Newspaper Page Text
I FEBRUARY 22, 1918 B SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE FWF H I Blanket Your Horses and Get In Out of the Wet. ) ' We liiiiulle Hie l.irrli lino of CuitvuH CmmmIn., ToiiIn, Ilorbe Blauketa, Wagon Cover, I'Ved DJujiH, Saddle ISatfN, Kiv.n uml our good were purchased be fore THIS LilST iu; KAISIO. Ol'K L.1IM2KTY FLOrit wan mtifle Iiy ilie oltl reliable PAY SON MlIJLSaud like Hie Itoval H MAKKS HOOD ltKHAI). Our Nioek of Mill Stuff. liny mid Grain, iw vorUi looking ni and prieiiif. I ) McKUNK FOHWAIllHIVt; CO. Plume SS Call UN up and the llltic Dray will ' bfcIlo K 2Vw." Parade of New Things ::::. Am iillon la enlhd lo the ahnw of nil lluil Ih imw In inon'w mi ar Ing uppnril hens PKo hundred mw sDllsh, nil wool fulirlcM lo Vlul frum Prom these ou mn unltr 11 uistnut tullnrul null llmt will jicrmlt of onr parading In the lit.. of Ik ni dremd turn In put thU in spring showing Twmt) m fort) ili)lluri. Frank L Buckio Price, Utah ..ftnTrnnli U UVMM V COMPANY CHICAGO W Arc Mm u Judgo f music? Oct mi tin- Columbia ricord llm uml ou will surprise jour friends Ailvt. Adlet Obo Cent Per Word Kacli Iuertlo Nn Charge Account. KTANDAIID OHi HIC1 FOR 8 VLB AT n linrKiiln Hio It. W. Crockett. KOIt 8AI.B OI.I) NBWHPAPBHB wrapped In bundle' of ono hundred Twtnt-flvo rents. The Bun I Oil HAI.B ON ACCOUNT OP TUB licit I. nf A. liilirniintrr. Mr Pit- bniostcr will noil an Overland (1916) iiiitnmntillo tin up Hi 1'. Paternoster at Panama llotol. l'flco, Ut ih. Wll.U TUADB aOOU POUTY-ACRB ranch for city proporty or will lease on taay terms for n term of eara CIojo to oil) In walking dlitance It W. Crockett. Price, Utah l'Alll Ol' HIIOBS KBIT AT OUU Morn last Hntunla, Owntr ma) haw wnmo by inllliiK prnonull ami I roving prnptrt). Bill" Jewelry mm I'lii). Muln strut, l'rlii. '"" MN-IIOUBB l'OWBIt KAIUUVNKB Murao & Co gusollno englno'for niIo or truilo. In kooiI (nndltlnu. ol nitikt new, together with shafting pullon. hmiKirii. helllmr. if "00,i fir running fctd mill, small clutrlc llfcht plnnt, pumping water, etc. A I arguln fur aumetine. The Sun I rice, 1'tah IWTTB'l WIIAI'PUIIS O.NB HUN' dred, $1 00; two liumlreil, U &o. flvn hundred. !7B. one Uiouaand. 1 j0. larger quantities wo will US' urn on. Bmloso cuah with ordtr, oi it will auvo oxpresH or pom I posj liarKoa Postago for ono hunureu In thrio hunclnil wrapper. five ccnta. Hire hundred to ouo lhounnil, ten emu Nothing hut tho best !"; mint pnpor and special Ink that la i not affected b noil or -rcaso. The mm. 1'rltt, Utnh. SHORT STORIES OF THE WEEK' AN I'AWI M II N( I". ItHkliiK of lilierlv I rind will Ih nmili mi ixmt wlinn tho Uilinlnil Mr Iih cotnmltlii iff iln Niitlomil Aih-o. iIhIImii of Mimlfr IMkirn inimiiiiirt-il ni ClitaiK" lnt I r1ln Mm Unit wilt Ih held In pipd hIhIi to liKtrmt Inik i m Imw to ol ImIii thi ll rmillH froni Hip minimum uw of Hour uml tlu inilwUttilm Hpiilfleil li tin iirttlmwl fimd nilinliiMnttliiu HIT hlltlin timi: I HI'l. , l.fttirn in On ililifn of pollii uml MurlffN of tin- Htiitt, ihiIIIhk Ihdr in tuition lo hi full that the 1318 Mute aiitoiuolilli lli(iii lux 1 1 conn id llmpirnt Miinh I, I a IK. mxt l'rlii i liuM lx in M't out b llanlili llm nlon, wirilnr of Muto Ho In iikhn; ! the off In r lo inroriv tin law Mrlitb ttlnn Hit fnliil ilii urrlww. iirrwIliiK vtti m rixin who ilrliii u iiir whkh iliifM not illnpln) ii lull llii iim Iiik at (rout mill rmr, m: in i.i i'it)Mi'i;rni. . 1'ilpli of nmiliriid reKUliitlmiH ko. ernlmt pIoMchI t XHiulimllim of ilroll riKlMrnutH Iiiim- bi-en rm-lMil b the Imal biMiril or ('Hrlinn count) TIiiiio rrxiiliilloiiH, nuntl) ailoplisl b the pruMiM, murlml pm'nil. u-M In Hie lot ul lMriU hiuI tlu incilUiil ixuniln cih pimrr or wider ninBi uml make powillilii It" Hitiptanrv of u luriti numbir of men for llmlud arm) r Ui who iimhr tlm old rulii mid Htamliirdx win Inolli-ltiln for mhIco. ii.oik siiisiiuni: ioumi I'otulKH ImMI.iI with tilt Ir pnlluKM Intuit uml thin Htrnlnnl throiiKh a iiilandtr Hint U thi :o pir mil whent flour wilmlllliln worked out b) u lakir In Ohdui It l until IpaUtl that llii prodmt will proc niupl ul.lo In 1'tnh ImiiwiwlMH, who Iiuno iniountind coimldi ruble illffkully In flmllnB u Millabb hiil.Mlluto for wlmot flour In tin maklnK or tnr bread Mont of thiwe MtlkRtMtta il b) tho KOV ernnunl. nuili a ')''. barle) uml out. , urn hard In obtain In Utah rxrmoTK' vsi, Coiwumptlon In war time of uunlM ontalnlnB little "r no Micar Iiiin nimrovnl b) the food admlnUtrMllon UK auomplUhlni; tun deflnlto thlnB. lhi win line of Mignr and tlm iimtlmi Inc of tin unfit tloner Indiutr). .?... li...u ..r i audit n are rinommt ml- , ,i tiiiridnti and mcoa uindhH wllh iruterd of nut and frulm. and un load d Hdt mnil) Mich an nougat new, Hik mud). Iiinon dropi' peanut brll Hi uml tin UK, mimlimalloww uml Hlmllar i and) Mini gunidroim Hiid Jel Hew m , , iti:i. in r": NKh i-urbon tounl) linikw hui '' iiik Mid lo pun hue tnuMir) tr fl- uul r ln.hbtH.lm. of ilu. Ul. tc. w toth. ixt.nt or 10 per or i. noun. or 1 P.r tent .hi .Vk for mi kw. Bur) bunk In , ... unlr) I iH-lw! to niww.r ihU alli-lt I- Mt forth Hint tlm gowrn- m. it w nf 1 l UiU time nniM bo I'm- i if r M wllnwUil l' ! ,r xlm .1) nu hundred mllllnn dol- i;rr- wlU 1" "Bllxid b) Hi. mriit lii ll'l" nmiin.r U l HKII 's ,M,N''" , ,,, i,M, bun ourruit loviill) in Ur Hood- at Halt X I It) I- lontemplallng the owtub ! i n.. nt of n I lf department atore ut ft'T Ml mme l made the firm ..m i.i lid lure Mich a Mructur. ti nuM , uomonUal, a xory largo bual S 1 rolibl) h hundrtd thouKnnd ZVuV ock Nttilkow have heard of 1,0,1 ... . roll In Carbon county, II aaaaV'iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH i to partlclpato In IL It la ld they aro oon to aend a representative to l'rlc to look oer the field, and what la done will of courao depend upon thla mnn'a report Cloo to ccn million of dollar la nnn.mll paid out In Carl on county fit tho coal mlnca and to railroad employe, to art) no thing of other Induatrlea and Inter eata. I .AHD STM)ltl)S 111(111 l.ard ofrcred for wale In Utah la up to the required standard, according to a report laucd laat Bnturda) b) Herman llnrma, atato chcmlat llnrma haa Juat complited an Knal)ala of eight mmple of lard taken from ar loua at.Kka and he so) nit of them teat tin to the mark The themlat ul- ao touted two aamplea of lard com pound and he reports them nlao up to the standard or purlt) eatabllahed b) tho atato law is m i i : to Disr.oitm- Affirming the deelalon of the Third DIMrlct tourt the supreme court handed down laat I'rlduy nil opinion which nfflrma title of tho Tnloma Hold and Hlhir Mining eompnn) to cprtalu aharew or Its atiuk which had beVn tlalmed b H II Tnjlor Taylor had brouglit suit In nn etrort to iom pel th. iiimivnny to turn ocr certain shana or the stoek to him, nnd had appealed from the .ImIMoii of the trial court, whlrh hi Id Hie mining roiniHti) lo be the rightful owner of the Mock About fill) lhoiinnd shores are Inwihcd MMIi; I 'OS I (il I (III THIS. M.KInnon & (lllmour of I'rlce Com inlaslon eompnn) thla week shlpptd out to Monh Montleello mid llland lug n nirload of nick soil b) pan-elw poM. It wmt In lift) pound tots to vnrloii sb.tpmeii and uittlemen of that s.itlon of tint slate Bight hun dred dollars or morn was spent on postage for tin shipment Had It gone 1 1) express or freight It would hnn to lutxo bum handled In from Thompson I'rlco Commission mm pan) has reccntl) dlaposod of n tor load or stmlmd hone), nbout ull tlfi' was lift at thla lime In this mark. I nt around slxti.n rents ti pound .ioins win ion emu's. .rn T Aer. Jr. of Oust It Hat. whs In Prim list it portion of he dw leuMng In Ilu eviiilng for Kurt UHXeiiworlh Kni when he goes lulo tin n billon lorps or Hit I ulted Hiwtiw arm) ufler iilunUir lug nt l'rlrt ili da)s tigo Ilu whs Ji Ined here uml neeonuiiled on lh trl to tin swine .Iwllnnllnn.b) Dnlph or Hiundiirihllle, JaiJi limits mini or rami run, il.tirge Jmlisoii or Knillworlli mid I'mtik Cloward or Mohrlwml nil going to tile signal (orps lleporls rrom Ciislt. (Iiilt im Unit l)r K M .Niln r Is serious!) con sidering Joining the mpdlenlj roip roil i hi: I'ltBsKNr r 1 itsr. To put rumors wt it-si iiuiei rnlng Hi. iiise or IMi W'ogM, iirrustnl re ..nil) ul Kiullwiirtll on u yhnrge of making uiiiompllmenlar) retmirkH re-1 KHrdlug the prcwldulit. red. nil otfl clala ib i Ian llmt If ill lln end or Wo- gets tlilrt-ila) will. furlli. r In- estlgatlou wiirrants Inleriiinetit In the war prison barnitks nt fori Douglas, hi will lo lull rued us nu nihil i neiiU II had Inn rumor. .1 Hint Woget would In Inli rnitl Ini tio illatt I) In III. pilson CHiup, but this rtpoit U . rroiu mix. imordlug to hibrnl orridals It Is Ilk. I) Hint nt Hi. .ml or tlm tlilrt) pirlod be will l iwruliil, tin uuthorlllis so) 111-! (i: I'lllH IT M.IOWHH hid! brokers ingtig.d In ilu sol. or wlitU mill fiul mil) not hargi limn lliau it riiisonuble bro 1 1 rwt nut aw.xc.til t out) -five ctnls a Ion iiTTt rdlng to u aiippl.w muitiir) sit or ll.eusi rulw renlvel at Hi. hiHibiuartirw or Ilu I'luli rood iiilmlulstiulloii lust HuturdH) rrom the iihIIoiii.I mod adniliilMnillon Tin riiliw f urllii r hiiard iigalust Hut t barg ing of iloubli hrokt rag. fees, spetUy Im. that onl) one brokerage fie ma) Ih ihurgid, r. gar.ll. sw or tin number or broki rw who ma) haudlo tho reed Commissi ni" on the solo aro n strict id to nit) nuts ti ton and double (ominlssloiiw ma) not be turned IWII llt K (IN MI'.Nl'h. 'lis uml duughuiilw mi) be n In stall d mi th. nn uuw or of publlo Ipg plaiiw nu wIip.iII.hs da)s. but mil) uniUr Ilu irm lulnii that Hit dough fiom whhh thi) an made lontnliii ut I oil M 33 ti pi runt iion-wli. at flour, Win ii this rulo la ailhtred lo pro prlitorw or tilting plana may aiher lle 'htur) plow" und 'vlttor) ilnugliiiutw" It U txilnltieil In the new ordir of tin fio.l administration that tho onlir prohibiting plm nnd diiughnuta during two dios of tin' wtik w'ould iiintrlbuto to u hnrdshli on proprhtorw of tallng houses ns well us man) illliins, man) of whom hae on. meal dull) of pies mid dough, nuts I llN('IIISi: IS lU'.l Uhl'll. I llelpir's (It) i mini II rnimll) .1. ul.d tin petition of Utah I'owir und IJkhl tompaii) for u fruuihlso tin re i; T llorki nhiiki u mad. Ihn motion In ri fusn It uml wiiN si (undid b) Rto phiuo Olaiinotll Voting wllh them wiih Vlgmlto uml Orci nluilgli, and iikalnst Horeiisou 1h (oundl took the stum! that so long us tin clt) hud ItH own lighting plant. It is mild not bo lo tin howl Inlunalw or tho (It) lo giant tlwr riiiuwt In other words Ilu ill) innnot commit wllh othirw In furnishing 'Julio' to tho Inhabi tants tliire Tho ixiwtr und llghr pei pit will now nmoiii Its sub-stntlon to some point outsit), the . It) limits and ko light iilong wllh lis lont.m plated Improvt im ills. a u.i: in'iii. tt.MvMJMi uu l.leut Itiinsmn II l.etcher, sun of Jirrobl K Uitlur .1. put) weirutun or stute haw urrlxm! warcl) In I'runri ami is wllh the American expedition or) fnrcow a ft w mllow hi hind the firing llnow, auordlng to n ro celvtd b) tils piirents Ho reports a to)iigu frco rrom mishap and pleas mil, burring Uu conMnnt fear of buU marlnea und some choppy bcuh. Ho ku)a (hat tho Amirleun soldier, are taking oertlilng 'with a smllo' und Unit lettorH rrom homo aro worth tholr weight In gold Young Litohcr WAT11I AND JI.UIMIY HI l'Allt UOIIK IJV AN nXl'BHT Bllte Jewelr) company at Price has secured tho aorlcea of A A Ilounco of Jamestown, N 1) who nrrlcd n few da)a ago to nssumn charge of Its watchmaking nnd Jewelr) repairing department Tho gentleman la a prne thai man In hla line nnd was with Mnnhgcr Mom In the Dikotna four )cnra previous to tho latter a locating In thla cll Ho haa had man) )enra of experluire no better or more skilled workman an) whore An) thing Intrusted to hla care la done right ami at prices In keeping wllh the best nnd moat ri liable service The repnlr de partment of Hllto Jewelr) company will ! made second to nono an) where A.1M la quilt well known to per sons at Price and elsewhere) In Cor I on count) He spent Inst summer nt th. rnneh of Preston Nutter In the Mik Mile rountr) MKHS lt ON HVIIbS. War on ruts In l'lalt has li u d. (lured b) the t lull I'uldle lleultli as sociation whlrh h sending flio lion dred iMistcrw lo the schimlw or Uu slain tilling of llm inenme or th. ro ilenlK Th. iMwlers soy tlmt rats. b spreodlng iIIsvhso, Imvt killed more persons than bullets. "Trap rota Never Id one go' It ndvlsew. HiiIhiiiIi plague, Dphold Nver and Irldiltmslr are spread l) rats II inilnts mil MClOin IIHRlll HL'I.HS. Victory brend can be made of . Ith r graham or whob whwat flour nemrd Ing to Mrs I" C Hrhrninm publidsl for Hit stale food utlmlnlMrntloii. who uinkew the nunouneemeiil Hi cor rtttloii nf a pn-vnlllng Impreewlon that lieeniist tliet flours nn made from win ul tin) urn barred for use on wh.atlesa" da) or In lln tomposl Hon of lln fiHi.l ndmlnlstrntl hi a vie tor) I Mf Victor) brood will ion lain no lif than in p.r ct ut or nr tills ollitr Ihan wliiiil" she sm)s i;n:itN imssiw on. I'reilrlik I) llugg vtieian f tin Ulna k lluwk Indian war and h ittsbl. nt or I'tsli si nee ISCS. died nt Hull t.Hki I'll) lust Widinwla) aged 71 )mrs Hot u In Under N'.wni.le. Itng Jul) 3 mia, he ewiuit In Aniei lew In t ski on Janiuir) il lnr, h marrlid lenilum (' Adwlr In WhsIi lllglon I'll), I'luli He Is survived b Ills widow hiuI Hvt ihlldriu. Mm. llm urn J Horeii-Hiu lltlHjr. Mrs. Mwr) 18. Hii)tUr Hwker .Niv ami John Hug Nellie lillgg Nlul (letirgi Itugg nil of Miirmv I lt( Ii I'HOH CMP I i:vis I Mnj fiimuel A King who Is iM.k In Moll riom Nimrb-Hii l-lke Wash sttys Then uu man) I'luli men winning n tiigiiltlon ul ('amp Uwlw Htit! Irom Uu runks or I luhV two IhoiiMind in. n will spring or lletrw or whtiiii wt will Imvo ttinsld irulili ruisoii lo In. proud .Mil J II (Ingor) la strvlng with one or Hit i track IniIIiiIIiuiw of luluuli) nt lniiii Uiwls Win ti I visit.. I with him I found that hi was i xct plloiiall) bus), how Ing tin skill or nu old limn urni) tilHur I lieuril man) uiiuplluiuiitw for him uml In lieu hlgliir honors tire In store for Major (Ingor) I round Uu eiintonm.nt buildings In exit limit condition, Hie footl fai iilietul or III. Hventko tabh uml Uu mi u In Uu , pink or loudltlmi i Nl! UKHKAIION. Hamlsoini InvllatloiH iiiinoiiu.t Uu oii.mlng or Uu Utah I'm I (ompuny'a amiisi nielit bullrtl C.MIe llnti this (I'rlilio) evinlnlr Wisliliigimi's blrtli iln) .Num. ryiiw mxiji ul Price who nn Invltol ul. golliK to I. pioselit Ilu hour Is oclotk mid the ivmilug will b. glveilou Kto ii iiiushul and lllemrv proknim, rmisllug mid limit ing ChsIIi (late w ajjli mild on hestru will furnish the muJi. H.ural or thi ixeiiutlv, offl.Trsiroiii Uu gent ml iirrlnoH ut Kail Uike Oily mid ollurs of Hit fore, urn nxpitlid to In In ill liudan.t lasldcw mini) from Uu otliir imnps of th. -omHin (u Car bon i omit) The hull Is inn or tho most (ommodluiia und ver) fluesi In I'tuli and has hum built nt u tout if (lost lo tin UmusHud .lolliirs. Tlm hall ut Humosldi, It Is ixpictul, will bi opt mil HI Patrick's l)u HOOKS Kill llli: l.lltll MtN . Mrs tins (loodurl has ruintl) pre round Curiitgl.i lllirur) or this illy with a number of volumes. Int tl In aro Takin Alive. I'rmn Jest to Barnest, What Can Bin Do, Bin ds With Bmull l'rults. The Burth Tremblul, Nuir lo Natiin's Heart. Wllliout a Home, llarrltrs llurn.d Awn, A oung (Ilrlw Wooing, n Or igllial Hello, He IMI In lvu With Ilia WIN, A Da or 1'iitu, Opining of ' a Chestnut Hun. A Kulkht or Ilu ' Miuti i nth Ontiir). .Suture's Hirlal 1 Hlor), MIh lui nnd Drlu n llaik to ' Bdi n Also, tho l.lbrar) I'm Young 'Polka." lontululng llirois or M)lh nnd lfginds, lloliluaon Crusoi, Allte lln Wonilerlund, Bpmts und lliimis, iTruvihrH and Itxplorrrw, Po. in Kor Young lolls, Hkttch.M mid Humor, (iulllur's Truuls. I.lfi Out or Doors, l'ulr Tales, Hhort Stories ami Ureal M.u und KiimuiiH Duds. I MONH I OH SCIIOOImS Wllh u rtwHTuiiloii or ao p.r unl, as iiqulrtd h) luw, in ord.i to allow for varlinu In twein the eHiliyntes or attemlanu for tin rimulndtr of ln )our, uml tho uctiiul uttimlauui Uu Mutt hlkh htliool fund wn distribu ted last 'Iimsdii) among Ilu various dlstrhts intllled lo participate Th. stato law pirmllw uu istlmiit., bawul mi tho ncunt (uirollmeiit, to be mad. of tho total inrollnunt of pupil uu- Idir IX )onrw of agi In uich school On thi ostlinule 70 p.r it tit or Uu run.) Is distributed on u per capita basis The amount allow ul for euch pill II this )uur Is 8 S3 on uu istl inatid tiiirnllmtint In Uu hlkh school or 79U7 pupil under IS or nge IjihI jeur tho amount illslrllmtud wum $S 1C per inpltu on uu inrollmunt or 7893 A total or ICI.tSl 00 la being distributed thi )ear, uml u bulnuco Is loft In Uu statu hlkh school fund of J33 84G II Carbon county wllh muv int) pupils get S&9G ID and Bmnr) itiiunt) with nluut)-thrue, $7i 2 I Motor clothing till season uses mi Immunae amount of fur Who Does Your Thinking? B To the young boy or girl wu wnnt to sny n word. Some- BV one hni been doing n lot of thinking for you your jwr- JI cuts, your tencher, j'our friends someone Is now curry- Ki ing your burden. i B You will hnvc to do your own thinking soon, nnd you Kv enn not do n better thing for yourself than u little think- K ing along the line of a savings account with this bank. B We pay 4 per tent intcrctt on savings accounts, tttni- WL pounded semi-annually. ul ' Mr ' Price Commercial & Savings Bank n Price, Utah B- 1' I' PURELY PERSONAL """" i Mrs t'lur. u II Hijv.hsoii ten Inst evening rr her firli. r h ime In low a Thomas D Wilson or H.oflelit wan among tin Kav s gu.sls lie first or Ilu week A K Milt lull or Cameron evus a guest or Uu Haw i Monday, lust In Ing In town on court unit tire, i Mrs, M P IJniffil Is hen till wiek on h visit itu luV staler, Mrs. Allu Kuki'. or IhifTuvvjiji MIm Itsllii Mlilliunr home for si nliorl llmo from Profit win re she la attending llrlgham lUl)f UilverMly Judge I't rilltiHud Krlekseti mime down fiom 'lou Motida) eunlng to look nftir several mutters In dlslrlt t it.utt Mr mid Mrs. ltlopinke) or llelitwr were Momlii) vlallAra In the muni) seHl Tin ) egUltTeil nl Ul Hhvo) HIUiw Howl, yor Spring (II. n www H We.liiMs.lH) Vlsllfir In Price He will keip piwt.Hl oh lAliuty ulfHlrs In nul Ing The Hun x.J' C U King. Uu Help. r allornt) was ult. mllng illsirht coiiil nt Price this wu k He hud s.vtnil Imporluul chmi. Ht Imr Ml and Mrs It I. (Iruy or ( hi ago nn here this wvk on u, short htlt lo the tatter iwttnls, Mr and Vlrw ilmirg. It)laml Illshop (tiH.rge Huff or (he mini I) school b.Hir.1 linn, ibiun the hoard muling Tuosdu) Inst and auto graphed at tin Huvo) Purlo) Austin of I. hi wum lure this wuk looking ufter his fur;n lu ll rests uml. r the coiiul of llm Pi It Itlur Irrlgallmi touipaii) Mr William Mtllulr. lift Ilu last or llm week for Price, wluit slu will visit tier nice, Mrs. Nil Itutln ford (IriHjn lllvir Dlspatdi 1Mb Mrs. J M Urobilin or Halt Ijike Clt) whs ul Hit Tavirn Kuiidii) Hlu wiih n turning lo lur home ufiir n visit lo frit ml ul K. u llHorth Dlslrlt I Allornt) Knox Putl.rsoii cnuie In from Ion Hund i) for dlslrlt I uiurt Ue r. tumid to his home nt Monh ihlrlng lln wuk bill will be hrt k Hgtiln Prof Olson U)1iu Is one or iiboill h hiilf dux. ii Uliih imUi who will ut It ml a scmdou of in National Bdu cnllomil ussodnHoli t Phlliuldphl i, I'll, the coming vewk Ho I. fl fol thin Wtdnitadii) tviiilng Mlsw Brmlnlu VjRlla ha nrrluil In Pi lie lo take if position with lur brollur ut I A Ajgllilw store The tail. r ha bought lhitlc llouonio' Inter, st In the business, tin sab b. Ing iff. i live eiverul da) liko M P llruffel, A It, lluriiew uml (I A, Ivirsnn. Zlou uttorne)a, iiinm In Hiindii) tviiilng for dlstrl. I tourt. hereon A. Ilaruew uro ritnlutd b) Hiuuilurd Coal eompnn) In tin water suit brought ugulust that imiipmi) b) the tit) of lrbe Dr C. A Wlnrr) will mov his off It. in Holt I lldpir lomurrow, when bo will he equipped lo mako ull kinds or ixiimlnutliins HI offko hours will be from 1 n't lock lo i 30 o'clock of tho iift.rnoon on Monilu), WuIiiiiIu)h mid Hiituribi) until uf- ii r Uu war draft hoard bus finished BV" II work llelpi r Times ISih BT Mr mid Mrs Ho) linker of Clem B a Hr.nk Mslte.l wllh relatlvow mid B frit ml nt Ml Pleflsnut Hit. past H wcik Mrs U O lloffmnnn haw' return- K ul rrom n visit or it wuk to ten dnyw B . with Mr mid Mrs. If. B Horfmann ut H 4 lll.hflelil B'd. Mrs Orson Tcllrimkj I nt horn B niter 11 visit of iuiuplr or wetka with B lelnllvoH nnd friends (A Halt Ijiki) Cll) mid clsewlurc In-the statu, Hfl Mr and Mrs. Os.ur DoualiUmi K and fa m 1 1) of 1'riilta uxp.ct to Iihcva Bi Hint city alter n short time for Ih Ipee, Kl win re Hie) will make their home. Bj f (Iruntl Jiinrtlou (Colo ) News. IPIh H ' V K Allihrsiiufta bill k biihlllel Br 1 Uu tounl. r Hi Prlut-Cquitnirdiil iun B Huvlnga bunk nflef 11 J111llon of lwi Bj a wukw sp. nl In CiHIforiiin Her. porta Br' hnvlnit hud it giirnCnrii,! and 11 line HI h lime US ( J line assistant supt rlnti ml mW tut of the Wi stirn Union, wn hi iv IFw Monday mid Tuesday t becking Ui IB, jS Willi II C Snillh, lo.sil mauiigir. Iho Uf, romiiiiiD's luislnert nl Pi leu I mtwC Hf sHllsraetor) In voluuii UJt W (lltnii Haruiuii It ft list night Bhr tor Washington, I) Cl) to tnttr the BUB adjutant gi nernjtw d. partmi lit of Uu BB go lit ipintiried ror tint lufl P sllloii hi InkotTllfiili r tho civil ser- KeB vice rinpilr. nieuls. Ih villi imik BilB .mid amlVJ .Paul Alm.lrong nalurnllxlilloii IE EM t xamlner out or Halt Uikt City, ut- & IcndtO Ihe resalon of district tourt u( B9 I'rlte thla wtek The number nuking nLfl for tlllxnshlp pap. r ut this lrin ICT - wna small toinptir.d to pnvluus see- aiBVw dons. Hf'i Kil II Johnslmin I batik In Cr Ka Ihiii eouiily from Halt Isiki Cll), wh. re IrSI he ha b. en lotatul for 11 uinsld. r- able tints slnte Irnvlng lure, lln I MM:M to mako this lotallt) hi home and BU will hn Jolnid Ii) Mr. Johnstone In- Bra ler. HI frit ml I wall) and the) un IEii mmi) urn glad to aeo him buck nnd Km om of the i ItlteuM of Ull section fl H V. Ti Av.ry of Cnallr (late mudr I Jtm The Hun n (all last Mmiilik) lie was, SM hen with hla sou, V T Avtr), Jr. re- I BJ untl) In Ih. uvlallmi corps WKm und who dtiurtul Momhi) tuning BU for Port lKiu nworth, Kan The elder BMi Avery has Ihiii with Pleauint Vullt HI uml Utnh I'uel companies In various PAmB (tipadllis for UilrD-flvi )ears, II. 119 first workul ut Wlndr Qtiarlir iindi 1 Irfs lUshop William uml has situ mini) BH louii Hint go BB1 J I'" Jones was In town Hiturdu BBJ from tin Klnio 111 Igliborhood mid left fluH mi onlir with Tho Hun for it quautlt) HBJ uf biillir wruppirw for lioailshl. IQBH I'urin Mrs. Jones ,1s making mi ox VH it lit nl reputation for good bull.r Bsl wllh uiiinuruus (iistomir mid ulwn) t 1011 has 11 splendid murk, t for lur prod- to9 1 uct In hUsutlon un g.l- Ub ting rtud) for spring Work mi 11 big D9 stall sii)s he Provlou 11. r. ugiw BmI will be gristll) Inert used BH Mrs Man Wilt ox or Ml Ph us Bfl nut, who I visiting with lur won, Jatk BJ Wilcox, I out or thu most cnthuslas- U0fl Ik lied Cross Itnlttt rs so fur to tukt 19 up thi form or (Xinlsti Although jUfl Jlrs. Wilcox I 87 eunt of ugo, she I Bwl still ublo to produce more knitted ar iBfl Hole than tho )oungir members or QvJ the organlxutlon. Aw u result of her HB knitting tho Hod Cross uinlrlbutlnus IffBJ from thi ctiunt) have In en Increase il HH by man) list fill gtirmenl of lur mnk- &VJ lug Monh Independent IBth , E3B I'uliindnrs, Tho Hun. Ha9 WILSON'S i riu giivirumiut wuulw )oii to pii) tush Hint I tin wu) wt un asking IBJ vim to do. Join toduy our big rumll) of iiish lustomirs Tiny uro gittlng HB uvtr) u nt ol value It Is posslhlu to give In legitimate merchandising, Unu SBJ t$ )oui -govt rum. nt tho muni) wo wavi you on )our grocer) bill ami twitch & It grow Tho lost or living Is not so high This I full) dcmotistrutul to )ou MB etidi we. k Willi h thi spate untl If you urn patriotic )ou will use tho Hoov II prlii. Wthy pa) nmrof Mutch Ihl mutch. Our buying powers IflJ l"lB CBNTH POH A HON OP MATCHKH Just rut (Kid direct from tin aWJ Dlumoud Mutih tmnpuii) their hlghgriulo full tounl mulches which vu will 'Ml sill till week, at per box, Hv .cuts Kilt more potatoew. del I lured to )our , vfl kitchen ut tt . pir humlred SB Applo Hauu for tvirybod) If )ou iiinnol toint plioiu SI win re yoiit Wmt ilollirs huvo one hundiul ..nt valuation BV Puuc) Onions ii lbs. Ml no Penuiit Hutlur, I lbs I Ull Bjjf I leans, Nuv), K lbs HH) It Ice, 11 lbs. . . ion mWmi I leans Pluto, 9 lb. t Ull Huluiiui G tall 11111 , I on BB Homlii), Pour), HI Ih I MI jeiij, 7 klnvsoM pun fruit . I on BB i.V.,,m.a!,.A.,,'"r,V.,o"' !"!! loo. 3 low high krude Oiun or BJ WVual Plukow, 1J lb Kill ip,auk . 100 IBI Corn Plukew It pkgs. J "" Wulnuls. 1 lbs ,.,, I im tM Cofr.o steel ( ut. 1 lb 10 anc utur ? - h.1 BB Mik'Un,',"", MO Trou. cstoimtoMlght r Ih .11. H l"tk S ouus 1 0 Wholo Wheur Plm.r. .ui suck . J 1 . BB ChocMiluto, McDonuhl w J5t tmn Qermudo, full l 11 puund . H , Hj flvu wins for I 'In Applta, pir btiulicl Vic lo SI 111 bV O. H. Wilson Selling Co. BJ