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WiWBBIwlMltfAiilffPllL v -y7fflfe!ii(iiiliu!)i,yi;' iW 4'in''IPIiHBIHHHIHHB t MbbbbbbI BBf B PAGE EIGHT THE 8UN. PRICE, UTAHEVERY FRIDAY APRIL 12, 1918 H WHY LET THE TAILOR SEND BBB lour garments lo Halt Lake BBB Vmm Ji ,mNt "l0 ncoeMnr mn BBf TFJrUSt thlnery mid prnctlonl ixpcrl- BBJ J 0. ym I1' "" i ,,1C0 '" K' yo11 nork t,m" BBJ X vW-Ti7 I lt" pared to 8H Iikp eleoners V jfiLf- C7? OL 4 ffij Come In mid seo 00 nil wool nnB jfjill feir sample In two minutes l) BBB frX,Hl)?5HSP i IV "'" ,rt"'1 l""1 ,no'1 n""'cr" BBB I im 'JI! ' 'w,n,:r', ""' "i1"' i" I'rk B ACME GLEANERS AND TAILORS, W. F. MYERS, Prop'r. B ' I'lUCK, UTAH I See Us I For BBV MtCormlrk Machine 111 palm BBB Alt Kxlrns Hoppllcd BBB Most Complete Line nBBm ' - BBBf (Itirilt ii mid 1'nrtn Tools BBB Kvcrythlng lleqiilred BBB II) 1'nrnipr mid (lardencr H Oats, (lmlii BBBf llti) mid Sill BBBj latest Market Quotations BBBJ Harden mid l'l Id Kent, B The Kind Tim I (Iron BBB) t.nrgi Slonk H 1 We llamlU Coiilmid BBB) Tho Wry Hcsi Ornd, ton BB Dcllvtrcd $1 7C tlfrtVnn H X SPECIAL SALE NS Something New B I Every Day I Price Trading Co. BBBJ l Htnynrr, Manager BBBJ .Ninth Btreet Price. Utiih BBm I'or worktm uboul elet Irli railroads ! u shovtl Iiiik been Invrntid wllh mi liisulutid handle lo protect Ilium In fuse, ho Ittudu should (uukh u t burned win or mil B The powllilt waterpowtr resouuen BBBJ J of Cuuuda have been offlilall) tl- BBBJ muted lit 1H,K03,0"'0 horsepower, the BBBJ I iloveloptd power being put til !,1V BBBJ BBBJ Thi addition of small quantities of BBBJ ' molybdenum mid chromium to Iron BBBJ by mi cxperlmmUr In I.urope has BBBf I product d u pruillcally mid proof nl- BBJ I It') BBBJ- llii' limit) ii baa trimmed ulth BBBJ i tral ruHM o( tihvnlllu cord U ir) tlilr H' Would You Believe It? l BB I H" ) klom tlilniiK Ituvp BBBf Ik (iii wild uhout our town, our BBBJ ko eminent, our rmmlien mid BBBJ Million mid our pioplo Unit II BBBJ mnkotf u feel a little that u BBS Hut Mhnt'n tho u e' Kmllt nnd BBB Ih" vorld mnlloH wild ou BBBJ i JCniick mid you' ro It ulone, fur BBBB I Ihlx tow I) Iium Jolmd till hooot BBBJ irt no kunokerH iipih! nppl fur BBBJ mi BBBJ Victor) U tin IiIk nurd toilo rM fii ou c till U u wntwl In Hhlili ou oant lout ii ii- mukt H lu U vterxine putx forth hlx BBBJ imiI nnd ttiiurw mo will win BBBt f An ou Kumo? Am )ou Amor BBJ Iwiiin' 1lno urn tho big uiu- BBBM tlonn. K Our MB pirt In tlil" Kiimi. u BBBJ ; inerilmntK. U to l(c. the dol- BBBt ( lar worth one hundnd u nt on BBBm the dollar, nnd wo nre not hi- BBBM , torliiK thU flKht half hartrdl BBC L f W um roIiik to flKht for It to BBBs f " the tronch BBBv ! KtrtlilnB In groitrlt mid BBBJ. hilppllea for the tiouneliold, the BBBM 4 ahuepinan, cattleman mid ranch BBBh ir at the right prices. bbbI ' H ' StockErowers' d B j . Firmws' Store tBBBB i H.0OKNB V. CHATMN )! Phono 10. Prlfce, Utah. i ' BBBBfeJbftaKvl9BW B9bBBBM2S jObBBBB. rraaiBBBBI BBEBS9B?s&uiiuliBIHHHiHliM mm TWOWEEKS HENCE Dcilh-nlloii of Knnti)TKldr'H Aiiiiim limit Hall, Knlurdnr, Arll 27lli. Ht'.SNYHIDi:, April 6 It hax hcon definitely decided that the new nmunc mint linll here will x formnll) dcdl rated on Baturda) cxcnlnir. April 27th three weok from toila), nnd ly which time nil the furnWilnsn and flxturm Hill han arrived and will be In place ltn I'eter A Hlmpkln will be hero nnd ikllver mi nddrcM np prnprltiU to the otcnxloii It In ex peitid u upcclal train will be run fmm font Ir Oati, Ililper nnd l'rlce. lcKlnit Ilium' platiK earl) In tho run Inc. The program will If literary and munlcui with n dnmo and ban quet follow-In General Hiipirlnliud ent Wittcl nnd nidi uru koIiir to make thin the IiIrroiI tlilim ever in rurrlnfc In Cnrlxm loiint) Mrn Jainen U'entfleld tntertalned Ht n blrthdn) parly for her mother, Mr Alexander llindemou, Ttirnda) pvenlnit nt the home of tho latter, Mm Hendcrmin brliiK 72 eam of inf ill that dati Trent nl were Mrn W N Wititil. Mm V n rnlirliik. Mrn A V Dowd. Mm William tloKurt) Mrn. II M (lalbrnlth. Mm J II Vnr iifr. Mm J W Idttlijohn. Mm J i Tlioman nnd Minn Maude lliirkt Mr mid Mm. Kmnuvl DiiKinon. Mr mid Mm. Delbert Crnwford, Mm John Do Lame und Mm. A I. Itopklunon have Roue lo Kail Ijikt I'll) lo iiltend lonfereiue Hrxiral frlnidn niirprl.ed Mm (I M Hell nt tin Ir home Hatunla) em Ipk of lant week prior lo their de parture for 1-okiiii to npend the nilin titer Mm J II lonii i nil rtiiliiiHl the Hid Cronn KnlttliiK lub nt mi ItaMcr luuiheou nt hei home Hutiila) Mm John Uniterm or WMIIiikIoii npent lut wirkiud In Huunynlde xln ItliiK frlvndn Mrn. 'A'th Thomnn eulrilnlneit at illiintr Huuda) for Mr nnd Mm II M ll II and fnuill) Mm. V II Mlddlilon In npi nillllK ten il)-n UltliiH In H.ill Uike fit) nnd Iikiiii Mm (' t Jciimii, Mlwi V utH Montgomery, Ml Olhla Kelnoii mid MIm Mill in ril.Krrald or Willlnuloli npont I'rldu) of lut wiek In HiiniD klde Mm. A V Dowd won honleen at 11 luiulivoii ut her home Mnnda) ixeu Iiik for the tin mix m of tin lllx-rl) loan lommlltee MIm Irene Thomnn, Mm Um T) lor, Krecmun Tucktir und (Hen Wood, ward motored to Ornintexl'l olid pint Kantern Hunda) Mm It. II Klrkputrkk uulertnlmd ii nuinlHr of frlendn at (iirdn nt her homu Huturdu) excnlim of hint weik Mm. Ilormo llurton han ri turned home after kpendlUK Ihne wnkn l IIIiik nt t'u-tlr l)al It It Klrkpulrlik In ntlindluit ii miitlmt of the republliuu louut) rhnlrmen nt Halt liko Clt todn He nl.n will look nfler nomc inntlim for Utah I'u el t-ompnu) while uwa Mm. Torrent l.ewU and little dauiih ter ore MnltliiK with relntlxon mid (rlrniU ut areeu Hlwr Mr and Mm. Daniel Hlcxeunon uri inlertaluliiK a mx non at their home now about txxo xxtekn old f.lllT I.NCUIlSi: IN WIMI.Il I Mtr-T is itn: 1'iiMiii'iioN I WAHHINOION, l C April 9 Korerunt by the departnuut of merit ill- J lure todn) of n winter wheut crop of (0,000,000 bunheln thin ear hrouKhl aptlmlpm to the food administration, and the prediction wan unoffUlull) inndn thai If tho uprliiK win at crop niululalued the u mo ratio the m xt liurxi.t will furnUh Miff It lent wheut to take can of the nedn of thin loun tr and the ulllen next ear The foreininl IndleuUm mi ImreuM i of MS 000,000 bunhclH of winter wheat oxtr lant jearn winter crop, whlili wun J 11,000,000 bunhlln AnnumlllK the uprlnif wheal crop will jleld the ante ratio or Hit rente, there will be n total crop of VBO.000 000 or uu In crwine of about SOO.OOO 000 bunheln oxr lant tnr, whin the i ntlre nop wan enllmatrd ut 651.000,000 In addition, there In mi lntrtMi of 30,000,000 bunheln In the pronpetllxo ro irop or a total pronpectlxn In crenne over Innl eur of about 325 000 000 hunhoW of bread Rralu There U alno hope of an lin-rea or 100,000,000 bunheln of wheal ovr hint ear In Great llrltain and 1 rnnn mid aUo nn (ncrouiM) In Conadu Tho neccnnlty for rlKorolu naVinK bitwvun now and harvent l, however, In no way relaxed b liurxont pron pectn, the public In warned The Alexander Optical Company l)r V. J, Alexander, optomntrUl of uboyo company, will be at Rnviy Ho tt, l'rlce, Saturday, April 13th, all day. All thoae having; any trouble with their eyee ahould not fall to tall -Advt. price m mm Innt weetc the llddlo nprlg dlbo bird Won nlKlg of tho bwIrIr botiRh Hccnuno liln nweed Rlear voice I heard 1 be dnlklir din M flow Ills aired I lelded do And dared do go widnut b toot 1 cAURht dcubodln drouRh and OrmiKli Ad nprlff dlbc a nlbont Rod by Rnnt J O Callawn), wKo jjin lucn on tliw nick ll-it for the ptfaUvcck or two, In able to I o out this wttk John Potter or l'rlce hnn been niim mancd for fidernl Rrnnd Jur) dutv nt Halt Iaiki Clt) ncjiOlondn) Harry It I,ewlCiyther or V It Leu In, nrrlvcd In Pdlce Wedneidny from lloton, Mnir-w-irlid will probably decide to remain I nlrr. Htalo TradinKNCompnny now mnkm Itn dellvenen 0) nutomoblle truck Manager Iluljliucr ntnten that bunlnenH In Rood Willi tho now firm II H lloblnetl'ratel underwent tientmcnl nt Halt Clt) from a npeelnllnt Tor h(n nh. which have been bollicrliiR hjmronnldurnbb for wcikn MIm Cornelia Htox;nwn hnn taken the placo of Htephwr A Olnen nn n teacher In tho l'rlcenchloln The lat ter left Innt Hundrfy vytek for Cnmp Ixjwln. Wanh - Mr nnd Mm Bam Hteln of Helper arc mourning the tons of their little bah) bo) at Hall Lake City a few da)n ago The Infant wnn burled In the Jowlnh ceinclcr) then Mr and Mm. Klmer Adloy nre en tertaining n new non that arrlvid at their North Ninth street homo last Wednenda) the fourth child nnd the second non Alt concerned nro doing well Jn (llorcedon, driver of the I'rlrc baUir) deliver) automobile, wan fined tweul)-flxe dollars nt Helper u row dnyn iiro for font driving Ho ran down n little bo) ftl that toxvn, the latter suffering n brokin leg (ieorRo A. Htorm of Hull Iwiki t'll) nnd Jim Hhe)n or Hilper hnvi i-ome Into pnuennlou or the Hhe)n ranch up Oordon Creik In the dial Hlnltre) HIidii getn rift) -rive thonnnnd dollars Vitnh mid ivro hundred turin or land near I'rovo for hln Inter, ht tluriln Alno n renldeme In I'rovo Minn Cornelia Htexennoii Rlxn lit r mimical mid elointlonar) inlirtalu mint nt Kko theater thin tviulng for tin In in fit of the Hid v"rtn Mm I i l,or In a remit tontrlbutor to thin onh r through it ihlikm illmiei ut In r lionu it fiw du)n ngo whnh netted about twtut) flxi doltiim J 1'iirby Hmlih, who nllttd n tentl) ut l'rlce mid xxmt from h r to Waio, Tt hnn bet n dlnihargid from tin iirni) on mtoiint of ph)niinl dlMtbllli) It In mult mtood nnd mioii In uXvttid btuk In I 'rite to lake hln foriiur HHlilou wllh tin J (' ' nnex ' t'tt Mm. Hinltli han laid) Ixeu .l-lt , Ing with lit r ptinnts. Mr mid Mm Mtt'liin Wllnoii, ul I'rttt AtiliRnim liotu him nl Hull laike fit) till- vxek Hskid her In meet him then I It U llrowil prinldelit r Hie Hell-I ver mid llln (Iraude. )enlArdu) inn noiinicd from Delivtr, Coin, thai the' mud in Ruing iihcml lliln niimmer with Its terminal building nt Hildhr Hum mil Mon than n million dnllnis will be spi ul oil )nrdnge, nurfiiK Improve inruln, dwilllngn, roiindhoune mid the, llkt II will I) the aim to have the work done III time to exptdile the moveiui nt of it.ii I the coming full mid I winter Ihe work ban the mint Hon, of Pint-tor (leuinil of ltnllroiuU Mi AiIihi j The time or lilt stale n I' I) H- mour wun dlnmlsMil on motion or Dis trict Allorue) Mt Donald nt I'rovo but u fxv tln)s ngo ll wnn to conn up for u stioud trial, nn up pen I having I Kitn taken to the supreme toiirt from touvlttlon nt tin first trial Ki iiiiuir wan touvlited of obtaining nione) b) falne ri prt ni utiillonn In eon niltlou with the nale id I'tatl (Ihisn rompaii) stntk It In report) d that he In now In California nnd thai he Is vi r) III, mid In not expelled to re tovir The He) mourn gnve I'rltt mid otttir Carbon loiint) towun n prett) good working on Rlann elotk llii)tm have It )it Mm. 11 W. Mllumin In the posses sor of u new Olds Hlx uulomobllt pur ilmwd thin weik from Utah-Idaho Motor lompuii), Kaotirn Utah Okonls nt l'rhe Dr II 11 ftoetimnnn has mi Oldn Klghl und William Jennut, tin live stotkman, olio of the samn pnttiru Nevtr won the demand for Rood tarn better, wi)s (I O Homer, mumiKur "Tho troiibh U to kiep the mnohlnis we sptclnllie In, llulikn and Olds, In stotk I'ooplo conti mplatlng the purihane of new mrn ought to bo pint Ing their orders Imnudliilel) Tin railorles nre going night mid dn) mid ' nre having trouble to ketp up with lUmmuln STOCK ISBE1N0 POOLED j Colorado till oinpali) llun lltnl or Outlook I or Hie I iituiv. Word has In in rttelxtd b) A Holland of l'rl't represtututlxo or the DelUiie II) dro. Carbon Oil com pan) In this tertltnry, that nt a recent meeting of thi dlreitors or that cor poration It was decided uiiuiilmoii-l) that with a vluxv to tho mort rapid sale of the slot k nnd u sound financ ing of tho eompifu) that all stock be pooled nud put out of control of the promoters pending tho sale or suffi cient thin-or to realize two hundred and flft) thousand dollars, vvhlih In deemed nbundnnll) sufficient for op erating purposes Thereupon sale or stock shall ceaso and there shall then ht turned to the promoters stock In the aggregate equaling the stock sold, the stock so remaining In tho treasury, as an as set ot the lompun) to neither partici pate In dividends nor bi Notable The stock or the compan) In now a cent a share with large blocks of It placod with Inventors hereabouts who after Investigation of the company s hold ings and future prospects, ure well pleased with the outlook the company has American troops permanently look ever a part of the- firing line as an American sector In January, 1818, MflTy"Y''jr-tJMSSSM USERS ARE URGED TO BUY GOAL EARLY (Continued from page six ) i da)s a week, Winter (JunrUm thro and four and the Union Pacific mines nt Bcoflcld two and three da)n nt thin lime" Commissioner Ontlund lookn for uu Improvement In production In tho near future Tho promised stor age nrrniigtmtnt ought to give tin mines more working tlrm Ocorgo D Ha) mond manager or Cnrbnn-t'mer) Htoren tnmpan), was In Price Titesdn) Hi sn)s that with the taking balk or tho Panther mlno b) United Htalcs I'uel tompati), n store will most like!) bo openrted ut that camp It wns clontd out nl tin lime Uu mine wns lenscd Ocorgo McDcrmld, manager or Wa satch Htorc tompan) nt Romersct, Colo, wns In Carbon county this week, vlsltlnc wllh his rather nl lluwntha end other relatives hennbouts. Utah fuel rompany's Homerset mines nro going three da)s n week nt this time and somctlmis four. Next month thoy ma) work full time Coal will ho stored In largo quantities In Colorado alt during tho summer A II Comle, vice prenldint and gemrnl malinger, and C, II. Qlbbs, geologist of Utah I'uel compan). camo down to Prlco Hnturda) ovenlng from Zlon and went from hero Hunday morning lo Hunnyslde, where a gen tral Inspection or properties wns made during the day nnd evening Later the) n turned to this clt) nnd to Halt Lake Clt) Moudn) morning. Ntlther had mi) thing lo give out mora than t ver) thing wns round to bo In most excellent shape nt Carbon tounty's biggest ronl nimp J Camiroii Hihtilti ihlif in count tint for Unlit d Htuten I'm I compan) at Hiawatha, wm nt l'anllur luesda) Untuning n s) sit m for the mlno there after Its being taken over from the trspci, Krank N ('ami roll, it few da) n go It In Ixllevcd the property will eontluui lo opt rate, although there has bteu some talk of Its tloslug down li 1'rosldentn Ji nntngs nnd llilmr nre lo bt nt the properly this week when u final ileilnlon will lo remind If It lonllmie lo operate qulti it large sum of moni) will be spent In underground Improvement Prodiullou of bituminous tout nud llgnlli (Intituling toal nude Into uike) Hi I'tbruur), 191b Is esllmaUd at li.uxooo nil tons, mi lninue of 2,1 Jtl.uoo tons or & pir tent, i-ompand with I'ebriuir) 117 The productloii In the first two mouth of I9IH w in Ihowi-vir approximate)) 3,000,000 tout leen llian In tin wlllli montlni of 1917 brtllllM or tilt Xtr) low prodUltloll III Jitmnir), lOlli, oni.artd with Uu lerord month or Jaiiuar), 1017 Tin tmtlmutid itvirnge produillui per working di) In Pebruar), ll, won 'l 7X3 UOo uit tons, lompurtd wllh l. AI3.UU0 tons In Jaiiuar). 1B1R. mid 1.7J3.00O ml tons In IMruar). 1917 ,1hi nrvnigo thill) prodiullou In Teh i I liar), IblM. wnn nllghtt) grutlir than , Hit nvtrage for Itn wholi Juir of 1917 Ihl.KHII !MPHOliMi:M hllOWN , IN THH I'HOIH CTION OP tOKH j ll)produit tokt output during the wet I. ended Mnrill 30th showed it slight Improxiuieul oxir the privluus (week Tin ratio or tonnage prodiutd to innxlmtim tapnill) run from K7 A to 8K 7 ptr tent The Improve meiit was tf felled b) n better suppl) of cnul .onsen dm to that inuse de t lined from 0 0 to & 2 pi r nut. whlli Iokikh dm lo repairs to plant InirtMised from II to 17 per tent The ratio of prodiullou to tupuult) tlti lined sllghtl) In Kentilik), Mlunenotu, New Jirst) und Ohio wt Virginia n iMirtid the gnultkt linprou mint Itiitlon of prodiiitluu to tnpailt) ronu from K2 7 ptr cent during tho wnk or Mnrill 33d lo 91 0 ptr tint during the present week. Dpi rotom In tin Itehlie inkt r glnus or Ciinmllnvllli. Orttuburg and Ijitrobo dUtrkln or I't nns)lvnnla re port produillon of 2I3.74& net tons or toke during wtik undid Murch 30th or 03 7 pir inn or their fulltlme in pntlt) ljssts due to shortago of )ftid lalMir uuiouiitrd In 8 I per rt nt or tapncll) tannin due to lack or tars uru reported as 21 3 ptr ant ns ug nlnsl 23 I ptr tunt for week of March 33d riie same optrutom produced , I7t 7&0 net tons of coal. About slxt) thousand offliirs und nun are engugtd In toast patrol work of the nav), Woodtn binds glided In u dull tone jniuUi n iluirmlug Itlmnilng Clean Up and Paint Up Time Is Here Next Monda), A rll tStlt, b) proi litinutloti of Ihe goxtrnor In r1 r Da) Add to tin hettllhflilius- liettul) and vnlue of your propertv I n gonentl renov-ntlnn Clmti up und pnlnt up limlde und out llemn nit the rubbish from thi gnrrtt, tin basement nnd unused rooms al-i from tin oiilbiilldlugs, the ynrd nnd alii) Hero arc some or Hi things we tarry and from vvhlih )ou will wntit nomclhliig for tleni tip mid paint up time Paints, oils nnd viiriilnhim Jusl niilvetl u full turload, the Inrg I shipment ever brought to Piltt, Plate nnd window glass, building materials nnd larpentcr'it tools, window sirtens gardm tools, brimhe. lawn mow em, mops, brooms, sponge, ft) Hwnttem, swicpem, vadium (leaner, fencing, porch and lawn furniture, floor waxes, polishes nnt stnlns, owning, shades and iilrtalns, vtsstln for flowers nud shruls paint removers, disinfectants and liisictkldes. garbage cans, tra-li bilrnem nnd nsh rnns, stiptaddirs und gnrdin hose bathroom supplier nutomoblle flnlnhis and painting mid man) other useful nnd nucnr) articles ror tho house, farm nnd runeh Wt havn tho slock tompleti W iiiltr lo the trmle or tin sur rounding towns win re the lines ore not so Itrge und complete ns Ii num. Couoldt ring tin great udvuine In man) limn, those who tonii hero for their wants will In siirprl-id ut Ihe moderate prices won quoting J. C. WEETER LUMBER CO. West Main Hlreit, Price, t'tivli BEAD EMBROIDERED BLOUSE adK'l BBB sjf .BJBJ BBM'S'FVi'BM I Musturd color wits long mi txlle from Ihe rmlm of fiiahliiu, foigoltuu for man) )ium Hut It mine baik n siiinou or so ngo mid his maili n ptaio for list If wllh the most dli rlmlimt Ing Judgnn of i lot In It I adaptid to soft, dull sill face mid In iffittlve In crept georgitto und In hem), soft wool fabrics The blousi phtund uIhivi In of musluril lolorid i n pe tin bnddtnd with blue btndn It ruMens at tin sldi mid on the nhoiildir A group or Hid tttekn mid u wldt plait ut Huh side glvo tin front ihe nqul site fullness The nhtvts mo Inter t sting trniiKe n small Hiring band about tin wrll In added lo tin ditp tuff Monda) night ii farewell d.inio wun glxiu In honor of Mr, and Mrs. June lli)iier und Mr und Mm Hurry Ho ik r All lift luesda) but Dora and Tlulmii Wt wish Hum prospi rll) III their in w home nt Antvlopt Altonali Novvs Mil To privtnt tin mUusu of polMin un nllat linn nt bus boon Invenltd to hold it iNittle on u shelf und ring nn tin Irli t-rll an n warning whin It U movid An txtomlvt plant will In bulli in Hivrdni lor the production or toko mid b) product b) u print luvinted sexiril )enm ago b) (lirmaii srlen-tl)s Illlll ("I INSL'l.l TO Olllt (.OM'IIN- mi:t. Ptlsous who Insltt We must sell Ilium flour without substitutes Wo are i Ilium of the I'nltid Htutis of Ann r Ion Hufflcleut O II WIUou Helling Compan) Advt Tho output of bituminous coal d cruised slightly during the week end d SOtli The total produitlox (Including llgnltu nnd coal made hit toke) Is estimated at 10,832,000 ntt tons, nn overage production per work Ing day of I, SOS, 000 compared with 1,333.000 lift tons, tho average pro duction pit working da) during tht pnvlous wetk. . i . n II C Chrlstensen wns arrested dur ing tho week on u charge or Indecent assault ugnltmt n girl under 14 yean, of ngo nl Price In default, of n thorn und dollars bond before Arthur J lf Justin, Inst Tuesday tho man wj placed In Jail The complaint wa sworn to by Hherlff Colllngham It I btllevtd tho man Is off meiilnll) Pioduitlnii of ten thousand netr nutomoblle trucks In In proven fur the unit) the baik of tht dress Is retelxinf morr ultcnlloii, atiuonl, tlinii the front Why Not Deal at I Home? Mu n you mn have )otir pn ' llun nnd provisions dellvtred I to )our door mid save exprest mid freight A trial will ron vim t you Havn all ix press und freight losses nnd charges, A fow of our prices at' Only This means dellxircd Ciibbage, pir iwt gltsi Parsnips, per iwt , , ..'10 Dry Onions, ptr iwt. nun (In en Onions, per dox , .3 Itudlkhes, per dot. .11 Lettuce, per tune 1,73 Tomatoes, per lug I uo Cauliflower, per lb ,12 llhuburh, per lb .12 Celery, per dux. .. lino, ,t,33 Kmllvi, per case 3 I" Akiuragus, per It). ..I I Hill Peppers, pir cnile of six baskets ,. 00 Orange, bananas, lemons Rruperrult und Tungircnca, nnd mi) thing else comprising n full Hue of produro and provision (live us n call later-State Trading Co. Woat Main Ht. Price, Utah I'noim 13. I Money Saver For Merchants of Eastern Utah. Our Price Branch S Affords you low prices no nil I toad trciRht bills to pay prompt ji S service. Walt foi our salesman. Call on ua yourself or mall us ! j? your orders for anything In the J 3j GROCERY LINE ? Phono 212 P. 0. Box 487 ! I JOHN SCOWCROFT & SONS CO. f PRICE, UTAH , ;!