Newspaper Page Text
I Kl not appeal to you to continue d renew and Incrcaso your efforts i do not bcllevo that It Is necessary to a ' believe that you will do It ilthout any word or appeal from me. JLaoje yu understand ns well as I jVthe needs and opportunities of this it hour when the fortunes of man Find ever) where seem about to bo ele urralned and when America has tho -realcst opportunity sho has ever had .a make good her own freedom- and ia making It Rood to lend n helping und to men struggling for their free aom everywhere PJIEBIDCNT Wll. sot SAVQY HOTEL GOES 1 OVER TO NEW PEOPLE 1i.viit iiiisi: i:tiuid in. to this i VK. Proprietors lull rested In tlio Oil Una Incite Near I'rltv nntl In tlio Wutxiu Section of dm I liitnli llu-ln Conn irjtSruml Ttiuiisnuit Dollar? In lie hM lit In liiiprmlinr, Ha I'lnti. on llnrrli 18th, this month, the Ha iy lintel lit I'rlco Is to change linndit The lurnlturo mid fixtures have Ix-cn told to C W Bpnrr of Hillings, Mont tut! B. D lorlmcr of Philadelphia They havo also taken a lenso for ten juif nn the hotel property, pa) Ing a loUl rmtnl of u few dollars It us than iscnty thousand for tho lenso period The consideration for tho furniture and furnishings of tho house Is nround three thousand dollars. The building U tho properly of U Lowcnalcln and the furniture nnd fixtures that of his tioto company. Tho drat was ninde through l-cn.S'tlms Co, Inc. of I'rlii S oiler has bien served on Mrs. Walk er to vacnto tho middle of this month Tho now proprietors of tho Hao ire connected with tho Utah Bhalo ind Oil company, Lorlmcr being Its president nnd Hpnrr Its general man tier They are to bo hern within tho sot few i!n)a nfttr buying additional flituns und furnishings for tho placet . In Denver, Colo, this wcik Them thry also outfitted for n lunchinncllu la to fixed up on tlio west ground Hour of tho hotel In tho room until trcrntly occupied by n bar Tho lijtiilitonitto room will bo In ever) iy thn most modern nnd will bo mJucted by nn oxpi rlenrcd mnnugrr Irani Krflt I.nko Clt) The entire homo U la lc rt furnished, remodelled nnd mtrrangid thrntiKhout nt u cost of skout st vent) -five humlrid dollars Mewrs, lAirlmer nnd Hpnrr arc ex IMHtrd hero nny dny now and latir uru liiiin of flies for Utah Hhnln and Oil iim ii y In the Hllvngnl block Head er of The Hun nn familiar with tin i titrations of tho company which has Urgi oil holdings In tho Witson sec tkui of tho Uintah lluslii und In Clark's valh) mid iidjolnlng ti rrltnr) oast uf Price This city Is to be the head iiiait rs of tho (orptiriitlou A J l.eo U the resldmt iigcnt. Thtt Hun N lien In possession of tin fads of the tit nl for u toupk' of months, but t tin rmiiiMt of tin new proprietors bit rrlrulntd from giving public It) to It until tiny wire mid) to muke hii n unrt mi nl. It re It Wulkir, who tame hen 'inn Hull l-uko City, bus eondiiited tin Hum) for ubiiut eighteen months Ml und has mudo tin hoiuo one of the moat popular In thn statu "lib the Iravtllng public Bhn Is out of Hi ltv today und bus bun for n week Wlut lur plans for tin futiin urt The Hun Is not udvlscd HOME FBOHSAS DIEdO Xirilti II Mulvc) i:toU Officer mill Mm t t'liiup Ileum). I xeillmt reports of tho I mltli mid infill it uttltullf of tin Utah mtu of ht Hundred und I'urty-l'irili rtlN lery ntutluned ut Cninp Kourn). Culu , err made by M V. Mulvoy. well known in I'rltt, upon his nturn to Halt Luke 1ly this week after passing mora thun three months nt Hun Plego Mrs Mulvcy mid Miss Mulvcy will rtinalu in ('allfnrnla until Mny 1st I visited Cump Kturn) oflin und tin Improvement In the men us n ri wit of their training Is wnndirful' Mulvc) says "They urn receiving Iho !t of ran, their food Is uhundunt d exec Hint und tlitlr hiiiltli Is us irl) turfed us at mi) cantonmint Ki thtt United BtutiM Uspeclull) is to I nuntlomd tho lordlul nliitlons ltlng hctwein officers nnd tho men Tin men have hud a long grind "inl haVB worktd hard. They feel as " Iho) worn In tho hist of tuilnlng u und are uiixlnus to receive tho "der to Ituvr for Cranio The ntten "on of tho cltlxuns nf Ban Hit go Is nil hat tould bo desired On HaturdaH. r limtuiiif, tho mere iltlxrn gets out f thi wuy und turns our tho barbel l'l mid otlur places to the putron f of the soldltrs." Muhev hus flo sons In tho regl nint They urti BirM J K MuHu ""Bt 1 A Mulvoy, Scrgt John K "ilvti Corp i:mmrtt T Mulvry and '"I Martin 1 Muhe Thc lust nsnuii rt it I veil his commission onl rentl, und Hcrut I' A Muho hus JJ bctn wearing his chevron long Tlie Mulvoy boys nro brothers or Mrs " ' Chiiinlurlaln of I'rlee "ivtrul Carbon iiiiinty bos have '"It during the week for service with , tlitlr Unrlu Hum's forcts They uro ThunioH Bcott Young, land tllvlslon iieiml corps, Tort I.i avt nworth Kan Jitschiil I'liuno, inglncerlnK corps aiicouvir llurmtks. Wnsli , and Sll am b Vntes, William Snvilor. I'or- Anderson und Jerome Asu), spruto "vision, Vuti.3uvcr TJarracks, Vtosh i IHIIah W'unllo Is suing In district ""t for tllwirrp from C 13 Wnrdle i -Kit -. -. J Bb SSHB zT vt-r - Jlt ,,llt ' "ughl to w,,r lo you tn,lt lt l Btl nffjn I iS3K&tiiMWKSSi ' i v xv a. they should bo exit edetl I know" what H (IK I I TsBI II fc SilSVIBJCZ VPtellwC ln M ACi1y'K UlU n,,vIP Involves It Involves not ( 1 I I 111 IL Z-2ItlaZhjWric!i 423KJivV ill III llK ill onl labor I ut sacrifice, the palnstnk- ) vl. J 1 III 1 !JTsl?fgCaasS3Jfl Ai-l gSml 11 II III III l"B application of over bit of nclt nil- HH CS Jt IWAm&vJ&Z&XSZX:, TJYAJjPUlrZCy&f II yll II II r'1 knowledge and every ttstrtl prnc N SX' Kj -J y yV& H& v ' nn nvnllnlile It means tho Hj, ixi i. i t i t t v,. . . J,r N' utmost eronom, uvon to tho point I'OI, ITICAItliY IlKI'UIILIOAN h, re the pinch comes It means tho IK Knirro.i . o j , .. . MnA of tontintrutlon nnd salNsacrl IBfll cniereu as Becond Class Matter. June 4. 1U. at the Postofflco at l'rlcc. Utah, t'nder tho Act of March J. 187 flco "lc '" Involved In the flold of ) VOLIIMT 1 IMiniiirn m " ' - - - ' Itittle list If vvliero tho object ntwnvn milt Ul,UfllL J, NUMBER 10 EVERY FRIDAY MAItril I Ilia looms greater than the Individual IK 1 . . 1, IJI8 I'ltlBIDPNT WIION Pgl Ul Natural Resources KWftlWI TESTING OUT THE CITY'S LIGHT PLANT lleglnnlng today. Mnrth 1st, n ton.. Ulvunco for measuring tho electrk Julro that gms on to tho wins of llm lit) lighting nnd power strm was put In use nt the city plant b C I. Oonde, tho engineer emiilosid b the council to make u survey of the plant and nil conditions surrounding It Tab will bo kept on the amount of rur n nt um d and thu results Inter stilf mltttil to tlio eleclrli light and power etinimlltee of the eiiunill Itetent re ports Miuw Hint sntno thirl) persons around tho ell), says Maor Wonttou, liiivt bull using electric It) for which they were not pitying mii tlilntr This dlstnvir) i arm lu llm with tin work of (IllOtlt l-Jitil tlKlil.t-riMt inlillllonal miters I liiivt bven ordered und win ii these limn along, w tilth should bo In a few itnjs, ever) user nf Julro will have It I meusuml out to hint In other words. itinsiimers an to w for Just what the) gel no moro und no less Mu)or WiMilton believes u final going uvir of things will show tin system to bo blinking Hboiil i vt n nn leeelpts und ixptiidlluns, but with no inline) for Improve mints. Uist month the tit) plant spt nt foi rotil nlono nlnii hun ilrul ilollirs, iibiuit eight hundred or which wus uituull) etmsuintil ut the plunl Wien tho umiuint of Julto tit IU trul lo the wires Is fluall) tit lor mlntd, It Is expected to be ubln to show oxnit costs per kilowatt hour of eltttrltil) loeiill) Itatk in ISIS, whin Utuh Powtruud Light rtimp&li) muile ii similar test, It wus shown Hint ubout six thousand dollars u eier would liti) tin oltctrl ill) liecessecr) for list III tills city This would huvi bwu at thut tlmo nround five hundrul dollurs munlhl). It Is believed that tho hiiiio umoiiut of iiiont) woiilil now siippl) tho (it), us Hit conditions now nro ubout the siimn us thin To build u powerllnf from the Helper station of Utah Power and Light uimpuii) to Prim at this tlmo would tout ubout fifteen thousand dollar. That eompun) would usk thu lit) to inhume tho mono and take luymint In curronl It woulil also buy tho lotul plant. It In bt lie vrd ir Hit dt desires to ills puso of It However ufter Hit it port of hi. gliutr (loode has bvi n submitted ubout Hit first of April It will bo eon slderetl b tin council titir.n meet ing of citizen will hi culled, sa)s t'AIIIOI IC lll'IW H '!" W I li: 'IIIOl)hM IS HMhl.H 4. ', 4- s Thanks to the efforts of u itimmlttio of Cuthollcs mid noti- Catholics under thi dlrettlnn of tht tt A r (llovunnonl pus. tor of HI Anthonys ehiirch ut llrlptr, tlui trettlon of a chinch ut I'rlco has been nssiiruU su)s Tutsdiiy's Bait lko Tribune) The rampalgn for funds bus bet n In existence for about two weeks, and after tht rosldunts of the InisiiUHM section of I'rlce vw re s Ulleil tin lust few du)s It was unnounctd thut marl) five thou- sund dollars had been roallxed Tho c hurc Ii will I o known us No- in Dune el ii Luurdwj Adjoin- Ing the new edifice "III bo a rue- , ton It Is nlso planned to erect it sclioolhouse In Hip course of time According to Tather Clio- vannonl his appeal for funds was met with a hcurt) response rspcrlall) ftom the Trench Cuth i ollcs of Carbon count) i Afl.. I I Major Wootton, and tho lighting nnd power proposition gone Into thorough I) Tho council will bo governed b) tho desires of the tnxpnjers. There will bo something tangible then lo work lo and from Man) are of the opinion that tho wholo thing will re sult In dosing down tho lotul plant nnd bii)lng power delivered to the wires at I'rlci The city would thus do uwit) with big coal bills, repairs und much help One man could do nil tho things In connection with tho s)stem It might be business for Hit ill) to enter Into nn arritngume nt with Utah 1'owcr und Light cihuihiii) to buy Julcv und ut the sumo tlmo n lain tho plant The bitter would come In. bund) In iiiko of emergency or nn) rim nl with ntlurs rurnlshlug Juice MAIL HMGT IS IET lliinllugloii Men hiimfiil llliblrrs Over V. C. Ilns kt i ur 1'iliv. j Mills Urns, who conduct u gurugt ut lluutlnkton. uro said to luive boon lilt suiccssful hlddi rs for Hie mull rtuitrait from I'rlco to tht town of I'mir) for the four )enr In ginning tin first of Jul), in xl V C llrouker of I'rlco bus hud II for Hit past four )curs nt ii flguro uround ft rl)flve liiindrcil dollurs iiunuull) Iho new cNinlruc t Is understood to U at ubout five ihoiisaud dollars i )tur for first cIiism mull und u gruiluuttd silirdule on puree I post hulne, i The contnict was uwurded from Wiishliigiou, Ii (', lasi Junuar) Hlli but nolle o of It hus Just htmn rtielvcd b) those Inte re steel Tho Mil lues huvo thi eonlrnit ut prist nt on tin Hunt iiikion to l).str Uiki lint W C llrovker Is as )tt uudMildul us to his ixpriw and stugo passcugtr Hue from I'rlco south Ho mu) sell It or he muy contlnui to opt rule ufti r Iho first of Jul) WiUmMli LANDS Nill UiUo CeimiiiliudnuirM Uklslato Moug Neve I lot's. Wli I lo tlio iiimmlssliiiii m of Carbon count) Jiuvi not )tt at lid In tho mat le r, It woulil not surprise iiinono If Hit follow In tin wuko of tin Hall Uikt count) board whlth last Wed uostlu) 1 1) uunnlmous volt pusstd an ordlnuuio rittilrlug tin registration of all uncultivated binds In tho coun ty eupublt of Inuring a rrnp II Is made tho dot) of ever) owiu r or nt, flit to Hit the proptrty with tht inunty recorder with tht uuinc of Hit owner, Hit nircuge "und tho locution I tog thtr with such Information us ma) In or vulue In gtttlng the laud Into the possession of someone who will ciiltlvuto It during tht eoniliu sumint'i Tho euiini) ricorder Is ruiulrnl to keip ii record of all such binds and to furnish Information as to tin alto und locution of each piece to liny person who mu wish It Tho movement hes the support of the natlonul food admlnlstrutioii It Is expected that the city commUilnn ut Zlon nlso will puss u slmllur ordinunti I Lewis Simon, u tiusty ut the count) Jail, lit nut last Suturduy and was la ter appiehendert In tho vicinity or Nutlir ranch b) Bin riff Colllngham I Blmon Is serving a six months sen t nt irmR f Id f r p tit It env ' RESIGNS FROM COUNCIL Ii. IsiwiiKtilii I Imls I If Cniiuot (Jive tho Offlcr Ills Mlriitlon. An adjourned session or I'rlce s lit) ihhiikII wus lit Id Inst Hulurdn) even ing at which tlio resignation of U Isiwrnsteln, tif lur )enr eountlliimn. was tendi rid ilulutct plt.l The rea son given Is '(hAt ho cxpecls lo bo uvea) from I'rlce, for u griater portion of tho tlmo for nt It nut u )iar unit cannot then fore give tho duties of tho off It c thai intention u should ImveA No one bus )tt lit en suggested for"lnc Vacant) t'niltr tlio law Hie nm)iir has the power lo uppulut u suiiosHir for two eiirs einl)' iinlll the next ilietlnn Much nf tho thut of Iho session tens taken up b) lr A C Whcrr), city physic bin, tho mayor unci members 'of the council In u discussion nf simi lar) conditions mid methods propostd for e loaning up tin tit) Those sug gested by l)r Wherr) are most rigid, mid when thn council flnull) acts In Iho mutter In tlio near future It Is exptcled Iho rules will be strenuous All commute e a or the council mudo lu rtport showing the proper!) belong ing lo the ell) mid undt r their con trol Marshal Uirstu reported man) vio lations In tho similar) ordinances. Ho was lustrum d to ..trlttly enforce tin law wherever mill uhtuovir viola tions i tune lo his utti ntlon Numir mis bills wire allow id, nfttr which mi adjournment was taken lo the next rvgulur nutting in xt Tuesday evening MOST CIIIOAM) I If.llT TANK I aui: hi iiino j k ni:.vii'hi:v I ClIICAdO, iMi 27 Chlcugo fans tods) uri censuring Jess Wlllurd mid I'reel I'liltou for t lit Ir stand ugulnst Jin k liempso) Tin latter knot kid nut Hill lire iiniiii lu six rounds, n thing whli h no other hi uv) weight has evir done Dempse) bus. shown nmurkuhh work in tho ring and tlio) feel I'lillon should reingnlie Ills abll It) mill uccupt u mutch They are i ensuring Wlllird btcuuse he turned from his orlgluul stutimint thut hi would meet tho best uMillabln mull In view or tho fait that l-'ullnii s career Is spotted with good and laid fights, mid that inrnpsoy bus dt liver t d, It Is mil) Just thut lllurd demaiul Hit so two mtu mid and he sclttl Iho wlniur ns his opponent The Hun this week printed tltkits for u HI I'litricks dunce to lo glvoii ut HuniDslde on tho ovenlnc nf Mon uh, March lSlli, next, lo which aver) uno uvuDwhere Is most eordlall) In vited It Is lu chargt of the flunn) slde auxllliir) or the Itctl Cross It guts without saying tlio uffulr will bo u big success. Miti'iiAM: mvii, hi:itici: I lb TO 111: THIHI) Ol'1 hOON r WAHIIIMITON I) C, I'eb 27 Alrpluno mall service between New York und Wtisulngton will bo lii dull) operation l glmi'iig April 15th the pcutul depart- ment unnounctd tndu) Might miiohlueH will lo rurnlsheil b the war department ID urrnngtmtnt butwecn I'ost master Ocnvrul llurleson and J Bet rotary Ilukor the aerial pos- tul service will le conducted for one oar as part or Hit aviation training s)stem or the arm) Tho . muchlnos will be piloted b) t urm rilcrs ' JX1 ji jsh iu.iuh JWMlssWCSTStnWW DISTRICT COURT BUSY ON i THE CRIMINA1UALENDAR 1 Expected (o Be Concluded By Next Wednesday, After j Which Time the Civil Docket Will Be On Rt During March and April. In IM1H USjIlSJET DUSV Itt pairs tu llti Made In I'rltv Irriga tion (eimHitiy M) strut. Homo twent)-flvr water Users under Hie I'rlco Itlver Irrigation eotiipan) a s)stem held n meeting nl Iho library building In I'rlco Inst Wrdntstta) nf tiruoon to consider plans for securing wuti r for their lands this stason II (1 Mntlils, recently nppolntcd receiver for the compan), was matin ihalrman of tho meeting and John Y Hmlth Its seen lur) About fori) -six hyndrnl shuns or slock wcro represented It was etcclilcd to tlcan the main vatiat of weeds ami debris In general, repair the flumlng nnd to linvo wnler for Ir rigation going through It by the mid dle ot this month I'rnnk Mcllhanry. rnrntrrl) holding the Job, Is to bo offered thn position of wutermiistir for this season Tho pike ror water Is to bo determined during Iho next few da)s und Iho amount announced by Itecelvir Mn tlils About forty. six hundred shares are nlrend) pledged und more to innii In Tho oxiKctntlon Is Unit perhaps double this number will bo wanted b) Hit tlmo the Irrigation season opens. Water rtc may bo paid In rush nnd labor, prcft rubly utl, It was uiinoiineed ut the meeting Owmrs or laud nnd water stock lu the old urgmiltallonitre to bo given tin priforrnco In inipbolng labor to ri pair the s)lctii for this seasons crops. Kveryonc under Iho s)stem ma) eotnn In for nil Iho wntir wanted that Is available Tho flaming will not require) many repairs Work Is to be Inaugurated limm illatel) With two wiiturliiM, since tho going out of Iho Mmiimoih reservoir, good crops ma) bt matured COAL IMJHWHIISED hoe lion l,cH II) I'. . hwett l St t lint I II) I our Halt Uikc rs. I'oiir Halt Uiko Ct) residents the first or this week filed on Iho section of coal land over near llluck Hawk nnd Hiawatha In Carbon count) whlth ioccmI) rovtrted to Iho Unltid Hlalfs governintul utter tho decision or tho United Htittes supremo court In Iho I'rtd A Hwtel ease Tho uppll mills to pure huso urn I'rcstou I) Thutclicr. Itoliirl I Inward, Trunk I) llruwn mid Juok ' Hharp, tsuli ror u liiimlretl und slxt atrcs Thutcher Is the president or Hit stutt liulustrlul commission, llrown Is, Its sitretary und Hubert Howard, state coal inliio luspiclor Bhurp Is u inoiie)! d iiiuu ut tho stal' capital All were In I'rlco Monday evening and Tuosda) morning lust und mudo their hoadtjiiurti rs ut the Tavern while Inn Kuch vlslttd the property Iho tlrst or thi week lu pcrsoi reluming to ion WHlnuail t) Tin land Is described us Boc 31 Twp IS Booth, Itiuiko 8 Kust Tho) lo pa) tint government two hun dred dollurs an aire, whleh Involve clow to u hundred und thirty llious und dollurs us the purchase price Hlnco tho supremo court decision some two thousand inns or other lands huvo hteu entered looull) These un lu the Custltr (Into and Huniiysldi und Knllworlh stejlnns Prlu s or the lutttr run from a hundred and slxt) to Hint hundred dollars un aen ALL iriAII HOMi: HUAItl) MHN hOON 11I7T I'HNhlONh Indian wur veterans who servnl on l In homo guard lompuulos urn not b) thut reason to Ih biirrtd from purtulpalloii In tho fcdi rul govern ment pensions for llluck Hawk Indian wur veterans jud men who took part lu thu rcHoniiolterlug expedition bead ed by Cap! Juntos Audrus. whlth left hi Heurge ror the Jilnillou of tin (1 ret ii und Grand rivers, ulso will participate This mush Is made clour b) tin fuel that nun who have sir veil lu each of lilt si cupucltlis have re ceived pi nslous according to word rouiulnii the oflfco or Mrs K M Co hen Utuh iHiislon commission! r from Washington I) C, last Tuisdn) Tin of flit of commisttloiier or pen sions nntlfhd Mrs Colic ii thai ptu hIoiis hud In n gruntid to Tliomns M (lurk or Weiuliivir meinbir of Hit Jkincs Audrus eompun) Thomas J Ho sckeiptr of I'alrvlow, minnbi r or the Jo pb Hmlth I)u eompun) Or lumbi Herrou or Plousunl Clrovt mem her of the Jonathan H Pake compan). Murtln Aldrlch or Ml Plonxunt mem lur or the Oourki Tuckci und Orange Be el) eoinpuiilis mid lo Albion It Htruni; or Indlun Kprlugs, whom roc ord n h u Utuh wur viterm Mrs Cohen hus not found District ctiurt has been grlmllng H ii slow I) slneo Muuibi) morning Inst. MV when tin term for Carbon count) kP was rrsuined b) Judge Oecirgo Chris- wSl teiiscn after nn adjournment over BraJ I'rlda) and Hnturdn) tho former WFA Washington s birthday Judgo Chris- triisen and Court He porti r Alder Il3 spent tho tlmo nt Ml Plcasnul nnd fftn Muntl, their ri spec live homos Most fc'J all Iho da) wns lonsumeil lu tho lliiuor Kf cases against John Amnio nf Konll- WW worth, Antonio f-ahorl of Helper nnd WSit Martin Mlllarleh of lllack lluvvk Wtpt They are chargt d with havluir lltiior f),i In Hit Ir possession contrnry to tho Mrm piohlbltlun law The court ordered Km tho lltiuors In thn cllslod) nt Bhertfi IjHB Colllngham ronflscali cl and n stay or Bv execution lu emit ciiso, pindlug it do- Kb tliliin or tho stato supremo court EHS which Is ixpectcd In the very near KliS3 future, nnd which will dee Ida tho pQ cases now binding hero Thu constl- WuU tutlonullly or the prolilbllloil law Is In- wm volvccl In this supreme) court ease K'fl Tho sin) of exciulloii runs for six tflQ months. BSfl lloscoo i: Dowell, charged wild Ws3k cinbexiliment or funds from the Den- Ksfl ver nnd Itlo Urmido rating house s)s- B3 tern nt llttpcr, (nine Into court Mon- WM day und b) ngrci nirnt wllb Hie ells- RH lllet utlormy was permltlid to pit ad ItjM guilty to u hsser eliurgn than tho k9 ono pro ft rn d Hint ur pi III larce li) ' flM In it sum or less than fifty dollurs M Ho gets a ttnliuic of liss lliim six jfl monihsl In the county Jail Insieuil or m being ill nt lo tho statu penitentiary fM for mi Indt terminate term of ono to KM Ion )ears. lu tho easo of Jon Hon- l naccl, bound over one duy lust week 1S on tho charge or resisting an officer 1H at Hiinnsldo, thern was a fault) com- KH plelnt In tho Justice's court nt Prim ljP mid II was cleeldetl this court hud no jktH Jurisdiction A lit vv eoinpbilut Is bo- B&ai Ing praparrd lfl Probalil) during this lombtu wcik the trial or Krunk Arlgo, other- tfl wise known ns Kriillunuella, will come jfl on before u Jury Ho Is churgtd with Hfl Iho slaying of tony llotero In u rm drunken hritwl nt Castle (Into one ifl Hunilii) iiflirnouu or November lust jWt mid Iho serltfus uoundliig or Mrs. Ho- fiH ttro This e use over that ur Joe Halo H U tu ctiinc on Halo Is chargt tl with sS an ussitilt to commit miinUir ut Iho m Curbou Until In Prlie In December 11 llirev )oars ugo lie was brought lUm bin k hero from lllnghum to stuuil HeH trial ufter being nl llbtrty for moro limit lvo )ears (Irorge Miithlous, IfH who ussuullril J C llirgluud a few u'M weeks ugo with u billiard cue mid IV broke emu of Iho tatter's arms, wus 1 fl arraigned this morning ror trial ' A U McKlnli), who Is In do tlmo HH for second ihgree buiglar), will bo Ml taken to the penlli Hilary ul the ion- ! elusion of thu trial or criminal eases. I fl Mi I oil wus taken In Tuesday but VH McDowell has begun his six months I H senlonio In Dm count) jail Htiverul 1 H probate mujtirs were disposed or elur- 1 ,H Ing Iho wtolc, I in hiding Iho appoint- ItH mint ur Mrs. Ilcrlhu Jiunes us ud- Bfl inlnlstrutrlx or the estate) or the luto IsH J II James or Prlu Mrs. Thlrzie OH lllrch will look afttr that or her Into H husband, Arthur W lllrch KH MAP OPTIONS TAKEN H hem n IIioiimiiiiI Atntt nf hliuln liuil Vil rruilctl In Up .Neur Colloii. mUt Denver, Colo, puriles during tho RIh past week huvo taken options nn sov- HiH en thousund utres of oil und shale Hl lands up nround Colton us well us sov- Ulii i ml thousands of aerea ndjacunt to Mai Prlu und In tho (Iroiu Itlver country wM Tho) have been represented hero It) H II K U Townsi nd of the Colorado UM eupllal, who lull I'rlco last night for H bomi ufter sciurlug whnt ho wunted HI Ileforo levtvlng he Intimated thut IH work Is soon to begin hereabouts on 11 ii big settle Wfl Otliurs In und nut of Price during BB the week huvo been A J Ncul iitul HH W. J Nert, both of Hull Iiko Clt), ftM who have mutle u number nf locations III nml are taking grounds ror oil and ffH shall b) whole sections. The) con- mm slder most overythlnt heruuhouts Ell good. Judging by their stukos Thee) IV mo still hero and urn kolng to no- mfl iiulro in ore holdings. Numerous purtlcM huve bien loout- BH Ing lu Muo Mile und Argylu the pnst H tin du)s or two weeks. Claims uro H bnlug tiiken from tho heud of Argyle H down Hit iiitDoii Into Nino Mile and MM from Hurt on to Hie Oreen river be- Umk low Nutters runeh Considerable B small moui) Is changing hands for mWM options. Mm . i Ijjjm Mi Klnnon v. (lllinour or 1'rlno Com UW nilMlou iiimpuii) uru hoostlng ror Hit Isl tlulft stump cumpulkii local) with a H tliixe-eolumn advertisement, In this Imprrsut of Tht Bun 1 his, firm Is UM out of tni llvest nnd most 'putrlotlt IH doing busluiss an) win re herrubuutu, 1Mt Hubbcr stumps, stone lis, seals und M the like mudo tu your order The Bun, Mm