OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, April 12, 1918, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1918-04-12/ed-1/seq-6/

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bbb '
BBY ' K t r-,,rrr "'" '" "
BBf t In itr totiHrtit wi.viM you
BBM j t sfttV w mtr !l will be too
BBK, I lair to eerta this iU4lnn nf
BBtf tee Ikr fWe ha occurred Ni
BBV I Ihr time In deckle It while
BJBB the iroMrt I standing
BJBB Protect )out property, pro-
BjB tact ymir tncp of mint nnd
BBM protects your credit We want
BjBfl tti make idi mft, nnd Mill ilo
BJBfl- mi If m will np u Our com
BJBB iwinle Hf among the oldest and
BBS soundest In tin wurlil
I Ml HI k
BBm Keoonil Ilonr
BBS Slltngtil II1m k Prlcr, t'tali
You Pay As
I Much
H As It Wilt Cost You
I Spring
I Canyon
B Mined At Storm, Curbon
H. r County, Utah, By
H (
I Spring Canyon Coal
H ! ' Company
B I ' Sales Department,
B Nowhouso Bldfr., Snlt Lnke
. City, Utah.
B J The Highest Kfflcleney
B Government Uqutvalont, StOI
BBff pound. Unequalled For Btor-
BB) I age. Will Not Black.
K I Ilest of Hirnmlnic and Heating
BBS QualltlM.
' wkpM Coal S Coke Co.
H I Mines At Keulln-orth, Utah
BBX Cleneral Offices, Walker Hank
BSB- Hldg., Snlt Lake City.
B ' or
m Soft Drfnks, Flavoring
H Syrups, Caady and
B Drum Gas.
B-BB (iimmU Drllrcntl At Your Home
BBJ Promptly.
BJBK 'l ' Town Order Solicited
BBm ,. h "'"' 'c Trompt
BBB. Attention.
bbB' t
E riiotw '-' I Prlcv, Ululi
H ' ' ' :
m Price, Black Hawk and
m Hiawatha Stage Line
H ft It i I'lvo I'lrst-Class Cur Between
BJBB These Point Dally
B i Careful ami Hespunslble Drh-
BBB ci'i. Onu Way 18.00; Hound-
BBB k I trip, IS.OO. Children S to 13
BBB I carB 1,n,f Itate. Tickets
Bm . J Quod Tor Thirl) Das.
b , HUEY & BELL, Prepr's.
BBH ?; I irtto'n .Stage! Depot, TAvern Ho. 4
BJBB , I tel "nulldlhg, l'rlc., Utah
BB I Telephone 80
mm 'NMsm.
SBBBrHff iffflnBBM rf'liiliii"1JrlBBB!
gg m Wwimr,mnii
lll(J(II'r I'ltOIM'tClt.
lliilliuniN 1.11.(1) to lt lliiinlli'iiM'l
tlio Comlnc I'nll Mini Wlnltr Willi
Mini iilrnl or llir Ijinjft Citin titer
rnMlmiil lii flip stnto Coke Otnia
t Siniii)lilc Ci.Iiik I'nll Tlmr.
1'tnli Kili't ninipflli). iiultc the Ihik
tt prndiHor 'l of oh) I unil iokc, In
BlvhiK the nhlifit putillclty to thli
Ktiitfttirnt from IIn Krnprnl offlepn lit
Snlt lkp Clt) "U do tint nienn to
rat Hint l( on Hunt to Irnvp conl to
u, c next winter mi miiKt lu it Ini
nudmipl) that sou will he tumble
to r' It next full Hut we ilo mean
In iw Hint the rollriKul of the tin
llrtii will iiiiiiietliiniihl he Inxeil to
tin hrrnkliiR poliil next full unit carl)
winter lo move the imp nnil mm
mmlltleH nthi r tlnili null. If mt nnil
eir other null itnimiini r In t'liih
nil the lnlrmotintnhi Went liu)n next
wlnter'x (mil Kiippl) ut ome, while the
rnlltoadH are little to mute mill remlll)
fum the mine, there will be no innl
KhnrtitKe. OtherulM it f-rrlnun cun
dlllun wi'ini n rtnln to develop next
fall nnd winter The nwvl iroiltucr.
nnd the denlvm who distribute the
innl, nrp dolni; nnd wilt continue to
do cvcrjtlilnK In their power to nld
the railroad), nnd to proteit jou. Hut
llio) cannot do It nil you tntiHt help.
Our enrnctt reuuint unil our warn
IriK to jou U Hint )oti mnkc every
effort to fill jour bllm now. l'lnce
jour order with oiir denhr without
di In) nnd thim permit him to ninke
deliver) n mflni im he inn"
vnitv sr.uioi's Titouiti.i:
With n lltlk better than lid pir (ent
of their inlnhm orKunlmitlonn workliiK,
I'tnh conl mlnei. nre mure tliuti up
l)liiK the preM-nt dvmiind for fuel,
Unleim lntfiii.lv r ktiirltiK tor full uml
winter conaumptlon ImkIiik liiiinrdl
ntely thrnuKhout Hie Mate, mine own
em will he compelled to tllltnll their
ahlflN nt their workhiR to n degree
Hint will In nil likelihood entlne u
idiortnKf vvheii the iiitiMiimlnK mmimiii
iiktxIii (omen iiroiliiit Hpenklntc with
lelntlon to the preixnt fuel llllntloii
In I'tnh, A. I). I'lcrmiti, Reneriil pale
tuitnuRer of the Utnh 1'iiel computi).
Iiut Tilcudny deplored Ihe fart Hint the
ulllmiito conmimer lu thtiN'fur fulled
In n Innce tneaaiire to lompt) with the
nntlotint furl ndmlnliitrotloiii. advice
to toro fuil for next whhiii'h ion
numptloli. The fuel ndnilnUlratlon ioine wrekn
n Ko niude n fixed ncliedule or prlrei.
for conl ut the mine, uddliiK from
five lit forty-five retilii p(r loll to the
price Tliemi prlteN beinmn effertlve
Mnnh II th, but mine opemtorn de
clined to take advalituKe or tin oppor
tunity to radio ruten at the mine, im
nouiulilK thnt durlim a renitonable
period In which conmunerH uilulit
more their wlnterV mippl) the iitiolii
Hutu, would remain nt the old prliv
The government bun fixed n margin
of profit to thu retailer of 13 It per
ton, which prctludm thnt trade me
dium from nddlnif th prlie or rrom
five to forty-five cenln pir ton ullow
id by the March lltli order to llm
mnrKln already allowed on any ion!
purchased at the old figure. T.iU
order lio.vever, win. recently modified
nnd, beginning July Ut retnllem ma)
add the extra profit rcgurdlcM or at
what price the coal In their )nrdi( wuh
In the inenlillmn the old low retail
figure prevail, tlitn. nccordlng con
(iinirra an opportunity to fill their
bin or fuel HlorehoiKe. riernoli ex
plain thut dUnrganlwvtlon (r tnlnliiK
rorcea at thU llmo meatia thnt when
the peuk load eaoii arrive I'tali
nilnei. will probably be round racing u
ivrlotu (hortagti r mine labor, in. coal
digger nro beconlnK genorull) dl
gUHted with working condllloni. nnd
nre rl'lly entering other field of
labor, Held which promlne Headier
work. If ut a Munevvliat reduced wage
is noisn mom aixn with
tiii: .uiwTi?r output i:vi:u
U It. Klrkpatrkk, 'nuperlntendont
of Utah rue I company' coking plnnl
nt Hunii)ldo, waa In Price liuM'rlday
and Haturday Ilo tate there nro
three hundred men cmplo)ed ut nnd
about the coke oven over there with
u production or nround sixteen hun
dred ton dally, The product U go.
Ing overyvv hero throughout tiro Went
All told, there ure eight hundred nnd
nineteen oven Jn rommUilon nt Bun
nldc, th Inrgeal plant ot It char
acter In the United State, the coke
from half or them being drawn every
'" , v.
At the big tout tamp proper, W N.
W'etsel, upcrlntondent, morw. than
rive hundred men iro on tho payroll.
More thun fifty thousand dollar was
pnld out In wages to coke oven men
dining March. There Is not a more
prosperous camp In the entire coun
try today than this nme Bunnyslde.
i:verone la prosperous and entire
ly contonted with conditions, mnde
the best that money can buy, by Utah
Fuel cnmpnny' management vvliluh Is
liberal to a Mult with anything that
will add to the comrort of the men
and their dependents.
placi: or a. it. appkhson
Moroni Helner ha been elected
vice president and general manager
of tho United State l'uol company,
Ilo T 11 rill the office whlci has been
vacant slnco Kebrimry 1st, last, fol
lowing tho resignation or A. U. Ap-parson.-
llner .Is A member i)f the
t'o'ard or directors anda stockholder
I In the coftipahy,' arid'lind teen rilling
I the office or second vice president,
I Th Is office, it Is understood, will re-
KU?T '" ' ' " ' ' ""-"" hmuhi11 j"
main vacant follow Ing the Incumbent's
Inking over his new position.
Itolner vva one or the locators ot
tho Castle Valley Coat company prop
erties. It later forming tho nucleus of
the United Stntc fuel company' vast
holding He ha leeti promlnrntl)
Identified with Utah' development
I elng connected with the state's conl
banking, farming, merchandising and
mining business
He former!) wu an Insurance man
I'tom 1900 to 190S he wax xtato dnlr
and food commissioner Helner his
been ii resident of Hnlt lJikc Clt) sit. t
icitii.si: ix piiici: or
Till late rln ular, or Interest tn al
di-nler and to the general publl' ,
ha Wen lued by W W Armslrnng
federal fuel mid food ndmlnlstrntor
In I'tnh "All conl on band In tin
ynrdx of retail dealer In the stnte of
Utnh mi July 1, 191s, when mine
price will probnbly be advanced by
producer, tun) be sold to consumer
by dewier nt tho then prevailing mine
price, phi freight nnd rcgutnr fixed
margin Thl I to reimburse dealers
for lo b) deterioration. Interest on
Investment, and udded cost of han
dling Into stornge pile, and should
fiirubdt sufficient Inducement for nil
dealers to store to the rnpnclt) or
their iwi! Thl ureter I effcitlvi
HOt'.MI tiii: t'O.M, CAMlMt
PHItsoNAl, AM OTHi:itHi:
Price Trading coinpuii) Is hnndllug
the Mlllburii mine conl locnll) It
bit) from the Cannon Coal ngem
Most of the mine or the dlrtrkt
worked four tin) Inst wiek nnd some
of them expo I to get In five thl
The wngiin road rrom the Mlllburii
proper!) to Kcullvvorth I about com
pleted It ha so far cost upward or
five tboUind dollars,
W II I-uvvic). Hr, wit down from
llurdstrabble Mondrt). Ilo ha sev
ernl men nt work there uncovering
two big sentn of eoal on III fort)
ure tract. He will he whipping he
way, by curly fall.
The average dall) production t
b) product coke the country nvi r In'
I'chriinr). IPIft, wn 5C,3J ton, torn
pared with S:,fi3 ton In Jniiunr)
191 Tile produitlon of b)proiluit
coke In l-Vbrunry. IVIs, wn 1.667 9
tun or 71.7 per eenl or Ihe maximum
cnpuill). lompiirrd with l,t33,S
ton or 72 I per rtit or iipnelt In
The state or I'tnh hn filed suit In
the Third I MM r let loiirl nguliul the
Humnill 1'iiel iomp.ui to nnover
ItSt.fll, alleged due u unpaid part of
the iiimpau)' pn mlum on It ltiur
nine polliy with the state According
lo the complaint, the defendant ioiii
pnu) ha paid but 193 73 or the total
premium of I3IH.1J The tnlc ik
for Judgment for Ihe unpaid amount
and for unit of the action
Production of beehive Hike In I'eb
man, IVIS. I estimated nt 3,319.000
n t ton, an average of ninety-three
thousand Ions per working du). Thl
wn mi lurrrnso of three thdusanil
ton per working da), iiimpnred wiHi
the preceding month, but belon Ihe
rule In the preceding two mouth The
low cut dull) average reeordid In uii)
meiith before December, during the
lut two )nir. nun 103,3(8 tons In
IVbriiar), 1917. In tin two mouths'
pirlod of 19 IK Ihe tleiriwM- lielou the
same pirlod In 1917 was 7ll.ouu ton
Commlwdoner Kinll OMIiind vva
here rrom I'tnh Mine Tuevda) bint to
intend tint regular iiiuuthl) uniting
or the hoard of county tonimlseioiier
Mud Creek or Utnh Mine I producing
around three hundred ton a du) un
der li-UKC to OMluud ninl working full
six da) ever) week All or the out
put goes to the Denver and Kin
Urunile for lallrnad u-vx - priuiipallv
engine. Clear Creek I working three
(Continued on page fight )
Official Analysis Proves
Wholesome Properties of
In rrDVA y
World's Best Bever9 J
The official chemist of the State of Missouri Ml
made a complete analysis of CERVA BH
Here is what he says: "A wholesome product, raj
free from preservatives and yeast cells and by Jt
reason of the small amount of fermentable sugars 14
present would say that no deleterious effects would fil
be produced in process of digestion." BH
Drink all you want. It will help your digestion. (9
Forty United Profit Shnr- wftfPflB -'utCERVAto the ted 11
ing Coupons (2 coupons VHJIaMyv ot tusto today. m
each denomination 20) nsSIlMM An,c fr at grocers', MA
nre packed in every case. TTTITlTTtH druggists', etc in fact, HA
Exchangeable for J Ml j)hm at ull places where ES j
valuable premiums. VJpY good drinks arc sold. H
tiii: jtti: or chop ppjts
The slate irop pent commhulou met
nt Hall iJike City Haturdn) to go over
ii draft of rule and regulation which
will ho publlnhed In n tew weeks, and
with h are deigned to nslt the hor
tluitturlnt and rartner of Utah mu
lct lull) b) directing their elfort ng
iilunl the vniloii forms or crop pent.
(It tin, fungi. Inaect and larger anl
tiiul will all be treated, according to
plan announced
Prof II II W.txel of Coruull Till
vrrli), n preventing the government
a a xpcclutlut in plant pathology, told
the (ommbwloii of the plan that have
been udupted to bring tho very latent
Method In disease nnd pent control to
the attention of the farmer In rapid
time. Under the )stcm now adopt
ed, whereb) dlntrlrt headquarters nro
used, btjlef bulletin', nre sent nut fr
iiuentl) It I inserted that Information can
now get to Ihe farmer In weeks win re
It formerly took inr to spread the
knowledge lo the actual grower who
needed It Till I believed to be an
Important step In tho work of food
produitlon and conservation
itiii'.c.MAiic pains iti:i.ii:vi:i.
"I hnve uncd Chamberlain' Mill
incnl for ihiIii In tho client unil Intne
no of the shoulder due to rheuma
tism, mid uni pleased to ku) Hint It
ha never fallid to givi me prompt
rullcr," write Mr R N Pinch, Ha
tiivia. ,V V,--Advt
l'ln tin king I the decoration
i ho. mi for man) of the fine spits
WAHHINCiroN. I) C, April i.
Hhortage of (oal car at the mine ha
beenme again mo grave that fm I ad
ministration of filial su) vigorous no
tion will have tn be taken ut ome by
Ilia railroad udmlnlstratlon to main
tain .nunllt) ot supply ut all hltuinlu
on mine. If another coal famine next
winter I to be avoided Willi tho
situation more serloim than at any
time since the height of the rrelghl
congestion of last winter, and the conl
car shortage greater than In Kebru
ar, vPiiul Administrator (larfleld,
Chairman Uaruch of Ihe war Indus
trie board and John Hkellon Wil
liams, In charge or thu purihftsing di
vision or the railroad administration,
have been holding almost dully con
ferences to determine relief measures.
Confronted with tho necessity of sup
pi) Ing ull government needs 100 per
tent, and at tho same tlmi furnish
the railroads u 100 per cent suppl),
thu fuel ndmlnUtrullon nlso Is urging
that non-government consumers must
Im taken care of next winter b) as
surlng sufficient cars nt the mines
now, thus assuring capacity produc
tion. llltumlnouH coal produitlon In the
United Htate fell off 30 7 per cent the
week ending March 33d, nccordlng to
the latest figure compiled by the geo
logical survey, due ehtcfl) to a short
age or coal car ut the mine or 3M
per cent throughout tho country The
actual shortage ot tar at the Kantern
mine ranged trom 1 4.0 per cent nt
the Pocahontu fields tn 69.3 per cent
In the Palrmont district for tho samo
period Hovernl factors ottered Into
tho situation that are poh.ted to as
alarming. Without enrs, mnny mines
may be compelled to close down, en
tailing a great loss to labor, beside
causing u tailing off In production of
coal that will be needed next winter,
und with cut tailed production tho op.
erator might not be nhle to main
tain their prisent wage scale. ThK
It I reared, would prove a serious
source or dissatisfaction.
Sonic, officials nttrlbMtd the 'fircl
ent car shortage partlnlly'to the fact
that the railroads are now In tho mar
ket for coal, their contracts with the
operntoi made before government
control having expired April 1st In
pre-war da) tho eoal operator sold
lo tho railroad coal at low price In
return for a guaranteed ear supply nnd
rapid rail movement. Under govern
ment control the rallroud administra
tion may permit Ihn railroads to do
their pure basing under their own
terms, und so far there has been ilo
order thut would prevent them trom
using the cor guarantee lever As dl
lector or purchase for the railroad
administration, Williams called a
number or inal opt ruler lulu ((infer
ence recently and uggeted thut rail
roads' contracts, n they expired,
should be rftirvved on tho basis of
about ten conts a ton profit above tho
actual cost of producing tho cnl In
some (ases operator lomplalued that
thu prices railroads baft offered for
coal were actually below thu co.t of
mining, but that the offer of u full
supply of cars for the mines' entire
output made the offer nllurlng.
No definite conclimlon of thesu ne
gotiation wus reached, and mean,
while tho situation wn called to thu
attention or the fuel administration
both by coul operator and by miners'
representatives. The mlncru com
plained thnt the mines with rallroud
contrails, and consequently full car
supply, In tho pust had drawn work,
men from other mines In the com
munity by offer of steady employ
ment A n result the neighboring
mine vvltiiout railroad contract und
full car suppl) were foned to operate
sueli small proportion or tho lime that
miner left their employment for In
dustrial occupation nnd cansed al
most a complete shutdown of the lat
ter mines.
It was this situation which caused
tho ruel administration lo suggest to
the railroad administration that In the
Interast of the fullest possible produc
tion, raiwo)s should abandon their
practice of giving prcforbr.tlsl car
supplies to mines holding 'railroad
eoal contracts. Tho rallrosdrf'Us'e apt
proximately lTfr.000,000 tons VCecni)
a Year, and hn avorsTe'advunce-6'f teYr
cent a ton would mean an Increase In
operating expenses or 117,(00,000,
Hoveral hundred submarine chaser
built slnie the war have been de
livered to the navy by thirty-one pri
vate (oticern nnd six navy )ard.
Man) or thcKO boats have crossed the
Attauth some In severe weather
Complete legal blank slock nt Halt
Lake City and Provn price. Tho Bun
Through a card catalogue system 11
109,4X7 men hnvo been transferred IB
out of army divisions Into technics1 S
units to function according to Indi BJ
vldual educational, occupational nnd BJ
military qualification. BJ
Hull now being designed for spring BJ
hnvo sklru moderately narrow BJ
a cabti.i: vai,m:y mail houti: H
I'nn on Mall Cam Iuve I'rP c liver) M or nng ut 00 O'clock H
Trice to Huntington, f 1.75 Itound Trip, 13.00 Bpeclal Autos and B.
Price to Caitln Dale, 13.15 Hound Trip, 14.00 Truck Ior Hire to
Price to Orangsvllle, 13.60 Hound Trip, 14. 23 . ,,
Trice lo Clawson. 13.00 Itound Trip, $8.00 An' loml'
Trice to Perron, 13,35 Hound Trip, $5.60 Delivery Service,
Price to Kochester, 14.00 Hound Trip, 17.00 Ilaggage, Kxpress
Trice in Kmery, $4.60 Hound Trip, t7.CC and I'relght.
(Paris between abovn stations, lOca mile ) llaggngo allowance 40 lbs,
Heftdqunrtcrs Paternoster Illdg, Price, Utah, Main and Dspol Streets
Day Phone CD .s'lght Phone 10
W. O- Broeker, Manager ;
.Miner mid hhlpen. of Carbon Count) CooU
bbSbbbbbV ':'
f iBMprHBtBfll t
i Im B r2 iSbII 4
X BBBft9ClsBBfs
i I
CarlHJii Count) Coul Are llio llct. A
y -- ;
s III the Market for Horse, Mulra for Mine, Hay nnd Oralii,
Jt .Mine IruM, Tlet, Hprag nnd Various Other Ixwal Products. t
Homo Indu.mw Pntroulml, !
x - $
I . SbBbSik
t ffBBi! TllU-il
iCcncral Offloe Hcvvt'I noor Jutbnj HuildUig, holt ako City. V 9
' ...nP. Sk Vi"ter J,urtc"' co Oate-Uuli Mine .A

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