauilUe will covtr the
lonen on a lurRe tiiantlty on non
muKluul "letidt rn."
Hound mid Mlfe hllnluien for all In
iNinklllRlIke hunlueN ntiindunl Itult'l
Imute inarKln iharRul on all Mmk In!
tlnde. It Will he InterenlhiR mill prof. I
lltahle to you tn "'rii down the Hue'
wild un on prill. We Riinruntet a
HHVlllR to you. I
We npetliiyie In I'lour, (I ruin, Mill
Htlllfn, Produee. Ilone), HllRitr, Halt
uml mail) of the hounuhold nect.
tlen. All the "lewi" niilotltutoM or
maiitluril hrandn. Have pui moiir) on
thihe ami mull) other artlelen. We
I pride oihmIvihi on promptnonn In de
livtr). Aiitomohlle nervlee.
'Price Commission Co.
I'liltnl Htaten Pood Ailmlulntriitlaii
Mteline No II 1 1 131
Hautmhl, Hi ef lllaik Hawk
vvim ilon )entenla) to dlntrh t court
hefore whlth lio'luu) nomc prohat
tliuKlniKM. lie hrtiUKht iiIoiir mimei
on artk'luH from the Inillen or that
irump for tho lied Croon and took huik
wllh him a litrRn iiuantlty nf )urn to
le made up.
Price Commission Co., Exclusive Wholesale Distributors.
llnml Dnvln and Pern Jonen were
llirnneil to wed durlnR the week I i h
In from Helper
Mnrtln Andernon IvjTtVj week pntk
InR Ire for nevcrnl parti Tho crop
In not er heavy I0A4U)
Mrn. II W Coocn who reft ntly
tintlt rw put an opiriMlun l Bn'l t-ahc.
Ult), In expeited honTe tomorrow.
There will he n WlilnRton'n hlrth
tin) uncial nt the Mrthotllnt rhurch
thin (Prldn)) cvenlnR to which nil
frlendn of the church nre Invited.
Mr. nml Mm (liorRe Wllnon of lllt
wnthn liurletl their Imhy nt Price Innt
Montla) Tliln In tho fourth t-hlhl the
louple linn hint. j
J, Cameron Hchultx wan down from
lllnrk Hawk Innl Tuendn). The Ulatk
llnwk, Mohrlantl and lllnwntlut prop
crtlen are roIiir four tla) n week.
Button DniR compnny In thin week
hnvlltR nlRlin put on Hn window ,
'Hcott),' the nrtlnl. In ilohiR the work.
It In cirtalnl) nice from the nrllntlc
Hmont-Nlxon Lumber In hclplm
nhitiR In the ravliiR ntnmpn thrift enin
pnlRti with an aihi rllncmcnt on the
third pflKt of thin week'n Hun. It In
will w otth rtndltiR
Pinrl Wllnon wan hroiiRht down
fiom Cauurou to the itiltnt) nent title
ihi) lant witk on a thnrRe iff prosti
tution Hhe wan ImiiiuiI over for trial
I uitikr flftv ilollnm IhiiiiI.
I Junior lied Cront ihapttrn are In
line oruiinUul l) the puhllc nihoot
thlldreii of CiiIhiii tounty undir the
illrtitlou of tin varloun tenthent and
uinttloncil hv Count) Huperlnti tnlcnt
1 ltd nn
Joe Ihinnaitl wan houml over to the
til.'trlil tiiurt Wiitiictalny l) Juntlet
Ui lor renlntluR an offhtr. Ill iron
him orlnhintcil at Hiimi)ltltle with K.
V Tinker, npetlal olfit'tr there, eumt
Ihrte mouth a Rii.
It I- ItnRim In to move hln incut
hllnlllewt nhout the flrnt of the month
fiom the Turner holldhiR to the old
Harden Htore loeatlon on Main Mrect.
The new plate will make room for un
ImreunlliR hunlnewi.
Joe Ihiren of Prlie pleatl Riilll) to
Intoxication heofre Juntlie l'e thin
wetk uml wan anneuM-d flfl) and ttmtn
Mlko Hiam wan found Rullly of ha
Iiir lltpior lu hln powwlon and iiuikIi.
td up an evi 11 hundred.
And) Nolan, ihtr 1'eatln rlmok.
Churlen llleilu 11 ltd I'luti r Priint r all
plead Kiillt) to RamhlhiR a Htorrn
In ct vvtek and have heen flnetl twen
t).flve ilollam and eoMn h) Jnetlrc
lle at Prlie Tin) iniIiI Up
llriukeu I c uml Hum Hhliur. now
tMt Han DIiro, Cnlu'TlKiVe eath Iweii
ii.ailc flrft-rlawt private ret cully wllh
lletomini nilatloiin foi-eorpiiral. Wold
I wan ret ell ill to Ihln effet t thin week
hv, J l.m . ratln r of the formt r
Tral fit on the main line of tin
Diiivtr anil lllo (Iruude wan tletl up
'or eelal hour lant Taenia) li the
wretk or t IrIii cam or a frilHht train
mat Piovo In the forenoon, No on
wan hurl lu the ninunhup, however
P W (Ireaner iiRcnt at Prltt, o M
Walk at Hetiflihl nml U (I Condon at
Helper are 011 the Deuvtr mid lllo
(Irande honor roll for iiRenln for the
mouth or Janiiur) llelptr nhuvva !)
per tint IlltriHlne In hllnluiM. Heofhltl
to and I'rlco 37 p r tint over tin name
month diet )tHir.
Man) fileudn lot all) of lia It
HrownlliR, Ntate rinid eiiRlueer, will hi
Rind to hear that hln tomlltloii In
mmh Improved Imv lint wtek, when
he wan laki 11 down with pneumonia.
Word from hln homo at Hall Uike
I'll) )fMtnlu I thnt he In now out
of thinner
I ( W. Coleman tif Hull Uike Clt
hun hun Milt to Prltc to help out III
the retriillhiR work loooll) for Uiieli
Hum. He muken 11 nhort talk uir
Thurnihi) tvinliiR ut P.kn tlnattr, fit
Iiir aitual experlemen In the arm)..
He wan In China at the tlmt of the
I Hoxtr trouble
The Mutual war proRntm and duute
thut wan .irraiiKid for Tuenda) even
Iiir lant will he trlvtu at the tulu mat Ie
al Pi lie next Tunmla) at K u'eloek or
I the nvenhiR, a wVvk lutt r. "Don't
lout )our laRn," hi) the committee In
tlmrRe. 'an the) are ntlll rooiI ror an
I elijoyuhlt t.VeiiliiR,"
I At the .Mtthodlnt thiirih next Hun
da) ror. noon the anhJiH't or the wr
'nion or Itiv T. Xthltra will he
' .utMiheun I'llmhhiR 11 Tim Wh) '"
H11111H) mtiiHil at 10 u'eloek and Jun
ior ItWRUe at I u'eloek or the 11 fur
noun, A lorilUI welcome to all who
attend then M rvli'tw.
Hut liU unu will Ih hiKlde the
muIIh or the ntate prlnon next nummtir,
aciordliiR ti pUIm nM u warden
lef.rRi A Htorrn lookhiR 10 the uiiMt
txtinnlvi .onvlit.iMil hulhlliiR and
toiivlit farmliiR lu tin hl.tot) of the
Mat. At Irt-enent tlmrv an wvenl)
nix- eonvhln . mpliml ., lt. Mate
loildn In the lielRhlNlihnad al.pl e Cun
llt (lad I
,.!.! ii, '1...""' .'"ft -i"ii r
KtiltUke city ami will he ulwunt 11
unipe or iluya or loiiRer. Ilia iimu.
tlttt Ii hhiR taktm t-arn 01 hy Dr. c
R lliiinHhurKr. The latttr muy ho
(MUd from Hon.) HiiHpitut Advt
When econom) ri tn 1 , n
point wluro It pint hen it 1, u, 1
to he reononi) ITH I5THA
AOANCK. "KeepliiR nt' H tli
Intent cconoiii) In the Iohr rim
and there In no hetttr w.i 1
"keep fit" than hy tatlliR
You will rlml at our mmk 1
nit the meat to he had Ik. f
Pork, Mutton, I'Mt and th
vt ry hot In uiuh line tint t i.I
he neeureil. Our Mm In m
t htipi are ewpcclall) t In 1
The)!! kirp )our hodllv MRir
up In nn) demand Tieat v air
nelf fairly tut our mutt K 1
er) Tiientht) I'lnh l)n
Main St., Prlif, t'lnli
ThoroliRhhreil Ithotl. I. land II
irk for mile al Prlie ataittinv fit
our onlem now Advt
Ahout the rirnt of the mouth I'm
took (Iron, lire roIiir to movi Uirlt
pool hull uml noft drink hunhuMi P
another room of tint I'llcircmld ImlM
Iiir now oceiipletl h) n Japnncne mhi
hull ami iMirlxr nhop The lithr wll
move to the old I'tule niIooii hulMlni.
on Kouth Ninth nlret I
llrcuune of the link or 11 ipioruni
110 mwtliiK or the tit) ilium II ix
held lant Tuettda) evcnliiR, tho n Riilnf
meetliiR ilutn. It In llkel) it ipioriui
will he prttMiit tomorrow (Hatunlu)
eVenhiR, when un ailj'iurilt tl ntnnlnu 1
called. The iiImwiiI (UIch Tin ntla) w,r
AmlerMiu, liwennteln uml Mnthl.
Thnt fluen lu nillmtautliil iiiumiuii
were anoewed itRiilunt an main dim
eron fellovva hy Junllet Ue at I'rl'
Ihln wetk liuln 'tHwe tlrevv flfl) um
tiwtn rot pi'rmlltlnnK'imlillnK on hi
pre m Ice. Alex Punlarln the Min
mJioiint ror it nliullar offi um am
Klkm ,een rift) ilollam fol tarn ink
tonitnileil Weaponn
HerRt uml Mm. Tom Avtrlll aie Hu
parent or n-clrl huh), tin Ir 'lrt horn
that etiiuc to them lant Tin ntla)' niorn
Iiir Mm. Averlll In at tin honu o
htr parent. Mr. uml .Mm. Tlmnta
Pout, ut Prlie. Her Riant Avtrlll hi"
In en home neviml vvutika from C.uni
Pike, Ark., hut Ida rurlmiRh wiih ii
litat Mondii). when he returned l
'arm) ilutlen
I'lah'M Riune uml flnh tominU!"
hun taken tlruntle ntepn to tnunrvt
the kiiiiiii flnh of tho ntute hy t hmlnE
nil water to rinhormcii until Jim
I Al ti. AiiRlent will Im ileprlved
tlit Ir uniiul vpoit h) ruaitou of an ai
or the IfRlnluturo which In lit In
ntrhll) iidherttl to h) 11, II. Hlihln
wit), ntate flh mid Ritiue itininil
II, J. Hln) iter, fol min muniiKtr
the Counolldntiil W11 Ron uml Muihln
tompaiiy. Rot hank to Prim Wnlnc
thi) ami liicii han Iweii busy hclplm
10 Invnlen the nlok or Prli'i Tnnllu
eompail) or vvlilih liUHllienn he In
become maiutRer, Mrn, Htaym r H td
(lurlaml, win re nhe lift hi ell vlnllhK
rrleiuln untl relative xluu havhu
I'rlco a fi w tlayn iiro
t'arboii iiiiiut) IiIrIi hi hoot haoktt
ball team, vvJth the hand, onhtotr
mnl a iiumhi I or tiaihtr and M
ileum, went to Huiitlnstou Tutula
evtnhiR to pla) the Kmery Make tea"
and the HiiutliiRton hlRlf mhoot. '
the rormer 'Rame lmer) ntali "
while lluntliiRtou loutt In the letter
The ri-Mtlvltlen wound np with a hlk
ilanee In the HlintlliRton IiIrIi mho"
Plunk (itontoi lectntl) tinned a th
for the TlmniUH KltXRi raid proptrl
faihiR Houth HlRhlh nlrtit, hl
Rlvin him it rear untntneo to hln tl 'l
(Itn Hide r.ulldliiR oetiiplid h) '"
I'lwtofriett mid othir teiiautn. Tin '
Ie) In tin rem of the Paikel-W '"
I'UlhlhiR han huotororc rIvuii U'""
hi (liowui'n pioport) In thin hfmk Tl'
lonnlderatlou wan around thirl'
humlrtd ilollam.
Tht re tiro tnlkliiR nmnhlnoH h "
", hut then U nothhiR hotter tin."
tho CnliimhlunothliiK nulto so king
!'liiR. Hiimner an uppl "