H mini: ont soitii is hiiimi
B .Nine I Itiitirinlnnuil ( the Town of
BBBf Kmery .!; Coiislili rnbl Hum For
BBBf llic llnl ('nt I'ihIit llir ,uplre)
R of (lii Itrllrf M(mI(I) Klglit Young
BBBj Mm doing to riinip ImmvK
H (
H CAHTI.K DAI.I. April 13 With
BBBJ llmcry count)' quota of tlilnl llhcrt)
BBBK limn ImmhU uhirltod btforo mi ml own
BBBf of tlir vcr riot day if what unit
BBBf f-ahcriulcd Hi" n two week inmpalgn,
BBBjL tuir pioplr have set a mark that may
BBBf not bo surpassed nml tin success was
BBBj ilun almost entlrel) to the spirit or
BBBf ln)ntt) tlmt Ik within the people them
BBBf selves The tumpnlgn In the county
BBBt linn been nlili supervised b) Chairman
BBBf l'itr Nlelson but cvrn ho had not
BBBt ilnrri hope for sued In one da), A
BBBf four-da) drive hail liven hi plan, hut
BBBJ the people needed not kucH n length
BBBf nf time. Not ii moment' hrsllntlon
BBBf wan shnnn In most of the uimmunl-
BBBJ tie when the printed nppllrntlun
BBBJ1 blank fulhd to show up, hut they nil
BBBF rnmo through with Hip C per cent or
BBBJ full pa)m nt an the inso might lip and
BBBJ with nn unanimity nud unselfish spirit
BBBf that urn) trill) wonderful. Hubcrlp
BBBJ Hon for n total of thlrt)flv thou
BBBJ nml nine hundred dollar nre now on
BBBJ file nt the loral hank tostcthir with
BBBt first or full pn)mcnts, and, while ex
BBBJ net figure for Orren Itlvrr nnd Wood
BBBJ sldn urn not obtainable, both place
BBBJ had rcstrhul their quotn at nn pari)
BBBJ hour on Hip opening da) and the
BBBJ Oreen IIIcr committee hnd their goal
BBBJ set nt fifteen thousand which would
BJBj entitle them to nn honor ftitfc with
BBBJ four blur star on
BBBJ These inung men, rcglstirid under
BBBJ the ilrull taw mid given f lrit clulfl
BBBJ iBtlon, have been ordi red to hold
BBBJ themiHlr In readiness for u rail to
BJBB form part of the Mate' quota who nre
BBBJ' to commrnco moving to t'nmp levvls,
BBBJ Wash , beginning April 30th It I
BBBJ expected that onl) tight of the elern
BJBJJ; In tho lift vvlll be finally ordered to
BJBB entrain at that limn and these will be
BJBB elected n thoite Mho may the more
BJBB readily lcue without hindering thn
BJBB work on tho farm. Definite word to
BJBB thane who iiro to go wilt lie sent out
BJBJJ'' y later. Tho name or the eleven ure
BJBJJ Kamurl ',ahlen of Kerron, now tit
BJBJJ ' tending Kmery Ktake ucadem), John
BBBI' lUmbrlck, Castle Dales William II
(Thomn of Ijiwrnue, now rmplo)ed
nt Cnttp Oate, William V. Orundvlg,
(Icorge A. Mill and Hylvesler No)rs,
-- Victor! Peter I). Ireen or Kmery,
BBBJ not tlvlntr nl Ounnliton, Vktor Worn-
BJJBJ i ham, Kerron: ..avtrenc l'eteron of
BJBB L - AVoodtlda; Vlto A. Ilurberio, Mohr
BJJBJ liTnd, and. Iar)etle ("hrUtemieii of
BBBJ "air.
BBBJ Dr. O. K, Coleman, former!) of
BJBB Cattle Date, I now Morklnx In nn
BBBJ army elation ut lluffulo, N, Y , to
BJJJJf. which placa uch of the wounded ol
BJBJF'j dlerit who may be broutiRt home, for
BJBJJ I treatment ulll be taken.
B Mr. and Mr. Nlel Nldnon uml
BJJjB ri.mll) returned Monday from u. two
BBBJ week vtidt with relatives and friend
BJBB In Vrrnul and other reservation town.
BBBJ The rrturn trip negotiated In one
BBBJ day by way of 1'flce, which I prett)
BJBJJ good truvcllnff.
H . Word of thn dentil of Mr. Uir.llio
BJJBJ. II, Vounc at Hurricane wai received
BJJBJ by the Ollphaut fumll) Tuexlay and
BJJJJf I three of the brother, John, llnlph
BJBL i nnd Be)mour, left Immediately for
BJJJJj i the funeral, helnR taken overland by
BJBJJ j Jjcrt
B I Mr, and Mr. Ira A. Da) of Law
BJJBJ rence were vUltlnK In Cattle Dale the
BJJBJ. flrtt of the week prcparator) to mak
BJJJJj Ins the trip to ChcMer. Ida, wlure
BJJJJJ they will peltd the Hummer and tee
BJJBJ If the country tult them well enough
BJBJJ I to Justify their locating there,
B Frulrto Dor Daticr
H ' The proceed reAMd. b) the ttrd
BJJBJ' I Crott organltatlufv at Rjiier under
BJJBJ the direction of the relljf aoclety nt
BJJBJ, the Ited Croat fiance ui)rt the prairie
BJJBJ doR dance nmoilnted tir"elRhl) dollar.
BJJBJ At the Hed CroWdlfnco u iUllt win
BJBJJ raffled off for 118.75 und at the pral-
BJJBJ rle doc dance a quilt, a plK (Riven by
BJJBJ Kcvertn Albertnon), a pair of rhlck
BJJBJ en und two box or apple (ulo re
BJJBJ reived by donation) were raffled off
BJJJJr I for fifty dollar. The quilt, drawn by
BJJJJJ I II, J. 1'eacock, Jr, ai Riven back to
BJJJJr ' 6 the lied Crow and old at auction for
BJJJJJ ' five dollnr. The pie, drawn by An
IBBk -leew llanteri, waa n turned und old
BJJJJf at uucllon for four dollnr. The
BJJJJ) ahlcken. druwn by Nelllo OIen, vure
BJJJJf returned and told for two dollar, be
BBBJ Ins returned a aecond time by Albert
BJJJJ Olten and hold for 11.60. The boxe
BJJJJj of apple were returned and old nt
BBBJ auction ivcral time, each bringing
BJJJJJ fifty cents each time told After ex
BJJJB pense of qulltt, dance und aoforth
BJJJJf ( were paid a total of rlKhty dollar wat
BJBJJ ' dcpotlted to tho credit of the Ited
BBBL; Cronj fund.
M l Judee and Mr. It. C Miller return
BJJJJJ f rd homo Thursday after u hone) moon
BJJJJJ trip which ha uUorbcd the better
BJJJJf part of a month. They ltlted exten
BJJJJf lively over the mountain and upntate
BJJJJJ . while away and report having had a
BBBJ l very fine time. Old friend of the
BJJJJf happy couple gathered at llellet Hall
BJJJJJ I Thursday night and enjojed picnic
BJJJJJ n L and dancing in honor of their arrival
ISJJB ' home, while all the )oung people chu
BJJJJJ rlvarid them until the judge promUed
BJJJJf to give them n dance next Friday
BEBs i i nUht.
BJJJJJ Ura, J. T. Clark of Kmery attended
BJJJJJ i tonference In Bait Lake City and alo
BJJJJJ ) '' availed herself of the opportunity of
BJJJB visiting with her children In that sec
BJJJJJ. !i tlon of the state. One expects to do
BBBf temple work before returning.
K J Word haa bee,n received by the par
BJJJB , ... tnta of Kenton Willlama at Kmery
BJJJJf 1 Utat he, failed to pM the physical, ex
BBBJ ! amlnation given for Inett'ln the army
IHB' , il terWr. After the ft". tllut he
HI ' ii'E
BB r4g(1flkBg)K
HbbbbhPhP 3Ibb7sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1
waited a week, thinking hp might
pontlbiy pat If Riven n second trial
but found hlmnelf still unMiccenful
nnd h gone to Idaho, where he ex
pects to remain during tho summer
Mr Iar Chrlstcnten wn elected
to thn presidency or the local relief
poelety Thursday, succridlnR Mrs
OIIvp lleebp, who rcslRned to make
her home In fJrccn Itlver ,
Prltx Nordell passed through town
Mondft) on hi way to hi renin home,
whprp he will visit for n few da) bp
foro returning to Ban Francisco, Cain
where he I now working In nn nnto
repair plant
lntli t Orniigrvlllc.
Agnln OrnnRcvllle people have been
tnlled to. thn house of mourning Ijmt
KnturdA) nfternoon another of the
good women there was laid to rest
And nil who knew Mr Sarah Wool
man feel thnt her rest will bp sweet
nnd peaceful for suth wa the llfo the
lived The funeral wn one which
will long bo remembered The spak
rr were Klder Clownrd from Htnnd
nrdvlllp, nicter C A Ktllson, Hlder
Conwny, nlco from Htnndnrdvlllp Kl
dir J Frank Kllllnn nnd Illrhop II M
Held All p Id tribute to tho good
life the decpne,d hnd lived, nlso Riving
encouraging word to those who nro
left to mourn It wn Indeed n sad
lght to see tho husband nnd fnthcr
follow thn casket with hi thu-e little
girls cllnRlng to him.
Thp Wile) Calls father nnd son
left the mlddlo of the wrpk for their
summer home proper.) In Idaho
Han Denlson will look nfter the Call
Interest In their nbsence, having
moved Into thn bench home for that
Mr C It Nlclson of Maytleld it
visiting with her daughter, Mr. War
ren Anderson, nt nmery.
Ilnby girl hava been born to Mr
and Mr Ielle Cox nnd to Mr nnd
Mr, nimer I'cltcy at Ferron
Ml rernelllc Thompson returned
to Ferron Kunda) from Halt Iike City
and I ngatn serving the mall
Orlando Wtrehnm nnd I'cto All
red left Ferron fur the Hummlt Hat
urdn). They will tnko n summer's
job there Thp latter ha Just return
ed home from n long tin) In Idaho
Kph Allrd of Ferron ha gone- to
Hnlt Iake City with hi boy one of
the twin The latter will uuderRo an
operation for hernia
Will Dugmore, Ferron' mw drug
gist, ha taken over hi buslnes nnd
expect to spend hi whole time In
thp store
Mr. Maggie Keelc was given u
farewell party nt Kmery last Thurs
day before moving to the reservation
with her sons.
William Itasmusseii bus sold hi
farm nt Molrit to Itay Iirsen of that
I late.
New ga light have been InMitlled
In the meeting house at Kmery.
I'er-onsl ami Social.
Howard I'ettey expect to leave
Ferron shortly for the shei p herd,
where he nntlclpates tta)lng for the
We are sorry to lose some of thn
townspeople who have lived at Or
ungevllle so long. Mr. nnd Mr
tlrorgi) W. Fullmer, who have sold
must of their local holding, will leave
toon to spend a short time with their
soldier son, !orrn, nt Camp Kearny.
From there the) do not know Just
where the) will go to make another
home, but wherever It may be we
with them success und happiness and
hope their new friends and associate
ma) love them Just n their old ones
Mr and Mr. Milton Tultlu or Or
angevllle may be torn spinning around
In their new car,
Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Muffin urn
home ngnln at Orangrvllle and he 1
feeling pretly good utter hi opera
lion which wai quite a aerlpu one.
Wllford Htephrns. one of OrmiB
vllle'a bo), ha sold hit home and
ha gone to live In Washington, where
hn U confident he will be more con
tented, III wife und little dnURhler
ure ulread) there.
Kphrulm Davl and famlli of Hall
take City have moved to Cleveland
to make their home.
J A. Curtl Im moved hi family to
Claud Cowlo und fumll) nnd Mr.
Clara Hlshop nnd children of 8unn
tide have been visiting relative at
Cleveland during the past week.
Mr und Mr. I.ewl Whlmpey of
Cleveland aro nt pretent entertaining
their daughter, May, from Montana.
Her little too) will return home with
Mr and Mm. Carl Alger have moved
down to Cleveland from Htorra to
ttart farm work. Harry William It
alto back on the farm after u winter
spent In Htandardville.
Mr. Wlllam Hitchcock of Claw,
son left Sunday for Hlack Hawk,
whsre the Join the blthop who haa
betn engaged In turning for the past
Dirk Young, who tpent a winter In
Castle Dale some three eara ago, ar
rived jesterday for a vltlt with hta
aunt, Mr. J. W. Ioke. and family.
Around the County.
Thursday a bundle shower was
given for Mlsa M)rtle Larson at Clave
land In honor of her approaching
marriage to Harry Mortensen. The
oung couple leu nere iu. onu-r
for Salt Lake City, where they expect
ed to be married jesterday (Wednet
da)) In th Umple. They will llt
for a few da)s itt Logan with Mist
Emmellne Mortensen. Tey expect
to make theJr home Cleveland and
their" many friends Join In u (thing
them success on their matrimonial
Mr. and Mr. Will Dugmore fame
home tho middle of the week from
their wedding trip to Bait Lake City,
and Mrs. Dugmore haa taken posses
sion of hvr new home at Ferron.
Jvnl Mcrtensen of Cleveland haa
gont to XVovo, where he rejoins hit
wife ao Is visiting with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jenkins are
entertaining the former's mother at
Earl V. Hilts of Kerron U Having
Hunday for a trip to his home In Wit
contln. accompanied by hi ton, Hen
ry. He expect to stay a couple, fit
I Swift & Company's 1918 Year Book 1 I
H shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from a steer !8
m for less money than the live steer cost! fij
H Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products Sj
IS covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling S
raj expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift & HH
HW ' Company's 1917 figures as follows: VR
zj Average price paid for live cattle per steer $84.45 HHHHMHHBBaHBR fsg
nj Average price received for meat . . 68.97 HHHbBBBjVJHM!
Si Average price received for by-products 24.09 HbbVJ
& Total received 93.06 WSKKKKKKtKKKtKKM
iM This leaves for expenses and profit 8.61 0 te
J! Of which the profit per steer was . 1.29 S
g There are many other interesting and instructive fi
SI facts and figures in the "Year Book. j$ I
sa &(KEqI e want lo ,cnc our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere free S I
24 ygfei- for ,no asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Eft
8S Swift cSc Company, U. S. A. g
HALT I.AKK 1'ITY April tl -Mr It V frock. II. Manager Tin- 8uu,
I'rlce, Utah M Dear Mr, Crockett I ha received cotrle of Thn Run pub
lished by ou ami wish to langratulate )ou for this most excellent display of
aOertllng for thn wur saving ramtialgn. I also nant ou to express our
appreciation to the merchants and business men Mho hno so nbly assisted
In a financial wn In boosting the war ralng campaign. Thn sales In Car
bon count)' were vtr) low until publlclt ins used and lion I am pleased to
ta that CurlKin count) I one of the leading counties In the tatn In the sate
of war sAXlpr stamp I'rom nn aihrrtlslng standpoint the menhant I do
Ing three things
Hrst, ho Is helping the go.crnment In the raising of funds, second he I
eduiallng tho pcnpln to create the habit of thrift and saving In which this
country ha been tacking for so many ear gone by, und third hn Is helping
the community and himself, because a man mho Is sax Ing and thrifty and who
naxe somn of hi earnings I a better cltlten for the community and I a bet
trr customer for thn storo. A merchant would ralhsr any time ssll goods to
a man whit Isablo n pay for them than to sell to a maw wtoo txtx-cta to pay
for them out of futur earning or hi next pay cluck,
' hops ) our-good work will continue) and that the merchant and peoplu
of jour community will support you In tho good work, I uin stir that Car
bon county will be one. or the flrrt. If not the first, to raise their allotment In
this moot excellent government security, which Is th bttt ever offered to tho
people. That Is the reason It It limited to a thousand dollsrs to any one man
or corporation. If the limit waa Increased th large corporations would take
unlimited amount 'of stamp, because. It It prartlrally call money patng t
per efnt Interest compounded quarter!).
Assuring )ou that the government officials to whom I hav snt )our cor
rrspondenca appreciate the good work ou are doing In jour county under the
able direction of our county chairman, Prof. Orion It) an, and his co
worker, I remain, very truly ourt,
Htata Chairman.
weeks und will take In the wedding of
a Mister while there.
Mr. and Mrs. Jed Knight of Cleve
land arc Wilting with their children
over tlir mountain.
Mr, and Mr. Ilenr) Bdrn are en
tertalnlng u new girl at Cleveland.
All voncerned doing nlcly.
Horace Lrscn I bulk to take up
farm work after apendlng tho winter
In the employ of thu Consolidated Wa
gon and Machlno company at Price.
Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Andorten were
umong the confereiirn nttendants at
Salt l.akj City, most of whom have
now returned.
Mis I.lla Da) left last week to uc
cept u position In the district school
at llulnt, where she will teach until
tho ilose of tho school, two or three
wevkt hence.
Word camo last wctik that Terry
1)4), son of Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Day,
and a volunteer In the medical corps,
hud left for France.
Mrs. Kmma Chrlstensen and babe
wire Incoming pawenger on the mall
Wednesday. Mrs. Chrlstensen has
tpent the, winter at I'rlce Creek, Colo.
coNKni'.vnoN and indigestion
These are twin evils. Persons suffer
Ing from Indigestion are often troubled
with constipation. Mrs. Ilobert A1II
ton, Mattoon, Ills., writes that when
she first moved to Mattoon she was a
great sufferer from Indigestion and
constipation, food distressed her and
Oiera was a feeling Ilka a heavy wslght
pressing on her stomach and chest.
8ho did not rest well at night, and felt
worn out a good part of the time. Ono
bottlo of Chamberlain's Tablets cor
rected this trouble to that she haa
tlnce felt like n dllferent pcrton
The transportation situation Is still
tcrlout and shippers. of foodstuff ure
reminded that patriotism demands of
them the heaviest loading possible
consistent with the safe carriage ofi
the goods. The (allure of one shipper
to load cars to the maximum may pre
vent other ahlppera from getting any
can at all with the consequent loss of
those foodstuffs on which the winning
of tr" war depend.
An unhappy marriage la the poison
gsa which choktt out alt a man's am
bltlons. A happy marriage Is the mor
phia which more often deaden all a
economise by spending less money
at the meat shop by buying cheaper
cuts and spending more time In cook
ing the cheaper cut.
-je-g-carc-grrs3 n ,i
Don't Walk I
Use the telephone. Hnd your
voice on our errand Instead of
waiting )our valuubl time by
lolng In person. Direct results
ten Bilk Wfftafe.
It's right and stays all right
when we fix It. Our estimates
when )ou Install new work will
get ut the contract. After that
)ou will have ery little use
for a plumber's lorvlcc, be
cause our work ata)s right.
We are also experts In cor
recting mlstikes of the other
fellow. See us when )ou want
, dependable plumbing, either tho
new or repairs.
Turner Illdg. Price, Utah
The straight corn diet, which many
hogs receive from one year's end to
the other, lessens vitality. The re
searches of the Wisconsin experlmi nt
station have shown that this Is prob
ably brought about by retarding the
development of the vital organs.
Ho ft folds jl net outline the edges
of a surplice waist very prettily.
Carbon Fuel Co,
Miners nnd Shippers of
Lump, Nut, Slack, nnd
Assorted sizes of
Of the Very Beat Grades.
Best for Furnaces, Stoves,
Household and Other Uses.
Mlnea at Raima,
Carbon County, Utah.
General Offices, Ncwhousc Building,
Salt Lake City, Utah
President nnd Goncral Manager.
:"""" w
Utah's Best Coal
iir einwK
I Utah Coal Sales Agency
: 818 Ktarns Bld. - Salt Lake City, Utah J
; '
All Work Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable. ,
Up Stairs Over Commercial Bank. Phone 17. ..Price, Utah. ,1
Nona-: ron runucAnoN.
(Publisher.) Department of the In
terlnr. United Hlates Land Office at
Halt Lake City, Utah, March 21, lltl.
Notice s hereby given that Myron
llursell or Price, Utah, who, on Octo
btr UT 1912, made homestead entry,
Hcrial No, 01 0 i:, for BHBWU and
.Ixita 3 and 4, Bee. 7, Twp. 12 Houth,
lllange 1 Kast, Halt Lake meridian,
I has filed notice of Intention to make
I five-year proof, to establish claim to
I the land above described, before the
clerk of tho district court, at Price,
Utah, on the 21th day of April, 1912
Claimant nainca as witnesses Oliver
Itosmusen, Ncul Hanks. Franklin D.
Alger and Jamst II. llussell, all of
Price, Utah, OOULD . HLAKBI.Y,
first pub. Mch. 21; last Apr, 20, 1911,
The difference between a sweet
heart and a wife Is merely that a man
looks at the former through hit rot
after dinner glow, and at .he latter
through hi btiore breakfast gloom.
bon County, State of UtahHonori
Moynlir and Peter Moynler, co-pn
ners doing business as Moynler WW
thers, and Honors Dusserre, Plain
tiff, vs. Luis Lanl. Joe CoJombatto
Marie Colombatto, Mlka Basso, Hob
ore Dusserre and Marie Dusserre, D
fondants. Summont. The State
Utah to the said Defendants)
aro hereby summoned to appear vyiin
In twenty days after the service of tnw
summons upon you, If served wltnit
the county In which this octlon v
brought, otherwise, within thirty
after srevlce, and defend the aooTj
entitled action, and In case of yoo
. failure so to do, Judgment will be rjn
dered against )ou according to tai
demand of the complaint, which
been filed with the clerk of said court
This action Is brought to recover .
Judgment foreclosing plaintiffs', mort (
gage upon thn land described In t-!
complaint. V, K. Woods, Plaint'"
Attorney. Pottoftlce address, PrM,
Utah. ....
Plrst pub, Mch. 2 lost Apr, 21, '