OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, February 22, 1918, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1918-02-22/ed-1/seq-6/

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I Back to the
Thousand of ptoplc reeling
, Urn urgn of tho present high
coot of living Arc looking back
lo tho farm with tho hope ot
battering llirlr condition. We
havo frequent calls from parties
wanting home. Wn can ell
Mir farm to good advantage.
Lift your farm ulth u. Wo
have facilities for Interesting
buyir that never fnll to tiring
rniulf. If you prefer to trade
for other properly, wo hao a
number of customers who need
larger or smaller place, cheap
er or mnro costly home
' Whatever yon need, In Imjlns
or wiling, HntC UH AT ONCB
Kvirj thing In Insurance. Ab
stracts, convnyanelng and nolar)
work, Tltli examined Itond
Mia, k
bocorul Iloor
Hlvngnl Hlock Price, Utah
You Pay As
. Ah It Will Cost You
Mined At Storm, Carbon
County, Utnh, By
Spring Canyon Coal
SalcH Department,
NqwJiouho Bldg., Salt Lake I
City, Utah.
Special mm
Alt line of business require
hardware specially uduptcd to
their need. Wo had thl In
mind when selecting our stock
Wo curry nil supplle needed by
tiii: i.hmi:ii
tiii: (lAiiiTMicit
Till: llhACKHMIlll
tiii: i:m:utiiician.
And man) other special line.
It muki no difference n to
what )our business U, If ou
need hardwuro, wo havo It
WjM j t. Weeler lumber to.
y '1 'li flSHNMrvHlSp
Hi i 'a "s3i!ftS?2?33CsE2flS$7
J i The Illgheat Kfflclency
mm coal
19 aowrnmont Kqulvalont, 3104
H ' ( pound. Unequalled For Wort
fll (,, xtf "K Will Not Slack.
H 1. M l'est ot Steaming and Heating
K, JP Qualities.
'$ ( Mpleil Coal Hoke Co,
H M Mines At Kenllvvorth, Utah.
Hn 1JP General Offlcrf, Walker Dank
Kj X Sj lildg, Salt Lako City,
H Wu uro ready at all times to
i jj sorvn meats, to jour order
H T from tho full course dinner to
H !' i tho most "conservative" of
Hj T lunches.
Sf i Your uppotlto U jour chief
ft concern. Wo cater to tho trade
H ,1 of ladles accompanied by ehll-
H 'j elrem. Out of town folks shop-
1 , r pine In Price Invited to come
H t'; hero
H" J1 ', coiJiiTrrH c.wr.
B J n Muln Street. Price, Utah
HH WW, Completo logut blank stock at Salt
B i Lake City and Provo prices Tho Sun I
ttsnttssKsfWHsssslfc a"la fc'll " ViiistJOiWMlaMiii'itoiiMi1. iTiflW
omi:ii comics fiiom tiii: ktatk
National Aiithorltlo Promise Itcxtuc
Hon tho Country Over Ilcgtnnliig
ANitit ilia First of April, Next lr.
II, A. (larfleld Itenlcnv Fuel Plan
of tho Pant Which Were Hnmw,
lleglnnlng last Monda) lonl of nil
grades Is, reduced flftien cent u ton
hi reason of an order soul out to re
tnll dealers nnd Jobber by W. W.
Arnmtrdng, Mate fuel ndmlnlntrator
tti u circular litter that offltlal miyii
"It Imvlng me tn tho attention of
tho fuel ndinlnlntratnr for Utah that
ftewrnl JoIiIxtk nnd nalrit ngiticlea
hae twined to i hiirgo the flfteutfei nt
Johtinrn' cotnmlMdou on iohI, nil re
tall dealer will pleaiie tuku notice
that the margin, heretofore fixed or
In effect, for rt tnll denlerw are maxU
mum, unit imt imj reduction In tho
Cfmt of tt i to the retailer, tllhir du
lo cancellation of Jobber' t-oinmln-.
Rlona or otherwne, muiit bo met by n
correnpondlng reduction In Ilia retail
price to ionumcrM. All retail deal,
em will klndli gowni thamiclvea no
cordlngli, Vnd Imuc (uotatlonn to the
tradn on tho above haul"
Kdectlvn Kchruar 17th, maximum
margin charged by dealer hall not
exceed tho charge outlined herewith.
Carbon, Juab, Hanptto, Hcvler, Hum
mil, Utah nnd Halt take countle (ex-clu-ivn-
of Halt Luko City, whero the
groK margin I not to exceed 12 IB a
Ion), II. 3D a ton, Hi aver, llox Klder,
Cache, Dnvl. Iron, Millard, Morgan,
Tooele, Waiialih and Weber countle,
f I IS a ton" Tho dlfferenco bttween
tho gro margin In the above coun
tle and Halt luikn City I becauno the
cost of delivery la much greater at tho
mate capital han nt any other point
whore tho growt margin I ruluced.
Tho fuel admlnlntrntor further i
'Tho prlco to tho connumir nlmll
bo the coil of the coal nt tho mine,
plu tho freight to the retailor' yard,
plut war tux and Jobber' conunllon.
If nny, plu the margin iih et out In
the nrlnu tountlr." The II 21 nud
$1.35 In the iiiuntle named I exclu
lvo of delivery iharge nnd It I pro
vided that 'Tho cot of loading from
tho car, or dealt r' bin, to thu um
tomer'M wnguii, or hauling from tho
car. or denier rd to the uutumer,
and tout of crrenlng, If uctuully dune
nt the dealt r urd, may be nddtil lo
the above iol to be puld l the iiim
tomer "
Till dot not nffut Halt Uilie Clti,
It I wild, an the Ltitlre margin, with
coiil. of delivery lidded. Ih tovend by
tho IJ.18 allowed. The new price
ure nut nud lump. 17. 10 u ton: run of
mine. II. IS. Mack, IB.3B. The 17.10
rate U rnado up hi taking nut unit
lump a un example Cunt of tool ut
mine, 13.30, freight, fl.eo, war tax,
five (tint, grim margin (Hall l.irk-
at onli), 13 It
l'heuHr ('out Pmmlxsl.
WAHIIINtlTON, l V. IVb. 10
Uiuer prlci for toul are promUed
to tho rt toiler nnd consumer It tho
I'nlttd Hlate fuel udmlnbitratloii Do
cUlon uni niiiiiiunted toda that the
prlim or ion I to retuller will bo
mado thu unmo whether either un-
thraclte or bltumlnouN I old dlreit
by tho operator or through' Jtihlxrw.
At prem nt the-Jobber I permitted to
add the government price nt tho mine,
hi cnmmliudon, running from flfteta
to thirl tent u ton. montly thlrt).
Under the new plun thl itimmbi
Ion will be eliminated Tho prlio of
coiil ut the mlini will be Iniri lined
illghtl. but the Jobber will bn re
quired to look In tho optrutor for hU
rompeiiHUtlon The liuriimid price nt
I i no mini win not, However, equui th
commbulon that U bilng ihargid now
) tho Jobbtr Thu tho retulltr will
bo able to Hill (heupir limn ut pre
; enl
Tin udniliiUtratluii will nuiiouiito
the prlte to be ullovttd nt the inlllHi
before April lt, ut whlih lime llu
will go Into efftcl
Oil. II. . iHI'li:i.l) SAtri
pins wi.iii: KiiccirxsiTu
NKW VOItK, I'eb 16 Home hllh
irtu unannuuiiciil ditull of Dim
rniue nnd rinult of the five-day In
tlUNtrlal kuii union nnd heotleuM Mon
day order wero iIImIohciI here tonight
I'l Km I AdmlnUtmtor (lurflelil In an
addrmH to the nliimnl of WlllliimH
iollife I)r (larfleld' tluuiie wu
'Tho Hplrlt of Anttrlcii, nnd he
praUed the people for thu tranqulllti
with which tho met the economl
rll. A it renult of the IimIuk oidir lr
Dnrfleld nuld, four hundrtd nud light
Hhlp, currilng more than two million
ton of food, fuel nnd other wur uiu
idle, which had been tit d up In Atf
lantlc iort. wen bunkered und wilt
to eu (rum Junuari 17th, the dm the
order heitime ffitlve, to Junuar
S9th A normal number of hlp nub
remaliud ut anchor, he di dared, und
tho flow of KUpplle liceitkMr lo the
Amerliuu t xpodltlomir forcwi hiiiI the
allien had been r -elnblUhed
In uddltlou, the fin I udmlulntrutor
continued, the rulU wtle cleortd for
Important khlpimnt or vleel nnd other
tommodltle to fudorlM, without
wild h tho moat etwentlal war Indun
trie Inuvltubl) would have been clou
ed ' but not In un orderli fii.lilim '
Dr. Oarfluld Hilled attention to the
fact that thu nation' foreign torn
merce had Inoreavid from I2.00Q.000..
000 In 1913 to 19,000,000,000, und wild
them had hi en placed mi rullroad
but little moro than half of tho num
ber of locomotive needed til euro for
tho lucreaHcd traffic, the rvinulnder
lining mo nt to I'i nine und Uuh.Iii
Almokt without exception, ho uou
tlnued, tho manufaituro of war ma
terial wu at It height ubout the fir.'
I of last Dicumbtr Thou lume Ilia I
wort weather the country had exper
unccd In twenty year. Tho railroad
found the Mruggle against overpro
duction and blizzards too much for
them, tho administrator said, nnd
some relief was necessary,
Protesting that fifty thousand men
and women are out of work In the
Now Kngland factories and that from
three hundred lo flvo hundred thous
and will bo forced out within ton
da unless coal relief Is glvon Imme
diately, n delegation of four No
England labor men held a conference
with Director General McAdoo nnd
Chairman Hurley of tho shipping
board this evening. Tho double con
ference followed a half hour mcitlng
last night with President Wilson when
the situation was gone over fully.
The told McAdoo nnd Hurley that
their districts required 140,000 torn of
bituminous and forty thousand torn
of anthracite toal a day and that they
were now short Ms,20 Ion. They
must have nt least 260,000 ton a week
hi prevent on niisoluto breakdown of
tho factories, they argued They de
clared that flft thousand men and
women wiro out or work now nnd that
unless fuel Is shipped Immediate!
there will be between 360,000 and
100.000 out of work within n .fort
night The director general und Ilurle
promised to give all the aid the)
could, tho mm representing that they
must have enormous relief b the
wntnr routi.
HOIiLTION OF COAIi Pll()lll,i:it
III it litter iiddnssid to Mayor Per
O and the Halt Istke City commission,
Krcd J Leonard ha offered to nsslst
that city In ruing on n atctlon or toal
land that ho know to bo Available.
I.eonarit explain In tho letter that tho
land bear sufriclent coal to Insure
tho city ngalnst n shurtago of tho fuel
ror n hundred lears, oven figuring In
crease In population. He offer to
lend whatever assistance hi cxpirl
enco In such matter might make pos
sible If the city commission diter
mine to undertnko securing tho land
from the government for tho munici
pal corporation.
taotiard was one of tho commltlic
of illlien coal user thai undertook
to solve tho problem of roal shortage
last fall He then advocated that tho
clt) git access to toal di posits that It
could control nnd mako tho commun
ity Independent of the coiil companies.
l.ciniird' offer wu filed with the
city reiordir nud mine In fore (ho
commission lust Monda) night for
conslih rath u
0li IH Pl.l'NTIFi'ti OUT IN
tiii: itii:itVATioN countiiy
The roul outcrop on the Indian
ginziug luiiil uro plentiful and afford
opportunities for nil aggressive work
er to make good Veins of fnlrl
good coal from one to over four ftet
are found. u the Altouah News.
Homo of tin so outcrops nre easily ne
cisslbln by wagiiu and three toni can
be liuiilul to Altonuh nud Mountain
Home (iisll) at an expinso of two dol
lar u ton ir It tan bo mliud at two
dollar und a half a ton that would
give tint upper country tonl ut u cost
or Its than file dollar u ton rive
lour least inn bo made und the rn
nit) en miot bo Its than ten lent a
ton nor moro than twent)-rivo lent.
The Indian department Is noxious to
hnvi these mine dcvcloptil Hupi'r
lutendent Kiuiilo will give ever) In
duvmi nt iiosslhle lo encourage pur
tit to lease Mountain Homo will or
ganize ii tHimpiiii), If protected leusoa
run be secured, und biglu tlovi loping
nt unit
(in ut linwcn tlm llrxull.
CIIICAdO, Feb l That J.I50.
000 ton or t mil were wived In the
United Hlate during the eight "fuel,
less" iliij. limit r Ihe ret i nt (larflold
ordtr but ut u cost to lndu.tr) or
:89.3S for ever) ton savul, was the
estimate made lodii) b) lllack Dia
mond, it trade puhlliutlen The total
loss during this period In wage nud
muiiufaitured produit vvus plated at
more than $1,000,000,000
Tublt prepared by W. P Mauss,
Industrial ugent or tho llaltlmoro and
Ohio, were ill no given, which valued
the fuel wtvtd undi r the order In
eighteen or the larger titles or tho
couiitr) ut $137,377,611!' The lus In
iMiai'M und muiiuruitured products In
these eltle was put nt $1,314,070,000
Tho flguri prtparul b) Maus for
Director (lenerul McAdoo nre consld
trnbl) higher than those prepared by
Ill.uk Diamond experts und tin pub
lication glvt them Ixeuuse they nre
considered of filial, whllt trltltlxlng
tin Ir utcurni)
'I lie) Must I line I'm I.
Hhlps must huve roal to move them
and coal must be movtd by ship.
There Is dire nevd for coal In Kiiro
pcuu countrlo ullted with America In
the libert) fight Aiiurleu has Ihe
coiil but uieds tlm ship to move It
That epitomize a mommgt addressed
In the people or Utah by Put I Admin
istrator (liu field through the state
coiiuill or defense (larflold s me.
MiKt urge the heartiest to-opi rutlon
b) the people of this state In the
l)il 1 1 ill his of shliM With lifeiomo to
tho government's tall for men to wurlc
In the hli)ards, Hoon turj or Ijilior
Wilson explains that voluuteers Tot
this mtv Ice must be reirulted through
the rigular federal channels
homo lllg PrnmiM.
Appeurlng bufnru tin ilt tummt
slim ut Halt IJike Cl) lust Friday
night, Fred J Leonurd offend to gv
Information roncerulug certain coal
lands that might bo uvuiliible to that
clt) b) huso rrom the govornmint as
un Insurant o ugulnst futuro toal
shortugo Tho commlsslont r c x
pressed Intcrnst In the proposition ami
Informed Leouurd that further imi
foramo with him ut a meeting or tho
commission In rommlttoo or the vvtiolu
would be arranged nt nn early day
In tho Informal illsuuudon It wu, re
marked that the plun might moan ,a
wiving of ueurl) a million dollars a
)eur In tho uost or coal to Halt I-aku
Pit) hIiuo moro than lour hundred
I (Continued on pago eight.)
Capu F. H. Patty, Kt-Posxcngrr Agent
of the Northern Pacific Itallroacl,
DUcuiwk Ills Former Trouble In
llcivnt Pcrjnnl htntcnictlt Ho Kn
ilorxw (iooil Kffctl From To nine.
Neirl) ever) bod) In Knoxvllte,
Tenn , espcciall) railroad people,
know Capt. 1 H. PAID, for ttvalvo
)ear district pnssi ngcr agent ror tho
Northern Pacific railroad, with local
offices In Chattanooga and gent ml
of fit ex In Ht Paul, Minn On uccount
or generally railing health Captain
Pntt) was forced to discontinue at
live work and for the nist ftw )ear
ha been making his home In Knox
vllle, whero he number his friends by
hi acquaintance Ho Is n kind genial
gintleman of the old school and U
beloved b) nil who know him The
following Interesting statement was
made by him In ptmou to the Tatilai
"I am 09 )ear old nnd nliva cu
Jo)ed good health up to about six
)rar ago, when I suffered a nervous
breakdown nnd my general Ifeallli
gradually railed me My principal
trouble wu Indigestion nnd catarrh,
but my whole system seemed to bo out
or shape My condition finally got so
bad I couldn't sleep at night and nl
wbs after eating I would suffer so
fiTiiii Indigestion nnd htartburn that I
foil Just like Dure was n coal or fire
In in) stomach. M) hearing and vision
were nlso affected. I tonsulted sev
eral doctor hero In Knoxvllle nnd
other cltlt nnd the) helped mo con
siderably and I finally got no 1 could
go around, hut somehow I just could
not reel right nud couldn't sleep nt
night, which made mo awfully tier
vous and nothing I would cut seemed
o agree, with me
"I began rinding about this Tanlac ,
when )ou first come hire, but did not
decide to try Ihe medicine until I
talked with u friend of mine who had ,
actuall) used It Ho said It was the
best thing he hud over taken, nnd that '
was sufficient proof ror me 1 have
Just rinlihi d the first bottle und came
here thl morning, not out) lo buy tin
second bottle, but to till )ou Just what
It ha tlono ror me, 1 be gnu enJo)lng
my meals rrom tho first fun- drops M)
nervousness gone nnd I tun sleep
like a child und itlwuis wake up In '
the morning rend) ror breukruat mid '
reeling refnslnd I um Ver) fond or '
onions, but wu utmost afraid to eat
Hum, bttiiuse the) ulwii) dlsagrtcd
with mo so I could tasto them for '
hour af ti rwards. I ate one ror din-
tier the otlur du) and It iigntd with
me p-rfottl) and I felt no bad nfler
effects whatsoever. I till )ou I am
beginning to ful like a illffiront man '
nud um uliva) going to kctp tips
Taiilai mi hand It ha done me moro1 '
good than an) thing else In the mull.
cine lino I huve ever taken 1 ivrtulu- '
I) do ritommend It to in) friends. It
I roall) remarkable
Tanlac Is sold In Prlrei b) A D
Huttoii, In llelpir b) I.011I Hllirtstui
nnd In Hiawatha b) Carhiui-ltmir) '
Htoies rompnii) Advl H
- -m j
M.li MUST ii:phvTi UFON H
HU'KYAItll POl'lim NOW H
4- t tt
I.()(1AN. Feb 17 We must (
look prlnelpall) to nilslug Imik- H
)urel poultry for liureiisid mi at (
production this )esir, ' dicliired (
4 Pror II) ron Aldir or the ugrlcul-
turul colli go nt u muting or tlm i
ir commercial club tonight, Pro- 4 H
rissor Alder was present hi Ihe
v miirist or getting the bMtk)nru
poultr) project eoiiniitid with
the war garden
The sloi'un this )iur Is it hun-
drcd low I on evir) rurin mid u 4
dozni fowls In ever) bat k) an!
Tho wur garden eommlltei) of
tho ilub Is cnthualiistlc over tho
mutter und wilt make It u part
or tho work among the ho)' and
girls' war gurdt 11 clubs. Ihe ug.'
rlculturiil colli go will eti-opi rati
III ever) wu) piHMlblt 4-
tt 4-
i:vtrono who tan put up natural
Ico In unused buildings will hilp ton.
servo rood wupplle next summer loo
Is wr) necessary In handling milk and
other perishable farm produtts und 1
limited suppl) throughout Ihe teiiiii
try would have u serious tffeet on tin
hisilth or the population
FEBRUARY 22, l9ig
Miners nnd Shippers of Carbon County Coals. 4
r MM CT21 rVWt I
Carbon County Coals Arc tho Best. i
f In the Market for Horses, Mules for Mines, Hay nnd X
y Grain, Mine Props, Tics, Sprngs and Various Other i,
Local Products. Homo Industries Patronized.
liifTmSfll i
W. sglswwA.s" "f W I
t WVj)tsiatkZA-L.VZar V
General Offices Seventh Floor Judge Building, Salt Y
X Lake City. Mines nt Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, J
Castle Gate, Utah Mine and Sunnysidc, Carbon County. V
must now hiihvi: virroitY
Vlli:.Vr 11)11 hl'HSTITl-II.N
All hotels, restaurants, dining
curs, Ismrdlng houis, steam-
4 ships mid otlur ,ublii .ntlng 4
plate-s, Including clubs, whlih
use three barrel or riour u
month, must bureafter serve vie-
lory idis, pnstr), looklos, grid-
die cakes, waffle und soforth.
n well us victory briuil, untie r u
ruling unnouiicetl last night b)
0 the rood ndmlnUtrntlon, tu bu-
tome iffoctlvo nl once. All pies,
pastry, takes nud the like m mil
b) out It pi ad's miint tontiiln n
third or wheat substitute ut ull 4
I lie mid batti r rakes, griddle
f e like mid wnrrie must lontaln
f three-quarters or wheat sulnll
f lutes
'Tin new regulation," sa)s the
f rood utlmlnlstrntlon unnouni-e-
$ mint ha been put Into opera-
p Hon for tho protection or thuso
r publlu uullng pUttv whluli duslru
p to eei.opvratu to tho rullest ex-
h tent with Ihe food udmlnlatra-
$ Hon In wliiml saving, but wire
$ subjetted to unfair compi tillou
run the pin ()f ,inn nf Hit Ir -f
r cciinpitltor, J.
"r .. 4
Pruning or uppli mid piur troo
can be ibini beter now than lute r.
More time tun be glvin now, It I
easier to sto whut brum In mid twigs
should be rt moved mid thi ro Is no
grass or wcid to lutirfcro with ml
beting und piling the trimmings Tho
war ha mado sprn)lng mnterluls high
Pi Iced und hard to get, so don't ex
put )our druggist or loteil nod deuler
lo kenp u lurgo supply on hand, um)
n member that It may take him somo
llnie to git thorn nnd that he ma) not
be nbli to gel thorn ir )ou wait Ion
Hnmli blstulu und root tun tnnd
h imiuh hotter and quicker baking
than large luavtw which must bo In at.
id slow mid long. On being taken
rrom the oven broad should bo piaied
on slat or shelve so that the ulr tun
tlrculule ubout It until It is thoi
oughl) loohd
(VrUIn article of tllet tend to ilicck
, movement of the bowot. Tho mo-t
, common or Ihosu uro e heese. lea and
, boiled milk On tho other hand ran
, fruit, csptcltll) apple and Uenania
, nlao graham breud unit whole wheel
, lire nil promote it movemniit of Hie
, boweil. Ulien tho bowels are Iwdly
(onsHputid, however, the sure way
I to luko ono or two r Chumhirhilir
Tablet Immediate!) uftir supper
Advl r
Wheal or good milling quulll) le
not wild Mr poultry reed except In
section that grow much vvhtoit mid
little torn und ocemslonnll) rrom small
local supplleic Tho hist wheul usual
I) available ror poultr) U not mtuatly
worth more us u iioultr) leed than
good eraekid corn, but a poultr)
keeper can sometimes urrorel In ia
n little moro ror It Imcuuso It titii In
kept longer without deterioration und
under some condition It fed with
lis vvuste
Investigation or methods or pack
Ing product In freight cur have
shown that great wiving. can Ik ef
reitid during the shipping season b)
propi r stacking or containers, bracing
mill allowing ror ventilation losses
on ear nt terminals rrom these causes
uro lommon, u appears from man)
Photographs of frolght ear Interior
lake ii ut time e.f nrrlvnl on markets.
Price, Black Hawk and
Hiawatha Stage Line
The I'lrst-Clas Cur llrlvveen
Thesi Point Dnll)
Cure rut und Itespouslble Drlv
ers. Ono Wny $3 00, Itound
trlp, $3 00. Children B to 12
imr ITulf Hate. Tickets
Oood For Thlrly Da).
HUEY & BELL. Propr's.
Union HtURo lopot
Hllvagnl llldg, Price. I'tali
Tiilephoiio SO

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