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The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, April 12, 1918, Image 4

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BBB Issued Every Friday Hy tho Suit Pub-
BBB llnhlng Co. (Inc ). It. W. Crockett,
BBB j Manager,
BBB Subscription, $2.00 tho Year. Office
BBB Telephone, No. 9, Ilesldcnccs, Nos.
BBB 133M2 nnd 133M3.
BBB Display Matter Per Inch per Month.
J1.00; Singla ls-,uc, 40c. Special
'osltlon 26 Per Cent Additional.
WW I Headers nnd I.cgal Notices, 10c per
BBB Line first Insertion; 6r per Mne
BBV Each Subsequent Issue. Count seven
BBW words to tho line.
WW Obituaries, Curds of Thanks, Hosolu-
BBB tlons, Ktc. at Unit Local Mending
WW Notice Hates. Count seven words
K I to tho line
WW i , Adlets, l'nr Sale For Kent, Pound,
WY LoM, lite . Ono Cent per Word Kach
Issue. No Charge Accounts
t Address All Communications to
K I went mourning without Tlio .Sunt
B I stood up nnd crlccl In tlio congTcgn
H Hon. Job, 30.2H.
B Husslit was it long time accepting
B that "Pne without vlctor" siigges
UU hut she flnallj
BBBI Oermanv has been under the drill
B slon that she wits )Ib Iiik this war
HBHt Rome "fur keeps." (living Imek will
B r.ii somewhat against the grain.
B Now that the food administration
H has commenced to correct Us mis
BWBT lakes, there Is propped Ihul food pro.
W duitluii will nltulu Its norniiil stride.
B This Hun crowd may itppcar to
BBBj some ns inlsophlstlculcd, hut not one
t, of them to dale has fallen for nttac h
f Ing his numb to u subscription paper
f eilrciiluled by someone that sends out
f of tt.wn for his Printline.
J Hrporls are current the country
HBSJ over that there arc fewer teachers In
J- bn had than formerly. Whfih Is not
J' surprising. All a teacher lias to da
t Is to spend years In acquiring n Rood
( rdiiratlon and then fall to rcalUf u de
ff tent Income on It. TcachlnR Is lit
J least as ntlructlve us-country preach
Iiir nnd pov about tho same, which
arrouuts for some of the shortiiRe
ff Is the tountry store pusslng7 The
B Hun doesn't think so, despite what the
B metropolitan papers und tho comli
PBhB' weeklies attempt to tell us. Tin re are
K quite it few towns III Haste m Utah
Ji nnd nuh has Its "tountry store." We
PBhB ndmlt, however, that the environment
J of the (otintry store may be changing
PBhBu nnd for the better. It Is getting In
V be more of u buslno I n 1 1 ttilloti nnd
J less of u debuting club.
pBVBT Veterans of the clll war have held
I nil nloiiR that they killed more men
pBVBf compared with the number engaged
PBhB ' than the Ocrmnns mid nllles huve
pBVH' been dolnR on the western front. Hut
I It Is likely that since the present but-
B ., , ,t)o started there are few who will
PBVBT tllnt; to that claim. It Is doubtful If
PBVB. . the slaURhter on the west front would
pBBT be so tremendous were the nrmles In
pBVBJ tho open. The rarrlnR or concrete
PSflBf. defenses and redoubts rnsts many
BBBY lives more than open flRhtliiK. Tim
BBBY rntlro battle front Is ono vast fortress,
BBBY s , which arrounts for the costly attacks
pBHHj when mudn on either side.
pBHHr Here und thero e rcud of men who
fl have been so Indiscreet us to utter
PBVBT disloyal remarks, usually In it heut of
BBBk passion. Hueh are usuully punished
B " In the most convenient wuy at hund,
pBVBt nnd are not entitled to much eynv
pBVBj 1 psthy. These are no times for fool
B Uh persons to ImuRlue liberty Rive
BVBf ' them the rlRhts of u traitor. Our rov
pBHHL ernment bus entered upon uti udtcii
pBVHT ture to prntLtt tho future ur everyone
pBWBj In this nutlon, and It Is inlKhly plcu
pBHHj une business for backbiters to muko
pBVBt themselves luurd. The state of the
B public mind Is shown by the fact that
HhHB thero Is smull smputhy for victims
pBVBj of punishment Inflicted for the per
HHhB petratlon of such mlmlceds.
B Our public school steut Is tho
PBhBT I Rreatest In the world, hut here and
pBHHl there Improvtmenti ure needed. Herl
PBhBe ous obstacles to efficiency und prog
B rcs are found In thu Improper Influ
PBBVM. rnees of politicians, officials or others
BT t In reRard to appointments, promo
BBVftT lions, traiufers or the selection of
PBpBf teitbooks and purchase of materials.
PBBVB Huperlntendtiitn ure not Riven ample
power to munuRe the educullonul side
PBBVB of the s)stem. TrtuteeH freiurntly In
HBVH ', terfere. Teachers are not eticour
pBVftV DRed to pursue professional studies
IBVBB and develop Individuality und thus In
BBJ 3 treaso thrlr uiefulness. Textbooks
pHhaH are often selected by others than the
PBBVB educational force mid sometimes for
pBBVfi reasons that have nothlnR to do with
H PuttlnR u collcce profowor ut the
BBBB hrad of the fuel administration seems
BBBB f0 to have worked about as well as put
pS f tlnR a mlnlnK engineer at the head of
BBBBT ' the food administration. How lack of
BBBBT' J practical experience sometimes leads
BBBBT to trouble was emphsulied a few days
B uro by a statement In the senate by
BBBB Senator Uorah of Idaho, who said that
BBBBT- ii miller within three miles or Ilorah's
BBBB home received a telrRram from the
BBBBT rood administrator ordtrlnR him to
B ! I cease Rrlndlns wheat. At thut mo
BBBB Y I ment there were seventeen wagon-
BBBBt j loads of wheat at the mill, with the
BBBBT farmers siting on the drivers' seats,
BBIBb waiting to unload. They had to go
BBBBT home and take their wlieut with them
BBBBr j and they fed It to stock. After review
BBBBj ,1ns this case and a somewhat similar
BBBBf I qoo described by Senator Pomerene
BBBH . of Ohio, Henater Borah anked;' "Are
BBBBJ I you aurprlMd that there la an atmos
BBBBt I pht-re of depression In the rural ds
BbBC- 1 -wlcU or the country:
BBBji i
bhbf nttnflftW
BBBBB dftttfmm BBBBB.-4jKafc,.jiiBwBll
"Tin: men man's wah" ah si:i:n
Old J. P Morgan bring on this war
so that his only son could Join the
navy nnd offer his life for his coun
try? Did Henry P. Davidson, who Is
dovotlng his energies without chnrRe
to the administration of tho lted
Cross, brine on the wnr so that his
only son could enter tho nvlutlon ser
vice of his country? Did Cornelius
Vanderbllt bring on tho wnr so that
he nnd his son could servo In the army
that will soon go to Prance,"' Did
George J Oould bring on tho wnr so
t tin t his sons could be drafted Into
the national nrm) 7 It Is one of the
mnln stock nrgnmenls of pniOermnn
propagandists that this Is u rich mint's
wnr When the wnr Is over nnd the
nsi ir service given to the nation l
mnde, men of wealth will hold h
place In public recognition nf patriot
Ism scAind only to thnt occupied bv
the fighting force. Novel unci deep
respect for tho love f coiinlr ills-
plnied by certain rich men nnd it
grenl nrrnv of them will be mie nf
the definite results of the wnr.
Wldesprcnd nttentloli lias been given
the potato problem In Mlchlgitn this
winter. Wnr prices were miiliilnlnid
In the cities or the stnte, while thous
ands of tubers were nllowod t rot I't
cotiiitrv cllslrlils The potato 5 I'M In
Michigan was forty tnllllou bushels.
The bcgliitilng or spring runners or
the stnte wele reported to have hnd
half or this crop still cut tin Ir fnrnm.
II) this time things began to go bad.
As Tim Hun bus repentedl) Intel the
reildents or this county, ngrliullurnl
liiformullon Is obtainable free or
charge from the government, and emit
Information of Importance to the
farmers und others of Ciirbon enmity
Is published In The Huti. The United
States agricultural department Inst
fall warned against Just such n thing
an happened In MUlilgun unci In other
polatogrciwlng portions of the coun
tty. Tho department pointed out that
II was useless to hold for higher prices
nud told vvh). Those who didn't fol
low the government advice, ns usual,
lost money nnd the public the poln
toes, V nre taxed to maintain ex
pi rt In Washington, I), ('., mid nre
loollnli to spurn their ndvlce.
States and counties thut have not
ns )ft seen rit to expend thousands or
dollars In the construction or new
roads or the Improvement of old ones
will have mi npportuiili) to learn
much from the experiences of those
that have. That, at least, Is one good
excuse for holding buck. It has been
evident for some )enrs that the road
building business has been developed,
In some sections, to the dignity of
graft In many cases roads have bet li
put down at great expense, only tit re
suit In them wearing out In a few
) ears -long before the bonds were
paid for This happens so often thut
It scanely run bo culled mi exception.
However, thin Is not to be construed
ns un argument against road con
striictlou, for nothing Is more Import
ant to rural communities. Tho urgu
ment or warning Is against Indiscrim
inate expenditure of funds ur the ex
travugant wulc or money In the eon
strurtlnit or roads without run sight
or knowledge or present uml prospec
tive conditions.
There Isn't the slightest doubt that
the )oung men from Carbon county
who have been culled to the urmles or
Uncle Heim have been benefited In
health amailngly. took ut them when
they return on furlough. Isn't It u
fuel thut every ono of our lads looks
healthier, stronger and ptt)sliully
more lit thuu when he left? Most
certainly Carbon county mothers will
agree that their hoys are being well
taken litre of so fur as developing
health und strength ure com erne el,
Oood rood, me-ellcal attention, fresh
air und constant exercise have done
their work. It Is an unfortunate fuit
thut In prlvuto lire row get enough or
these health necessities, ut lenht not
In the proportion required. The, urnty
Is icgcnerittluR the ining men In It
l'u us )ou(gi Is In effect through
out )hu nutlon more than ever berore.
Hcarcel) i town that-hus not experi
enced u movement Intinded to put It
In effect, it Is one of the results of
the war, when the need for curtail
ment or uneconomical methods nnd
waste sponsor Improved methods.
Price cltliens should hear In mind
that the pa) ment or cash or the
prompt pa) ment or bills means cheap
cr merchandise and It behooves every
one to get In line unci help himself as
well as the merchants und the gov
There will bo all kinds or wuter
through the big canal for those runn
ing under the Price Hlver Irrigation
in mi) this season. The uvorage, or
water furnished will come up In ipiun
tlty to that of most or thu ) stems or
the stute. Plant ond work more und
complain less ought to be the slogan
ror numerous ones The Hun hns heard
finding fault. There urej muny" com
munltles shorter or wuter than ure
those to the south of Price.
KlghtiMii thousand llolluls Invested
In liberty bonds will equip un Infuutr)
battalion with rifles. Klft) thousand
dollars will construct n base hospital
With flvo hundred beds or equip un In
fun try brlgudo with pistols. A bun
dled thousand dollars will bu) rive
combat airplanes or pistols, titles und
half a million rounds or ammunition
for un Infantry regiment.
" Coal was reduced onAprll Ut, This
In not it joke. 'The Hummer joke Is
tree 'Increase- In. the price of Ice lie
BtrllL"'it1 isiw My
(Continued rrom page three )
incut to net," su)s hi ".Manufac
turers nnd dealers do not expect to
make nny profit out or wool this )car
and the) will do whatever the govern
me lit wants them to do If the gov
ernment prerers ti buy the wool ell
rcetly rrom the producer, we will do
no but lug, but or course If they wish
tin dealers to do the buying ns they
have In the past nnd then turn the
wool contracted over to the govern
ment, we will do thnt
We uro nil working ror the one
grent cnusc nnd the mnln thing Is to
help the government Mnn) or the
world's best experts lire now working
for the United Stales along this Hue
The United Htntcs took nil option on
all Houtli American wool bought slme
December Uth, nt n price prevailing
Jul) 30th, less C per cent.
"Since then the Huston wool Irttde
has agreed In turn over to the govern
ment till wool now on hand, both do
mestic nnd foreign, at today's market
price so thnt I ehi not look to see wool
contracted In the West or bought up
until shearing time "
wirii thi: mvi: htociimkn
J. C. Jensen wus over In the San
pete country last week looking after
his Interests lit that section of the
In appreciation of the recent raise
In wagen and better working condi
tions through the direction or Judge
Painiiil ANcbulcr. Chicago stock) fcrds
employes hnve subscribed to $!00,fl00
In liberty bonds.
U. O Crawford or Muntl registered
ut the Tavern Saturday on his way to
Emery county, where ho hns large
runelt nnd sheep Interests. Ills flocks,
he suys, have pine through the winter
well. He will shear within n few dn)s.
Shearing begin at Mounds tomor
row (Hatordn)) und ut Jensen's on
Miller Creek next Monday. Twelve
nnd n half cents, wllh board or shear
ers Is being paid. Plitcen cents and
bourd Is the price nt Mack, Colo., mid
nt Cisco
Nell M Mudsill or Scofleld has
been down In Southern Utah lately cm
u ileal for it big ranch und some cat
tle. If It goes through he will take
his own slock and that or his brothers
to that section rrom the Carbon and
Sanpete ranges. It inuy be that other
Interests will be consolidated with
Much of the spate or the now ware
house be lug built by Price Commis
sion cciiupiili) across tho rnllroad
Hacks rrom the building they occupy
Is to be give n over to wool storage It
will be about Ihlrty-flvo reet wide and
something like a hundred and twenl)
five feel long. A spuitrnrk of the
Denver mid llbi (Irnnilo will be built
to It.
Wool consumed by domestic manu
facture rs or woolen nnd worsted tex
tiles ror Pebruary. 101H, was 83,791.
I7S pounds, rompureil with r.J.tOS,
SIC for Juuuury, reckoned In grease
equivalent. The nine leading states
In consumption were Massachusetts,
Peims)IVMiilu, New Jersey, llhode
Island; New York, Connecticut, New'
Hampshire, Ohio und Mulne.
I.. II. Itedd or llluudlliR lis sold to
l-uv miliar & Wheeler or Paradox,
Colo,, two hundred und fifty )earllnc
steers which he hud been feeding dur
ing the winter, (leurge A. Adams also
hail ii small bunch which be threw In
uud hud delivered wllh the lledd
stock. John Itedd took the steers to
Puruebix, where they were turned over
to the purchaser. The price paid for
the animals wus forty-live dcilluis u
According to the Provei Hirnld, n
million dollar live stock company bus
been formed ut thut place, which lakes
ovtr the large sheep Interest or M. A.
M)rup of Orniid county, Mtrup, who
ucqulred thu sheep and land holdings
Coming Our
Way In
Carloads :
An entire) cur or Corn uud Crmkfcd
Corn received this week, and u -cur r
Cornmeal und llarln) Ploiir HubsiU
lutes on the way und dde ut Prlco
any day now, Clraham, OcrmaUu Und
Wholn WhiMit. See ut tor substitutes
ror Hour no troublu In our gelling
these things. Hold nt the right prices,
Our Seed Machine
Cleaner Working'
Hook our orders ulieuil foi this Is
Just now about the busiest pluee In
Price. Seed Oats, Seed Wheat, Sugar
MuiiRlrs, Hut Seed, Onion Sets und
ull Seeds ror the farm und garden In
big uud little lots. Alfulfu und Clover
Heed. Hock Rait uml about ever)
thing for the slockmun und the ram h.
Price Commission Ci.
United States Pood Administration
l.lcenuNo, a. 41184,
PHOJJB 113 , , PniC.(UTlH
I Certainly if it were not economical to mnlntnin nn inefficient motor car before the j H
'', wnr it is not economical now. Indeed the thriftness of n Rood car which serves capably ; K
. nnd without waste is more pronounced today tlinn ever. A great many men arc buying ; m
;'. BUICKS AND OLDSMOBILES who, at a less critical time, might have been contcnt'with
nn automobile of lower merit. ; Hj
!; But in the present situation they do not care to chance even a part of thnt service !
; which a good motor car can render them, merely for the sake of n temporary saving in ;" Hi
', the purchase price. j! B
;. E-4-JJ5 $ 915.00 M-37-6 cyl $1352.00
.; E-G-45 1421.27 M-45-8 cyl. . 1662.50 B
I; E-6-49 1686.78 Sport Model, 8 cyl 1758.00 J;
' O. O. IIUItNKIt, Manager, Price, 1'lnh PIIONi: 171, S K
or tho Tailor l-nnd and Uve Stock
company Inst enr, has been nnmed
vice presldonl or tho new company
and It Is understood will continue) In
tho management at the Interests In
(Iriind count).
On the rccomnte ndatlon or J. Cecil
Alter, meteorologist or the Halt l-ake
City Wfjtther bureau, the department
hits nppolnted twenty-six special live
stock region observers for this Inter
mountain vuuntry, who will report
weekly by telegniph to the Salt I-nkc
ClU' oiriie, highest nnd lowest tern
perntures, total precipitation, snow
rail, snow on the ground and general
conditions of live stock. Alio the, ef
fect or the week's weather on ranges.
The reports of these men will bo pub
llsheel every Wednesday morning.
All the officers and members of the
directorate of the Salt Lake Union
Stockyards company were re-elected
at their annual meeting last Monday,
with the exception ol It. W. Salisbury,
who Is In the government service. J.
Y. Illch was uamod an his successor.
Thu officers of the company or
Thomas Austin, president: Kdward l
Parsons, vice president: Pred J, lon
nrd, srcrctAry, and J. II. Manderflsld,
general manager. The directors are
Austin, Parsons, Ionard, llodnry T.
Iladgrr, J. A. McNaughton, Illch and
F. 8. Match.
Oruilng permits Issued to ratlin
ond shrepmon to use the reservoir
watershed will hereafter carry u
clause making them subject to run
cullatlon If the rmplovvs or the grun
te-cs disregard the state laws respect
Ing the protection or fish and game,
nccordlng to u letter received by It,
II Slddoivny, stato fish and gume
commissioner, from J. I. I.vtcl. who
has charge of the Strawberry rcclam
utlon project uml the Strawberry res
ervoir and watershed. The same kind
or cluurti will be Inserted In ull other
contracts permitting the maintenance
or boats on the reservoir.
H. V. McClure, secretary or thu Na
tlontil Woolgroivcra' association, look
ed the meat situation over carefully
wr.llei In Washington, I). C, recently.
"Thu outlook ror meats In the United
Stairs ror muny months," he suys, "Is
tho best over In our hlntory. Through
out the country there I An Increase
of ru'tle, sheop and hogs. It Is esti
mated that In 1117 there was u per
capita supply or meat In the United
Steles exceeding two hundred and
forty pounds, the largest tho nation
has ever experienced, My compari
son, tho per capita, suppl) In 1910 was
only ii hundred und nlnetyseen
pounds, so It Is clear what un enor
mous Increase In the incut supply has!
tuksii places llemuval or ull restric
tion on tho iisii or meat by Hoover
uiiN uutleiputed by ever j one arepiulnt
ed with the meat situation."
,MirU He-lug l'ulel y'tir.
The Mate, the stock board mcjt
Mondd) last und transacted routine
biiNlnrss. Questions urlslug ,ln con
nection with tho recent orders ror
dipping against tick, next August
were dUeuiuiril In some detail, and
claims were pu..eil for thirty-one
htiid of cuttle slaughtered on ai count
if tuberculosis. Of these, twen)one
heucl were purebred, uppralscd ut
two hundred dollars ruth, while eleven
were grades, appraised nt u hundred
dollars emch.
The board rec?immeuded lei the
stute bourd or exumlnrrs thut thu
cluims be ii I lowed foi one-hulf the ap
praised value. It Is said, with regard
to the purebreds, thut some ur them
weie Imported Jersey rattle and If
heul(h they would have been worth
a large proportion nf thu uppralsed
vr.lue for the lot.
'Commission netting llusy.
ltWA8JJNUTQN. I). C April f.
Thn ntw..,tnet e,-pmral5.Qti,-uppolote,d
The Sun Special Service.
HALT I.AKB CITY. April . Thu
condition of winter wheat In the Uni
ted States Is 71.6 per cent. In Utah
It Is 90 per cent, which shows a con
siderable Improvement since Inst rail.
While conditions are favorable, the
season Is not far enough advanced to
show Just what may be expscted front
the late sown wheat. The losses of
stork are about normal. That they
nre so high Is due to the Inclusion or
April and May, 1917, within thn per
iod considered. Stock losses this win
ter have been very low. Ilrood sows
show an Increase or 9.6 per rent In the
United State over la it year. In Utah
there are ISO per cent or last year.
The condition or live stock for the
United States generally Is above-the
average. In Utah all classea or stock
ara In unusually good condition, owing
by President Wilson ut tho reiiui st or
Pood Administrator Hoover, met hern
today to plunge Into twin problems or
Increasing meat production nud hold
Ing clown prices. While prospect or
uctuul government operation or pack
ing plants Is believed to be remote,
radical steps may not crthe less result
rrom tho probe now on.
Investigators will consider both thu
packing and live stock Industries from
tho point of view of meat prices, pro
ducing costs, labor shortage, Hans
portatiun difficulties, speculation und
marketing und middlemen's margins.
I.I i- Slock Ihm Isiwcr.
Live htork losses from disease uud ex
posure during thn car were lower
than lust ear und also below thn ten
year nvirage, tho department or agri
culture announced today In Its April
live stock report. Condition or ani
mals on April 1st wus higher tbun last
)rur und also the ten-year average,
Hrredlng sows were estimated at 9,t
pr cent better than u eur ugo.
Kansas City Murkets.
KANSAS CITY, April 11. Hogs
llecelpts, 8U00 head und market high
er. Hulk, $17.35 to 117.46; heavy,
117.15 to 117.36; packers and butch
ers. 117.15 to tl7,6; light, 117.35 to
Cattle llecelpts, 1000 head. Prime
reel steers, 1 1 5,00 to 116,00; dressed
beer steers, 111,60 to 115,00; western
steers, ti:,76 to 115,116: cows. 17.76 to
f 13.00; heifers. 11,60 to 114.00; stock
era and feeders, 18,00 to 113,36; bulfs.
1H. 00 to 111.00; calves, 18.00 to 114.00.
Sheep llecelpts, 1000 head and
market strong, . I-umbs, 130,00 to
1 130.75: )earllngs, V16.00 to 117.60:
wethers, 116,00 to 110,50; ewes, 111,00
i to 115,00.
ii i
' Leonard 'fliuvn, u oung man at
Wellington, wan taken to bait I-akn
City last Monday ror an operation ror
c T -l '' ' . . . I
-CalrPcUrs, Tu -Sub. .. - -.
in the mild winter, geuetull) itbun BY
tint feed nnd u better appreciation -1 Bf
the value or their stock on thu part Be
or uwner. The crop reporting board Bj
or thn bureau or crop estimates, I'ni BY
trd Slutes department of agriculture Bl
has made these estimates or tho inn- B
dltlon or grain nnd live slock Bn
- - i ' ' j-e 7- 'iii-i 1 1 iir rr ". m . IPSf
United State. ) L'tuh. Ut
i i' 9
h "$ -4 . i
i a - c
K V ' U V
1 1 J -1 l
- -3-2
r v ? v
i : '
' : 3 : . ;
; ' n ' m
. ! J ,
' ll ' : '
Wheat, condition , . . .. . 7l't.J ii.6T foTiT'Ifi 7
live, condition t.8ica,o89.o mi ; 80 ir
Mortality per thousand horse ...1 1. 6116. 9119. 41 IS la 31
Cattle, disease ,. .. j 11,3 19 430.0 16 I It It
Cattle, exposure 13,3 I4,6I4 3 32 37 31
Sheep, disease 19.1)11 8 31.4 II 30 j 3
Sheep, exposurn f 19.3 33 430.3 3d 46 31
Lambs 49.360 2168 60 70 t '''
Swine 43.148.667 5 II i 3
Ilrood sows pl-r cent or last jear 1109 ,6196 5....il30 j 90 I
Live stock, condition j j j I '
Horse 96.3 95,8 9k, il 99 93 ' 9'
Cattle 9S,69I,49S,3 100 ' 90 4 31
Shoe) j 96,9 93,I9S.4 99 93 , 0
Swlnci I 96.3J95 0j93.7 99 97 t
tNlnear uveruge. Srveu)eur uvirnge.
One Cent Per Word IJacti Iaiertloa
.Vo Cliarge Aocouals.
roadster. See II. It. Twin
Savoy llurbr Shop.
l'lniler pleasn leave with Meed lit
Utah-Idaho Motor garage. Mewarr
rnrmrrs must up to data farm mag
mine, 11,00 pur J car. II. P. Andersor
local representative.
thirty acres of good land near Price
with good water right. Must have tw
or four-room house on It. Price mm'
be reasonable. Address V. II., Sun. ,
foal, one four-year-old gelding; two
1 wo- ear-old geldings. Will consldor
good used car. Will buy a few good
milch rows. Kd Morgan, Kvnllworth
ty acre farm adjoining city limit
tlood two-room house. Will sell cv
lease rarm Implements, ir Interestee
see or write I.eeNclms Co., Price
hundred head good grade ewes lth
wool on and each with line Janusr '
or February lamb by side. All In rin" '
condition. Also have ample choice al
falfa pasture) for rent. This Is r- ,
splendid buy. If Interested come und ,
see them, but be quick. C. K. Mund
Kamm Manch, Holtvllle, Cnlu,
During twelve mouths the arm)
hospitals. Increased from aaven to
sixty-three In npmber and frm flvx'
thousand to fifty-eight thousand four
hundred beds. Thirty thousand more
beds ors being added.

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