Newspaper Page Text
I ;" ' i H B KaMcrn Utah farmer should not BBBbSMP r -Sfi77t,t.rltt5?k!-jtf:g'S r ono '" CnrD0, county need pay H foot tlicnisclv-crf Into thinking about 4tA I -tSJHPtStflMCVwtS nnr n,,cn,,on '" I'10 "market value" dollars nnd cents when tlio proper en- (ml I yfeSCBKrnW Bv'58?'' fts. 4tVv fcv A "' "x' lond. This, value fluctit tier In to flgiin on more production. Ill 1 I 'Tll IH p TfcrJJfi' Jrf? SSfiV Hi 11 ! Sl ,,'', l,lul n',cr ,,lc wnr ""ordlng 1 Neither should Industrie. tc too much Vk jV 1 III l'S'T'Tf'S F ijU. "Tojfli'l II II I II ivtr) flnnnrlal nulliorltjr In tlio t-oun- (vniTHKit about profits nmt wage j Lr 111 JJIL ylMjL!B"'RPggy iLlL ! WL, "" ",c ,'0,",', n" l'n lo lw far win it the only tiling that ulll hurt 5 ST vrx"1' 11 vr ' y y F above, mr. I Inert) bonds nrc tlio tirst H llio kulcr It production, llcmocrncjr t,...,i ... c i ,, . .. . . ... ...... ... InvrMinrnlH In tlio country. It I pa- pH ,on't too .unci, of Hit, kl.ut of Knttredji. Sccond-ClnM Matter. June 4. IMS, at the roHolflc at Price Utah, Under tho A. t of March 3. 1ST, trlotlo lo !... tin... n.ul their wide M Hgurlng. VOLUME 3 Nt'MBEU 15 EVERY FRIDAY AlUMf r 1nla tllMribi.ilnii b WMiitlnl liMlio hest In- H iw Hi" tercets of tho euuntr). H HUNDRED HID EIGHTH! THOUSAND DOLLARS IS EXPEGTEDJROM CARDON Honor Flags and Window Cards to Be Awarded Every Individual and Community Making Good In Third Liberty Loan. Cnrl It Mnrcuscn, county chairman fur tlio state liberty loan drlvp. Wed tiCKilay morning last received word 1mm Holier J Grant, stato chairman, tbnt Carbon count w ILL havo to mine, hundred and tight) tho thousand dollar a Ha portlnii ofAtho stato' ten million threo hutdrcdYnd fifteen thousand $t0,3l6,1Ct Thil total sum asked from tho cntlreVounn-y In throe I llllons of dollars, ntuNltlK expected to complete the drive In this count) 8 inside of n Meek, although two weeks u given liy tho Hlato chalrmanX tin inodlatit) upon ruclpl oL-ttnrtcle-itram from Ktate Chairman (Irani. A W. llorsley, prcHldent of the local ouucll of difciiKC, called that orgnul nation together. Thcro nro twin!) two cities, towns and settlements In Carbon count) Theso hao been as--igncd the iimiiunla tho) nro to raise and notlcox unit out to nil Widncsda) i ftrrnoon nud evening Thn nmoiinlH naked for from tacit tire based on I opulatlon, rated from thn itoliool ceil ux of taut )ear und tho otcn cast In thn last gemral election of two )curs Hii Tho nro here Klvrn Allot iik mim lo (.'otniuiinliliM. Winter Qututim, tS 000, Clear i reek, 17500, Keofluld, ftCOO, Utah Minn, $1300, Helper, IS4.D00, CaMh Hate. tIC.OOU, Htiirr, I1K00. earner- n, $1000, ItnltiK, 12600. Carbon, MOO, Hiawatha, 117. COO. Ciirbonvllle, 1300, KcnllHorth, H000; WatlU, ftTCO NrliiK dltn. 11300, Prlci, 146,000, Hiinnl(l. 132,000, WelllnBtoli, tZtOO Harpti flOO, rrerhiiii 1100; Htainl nrdrllle, 11500, und I.lbirl), 1X00 Tha forrKoluit iiiiiiik make n total of lRhl)-Uto IhuuMiud. Ilcalilcy uewi.. luipir publlrlt), tho tiluncIlK nctlon and ulint Ih expoi.tud of the iieveriil iiiminuiiltlrH In till third llbvrty loan lrli, announcement vrlll bo made KiiliiHliiy ivviiIiik In tilt tin Win tho War l) exiixlMM of the tminclln tiu tlun Word will iilno bo kHcii oilt In th ihurth mielhiKii all nir tho iiiut) Kiinda) mornluir, afti moon and itiiiltic mixt In tho flrt loan ( iirbon lount) wim tailed on for 157,000, In the mioud It rained $337- 1V50 or more than n IiiiiiiIiih thuuMind vnr tin mim nuked for, Tho liuti tlrcMl nud tlkhi)-flvu thoiiMiiid of tht third liMin ouKht lo ko ov r with it torllOOp Honor I las Adopted. n honor fbiK haa been adopted In oiiuectbtu with the lonn, uhlclt will i oxiiIbIikmI at tlio next Huturda) inuetlnKX and on Hunda) u well by nil xpeukerw An honor fliiir, thirl) -nix ly f Iff) -four lneh) and constructed from kooiI mnlerlal llko that until In llio ua), In lo bo awarded to com inunltlea uhlih win II It lm n red iHirdur and white n nlcr nnd tlinti criluil MtrliioH ludluutho of the third lllarl) lonn (iimpnlsii Thla flaic U to lm iiwurdtll lo iiry (oniniunlty that Mih rlbcM tho kaIin quota ux IkiiuiI to It. Aa an uddlllonal honor xmblein, n blue Ur lo bu imwed Into the whlto fit Id of tho flat, will he ittviirdid to communltka iiry time th) lucrum) iholr quota by a linn drtd pi r rent In other wurd, If ix iiwn'a quota la a hundred thouiand dollar, it will bo entitled to an honor rinif win n It riucho thin amount Whin It Hiilmcrlptlon reaches two hundred (houMml It will lie entitled to one blue ftnr, and for ouch addi tional hundred thoniuind It will re irlvii n blue Htar, Mudow Card lloUnrd, Then, thcro la thn window card wi mi by nine Inches, which will tnuir" I roprouuctlon of tha honor tlH and h spate for the subairlber'a name When ii bond In sold tliu nume of the wurilmmir should be wrlttm In by tho mlwmuii or by the Miilmorlliur himself 'Din subsirlber will then bu expecttd i put this turd In tho window of hU lesldtucc or IiIh place of liualneis. The honor roll will bq twenl)-flo b lhlrt)-ilKht Inrhts nnd bear n larice riroduillnn or tho honor flair, nnd those words llolp Our Town to Win ho I'lKht to I'ly ThU I'lnif," and rhiHO Aro lho I'oople of Our Town ho Aro HelpliiK tp Win thn War Ily. ImoMtliiK In United Htalos Oovrrn incut lt nds of the Third Llborty lian" Hpace Is loft at the bottom of tho honor roll for attaching lints of names of subscriber I'ollta may ulntltuto the mimes of their com inunltlea or other doshrnatlon for the vords 'our town' If thoy so desire Tho names of all units smaller than a tato which obtain their quotas will 'io Inscribed on tho stato (Utah) flair, md also tho namoa of nil stato at quIriiiK tho rlKht to fly the honor flnjr vl II In shown on the national honor floe at WashlnKton, I) C la)iiicutH On llondx Infinite word nsnrdlne tho terms f puymint on the third loan bonds was recehed )tsterda) b) Chairman Matcusen through lleber J, CJrant. halrmau of the tentrul committee of Utah, for lho third Mbovt) loan The mmnnlnitlnn states that S k r cent will bo lukrd for with thi upptliutlon i 1 1 f rt Mr) fth .'0 jur tent b) mmmm asks " WHAT DDTH IT PROFIT ? flirman) Is working, b) itr) m In nip that Itigenult) ran Uolno nud money can put Into (iteration, to make American wnrklngmen traitors to tlialr i-ouutr) In Its hour of netd What doth It profit it man If ho sends his sons and brothers to the I nttlt fields, and utter he gets them there ho Ktras them to tho ciuni) b) stopping the Indtmlrlal home work I without wlilth the) can neither win nor iacapo7 Tliu course of nations the III is of millions arc changed b) irj small t tents Had tho Monitor not bet ii nnd) for tho Merrlmac ex act!) when shn was the union fleet would hate been rendered uneliss and the civil war might havo had n dlf ferunt ending Had someone thin sun tided In making serious trouble In u mine, n foundry or n shop had SKintona thin succeeded In dela)lng transportation while lho Monitor wax undir lonntruitlon, what would hate Income, of tho whole union fleet of wooden ships whli h was blockading the Hnuthcrn ports' (Itrmany wants us In bo unri nd) i confused when a similar irlnls conns Our whole mi tlun is preparing for the turning point In this war which Is lo deter mine whethir iwry man shall lute a ihauro to work out his own deMluy, or whethir ho nud liU tountr) are to Income subjiil to the illitallau of it I'riiMluu KrinipT If wo are nut full) read) whin the test cimies It will bo easier for Oir man armlis und armun ships, (lor man siilimarlms or Uurmau aircraft lo kill tho limn that go out from our roiumiinlt) to protect )ou ami our tights Whoiter from tiny tnollw do In) s work bearing dlroitl) or I ullrect It on the war will be nn aiiissor) to tho murder of his fellow Americans. litir) strike In tho Unltod Klates while this war Is In progress Is n blow In faor of (Itrmany What doth It profit it man to In ilinsv his wages or dwtrcasn his work ing hums. If b) so doing h tontrlb litis to tin ltlor) of u nation that mukia sluNcs of while mm nnd s.ourgis them ns the) work? The condition of the hlntks hi Amirkit before the civil war was far hittir than the tonilltliii of the whites of Illinium who toil iy aro carried off like cattle, are overworked, undtrfid, beatt n and, sink or well, must labor luressaull), often under the fin of their own guns. What doth It profit u man to uld n monarch who In this manner has shameless!) n -cstahllshid tho slitxtr) of whlto men The worklugman In Amirltu who obstructs tho iiittlug of wood, tliu mining of futl, thn weav ing of i loth, tho tinning of whet Is In factories or on rails while this war Is In prognss ho Is helping tho slave musters, tho destro)ers of clvlllxatlon, lho murderers of whiikii und dill dr n What doth It profit n man who has livid In it laud of Incomparable lib erties of udvimtuges unparallrd In all tho histor) of the world, to contribute Ii) an) ait, however small to the suc cess of an nutocriic) to whom n com mon man Is but n tlod of earth? The workliikinan who stands falthfull) b his duties da) by da), allowing no person und no thought to get betwetn him nnd nn honest performance of his work. Is rendering the hlghist kind of patriotic servlto to his na tion und to his family What duth It profit a man to sell his manhood, his solf-rrspect, perhaps his soul, for u llttlo selfish gain lit such no hour? Whan life's services aro measured up at tho end those who havo faithfully labored through the war shall bo entitled to their rt t tilt as will as those who have led the i Inn gis In buttli What doth It profit a man who wants to Improve tho londltlon of la boring im n If ho kalns u llttlo, but In ko doing prolongs tho slaver) of Hoi gliin worklngmen who cannot gain tlialr freidom but by diath, or through the Virion of tho nlllesT Ktanil by your work for )our own honor nud sufit), for thn safety nnd success of )otr fellow countomen who gu forth t fight, as wall as for tho suko of worklngmen who arc now In actual slavery beneath Herman sluvedrlurri Ma) 28th, 35 per cent by July IStli and tho remainder, or 40 per cent, by August 15th An Important point In this most liberal nrrangomout for tho pa)ment of the bonds Is that foe seven' weeks between May 28th and July 17th no moment will be required, and commlttocmi n nro feeling unusually eluted btcauso uf the time given for total pa)mcnt on tho bonds They state that this assures the truth of their sloguh, 'Two wcika for Utah to ho over the top," In subscribing her quota of $10,316,000 Up to this (l'rl da) ) morning Chairman Mariusen has heard uom several of the outside pre clmt and. town chairmen and all aro inthuslustlcatl) preparing for the work In hand All are confident that lho lampalgr loially will bo closod and the bonds allotted all taken long before the two weils time for the i impalgu hail uxplul Mliis Margaret Moral ), tin lad) mcmUr of the J I Help Pave the Way count) cumuli of defense nud u Un less war workir, has been named b) Mrs. Mont W Ktrr), chairman of Hit woman's stale executive committee, to the chairmanship of Ihu Carbon lonn I) women's liberty loan committee Hlic Is enthusiastically doing her bit among the kcuthr sex W (Hue ii Polks Aitlw. Locnl chairmen for thn .National Liberty Loan commltlto have been appointed for Ihu touiit) b illss Margitril llorsley. Kuun)alde, Mrs. A W DovMl, Wellington. Mrs. I llrunehi I'rlct, Mrs II W. Mlllburn, Helper, Mrs. C It. Joins; Ktorrs Mrs W W. Cl)dn. Catllo (late, Mrs. Mary IajIIo), Bi of loll!. Mrs. Joseidilne T Coffman, Wlnlir Quarters, Mrs. Ida Huff, Clear Crcik, Mrs Cal Craguti, Italns, Mrs. (.' V Van lluren, Ktanihirdvllle, Mrs (leorge l llivkstead, l.lbert), Mrs (1 A. Kihullt, ICeullwurlh, Mrs. Itobtrt Hoggs, Hprlug (lien. Mrs Mary J llabcock. nnd Wattls, Mrs T, T Utmph The county n uirul tominlt tco Is Miss Murgarrt llorsley, chair man, and Mrs. J. W Hammond. Mrs John II I'aiti nud Mrs. Krucst H Horsli), likiUtuuts, with Mrs Jissie I Hanford, sicretnr) Itldiinouil to riicak, I'. (' lllthmond, iiresldmt of Halt Uiko Cltys toiumorilal tliili, sivaks at lllawnthi tomorrow (Haturday) i veiling on tho llbirt) loan From there hu tonus to l'rlco Hunda) and nt I o clock of the afternoon will ap nar before n meeting nt Kko theater arranged for )i sterility by (Itorgo A Woottou, ma) or of Price lho pro gram Music, high school bund. In vocation, Prof A. C Hoover of Price acadeni); address, I" C, lltchmond, I resident Hall Ijiku Co mini rclal club, chorus, under direction or Prof, A. niirgquer, prtstntutlou of badges In Price boy scouts, Prof. II I. Ander son, singing, 'America," audlenco, I and .lolnctlon. Those nt Price Inter isttd In tho success of this third loan .hope to seo a capaclt) houso at tha IKko From Pi ice lltchmond goo to Moah and other points In Oram! nud Han Juan counties to conduct meet ings Idttmiurc (Socm Out. Numerous packages of literature blaring on thn loan wrro mailed out )csturda) nnd this morning nnd more Is to follow, In n letter to committee men Chairman Mnrcusen najs '1 call )our particular attention ' the liberty loan honor flag tem sug gist that at )our Htturda) muting pmters ho dlsplaiod near tho speak tr's stand and tliat spoakers bo di rected to tell tho stiir) portra)od b) thtm Tho honor s)stem should bu luailo clear to every Individual The material described will bo sent to )ou whou It Is lecelved l) me A fw liberty loan buttons are Included Your Judgment nnd energ) will put this loan over In your community tni not longer than two weeks The' shorter tliu tlmo the better. Applica tion blanks will go forward as soon au they aro rccoivrd Tho campaign now should be one of creating en thusiasm A few service buttons are given to )nu for distribution to those whom )nu might cull upon to work In conncitlon with committeemen ap pointed b) tho council of defense Let us remember that well begun Is half done"' ' Dr V n ISstea )cstirday notified Chairman Marcusen that Htandard villo had alread) subscribed more than half its quota of fort)-fivu hun dred dollars and cxpocts to have tho remainder of lis apportionment In i hand by Tuesday next That camp, It now looks llkel), will be tho first to i 'go over." Dr, i:tcs has been sub stituted nt Htandardville for It. E Ixwls as committeeman for that iiimii M A Cahoon wan )estrrdnv ' pliuid In ihurgi of tho drlvi nt i Itnlns ' FATHER CABANEL .sfsssssssssssVsssssssssskssssssssssI WwsllsssiBErofflyl I ntlier (lllos llenjamln Cnbanol, who for thrto )cars adinlnlstend lo d)lug liollus, has arrived In the Unltod Htntcs for a lecturn tour. The heroic prltst was duoratcd seven tlmos for In aver) under fire mitMim Piiici: nov pashi-m AWAY IV POU1SMOUTH, . If. f Mr and Mrs. John I) (Jack) llo)d of Provo )isterday recolv- ed a telegram from Portsmouth, N, II , annouming tho death 0 there In tho naval hospital of their son, John D lloyd, Jr Tho young man died of pnoumonia. Ho hud bcin In the hospital for a wiek. Young lloyd .a 18 jours old Ho enlisted In April, 1917 Tho hod) will be brought lo Provo for Interment Mr nnd Mrs lloyd are well known In Price as former rnsl- dents here The boy with his partnts lift horo some eight f ) ears' ago, since which time thty have resided at Hantnqulu und elsewhere in tho state lately the futhir has been active hero- 4 aliouts lu locating oil shalo lands, -t t That Sun Advertisers May Know Htate of t'tiili, County of Carboii.ts J A Crockett, president of thn Hun Publishing cnmpnn), first being dul) sworn on oath deposes und sidm that the number of copies of The Hun printed and drtuUlid through thn malls und othervvlsn for the week of I rlday. March 38, ID1K. was twelve hundred nnd fifty (1360), less not ex tending firteiu (16) coplis spoiled lu printing and reialued ns ulflio files nnd office distribution j a citocKirrr Hulsrrlbid and sworn to before mo this fltst da) of April, ll My torn mission expires Mardi IH, IU23 (Heal ) C It MAIU'IHKN Notary Publli In und I or Carbon (.omit), Utah SHUT BlUEjIrVS OFF Cumuli ItCMlnds Ortlrr of Moidi MiHlIng to lluforiv Tin in. At nn txieutlve stsslon of Prlie's clt) council lust Tuesday evening thn inatttr of infnrclng tho Hunda) bluu laws was again taken tii nnd the or dir to Clt) Marshal tarpon ut thn March nuetlng was resdndod This was lo have hien iiiforeed beginning next Hunda) LA secod meeting of the council was ftottl lust (Thursda)) evening when tho whole thing wus ngalnwno uvtr Tho councils action lu unanimous Ma) or Oeorgo A Wootton, who ft a absent from Tues day evening's session, was prefeut lust tilght He su)i, ' In rrs)onso to a petition uf busi ness men, the council took nitloit u couple of weeks ago regarding busi ness plans other than confectionery stores, drug stores nnd picture show closing on Sunday, This was done to help the business men Since that tlmo the council bus divided thut this action doss not meet with tlio ap proval of tho mujorli) of the business men nor tho wishes of mom of the people 'The request Is therefore) withdrawn herewith and tho mattir of closing Is left to tho business men themselvts If business houses of similar lines wish to doao nt n eertoln time they may come to an ugreement between themselves" GERMANS BEGIN SECOND G H EAT DRIVE Hptclal Telegram to Tho Hun HAIT I,AKB CITY, April B, 10 u m With fresh divisions the Oermans, havo begun their socond terrific drive Tho hrench und the Ilrltlsh aro fight ing most courageously, but hnvo been fornd to give ground at several places However, the line Is not broken Tho heaviest fighting hi soutli of the Bommc. the Germans aact If Icing thousands In llielr counter attacks. Tlio Trench have regained lost ground mar Orlvcsms The fanndlan troops In large numbers are distinguishing themselves It Is announcid that Amrrlrans urn holding tho sector of lltuio Heights Kuuth of Verdun, and have repulsed a lively Herman raid ' IK1IITIV1 !NtlirSIM; IV INTENSITY. HALT LAKK CITY, April 6, I S3 p m Ughtlng Is Increuslng in Intensity iWlth the Ilrltlsh muktng u heroic effort, but uro btlng forced back neur vmlcnn. There is an unverified report that tho rrcndi have taken consider able ot u strip near N'uon, capturing very many prisoners In an Illinois town a mob has lynched a Oermun preacher, Attorney don lirul On gory takes the matter up at a cabinet meeting Thire aro fears that iiitrnun) ma) make reprisals ,iws Is iiUw from the fnnt, uwlng U i:reat Interruption FIGURING TD SELL I PORTION OF THE SYSTEM (ITY 1,1(111 r M POWMl Pli.VI' H wnni: i:i i.piiam'. H After l'n)Mltlon Hultnhlc to llio City H Council Is IlctThiil It Is PrtHl H to Cull Meeting uf Cltluns nml Tax- H Ni)rn 1 or llatlflcntloii of Any Ural B That Ma) He Con-hli nil. In Ihu iilx-eme of Mu)or Oeorgo A H Wootton, Councilman Anderson pre- H hint nt thn meeting of lho city fa- H I hers In kt Tilesda) evening, Present H were Count llmrn Piueoik. (loitiniauu H nud riligirald Absent, Mnthls. Act- H lug Ma) or AliiUmon was Instructed to H go to Halt mV Clt) ut his lonveiil- H line, which will likely be next wtek, H nnd thtrn iiinftr with the Heaver H Light (oniimii) nnd Utah Power and l.lghl iiitnpany ns l (gar ils the sale of H the Prlio iuunlilial s)stom, getllug H thn In st tiropoaltlou each has lo of fir H and lo make riioil later to the couu- H ill The dt) Is undirstiiod to bo en- H tirlalulng offers liuiii others than the H compnulis inintlnned with respect lo H It wile of nirt of Hu a) stem Tho aale, H If made, would Involve nnl) thn plant, H the tit) to purchase and distribute H Julie' from lho concern tillering the H Whenevtr the toiinell rei elves iui- H thing worth innniderlug, It Is lho pur- H pose of Hit i it) aiithorltlen, Tho Hun H Is told b Ma)or Wootton, lo intl ii H mtetlng of taxia)trs and tltlaetis for H Its t onslili ration It was uxptttid to H have had tho report ot Knglneer H (loody on the ph)sleul condition nnd H earnings of Hie a) stem before the H eoiiiioll Tuisday evinlug, but It was H not fortlitoinlng (loody hns been tin- H plb)ud for two months past ducking Ui the s)slem and got through with H his work on lho first of the month H It will be iiresented und tonsldered H later H Marshal Itrsen was liutritded to H gtt uftor all automobile speeders within the illy limits und lo sea aftir H thu strict viifonemtnl of thn ordln- H unto governing Ilspiclal') Is It de- H sired to n strain Ihosu who vloluto the law In the mattir of turning comers H 14 ml going over trosslugs. It was or- H ilon il that it survey of wutvr users H from tho illy )stutn be mado under H the dlriciluu of lho wator commltloe H It Is suapcotid thiro uro some taking H water who an not pi)lng for II. H Niimtrotis bills wile ullovvtd. In- H tludlug nil Kilarles. Tho tuunvll later H wint Into executive session H SCHOOL FK DIVIDED CarlKiu County (ids Tvtihri Tlioiiand I mm tin lllg Put. With tho dlatrlhullou of mort thaii H lialf a million dollars among the ills- trlil schools of Utah, lho total for H this school )iar Is brought up to H III 95 pir capita of school pupulutlou This Is fur In excess of any figure evi r H previously reached by state uld from H the ngular souths l-nst )iar It was H f 10 411 Thu slie Is partly duo lo the H fatt that on u heuvlly lucrenKcil valu- H ullon this yeur In thu statu the lev) H for stato district school fund purposes H also went ui, thus Increasing thu rev- H cnuc to tlio schools from that sou no H materially About u million dollars was dlstrl- buled among the schools In Junuar) last The distribution nnnounie.d on M Wednesday last from tho office of Dr H i:. O (low ana, stato superintendent of H publlo instruction, amounts lo f 3 it H ier caidta, of which $3 II Is fiom the H lax funds of the state, and light) -onn H i ents from tho land Interest und rental jH fund under the school land grant B I'rom tho district school fund u tutal H of 1(10,047 03 was uvallablo for (114- H trlbutlon, nnd irom the Und grant H fund f 108,374 8(j This wax nppor- H Honed among the school districts lu H proportion to school population b H tho school census H Carbon totint) is given $IS,333.51 llJskS limtry, $325 68, Wusutch $0313.30, llisBslslsl nnd Dutlliune fll,tSI4 9ll Miaaaaaaa! PHIiKKMIVO LOI.OUADO hlll,i: jggj PllOPObiriOV TO l.OCU, IOLKS aHHiH A A llollunil, special ruprusentu- LaaHsa! Ilvu of the Dolleque H)dro Carbon Oil EBBS company with headquarters at Price iaSaHl has for several days bem IUtlnb the assaaaaaaaH several tuvvns and tho mining oampii ixaaaa! of tho county in the Interest Of his Lsaaaaaaaaaaal corporation Tho comiany has twelve IkHlkjal hundred und tlghty acres of oil shalo pxksaaa! lands Ju-,t north of Delleque, Colo, H with stratus that yro estlmatsd to be H four hundred feet thick In places and H show values of thirt)-flvo to flft) gal- JsssssbI Ions of oil lo the ton of shale ssssssssssaaal Those who havo Investigated the ll dalms of this compan) say the prop- H ert) has merit and la more than like- ssssssssssfl ly underestimated Instead of exag. HH gerated, llepresontatlves of the com- aaHssssssss! imiiy recently gave demonstrations of iiBlaaaal the shale values at Price, und It Is un- HH derstood numerous onta locally are ixSH becoming financially Interested HH Millions ore being mado dally In oil M and It may be that this proposition Is H one of those that will put some ot our H people on Easy street, asaaaaaaaaai 1 aaaasaaaaaai